Thursday, September 01, 2011

Must see excerpt from Nick Broomfield's documentary "Sarah Palin: You Betcha!"

(Clicking the picture will take you to Alaska WTF to see the video. One day back and already Diggler is scooping me, that figures.)

Did you see Anne Kilkenny Rev. Bess, and Sarah's parents?  This is going to be GREAT!

Update: It looks like Nick did make his goal of raising $30,000 on Kickstart, so this film will DEFINITELY make it into the theaters.

I also have somebody who assures me she will send a review after the screening at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 11th, so we should soon have a pretty good idea of exactly how good this documentary really is.

From what I have seen so far it is awesome!

Update 2:  I hear some people are having trouble making the video play at Alaska WTF. 

Here you go: Sorry for the frustration.


  1. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Looks like Nick got his $30,0000 and more! It's gonna be awesome!

  2. mysterygirl5:35 PM

    Woo-Hoo, this looks GREAT! I can't wait! This plus McGinniss's book, "Fred's" book, and even Levi's book! WOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Thank you!!! can't wait to see it

  4. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Let's all remember that it was THIS post that 'MeAgainAnonmyous decided to divulge what she knows and there's more coming on the
    3rd, so stay tuned:

    'As to the funny story recounted to me this morning--my source tells me the small circle still with Sarah is becoming more and more frustrated. She's obsessing over how she can get in front of what I have already revealed here and what I will be revealing in the future. She is frantically trying to get associates from several years ago to suddenly go on the record stating they saw her bare pregnant belly. She came right out and said "we can't have another person say they saw it through a layer of clothes!"
    So not surprisingly...nobody wants to be Sarah's eyewitness account savior. She's trying to act nonchalant in asking people to do it, basically saying the "liberals" are "picking on Trig" and if they would just do her this one tiny favor, it would really help "Trig". She is so gross!

    Two of her handlers have coined a new term (new to me at least) for this frenetic history revision she's obsessed with--SARAHNOIA. Brilliant, right? It is no small irony that even her closest "advisors" are making fun of her behind her back, given how she talks about people.

    Sarah has paid one of those info databanks to try and get dirt on Gryphen...she is so desperate to get people to stop reading/respecting Gryphen. Of course as you all can probably guess, all she's done is waste her money! (She has also tried in vain to figure out the identity of a certain blogger...and she's wasted her money there as well)'

  5. Anonymous5:42 PM

    OMG! That is great! I am sending money!

  6. Anonymous5:46 PM

    So we've got Levi's book.
    Joe's book. Fred's book. Nick's movie. More from AKM. More from Gryphen. More from Sadie. More from Shailey? and more coming from the Anonymous writer on the Broomfield post. We've got old bloggers reblogging. We've got polls sliding into the netheregions. Did I miss anything?

    Of course, that's not including what the GOP will trot out if she DOES announce, and everyone who said that if she does anounce a run for prez, they would feel compelled to come forward.

    It just gets better and better!

  7. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Yay! Father (Reverend?) Muthee's back!

  8. Somehow I seriously doubt this documentary is going to end up being shown on sheets strung up in people's

    Hey Sarah? You are sooo DONE.

  9. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Certainly this has been coined already:



  10. Anonymous5:56 PM

    He's kind of a jackass and doesnt know what decorum is. People I've spoken with said this would be biased. That trailer certainly proves it.

  11. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Wow. Pretty sweet! Helllllo mom and dad! I wonder if they inadvertently gave up any goods - such as the old water broke in Texas faux pas, probably the most damaging Sarah lie Chuck has ever shared. It spurred the bullshit wild ride story - thanks dad! Can't wait!
    Oh, and you are freaking out the Captain Obvious Palin family tonight - the comment section is great entertainment. Hi Sarah, Bristol.

  12. OMG! Now I wish I had donated. Is it too late? I loved this. Gryphen: can I chill my champagne? Please tell me when?

  13. FEDUP!!!6:10 PM

    I am sitting on needles here, waiting for the finale! I *REALLY* hope that this month is $arah's last one in the public eye, and that she will be in a padded room or in an orange jumpsuit after this for the rest of her life.
    (Can't believe that South Korea has invited her to be a keynote screecher!)

  14. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Coming from within the den of Sin.... Sarah's own FOX Network, they too are reporting that polls shows it is the end for Sarah Palin in 2012!

    "All in all, most voters -- 74 percent -- think Palin should stay on the sidelines in 2012. Just 20 percent think she should run for president."

  15. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:14 PM

    I. CAN'T. WAIT!!!!!

  16. Diggler said this: "Bonus! From this clip Palin’s parents look like a couple of fucking idiots. No wonder Sarah is an ignoramous coming from those two tards."

    The one parent looks like one of those stocking-net-faced dolls people put together with needle and thread, and the other looks like the very embodiment of a troll.

    Sarah Palin has to be a changeling. There's someone in north Idaho with badly crossed eyes...

  17. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I love the fact that Broomfield put in a bit of humor in this documentary. After seeing clips of the "Undefeated" I was leery about what his take would be (maybe too intensely dry and serious). His trailer had me laughing and actually looking forward to seeing it. Great job Nick B!

  18. OK Gryphen - I think it's time to get our ducks in a row. I'm totally late to the party but I just read the amazing comments from Anon 238/Me Again on the Nick Broomfield post on Aug 23 and I am absolutely blown away.

    This Anon Poster needs to have their own post on your inestimable blog. I know I know, I sound VERY bossy right now, so please excuse me, I'm a bit agitated from all the excitement!

    But again, I hope you will consider giving this poster some prime real estate on your blog which is read widely - including the fantastic Andrew Sullivan.

    Unless of course you have some doubts on the credibility of Anon 238 - in which case by all means, be cautious.

    It just would be very helpful to see of Anon 238's comments in the one place in the order they were posted.

    I really really truly hope this is the beginning of the end for Palin's ENDLESS deceptions.

  19. Anonymous6:27 PM

    QUERY: I believe lots of people are very afraid of Sarah - for some very good reasons.
    So why did Anne Kilkenny speak out when others won't - and did anything happen to Anne as a result of speaking out.

