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'Padded, pancaked, and Prozac'd!" |
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"Wow, there are so few of you here I can block out half of of the audience by just holding up my thumb. I'm still getting paid for this right?" |
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"Well how much money IS in your trust fund? You never know, if you donated a chunk of it to SarahPAC I might run." |
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"Your sign's not misspelled and you have all your teeth. Are you sure you're a member of the Tea Party?" |
According to several news outlets there were about two thousand people at this rally.
Now admittedly I am not a math whiz, but does THIS look like two thousand people to you?
But you know things like math, or speeches that make sense, or even ever actually launching a campaign, don't make any real difference. All that matters is whether or not Snowdrift Snooki provided JUST enough hope for her crazed fans to still convince themselves that she is really and for true going to launch a Presidential campaign. Which will then convince them to keep sending her that wonderful money.
And it looks like she managed to hold off her inevitable nervous breakdown long enough to achieve that very goal.
From the Sea O'Pee:
Of all days to worry about whether or not Governor Palin is running for President, as far as I can tell, today would not be that day. I can’t say for sure, as I certainly have no inside information, but I do have common sense. Common sense tells me that unless one has an incredible amount of free time on her hands, she doesn’t devise a specific, detail-laden plan for America like the one Governor Palin delivered to the country today, if she weren’t planning to implement that plan. Perhaps there are some out there who have that kind of free time, with nothing better to do, but we have all seen what kind of schedule the Governor keeps; she’s not one of those people sitting around looking for something to do. Common sense also tells me that she doesn’t have to do things our way. In fact, she won’t do it anyone’s way but her own. Common sense says that if Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton could make their presidential intentions known in November and October, respectively, September is not too late.
So here’s my question: Should not common sense tell the worry warts the same thing?
It is like shooting crippled fish, in a really tiny barrel.
Despite the fake boobs, pancake makeup, 60's pornstar pale lips, teased up do;....... wait just a minute, what I mean to say is: BECAUSE OF the fake boobs, pancake makeup, 60's pornstar pale lip, teased up hairdo, not to mention the casual clothing. oy vey! Seriously, Sarah Palin does not look well, AT ALL!
ReplyDeleteSee, I think she has been biting her nails. No acrylics for her, I guess.
ReplyDeleteSo drugs and alcohol were to blame for her weird behavior at that restaurant the other night, according to Anon238?
CBS News had a guy from Real Clear Politics on last night after her rally. He said her aides are ready for her to run. They don't know if/when, but they assume that's her plan. Who are these aides??? Wouldn't they be more direct about it, anyway, like saying she will announce when she feels it's the right time, blah blah blah?
I don't think she'll/they'll risk it, especially if she's dealing with substance abuse and an emotional breakdown.
and has Sarah been quietly susupended from Fox News until she comes clean about this scam? There are no scheduled interviews with Greta or Sean. There have always been "victory lap" interviews for her in the past. Have they finally washed their hands of this "intensely dishonest" con artist?
ReplyDeleteWell according to anon "Me, again" the drug of chice yesterday was Ritalin , not Prozac . If Sarah was on Prozac, she probably would be a much mellower person.
ReplyDeleteSounds to me like Sarah is turning into another Anna Nicloe debacle with Toad being her Howard K Stern, plying her with drugs, slapping on makeup, and propping her up so she can shake her money maker to get more bagger pocket change. I NEVER felt sorry for that woman until today. Ketamine, alcohol, diet pills, now Ritalin combined with not eating will send Sarah to an early grave. She and her family have become so addicted to other people's money and media whoredom that they have become one more celebrity saga which will end in tragedy just like Micheal Jackson, Amy Winehouse, Brittany Murphy, and scores of others whose inner demons consumed them.
3rd Picture Caption:
ReplyDeleteAw shucks these are nothing, ya need to come by the house, I have another set of water bras that would make Dolly Parton look like a tom boy.
They feel real... go on don't be shy, touch em...
Gryphen, crowd science experts refer to the "2000" count as "aspirational attendance" which includes not just actual on-site attendees but all Screechy Wretch(tm) supporters who wanted to attend but were prevented from doing so by constraints of time, finances, unfavorable bus schedules, adverse medical, dental and mental health conditions, as well as court-ordered travel restrictions, also, too.
ReplyDeleteIn one of the pictures "Madam I Don't Want Any Posters at My Speech" looks like she is signing a poster!
So Sarah's word salad demands must of meant no posters at my speech unless they are pro Palin posters.
What a turd that retard is!
Wow, the third photo really shows her wonky eye. Two thousand people? Who counted them, $carah with her wonky eye seeing double? Someone thinks she is too busy. Doing what, exactly, getting plastic surgery, counting grandkids, throwing canned goods? Everything about her is phony. Everything.
ReplyDeleteI have to join the chorus of other people who think that Joe McGinnis has a skewed view of blogging.
ReplyDeleteIn his latest diatribe on his blog,
he says quote:
"She pays scant attention to bloggers"
Well, Joe, that's not at all truthful, and Gryphen and others like Audrey, Jeanne, and Syrin have evidence to the contrary. Never mind the direct quotes from Palin in Bailey's book either.
You also wrote that "$arah doesn't care what you think"
Really Joe? Can I call you Joe :)
Then why does she get catatonic about media articles, and fire up staff and friends to write rebuttals?
Bloggers have done some very patriotic service, (including yourself) by exposing lies, cheats, and religious fanaticism.
Frank Schaeffer, Leah Burton, Gryphen, Andrew Sullivan, Malia Litman, have all presented thoughtful and researched information and positions to the world on important topics
Joe, have another scotch or two on this holiday weekend, sit back in the easy chair, and consider that you might possibly be mistaken on this.
I am a professional crowd estimator..
ReplyDeleteThe crowd size is 3.45 million, plus or minus 500 hundred.
Maybe the meme of Sarah being able to draw BIG CROWDS will die.
Sarah... your glory days are OVER.. getting only 500 to show up AFTER you said on facebook you would be making a big announcement... EPIC FAIL
Sarah.... you are toast
On a related note, today on Good Morning America, they had a short piece on her "screech" in Iowa yesterday. It was hilarious that the narrator of the piece said this about Palin's jobs plan "as usual, it was short on details".
ReplyDeleteLOL! Hey Screechy!!! Your 15 minutes are UP!!!!
Caption 3rd picture
ReplyDeleteYou so handsome, you remind me of my 10th lover levi. I'm tellin ya that boy sure could make me moan... And when he touched these things the water inside just boiled over.
The majority of people watched silently, standing aloof and not clapping, pissed off because the person they wanted to meet, Christine, was not there.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin made quite a few new enemies yesterday.
Does anyone else foresee this? Sarah in 5 years or so, playing flute on the Blue Bonnet stage at the fair. Her wig is matted, left breast has lost it's water (righty is okay). Piper is standing by to escort her to her motorized scooter, a napkin in her hand for drool. Tawd is somewhere with Trig, maybe by the goats & lambs. Bristol has Tripp (almost 8 years old) & DaWTS (Dancing with the Stars baby, almost 6 years old) over by the hula hoops having cookies. Willow, I hope is in college almost done with a degree...
