Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Good news! Nick Broomfield gets distributor for his documentary "Sarah Palin: You Betcha!"

Courtesy of

Days before its world premiere at the 2011 Toronto Film Festival, Nick Broomfield’s hot-button expose documentary Sara Palin: You Betcha! has been acquired by Freestyle Releasing. The plan is to open in New York and Los Angeles on Sept. 30 and roll out. Broomfield raised over $30,000 on the crowd funding site Kickstarter to support the doc’s release, with private investors kicking in more money to launch the film. Cassian Elwes made the deal with Freestyle co-president Susan Jackson. The doc, directed by Broomfield and Joan Churchill, is not a fave of the Palin crowd, and the filmmakers say it lifts the veil off her image as a former hockey mom as the former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate gears for a possible presidential run in 2012.

No slam against Geoffrey, Frank, Fred, or Joe, but I really think that I am going to enjoy THIS film about Palin even more than any of the books, articles, or blogposts written about her. Possibly including my own.

It just seems like Nick has the best sense of humor about his subject, and that he approaches this bizarre individual who, let's face it, has been covered to death, in a fresh and engaging manner.

As most of you know I really try to find the humor in things whenever possible, and it looks like "Sarah Palin: You Betcha!" is going to have some laugh out loud moments, that I for one could really use at this point in our little journey.

Just in case you missed my last update on this film, here is another look at the official trailer.

(By the way I missed it earlier, but the white truck that Nick is chasing while yelling "Frank!" is Frank Bailey's truck. Nick tried to interview him several times but he always refused.)

P.S. I just want to remind you that if YOU were one of the many who contributed to Kickstart to help Nick get his film distributed, you should give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done, and take pride in the fact that Sarah Palin now hates you too! Welcome to the club!


  1. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I like the idea of a documentary more than a book. The book has to pass the legal department of the book's publisher. They have deep pockets and they need to avoid a lawsuit.

    Michael Moore could imply things in his films, present his side of things and let people draw their own conclusions. In his documentary, "Roger and Me," Michael Moore stood outside of the office of the CEO of General Motors. Michael was able to express his frustration in not being able to communicate with him.

  2. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Terrific! I'll go see it in L.A. opening weekend. My husband sure as heck won't want to see it. He can't stand Palin. Neither can I but I will see this doc! Yay!

  3. Anonymous11:41 AM

    There isn't anyone else I'd rather be hated by.

    This is wonderful news.

  4. Anonymous11:41 AM

    One of the brain surgeons at c4pee posted this.

    Every time we tried to hand out more O4P swag........we'ed find out that they were O4P people's like we ran out of people long before we ran out of swag.......hehehe........grassroots revolution is up and running......can you stop us now......or can you even catch up?

    How in the world is running out of people before you run out of swag ever a good thing.

  5. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Can't wait for my signed DVD and poster! Well done everyone!

  6. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Is the miserly McGinniss going to complain about this movie "taking money out of his pocket" or "diluting" interest in his book?

  7. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:52 AM

    No matter how busy I am, that trailer always gives me a big laff. "She'd kill you like that *snap*" Carry on, Nick and good luck!!!

  8. Anonymous11:58 AM

    And that is a club I am happy and very honored to be a member of.

  9. nora in California12:00 PM

    Woohoo! Best $25 I ever spent. What a bargain...

  10. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Great news! I hope it does well, and my Christmas wish is to have his DVD packed in my luggage for my southern visit to relatives.

    I have one or two that still idolize SP and if they pull out "The Oft-Defeated" I want to be able to have a more realistic record of her at hand.

  11. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I can't wait! I've watched that trailer at least five times and LOL every time...hope it becomes a cult classic.

  12. Love the close with the Reverand: "Charming. Nice as can be. ... She'd kill ya *snap* like that!"

    Hi Sarah, Rebecca, Bristol. Can't wait to see the new film!

  13. O/T and soul-crushing if true:

    Obama administration didn't pursue war crimes actions against Bush Administration officials because of the fear of a coup:

    Obama Team Feared Coup If He Prosecuted War Crimes

  14. Jeanabella12:23 PM

    I did contribute a little to the Broomfield movie on Palin and so happy he got what he needed. Yes!
    Looking forward to lots of laughs. Thanks Gryphen,

  15. Virginia Voter12:24 PM

    If this comes to the DC area, I am so there.

