Friday, September 02, 2011

Keith Olbermann's "Worst Persons in the World" includes Michele Bachmann and the Pima County Republicans.


  1. Sweet anny10:44 AM

    Besides everything else I'm grateful to you for, I was not aware that Kieth's entire show is available on youtube.

    I can't get current tv here, and have been missing him.

    As for the rest we find here?

    Soon, my friends...soon.

  2. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I sure miss Keith not being on MSNBC where I can watch on my television (spend too much time in front of computer, already).

    Thankfully, this insensitive, rightwing nutjob event, has gone viral on Facebook, so even those who don't watch Fox for their news entertainment, will know about this.

    (Although, predictably, I had one person remark on my posting of it, asking where he can send his $10. He is now "UN-friended.")

  3. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Wanted to share another video from The Ed Show. Ed did an excellent segment about Marc Rubio saying the Big 3 has weaken America.

  4. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I have one comment Id like to make in regard in Lorenzos book. Heather never was quoted saying Bristol stayed with her pregnant. I believe she was referenced on page 182. L B wrote that W and P returned to Juneau with Sarah in Jan and Bristol transferred schools and lived in Anch until May.

    He also said Levi attended Burchell his Junior year and spoke of Levi's disregard for school. He sugarcoated it, saying he'd much rather hunt, which seems to be true. Remember, the two broke up almost immediately after Bristol moved to Anch.

  5. Joe McGinniss belongs on the Countdown "Worst Person" line up. I'm wondering why he is still on the blog roll here.

  6. Anonymous7:17 PM

    I've always loved Keith's style and commentary. And I'm grateful to have Current tv available in my area. I tape his shows, but knowing there is a you tube channel is comforting in case I erase or miss a show.

    This gun story still irks me on a viceral level. It's just disgusting to even wrap my brain around. What surprised me is a real republican spoke out against it! I guess there are still people with a consience and a brain in the moderate sector of the Republican party.

    Michele's ship keeps sinking, while The Texan with Good Hair steps up to the guillotine. His book "Fed UP", is full of contradictions to what he now professes he stands for. Can't wait for the feeding frenzy when they eat their own in the debate.

    Off topic- just heard on msnbc President Obama is backing down on his previous stricter regulations on clean air laws, respectfully I ask, "What ARE you thinking?" and what are your motives for this assinine action?

    Off Topic, also, two. Rachel's special Rocks!

  7. Gray Lensman8:21 PM

    I agree. I just can't go to Joe's blog anymore.

    He's become like someone else that, the more I learn about them, the less I like.


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