ReplyDeleteSarah is trying to hide her scrawny, drugged out body with the make-up, big boobs, big fake eyelashes, big hair. No one is suppose to notice how skinny she is, she thinks she looks HOT! Every women knows when you loose lots of weight the boobs are the first to go and her hands look like Tales From The Crypt.
ReplyDeleteThe caption on the 3rd pic should be "Sometimes they're out to here!"
ReplyDeleteGryphen.. there were 2000 people there. 600 but each with many personalities just like Palin herself
ReplyDeleteThat is one old sickly looking woman.
ReplyDeletePalin probably can't wait to announce that she is not running so that she does not have to wash up every day.
Am I, like dogs, able to hear things that most people do not (or at least to an intensity that others do not)?
ReplyDeleteAll I hear when Palin opens her mouth is a horrendous SCREECH. I get the very same sensation that I would from finger nails scraping a blackboard. It is so very unpleasant that nothing else matters. Do teabaggers have some modification of their ears that they do not hear this? Seriously?
In third photo from the top we see sarah going all wonky eyed over the young fella.
ReplyDeleteLatest post from 'MeAgain':
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
Hi everyone, just a quick note. Yes, it's possible for me to be quick!
I dislike sleeping away from home and so I woke up very early in my hotel. How nice to open my computer and see these many lovely messages of thanks and encouragement. You all are really making me feel like I have served a purpose here...and considering my initial posts were purely to aggravate Sarah and Bristol, that is really something.
Trig's care--he loves and is happy with his care providers, that much I know. I don't know for sure what kind of therapy he is getting, but I know they do have some type of person/people come to the home and work with Trig. Paid for by the PAC, of course. Trig was not even eating real food or starting potty training (at age 3) when his care was transferred. He has blossomed in those regards, at least. Go Trig!
And because I didn't feel I made it clear before...when I said they were considering disclosing Trig had compromised immunity and that would explain his long absence--just so we are crystal clear, Trig's immunity is not compromised anymore now than it was when she was waving him around germy crowds during the swine flu outbreak. The way I phrased it--"disclose"...I just wanted to make sure you knew this was not true and if Sarah comes out with any story about Trig's "health" as a reason for not running...it's just an excuse to appease her live-action ATM, conservatives 4 Palin.
Regarding "proof"--I agree a receipt for the belly would be wonderful but I doubt one will ever see the light of day. She bought it online, so the receipt in the box would be the only one itemized and I'm sure that is long since burned or at least in a landfill. I can't say this strongly enough: THE PROOF IS IN THE EMAILS. I am not sure who exactly decided what was redacted or left out altogether in the recent email archive. But those missing emails...those are the holy grail. I only know what was in some of them (a subject I would love to get into when I have more time) and I can only imagine what's in the rest.
There is one thing I meant to mention last night and forgot to do so--this is more a cautionary tale than spilling Sarah's secrets. When the morning came when Palingates announced its two investigative bloggers were being asked to leave, Sarah celebrated. With champagne and everything. When other bloggers have accused Gryphen of grandstanding, she is THRILLED. She is ecstatic over any hint of division within the anti-Palin camps. She still refers to the Palingates/Politicalgates split as "chopping the head off the snake".
I bring this up only because I know there is a lot of animosity between certain parties right now and I just want to remind everyone...we are strongest together.
Last notes for now--there is a writer named Floyd Orr and Sarah lives in perpetual fear that people will start paying attention to this guy. She says he's a "bigheaded blowhard" but she is TERRIFIED people will realize his book about her contains a lot of truth.
Final for today...Sarah and Bristol both are wildly angry over my posting here. Be on the lookout for some pretty manic "Palin Happy Family" posts by the dozen.
Ok, so maybe I can't be "quick". Sue me. Have a great holiday weekend.
5:30 AM
Earlier I clicked on a video link (ABC News) that panned the audience from behind. Having just been in an outdoor concert audience of 2,300+, this crowd was nowhere near the numbers reported for $P's little farmfest. Judging from the looks on the faces in the crowd, by a face straight out of A Face In The Crowd, those of us attending Bill Maher's concert last weekend had a heckava better time!! Especially so when the names Bachmann, Palin, Perry or TeaParty were mentioned. Bill's audience was composed of 20 to 70 year old well mannered, casually dressed, educated-looking folks and yes, we were all swilling lattes and aged wine. We enjoyed a bit of Brie, all they got in IA was 'cheesy'.
ReplyDeleteI don't feel sorry for any of the delusional poor souls at C4P who keep moving the bar for their queen. I don't feel sorry for the GOP. They enabled the lunatic Palin. The only thing Sarah Palin running for president will do is give us a good laugh as her base is the media and a bunch lunatics who'd change her diaper if she asked them to.
ReplyDeleteIts all about Sarah. Not the baggers fake party, or her family or her wanting anything for the country except television time and money for herself. Please run Sarah. The debacle will be amazing -- as everything you touch turns into a freak show.
I don't know what it is, but there is something wrong with Palin. I don't know if its chemical or physical. Odd. And even though I think she is horrendous, I hope that she doesn't destroy her health doing something idiotic--or am I too late with that one?
Virginia Voter, I think you are probably right. I guess we suspected as much for a while now.
ReplyDeleteYou know, if there had been a ton of people there, it might have suspended belief enough to think she could contend. I remember when Obama came here in 08'. They thought there would be a lot of people, like 50-60K.
ReplyDeleteA quarter million showed up.
Iowa is Disneyland for Dipshits.
A must see, take a look at DOONESBURY's take on Palin, Sunday morning issue .
ReplyDeleteI believe the chickens have come home to roost .
She is a clown and a National Joke .
From the big convention speech and having a campaign plane with you name on it .. to a field in Iowa with 500 folks.
ReplyDeleteSarah... you have fallen.
Next stop is declaring bankruptcy.
ABC reported the teabagger jamboree attendance as 'perhaps' 500 hapless hillbillies.
ReplyDeleteEven Fox is reporting on polls that show that even hillbillies prefer Marcus Bachmann in the White House.
For a tiny scrawny little skank, Palin sure has a huge watermelon-sized noggin!
Now that Palin has a month before anyone (even the faithful) expects her to announce, she can rake in as much cash as possible from FOXNEWS and the PAC.
ReplyDeleteThere'll be an uptick in donations when the new improved Trig is unveiled. Palin has probably already got the film in the can suitably embellished with highly visible dated material so there can be no question that this is the current Trig.
Looks like clear sailing for the Palin/Heath money machine until Fred's book arrives. McGinnis' book won't even cause a dent in the grifting (IMHO).
A speech given to Tea Baggers from the Grizzled one at a field in the middle of no where known for HOT AIR BALLOONS. Makes sense to me.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, just by watching the entire speech yesterday (yes I took one for the team)I would estimate the crowd to be 1,200 simply because I was counting in groups of 12 and keeping notes when I saw different camera angles, you could tell where specific people were standing, not moving around. I would be very surprised to hear that any more than 1,400 showed up.
I counted 3 blacks, 1 Hispanic, and a family of 6 from India. Also noted that 80% of the crowd was obese (more butter on a stick anyone?)and a good portion of her followers were male 65+ yrs. old and had expressions on their faces that said "ooh baby I want a piece of that, where's my Viagra?"