    O/T, but not really, but I have been hearing about the Beyonce fake preggo belly EVERYWHERE today...local tv and radio, MSNBC, Internet gossip sites, evn the aol homepage! All because of this:

    How many fucking pictures have you posted which show the EXACT same thing with Sarah Palin, and we hear....crickets? Beyond is actually pregnant, just not showing much, and she gets called out. Sarah announces she's 7 months pregnant, and there are literally dozens of photographs which show otherwise! Unfreakin believable !

    I think it's time to do another Sarah pregnancy post, this time next to Beyonce.

  16. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Why didn't Michael Moore, George Soros or Arianna Huffington help this dude out?

  17. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I'll pay to see it.

    Didn't buy any of the books, from anyone, Sarah, Dunn, Bailey, bristol, Joe, Levi or anyones and won't.

    Skimming through at the library is enough.

  18. Anonymous12:45 PM

    ya know, you suck...

    do though enjoy Mr Broomfield's documentary


  19. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Who was the person who said they received $20,000 for their last interview?

    I cannot wait for this! I love the ending where he is being loaded into the van and the woman is promising him he will see all those animals and he replies “Before Sarah gets ‘em!” Absolutely priceless!

  20. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Oooohhh I can't wait. This is one movie I plan on seeing and I got my popcorn and soda money ready.

    Sarah you know you want to see it. LOL bring the whole retarded family with you but remember you are going to need more than winking to get into the movie... Ya gotta bring the money those fucking idiots send you.

    Will we see you there with your white visor, earmuffs and sunglasses?

    One more thing, ya can't cheat and run on the grass to be second into the movie, this isn't Iowa.

  21. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Will all of the Joe McG-haters complain about what an a-hole Nick Broomfield was to try to get an interview from Frank Bailey, just as Joe did?

  22. Smirnonn1:11 PM

    "... and take pride in the fact that Sarah Palin now hates you too! Welcome to the club!"

    Proud to be a card carrying member!

  23. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Gryphen, can you tell me if Shailey Tripp is in this?

  24. Erlene1:22 PM

    Dear Frequently Defeated Granny,

    Lovebug, your "I'm thinkin' about runnin' for POTUS" gig is almost up. My advice to you is to bring out the "Belmont Beauties", short skirts, hooker shoes and beat that SarahHACK drum for all it's worth this month.

    Time's a wastin'


    PS: A long blonde wig -clean, but a bit messy like you just woke up- will help free up some extra dollars from the male 'bots.

  25. JayKen Knotstirred1:28 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Do you think Nick will mention Trigs missing birth certificate?

    PS I donated money for this premier to help bring you down! Please add my name to your enemies list.

  26. Anonymous1:40 PM

    OT: Ruh, roh. CAT FIGHT!!!! Ann Coulter is not that in to Sarah Palin anymore. Neither is Laura Ingraham. Man, Karl Rove is brutal - they're all piling on. They don't like her "fans". Poor Mann made the mistake of criticizing Sarah and the attack bots went after her/him. Too bad.

  27. Anonymous1:40 PM

    take pride in the fact that Sarah Palin now hates you too! Welcome to the club!"

    I'm thinking about marketing a Tee Shirt that says "I am and FDR Democrat. I welcome your hate."

    Sometimes the hate feels good.
    Like when it's Sarah Palin's.
    However, I live about 6000 miles away from her, so it makes it a lot easier to endure.

  28. Anonymous1:43 PM

    One more thing about the marathon. For months now I have noticed that almost every other car here in Nashville has a 13.1 sticker on it. At first I thought it was referring to a Bible passage, we see lots of bumper stickers with Bible references here in the Bible Belt. It took me a while to figure out that 13.1 was a half marathon. I find it hard to believe that all these people have run half marathons and I'm now wondering if there is some other insider religious message with this sticker and Sarah's race. Just a thought.

  29. Anonymous1:44 PM

    The last time I saw this picture of Nick Broomfield I was treated to some juicy "insider" info from "Me again". Any chance he/she is back from vacation and dishing more about all-things Palin.