  20. Look at how fresh and pretty USED to be! She is a living example of how greed and duplicity can destroy you, inside and out.

    That's right, Sarah. You have lost the one thing that mattered: your looks.

  21. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Very professionally done and quite a contrast to Bannon's amateur hour home movie.

    FOX News poll out tonight just adds icing to the cake.
    Palin garners just 8% support , which is where she is in most polls.
    She truly is a " H8ter."
    Here's the best part.
    No one on the right wants her to run, no

    74% of all respondents say she should stay out.
    62% of White Evangelicals,
    66% of Tea Party ,
    72% of conservatives ,
    71 % of Republicans
    66% of Independents
    77% Women
    71% of Men.

  22. Anonymous6:35 PM

    sux to be $carah


  23. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Hi Sarah, Hi Bristol, so how does it feel to have authors, film-makers and bloggers giving YOU the Middle Finger?

  24. Okay let me address the Anon poster that everybody is STILL talking about.

    No I am NOT going to put all of her comments in one big post. At least not yet.

    While reading through them the other day, I noticed that she made it very clear that she was pretty concerned with people trying to out her.

    Putting them all front and center will clearly invite that kind of attack much more than keeping them where they are for now.

    So when she returns around September 3, I will ASK her if she would not mind having her comments made the subject of a post.

    If she agrees, well there you go.

    If not, that will be that.

    BTW, I DID do some checking and it appears she may indeed be the real thing.

  25. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Wow! That was indeed great.

  26. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Hey, 5:56 - at least he's getting to the truth. I'd hold on to your delusions as long as you can 'cause it's not going to pretty fairly soon.

    I wonder how long you are really going to hold onto the idea that Sarah Palin is the victim, that is is purer than the driven snow, that she is the good mother, the loving wife, the competent public servant.

    Hahahahahahahahahaha! You are in for such a rude awakening.

  27. Smirnonn6:45 PM

    Gryphen posted:

    "BTW, I DID do some checking and it appears she may indeed be the real thing."

    I felt as so all along but it's nice to hear the confirmation from you!

    Can't wait to see Nick's documentary!

  28. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Anonymous said...
    QUERY: I believe lots of people are very afraid of Sarah - for some very good reasons.
    So why did Anne Kilkenny speak out when others won't - and did anything happen to Anne as a result of speaking out.

    6:27 PM

    Why are people afraid of Sarah Palin, especially Tawd?

    Look at this video if you can and you will see why.

    It is not Sarah, but if Tawd could speak he may tell you that he was on the receiving end of a beating like this from mean girl Sarah after she found out about Shailey Tripp. Not because he slept with her, but because he withdrew money from Sarah’s account without getting permission.

  29. 5:55 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    He's kind of a jackass and doesnt know what decorum is. People I've spoken with said this would be biased. That trailer certainly proves it.


    OMG seriously?? You're going to try to spin it THAT way?? Wow, the irony is strong in you...

    I guess you considered "The Undefeated" fair-minded right? Totally UNbiased huh??

    Oh and Toad? The "jackass" comment kinda gave you away..

    Hope you got that extended warranty for that new fridge you're going to need soon!!!

  30. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Awesome trailer you Betcha Too and Also.... Good for Nick and the wonderful Grypen, (who is constructing his own book I hope).

  31. laprofesora6:49 PM

    I think this is the absolute first time in my life that I'm anxiously awaiting September!

  32. O/T but apparently Scarah isn't the only one with an eating disorder...LOL

    I'm sure Scarah has some extra diet pills laying around she can spare...

  33. Anonymous6:50 PM

    @Gryphen, 6:29. Thank you for checking. That is a relief! I want to get excited about his/her posts, too. Thanks for protecting Anon.

  34. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Oh, boy, oh, boy, so glad this clip hit the net just before Sarah is scheduled to give her little speech at the TP event tomorrow.

    I hope this clip and the documentary get a wide, wide audience.

    BTW - Ed Shultz did a great number on Perry's crooked background tonight and a fantastic piece on Marco Rubio as well. Ed was really hot!

  35. Thanks Gryphen - you're a champ and I absolutely back your decision to wait and see what Anon 238 says.

    Anon 238 - you can trust Gryphen! He's a bit scruffy looking (hahaha) - but he's a big ol' pussycat really and most importantly, he protects his sources!!

  36. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Gryphen, like others I was not able to view the video that was linked to your post, but I found this one:

  37. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Unfrackingbelievebale! I love it! This type of "boots on the ground" documentary will most likely appeal to a wide audience. It was so nice to see familiar faces like Anne's, wonder if Andree gets a cameo? THAT'S one woman I'd love to hear from! Tenacious, wise, and outspoken for the people of Alaska.

    I've waited so long for this month to arrive!

    Thanks for the update on anonymous anonymous's comments and how you plan to deal with them. Very pragmatic and wise, as always.

    Gryphen, I don't say it enough, but I'm grateful for everything you've done, you now do, and will continue to do. Once Palin is put in her place as a footnote (with fugly painted nails and dirty toes), As long as there are crooked politicians, there'll always be a need for your blog.

    Thank You!

  38. Anonymous7:09 PM


  39. Anonymous7:10 PM

    G says ...

    BTW, I DID do some checking and it appears she may indeed be the real thing.

    6:39 PM

    GREAT news. Thanks, G.

  40. Anonymous7:10 PM

    This looks fantastic. I am looking forward to seeing it and I hope to God the media will pay attention to it. We have a psychopath on the loose who thinks she should be president. Worse than that, there are plenty of morons out there who think she should be too.

  41. I don't feel comfortable making fun of elderly parents. Sarah has made her own mess. We don't have proof that either of them caused it.

    I used to feel uncomfortable making fun of Bristol, but now she's an adult and making her own messes.

    Still, the mess that matters most is all Sarah's doing. Here's to Nick and authors Joe and Fred and Levi and Geoffrey and Bailey et al. for trying to clean up her mess.

  42. Julie7:15 PM

    Gryphen, I feel 100% confident in saying your Anon poster is full of shit. 1. She says Bristol has 2 kids in LA. This is incorrect. 2. Her statements on Trig are incorrect. 3. Bristol is super busy and enjoying her time in LA. I again feel 100% confident those statements are incorrect.

