Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Author of "The Lies of Sarah Palin" comes to the defense of rival author Joe McGinniss.

Courtesy of Firedoglake:

Five days before a literary embargo theoretically prohibited any reviews from appearing in the mainstream media, the New York Times delivered what was effectively a journalistic hit (executed by Janet Maslin) on bestselling author Joe McGinniss and his long-awaited book-length profile of Alaska’s former governor, The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin. 

I was nearly three-quarters of the way through it by the time that Maslin’s review was first posted on the Times web site. I was immediately appalled by its intellectual dishonesty, its distorted portrait of the book, and its unbridled demonization of McGinniss. She calls the book “dated, petty and easily available to anyone with Internet access.” Really? Then why, one must ask, has the book caused such a ruckus? Are there reports on the Internet, for instance, of Palin’s mass firing of people of color during her first weeks as Governor of Alaska or personal accounts of her dominionist religious beliefs? Is there a full-scale work that combines the elegance and depth of McGinniss’ reporting into a composite narrative? I think not. Indeed, the power of The Rogue is that the whole of its devastating narrative is greater than the sum of its parts.

I should also acknowledge that I am the author of an earlier book on the former Alaska governor, The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story Behind Her Relentless Quest for Power, published by St. Martin’s in May, and which I suppose in some people’s eyes would make me something of a competitor with McGinniss, though I never looked at it that way. I sensed at the outset that our books would be very different—and they are, told through very different eyes and voices, and with an entirely different focus—although they come to startlingly similar conclusions about Ms. Palin, both as a human being and as a political figure. While I have never met McGinniss personally, we were introduced by email last year through mutual friends in Alaska and we occasionally communicated (or, more accurately, commiserated) about the poisonous ordeal of covering Palin. But I had not seen a single word of the McGinniss book until I read the first “installment” in Doonesbury, which featured excerpts from the book (all by “named” sources, incidentally), and then received a review copy that arrived in the mail later that week.

Moreover, roughly nine months after the assassination attempt on Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords—over whose congressional district Palin had placed crosshair images on her SarahPAC website—there’s not a single mention by Maslin of Palin’s troubling behavior and commentary, both before and after the carnage that left six innocent bystanders dead and another 13 wounded; nor is there a single reference to her many demagogic (and unsubstantiated) claims regarding President Obama, with whom she is strangely obsessed (her charges of “death panels” and “palling around with terrorists” come immediately to mind). Nor does Maslin mention Palin’s troubling behavior on the campaign trail, with her ramped up rhetoric that lead respected Congressmember John Lewis to condemn Palin for “sowing the seeds of hatred and division” throughout the country. All of this is apparently forgiven, or conveniently forgotten, by Maslin, whose Sarah Palin is—once again—a victim. Poor Sarah. Poor, poor Sarah Palin.

I cannot urge you strongly enough to read the entire article by Geoffrey Dunn.  And while doing so please keep in mind that Geoffrey did his OWN painstaking research into the life of Sarah Palin, and essentially wrote about THE EXACT SAME PERSON that Joe McGinniss described in his book.

I would like all of you to also remember that this person described in Joe and Geoffrey's book bears a striking resemblance to the person also described in the book "Game Change," Frank Bailey's book, and, yes, even Levi Johnston's book.

Which by the way is the exact same person that I have been writing about for these last three years.

So why did Joe's book receive such vitriol and hatred, while others have only received what could probably be described as a simple slap on the wrist?

Well if you read Chapter Nineteen, I do believe that will answer your questions. (Oh and Glen Rice might deserve a little of the credit as well.)


  1. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Dunn's book on Palin was so well written that I think it's time to reread it...

  2. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Everytime I see that picture I think:

    (Oh, and thanks for pointing us to Dunn's piece defending Joe. We all need to stick up for our man McGinniss.

  3. Excellent .. and before I read your last phrase, I was going to answer your question of why Joe's book is being so vilified and threatened by Palin to say it might have something to do with her having had relations with (gasp) a black man ... her bots do not like that I guarantee it, even though a few are still defending her and it probably has damaged what little, if there was anything left, of her marriage. Yes, Chapter 19 is crucial, but Glenn Rice is dynamite!

  4. Anonymous2:36 PM

    If you haven't already read it, I highly recommend Geoffrey Dunn's book "The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story Behind Her Relentless Quest for Power". Heck of a good read.


  5. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Now she can pander to her minions while she thinks about suing Joe. I think her suing is a moot point. She's not going to have the lies proven in court. Those that are afraid of her now, under oath may not be quite as fearul. If Perry is Texas toast, does that make her a dead fish?

  6. Very classy move on Dunn's part.

    That's "classy", Bristol. You might want to look it up.

  7. Anonymous2:44 PM

    A liar, a quitter and a birth mother of four stagger into a bar. The bartender says, "What'll you have, Mrs. Palin?"

    "Whatever's free," she snarls. "And don't be stingy!"

  8. By the way, those "mutual friends in Alaska" that Dunn refers to?

    Guess who that is.

    Oooh I'm a stinker!

  9. Anonymous2:52 PM

    There's another reason Joe's book may have been poorly received.

    The pros in NY know what he did with Frank Bailey's manuscript.

    Nobody likes a cheat. And if Joe was willing to violate his ethics with Frank's manuscript, I'll bet it wasn't the first time, and Bailey isn't the first or only victim.

    Maybe this is payback for other sins as well.

  10. What an excellent response to the NYT's review. Dunn really knows how to get his points across. Maslin should be hiding in shame after this very public -and well deserved-scolding.

  11. Irishgirl2:56 PM

    They rilly, rilly didn't like Chapter 19.

    Too bad.

  12. Sally in MI2:58 PM

    Dum da dum dum DUMB! Sarah, this fake lawsuit was a really, really bad idea. Book sales of all the books will now climb, as people are sick of your victimhood, and want to read for themselves. Thanks to all who undertook this thankless, dangerous job of unmasking a psychopath.

  13. Last Palinbot Standing3:02 PM

    My prayer circle is getting together with Pastor Muthee tonight! We will put a curse on Joe McGinnis, Geoffrey Dunn, and the rest of the God hating libruls who only seek to destroy our Sister Sarah! In the name of Jesus we will abolish your communist witchcraft, and Sarah will become the anointed one who will lead the United States to the rapture!

    She is strong, and only made stronger by your hatred and lies, this I know, because I was at Applebees with her strong, supportive happy family, and Bristol and her BFF from Juneau were there and they told me so.


  14. Anonymous3:05 PM

    This blog has become "The Immortal Minority" :)

  15. emrysa3:08 PM

    man I love that picture. whenever I click your blog and that is the new post pic, I get such a good laugh. that one and the one by zaki where she's pursing her lips shooting death daggers at him thru the camera lens - both of those distill the soul of palin perfectly.

    great article by dunn. he skewers that reviewer. I'd hate to have that guy as an enemy, he left no stone unturned in that critique. dayum.

  16. 10catsinMD3:08 PM

    Dunns gives a really great review of The Rogue. I particularly remember the "blood in the snow" comment. A good analogy of how she uses and throws people away.

    I also remember from Dunn's book, the comment about her push back at criticism. He stated that exactly.
    It's a strong game changer or so she thinks, so she can get away with what she can. Probably learned it from her Father. A good push to "neuter" critics. Talk about castrating gamesmanship. Sleazy!

  17. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I have to say that reading this article by Dunne, I am thrilled by his writing and immediately ordered his book.

    It is my fervent wish that his book gets the recognition that it deserves as well because DAMN, he's a phenomenal writer!

    And boy oh boy he takes that limpbrained NY Times reviewer and turns her on her head in a way that only a stunningly capable writer and observer of human behavior can.

