Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fake ghostwritten response for Bristol Palin to address her fake heckling incident from her fake reality show. Update!

Courtesy of some crazy ass Right Wing Palin loving blog:

As a lot of you know, I had an encounter in West Hollywood the other day with an unhinged guy who was yelling hateful things at me about my Mom. The press has only shown a part of the encounter, so many reporters have totally missed the point of my comments. Most people may have walked away rather than go up to some guy raging like that and try to find out what his problem is. But that’s not how I’m wired. I usually do walk away, but I’m very tired of hateful people lying (Telling the truth) about my Mom, my family, and myself. So, this time I tried to get to the bottom of it. 

I asked the guy if the reason he was so angry at my Mom was because he was gay. I was NOT baiting him or mocking him or in any way being derogatory of gays. (Yes you were.)  It was just the opposite! I know that some members of the gay community have completely false (Accurate.) notions about my Mom. I wanted to clear this up with this guy, but he was so far gone in his crazy hatred (Scripted responses) that rational conversation was impossible. 

I think so much of the hatred directed at my Mom is based on lies and misconceptions about her and our family. It’s gotten so out of control that a 40-something guy in West Hollywood started shrieking obscenities at the top of his lungs and wishing death on my Mom, just at the thought of her. She hasn’t done anything to warrant his hatred (except of course everything), and I wanted to address that. 

As I said to that hate-filled guy in West Hollywood: Show me one thing my Mom has done that is so “evil” as to warrant the hatred and death wishes people heap on her and her kids. (Why, why, why could she not have asked ME that question? I have like a whole list!)

The crazy guy had no answer because there is no answer. You can disagree with her politics without vilifying her or lying about us. 

Isn’t it time for this crazy hatred to stop? That’s what I was trying to say to that guy. 

- Bristol

You know if you have somebody read it aloud with your ears stuffed with cotton, and half of your frontal lobe scooped out with an ice cream scoop, it sounds JUST like her! 

For those of you who may have missed Bristol's very reasonable response to the "heckler." here is the video. As you can see "diplomacy" is her middle name.

Update: The "heckler" has learned that even a fake altercation with the Palins can be a frightening experience.

"Having had an opportunity to view the camera footage of the incident this past Thursday at the Saddle Ranch Bar & Chop House in West Hollywood, and having reflected on the incident over the weekend, I have come to the conclusion that no matter what my feelings are towards Sarah Palin, I should not have expressed them towards her daughter, Bristol Palin," Stephen Hanks said in a statement released by his lawyer to E! News. 

"I am very passionate about politics, and believe in equality for all Americans," Hanks continued. "I expressed my feelings in an improper manner in the heat of the moment, and allowed my emotions to get the better of me. 

"My political views are solely mine, and not those of my friends, colleagues or the establishment for which I work. I apologize to them for my poor judgment that night, and to Bristol for any hurt my actions may have caused her. I wish Bristol success with her television show, and much happiness in the future." 

Hanks also says that, as far as he knows, the incident was not a set-up perpetrated by the production company behind her new TV show. He says he didn't even know that their exchange was being filmed, though, considering Bristol had a crew with her duringher entire time in the bar, that seems unlikely. 

"Since this incident, numerous threats have been made against Mr. Hanks, his friends, family, colleagues, and even his pets," Gulden said. "Acknowledging that the exchange between Mr. Hanks and Bristol has generated a lot of media interest and debate, Mr. Hanks would like to put the incident behind him, and hopes that the media and public will respect his rights and privacy."

I still can't buy that the incident was spontaneous, but I CAN absolutely believe that this guy received death threats from the clueless Palin-bots. After all hate is the Palin family's stock in trade.


  1. Anonymous7:13 PM

    It's easy to "get in front of the story" when you also have a really fake chin to jut out.

  2. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Bristol your mother is just reaping what she has sown. She has spewed hate for three years. You have also spewed hate since Dancing With The Stars. Look how she has spewed hate toward President Obama. She has committed treason. Your family is a bunch of hypocrites.

  3. Anonymous7:17 PM

    They really do think everyone except them are morons, don't they. Gosh, who is going to tell them that they are simply looking in a mirror when they do that.

  4. Anonymous7:19 PM

    You have dug up the porn star face photo. Yikes.

  5. Anonymous7:20 PM

    O/T She was in RARE form tonight on Greta. Must see!!


  6. If the Palins do not wish to be vilified, they should stop vilifying other people.

  7. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Let's see, Bristol, what about all the hateful things your mother has said about our President? What about all the stunningly stupid things she says about our country?

    What about the way the Tucson shootings were all about her? What about the crosshairs on her website, Bristol? What about those?

    I understand children want to think the best of their parents, but really, Bristol, you are 20 years old. Time to face reality, be honest with yourself, and put away childish fantasies. Your mother is a bad parent, a stupid woman, and so bitter that she could be bottled and her essence used in cocktails to give them bite.

  8. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Well, that sounds about as genuine as Sarah's FaceBook rants. Wow - I wonder their going rate of pay is for dribble like that?

  9. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Gryphen, are you truly certain that photograph is of Bristol? It bears no resemblance at all to the girl we've seen in the past three years.

    That must be a drag queen at the end of her career - all jaded and worn-out.

  10. Anonymous7:28 PM

    She needs to expand her vocabulary. She throws hate around so much it loses its emphasis.

  11. eva ,marie7:28 PM

    In spite of everything that picture makes me sad. I cannot fathom why people do that to their face.

  12. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Not to be missed!!

    Maddow's clip with Nicolle Wallace and Steve Schmidt:

    starts @ 12:23 mark


  13. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Bristol can have twenty ghost writers make a hundred more excuses. The guy was rude. Bristol should have walked away. By confronting him and saying that his sexuality made him hate her mother makes no sense.

    It is possible for straight, gay, black, white, Asian, African American or WASPs to disagree with Sarah's political views. It's not personal.