    I will donate $500 to your blog if I am wrong.

  43. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Alright, our beloved Anon! Let's blow the lid off the grifter Queen.

  44. eva marie7:20 PM

    Oldie but a goodie.

    Boy Stephen Colbert has got the ex-Governor pegged!

  45. Anonymous7:20 PM

    >>Anonymous said...
    He's kind of a jackass and doesnt know what decorum is. People I've spoken with said this would be biased. That trailer certainly proves it.

    5:56 PM

    Awwwww, aren't disgruntled trolls adorable.

    Let's see, is it Sarah? Bristle? Toad? RAM? it's gotta be one of those.

    Well, decorum is certainly NOT
    part and parcel of the Palin kkklan, never was, never will be, so sorry little Palin troll, we are so jazzed to see the documentary (and yes, it really IS a documentary, not a mockumentary of the DEFEATED one)decorum be damned, though I found him rather funny myself.

    The jig is up Miss Thing and you are going DOWN! And the whole family of lying grifters along with ya!

    You really should have 'blinked' when crusty McCain threw you a bone.

  46. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Put up or shut up, "Julie." I'm sure Gryphen will give a forum to present you proof.

  47. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Boy, Ms. Palin has certainly degenerated in her physical appearance, hasn't she?

    Not attractive anymore (inside or out!). And, it's due to all the stuff she has brought upon herself during the past few years - i.e. stress in trying to keep up w/all her lies, fabrications of her life, lack of knowledge, etc.

    The woman is a total fraud.

  48. Anonymous7:36 PM

    "Julie" at 7:15, thanks for confirming that Bristol has her two youngest boys in LA with her. Tripp and what is it? Tristan?

    You do realize, don't you, that every time you Palins come on here and insist that something isn't true, it's a sure sign that it IS true?

    Oh, they're so strong; Oh, they're so happy...

    Oh, you're so stupid.

  49. Anonymous7:36 PM

    @Julie, spinner of myriad ludicrous Palin fairy tales, how can you show proof that you are "right"? Just donate the $500 to Gryphen now, honey bunch. The jig is up.

  50. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Robert Costa at NRO has excerpts of Palin's Iowa speech.
    No announcement-duh.
    Same old, same old.
    A big nothing from The Big Nothing.
    What kind of fools waste good money to come
    all the way to
    Bum F**k , Iowa
    to hear Palin screech her usual Hannity/ Greta word salad talking points ?
    Christine O'Donnell would have made things interesting at least.

  51. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Nope. No quarter for the elderly parents (although I appreciate your sensibility.) As a parent of four, three of whom are in young or older adulthood, I put myself in the Heath's shoes.

    No way, no how, would I hop on the Sarah Palin train to the extent they have unless I agreed 100% with my son or daughter. . .nor would I frankly, even put myself in the public forum. . .unless I agreed with any, or even most, of my children's POV or activities.

    As a parent, there is always the aw-gee out: I love my kid, I support her/him in anything they do, that does not mean that I agree with them in their politics.

    Or just shun the press. Completely.
    I am not a public figure, my daughter/son is. So simple.

    At one time, I recall, Sally Heath had a fairly independent voice. .. which appeared to be more or less Democratic.

    That water wasted itself under the bridge a long time ago.

    She's a tool. They are all tools, especially as grandparents with a certain responsibility watching over what their grandchildren are being subjected to by their daughter, Sarah Palin.

    Mic Mac

  52. KaJo said:

    Sarah Palin has to be a changeling. There's someone in north Idaho with badly crossed eyes...

    Ahem! KaJo is probably having a bit of fun, but I do find the difference between Sarah and her parents - especially the eye color - suspicious. It is unusual for two blue eyed people to have a brown eyed child.

    On another blog, one poster commented that Sarah not only did not look like her parents - she appeared to be of an entirely different ethnicity - she looks more like a Greek. The poster commented that it seems "daring" to say so, but she felt she should mention it. I could see exactly what she means about Palin's face.

    That whole family has mystery appearances - like Trig looking so like Levi, and Track looking nothing like either of his dark haired parents. And the two children looking the same age ...

  53. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Anonymous at 5:56 writes:

    "He's kind of a jackass and doesnt know what decorum is. People I've spoken with said this would be biased. That trailer certainly proves it."

    Do you want your bologna in chunks or sliced?

    Sometimes being a jackass is a "Good Thing" if you want to interview people, it breaks the ice and allows them to feel free to tell the truth.

    And "decorum" is in the eye of the beholder.
    Is using your kids as human shields and props, "decorum"?
    Calling people derogitory words on Facebook "decorum"?
    Dry humping some shirtless guy on a dance floor (literally on the floor while on your back) "Decorum"?
    Is calling your child's father a "gnat" and telling the most intimate details of your slutty teenage sex life in a book "decorum"?
    Telling people to act one way, when you yourself do the exact opposite, and make money for it "Decorum"?
    Is moving to LA to do a "reality show" while exploiting your child to make money "Decorum"?

    If so, Take your "Decorum" and bologna, and sell it to the "people you speak with".

    No one here is buying it.

  54. Anonymous7:42 PM


    Me thinks it's you that full of defecation. Anonx2 is the real deal and you know it. We also know that you are either Scarah, Tawd, Bristol, Willow, Ram or some paid hack writing dribble.

    Bristol is probably getting a real rude awakening in LA. Not enjoying anything at all. Especially with all the beautiful, shapely ladies out there. All she has is her self loathing, her hate, her internalized hate of her mother and her meaness to comfort her.

    She is a country hick outside of her element in liberal LA. So I don't buy it about her having a wonderful time. The fact that you had to mention it tells me that she is not doing so well there. People won't tolerate her small minded, small time bigotry and they are probably splitting their sides laughing at her ignorant mom.

    Take your lies elsewhere. Game over for the Alaskan Girfters Supreme.

    Hey......maybe they could move to South Korea!!!

  55. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Gryphen - Thank you for following up re: anon poster. I appreciate you always trying to do the right thing - in this case respecting a person who does not fear for themself, but for a person they care about.