    Janet Maslin, you are BUSTED! You will NEVER be taken seriously again for your reviews and nor should you be. You have degraded the position that you hold in the public arena and you should be deeply ashamed. It would be wise to lay low on this one, or write a more HONEST review once you've wiped the egg off your east coast elite face.

    From the extended article on Firedoglake.

    'After two years of researching Palin—going through 40,000 pages of documents and interviewing more than 200 people, many of whom were once her closest allies—the conclusions I came to about this divisive woman are very similar to those arrived at by Joe McGinniss: she is vindictive and vengeful, a pathological liar, driven not by a political commitment to the greater good, but by both an obsession with celebrity and a strange dominionist Christianity. I don’t discount Maslin’s right to her opinion, but in her snide and rather shallow assertions about The Rogue, she has, in fact, committed the very journalistic transgressions of which she accuses McGinniss.

    Palin’s response to exposés about her—or her family—has always been to attack the messenger. In her review of The Rogue, Janet Maslin is now doing Palin’s bidding for her. Maslin’s intentions may be noble, but her instincts have betrayed her. I know which version of Palin’s persona rings closest to the truth. And it is not Janet Maslin’s.'

    Like Gryphen says, GO AND READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE it is spectacular and very, very long and detailed and deliciously satisfying. Truly, the use of language is music to my ears after the crap that I have to read everyday on the net. I hope it goes VIRAL. Any of you Tweeters and Facebook peeps, need to get this out there and BLANKET the media with this, it is THAT important.

  18. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I love that picture. I call it "The Braying Gopher".

  19. Rationalist3:15 PM

    Gryphen - you are a matchmaker!

  20. Anonymous3:18 PM

    OT ... $aint $arah's protege in all her glory. Our own SC TeaTard extraordinaire, Gov Haley on one of her brilliant mandates.


  21. JayKen Knotstirred3:21 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick Question, Wheres Trigs birth certificate?

    You know...Chapter 19?

  22. Thanks for posting the link to Mr. Dunn's review of the review. Great piece by Mr. Dunn. I'm reading his book and Joe's book at the same time. $arah is McCain's legacy. That he thought that twit was qualified to be president is treasonous.

  23. Anonymous3:27 PM

    This is whole affair of McGinniss being vilified for his book is rediculous. It's true he did say a lot of things that have been reported before, but we also know that Joe put a lot of time and research into it before he included it in his book, which we don't know what the others did, if anything to verify what they said or wrote about Sarah. Joe also had new material that he has backed up with unnamed sources, which under the circumstances we all have heard that exist in Wasilla, is compleely understandable. If Sarah does go through with her law suit, which I doubt, these people will be summoned to testify against her. If they didn't like the book say so, but don't try and prevent us from hearing what others may say about it, good or bad.

    IMPORTANT, I read on C4Pee that Sarah is no longer a contributing commentor on FOX as of this morning. I looked up the list of commentors and she is not listed. Did she get quietly fired from FOX?

  24. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I am half way through Joe's book and I think it's terrific, s all his books are.

    I can't believe all the support this insane woman still has, or why. Everyone is missing an important Sarah book if they close their minds to this one.

  25. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Anon 2:52 PM
    Nobody likes a cheat. And if Joe was willing to violate his ethics with Frank's manuscript, I'll bet it wasn't the first time, and Bailey isn't the first or only victim.

    Maybe this is payback for other sins as well.

    I doubt that somehow. From writer Joe Sharkey -

    Incidentally, there's no mystery to me about how the Bailey manuscript got out. When a manuscript on a timely, probably marketable topic is shopped around, agent to publisher to publisher, copies are made and dispersed by insiders with varying motives.


  26. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Anon 2:52: Really?? The " pros" in NY?
    Who are you referring to and WTF does that have to do with reviews not in NY.
    Please stop being such a cry baby. You cry the victim as much as Sarah and who knows what your real intentions are. If you are one of those 3 authors, grow up.
    Your book was never going to get the attention Joes did, with or without a leak.

    But truthfully I think you are a disingenuous Palinbot looking for ways to attack Joe McGinniss and discredit him.
    And it isn't going to work- you are wasting your nasty energy here.

    If you really cared about Bailey, you would be mad at who gave the book to Joe. Who did leak the book-do you even know.

    And Joe didn't " cheat." You really are just like a child.
    Grow up!

  27. When Janet Maslin started reviewing books instead of movies, it made no sense to me. Her movie reviews were shallow and unintuitive, unlike Roger Ebert, whom I adore because he describes movie plots with insight and wit, and is never judgmental about the characters or the situations they happen to be in. By habit I dismiss Maslin's reviews because they lack depth/insight and seem to usually be around celebs or cocktail-circuit books. Both the NY Times and other "chattering class" media should be ashamed of Maslin's review of "The Rogue" and how the rest of the media just piled on from there (instead of reading the book for themselves and forming independent judgment on the book).

    In another thread several commenters mentioned Nicole Wallace's new fictional account of "Tara," a mentally unstable Vice President. Good news for Rachel Maddow viewers: Nicole will be on Rachel's show tonight!

    Tuesday 9/27 on #Maddow: Nicolle Wallace, senior advisor to the McCain-Palin campaign; Senator Sherrod Brown; Joe Sonka, LEO Weekly

  28. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Payback for sins? From the pros in NY.
    Dream on moron.

  29. Mr Dunn is a gentleman. And he wrote a great book. I love how he totally makes Maslin look like a fool with an agenda. No kidding.

  30. Anonymous3:44 PM

    A great write-up, and a great smackdown of Maslin's hatchet job.

  31. Anonymous3:48 PM

    "Anonymous said...

    There's another reason Joe's book may have been poorly received.

    The pros in NY know what he did with Frank Bailey's manuscript.

    Nobody likes a cheat. And if Joe was willing to violate his ethics with Frank's manuscript, I'll bet it wasn't the first time, and Bailey isn't the first or only victim.

    Maybe this is payback for other sins as well.

    2:52 PM"

    The "pros in NY" probably don't know what ethics mean.

  32. By the way I believe in the "Batshit Crazy Right Wing Dictionary" that the word "defunct" means "more popular than ever."

    I have GOT to get me one of those dictionaries!

  33. Anonymous said...
    There's another reason Joe's book may have been poorly received.

    The pros in NY know what he did with Frank Bailey's manuscript.
    Nobody likes a cheat. And if Joe was willing to violate his ethics with Frank's manuscript, I'll bet it wasn't the first time, and Bailey isn't the first or only victim.

    Maybe this is payback for other sins as well.
    2:52 PM
    As for this scenario, I don't have any use for people who might have been so distraught over an author's alleged lack of ethics that they would deliberately misrepresent the author's book and assist in perpetuating their own journalistic lapses of the last three years in failing to hold Palin accountable for her many ethical lapses.

    Also negatively reviewing a book one obviously hasn't read as alleged payback? Two wrongs don't make a right.

    I think a lot of the fuming over Joe's book has nothing to do with his supposed lapses, but much more to do with it being made glaringly obvious that much of what is in Joe's book should have been in the mainstream press years ago.

    His book is as much a slap in the face of the unethical, lazy, shoddily performing mainstream media that has given Palin a pass all these years as it is an expose of Palin.

    Clutching their pearls in horror over his dastardly deed? Please.

  34. Anonymous3:53 PM

    I am so, so happy to see Mr. Dunn put this out there.

    I read his book and loved it. It was very well written and factual. And, it indicated Palin being the same kind of person that Joe McGinniss identifies in his book.

    I'm in the middle of reading the McGinniss book and am finding it fascinating as well.

    Palin is assuredly not the woman she tries to make herself out to be. She is a proven liar, fraud and was shown to be unethical by the Alaska Legislature! She is going down and will eventually end up in hell. She's created so much havoc and pain to people that have not deserved it.