    Bristol puts herself in the same tabloid category as Snookie and the MTV Pregnant Teen Moms, they thrive on making headlines and getting arrested for their bad behavior. That's what happens when you get a reality TV show without having any actual talent.

  14. Anonymous7:36 PM

    The 2nd post says:
    Look how she has spewed hate toward President Obama. She has committed treason.

    And here's the definition of treason.

    Not appreciating Obama is not treasonous. He said he would close Guantanamo within the 1st year of his Presidency. 14 months from the end of his 1st term, it's still operational. Is it "treason" for me to point that out? I can point out a lot of things on which he has caved to Republicans. Don't be ridiculous with the treason charge.

  15. Oh GMAFB bustol wrote that like her mother gave birth to trig...it never happened.

    Also too why does she keep harping on his age? Is there a certain age of people she can start a arguement with?

    bustol is ignorant, self-centered, skank, chicken head nobody.

  16. Anonymous7:43 PM


    is that what 'she' said?
    nice projection!!

  17. Anonymous7:43 PM

    What a LOAD of bullshit! No one believes any of this. We know you read here Sarah, Bristol and paid troll Bristols friend. You really think all Americans are stupid just because your moronic followers are?? Are you kidding! You are trying to manipulate the media and beliefs about you but everyone ( except a few brain damaged cult members) are on to your sick manipulation. America is oh so tired of Bristol AND Sarah. Get a clue! You are nobodies now and all your foot stomping, game playing with the media and with other people is just done. Over, kaput, boring!

    I really feel sorry for the fools who work for Sarah. How much abuse can you take before speaking out. I can just see Sarah running around ranting and blaming others.
    America is SO over you Sarah. Your gig is up. Usu g Bristol or Trig wont work. We don't need you. The neighboYou are through and if you keep ranting and raving you are going to end up locked up Sarah.

    Bristol, why do you let your mom use you like this. You are only 20. Get a life. A real life away from your family and with your children. You are being used which is another form of abuse. Get counseling.

  18. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Bristol, ugh.... just ugh!

  19. Anonymous7:44 PM


    To send Palin further over the edge, we should get info out about Nick`s film opening this Friday.

    Do you have info so it can be blogged and tweets sent.

  20. Anonymous7:46 PM

    I am considering the source. Bristol sought to give the middle finger to the "haters". The so called haters disagree she was the best dancer, that it ok to cheat, game the system, falsify the votes. Also she plays the pity violin of poor poor me doing all the child care while a full time nanny is in tow. Did I mention her lying she was the office manager?

    Bristol does not comprehend behaviors are disliked, being a pathalogical liar or rants using "faggot" slurs of pedophilia when people do not share nor enable delusions of grandeur.


  21. Anonymous7:48 PM

    From the same crazy ass Right Wing Palin loving blog:

    ¨The part of me that loves mischief wishes she’d hauled off and punched the guy.¨

    Typical palinbot response. How convenient to not mention Bristol confronted him with a mob as her backup.

  22. You just can't expect normal behavior from someone who practices abstinence by confronting drunks at a gay bar.

  23. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Looking at the picture I am wondering where is Alvin because I see his Chipmunk?

  24. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Psssstt, Bristol's ghostwriter...

    You forgot to mention that her "Empowered by Christ" sweatshirt gave her the courage to go all prayer-warrior on the hater. The Ameritaliban clothing company give her that sweatshop-made rag for free and you go and blow the whole set-up. Amateur.

  25. Anonymous7:54 PM

    This Turd is like her Mother The Ass.

    So who is this Turd going to sue?

  26. Anonymous7:56 PM

    'As I said to that hate-filled guy in West Hollywood: Show me one thing my Mom has done that is so “evil” as to warrant the hatred and death wishes people heap on her and her kids.'

    That is nowhere near what she said to that guy. Hatred is the Palin family's MO. Blaming the hatred on others is also their MO. HATE ENGENDERS HATE YOU FUCKING MORON.

  27. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Anon 7:23

    That`s Brisket. It`s from her last Candie`s Foundation paid speaking appearance infront of a celeb filled room where Aretha Franklin sang, Bruno Mars sang and others

  28. Nick on O'Donnell.

    Man, the evidence is PILING UP. It is all amazingly consistent, between The Rogue, Dunn's piece, the Schmidt/Wallace show on Maddow (!), now Broomfield.

    Then, Babygate and anything from MeAgain.

    That + the lame management of expectations ("I don't need a title!") on Greta, no wonder the bots are soooooo sad.

  29. 10catsinMD8:02 PM

    That picture is so bad Gryph. She looks like she is spitting spittle at the crowds or photographers, or who ever. Not a nice face.

  30. Anonymous8:02 PM

    April, were you home schooled like Bristol?
    Because you know very little about government, American history or politics. You also use bad grammar. Your writing is equivalent to a 3rd grades child writing.
    April M, when you come on here and try to talk negatively about our intelligent president, we know it's you.
    You obviously don't understand what the word appropriate or treason even mean. Well... with your family members, we know you don't understand.

    I hope Sarah PAC isn't paying you too much April M.
    Because your posts are repetititive, uninspiring, boring and ignorant.

    Are you in college April? I heard Sarah didn't really graduate. Is that true?

  31. 10catsinMD8:02 PM

    That picture is so bad Gryph. She looks like she is spitting spittle at the crowds or photographers, or who ever. Not a nice face.

  32. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Does anyone know where Nicks movie will be playing? I hope we are all able to see it.

    We have a very exciting week coming up. Besides the You Betchs movie, then the web page for The Wild Ride will be coming out! Exciting!

    Poor Sarah. Karma is a bitch. Same to you Bristol. Your babies will be exposed too.

  33. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I asked the guy if the reason he was so angry at my Mom was because he was gay. I was NOT baiting him or mocking him or in any way being derogatory of gays. (Yes you were.)  It was just the opposite!

    B U L L S H I T you homophobic liar!
    You are just like Willow and your whore parents!