    I am glad you believe in the credibility of this person as I feel this is factual information being provided.

    Gotten from Laura's blog:

    Take a close look at Bristol @ the 20 sec. mark. It shows her extremely pregnant with her DWTS "Godson". Anon was right on the money - I just wonder when the Palins plan on introducing their new grandson?

    I just wish I was tech savy enough to capture this image to preserve it. If anyone (Gryph?) has the know-how I think it would be wise to get it backed-up before it disappears.

    Looking forward to 9/3!

  56. Julie - I'm 100% confident you are full of shit.

    Hi Sarah! Or Bristol! Cute pen-name...Julie...aww sweet.

    Also....claiming a statement is "incorrect" and claiming to 100% KNOW it is incorrect and then NOT providing ANY evidence or proof or even any details for your assessment usually means it's just opinion.

    Just cuz you use "100% confident" doesn't mean we're gonna believe you no questions asked.

  57. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Julie said...
    Gryphen, I feel 100% confident in saying your Anon poster is full of shit. 1. She says Bristol has 2 kids in LA. This is incorrect. 2. Her statements on Trig are incorrect. 3. Bristol is super busy and enjoying her time in LA. I again feel 100% confident those statements are incorrect.

    I will donate $500 to your blog if I am wrong.
    7:15 PM

    Nice try. If you know so much, why not say how you know it and provide evidence to back it up? Otherwise, this just smacks of desperation. "Really, believe ME! I'll even give you money, because I believe so strongly in MY "truth." Please.

    Time will tell. I suspect you'll be the one holding the bag.

  58. FrostyAK7:53 PM

    The trailer looks great. Nick found all of the right people locally. Good research.

    MAYBE September will be the last we see of the Wild Alaskan Dingbat (dingbatus alaskus)? One species extinction I could cheer for.

  59. Anonymous7:54 PM

    FYI - Google is telling me that Mudflats is infected with Malware. Anyone else getting that warning?

  60. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Holy shit! You go Mrs. Cottle! I'm going to shake her hand next time I see her at the hockey rink. Hahaha...

  61. emrysa7:58 PM

    glad to hear you've done some checking gryphen, because that person's posts sound remarkably similar to someone who was running around this time last year leaving all kinds of tidbits about brisdull and dwts - you know who I am talking about. I can't read these new posts without a huge feeling of dejavu. don't you have a friend who is very computer savvy who also might be able to tell if someone is using a proxy server? thanks for checking, it's all we can ask.

  62. Anonymous7:59 PM

    As long as there are crooked politicians, there'll always be a need for your blog.


    Gryphen will be blogging forever, as crooked politicians will never not exist.

  63. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Keith is KICKING ASS!

  64. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Lest any of us ever forget, this is only the beginning and now we are near the end.

  65. Julie said...

    Gryphen, I feel 100% confident in saying your Anon poster is full of shit. 1. She says Bristol has 2 kids in LA. This is incorrect. 2. Her statements on Trig are incorrect. 3. Bristol is super busy and enjoying her time in LA. I again feel 100% confident those statements are incorrect.

    I will donate $500 to your blog if I am wrong.


    Get your checkbook ready Julie!

    1) So how many kids DOES she have in LA? Enough to rent Neverland?

    2) Just what was said about Trig that was "incorrect"?? We can see for ourselves that his eyes are messed up.

    3) Bristol is happy in LA? You sure about that? How happy is she going to be when her show is cancelled??

    I feel 100% confident that YOU are the one full of shit. Shouldn't you be doing your homework Willow? You don't want to end up like your sister do you??

  66. Anonymous8:11 PM

    get your wallet out julie


  67. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Julie @ 7:15
    (or is it Bristol/Willow)

    Why don't you provide your contact info so that Gryphen can collect the money you promised when you are proven wrong. ("I will donate $500 to your blog if I am wrong.)

    With things rapidly falling apart around the Palin lies, you may find yourself owing Gryph the $500.

    Don't call anyone else a liar while you spew your delusional shit!

  68. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Wow! GREAT news about Nick's kickstarter project. Well done everyone!

  69. Julie8:21 PM

    You ask me to provide proof of MY knowledge, yet NOT the ANON poster???????

    WOW, Can anyone name what's wrong here?

  70. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Oh, I see the flying monkeys have been officially dispatched!

    Wow, Nick seems to have touched a raw nerve, ya think?

    OT The visual of the older photos compared to the newer ones is a bit hard to look at. She was once somewhat attractive!

    Sometimes I kind of feel sorry for Sarah, but I think of that poor dented fridge, and it passes quickly.

  71. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Hey, for all you super sleuths.
    What was Kris Perry's background and education before shacking up with Sarah?
    And - there was a woman who served in a primary role in Sarah's inner circle, and abruptly resigned without much notice. I think from Eagle River. Does anyone remember who this is?

  72. Jessica Darling8:24 PM

    Yes and THAT person who was running around with tidbits last year was lying out of her ass. Like someone iver at Laura's said, you cannot compress a pregnant belly. At Bristols Vidalia speech, her midsection was flatter than a PANCAKE. Nice try Anon/MediaInsider. I KNOW.

  73. Am also getting the malware warning on the Mudflats blog. Geez....chaos everywhere!!

  74. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Track looks like Chuck Jr and Sarah as well as Piper, Sarah is the perfect combo of her parents, Molly looks like Sally, Heather looks like Chuckles, Tripp looks like HEather and Chuckles and Bristol, WIllow is Todd with a wig, Trig looks like Willow and Todd.

  75. Julie8:32 PM

    Um, you will see I am correct when you discover there are no more than two toddlers currently in the Palin family for starters.

  76. Yeah, ok, you believe that8:34 PM

    "People won't tolerate her small minded, small time bigotry and they are probably splitting their sides laughing at her ignorant mom. "


    That's interesting because I've never heard anyone ever describe Bristol as such. That is, people who've met her. You're so hateful. Every time you attack Bristol for her slightly overzealous facebook remarks last Nov, you prove you're a hypocrite.

    I guess your mother taught you verbally attacking people is okay? Ok I understand now.