  30. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I'm soo excited to go to the premier at TIFF!!! There's usually a question and answer with the director after Im sure there will be great questions!

  31. Smirnonn2:11 PM

    @JayKen Knotstirred:

    Your posts crack me up. Keep it up!! :)



  32. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Anon 1:05, of course they won't complain! Joe hurt their feelings-wahhhh! They couldn't handle their own BS and hypocrisy being thrown right back at them!! They are as thin skinned and narrow minded as Sarah Palin and her bots. And they care more about their wounded egos and holier than thou attitudes then they do about the general goal we all share-exposing Sarah. Extremism on either side is a big problem. Those in that category sadly can't admit or see this about themselves though.

  33. Anonymous2:22 PM

    @ 11:41 so, so funny. Thank you.

  34. Anonymous2:35 PM

    I believe Nick's documentary will be laced with so many delicious morsels that it will require numerous viewings to catch and savor them all.

    O/T .. These protesters make me proud. I bet Ryan didn't have too many constituents left to participate in his paid saree since quite a few were escorted out.

  35. Anonymous2:47 PM

    This really made my day and it needs to be yelled from the rooftops.

    Op-Ed: My apologies, Mr. President...

    President Obama. Greetings, sir. I come to you with a humble heart and mind just more than three years since I first saw you in Charleston; less than that since we all saw you sworn in as our 44th president.

    I come to you now with an apology, because I have, like so many others in our nation, taken the last 30 months off from a civil discourse while waiting for you to deliver the message of hope on your own. Yes sir, so many of us have stood by and watched the GOP resist everything you promised to try and deliver, while your own party did little to publicly fight for the same agenda. I think most of us were hanging on to nothing more than the hope, sir. We forgot that we all must work together to achieve the ends.

    You secured 53 percent of the popular vote, won 57 percent of the states’ ballot boxes including D.C. and the special Nebraska district, and 67 percent of the electoral votes, Mr. President. Where did we go after January 21, 2008?

    There is no good answer to provide, sir. We fell back on human nature; the same one that drives us to knowingly trust our parents as children, and to have faith in a higher being, in God, as we mature. We thought you were invincible. We forgot the many adversaries, foreign and domestic, that you were called to swear to uphold and defend against. We watched, or ignored, a vitriolic rhetoric, now fueled by million-dollar special interest groups and those still in denial of our natural process of working to form a more perfect union, that had begun well before you won the election. Sadly, sir, we helped put you in this position; letting the situation around you get out of control.

    I cannot answer for anyone but me, Mr. President. I can pledge however, that from this moment going forward, I will not just stand and wait for orders or results before I make a contribution that I already know is mine to make; from speaking with my family, friends, neighbors, and community, to continually making myself economically productive, to accounting for my dollars private and public, to looking out for the least of those around us, to supporting our troops who should be set to begin coming home after you led our intelligence community to the termination of the conflict with Osama bin Laden. Yes, Mr. President. You’ve done what you promised. Now, it’s time for the American people to deliver. I am ready, and I am in.


    Kent Fletcher

  36. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I'm in Houston and I'm so bummed because you probably won't make it out here. :( I can't stand Sarah Paylin! It irritates the hell out of me when people show up to her speaking engagements with "Texas for Palin' on the side of their bus. All I can think is, you a$$holes are making us look bad! Oh well, I'll be visiting the fam in Cali for the holidays please try to get it in Long Beach by then. I'm DYING to see this baby!

  37. Anonymous3:10 PM

    My sister is a marathon runner and I have to say I don't think there's any subliminal religious message about 13.1. Nashville is one of the cities that has a Rock 'n Roll Marathon, always fun for new runners, and I think that's probably why there are lots of bumper stickers.

    I have to say I like the way you think, though!

    Hi Sarah! Is your time up yet? Hi Bristol! Can't wait for someone to blab about your "godson!"

  38. Dinty3:10 PM

    Oops fogot link:

  39. *She HATES me. She really, really HATES me.*


    Good, bitch. The feeling is mutual.

    Hey Brisdull, if I BUY you a TICKET will you go with me?

    Purty, purty PLEASE?!?!?