  34. Anonymous8:11 PM

    As you can also see in the video, Bristol asks 3 times if the guy wants her mom dead, and he does NOT reply to that, yet she sticks death wishes against her mom and her mom's kids into her response twice.
    He never said that, Bristol. You did.

  35. So many things in the Greta interview alone for which she should be called to task...but, one of the biggest for me was that she -

    Went right on over to Israel to "do something" about it all...and very clearly told him to "not worry about anything you hear"...or any news b/c she assures him the "attitude of the people is all with Israel" regardless of anything else that he might hear.

    Arent these statements getting near to treason?? I'd like to know why layers and layers of government allow her to act as a self-appointed representative of this country.

    For Pete's sake, she's not even authorized to represent Alaska, anymore.

    The stupid bitch.

  36. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Just when was Stephen Hanks supposed to have said anything about wanting Quitler dead? Brisdull tried to bait him, but he wasn't biting on that one. ("You want my mother dead...")

    This was done to gin up reaction to more "death threats" to Quitler.

  37. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Sarah sez Herb Cain iz da flava of da week.

  38. slowhand8:15 PM

    An unmarried mother leaves her kid somewhere to hang around in a bar -- and she is under 21 -- and she claims the moral high ground.

    Nice. Really nice.

  39. Anonymous8:16 PM

    The hypocrisy of her so-called "statement" is beyond description.

  40. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Someone has stated that one shouldn't get a reality show without first having a personality or a life (to paraphrase)...just made me thing that Bristol is not prepared for her show without first experiencing a little REALITY...which it does not quite seem she has fully grasped.

  41. Anonymous8:17 PM

    By the way Bristol, you have the lips of a grouper (above AND below I would imagine).

  42. Anonymous8:17 PM

    You Betcha! Trailers (4 of them)


  43. Anonymous8:18 PM

    But it was okay for 20 year old Bristol to attack a high school kid over the computer because he said her mother's show failed?

  44. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Yeah technology ROCKS! Joe is blanketing the country and Sarah CAN'T STOP HIM!


    Last Friday, I did a radio satellite tour of the USA.

    For two hours, nonstop, I did a series of six to ten-minute interviews with radio shows, either live or taped, on thirteen different stations.

    It was like the old country music song “I’ve Been Everywhere.”

    I was on in:

    Las Vegas
    New York (Sirius, which means nationwide)
    Minneapolis/St. Paul
    St. Louis
    Grand Rapids

    On Tuesday morning, I did it again, for two and a half hours, appearing on fifteen different shows in:

    San Francisco
    Kansas City
    Salt Lake City
    Grand Rapids

    And on Wednesday morning, I’ll do it yet again, for two hours, on at least a dozen different shows.

    As soon as I finish, I run outside, jump in a car, travel to Boston and fly to Toronto, where on Thursday I’ll do interviews from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. before flying back to either Boston, New York, or Los Angeles, depending on arrangements and scheduling still not finalized.

    Radio satellite is crazy: instead of visiting forty different cities for interviews and signings, I sit at home and do interviews in forty cities by telephone.



  45. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Did Palin just say she went to israel and told the prime minister there dont believe what our president says?

  46. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Hey Bristol! You bought a house in Arizona and moved to Arizona in 2010. Why did you file a 2011 PFD application stating you intend to remain in Alaska indefinitely when you had already moved away?

    And why did you file one for Tripp?

    Can you say "criminal fraud" ??

  47. Anonymous8:24 PM


    You are just as nasty and hateful as your mother (and Willow). Your show is as fake as your face.

    Why are the Palin females such homophobes?

  48. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Amid the “will she or won’t she” speculation about former Alaska governor Sarah Palin’s 2012 presidential plans, one important thing seems to be getting lost: Palin is simply not a top-tier candidate.

    New numbers from a CNN/Opinion Research poll confirm it. In a hypothetical 2012 Republican primary, Palin stood at 7 percent — tied with businessman Herman Cain and Texas Rep. Ron Paul, neither of whom are considered anything but the longshots for the nomination.

    She trails frontrunning Texas Gov. Rick Perry by 21 points and second-place finisher Mitt Romney wins three times the support Palin does in the poll.

    And the bad news doesn’t stop there. Just 51 percent of self-identified Republicans in the poll said that Palin has the “personality” and leadership qualities a president should have” — well below the number who said the same of Perry (73 percent) and Romney (83 percent).

    With electability rising as a concern among Republican voters, the fact that she trails President Obama by 21 points in a head-to-head matchup — the largest margin of any GOP candidate — is yet more bad news for Palin.


  49. Tundra Tart Jr.8:26 PM

    So, so predictable....Bristol obviously has the same problem as her mother, in that once she has done something stupid she just can't bring herself to walk away and let it die a quiet death.

    What does she do instead? She tries to clarify and justify it, which makes her look even more desperate and asinine.
    Bristol! STFU!!!!

  50. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Wow, the implant in Bristol's chin is so visible - just like women with breast implants.

    She really was a very pretty girl before she went for the fake chin. Obviously she is following in her mother'$ footsteps that are all about her looks. Phony frauds, all.

  51. What is the bitch talking about? All the uneducated, limited vocabulary, stank said was, "Oh really" about a hundred times.

  52. Anonymous8:30 PM

    The crazy guy had no answer because there is no answer. You can disagree with her politics without vilifying her or lying about us. 

    Isn’t it time for this crazy hatred to stop? That’s what I was trying to say to that guy. 
    Bristol, my prayer for you is that one day you'll see clearly the tactics of your mom and dad. That crazy hatred is her calling card, vilifying the standard of how she operates. You have been taught ,to project. Back to others what you and your family are doing to others. If you really want t,he hatred to stop, let it begin with you.. Become the change you want in others. AJ

  53. Anonymous8:31 PM

    @ 8:17

    Groupers Gulfwide are insulted - talking of suing.

  54. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Gawd, why do these Palins keep issuing ghostwritten statements?

    Of course it is because they all are such cowards they are afraid to come out of hiding.

    The only reason $arah is making appearances on FOX is because she is contractually obligated. And she can dictate the questions she can or cannot be asked.