    Thank you Mr. Dunn, Mr. McGinniss, Levi Johnston, Frank Bailey and Jeanne for exposing this woman for what she is and what she is not!!!

  35. Ellen in Arkansas4:01 PM

    Gryphyn, I have admired your tenacity and professionalism ever since I found your blog through Shannyn Moore's blog. I just made a long-overdue contribution which is nowhere near what I wish it could be. Thank you for three years of reporting what others are too timid to document. Spend this contribution on a really nice bottle of wine, or on your wonderful daughter!

  36. Anonymous4:08 PM

    People keep looking for pictures of Palin eating a corndog.

    Don't waste your time, Sarah does not want a cornmeal battered hot dog when she is one phone call away from an Extra Length All Beef Juicy Sausage with Natural "RICE" Casing that just over fills her bun.

    Don't believe me? Just ask Tawd, he taped Sarah and Glen through his nipple peep hole.

  37. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Todd has sex with a prostitute, Sarah has sex with Black man, Bristol hoped Tripp wasn't Levi's baby.

    Typical Republican family. Obsessed with sex.

    Exactly what are going to be the grounds for divorce and who will be the complainant?

  38. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I bought Geoffrey Dunn's book and thought it was excellent, very insightful into the enigma that is Sarah Palin. Hurrah for him sticking up for fellow-author and exposer of truths!

  39. Anonymous4:16 PM

    You have got to be kidding me?!?!? She's gonna INTERVIEW this piece of shit...REFUSING TO INTERVIEW JOE!?!?

  40. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Jusst you wait til Sarah goes over thar to North--er--South (?) Korrea and edumacates them funny looking asians about how our Muslin president is turnign America into a communist jihadist socialist illegal alien loving hellhole! And after she soos the pants off of Mcgenness, she'll come after all the mean bloggers who are lyin about me--er--I mean, the Governor, also too.

  41. Anonymous4:25 PM

    At a certain point, when every single article/movie/book paints EXACTLY the same picture of Sarah Palin, only the most ardent of idiots will think that Sarah is the only honest one standing. Everybody is lying but her. The whole world is conspiring against her. WHATEVER. Eventually even the die-hard dummies will smell the bullshit.

  42. Anonymous4:25 PM

    That is the best "fugly" photo of Sarah I have ever seen. Fantastic find!


  43. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Lawrence O'Donnell is interviewing Nick Bloomfield tonight. Game on? You betcha!!

  44. Anonymous4:29 PM

    "..."defunct" means "more popular than ever.""

    Glad to hear it! Here's a big WELCOME MAT for all the new traffic.

  45. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Nick Broomfield on Lawrence O'Donnell.


    Don't stop watching them but do email them and let them know they made a mistake by snubbing Joe.

  46. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Anchorage Police Dept.

    Give Shailey Tripp her property.

    Are you hiding something?


  47. For those who share the opinion that Dunn's piece should be widely read, please consider commenting on it at FDL.

    Right now, it's in the "Recommended" sidebar, but with enough comments & activity, it might be front-paged.

  48. Anonymous4:38 PM

    "IMPORTANT, I read on C4Pee that Sarah is no longer a contributing commentor on FOX as of this morning. I looked up the list of commentors and she is not listed. Did she get quietly fired from "

    Or does it mean she's entering the race? I'm hoping it means she's been canned.

  49. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Oops - there's a strong defense witness for Joe should Sarah make the colossal mistake of taking him to court.

    Sarah may have bitten off just a bit too much for her big and deplorable mouth.

    Poor Sarah. Poor, poor Sarah --- NOT. (unless we are speaking to her financial situation after paying her own and Joe's attorney's fees, hehe).

    Pathetic Sarah!

  50. Anonymous4:44 PM

    +++ Palin’s mass firing of people of color during her first weeks as Governor of Alaska +++

    This is complete and total bullshit.

  51. I could read and re-read Dunn's article!

  52. Anonymous4:48 PM

    3:02 - Jesus did not believe in curses. You do not believe in Jesus. You must be a black magic witch if you are dealing in curses, you dumb shit.

    Oh, and just so you know. Communists tried to exterminate people they thought were witches. You are such a sorry excuse for a human being, no wonder you are so enamored of Sarah Palin. You two belong in a pod.

  53. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Please, please, please! Take the small donation I just made and earmark it for the bottle of champagne you should be popping the cork on soon.
    Live blog the moment please...its been a while since you made a buzzed post.

  54. Anonymous4:53 PM

    LOL Each time you put that picture up it's accompanied by a snorting sound! Damn snow sow.

    Yeah, funny how she threatens Joe but no one else. I guess because he had the temerity ( OMG Sarah look that word up)to move in next door.

    I have all the Palin books...except the lying tomes not written by Griftitia herself or her fawning minions.

    Face it, Sarah's paranoia will be her undoing. It started when she released the blood libel video against ALL other advice. She Just. Does. NOT. Listen! That may be OK for a silly Wasillan fakin' it mayor but it doesn't work on a national scale.

    It's also time for the lamestream media to do it's damn job: investigate her ass. They failed miserably in 2008. This hands off Sarah because you might get accused of something, anything, everything that's been before her all these years is PURE T Bullshit.

  55. Anonymous5:00 PM

    4:38 PM: Could be either she was fired (didn't renew her contract), resigned herself or is entering the presidential race since Fox won't let her be a commentator AND run for president. Hopefully it's the first

  56. Broomfield is on Lawrence O'Donnell. He just said that Levi was too expensive for him. O'Donnell said he does his show for free. Ah well.

  57. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Just watched Nick Broomfield interview on Lawrence's show and it was great. He said he did not talk to Levi because he wanted money. But anyway must watch , lots of good stuff !!!

  58. Crystal Sage5:04 PM

    Lawrence O'Donnell just had an interview with Nick Broomfield about "You Betcha" his Sarah Palin movie which opens Friday. Hee. Clip of Mike Wooten talking about Sarah not taking care of her kids. Another nail in the coffin.

  59. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Tonight, Gov.Christie is giving a speech at the Reagan Library. There is plenty of buzz that the Big Guy might be running. Good timing, Sarah, waiting until the end of the month. If you have an announcement, the giant shadow of Christie will block your light. (PS The Koch Brothers and some other big money types seem to like him. How's your friendship with Rupert and Roger these days?)

  60. QUOTE [Last Palinbot Standing said...
    My prayer circle is getting together with Pastor Muthee tonight! We will put a curse on Joe McGinnis, Geoffrey Dunn, and the rest of the God hating libruls who only seek to destroy our Sister Sarah! In the name of Jesus we will abolish your communist witchcraft, and Sarah will become the anointed one who will lead the United States to the rapture!

    She is strong, and only made stronger by your hatred and lies, this I know, because I was at Applebees with her strong, supportive happy family, and Bristol and her BFF from Juneau were there and they told me so.


    3:02 PM]

    This is probably one of the funniest posts I have seen on here in a long time. THANKS! I needed that after a long day. :)

    AND...a big thank you to Mr. Dunn for an honest, truthful & well written review!!

  61. Kudos to Mr Dunn for that well thought out and written article.

    Although his book failed to make the mark for me, I give him credit for being a decent writer. And a decent man in defending Mr McGinnis.

    I had high hopes for the Dunn book, as I was a fan of his on HuffPo, but his book failed to unveil anything I didn't know and so I wrote off all the rest, Bailey, McGinnis and Johnston.

    Am rethinking buying Joe's book...

    From the reviews Bailey was a fail, and gawd knows Levi never had the balls to tell the whole truth, never held any hope out for that ridiculousness.

    Too bad no-one to date can pin the truth on the slippery slimy wasilla hillbillies.