I also wonder why so many of her cronies, and Palin herself continue to criticize anyone who uses a teleprompter during a speech? She reads her speeches from her notes laid out for her on the podium? What the heck is the difference? To me, it makes much more sense to use a teleprompter as you can maintain more accurate EYE CONTACT with your audience. I also kept track of her "eyes down and reading her notes" during the speech and she spent 50% of her time READING IT and not looking up. She also lost track on 2 occasions but the crowd began chanting so she skipped what she was going to say and continued on.
Her lies and snarky remarks are just getting so old...I cannot understand the mentality of people who find her "real" or "intelligent" in any way, shape or form. Maybe they are just comparing her to themselves, so she shines in their eyes.
This is priceless!
'Get your Grrrrrr on" Hilarious!
ReplyDeleteGrrrrranny, stop screeching!
I just reviewed a couple more videos from news sites online showing different angles of the "crowd" from the HOT AIR BALLOON speech yesterday. I revise my Tea Bagger "crowd count". I believe I "overlapped" when counting yesterday as I saw the same people w/signs in a few shots, meaning I over-estimated size. I originally counted approx. 1,200. I think it IS closer to 600. ABC News definitely was closer in their projection 1 hour before Palin took the stage. Viewing videos that I can PAUSE helped a great deal.
ReplyDeleteI think she is wearing some kind of accentuating bra. The first photo with the white sweater shows a bust that is well-rounded with the lower area reaching pretty far low.
ReplyDeleteHer petite tiny frame that we've seen in other photos with a not so ample bustline says she's accentuating. The reason? Besides trying to excite her base, I think it also makes her look healthy. It detracts from the frail unhealthy look she had the night earlier and at the Iowa State Fair.
Her handlers were trying to make her fill out due to all the comments about how thin and ill she looks.
What's up with Sarah's latest neckware? Sure as hell isn't a Phi Beta Kappa key...
ReplyDeleteIs Sarah wearing long sleeves because she felt chilly or because of this?
Agree with Virginia Voter. This whole thing reminds me of Anna Nicole Smith. If SP is taking all these drugs, and her Todd is supplying her with them to keep her propped up, then her family ought to be extremely concerned.
ReplyDeleteIf Anon238 is real and being truthful, it would be ironic that the Heaths couldn't see how their son-in-law Todd was the dangerous son-in-law. Their concerns about Mike Wooten would be trivial compared to a SIL who might be plying their other daughter with pills to keep the money coming in.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's just another reason not to believe "Anon." As an adult, Palin would be more likely to receive adderall XR than ritalin, which is primarily given to children. As of 2010, ritalin was not even approved to teat ADHD in adults (only narcolepsy).
RIGHT after your post, there is a Greta Wire post with a picture of Sarah Palin running a half marathon. The picture looks nothing like her, and "Sarah" has on sunglasses and some weird thing wrapped around her head. She suddenly looks 20 pounds heavier....???? http://gretawire.foxnewsinsider.com/2011/09/04/4093/
ReplyDelete2000? You betcha!
ReplyDeleteMore possible evidence that math skills are not being taught well.
She's defiantely on a strong drug cocktail, That screech yesterday wasn't her normal word salad, it was long on bashing the President and short on policy. What, exactly, does she stand for?
ReplyDeleteShe's probably so high strung, paranoid, and borderline schitzophrenic that she's fighting the drugs in her system while supressing the other sarahs from breaking through.
Someone on the tv circuit interviewed one of the unwashed devotees, who kept imploring the wrench to run, while asking "You aren't just stringing us all along, are you?" over and over again.
Blind Allegiance now takes on a new meaning. Anything to build the Palin brand, keep the book writing gigs and speaking fees going,... fast forward four years, President Obama is in the white house, Sarah and her water bra are merely skid marks in the underwear of her former followers, who are all sitting on their decks, looking at the stars, and saying "ET, come back!"
The comparison to Anna Nichole, Amy Winehouse,Michael Jackson etc.. is unfair. These people actually had some guts, brains, and talent. They left the world a little better for their being in it, Sarah and klan, not so much.
I don't expect this to get through, but I think everyone should remain a healthy degree of skepticism about the "Anon" who claims to have intimate information about Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteI've noticed a few things that make me skeptical, and until Gryphen verifies who they are, I am not ready to believe that person.
(1) All this person does is confirm what everyone around here already believes, which in turn makes people feel good and more inclined to believe the Anon.
(2) The Anon never offers any information able to be proven or disproven.
Any half-decent writer could fabricate the kind of narratives Anon offers about Sarah Palin. He/she provides nothing that is subject to verification. Here is an example of how someone might do this:
"Todd looks apprehensive in the video because he and Sarah had an argument last night; he knew she was hardly functional and wanted to go straight to the hotel, but Sarah insisted on going to the restaurant. When they returned to the hotel, she stayed on her Blackberry for several hours complaining to her circle about Todd, and he went down to the bar in the hotel lobby."
See how easy it is to create a fiction that fits the anti-Palin narrative?
Anon has had several inconsistencies. He/she claims Sarah knows who he/she is, yet when pressed about his or her identity expresses fear about being outed and thus having the snitch from Sarah's inner circle revealed. If Sarah already knows who Anon is, then why would the inner circle person still be in the inner circle?
Anon says the staff was in on Palin's pregnancy deception, yet they kept Sally and Chuck Health out of the loop. That does not sound realistic to me.
I think we are being taken for a ride by someone who actually supports Palin and is getting revenge or feeling powerful at his or her ability to have so many "Palin haters" clinging to everyone of his or her false words.
Did anyone else notice that the only "diverse" people & kids were carefully staged in the very front of the meager crowd? If you look behind them, it's a sea of white faces with not a single exception. "See, it's NOT just old white people that are in the Tea Party?
ReplyDeleteFrauds - all of them. Pathetic!
"Well according to anon "Me, again" the drug of chice yesterday was Ritalin , not Prozac . If Sarah was on Prozac, she probably would be a much mellower person."
Can you tell me where that was posted, please. I can't see it and I don't know where to look. I hate to miss anything "Me again" has to say. :D
Yeah, she's done. The photos I viewed of the event shocked me, there were only a handful of people there. Strange for being billed as something big.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Sarah's drug/alchohol use, we all know she's been on stuff for years, only because it's so obvious. But maybe because we just don't see her that often it's more apparent to us now. She used to pop in and out of Fox whenever she wanted, use FB and stuff, but now that she's on a faux campaign trail she's got to be sober for longer periods. What seems like something different is probably just the same old, same old.
As far as the Anon insider, anyone figured out if she's legit or not? I haven't read anything she's written that's particularly new, just embellished. Also the style of writing to me is more akin to somebody across the pond than here in the states (much less Alaska). The context in which she uses words like slacking, sing, and hobo (instead of bum) give me that feel. Also, the word choice is something other than street talk (i.e. endeavor, incredibly, lackluster). Then out of nowhere she uses the term "baked" to describe Sarah at the restaurant. Baked is an odd word for an adult to use, unless, as I said before, you're from someplace else. Here in America, baked means stoned, and it's generally only used by teens. It does not mean drunk. There was no mention of marijuana use, so it's an odd word choice for Anon. Overall, it kind of makes me think the posts may be a composite by more than one author.