  55. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Completely off topic:
    Watching Leno - never watch him, but Seth MacFarlane is on. He mentions the whole Palin debacle as one of his most interesting moments. Must. Watch it, G and put it up if you can.

  56. Anonymous8:33 PM

    bristol needs to sue that doctor who butchered her face and made her look like charlie the tuna.

  57. She forgot to mention K.D. Lang and the Indigo Girls.

    Also, "vilify?" Riiiiiiiight.

  58. Whatever drug Sarah was on seemed to work well with her interview with Greta. This is the Sarah I fear the most: just coherent enough, with just enough talking points, to give her fans further hope that she is going to run. Other than her stupid track suit top, she looked OK from a distance: hair done in a Republican Bun and all. No talk of family, just her talk to give her fans the impression that she has international cred (Israel dinner with the leader) and that she fully understands the economy and how to get it back on track. Her base will pick up on her simplistic solutions and they will continue to support her. I thought it was ironic that she talked about the fact that Obama was not vetted when he ran for president. Also, she trashed FOX commentators. Man, she likes to shit where she eats.

  59. It's mind-boggling that Sarah and Bristol are making public appearances after The Rogue was released. Not to mention Geoffrey Dunn's book and even Deer in the Headlights. The Palins have no shame. They're disgraceful. They're going to act like it's all no big deal, blame everything on "haters" and "stalkers" and keep right on going. I've never seen anything like it.

    Even if LA bar scene was fake, even if the guy was a paid actor, his lines were accurate about Sarah.

    I'm convinced that even if it's proven beyond a doubt that Sarah isn't Trig's mother, that won't faze her. I don't think anything will faze her. Sarah knows the difference between right and wrong - otherwise she wouldn't lie and pretend. She just doesn't give a shit.

    Anybody - whether in public or private - who even hints that they think the entire Heath/Palin clan are acceptable in any way, is tainted by the things that are coming out. Nobody can pretend to have any sort of decency while supporting people like Sarah, Todd and now Bristol as well as the Heath extended family.

    "Valley Trash and Proud of It" - that's an understatement. They ARE proud of their immoral lifestyle and their racist, homophobic trashiness. And Sarah thinks that she can win an election.

    Bring it on, bitch.

  60. Anonymous8:39 PM

    O/T: Excerpt from new post on Joe's blog about a radio interviewer:

    He said, “I have a question: ‘How could you write in your book that Todd Palin had sex with prostitutes?”

    “I didn’t,” I said. “That’s not in my book.”

    “You wrote that Todd Palin slept with prostitutes! I hope he kicks your ass. And Sarah Palin could kick your ass.”

    “I didn’t write that. Apparently, you haven’t read my book.”

    “No! I haven’t! And I don’t intend to!”

    At that point, I ended the call.

  61. Maybe The Chin will lose a few pounds and build some muscle with all that backpedaling.
    "The crazy guy had no answer because there is no answer."
    No, there's MANY answers. Unfortunately, the one guy who chooses to speak up blew it by letting emotions override logic. he had the perfect chance to give The Chin a good wake-up call regarding Mommy Dearest. He made Palin dissenters look bad with his sophomoric slew of obscenities. This is all assuming, of course, he wasn't staged.
    Ugh. That photo makes me both sick and sad for our young girls today.

  62. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Found the perfect event for Palin to appear!! LOL

    Celebrity Fight Night!

    Tareq Salahi (the Real Housewife husband that faked way into Whitehouse) is facing off with Jose Canseco!! (for charity)

    Others attending:

    Salahi and Canseco will be facing off against each other in the ring to raise money for charity, along with Michael Lohan and Kato Kaelin, Coolio and Jeremy Jackson, Joey Buttafuoco and Amy Fisher's husband, Lou Ballera, and Fisher and "Octomom" Nadya Suleman.

    Palin would fit right in -- Fakers and Phoneys!!


  63. Anonymous8:44 PM

    How about all the lies her mom has stated about Obama...like that's ok? She has made her money off of spreading hate....but when someone else yells hate toward her momma then hate is wrong???

  64. Anonymous8:46 PM

    I'll bet her show is canned before it ever airs.

  65. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Anyone live near Berkeley, CA?


    Rialto Cinemas Elmwood
    2966 College Avenue
    Berkeley, CA 94705

    (NR) Running Time 1:41
    2:45p 4:45p 7:00p 9:00p

  66. Anonymous8:47 PM

    OOOh my.. oh my. oh my. oh my.

    GRYPHEN: That was one of the funniest (AND TRUE) responses I have seen from you uh.. evAr!

    Wow, was Brisket snorting cornflakes in that scene or WHAT? Look, if someone was insulting MY mom like that, sure I would not hesitate to defend her honor like that. BUT, come on.. this is Brisket having to defend Sayruh Paylin.. there is NO defending that woman.. holey Jesus F******* Christ...

  67. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Bristol, you are right about this hatred needs to stop. So how about making your idiot mother sit down and shut up. She incites hatred and therefore needs to realize you reap what your sow.

  68. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Did the guy really wish granny P dead?

    Ya reap whatcha sow Palins.

  69. Anon @7:36 PM
    "It is possible for straight, gay, black, white, Asian, African American or WASPs to disagree with Sarah's political views. It's not personal."


    Yes, it IS personal. When Sarah's politics get people killed and maimed, it's personal to everyone.

    When Sarah uses dog-whistles to stir up bigotry and hate - it's personal to everyone.

    When Sarah lies to the American public and further corrupts politics in this country - it's personal to everyone.

    When Sarah insults the elected President of the United States by talking about his body parts - it's personal to every American.

    When Sarah tells "Dr." Laura "Don't retreat, RELOAD" when the woman used the N-word eleven times on-air, it's personal to every American no matter color.

    When Sarah intimidates and terrorizes Wasilla and Alaskan people into being afraid to speak up and into feeling that their lives are in danger if they speak out about what she and her sick family have done - it is personal to every American no matter where we live.