    So much potential seems to have just spilled down the drain.

    Broomfield seems to be a joke... and now we have "Fred" waiting in the wings to publish.

    Well, I HOPE 'Fred" has something new to offer, but frankly... I've had so much foreplay from this bunch, I am ready to roll over and get some sleep. screw the orgasm that never was.

    Everyone of these books has missed the mark in some way shape or form. They still let the hillbillies hide the truth.

    Journalsim shmournalism.

  62. Crystal Sage5:14 PM

    Ooo. Rachel Maddow is interviewing Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt about Nicole's book that is a roman a clef about Sarah Palin.

  63. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Nick Broomfield was just interviewed by LOD and claimed that he didn't have Levi in his movie because Team Levi demanded too much money for the interview. The little asshole. All about the money.

  64. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Smart Guy

  65. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Go to firedoglake and leave a comment. It could be very important.

  66. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Holy Schniky Rachel Maddow just not so subtly implied that Sarah Palin was mentally ill. And Nicolle Wallace sat there with the most hilarious smile on her face. That was one of the most wicked things I have ever seen on Maddow.

  67. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Nicolle Wallace made it crystal clear that the "cuckoo for cocoa puffs VP" in her book is based on none other than Sarah Palin.

  68. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Nicolle Wallace on Rachel Maddow's show admitted that Palin inspired her Tara character (It's Classified) and described her as cookoo for cocoa puffs/mental illness.

    Steve Schmidt admitted that the 2008 VP Republican nominee was NOT vetted.

  69. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Oh my, everyone's out to get Sarah Palin...couldn't happen to a more deserving idiot. BTW, love that picture you have of her. She looks like a snarling buffoon.

  70. mitchethekid5:30 PM

    Palin should also try to sue Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt for using her disturbed personality as a template for a "fictional" book about a mentally sick person who somehow gets to be vice-president.
    While she's at it,she can sue Frank Bailey, Geoffrey Dunn and me.

  71. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Hey $arah, Gryphen posts the BEST photos of you ever doesn't he? Listen babe, when are you going to quit dithering, put your man pants on, grab your cajones, feed the fire in your belly and announce your run? Don't be blaming your family for not wanting to take the heat; after all, you were more than willing to throw your knocked up, unwed daughter and little special needs prop under the bus and didn't even need to "blink" (think) about it. Tick Tock, times up. Shit or get off the pot sister $arah, our lady of perpetual victimhood, quitter queen of the facebook realm.

  72. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I think I'll buy Mr. Dunn's book! O/T Nicole Wallace just called Sarah "Coo-Coo-for-Cocopuffs" on Rachel's show. I think I'll buy her book, also, too!

  73. Anonymous5:32 PM

    "Palin’s mass firing of people of color during her first weeks as Governor of Alaska"


    I didn't know about this ? Did any of those fired file discrimination suits ? Were there ever any settlements ? Thanks.

  74. Anonymous5:35 PM

    "By the way, those "mutual friends in Alaska" that Dunn refers to?
    Guess who that is.
    Oooh I'm a stinker!"

    ROFLMFAO.........Luv ya, Gryph.

    BTW - damn busy blog for someone who's 'defunct'.

  75. Anonymous5:35 PM

    First Broomfield on The Last Word talking about what a bad parent Borderline Spice is and then Maddow, Schmidt and Wallace laughing about her being certifiably mentally ill. That totally made up for snubs of Joe.

  76. Anonymous5:39 PM

    OT, I worked with a woman who was in charge of shipping packages from our office. One day she was printing labels from the FedEx website, and FREAKED OUT because she was trying to ship a package to Seoul and FedEx did not have "Korea" as an option, they only had "South Korea." I thought she was joking at first, but she was completely sincere. I told her that South Korea was the "Korea" she was looking for, because she couldn't send things to North Korea. She asked "Why not? What's the difference?"

    I really hope this woman is in charge of SP's travel plans for her upcoming Korea speech. ;)

  77. Anonymous5:41 PM

    You got to put up a video of Rachel and those two republicans laughing about Palin being coo-coo for cocoa puffs.

  78. Anonymous5:43 PM


    Ha Ha, Hee Hee, Ho Ho....they're coming to take you away old girl, they're coming to take you away!!!!

  79. Anonymous5:44 PM

    BTW, for anyone who hasn't read Joe McGinniss's book, one of the most interesting passages (to me) was regarding the speech she gave, right after being nominated as VP, in AK to Track and his fellow soldiers who were about to ship out to Iraq. The (named, but I can't recall his name) source said that he was a supporter of Palin's until this speech. He was with her right before she spoke and told her that it would be only natural for her to cry, that he had given speeches at deployment services and that they were very emotional, and would be especially so for her, the mother of one of the troops.

    He was disgusted, therefore, when Palin's speech was all about HER. No tears and not much about the troops. Not surprising to me, but good to see an on-the-record source telling such a tale.

  80. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Every time I see that picture of her w/her ugly face - she needs to have something shoved in her mouth that shuts her up forever. Guess what that could be folks?

  81. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Scarah will be on Greta tonight. So not sure about being out at Fox. You csn bet she would not quit this gig, eh

  82. Anonymous5:45 PM

    "quitter queen of the facebook realm"

    nick name award for tonight

  83. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Thanks for linking to Dunn's response to Maslin's hatchet job. He answers very well all Maslin's intellectually dishonest criticisms Of McGinniss's book.

    That video of Joe Miller's armed supporters marching in public is used to good effect in Dunn's post.

    That video in 30 seconds illustrates what life among teabagging hatriots such as support candidates like Joe Miller and Sarah Palin is really like.

    Which Maslin would not know about.

    She'd call the police if she saw this in her town. But in some places what is marching on the street and intimidating the public is the police, and their friends and family.


  84. Anyone who wrote a review of The Rouge based on Janet Maslin's review has egg on their face and should be embarrassed. There are so few with any integrity left. Dunn's review of the reviewers is a must read.

  85. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Nicolle Wallace on Rachel Maddow's show admitted that Palin inspired her Tara character (It's Classified) and described her as cookoo for cocoa puffs/mental illness.

    Steve Schmidt admitted that the 2008 VP Republican nominee was NOT vetted.

    5:29 PM


    Also, too, he admitted that he was guilty of being a part of choosing her and the failure to vet her. I really enjoyed this interview. Those two will be on again if she announces, count on it.

  86. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Good one, Geoffrey! :)

    Ms Maslin is probably sitting on an icebag about now, trying to cool her badly spanked a**.

  87. Anonymous5:52 PM

    "You Betcha" on LOD tonight:


  88. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Sarah Jones also took the media to task for their BS! They didn't even read McGuinniss!


  89. Janet Maslin's unprincipled review of THE ROGUE puts her right up (down) there with fellow NYT alumns, Jayson Blair and Judith Miller.

    But before we get too upset about this, let's remember:

    1) Maslin gave a POSITIVE review to the "disastrous"1997 film, Batman and Robin.

    2) She called the critically acclaimed, Academy Award-winning film, Forrest Gump, "facile and manipulative" and "one of the worst films of the year." It went on to earn $677,000,000.00 worldwide.

    3) Since her hack review of THE ROGUE, it has risen to #72 on Amazon's top 100 list.

    Maslin's B.A. degree is in Math, but MASLIN + the New York Times does NOT = intelligent journalism. EPIC FAIL.

  90. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Anonymous said...

    You got to put up a video of Rachel and those two republicans laughing about Palin being coo-coo for cocoa puffs.

    5:41 PM I agree, yes , It is great !! Everyone should see this. !!

  91. Anonymous6:07 PM

    So Sarah is "Cuckoo for Cocao Puffs". There is room for her right next to this guy.