  77. Anonymous8:42 PM

    WOW. Looking at all these images of Sarah from not that long ago, she has really gotten haggard and has lost all the softness she had. There was a time that Sarah was actually pretty, but she's descended into a caricature of her former self and she oozes rage and paranoia, distrust and vindictiveness. All the softness is gone and has been replaced by a shrill battleax.

    Let me just say to you, Sarah, are on the trash heap of squandered beauty,and every time you show up, you look worse...dirtier, skankier, shriveled and old. You have become your WORST fear and Ugly has been.

  78. Anonymous8:45 PM

    I'm seriously concerned Sarah will have a major breakdown, or worse. Don't get me wrong. I don't have one iota of sympathy for her, nor her enablers. However, she'll probably be seen as some sort of martyr by her loyalists.

    The "liberal media" and the "haters" will be blamed by the people who saw this coming before anyone outside Wasilla ever heard of her (i.e. her enablers).

    I won't be dancing a jig when her imminent implosion happens. I'm too concerned about the repercussions.

    I'll still have a bottle of Moet, though, to toast Gryphen (and Regina, Audrey, AKM, Bree, Nick, etc. etc. etc.). Bless you for your perseverance of truth and justice.

  79. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Thank you Julie for confirming what we suspected. That Brisol is miserable, that she WAS pregnant on DWTS and DID have a baby boy being pawned off as a 'godchild'. Yeah, we know the drill by now. When you come and say one thing...
    'Julie'...we know it's just the opposite. So, EPIC FAIL on your attempts to muddy the waters.

  80. Anonymous8:52 PM

    This has been a week where I've missed Jon Stewart (returns on Tuesday) and Bill Maher who is not back until September 16th.

    What fun Maher could have had with the Palin/O'Donnell BitchWitch Dance!!!

  81. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Affirmative, anonymous 7:54

    my anti virus wouldn't let the page load and reported six possible threats after the scan four low risk and two high risk.

  82. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Brisket and SP-sucks to be you!

  83. Anonymous9:12 PM

    dewd, like your drivel is soooo sophomoric, sooooo totally wasillian...

    why don't one of you lazy slack asses go clean the fukin' moldy/caked powdered soap out'a the bleach dispenser in your washing machine.or.something

  84. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Anonymous said... Julie,Me thinks it's you that full of defecation. Anonx2 is the real deal and you know it. We also know that you are either Scarah, Tawd, Bristol, Willow, Ram or some paid hack writing dribble. Bristol is probably getting a real rude awakening in LA. Not enjoying anything at all. Especially with all the beautiful, shapely ladies out there. All she has is her self loathing, her hate, her internalized hate of her mother and her meaness to comfort her. She is a country hick outside of her element in liberal LA. So I don't buy it about her having a wonderful time. The fact that you had to mention it tells me that she is not doing so well there. People won't tolerate her small minded, small time bigotry and they are probably splitting their sides laughing at her ignorant mom. Take your lies elsewhere. Game over for the Alaskan Girfters Supreme. Hey......maybe they could move to South Korea!!! 7:42 PM
    I think you mean North Korea, Dipshit,Drugged-Out Palin's friend.

    Also, too, I think Media Insider came out in the comments and said she was not this latest anon. So let's wait to see the latest bomb shells. It's going to be good, I don't doubt. And when it comes out, I'll be drinking the champagne and sending Gryphen some money, also, too and. Also. I'm going to be even happier if something comes out where this entire Klan ends up in orange jump suits and chrome handcuffs. And also. Too.


  85. Anonymous9:34 PM

    So Sarah Palin's parents both have blue eyes and she has brown? Then Chuck Heath is not her biological father.
    bb + bb = bb , NOT Bb or BB
    Impossible for her to get brown eyes from that mix.

    So her mom was pregnant with someone else's kid when she got married, just like Sarah? wow. I wonder if they all know about this, how could they not with the eye thing?

  86. Anonymous9:41 PM

    emrysa -

    Did you not understand this sentence?

    While reading through them the other day, I noticed that she made it very clear that she was pretty concerned with people trying to out her.

    Are you thick? She's concerned about being outed. She posted on Gryphen's blog because she trusts him not to out her. Now you're giving him tips on how to out her.

    Nice try, bot.

  87. Anonymous9:47 PM

    I can barely wait to be in the theater audience to see this movie and it's going to be so much fun laughing out loud at Sarah's confusion and foolish shenanigans on the big screen. Just think, people all over America laughing in theaters at Sarah Palin! LOLOLOLOL

    PS - They should have put this trailer out while fund-raising! I'll definitely be buying tickets and treating friends & family if it comes anywhere near Seattle! Maybe Stewart or Colbert will have Nick on their show. I hope he gets tons of press so America can all laugh together at the faker.

  88. DominionistEscapee9:52 PM

    Julie, your language is very interesting. You mention Bristol not having two kids in L.A. and the Palin family having "no more than" two toddlers. But the DWTS baby wouldn't be a toddler yet, and Bristol could be in LA with three leave these possibilities open...

  89. JayKen Knotstirred9:55 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?

  90. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Julie -

    I'd be 5% confident you're not full of shit if you could explain this to me.

    You say "3. Bristol is super busy and enjoying her time in LA." Apparently she's been quite busy sending "work-related" texts, to the point where Kyle is miffed that she's on the phone constantly.

    What's Bristol's other job, besides "Reality Show Star"? Does she get paid per post by SarahPAC? I noticed there was a similar theme and tone to the multiple "fairy tale troll" comments, until Kyle's complaint became public.

  91. "This has been a week where I've missed Jon Stewart and Bill Maher who is not back until September 16th.
    What fun Maher could have had with the Palin/O'Donnell BitchWitch Dance!!! 8:52 PM"
    Bill just visited my little burg in So OR last Fri nite. I was so afraid there wouldn't be a crowd as this area votes a little more conservative than the rest of the state. But --- a Sold Out crowd of the nicest folks around, clapping, whistling and having a great time. He took care of the Boobsey twins in short order and the crowd roared with laughter. Sorry to everyone missing his HBO show but this town needed a healthy dose of reality -- Bill style.