    You listening, Sarah? It's personal. You personally took our country into the gutter in every way you could. It's personal.

  70. Anonymous8:54 PM

    We saw ALL of it Brisket from the time you humped on that cow until you walked out the door. All one long video shot. The world saw the entire encounter babe, so you can't blame it on the press.

    What was the point you were trying to make again (besides damage control)? Doing damage control by trying to pretend it was a teachable moment to the "gay community" is that it? Spinning just like mommy "that's not how I'm wired". Yeah and I betcha she wrote the entire thing for you! Sounds EXACTLY like your mommy wrote it while you were sitting there bawling.

    Yes it's time for you to stop hating on gays. Your homophobic admit it! You would have called him a faggot were it not for your reality TV show cameras on you. Quit lying and pretending like your miss goody 2 shoes. Everyone laughs at you because they know what a hypocrite, liar and mean girl you really are.

    Go away, get a real life, a real JOB, an education & quit pimping your kid. You are making huge mistakes that you will pay for when he grows up and learns how to read. You're a bad mother using your child as a weapon. You wouldn't know any better however as your mother used YOU. Get back to the sticks where you belong. Homophobic hick.

  71. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Here are some more You Betcha! showings:

    Sarah Palin: You Betcha!
    Opens September 30, 2011

    Angelika – New York, NY
    Monica 4-Plex – Santa Monica, CA
    Playhouse 7 – Pasadena, CA

  72. Anonymous8:55 PM

    So she's going to continue to get in bar fights because that's who she is?

    Momma must be so proud.

  73. Anonymous9:05 PM

    She messed up her face, look un-natural

  74. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Want the showtimes/places for Nick Broomfield's movie?

    Visit his web site & click on Sarah Palin: You Betcha. Then click on News.

    Yay it's coming to Seattle Oct. 7


  75. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Hey, Bristol: I heard Hootie was recruiting for some new blowfish.

  76. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Anonymous at 7:36

    As much as some of us really love our president, we must admit he is not perfect and has not accomplished everything he said he would. None do. We are sometimes frustrated with the pace of things, but pleased with the overall progress so far.

    Remember when (?sp) Natalie Maines was forcefully attacked for criticizing our president while on foreign soil? As a politician and representative of the people, Sarah Palin should not be critical nor undermine the leader of our country while on foreign soil. She should not inspire hatred by suggesting that the president has evil intentions or wants to harm our country. People who still have trust in their fellow Christians tend to believe her lies and that is harmful to us all.

    She can and should speak about policies and solutions and not telling good faithful people lies about the president or anyone else in government.

    I don't know if it should be treason, but there needs to be something to stop these childish, selfish people from telling such lies and bearing false witness against their countrymen.

  77. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Broadway, anyone?

    Lincoln Plaza Cinema, New York, NY
    1886 Broadway, in the Lincoln Center area between 62nd and 63rd Streets and Broadway.

    Sarah Palin: You Betcha! Screen 2 Rating: NR Length: 91 min.

    12:30 PM 2:10 PM 4:05 PM 6:25 PM 8:30 PM 10:20 PM

  78. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Notice the "that's not how I am wired" comment... Doesn't Sarah use this same comment? Did Sarah write this?

  79. Anonymous9:13 PM

    "Isn’t it time for this crazy hatred to stop? That’s what I was trying to say to that guy."

    WTF? A Palin is saying "it time for this crazy hatred to stop"?

    This BITCH Bristol is so full of hate she keeps Tripp away from his father and the rest of Levi's family.



  80. JayKen Knotstirred9:14 PM


    Even Photoshop can't cure this kinda ugly!

    Ladies, Let this be a lesson...

    "Beauty comes from within, NOT a surgeons knife!"

  81. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Shorter Bristol Palin:

    I am a victim. My mom is a victim. My family are all victims. We never do anything wrong..victim...victim...victim...

    Why do people hate your mother? I recommend you read The Rogue and find out.

    Gabrielle Giffords was a victim, not only of a crazed gunman but of your mother's crosshairs. What has your mother done that is so evil? How about putting a crosshairs on Giffords and other dems, then telling her rabid fans to reload, and then when Giffords gets shot in the head, doubling down on the reload rhetoric instead of apologizing and trying to draw media attention to poor victim Sarah Palin instead of the real victims of the tragedy. People do not want to kill your mother. They would just like her to turn off the constant screech of hatred against the president and others.

  82. Anonymous9:18 PM

    What is wrong with MSM? Why aren't they covering this?!! = "In a bizarre twist of fate, a growing movement of New York City Police Department officers are banding together with the Occupy Wall Street movement, while the main stream media continues to relatively ignore this escalating event."

  83. JayKen Knotstirred9:19 PM

    Oh, I almost forgot,

    Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's your "Godson"?

  84. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Is this Octomom's twin sister?

  85. Anon 8:11
    I wondered if I did not hear the hecller shouting he wanted Palin dead.

    Did he? Or was this a set up used to play the victim card?

  86. Sweet anny9:21 PM

    Awwwww...Gryphen-you're filtering them aren't you?

    I came here for the comedy. I cannot believe they aren't posting so you may think you're..I don't know...cleaning the site up?

    Clue us. Are they just getting so bad that you'd rather not give them the platform?

    Like really hateful and repetitive? Are there a lot of them?

    I'm missing my cheap thrills reading them go off on us.

    How about a count at least?

  87. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Hey Southern California IMers, here's a theatre on that will show Nick's movie on Friday. Time to party! If anyone is putting together a group, this is the spot for those of us near Santa Monica.



    and here's someone's review on IMDB:

    Nick did a great job with this movie. I have been waiting for it to come out ever since I heard about the controversy he was causing in Alaska when he rented the house near Sarah's.

    I enjoyed the interviews with people who know her, and who have dealt with her in the past.

    It is really sad that Sarah decided not to appear in the movie, taking part in an interview where she could attempt to clear her name. Nick does do the honorable thing and at least allows her the opportunity to do so, but alas to no avail.