    September 05, 2011

    Authorities in northwest Indiana on Sunday safely disarmed a samurai sword-wielding man after they found him walking along Interstate 65 near Merrillville.

    The still-unidentified man was discovered wandering along the interstate just south of U.S. Highway 30 about 2:30 p.m. "marching like a drum major" while holding the 35-inch sword, state police said in a news release....

    Once in custody, the man gave authorities different names and addresses, but told Lake County Jail officials that he was "Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs."


    Sarah- the jokes not on you, YOU ARE NOW THE JOKE!

  92. Is there any way Dunn can get this rebuttal to Maslin in the NYT?

    Nothing against Firedoglake but the people who read Maslin's piece need to read this, too.

  93. Anonymous6:16 PM

    She's on GVS right now, slapping at the MSM for not vetting Obama during 2008. Then she was on about "Herb" Cain's big win in Florida. Also, polls can be "condradicory" in what they tell the public. Jesus, she's a moron.

  94. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Janet Maslin sounds like a 'closeted' Palin Panty Sniffer!!

  95. 10catsinMD6:22 PM

    I have been rereading The Rogue and intermittently Dunns book. Both very good reads and very well written.

  96. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Was she sayin Herb Cain? Greta got testy over the "homework" comment. Loved it!!

  97. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Sarah was just on Greta's and said she could do so much on the sidelines as running for the presidency. I think she was saying she is not going to run, but help on the sidelines. She is such a loser. I hope her followers keep giving their hard earned money to her. Greta asked her if she thought she could win the presidency and she said yes. Can't say she does not have balls.

  98. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Palin wore her Conehead look tonight on GVS.
    She had no idea who said she
    " was on the verge of making a decision ."
    Her PAC must operate without her knowledge then.
    She said counterdictory
    instead of contradictory.
    And who is this Herb Cain she keeps talking about ?
    Her new answer that a title might shackle her and handlers might control her
    has the denizens of Botland in a tizzy.
    It's the first time she has begun to throw cold water on a run.

  99. Anonymous6:49 PM

    'MeAgain' is talking again:

    'Today I purchased software which is supposed to make email transmissions "impenetrable" to hacking. I think it's what I need; I am not concerned about someone intercepting or hacking an email and identifying my city/state--everyone already knows that. What I was scared of is someone hacking or intercepting an email and being able to trace it back to my front door! Between the thug advising people to preemptively make a "defense fund" for Todd to beat up Joe and the email between Joe and Gryphen being conveniently (for Sarah) leaked...I admit I got a bit gun shy with regard to contacting Gryphen.

    But between this software I've bought and the fact that I'm neither a famous blogger nor a bestselling author...I think I'm over my little panic attack. Envisioning an army of Palin loyalists with pitchforks, marching up my drive to hurt me and destroy my daily show memorabilia...scary.

    I really think our death index gumshoe may be onto something. I heard Sarah started texting like a teenager in church when she read it.

    My source does not think a baby died. But she said obviously the idea of searching birth/death records made Sarah very, very nervous.'


    4:19 PM

    Post she is referencing:

    Anonymous said...

    Regarding Ruffles, I've posted this before, but once someone dies, they are vastly more easier to track down because the Social Security Death Index is part of the public record. Not everyone ends up on it, but it is fairly complete. I searched for babies who were born before 4/08 and who died in Alaska after 6/08. The latter date was chosen because I believe we see Ruffles in the two photos in Bailey's book, which he dates as May and June '08. The search found about 10 babies. Searching the Web further I convinced myself that 9 of the babies could be ruled out. The one remaining is listed as M. Johnso, born 2/26/2008, died 6/6/2008, SS 574-51-6097. This baby was not born before Valentine's Day, so one question is, does MA's photograph really prove that Ruffles was born by 2/14? Could he possibly have ended up an outfit that was around at that time of year?

    4:22 AM

  100. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Anonymous said...

    All righty. I'm just going to stop attempting jokes.

    When I said she was "texting like a teenager in church"...it's because I see kids these days in church looking downward at their damn phones and texting constantly.

    Definitely did NOT mean to imply Sarah was anywhere near God's house. Her only interest in "turning the other cheek" is moving her ass away from the TMZ cameras so they don't catch her cellulite again.

    Anonymous at 4:46,

    April and Bristol...can you two pah-leez get a LIFE? Everyone knows it's you two who are behind these comments. But let's play your pretend game and I'll respond to your claims--Sarah isn't "not worried" about ANYTHING these days. Todd is getting impatient, Sarah's puppetmasters are telling her she MUST produce a Motherly Photo-Op with Trig, a couple of intrepid runners are looking very closely at her participation in the half-marathon, and the new interest in Trig's origin and parentage is making her so nervous, her hair is falling out and she's eating even less--something which is barely possible.

    Oh, and can't forget her bitching to Tiemessen about how she JUST KNOWS there's "legal grounds" to shut Gryphen down!

    Oh yes, there's nothing to be afraid of...unless you're an out of shape, balding, non college graduate who absolutely cannot under ANY circumstance provide legitimate proof she gave birth in 2008.

    Yep, nothing to be afraid of.


    5:34 PM

  101. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I'm anon@422, aka Kat, and the find might or might not mean anything. For starts Ruffles could be alive. Or he could have died in another state, under who knows what named. Or if he died, M Johnsto might not be him. I had a chance to poke around a little more today, and realized there's another candidate: "Owen J. Powers," 2/11/08-8/8/08, SS 574-51-7158. The dates fits even better: just right to be Mommy's Little Valentine? Powers is a common name, plenty of them in Alaska, but I couldn't find any trace of an infant by this name.
    Another name that catches my eye is Emerald Workman, born 12/12/2007, died 9/11/2010. I found an obituary for Emerald, which indicated she was part of a loving family. (Did I mention that researching the SSDI for infants sucks?) The thing is, I'm almost positive I've seen the name Workman before: the name of a teenage boy who supposedly wrote a fan letter to Palin, which people were talking about after Palin's emails were released. Is it possible there was some family connection, and little Emerald was borrowed to stand in as Ruffles, then returned? The name coincidence bothers me, but I can't come up with a scenario that makes sense. Will look more later when I have a chance.

    6:01 PM


  102. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Hi guys,

    OT but Bristol made a statement on her facebook page tonight concerning her encounter in Hollywood.


    Just in case you can not pull it up here is the statement:

    As a lot of you know, I had an encounter in West Hollywood the other day with an unhinged guy who was yelling hateful things at me about my Mom. The press has only shown a part of the encounter, so many reporters have totally missed the point of my comments. Most people may have walked away rather than go up to some guy raging like that and try to find out what his problem is. But that’s not how I’m wired. I usually do walk away, but I'm very tired of hateful people lying about my Mom, my family, and myself. So, this time I tried to get to the bottom of it.

    I asked the guy if the reason he was so angry at my Mom was because he was gay. I was NOT baiting him or mocking him or in any way being derogatory of gays. It was just the opposite! I know that some members of the gay community have completely false notions about my Mom. I wanted to clear this up with this guy, but he was so far gone in his crazy hatred that rational conversation was impossible.

    I think so much of the hatred directed at my Mom is based on lies and misconceptions about her and our family. It’s gotten so out of control that a 40-something guy in West Hollywood started shrieking obscenities at the top of his lungs and wishing death on my Mom, just at the thought of her. She hasn't done anything to warrant his hatred, and I wanted to address that.

    As I said to that hate-filled guy in West Hollywood: Show me one thing my Mom has done that is so “evil” as to warrant the hatred and death wishes people heap on her and her kids.

    The crazy guy had no answer because there is no answer. You can disagree with her politics without vilifying her or lying about us.