  92. Anonymous10:17 PM

    It's easy to tell when Gryphen has a good post. The troll(s) come out. The comments from the anonymous writer have provoked a great response. The comments must have some truth to them to produce such responses. The one thing that we can count on is that people in the Palin family have very thin skin and the need to respond to every comment, post and remark.

    The anonymous writer said that Bristol wasn't testing well in front of trial audiences. That might make her pretty defensive. Let's be honest. Bristol has had no acting, singing, dancing or speaking experience or training. She's not a natural.

    I look forward to more comments from the writer. I hope that she'll drop some more hints on how to find the original birth certificate, those hospital photos or something that would document the comments. They are believable, but they need to be validated one way or another.

    Even if Sarah isn't going to be a candidate, she still has the power the hurt people. Her political influence is harmful to the country. And now, she'll be on the international stage as a world expert about the economy. Oh please stop this woman before does any more harm.

  93. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Nick Broomfield has a nice website with trailers of films and lists of awards. No amount of insults from Palin will be able to dispute that Broomfield is an accomplished filmmaker.

  94. JayKen Knotstirred10:25 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question,

    Q: If they book the same AMC in Orange, CA...(just one of 15 theaters of your opening night "UnDebacle" movie premier), do you believe I will buy five tickets, take a picture of my self with a sign in front of the theater that says...

    "Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?"

    and post it here?

    A: Yes. I will.

    C'mon down to The OC for Nicks premier. My backyard. Get out in front of the story with a photo op next to John Wanye! He, who embodies the True North spirit of the 'Mericun frontier!

    Orange County is John Wayne Country, heck the airport is named after him! (Hint, Rill 'Mericuns love a photo op in front of the 12 foot bronze statue with a 50 foot 'Mericun flag draped behind it!) Can't miss it when you fly in! You too Bristol! It's a short drive from Hollywood to be able to throw Red, White, and Blue meat to the Bots at C4P! Of course,bring the "Reality Cameras" along. Don't forget Tripp! Or Trig!

    Oooops! I just ruined that photo op for the both of ya didn't I...?

    PS: I'm gonna take 4 friends to Nicks movie and Rocky Horror" you!

  95. Anonymous10:27 PM

    "On another blog, one poster commented that Sarah not only did not look like her parents - she appeared to be of an entirely different ethnicity - she looks more like a Greek."

    Funny you mention that, since Tina Fey has Greek heritage.

  96. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Is anyone else experiencing blocks to the Mudflats blog? It's happened to me twice tonight.

  97. emrysa10:55 PM

    anon @ 9:41 pm sez:

    "emrysa -

    Did you not understand this sentence?

    While reading through them the other day, I noticed that she made it very clear that she was pretty concerned with people trying to out her.

    Are you thick? She's concerned about being outed. She posted on Gryphen's blog because she trusts him not to out her. Now you're giving him tips on how to out her.

    Nice try, bot."

    bot? rofl, haven't been here long, have you. why do you assume I am giving him tips on how to out her? are you thick?

    if gryphen checks the ip and finds that anon is legit, then he doesn't have to say a damn word, we'll understand that he's checked it out. if anon is NOT legit, then he can let us know so people will stop falling all over themselves wanting to believe what this person is writing. can you get that, or is it too complicated for you?

  98. Poor Sarah10:59 PM


    I know you're starting to get REALLY bummed right about now ...

    I mean, it's gotta be just AWFUL to realize that the jig is up ... that your lies and fakery are about to be exposed ... and all that lovely money is about to stop pouring in ... (and let's not even think about possible criminal charges)...

    And all this right before you have to go give a great big speech, too.

    BUT ... before you curl up in a coma with your honey buns, you need to go do something -- right now!

    Go into the kitchen and leave a note for Todd to buy some butter and jam, because

    You are TOAST !!!!!

    Or, better yet:

    Sarah, vous êtes grillé !!!

    There ... now you're FRENCH TOAST !!!

    Dormez bien.

  99. I enjoyed the trailer. The documentary looks like an entertaining film! I can't wait to see it.

  100. Anonymous11:33 PM

    The amazing thing is how Sarah has aged during the past couple of years. I believe the hatred and secrets have taken a toll on her face and body. Can't wait for insider anon to post again. Would love for the insider to have gotten pics of the soft porn pics of Sarah and the girls than Mudflats mentioned.

  101. The trailer looks interesting.... a Fargo-esque quality to the movie.

    But I hope it focuses on Sarah's graft and corruption, not how shitty a person she is.

  102. Anonymous1:57 AM

    OT, but did anyone else notice that Joe took down his Bristol-is-a-bad-mother-for-exploiting-Tripp-in-her-reality-farce? I wonder why...I.thought he made a good point.

  103. Irishgirl2:27 AM

    OMG...was that Wootten that said he looked after the Palin kids for four years? This is shaping up to be a very bad month for Palin.

  104. O/T here, but relevant to Gryphen's other posts. HuffPo has front-paged a "What is Dominionism?" piece:

    It's a good summary, and a nice intro to those aren't aware that there's a difference between traditional Christianity and this more dangerous version. And they specifically highlight Perry & Bachmann's associations.

    A bright light to hopefully make those cockroaches scurry!!!

  105. Anonymous3:21 AM

    I remember when Mumar Ghadaffi started his reign when he looked so handsome in his military uniform. I thought he was really good looking. Look at him lately. Well, I see $carah on that same path. The ugly inside eventually works it's way out. She looks like Hell lately, must be losing sleep, popping pills and worried about the truth coming out.

  106. Anonymous3:51 AM

    So what "Julie" is saying is that Bristol is in L.A. with more than two toddlers. BTW, who's the second toddler, Trig?

    Oh Willow, you think you are so clever. $500? I think a grown-up would bet a lot more if they were so sure they were right.

  107. Anonymous4:07 AM

    The one thing that we can count on is that people in the Palin family have very thin skin and the need to respond to every comment, post and remark.


    Why do you assume family members comment here? I am not a family member, nor Alaskan, but I can tell fiction from fact any day.

  108. Julie4:10 AM

    Kyle's complaint became public.


    Whoa! Hold the phone. Kyle has never publicly complained about Bristol. He does upload photos of their Disney trip, having fun. He does address her on twitter.