    With a book coming out on the same topic it kind of makes you wonder perhaps Nick was too easy on her, because from the look of things dear old Sarah has a lot of skeletons in her closet.

    If she didn't have a nervous breakdown after loosing the election, I am sure she is due to have one in the very near future.

    Great movie to see for those who want to get an inside glimpse at what makes the women or in this case the hockey mom. I would even recommend it for her supporters so at least if they go in with an open mind might learn something new about there fearless leader.

  88. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Joe will be on CTV Canada AM on Thursday. Sadly the show starts at 6am to 9am.

    Haven`t found others yet. It`s unfortunate that Joe can`t say on what shows he`ll be on in Toronto

  89. Anonymous9:25 PM


    Did she really say that? What unfuchkingbelievable narcissism. A year ago people would be outraged. Today they just shake their heads and laugh at the crazy lady.

  90. Anonymous9:25 PM

    http://twitter.com/#!/search/Sarah Palin: You Betcha!

  91. That is a positively hideous picture of Bristol - instead of spokesperson for Abstinence, she should be the poster child for Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong!

  92. emrysa9:34 PM

    this statement is just further proof that family is trash. brisdull is so densely stupid that she has no idea how trashy and ignorant she sounds. this is total redneck shit. keep digging that hole, brisdull!

  93. Anonymous9:44 PM

    ‘Reckless Beyond Measure’: The Lies Of Sarah Palin And The Lingering Questions About Trig’s Birth

    This past week, the draft of an academic paper that focuses on the 2008 birth of Sarah Palin’s son, Trig Paxson Van Palin, and the various theories that surround his birth, was made public prior to publication through a university newspaper and then exploded, quite predictably, on the Palin-centric blogosphere, where Trig’s birth remains a cause célèbre and the source of considerable controversy. It has now spilled over into the mainstream media as well.

    “Palin, the Press, and the Fake Pregnancy Rumor: Did a Spiral of Silence Shut Down the Story?” written by Bradford W. Scharlott, Ph.D., an associate professor at Northern Kentucky University, comes to two primary conclusions: 1) that Palin “likely” staged “a hoax” concerning the birth of her son Trig; and 2) that “a spiral of silence” prevented the mainstream U.S. media from adequately investigating the circumstances of Trig’s birth.

    As both a life-long journalist and an academic–and perhaps most importantly, as the author of the forthcoming book, The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story Behind Her Relentless Quest for Power–I read Scharlott’s draft thesis with considerable interest and anticipation.

    Scharlott’s initial contention that Palin orchestrated an elaborate “hoax” around the birth of Trig does not hold up to close scrutiny. It remains a premise, not a fact. That said, his second assertion about “the spiral of silence” raises several issues about Palin, her birth story and the mainstream media that must be scrutinized fully as Palin continues to position herself for a run in the 2012 Republican primaries.

    In the end–as is the case with virtually all things Palin–the most troubling scenario regarding Trig’s birth is the one proffered by Palin herself–a scenario that has been largely muted, or disregarded, by the focus on Trig’s birth as being a “hoax.”

    Let me acknowledge that while researching my book I spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to sort out the facts of Trig’s birth. As with many elements of Palin’s life story, there are disquieting discrepancies between what actually happened and Palin’s version of events. Her capacity for deceit simply knows no bounds, and this duplicity has contributed significantly to the atmosphere of doubt regarding the details of Trig’s birth.


  94. Anonymous9:53 PM

    On the world stage...

    "Sarah Palin: You Betcha" will be showing during this year's London Film Festival.

    "The testimony he gathers bring into focus a woman so frightening that You Betcha's closest cinematic relative may well be The Omen." - The Guardian

  95. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Ok, this makes me SO ANGRY!

    Bristol got an apology from the guy in the bar.

    Did he get threatened so bad he did this to get the "hounds from hell" back on their leash? I believe the answer is YES.

    Why the F do the Palinmafiabots get away with this shit?!...This guy has to issue an apology, his pets were even threatened! McGinniss can't reveal where he has next interview because of threats! Add that to everyone else this has happened to including our beloved Gryphen. WHEN is this MADNESS going to end?!

    This is beyond belief. I sure hope the FBI is doing something about this.

    Here is the link:



  97. Anonymous10:05 PM

    It is my hope that Babygate will take both of those snow clowns down. Perhaps it might be a great time to "review" the "Tale of Two Babies" . . . for there's simply no denying that $P used at least two different babies when she presented TriG for public consumption.

  98. Anonymous10:06 PM

    I've been Seefopeeing again. Get a load of this comment in response to $arah saying she can do more on the sidelines!!!!

    Flapjackmaka Yesterday 11:33 PM

    She better think so is all I have to say. She is already doing a lousy job at campaigning. O4P steps up their game and Sarah does this. Good job. /s

    She owes us a decision now.

  99. Anonymous10:12 PM

    I know someone who has vast plastic surgery experience who does not thing this is the real bristol...said there was something wrong with the eyes that surgery doesn't do...I dunno, she does look totally different tho.

  100. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Sarah Palin: You Betcha! will also play at the following theaters starting the 7th of October:

    Drexel East Theatre, Columbus, OH

    Sundance Cinemas 608, Madison, WI

    St Anthony Main, Minneapolis, MN

    Starz Filmcenter, Denver, CO

    Valley Art 1 Theatre, Tempe, AZ

    Clinton Street Theatre, Portland, OR

    Admiral Twin, Seattle, WA

  101. Anonymous10:17 PM

    She and her mother are Fake, Fake, Fake, Fake - from their plastic faces/bodies to their 'statements'.


    And what's even more pathetic is that they have the whipped press following them.

  102. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Sarah Palin: You Betcha! opens on Friday, September 30th in the following theaters::

    Angelika Film Centre, New York
    This will be followed by a Q&A with Nick Broomfield

    Lincoln Plaza Cinema, New York

    Laemmle Monica, Santa Monica, CA
    This will be followed by a Q&A with Joan Churchill.