I don't think Anon238 is in the inner circle. Anon238 is probably several persons removed.
ReplyDeleteWatch, it's someone who knows Todd.
I bet Sarah has no idea who the person is, though.
Also it is just as easy to try to plant seeds of doubt about this Anon as it is for the Anon to make up narratives to fit unfolding events.
Of course we must be on our guard, but I am keeping an open mind. I tend to think they are legit.
As we have said before, however, these guessing games on the threads lead nowhere, and are perhaps meant to intimidate.
ReplyDeleteThat Anon commenter is riveting reading.
If the proof is in the e-mails, then every state employee involved in redacting the e-mails knows the secret of the pregnancy hoax. That's a lot of people keeping a big secret for a long time that have little to fear in slipping a photocopy in the mail to any of the interested parties.
ReplyDeleteIF there's proof in the e-mails, I think it is circumstantial at best.
Thanks again to the anonymous writer. There isn't any question that Sarah was off her game over the weekend. How rude to show up at a restaurant on Friday night, and fail to thank the people who traveled to Iowa just to breathe the same air as Palin. They have been supporting her, emotionally and financially, and she didn't have the decency (or the ability?) to thank them.
ReplyDeleteI watched Sarah scream her speech and she was off her game. She is at her best working the crowd and scribbling with her Sharpie pen. My question is how those close to her can continue to enable her when she is a very sick person. The bests description was in the comments, comparing her to Anna Nicole Smith and her enabler as the Howard K. Stern in the bunch. The other enabler is (are) the doctors writing the prescriptions for her medication. Maybe a better analogy will be Michael Jackson and his doctor. The warning should be that Sarah could take one swig of Bailey's too many and end up the same way. Don't they care what happens to her or are they so greedy that making money is more important than mental health?
Thanks to the anonymous writer who validates what we have all believed. The devil is in the details. It's time to read Floyd's book and those emails again. Sarah is not that smart. In fact, if people really cared about her, the statement would have anything to do with compromised immunity. No, Sarah wants (needs) to spend more time with her family (in a quiet controlled peaceful setting, free from medication).
Yes, thank you for validating what Levi said about Sarah and what Steve Schmidt wrote about her. Some one close to her ought to stop being selfish and get her the treatment that she needs.
Have you seen the lead story on the Drudge Report? Pretty damned hilarious considering it's a right-wing rag.
ReplyDelete.....a specific, detail-laden plan for America like the one Governor Palin delivered to the country today.
HUH ?????????????
What plan ?
Did I miss something in her "speech" ?
Where did she mention anything about policy and her plans to change things ??
Are these people (Sea of Pee) really that ignorant ??
"Anon says the staff was in on Palin's pregnancy deception, yet they kept Sally and Chuck Heath out of the loop. That does not sound realistic to me."
ReplyDeleteNot only that, but she claims Todd typed emails to her staff to help Sarah with the fake pregnancy belly. Why would Todd not text that, why would he put it in an email going through the governor's office? She says those emails are the holy grail if we can find them. Yeah, you know what else, the winning lottery ticket would be nice too, is she going to tell me I should look for that, too?
Anon238 could scan a copy of an email not currently in public domain and send it under a fake email account to Gryphen...
ReplyDeleteThis would prove how real the info is.
The email from Todd that was quoted would be a good start...
Sorry, I found MeAgain's posts re. ritalin etc. Shouldn't post before fully awake.
ReplyDeleteOzMud said...
ReplyDeleteThis sentence from the pee-sea makes NO sense to me at all:
"Common sense tells me that unless one has an incredible amount of free time on her hands, she doesn’t devise a specific, detail-laden plan for America like the one Governor Palin delivered to the country today, if she weren’t planning to implement that plan."
Are they saying she doesn't have a plan because she's too busy to make one or she does have a plan because since she's so busy she 's *SNIP* omg my head hurts...
I didn't hear a plan in her speech. All I heard were generalities and more harsh criticism about how our elected leaders are killing the country. Same old same old from the right. No solutions, just hype.
If the republicans are so smart why didn't they fix everything when they had EIGHT YEARS under Bush to do so eh?
And for the record - C4P had a full month (ore more) to put this day together and all they couldx come up with was this tiny crowd? Even if it did reach 2k (and it sure doesn't look it) that's peanuts compared to other rallies - and way, way less than the crowds she drew in 2008.
When do they stop making excuses for her?
No wedding ring? Again.
ReplyDelete2,000 people....BULL$HIT
ReplyDeleteI was watching CNN at the time and they reported that 2,000 were expected but far less had turned out and there had bee a "storm" (rain) and that some were still coming in. (whatever that means)They never showed the crowd, only the stage, and "head shots" of reporters.
Then finally when the screeching began, they only broadcast head shots of the failed VP candidate and FOX news employee.
When my ears started bleeding about 10-15 minutes into the screech I changed channels.
Normally I would have been watching MSNBC, or something else,anything else, but I was busy at the table on my computer and decided to watch when CNN started to cover this event.
I haven't subjected myself o any audio of TheQuitterFromWasilla since 2008, and will continue to avoid it in the future.
This is from an ABC reporter, Sheila Marikar, who was THERE on the ground:
By Sheila Marikar
Sep 3, 2011 1:47pm
Blame It on the Rain? Turnout Appears Low Ahead of Sarah Palin’s Iowa Speech
INDIANOLA, Iowa — Given the hubub ahead of Sarah Palin’s speech today, turnout at the Tea Party of America’s “Restoring America” event isn’t as big as anticipated.
Perhaps ~~500 people~~ are braving the on and off rain showers ahead of the former Alaska governor’s keynote address.
Palin’s One Nation tour bus is parked in the grass in front of the stage.
She’s due at the mic in just under an hour.
Where were 1,500 people hiding?
More importantly how did 1,500 people get to their seats in less than 1 hour?
So Sarah ran that Iowa half marathon in 1:45.
ReplyDeleteNot bad not bad. She ran her 05 marathon in like 3:59 or something just under 4hrs.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's just another reason not to believe "Anon." As an adult, Palin would be more likely to receive adderall XR than ritalin, which is primarily given to children. As of 2010, ritalin was not even approved to teat ADHD in adults (only narcolepsy).
7:01 AM
Not if you are abusing it. Adderall gives you a much better smoother high, whereas adderall I thinki is time released and can make your mood swings even worse. If she is abusing speed I'd bet ritalin for sure.
ReplyDeleteUntil I see more images, I will think it´s the good-looking brunette who was at The Machine Shed pretending to be sarah running.
Think back on the photos of sarah sitting in shorts on that lawn chair. There is no muscle tone in her legs.
That brunette is healthy and fit. It´s one of the things I notice about people. Sarah is about as fit as Bristol.
My take on Joe is that he is just too old to be up on technology. He doesn't realize that blogs are where it is all at today. Maybe he is resentful that his publisher told him to start a blog as he doesn't think it will do any good. I would say it's just his age talking.
ReplyDeleteI sincerely want to believe Anon but I guess I am holding back some reserve on that. Show us some proof! She has confirmed a lot we thought we knew but we need more.