  40. I have no interest in reading any of the books. I don't want to waste that much of my life on Palin. But this movie I will plan to see.

  41. WakeUpAmerica3:18 PM

    Oh I think those of us in Southern CA should have a meet up at the theatre. Whaddaya think?

  42. WakeUpAmerica3:24 PM

    Check here. This might answer your question.

  43. Just a guess, but I thought the "$20,000 for an interview" guy was Levi's lawyer. Sounds like Levi still believes he is a H-O-T commodity.

    Frightening the parallels between him and Brisdull, huh? Maybe those two whack-a-doos belong together. Who else will have them?

    (Sorry, Mercede, but your brother is a tool).

  44. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Anon 2:12

    It appears the only BS is your own.

    The facts baby -- the facts. Oh sorry -- like a Bot they get in your way. You wouldn't know one if it smacked you up side the head.

    At no time has the issue/discussion of an 'interview' with Bailey been the subject.

    The issue is the unethical actions which the curmudgeon McGinniss took with the manuscript.

    If you were educated, you might understand the publication industry. McGinniss' actions were unethical and Bailey et al can bring a case and be successful.

    McGinniss has damaged himself in that the industry is a big yet very small industry. They talk amongst themselves and many have agreed -- they'll not entertain anything that McGinniss might do in the future. He's therefore limited his field of opportunties.

    So your 'hypocrisy' blathering is just that.

  45. Anonymous3:56 PM

    No Bots tonight? It must be family time.

  46. Anonymous3:58 PM

    @Anonymous 2:47pm

    Many thanks for the link. Absolutely fabulous!

  47. Anonymous4:03 PM

    The documentary would be a hit in Alaska, imo.

  48. Wendy4:04 PM

    About 13.1 --
    It's the beginning of the well-known Corinthians entry :
    1 Corinthians 13.1-13

    If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give away all my possessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast,* but do not have love, I gain nothing.

    Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

    Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end. For we know only in part, and we prophesy only in part; but when the complete comes, the partial will come to an end. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways. For now we see in a mirror, dimly,* but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.

    This is not the language of the beautiful King James Bible but rather from:
    The New Revised Standard Version (Anglicized Edition), copyright 1989, 1995 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

  49. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Anonymous 1:44
    I'm soo excited to go to the premier at TIFF!!! There's usually a question and answer with the director after Im sure there will be great questions!


    Enjoy your time at the premiere this coming Sunday!!

    Hope you will report back to Gryphen about it. We all look forward to hearing 'all the details'!!!

  50. FEDUP!!!4:09 PM

    I just got from Malia's blog. A poster there had a good point: Did Nick Broomfield apply for the Alaska film credit? I mean, the film is MADE in Alaska... and if Grifter granny and her film companies can get credit, why shouldn't he be able to do the same?

    (Check out ... THAT LADY ROCKS!!!)

  51. Anonymous4:12 PM

    lots of vehicles rolling around Alaska with stickers that say nothing more than; 3022 feet....
    That would be the elevation of Mt Marathon down in Seward AK, with it being common practice for the competitors that run that event (on the 4th of July) to apply that sticker to their car

  52. Kimosabe4:29 PM

    Sarah vs Sarah - love your posts, witty, intelligent, spot on, with just the right dose of snark. Keep em coming.

  53. Anonymous4:37 PM

    So glad he got that comment from Howard Bess, and then put it in the trailer. Bess knows personally and painfully about her sociopathy.

  54. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Sarah Vs. Sarah 3:12
    *She HATES me. She really, really HATES me.*

    Palin a la 'Sally Field'!! LOL

  55. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Too bad Sarah Palin was not at the debates tonight. Sarah missed a great opportunity, I mean a great opportunity to have a photo op with Nancy Reagan.

    That is what Sarah is about, she is about money and photo ops, not about debating.

    Right Tawd!

  56. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Where is Sarah Palin tonight?

    Usually she stalks the Republican candidates and crashes their events at a nearby venue.

    For some reason Sarah avoids the debates like she does random questions.

  57. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The documentary would be a hit in Alaska, imo.

    4:03 PM

    We're waiting to see it.