    Laemmle Monica, Pasadena, CA
    The screening on the 1st of October will be followed by a Q&A with Joan Churchill.

    Kabuki 8, San Francisco, CA

    Elmwood 6, Berkeley, CA

  103. Anonymous10:42 PM

    I went to on over to the PeePeePalace...They are not happy about Sarah's performance tonight.

    It's finally sinking in that they have been had.

    "Yep...she called him Herb. She also said "conderdictering." I have given up on her. My friends are right...she has fleeced us all, and has never had any intention of running. It's obvious, as she doesn't even know the names of the Republican candidates.

    Good bye"


  104. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Hey April M,

    There's BIG reward money hanging out there for hard copy evidence...

    Ya' know birth certificates and such...

    just sayin'

  105. Lordy, how recent is that photo of Bristol? She has had a lot of work done on her face! I knew she had the chin implant, but now it looks like cheek bones nose and lips as well. I wouldn't have recognized her except that you were writing about her...

  106. This insight has likely been posted, but let me see if I got this straight: Bristol can whine about death threats being made toward her family, but she and her family stay completely mute when their minions pose death threats to "the haters"?

    Do I have that right?

  107. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Bristol looks like a come-hither squirrel in that photo. "Can I store your nuts?"

  108. Anonymous1:05 AM

    I'm sorry Gryphen. I started reading your post and had to stop after a couple of sentences from that website. Why? Because I knew that no way Brookie Snookie came up with that response. She is an illiterate HS dropout with a GED (maybe). A PR hack probably wrote that for her.

    Brookie..go home, take care of your child (children) and try to make something of yourself other than a punchline for a joke. I'm embarrassed for you even though you don't have the sense to be embarrassed for yourself. Get a clue and try to break the chain of neglectful, ignorant mothers that seems to run in your family.


  109. Anonymous1:49 AM

    OK Gryph, I have a question. I know this story is about bristol palin and her heckling incident, so why do you have a picture of someone else on the front page ?

    That is not a picture of bristol palin, is it ?!?!?!?

    (snark off)

  110. Anonymous1:51 AM

    10:42 -thank you ! I want to hear more palinbots talking like this: ("I have given up on her. My friends are right...she has fleeced us all, and has never had any intention of running.!)

    Are they finally discovering they have been fleeced by a side-show carny ?

    I love it !

  111. angela2:04 AM

    Ah yes. Another case of bots threatening family, friends and pets. Even the right wing is tired of that.

    Pure shit. All Bristol had to do was ignore it. But as a Palin . . . . Ass clowns.

  112. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Bristol is a lying lazy puke just like her skanky whore mother.

    Get them out of politics and back into bed...with each other. That would be a reality show that could gain an audience of teabaggers.

  113. Anonymous2:13 AM

    waiting for the Palins to be put in jail.

    Sarah Palin had to step down from the position as governor because she hired Shawn Christy to threaten the president.

    Put all the skanks in jail - Sarah, Todd and Bristol can reside behind bars for criminal threatening.

  114. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:21 AM

    Presenting the Palinbots' favorite vocabulary words (insert cheesy elevator music here):

    Hate, hatred, hates, hate-filled, lies, liar, evil, death.

    And that all-too-handy comeback: jealous.

    Oh my. And this is the group who thinks their Dear Leader has all the answers to America's problems?

  115. Anonymous2:51 AM

    These Palins need a good union electrician. They are wired wrong.

  116. FloridaDem2:58 AM

    What's with the "40's" comment that she keeps bringing up? What, people over 20 can't think she's a total ass, and her mother too? Is this part of the ganging-up-on-the-innocent meme? The fact that she apologized just shows you he's more of a human being than she is. All she could do was keep ranting.

    And besides, Bristol didn't ask him if he was gay, which is insulting enough, she asked him if he was "a homosexual." He should have turned it right back in her face and asked if she's a grifting liar because she's a heterosexual.

    Why doesn't this b*tch get all worked up over the anger and dangerousness of the tea party? But when a liberal yells, they say unfair.

    Go back in the wayback machine in your mind and remember what the republicans used to do during the Bush administration and even before. Dems were characterized as complainers, radicals, dangerous activists, and unstable people who would get upset at the drop of a hat and were out of control. We were also characterized as haters because we detested what George Bush was doing to our country. That's exactly why shows like the Daily Show arose, as the only possible weapon left to combat the republican machine - quiet comedy. Only quiet snark and funny bits were digestible to the public to get our message through. It worked. But let us get passionate again and we'll quickly be characterized as unhinged or a hater or a hippie.

    Even our president is a result of this decades long meme against democrats. He's always calm, rational, never raises his voice, doesn't glare, isn't imposing. Because if he got too "uppity" he would be assaulted by the right wing as some kind of radical.

    This guy shouldn't have apologized. He should have simply explained WHY her families politics is dangerous to america and personally affects him as well. We can't go back to where we were.

  117. MC30313:09 AM

    Oh yes, "vilifying" is soooo a word Bristol uses in her everyday conversation.

    Who. is. buying. any. of. this. shit?

    I mean, really? WHO IS??

    Dumbasses don't fall far from the mother vine, do they??

  118. melissa3:21 AM

    I hope sometime in the future Bristol will make enough money to fix that broken face of hers! She used to be so pretty and then she had to go and ruin her looks with plastic surgery. Of course ugly is as ugly does, and she has an ugly personality.

  119. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Haven't read through all the comments yet, but did she really capitalize Mom like you would God? Wow, that's sick!

  120. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Who cares what Brisket has to say? She sounds like she's about 12, but looks like she's over 40...she's a moron. No offense to morons...

  121. Anonymous3:59 AM

    I'm not wired that way...whatever. Sarah likes that phrase, doesn't she.

  122. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Bristol, we don't fucking care!

    You are boring, unintelligent, uneducated and we don't fucking care about your thoughts, opinions, feelings or positions on any issue.