Thank you, 7:14. That's exactly what I think. And a pretty broad group of Alaska blog world readership.
ReplyDeleteOne of the first posts said that Bristol and Sarah know who the poster is. Given that, there would hardly be a need for stealth and privacy, would there?
The poster hasn't revealed any detail about anything, that wasn't already a speculation on one of these blogs. (S)he simply confirms what folks here wrote.
It'll be interesting to see what "notes" (s)he gave to Gryphen to post as his discretion.
Hi Scarah! You remind me of those southern Cali grandmas that keep over tanning themselves and putting on too much makeup to appear hip and not old.
ReplyDeleteI am sure you would be a boner- shrinker if you went out in public natural.
Go home Grandma!
7:14 am: Good try, but it won't work. You're the one that is not believable. Are you one of the Palins or from C4P?
ReplyDelete"As of 2010, ritalin was not even approved to teat ADHD in adults (only narcolepsy)."
It is, however, prescribed off-label.
1:45 in the half marathon doesn't sound like a drugged out anorexic woman to me
ReplyDeleteThe only way that is 2000 is if they charged people the "voices in their heads" a cover charge,
ReplyDeleteLittle Rabbit
Anon @7:02: The Greta Wire story is interesting in relation to the discussion on this blog of whether Palin is still a runner. It gives credence to the idea that Palin or her people do follow the blogs and react to them.
ReplyDeleteI am on the fence now about the anon insider. They are sounding less credible with each post, but anything is possible, so I am not completely dismissing the possibility the person is legit. They are free to post as they want and it's up to the reader to decide to believe or not. We'll only know if they are for real if they go public on the record or if people who can investigate these things do turn up evidence eventually. Time will tell. Anon is an entertaining writer to be sure.
About Joe McGinniss, he is an older gentleman who has been working in traditional media for decades. It's not surprising he is not a fan of new media, as it is not what he's used to and it's a direct threat to his livelihood. He is entitled to his opinion.
This pic of Palin from today's Iowa half marathon is definitely photoshopped...sorry Greta.
"Anon" seems to be adding much buzz to the dialogue but little substance. There are two things that will cause the skank's final decline other than her 15 minutes being over. Either more direct proof of her faked birth story or a public mental breakdown will be her end. For us that follow her everything that is needed is known about her. It is simply a matter of time.
Anon 7:14:
ReplyDeleteI too have my doubts regarding Anon, in that he/she commented that Toad and Quittypants had a huge fight and Toad slept in the car. Why would he sleep in the car? Doesn't he have his own lair built on their property on Dead Lake?
I will keep my crap detector working however much I hope Anon is being truthful.
Virginia Voter,
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. I also, too, think that this is intentional.
She will HAVE to be hospitalized and that will be her out for not running. More 'poor me' money from her stupid followers.
It's an old, old scam.
"I think we are being taken for a ride by someone who actually supports Palin and is getting revenge or feeling powerful at his or her ability to have so many "Palin haters" clinging to everyone of his or her false words."
ReplyDeleteIf your last paragraph is true, then said supporter is a twisted human being. At any rate, it is VERY obvious something is going on. Palin looks terrible.
I have to agree with VinnieF. Be very wary. IMO this person sounds like Wendy Waitress, who sounded like the DWTS insider, who sounded like Media Insider, and you could probably go back from there. I haven't had time to check, but I'd like to look at the first reports of Sarah's alleged tubal ligation, as well.
ReplyDeleteThe tone of the writing and the method of deception are always the same. It involves insider claims that get more elaborate as the commenter gets increased attention -- claims that always hold huge emotional appeal to those of us who would like to believe every bad thing about the Palins. Throw in a "technical" detail like "step-down units" or "Michelin restaurant" that isn't necessarily well-known but could be researched easily on the Internet if someone wanted to sound knowledgeable. And the flattery -- over the top flattery. There's a reason this person doesn't post here (any more, is my guess; I think they used to), and I think it has a lot more to do with Gryphen's ego than anything else. He's an easy, easy target. And there's never any proof, and eventually it all just fades away until the next time.
While I do think that Sarah has probably read the Alaskan blogs, and I think it may have been written somewhere that she had her flunkies keep tabs on them, I doubt it's anything like what these anons are posting. It sounds so good, though! Who wouldn't want to believe? But any one of us could start dropping anonymous hints somewhere, and then build on that. Though I think it's hard to mimic the tone, which is now increasingly manic, unless you have an actual screw loose.
The above is JMHO, so take it for what it's worth.
ReplyDeleteYou are right on the money.
There is no way the Palins would keep this person around if they knew what they were posting here.
Big red fraud flag right there
OzMud said...
ReplyDeleteTo Anon 7:14
I had several of the same thoughts about our Anon238. However, in rereading the posts I had a change of heart from some of my skepticism and here's why -
"Anon has had several inconsistencies. He/she claims Sarah knows who he/she is, yet when pressed about his or her identity expresses fear about being outed..."
A lot of people write the same way they talk and speaking can be very different from the written word. The statement might well have been written as 'I have to be careful posting here because (in real life)Sarah knows me' rather than someone saying 'Sarah knows who I am and that I'm posting here'.
In that context, the writer isn't making an inconsistent statement. I'm still not 100% convinced, but am willing to give benefit of doubt because Gryphen has not disputed any of anon's posts. And that's a good enough start for me.
Didn't creepy Chuck say he watched SP pop out Trig? That would conflict with what Anon is saying. She might be doing some sort of social experiment. If I am wrong....then, great!!! I would love for Anon to be real but I am cautious.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous@ 7:02
ReplyDeleteThat photo of Sarah running in Iowa is photoshopped. Look at the feet.
7:14 - I certainly understand your suspicion but count me among those who think Anon is the real deal. Joe McGinniss, on the other hand.... I'm starting to think that guy's a real douche.
ReplyDeleteAs this article from Truthout explains, McGinniss is as arrogant, manipulative and unethical as Sarah Palin herself. I also believe he's dead wrong in his recent assertion that blogs don't matter because the Palins don't read them anyway. Yeah right.
Anon is very, well, writerly. As distinct from being intelligent, educated, knowledgeable, and articulate.
ReplyDeleteAnd not just word usage and vocabulary, but also the use of persuasive technique, organizational devices like transitions, and sequential logic.
I've edited experienced, professional reporters and authors with far fewer skills in evidence.
Just saying.
I think the comparisons to Anna, Michael and Amy have to do with the leeches around them who exploited their talent whatever the price, who enabled drug and alcohol use to their ultimate and final detriment.
ReplyDeleteThat's why the poster brought them up.
We all know Michael and Amy were giant talents, Nicole a sad tragic person.
Sarah has definitely been used, but good. I say that not to excuse her own role at all, but to say she underestimated the evil motives of those who sought to elevate her status, and now those who seek to bring her down. The immediate circle around her are like a bunch of vultures, hanging on until there's nothing left to gain from being associated with her.
They will abandon her, most likely, in the long run.
She needs to get right in the head and start a new life.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI am a professional crowd estimator..
The cr
owd size is 3.45 million, plus or minus 500 hundred.
Maybe the meme of Sarah being able to draw BIG CROWDS will die.