    An anon comment is not Kyle addressing something. If you think it is (and Gryphen thinks it is, then this blog has serious credibility issues)

  109. Julie4:16 AM

    I know for a fact Trig is in AK. I know for a fact there are only 3 children under 4 in the Palin family: Trig, Tripp and now Kyla.

    You'd be better off NOT believing ridiculous things.

    Please think about this seriously. A pregnant belly cannot be reduced to nothing one day and look big the next. We know this. This is the leading argument of babygate. So, explain to me why Bristol attended her Vidalia speech with a flat belly (slim body all around, prob due to spanx) andthe next day looked normal. Spanx is amazing. I use them semi regularly. Please explain how she pretty much maintained her weight from about mid Oct on. She has no bigger for the season finale as she was in week 3. We've seen the xmas pictures. Many people have seen her in person (GMA, the view, haiti, Aces game around Jan 2nd) Her ghost writer lived with the Palins for 2-3 mos (can't remember exact time period) but she mentioned the xmas lights and traveling with them.

    Common sense says you're all nuts. Bristol has never been a recluse in 2010-2011. Shes constantly with friends and on playdates. There is no baby. There IS a hateful commenter who obviously enjoys being manipulative. What a nice person. Reminds me of Mediainsider to a tee.

  110. Anonymous4:19 AM

    wow anon 9:34, Your logic is astoundingly ridiculous. how would you explain Tripp then, blond and blue eyed? Levi's hair may have been lighter, but it wasn't platinum blond.

    Sarah looks just like her dad at time, though she looks more like her mother. Tripp looks just like Heather and Chuck.

  111. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Why does it suck to be Bristol?

  112. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Julie @ 7:15 has been on many of the Palin-related (anti) blogs. Ignore her.

  113. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Anon 4:19 Please understand basic genetics.

    Two blue eyed people can produce ONLY blue eyed children, as blue eyes are recessive ( anybody with blue eyes possesses only blue-eyed genes ) .

    Two brown eyed people MAY have a blue eyed child if they possess a recessive blue-eyed gene.

    It actually is a bit more complicated than that, so I will stick to the basic principle of dominant/recessive for a single gene.

  114. So. Freaking. Excited!!!


    Also, too, funny thing about Brisdull. She's probably as big a slut (or bigger!) than Kim Kardashian, but because of all this "pure x-tian girl" shit she has to act like a life size Melba toast!!

    BOOOOOOOORING, Bridull!!

    And that, chickie, is why your agent is calling to tell you the BAD NEWZ (CANCELLED!!) in 3, 2, 1...


    (Oh, yeah. And see if you and Kyle are still, ahem, "Friends" after y'all are cancelled!) ;)

    **You with the stars in your eyes**

  115. Anonymous4:44 AM

    ""He's kind of a jackass and doesnt know what decorum is""

    You're so right about Toad.

  116. Anonymous4:46 AM

    ""Anonymous Jessica Darling said...

    Yes and THAT person who was running around with tidbits last year was lying out of her ass. Like someone iver at Laura's said, you cannot compress a pregnant belly.""

    I see you agree that Sarah was not pregnant with Trig.

  117. Anonymous4:47 AM

    ""Anonymous Julie said...

    Um, you will see I am correct when you discover there are no more than two toddlers currently in the Palin family for starters.""

    Yes,where did Sarah stash Trig?

  118. Anonymous4:51 AM

    ""Every time you attack Bristol for her slightly overzealous facebook remarks last Nov, you prove you're a hypocrite.

    I guess your mother taught you verbally attacking people is okay? Ok I understand now.""

    You just have to be a Palin because you are incredibly foolish.

    I guess Bristol's mother taught her it was ok to be slightly overzealous when verbally attacking people.

  119. OT but there are SO many good stories right now!
    Bachmann is swinging at Perry
    Duuude,the Joe M. "story"

    With these Joe M. e-mails...
    And here's the post on the Koch brother who bought a town! (Like the Monopoly dude).


  120. Virginia Voter4:54 AM

    Julie, honey, please provide pictures or a link to back up your assertions, cause the pictures I saw on the View website when DWTS ended, clearly show Bristol with a huge belly. In Haiti , Bristol hid behind children in an oversized tshirt and scarf, and the one photo Greta Van S tweeted out showed Bristol sitting down with a very obvious pregnant belly.

    After that Bristol disappeared to Arizona, and reemerged a couple of months later with a new face. So, basically either you are Bristol, Sarah, and Willow posting here day after day, or you are one deranged stalker who is obsessed with the Palin family .

    We know it's you Bristol. May I suggest you and your mother get in front of this story before it explodes in your faces. Have you learned nothing from John Edwards, Arnold Schwarzenegger , etc? Those dirty little secrets only stay hidden for so long.

  121. Oh, and the Brisdull video appears to be DOA on the E! site.

  122. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Gryphen, I am delighted with your response that you are protecting the special Anon.

    Well done and a great decision.

  123. Anonymous5:44 AM

    I laughed at 0:47 in the video --when the TV person said

    "Saran POLLEN was officially sworn in as mayor"

    Even back then -- she was seen as an 'allergy'!!!!!!!

  124. Bristol attended her Vidalia speech with a flat belly (slim body all around, prob due to spanx) andthe next day looked normal.

    What. the. Fuck. is a "Vidalia speech"?

    Show the pictures.

    Or Shut. The Fuck. Up.

  125. comeonpeople6:22 AM

    OMG I can't wait to see this!!
    How can be knoe where it is being distributed? I want to see this film! Gonna send some money, too!

  126. ManxMamma6:24 AM

    Anon 9:41. emrysa has been around for a long time. It is about time people stop throwing the charge of 'bot' at anyone they dislike. Enough already. Put on your grown-up pants.

  127. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Re: 7:15

    Note the qualifier: "in LA"

    Maybe they are in a suburb of LA.

  128. Anonymous6:33 AM

    8:32 Julie:

    Oh . key word is toddler.... hmmmm....guess the other is a baby?

  129. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I wonder about this....

    Rememeber the folks who "scrubbed" the computers during the campaign?

    Well, it's a sure bet they have a copy of what was on those computers.