    The only thing that make this family interesting is the sociological phenomenon that they can make so much money and be famous at all, with absolutely nothing redeeming about them.

  123. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Anon 7:28 -
    Thank you for sending the link to the Maddow clip!

    I'm picking up Nicole Wallace's book next...love that she was inspired by a crazy lady attempting to be VP of the US. It'll be like a treasure hunt!

  124. And, another thing. She (or whoever wrote the rant) is so ignorant, they don't even know that when using the word "Mom", you only capitalize it when it could be replaced with a proper name. Every time she says "my Mom" it should have been "my mom."

    Yes, I am the self-appointed Word Police :)))

  125. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Gryphen, Might be interesting to review the two babies again as has been suggested.

    And view Sarah Palin's very odd ears & maybe Bristol's ears.

    The RNC Trig has the same ear formations, doesn't he? But that doesn't square with those loving pics of Levi with tiny Ruffles.

    You posted a triple pic of Trigs showing the ears, and one photo really puzzled me. It was a center photo, and that Trig's hair looked shaved at the back from the ear area down to the neck.. and looking closely I wondered if something hadn't been done to the ear.

    Maybe a mirage. Anyway, love IM. Thanks.

  126. Anonymous5:11 AM

    What a BITCH. JUST like her "mother," and I DO use that term loosely.

  127. Anonymous5:16 AM

    SO, now that he's apologized, will Bristol tell her mother's flying monkeys to stop their "crazy hatred" of her heckler? Will she point out he has done nothing to "warrant" "death wishes."*
    Awaiting Bristol's wiring to tell her to do the right thing.

    *of course, "death wishes" shouldn't really be in quotes here b/c, unlike the imaginary death threats on Sarah's "kids", I am sure this guy has received plenty of real and terrifying threats.

  128. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Hard to know what's more amusing: the idea that people will believe this statement was written by Bristol (or has any factual relationship to what happened or what she thinks) - or the notion that these kinds of statements make her look "smart".

    She is laughably, famously NOT bright and poorly educated, always a bad combination. Add to that her crudeness, rudeness, and lazy ways and this just all becomes ludicrous.

    No wonder she has to have someone associated with the reality show try to clean up this mess. Left on her own, Bristol's only as articulate as "middle finger" and "haters".

    She lacks her mother's cunning and pathological drive. What's left is just a dull, uneducated lump.

  129. Anonymous5:50 AM

    10:42 comment from C4P
    The poster from C4P will be demonized as a "hater".

  130. Anonymous6:27 AM

    H/T to whomever posted the Maddow clip...

    Scarah gets bitch slapped by the two people who were closest to her during the McCain campaign. It gets real interesting around the 18 min. mark and unlike Scarah and her spokesmodel Brisket, they do it with class and decorum.

    Wallace even states that the book she just wrote about a nut job getting close to the White house via the VP route is about Scarah.

    Stick a fork in her. She's done.

  131. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/sarah-pa

    Re: Vetting Candidates

    "The media did not do it's job, I believe, in the last go round" -
    Sarah Palin
    Understatement of the fucking decade.

  132. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Good catch anon 9:13. Yep, that's Sarah's phrase. I bet Sarah wrote this response and just signed Bristol's name to it. You know, like she's ghost-written 'supporters' letters for years, and like she's ghost-written 'statements' from Todd and Brad recently. Sarah gets to put words in everybody's mouths.

  133. ibwilliamsi10:58 AM

    "I asked Bristol if the reason she likes to get drunk and fuck around with any man who pays the slightest bit of attention to her is because she's was home schooled and from boring as hell Podunk Wasilla. I was NOT baiting her or mocking her or in any way being derogatory of home schoolers from Wasilla. It was just the opposite."

  134. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Bristles - President Obama would like to know what is the reason for your mother to direct all her hatred towards him? Did he ignore her when she was in Hawaii attending one of the numberous schools she supposedly attended? She spreads hate everywhere she goes and you are well aware of that. Hopefully once your "show" tanks, your mother "tanks" and all your offers of work dry up, you can return to Alaska where EVERYONE loves your entire family. (yeah right)Unfortunately the truth is coming out, so maybe Alaska would not be the best place for you.

  135. Anonymous12:10 PM

    O.M.G. THAT photo! i think its my favorite bristle photo! thanks for making my day! bwhwhahhahhahhahaaa

  136. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Bris is just like a big elephant. Strange girl you wouldn't want to hang with.

  137. Anonymous1:51 PM

    such a pretty, pretty lady... (yikes!)

  138. WE all know that given the number of interviews Bristle has done, we recognize her lack of language and intelligence. That she thinks anyone is buying this paid for BS interesting to say the least.

    COME ON... a high school drop out recorded on interview after interview thinks we're buyin THIS???

    And much as I try to avoid commenting on looks, this photo is just gross... Yes we all get caught in the flash of a moment not looking our best or like we'd wish...

    Just kind of emphasizes what she has done to her self, please don't post that again Gryph, it makes me tummy lurch.

  139. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Why even try to justify your behavior, Bristol? YOU chose to walk into a bar, you're breaking the law because you're not 21 years old. And, once you walk in a bar with other people, "I was wired that way" as an excuse is pretty lame. The guy was "wired that way" as well, and has the same right of free speech.

    We all know Bristol didn't write this. Bristol uses words like "canard" and "Calculus", and none of these words even sound close. This is a feeble attempt at excusing yourself from being blamed. You may be "empowered by Christ", but your brain was "Stunted by genetics".

    What bugs the hell out of me is this guy getting threats and having to apologize. If this ends up on the show, he better lawyer up and sue them for using his image, and the situation he already took responsibility for, in an effort to profit from it. I hope he didn't sign a release, but even if he did, he can proove he was impaired by alcohol and sue the pants off the producers and Bristol.
    Bristol is a Palin, playing the victim while fomenting hate. She uses the word "Gay" in this sermon, but on the night, she used the term "Homosexual", which shows she scripted that whole event and had the line already memorized.

    They're as trasparent as their skin and lies, all of them.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.