Sarah... your glory days are OVER.. getting only 500 to show up AFTER you said on facebook you would be making a big announcement... EPIC FAIL
Sarah.... you are toast
5:48 AM
I'm sorry, but you are a poor professional crowd estimator..
The crowd size is 500 hundred plus or minus 3.45 million.
There have been very short clips of her with voiceovers on CBS news. You can't see it on the embedded video, but on the HD she just looks awful. Absolutely no color to her at all.
ReplyDeleteWhere is Anon238's posts! I must be missing them
ReplyDelete7:14 AM
ReplyDeleteThat's why, as WOW! worthy as it seems...I'm waiting for Gryphen's take on all of this.
I can't help but not trust anything connected to that woman.
No offense meant anon 2:38, but it would be really sweet for her if she were able to say, "See? Poor me! Crazy, crazy, crazy bloggers!"
For the poster who debunked Anon's statement that they used Ritalin to "perk" Palin up: Isn't there a widespread problem out there with adults abusing their children's Ritalin, as it has an reverse effect on adults, much like cocaine? In fact, I read that they are snorting it.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's just another reason not to believe "Anon." As an adult, Palin would be more likely to receive adderall XR than ritalin, which is primarily given to children. As of 2010, ritalin was not even approved to teat ADHD in adults (only narcolepsy).
7:01 AM ""
Are you saying you have some inside knowledge that Sarah has a diagnoses of ADD ?
In any case,you are a liar.
""Methylphenidate is used as part of a treatment program to control symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; more difficulty focusing, controlling actions, and remaining still or quiet than other people who are the same age) in adults and children. Methylphenidate (Ritalin, Ritalin SR, Methylin, Methylin ER) is also used to treat narcolepsy (a sleep disorder that causes excessive daytime sleepiness and sudden attacks of sleep). Methylphenidate is in a class of medications called central nervous system (CNS) stimulants. It works by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain.""
I know a lot about these meds.I have a grandson who could have been diagnosed as an infant,it was so obvious.By 18 months we had special ceiling height locks installed on our doors because we could not stay awake with him 24/7 and keep him safe-meaning things like inside the house at 4 am.He still managed to stack up toys and furniture and get out.He could climb the side of a refrigerator and get on top,or put both feet on either side of a doorway and climb to the ceiling! So ,yeah,I knew you were a liar right away.
Anonymous 7:01 AM -- You said that as an adult Palin would receive "aderall XR" (you tried to sound like an expert, but spelled it incorrectly).
ReplyDeleteYou do realize, don't you, that the drugs that Sarah uses are NOT prescribed? She needed a stimulant to give her some energy and pep. Therefore, the amphetamine they chose was Ritalin.
Anonymous Insider,
ReplyDeletePlease show up again!
Her breasts look normal and unimpressive to me. She could've been dressed better, but I don't care what she wears or eats. It also doesn't seem to me like she's on drugs or alcohol and *THAT* is why she scares me. Her plans and policies are freaking scary, like her position on corporate taxes.
ReplyDeleteIt's really wearing me down to see so many of us criticize her clothing, her nail-biting, etc.. We're taking our eye off the ball. Maybe Joe McGinnis is right that we're only talking to each other. Maybe that's why knocking her clothing, makeup, demeanor is satisfying us.
I'm going to be in that small cadre of people telling others about her connection and contribution to the pipeline. Fricking disappointing.
thanks to anon 6:51...of those pix is one of the infamous but never seen Ian Lazaran, main blogger at C4P. check it out!
ReplyDeleteYour theory on Anon238 has a bullshit rationale. Would YOU include Chuck H. in any hush-hush scheme? He's got the biggest mouth in AK.
Chuck and Sally are just patsies. LIke everybody else in AK.
Did anybody see a wedding ring on Sarah's claws in any of the pictures?
ReplyDeleteI think Sarah's marriage is like her fake breasts... on again ... off again.
So today I looked for news stories that would express amazement with her mathematically impossible "plan" to eliminate corporate income taxes...and make up for the lost revenue by closing corporate income tax loopholes.
ReplyDeleteNothing. Not a thing.
Either the media believes Americans are too dumb to absorb this, or the media itself was too dumb to catch it. Either way, a pretty depressing state of affairs.
anon at 7:14
ReplyDeletei'm inclined to agree with you.
until gryph verifies the identity of ANON,
i'm gonna be a sceptic.
Holy Moose Crap!
ReplyDeleteSo Joe McG just pulled a "Palin"!!!
He just trashed talked everybody whose against Sarah. From Bloggers from Alaska to half way round the world to commenters, to Jeanne & Ken & just about anyone else on his latest "comments closed" Buy-My-Sarah-Book" blog site.
Oh and he did slightly include her crazed supporters but not by much.
Talk about being 2-faced & pissed off. He now takes the cake.
I'll wait for when the reviews come out about his *cough* book on Palin and reserve further judgement until then. HA!
7:14, I think you're right.
ReplyDeleteCrowd sizes can be tough to estimate from a picture. Cirque du Soleil tents hold nearly 2000 people, yet you'd hardly know it from the outside or even inside.
ReplyDeletePalin has often referred to herself as a runner, but is she really? I read somewhere that she is known to have run one marathon. Back during the campaign, she entered a marathon in Washington state, but didn't finish it. Her handlers said she dropped out to avoid reporters at the end of the race. So why was her participation heavily publicized in the first place? Photos of her in Hawaii showed flabby, poorly toned legs.
ReplyDeleteAnd the photo posted on Gretawire looks odd. She appears to be floating along, and she's on the grass near the curb while everyone else is running in the street.
How many hints does Sarah need? Karl Rove and Dick Cheney don't like the idea of a celebrity candidate. Over 70% of republicans don't want her to run. God sent an earthquake to Alaska the other day, and it rain on Sarah's parade in Iowa. (I thought she was supposed to go on at 2:15 PM. They must have rushed her on stage because the rain stopped or Christine's being bumped created an opening). Sarah's fund raising ability doesn't begin to match the rest of the candidates.
ReplyDeleteThere's no reason to wait until the end of September, unless Sarah is milking that poor crowd for their last dimes and dollars for the unregulated SarahPAC. Sarah must be hoping that some of the Republicans drop out, like Tim Pawlenty. She must be hoping that one will spill the beans on another candidate. She has not been reading the warning signs, and she really wants to run, against everyone else's warnings.
I'd like to say thanks to the anonymous writer for commenting at IM. Sarah and her staff have redacted those emails so completely that the only thing left on some of them is the date. We need some more help. Floyd wrote about theories. We need proof. You mentioned a photo of a premature baby in the hospital with a Valentines shirt, meaning that he was born sometime before Feb.14. Can you send that photo to Gryphen? Then, we'll be the ones opening the champagne bottle that we all have in our refrigerators.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's just another reason not to believe "Anon." As an adult, Palin would be more likely to receive adderall XR than ritalin, which is primarily given to children. As of 2010, ritalin was not even approved to teat ADHD in adults (only narcolepsy).
7:01 AM
Ummm, beg to differ. Ritalin becomes a "recreational" drug for those that do not have ADHD. There are many older students and adults who abuse Ritalin.