  130. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Julie said...
    Um, you will see I am correct when you discover there are no more than two toddlers currently in the Palin family for starters.

    8:32 PM

    Of course Miss Julie, but how about infants? (Less than one year old?) See, you are parsing your words carefully I see. The queation we want answered is how many CHLDREN, total, of all age groups came from Bristles loins??

  131. Anonymous7:03 AM

    lol@ "No...Big...Fancy...Words!"

  132. Anonymous7:05 AM


    Megham McCain wrote on the Daily Beast that the problem with Christine O'Donnell:

    "promoted and lauded for her association with Tea Party values yet not vetted in the way someone seriously considering running for Senate should be."

    Meghan McCain saying that O'Donnell wasn't 'VETTED'. OMG!!!!

    Still waiting for her excuse for Daddy not 'vetting' 'you know who'! Will Meghan admit -- Daddy was more interested getting into 'you know who's' pants than caring about qualifications. He doesn't get it at home.

  133. "Yeah, ok, you believe that said...

    "People won't tolerate her small minded, small time bigotry and they are probably splitting their sides laughing at her ignorant mom. "
    That's interesting because I've never heard anyone ever describe Bristol as such. That is, people who've met her. You're so hateful. Every time you attack Bristol for her slightly overzealous facebook remarks last Nov, you prove you're a hypocrite.

    I guess your mother taught you verbally attacking people is okay? Ok I understand now.
    8:34 PM
    Nice try. You forget Bristol threw her dreadful so-called "book" relentlessly in everyone's faces by jumping in front of every camera and microphone she could find. Through her own words, she exposed herself as the petty, not-too-bright, vindictive, ignorant, sleazy skank that she is.

  134. Anonymous7:54 AM

    sally heath has brown eyes she looks like an older sarah

  135. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Levi, when you were in Screech's bedroom showing her how a gun worked , did you see those soft porn pics of her and the girls in white undershirts? that would get your book to sell!!!!

  136. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Here are two screen grabs I made from that E! interview with Bristol Palin at her home in AZ:

    Pregnant Bristol? Screen Grab #1

    Pregnant Bristol? Screen Grab #2

    She certainly appears to be, ahem, very prominent around the midsection...

  137. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Anon @ 7:48 Thanks for posting that clip of Bristol at 'home' & pointing out Bristol at 20 sec..

    and Anon 8:05.. your screen grab shots.. Wow, just wow.

    Especially how you managed to get Shot #2.. when Bristol is turning around, It is just the shot I was most curious about..

    Together.. many thanks..

    And Gryphen, again... IM is such an NB & amusing blog..

    Never did I expect to see those screen grab photos.

  138. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Anon 8:05 - Thanks for grabbing these screen shots (I had no idea how to do it). There is no way that Bristol is not pregnant with her "Godson" in these pics. She looks about ready to "pop" out another Paylin. All of us wondering about her being pregnant during DWTS can now say that we were right!

    Yes, I believe what Anon238 has been telling us. There is proof in these pics. Just am wondering how the Palins will explain this new baby.

  139. Anonymous9:58 AM

    The E! Bristol interview aired on 2/4/11. How many weeks between it being shot and aired? I have no idea, but Bristol would have had time to "pop" another babe out and recover enough to have her plastic surgery debut in April.

    Also, if my memory is correct - rumor had it that Track and Britta were in AZ with a baby during this past Spring. Babysitting for sis?

    I have to give credit to Bristol Palin. She is not only fertile, but she can deliver a baby and get plastic surgery as if it was going to the dentist for a cleaning.

    Wow! Bristol has been a very busy bunny!

  140. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Can someone send me to Sadie's latest comments? Her blog shows her last post as July 4. Am I at the wrong site? thanks!

  141. Anonymous10:25 AM

    HI, all this upset about this freak of nature screecher, is because we will not allow the world to use her because she does not define US! No Screechie we are not going to let you represent US!! You hear! You dimwit!

  142. Anonymous10:47 AM

    oh dear god, that is one big stomach Bris. You had to have been or eating 30 macd's all day long.

  143. Anonymous10:48 AM

    oh i am just talking about all the upset. Please don't do anything, only with words. I mean no harm other than with words.

  144. Anonymous10:51 AM

    And remember her girls were huge at early book signings! And her kid was big. And one wondered is she still feeding him from the girls!?

  145. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Re: the Broomfiled promo @:44 when Sally is in the doorway, what is it on the wall behind and above her that looks like a doctored poster of McCain naked and covering his privates? LOL @:58 you can see that this is Sarah before she had Lasik or whatever she had to correct her vision. Notice that the lens on our left reduces the size of her eyes, and breaks the line of her face. She's very nearsighted. I know this well. I am myopic too. Her glasses don't do this in any recent shots. They aren't prescription.

  146. Anonymous6:09 PM

    4:44 said: "Anon 4:19 Please understand basic genetics.

    Two blue eyed people can produce ONLY blue eyed children, as blue eyes are recessive ( anybody with blue eyes possesses only blue-eyed genes ) ."

    You are right. This is basic science but why would that matter? That type of thinking could lead to believing something like evolution and other scary ideas brought about by reasoning and rational thought. It's better to spend your time doing more productive things like figuring out what outfit to wear and stuff like that. We don't need no education.

  147. WOW!! MOST excellent Screen Grabs!

    gryph...front and center?

    Even my HUBBY said, "Um, yeah."


    Come on, Brisdull~

    GIVE ME A "C"-

    GIVE ME AN "O"-

    GIVE ME AN "N"-

    GIVE ME A "D"-

    GIVE ME AN "O"-

    GIVE ME AN "M"-

    No, actually, don't give it to me, KEEP ONE And USE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  148. Also, too, VERY INTERESTING about Sarah's Blue-eyed parents (and her being all brown-eyed...)

    Really. Very, interesting.

    How LONG have they been friends with the Menards?

    The Menards DID give the Palin Sr.'s their "anniversary" party, yes?

    OMG!!! Could Sarah and Curtis be half-brother and sister???

    (haha! made myself laff with that one! it really is SO easy to let your imagination go, since these Payliars know NO shame...)


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.