    Isn’t it time for this crazy hatred to stop? That’s what I was trying to say to that guy.
    - Bristol

  103. Never thought I'd say this, but I kinda wished I'd watched Greta tonight.

    The post-game mood at Sarah's Facebook wall is getting desperate.

    Steve said, "I cannot imagine her not knowing that her own PAC has been sending out pleas for more donations. Too many people are working so hard for her and are sending in their hard earned money. She's got to let us know and the clock is ticking."

    Richard may be wising up: "Doesnt this make sense? If McCain thought she would make a good VP three years ago, I assume he would think she would make a great President."

    And how pitiful is this?
    "Sarah, it's Herman Cain not Herb."


  104. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I saw Sarah on Greata show. Did Sarah just call Herman Cain "Flavah Flave"?

  105. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Poor Sarah is just so limp and impotent these days...

  106. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Gryphen said...
    By the way, those "mutual friends in Alaska" that Dunn refers to?

    Guess who that is.

    Oooh I'm a stinker!


    Jesse you are the best! Luv ya!

  107. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Also too, luv "Last Palinbot Standing"!

  108. Anonymous7:11 PM

    "Coo coo for Cocoa Puffs." That's hilarious! I would also love to see the clip of Nicolle Wallace and Steve Schmidt mocking Palin on Maddow. Can you post it when it goes up G?

    But seriously, what fucking ASSHOLES. It's all fun and games since somebody didn't get elected. Yet I cannot forget that for three months these same people were propping this woman up as the right choice for Vice President of the United States!

    Do you notice that no one is talking about this, really? To me, this is the unspoken lesson learned from all these books about Palin. In its quest to retain the presidency, the GOP failed MISERABLY to respect the citizens of this country by choosing someone decent and honorable. They could choose anybody and they chose her? Really? Coo coo for Cocoa Puffs lady? haha! Isn't that funny. Nope. It's treasonous.

    Obama 2012 ... I don't always agree with him, but the man is good and pure class. Lord knows the GOP does not deserve the presidency back until they pay for this crap. Man, I am still so angry. It is why I have been coming here for three years I guess. That and the trainwreck. And G you are pretty funny too. :)

  109. Anonymous7:11 PM

    every word out of mcginness mouth was a lie every word such as someone covered his license plates for fear Palin would put him out of business and 5 minutes later Mc says Palin now has no friends whatsoever, so where is all this power Palin has that mc claims people have left the state out of fear from her. What in the hell can this psycho Palin do to harm anyone, nothing and mcginness knows it so those are the lies that make the rest of the book unreadable, and oh yes he feared for his life, this is absurd.

  110. Gasman7:14 PM

    I find it curious that all of the books about Palin, ALL of them, paint a similar portrait of Palin: a needy, self absorbed, highly insecure, vain, greedy, ignoramus. IF there were no truth to these characterizations, how come all of the books come to essentially the same conclusion?

    How come the one pro Palin portrayal, "The Unfuckingbelievable" is so laughably fawning, so juvenile, so poorly made that even the Palin sycophants wouldn't even go see it if you paid them to?

    How come the foreign press portrays Palin in essentially the same manner as McGinniss, Dunn, Bailey, et al.?

    At what point does it seem rather strange that Maslin 's portrayal is so at odds with the preponderance of journalists globally?

    I will REALLY enjoy seeing the likes of Maslin and other lazy journalistic asshats served up major portions of crow when it becomes impossible to ignore Palin's voluminous lies, scams, and insults.

    When Palin finally goes under, there will be plenty of journalists who will be sucked down in her wake.

  111. Anonymous said...
    Sarah was just on Greta's and said she could do so much on the sidelines as running for the presidency. I think she was saying she is not going to run, but help on the sidelines. She is such a loser. I hope her followers keep giving their hard earned money to her. Greta asked her if she thought she could win the presidency and she said yes. Can't say she does not have balls.

    6:31 PM

    Brass balls have to be ground off...

  112. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Anonymous@7:11...WTF? Are you drunk or are you Todd? Where did you learn the word 'absurd'?

  113. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Is Palin begun her campaign to assign Obama with her truth she was not vetted by the McCain team? She was on the national stage briefly unable to amswer a question in the debate dependent on being the Hockey mom with a DS baby hiding her. Knocked up teen.

    The Palins cleaned up good after ?few hundred thousand spent.

    I believe the majority hoped the lucky gpvernor from Ak would learn what she needed to know and work to be a good governor. She quit, sold out to magazines, made a ridiculous family unreality show amd cashed in on speechifying while putting her daughter under the bus using her vagina to make more bucks.

    Palin had her big chance choosing predictable quick money and inevitable short term relevance. I will remer her most for: keeping Piper out of school/blowing off her studies, having Bristol have a "career" all about her vagina/sex, dragging the infant Trig around trotted out like a pony, the faux "family vacation" and bashing education. Much more...too much to mention.

  114. Anonymous7:29 PM

    in re Bristol's Facebook post:

    Does ANYONE actually believe she knows and uses the word "vilifying"?????

    It is to laugh.

  115. Anonymous7:34 PM

    SP on Greta tonight. She's setting up her bots for a non-run. Now she states a candidacy would 'shackle' her because, remember, she's unconventional and a maverick. Called Herman Cain 'Herb' Cain. Even when Greta referred to Cain as Herman, SP continued to call him 'Herb'. Those of you who are old enough and grew up in the Bay Area might remember Herb Caen, columnist for the SF Chronicle. She's not old enough or well-read enough to have known of him but it made me chuckle. That little gaff reminds me of staffers trying to train SP not to call Biden 'O'Biden' in the 2008 VP debate.

    Greta seemed a bit irritated with her this evening. I'm getting the impression she's grown weary of the game and quite possibly even resents being the one to have continually deal with her. Greta also mentioned the solicitous SaraPAC letter about SP 'on the verge'. SP claims to know nothing of it. Yeah....riiiightttt...

    Just reminded of course that Bristol let us all know several months ago her mother had already made up her mind...guess the bots conveniently forgot that one. They likely have also forgotten the line she issued in her reality series Sara Palin's Alaska;

    "I'd rather be doing this than in some stuffy old political office. I'd rather be out here being free."

    So which is it Sara? Are you running or just jerking your bots around?


  116. Anonymous7:36 PM

    If Palin said on Greta's show that she can do more from the sidelines -- that's the same bullshit she said when she quit Gov and the 2010 election.


    Let her suck her cult panty sniffers dry. If they loose their houses, etc. -- that's their friggin' stupidity for feeding the Palin Slush Fund and being too stupid to realize it.

  117. Anonymous7:38 PM

    We should be tweeting info of Nick's film screenings opening this Friday!!

    Another thing to drive her over the edge!!!

    Gryphen: Can you get info so we can get the message out by whatever means - blog, twitter, etc.

  118. Anonymous7:40 PM

    @2:44 PM Anonymous said...
    A liar, a quitter and a birth mother of four stagger into a bar. The bartender says, "What'll you have, Mrs. Palin?"

    "Whatever's free," she snarls. "And don't be stingy!"


    Funniest comment of the day award!


  119. 10catsinMD8:10 PM

    Just read the AK Dispatch review by Donald Mitchell. What is it with him?

    He sounds a little jealous of McGinniss.

    But the "trail of blood in the snow" is one of the best comments to come out of this book.

    There zare several books out there and they all say the same things, verifying the truth of the stories.

    You know there was a lot of cocaine use in the 80s and 90s, but not EVERYONE participated in using, Mr. Mitchell.

  120. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I wish Dunn's comments could be posted or printed onto the NY Times website in the letters dept. Someone needs to tell Maslin what's what.
    M from MD

  121. Anonymous8:42 PM

    St. Sarah, Our Crazy Lady By The Lake, couldn't even get Herman Cain's name right!

    Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs indeed.

  122. Someone brought this up earlier: Palin isn't included in Fox News website list of on-air personalities. Father Jonathan Morris and other contributors and analysts are there with hosts and reporters. Was she ever? What's up?


  123. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Dunn has always been a class act. I will have to re read his book, it's been awhile. Amazing how two authors, approaching the same subject, can write totally different style books, and do them so well.


    Where do we find the batshit to english dictionary? I'd like to know what "Common Sense" and "family values" mean, cause I don't see it in Palin's Klan.

  124. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Who benefits if Palin sues McGinniss?

    The best thing Sarah Palin could do is sue Joe McGinniss, the author of "The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin.''

    And the worst thing Sarah Palin could do is sue Joe McGinniss.

    A lawsuit would bring an independent moderator -- a U.S. court judge -- into the picture to try to sort out the many and competing narratives about the life of the former half-term Alaska governor: bad mother or perfect parent; brilliant politician or lucky airhead; conservative national icon or tax-and-spend Alaska liberal; devote Christian or one-time party girl; loving mate or cheating wife; law-and-order fundamentalist or coke-snorting snowmachiner.

    Palin supporters have, of course, gravitated to all of the positives in above list. Palin critics, McGinniss among them, have claimed all the negatives and more. In his new book, the old, East Coast author seemingly drags out every bad thing ever said about Palin under the guise that he trekked to Wasilla with an open mind, moved into the house next door to the Palins on Lake Lucille to begin the work that investigative reporters do. After sniffing around her old hometown and current outpost, he uncovered a lot of, well -- to use a polite term -- dung.

    On the legal front, what we have here is a high-stakes poker game.

    Palin can see what cards McGinniss has put on the table. What she doesn't know is what cards he might still be holding. A lawsuit would compel him to put all his cards on the table, but it would also force her to do likewise. There's this little legal process called "discovery'' that would allow McGinniss's attorneys, if he and his publisher were sued, to sit Palin down, put her under oath and depose her. They could ask her about the all the dirt in McGinniss's book, and she would be compelled to respond.

    This is dangerous territory. Many who know the Palins believe there are nuggets of truth, if not the whole truth, what McGinniss has written. Lying in a sworn deposition would be risky. If, for instance, an attorney for McGinniss asked Palin about that charge of snorting coke off an empty oil drum, and she said it never happened there could be legal problems bigger than a book if McGinniss has, as is possible, the names of people who claim they were there when this alleged incident happened.

    (much longer article)


  125. Anonymous9:12 PM

    So what if during the 1980s Sarah and Todd Palin snorted a line or two of cocaine off the top of an oil drum? As anyone, starting but hardly ending with me, who was there will tell you, in Alaska during the 1980s almost everyone Sarah and Todd Palin's ages who had the money to do so did coke, including quite a few members of the Alaska Legislature and the late twenty and early thirty-something staff members who worked for them who occasionally coked up in public off lines they laid down on the tops of the tables at which they were sitting in the Latchstring, which until it burnt down in an arson, was the Legislature's principal watering hole in the state capital. So Sarah's recreational drug use during the 1980s was hardly aberrant.

    And so what if, as Joe tells us that one of her "friends" told him, when she was 23 and single Sarah fucked (according to Joe, Sarah's word choice) a black college basketball star who was about her same age? Is it any of the world's business who Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Ron Paul, and Michele Bachmann were fucking when they were single and 23? And what does whoever that may have been have to do with their qualifications to be President of the United States in 2012?


  126. AJ Billings9:12 PM

    Great coverage of the current Repub state of disarray over on Maddow on MSNBC



    STEVE SCHMIDT just SLAMMED YOU INTO THE WALL by saying you were
    a FAILURE in 2008!

    That's right $arah, and he didn't even say your name, like you were a slimy insect. He just said there was a FAILURE in 2008 to vet the VP candidate properly.

    So, you going to attack him now?
    Sling some nasty facebook attack?

    Nicole Wallace said that you have a WHOLE NEST OF PROBLEMS if you run for President.

    Nicole said that she was inspired by YOU $ARAH to write a book about an insane person who made it to VP , and then got impeached

    Oh, and also too, $arah, they rate your chances as only a 3rd tier candidate!

    Poor poor Pbots and Palins, always the bridesmaid and the victim

    You wretched sad failure, you will never EVER get elected as anything again except dog catcher!

    Why don't you just order a trailer load of red bull and crunch wraps, and pull the covers over your head, and give up on teasing money out of your penniless and deluded bots!


  127. Anonymous9:14 PM

    If you can't wait until Sarah announces whether she's running or not, go to Barnes & Noble, pull The Rogue down off the shelf, and read pages 137-142. I won't spoil your fun other than to predict that if based on what you've seen of her over the past three years you suspect that Sarah Palin is a narcissistic and intellectually incurious sociopath Gary Wheeler will confirm your hunch. And for those of you who may not be able to get to your local Barnes & Noble before The Rogue sells out, I'll pass along Trooper Wheeler's bottom line. Which is that Sarah Palin's "no mama grizzly; she's a rabid wolf. Take a look at the snow: wherever she's been, there's a trail of blood in her wake."

    So thanks Joe. That quote alone makes The Rogue worth every dollar that I have to fess up that I took my own advice and didn't pay for it.


  128. Anonymous9:39 PM

    She claims all of this spiritual stuff, and hangs around with some real religious kooks who have anointed her as the savior for the world, but is she sincere? Joe seems to think so, but judging by her behavior, her language and the fact that she doesn't even go to church, I wonder how she has pulled off this scam. Maybe she is just using these folks as a launching pad. That is how she won the election for mayor in Wasilla. It was all about abortions in the local hospital, and gay friendly books in the Library. The most interestin­g revelation is that aside from her brief stint as a sportscast­er, she hasn't worked a day in her life. She hired a city manager to do the real work of mayor, and she quit everything else she ever did. She is a lazy woman.

  129. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Hmm... this is a bit of an odd review. For one thing, it makes it seem as though all of us in the lower 49 states are as privy to the shenanigan­s in Alaska as the reviewer was, so we shouldn't be interested in The Rogue. Quite the contrary, every bit of info this reviewer shares and then dismisses about Palin's Alaska youthful indiscreti­ons is quite interestin­g and NEW NEWS. I didn't know she mighta snorted coke, and 'done' a black hoops player. Does it matter? Yeah, in the context of her 'ain't I a special, victimized­, entitled Church Lady destined to Lord over you' attitude, it is very interestin­g and important. Localism is understand­able-- as soon as you find an outsider writing about your neck of the woods or city block as shocking, the residents there take some offense, but it doesn't invalidate the report necessaril­y, does it? No, it doesn't.

    Also it seems as if the reviewer's just a bit jealous of Joe McGinnis with all his slams about his publicity skills. The Selling of the President 1968 was a great book, it was also ground breaking and set the norm for a new style of investigat­ive journalism­. Keep in mind before that book, there wasn't much more than the Theodore White favorable but rich insider accounts of the Kennedy's campaigns. McGinnis is no amateur, and this Rogue book looks worth reading to wipe the makeup off of Sarah Palin's little act.


  130. No I am not filtering comments.

    From what I am reading Sarah's bizarre interview with Van Sustern has really taken the wind out of their sails.

    She almost completely dismissed ANY idea of her running and acted like she had no idea that there was a fundraising drive in anticipation of her announcement.

    They are essentially in a state of shock.

    I will post the video tomorrow.

  131. "Palin’s mass firing of people of color during her first weeks as Governor of Alaska "

    This is the one bit of information reported in the reviews of The Rogue that caught my eye. If proven true, this incident could completely end Palin's career as a potential politician, and conceivably her current career as a political entertainer.