Like Dog Days of Summer, Palin Is Fading Away
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is learning that attention is a depreciating asset. Her latest melodrama revolved around whether she would show up at a Tea Party event in Iowa on Saturday. In the end, she did. Yet that only begged a question: Does anyone, including Republican primary voters, still care?
In 2009, Palin similarly backed in and out of appearances including a keynote address before the annual joint fundraiser of the Republican Senate and House campaign committees. The dysfunction of her brand of politics as performance art was laid embarrassingly bare. The best her defenders could do was blame a staff that Politico characterized as “the gang that couldn’t shoot straight.”
In advance of Saturday’s Tea Party rally in Indianola, Iowa, Palin reverted to form. Yes, she’s coming. No, she’s not. Yes, she will come if organizers provide her with a bucolic setting, bomb-sniffing dogs and two exits. No, on second thought, make that a bale of hay, a bullhorn and a very public dismissal of Christine O’Donnell, the former Republican Senate candidate from Delaware whom Palin had endorsed but now doesn’t want to be seen with.
In the end, the Delaware non-witch got the boot and Palin got her way. What’s left of Palin’s core constituency -- the media -- showed up on a slow news weekend to chronicle her soap opera histrionics, operational anarchy and rock-ribbed narcissism. But it’s hard to keep running on the fumes of old celebrity. Having failed to finish a single term as governor, master any policy issues, or build a competent organization, she is noted largely for the fun stuff -- looking good and appearing on television, both on her travelogue show and within the safe ideological cocoon of Fox News. She cheered her daughter Bristol on “Dancing with the Stars.” She gives lucrative speeches to friendly audiences. She got rich in a Paris Hilton kind of way, and now finds herself ridiculous in much the same vein.
Ritalin works on some ADD and ADHD adults the same as on children with ADD ADHD. Just like with those children, it works on some and not on others. It depends on what neurotransmitters are out of whack.
ReplyDelete@7:22, The context in which she uses words like slacking, sing, and hobo (instead of bum) give me that feel. Also, the word choice is something other than street talk (i.e. endeavor, incredibly, lackluster). Then out of nowhere she uses the term "baked" to describe Sarah at the restaurant. Baked is an odd word for an adult to use, unless, as I said before, you're from someplace else. Here in America, baked means stoned, and it's generally only used by teens. It does not mean drunk. There was no mention of marijuana use, so it's an odd word choice for Anon. Overall, it kind of makes me think the posts may be a composite by more than one author.
I use the term hobo, as does my family. We are not from across the pond. Just because someone uses one word that is different from a word you would used, doesn't mean they're not from "here."
Anon 5:25 Micheal Jackson had more talent, compassion and heart than sista Sarah has in her padded bra.
ReplyDeleteIt cracks me up to hear Palin and her 'bots talk about "common sense." None of them have the brains of a zucchini.
ReplyDeleteI came to post and ask if the Greatawire running pic is Photoshopped.I see others have seen it too.
I have to admit, I only watch her with the sound off so I have to rely upon the kindness of strangers to tell me what she says.
ReplyDeleteSo, other than putting in a bunch of strip joints, what's her specific plan?
ReplyDeleteThat pic really shows the dowagers hump she's getting.
Virginia Voter - you're right. Those dumb hicks LOVED watching Anna Nichol - all the way into the ground.
ReplyDeleteAnon 7:14AM Keeping Chuck & wife out of the loop makes sense to me.
ReplyDeleteThey played no part in it. They're just there to smile & nod. Info
could quite easily come to 'anon' via someone else in the 'close-circle,' someone who hasn't got the nerve to blog about it even
if they're identity is hidden.
They just pass it on. I think
the anon stuff is interesting.
Sharon TN
The photo or Tranny Palin running in a 1/2 marathon this morning looks totally PhotoShopped. WHY would she be running on the grass?!? She looks brighter and more in focus than the other runners-like it's a cut and paste. The shoes of the guy running in front of her have been dinked with too, also. LOL!
ReplyDeleteWow, nice tirade.
I have Adult ADHD and *all* my children have ADHD (it has a genetic component). I also have a professional background in medicine. I know what ritalin is prescribed for, but as late as 2010, it was not approved as a treatment for ADULT ADHD. It was sometimes prescribed off-label for that purpose.
Of course I don't have inside knowledge that Sarah has a diagnosis of ADHD (it's not really called ADD anymore), but she does not appear to have narcolepsy, which is the primary use of ritalin IN ADULTS. I was pointing out that if she were being given a stimulant, it would more likely be Adderall XR, which is generally more effective in adults, associated with fewer cardiovascular risks, and has an express indication for adults.
ReplyDeleteI am also an editor and writer, and while I was not impressed with the quality of the writing, I do think Anon has a pretty good understanding of psychology and knows what notes to strike to sound convincing.
ReplyDelete"I'm starting to think [Joe McGinnis] is a real douche."
Joe McGinnis has always come across as a real douche to me. He's incredibly arrogant and hypocritical. He bashes all the "anti-Palin" bloggers and yet engages in the same sort of rampant speculation as they/we do. Then he tries to distance himself from it, pretending he never said anything of the sort.
He also tries to claim a noble purpose in blogging as part of the marketing plan for his book. What is more noble? Blogging to sell a book or blogging at your own expense, as Gryphen and others do, to make sure the truth gets out about what a disaster Sarah Palin would be for this country? I'd have to go with the latter. I also found his leaking of Bailey's book unscrupulous and shortsighted. McGinnis benefits from any heightening of interest in Sarah Palin, so other books enhance--not detract from--the probability of his book selling.
@7:33 AM:
ReplyDelete"Thanks to the anonymous writer who valides what we have all believed."
Personally, I think that continual "validation" is the very reason to remain skeptical. People like having their preexisting ideas validated; that is why so many conservatives watch Fox News.
ReplyDelete"If your last paragraph is true, then said supporter is a twisted human being."
Isn't someone a twisted human being simply by virtue of being a Sarah Palin supporter?
ReplyDeleteI will believe this person if they allow Gryphen to verify who they are. In my opinion, most of us would be willing to take Gryphen's word for it, so he would not even have to disclose the poster's identity. He could simply say, "I talked to X by phone, he/she shared this evidence, and I think X is legit," and that would be enough for most of us.
ReplyDeleteYou said: "You do realize don't you, that the drugs that Sarah users are not prescribed?"
I can honestly say that I did not realize that Anon was claiming that the alleged ritalin allegedly given to Sarah was allegedly not prescribed.
Isn't it interesting that stimulants are used to calm down people with hyperactivity? While mine makes me less distractable and better able to focus, it definitely does not make me peppy. I have no idea what effect they have on people without ADHD, however.
7:02 - Regarding that "Sarah is running" photo on Greta's site.... That image is obviously Photoshopped and I said so in a comment. Within 3 minutes, my comment was removed.
ReplyDeleteSo...I happened to google the Storm Lake half marathon, which led me to this page showing the results of the race:
Funny thing, Sarah Palin is not registered in either the half-marathon or the 5K. Of course not. Because that photo is a TOTAL FAKE.
Does Greta Van Susteren really think people are this stupid?? Good lord.
ReplyDelete"There are many older students and adults who abuse ritalin."