    For some reason Sarah refuses to debut her Defeated movie here.

  58. Anonymous5:38 PM

    OT, but too bad Sarah Palin couldn't "woman up" and enter the Republican debate as a candidate for US Prez... guess she's not much of a
    mama grizzly after all.

  59. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Great! I would love to be able to see it live, but I'll have my copy to watch.

    Love the post at 2:47 pm. Thank you so much for sharing it.

    OT. Anyone watching the republican debate? Giant yawn fest, but Paul outdid Bachmann, he can get a gallon of gas for ten cents, only if it's silver. If I were a republican, I'd seriously think of changing parties.

    Obama was wise to let the "ladies" goe first this time. There's not one complete set of balls on that stage whatsoever.

  60. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Wendy, thanks for that. One of our most cherished Scripture passages.

    Quite obviously the Tea Party Christians have conveniently forgotten this teaching.

    Those bumper stickers probably refer to the half marathon, only.

  61. i also loved the post at 2:47. thank you.

  62. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Hi, Your Heinous. I know you;re reading this. How's that self-medicating going? No DOUBT you watched the GOP debate.

    Your inflated boob speech...candidates taking people's money? You're not FOR that? Explain your PAC. Explain the LLCs. Explain your holding out to grift your silly followers for their last DIME.

    We ALL know why you weren't on that stage tonight, now don't we???? FRAUD.


  63. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Anon at 2:12 PM

    Joe you shouldn't be posting here if you don't allow comments on your own blog.

    Your self promotion is so clear to everyone.

  64. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Looks like Michele B. really has stolen Screech's "look" ...her ratted mass of dirty unwashed hair looked just like one of Screech's wigs!

  65. Sweet anny7:08 PM

    Po' Sarah. From showing up uninvited, in too-big shoes, and slopping her food on herself, hoping someone, somewhere will like her.

    She's like the little girl that dresses up for a teaparty in her mama's shoes and makeup, desperately pretending to be a grownup.

    But, Sarah. The party is over, and sweety, we can all see you are tired.

    It's all coming out now. All the lies, and all the pretending, and how you have been stealing your followers money and dreams, and soon, all the criminal acts, I

    Go home, Sarah, and rest.

    You have been too long at the fair.

  66. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Who cares about the $Paylin. Look at the Murdochs! James and Rupert Murdoch are guilty of spying on ordinary civilians and celebrities and get away with that? Why? Because they OWN politicians and Lobbyists? (policeman goes w/out saying). YES.

    Murdochs are going DOWN like the political titanic that will follow. Follow the $. Also too, the politicians distancing themselves from Fox and all other criminal news sources owned by the Murdochs.

  67. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Cult Classic just like Pink Flamingos!!! Trailer Park trash at its finest. I'll be in LA for opening show, we should have a little party!

  68. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Mark 4:22

    Think about it, Sarah.......

  69. Anonymous7:46 PM

    How does John McCain sleep at night?

  70. Anonymous7:57 PM

    12:56 pm, that person sounded like Levi's lawyer to me. Maybe Gryphen can confirm this.

  71. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Thanks for entertaining by question on the 13.1 stickers. I had no idea so many people ran in marathons here.
    The passage certainly is not one I would expect these evangelicals to embrace especially. I guess Palin just really wants to be identified with being a runner.

    I appreciate the feedback.

  72. Sorry I should have cleared this up hours ago.

    The person that Nick is talking to about interviewing Levi is Tank Jones.

    I am kind of surprised more of you don't recognize his voice.

  73. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Just months ago, the myth-building version of a Sarah Palin documentary “The Undefeated” bombed so badly it barely fizzled. It was billed as the film that would allow America to know the “real Sarah” and fall in love, yet it was an impossible movie on almost every level. “The Undefeated” was a movie so cloyingly self-serving as to turn off even conservative Palin fan critics. The audience for the hagiography was more populated by press than actual paying customers, much like most of the Palin phenomenon. But now, just in time for the climax of Palin’s will she or won’t she 2012 Presidential tease, Nick Brooomfield’s hard-hitting documentary on Palin will hit theaters on September 30 — just days after its premier at the 2011 Toronto Film Festival.

    Deadline Hollywood reports:


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