    Where are these people? Have they gotten together, compared notes, and sued as a group? They certainly have grounds for a discrimination complaint.

    I assume they have taken no action to date, because there has never been a whisper of it on the blogs, right?

    Maybe Gryphen can be a hero (again!), by spearheading an effort to bring these people of color together to take action on their own behalf, and for the good of the country.

  132. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Palin is an instructive example of how a demogague can collect enough of a following to become something of a phenomena in American politics. The techniques she has used have been effective for a small percentage of the population but seem now to have reached a kind of limit of diminishing returns. The Palin package, which has been sculpted and revised since the moment she was chosen as McCain's running mate, is a triumph of modern-day political marketing. Sadly, outside of the bloggers and their followers, practically the only challenge or threat the marketers, press agents and handlers ever faced was Sarah Palin herself. This is a person who obviously has a lot of skeletons scratching at her closet doors. Like a majority of politicians perhaps. More importantly, Sarah Palin's larger problem is her own behavior when challenged. The techniques she has developed to deflect criticism- or even sensible questions- reveals so much about her character and the kind of people she has collected together under her circus tent.

    Like most egomaniacs, Sarah obviously believes that one effective means of silencing critics is to lash out hard and in the most hyberbolic way she can muster. It's a type of shock and awe defense. And when all else fails she then threatens to deprive the world of Sarah Palin’s grace and glory by withdrawing from her one-person crusade. Of course, this kind of irrational diversion, essentially bullying, isn't what we expect from mature people and certainly not from those running for any high office.

  133. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Sarah Palin is, what some people call, a serial bully. One online resource from the UK, bullyonline.org gave a list of the traits of a serial bully and it was uncanny how accurately it described Sarah Palin's persona. (It's worth a look.) One quote stands out:

    It is a key identifying feature of a person with a personality disorder or psychopathic personality that, when called to account, they will accuse the person who is unmasking them of being the one with the personality disorder or psychopathic personality from which they (the bully) suffer.

    It has been becoming more and more obvious that, even among her flock, the Sarah Palin cult is waining, the doubts are beginning to creep in and the patience was reaching its breaking point. Meanwhile she continued to play the role of the candidate, taking donations as though she were actually running for high office without explicitly stating it. She would turn up, quite accidentally, to share the limelight in Iowa, without actually moving any further in her political career. Even now, she continues, as long as there are credulous supporters ready to fork over some cash to her pretend crusade.

  134. Anonymous10:06 PM

    So, apart from being a publicity stunt in order to entertain Sarah Palin's bots who just love the fantasy of their Mama Grizzley fighting against her enemies, is there a more serious purpose behind the letter? The lawyer specifically threatens that they would be entitled to review Joe's email correspondence. I cannot believe that there is any validity to such a claim, especially as Sarah Palin's lawyer is not able so far to name even one false statement in particular.

  135. It's true Jill: http://tinyurl.com/4jwvsn

    But she is out of office, so nobody is going to pursue this now.

  136. Anonymous10:13 PM

    The NYTimes Book Review has lost all of it's significance since right-wing Maslin became editor. For some bizarre reason the NYT, the New Yorker magazine and the NEw York Review of Books all seem to find Sarah Palin sympathetic. I find her pathetic but also vile and dangerous.

  137. Anonymous10:18 PM

    I just received a copy of The Rogue, courtesy of Crown Publishing – thank you! Joe has left some choice tidbits over the past few months about his treatment of Babygate (our word, not his). In his blog he claimed to be “Trignostic,” but Chapter 19 presents very convincing arguments for doubting Palin’s story and certainly offers enough evidence of the hoax to arouse the curiosity of those who may not already realize how implausible her tale is. While none of this information is new to those of us who are familiar with Babygate, this will be new to many readers, and is bound to arouse greater suspicion that Palin has indeed perpetrated a massive hoax on America (with the complicity of the media, still continuing today).

  138. Anonymous10:22 PM

    When a local conservative radio host, Scott Heyworth, began to discuss rumors that Todd Palin was not the son of her first born, Track, Sarah too the unusual step of confronting Heyworth directly in this email.

    From: Sarah

    To: Scott Heyworth Cc:Todd Palin
    Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:19 AM
    Subject: Todd’s son
    Todd just told me you had spoken with him awhile back and reported that some law enforcement friends of yours claimed some dumbass lie about Track not being Todd’s son? This really, really disgusts me and ticks me off.
    I want to know right now who said it, who would ever lie about such a thing this is the type of bullshit lie about family that WILL keep me from running for Governor. I hate this kind of crap. I thought it was bad enough that my kids have been lied about recently regarding illegal activities that they had NO part in whatsoever. But a stupid claim like one of our kids isn’t fathered by Todd?
    I want to know NOW what this latest b.s. is all about because I want to get to the bottom of this garbage rumor mill. People who lie like this may know me well enough to KNOW THAT I WILL ALWAYS PUT FAMILY FIRST, AND IF UGLY LIES LIKE THIS ARE BELIEVED BY ANYONE AND ADVERSELY AFFECT MY HUSBAND AND KIDS I WILL PULL OUT OF THE RACE BECAUSE IT’S NOT WORTH IT—AT ALL—TO LET MY FAMILY BE VICTIMS OF DARK, UGLY POLITICS LIKE THIS.

    The message for the radio show host was, basically, "stop asking questions I refuse to answer or I will quit the race and THEN you’ll be sorry." Surprising how effective that elementary school gambit actually was. Like most egomaniacs, Sarah obviously believes that one effective means of silencing critics is to lash out hard and then threaten to withdraw from her crusade, thereby depriving the world of Sarah Palin’s grace and glory.

    In that one email, it’s all there. The hysteria and the over-reaction, the incendiary language, (dumbass, crap, garbage, bullshit, lies, stupid) the wild capital letters, capped off with the final possibility of withdrawal.

  139. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Aggressive personality types use manipulative strategies because these techniques have worked for them in the past. That's the bottom line. Wasilla and Anchorage were her testing grounds. You can, if you desire, go back to early childhood, looking for a bullying father and submissive mother, or you can dive into deep psychology and Freud, what-have-you, but in the end, the fact remains that manipulative people would not apply these methods if they didn't achieve their goals by using them.

    The question remains, of course, that if the matter is important enough to react with such hostility and bombast, if the rumor is so disgusting to cause Palin to threaten a lawsuit, then surely it is also important enough for her to do all she could to put it rest forever. That is the critical flaw in the Palin method and it is one she can never overcome. She is quite capable of fooling some of the people some of the time and that’s about it.

  140. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Oh, there's Sarah settin' expectations on Greta. Sarah doesn't want the "title" of US President because it will "shackle" her rougeness.

    But, Sarah, you have already earned your title and it will forever be linked to you:


  141. Anonymous2:57 AM

    This picture should be labeled 'Snort $arah Snort'... in honor of the pig in lipstick inhaling.

  142. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Someone brought this up earlier: Palin isn't included in Fox News website list of on-air personalities. Father Jonathan Morris and other contributors and analysts are there with hosts and reporters. Was she ever? What's up?


    She never was on the list, at least as far as I can tell. Look at this web archive from www.archive.org:


    Scroll down and click on the desired date to go back in time. Click on M-Q and you'll see her name is not in the list.

    I'm not saying she didn't get fired or quit Fox news, but the fact that she's not on the list now doesn't mean anything.

  143. Anonymous1:50 PM

    such a pretty, pretty lady... (yikes!)

  144. Some times going back into the past is fun. the craze of movie has taken a great speed from long times, and is now going on increasing day by day. And all want to be updated always.She is so pretty and makes reminder as if a Sharp knife wrapped in a sweet musk silk.Which has love and passion both and complemented with eye catching beauty.


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