That is true, although a 2006 study from Northeastern University ("Illicit Use of Specific Prescription Stimulants Among College Students: Prevalence, Motives, and Routes of Administration" -- you should be able to find it at PubMed) showed "more than 75% of college students who repoted using prescription stimulants illicitly last year chose amphetamine-dextroamphetamine products, like Adderall, over methylphenidate products, like Ritalin."
According to the study, it is selected because "it is the most commonly prescribed brand-name stimulant in the US" and lasts longer (of course, now they have extended-release Ritalin, so they need a new study).
anon @ 8:20, I completely agree. they're all the same voice.
ReplyDeletehow will it bow out this time? usually there is a meltdown, a pissy diatribe against anyone who doesn't believe (mi on palingates, mi on its own blog, and ww here). now that I've made note of that, I doubt it will happen this time. although it appears there was an effort in the works with one of the latest posts: "Before I sign off, I have to address a couple of the naysaying geniuses who have commented recently." and that was the end of the post. something is definitely wrong with that person.
who will it be 2 months from now? Botox Becky who works in a spa that the quitter is frequenting?
A request: If you are quoting a post from the anoninsider person, could you PLEASE quote the ENTIRE post, AND provide a link to where that post was actually posted? I cannot find the post you all are discussing re the ritalin. Thanks, it would be appreciated. Very frustrating to read about a post I can't even find.
ReplyDeleteAlso that Greta photo looks photoshopped to me too. Odd how much clearer and distinct "Sarah" appears from the other runners, and how sharp her number appears while the numbers on all the other runners, including the woman right next to her, are quite blurred.
Why is she running on the grass? But she looks like she's running on air, not the ground, anyway. She's not making any impression on the ground she's positioned over.
And why *would* she be running on the grass? Not that I buy that she is, because she appears to have been placed at an angle where she's just about to run off the curb. And she's not even looking at the ground to watch her step.
This photo looks very, very fake to me.
To answer someone's question, anon2:38 comments on the Broomfield post. Do the SEARCH on the right of IM for Broomfield and then click the second from the top Broomfield post.
ReplyDeleteJoe's post might be depressing but I did not feel he was insulting us. He included himself in the ones Palin and others don't pay attention to.
Joe's book and the media attention to it will force the MSM to discuss some things. The many people who wouldn't support Palin anyway may not pay attention. The question is whether the hoodwinked ones will.
Palin is very unlikely to be a Republican party player. As for SarahPAC, well, a fool and his money . . .
BUT perhaps Joe's book and Fred's book, which we know is supported by the bloggers' research and info, will vindicate Sully and mean that the real vetting will take place before the 2012 elections.
Washrilla aside, The story of how a sitting governor can be crazy enough to fake a pregnancy and then be a few steps away from the Oval Office is a cautionary tale that needs to be told.
2 things
ReplyDeleteHow Anon. Insider responds to some of the nay-sayers will be very telling. If Anon. takes it all personally and stomps off pouting and talking about how mean and unfriendly this place is, like Wendy Waitress did, then you know they are BOGUS. Someone who truely wants to expose Scarah and rid this counrty of such parasites will keep their brass balls on stick with it and US. We shall she...
And according to the Storm Lake Jump in and Run race results, a Sarah Heath from Desmoins IA, in the 40-49 age catagory , ran in the race today. Again, we shall see.....
To the person who suggested I was a C4P troll for questioning the veracity of "Anon," please feel free to check out a video that I made back in 2008 in "honor" of Palin:
Admittedly, it was my first attempt and not the greatest, but still worth a few laughs.
If you need further proof of my anti-Palinism, feel free to review the Anti-Palin diaries I made at Daily Kos:
That last photo is so frickin pathetic. I kind of pity him in a way, but he hitched his wagon to the gravy train on the bridge to nowhere.
ReplyDeleteThe Gretawire photo is obviously a fake. Unless Palin lost her left arm in a combine accident on one her Iowa farm stops.
ReplyDeleteI agree that something's not right with the Greta photo of SP "running" in that race.
ReplyDeleteFirst, she's the only one running in the grass. Almost looks like she's just now running into race from sidelines.
Second, nobody seems to notice she's coming into the pack. Some might argue they are busy running, but look at those two women just walking and gabbing. They surely would have noticed if the woman in the florescent clothes coming into the pack being followed by photographers.
I say BALONEY it is a faked photo. Either photoshopped or staged so they could say how HEALTHY Sarah is.
Well, it looks like the Tundra Turd entered as Sarah Heath and came in second in her age category (40-49) unless she had someone running in her place. Always a possibility with her.
I think some of you must not even be reading anon's posts very well.
ReplyDeleteShe said from the start Sarah knew who she was and she wasn't scared of Sarah. She clearly stated it was Sarah's rabid, sometimes violent followers she was wanting to avoid being made a target of.
Asking why she doesn't just "scan emails" is ridiculous. I'm sure there are legal implications for passing around private, possibly government-server originating emails.
If she was doing this to be noticed, she'd be using her name, directing attention to her own blog or web site, some angle of benefit. If she was a Palinbot, she sure as heck wouldn't be saying what she is.
I'm sorry but the inner child in me couldn't resist...
ReplyDeletepic 1 caption: 'Hi Christine. I'm here and you're not'
pic 2: 'Did I clean my nails this time?
pic 3: 'If you join my Palin Puppies Program, you can sponsor some puppies that are this biggggg!'
pic 4: 'Aren't I sexy when I tracing my letters?'
pic 5: 'I'm working two jobs and took out a second mortgage for this? You're dead to me now, bee-ach;'
And to Ken Crow, was she worth it?
That Gretawire picture is so PHOTOSHOPPED!! I know her bot's thinks the woman walks on air...but comeon...this picture is so fake...and why would she be the only one running on the grass...EPIC FAIL Palin Team!
ReplyDeleteMy comment on GW (under a different name) about the Photoshopping of the Palin running pic was also removed. Last I checked, a similar comment by Mommom was still there.
ReplyDeletePredictably, most GW bloggers are still gushing about what a great President she'll be, how she'll get the economy back on track, clean up corruption in DC like she did in Alaska, and so on.
Hey listen, the main point is whether or not the stories are true, not the identity of the poster. One person, same person pretending to be many people, doesn't matter.
ReplyDeleteYou all do realize we could be dealing with someone from the very dark side, doing FOX's or the Koch Brothers' or the establishment GOP's bidding? They all seem ready to roll that red carpet right under the bus at this point.
Still, it's all about the information being true or not.
I think there's something to it, which is why everyone is all riled up and why there are so many coming around to call the posts into question.
ReplyDeleteI went to the same site and saw what you did with registration, then went to the results page. It shows "Sarah Heath" W 47 and Team Des Moines, IA. Hmmmm. I too, believe the photo is not natural. If she were actually running along all of those other people on the ROAD, it baffles the mind that NO ONE would be looking at HER.
I didn't find the 1:45 finish time, so will go look again later.
What anon2:38 says rings true.
ReplyDeleteIf Chuck and Sally didn't know the preganacy was a hoax, then the rent-a-baby they were holding probably was at least a baby and not a reborn doll.
It also means Palin planned the hoax before McCain sealed the nomination. It could have been when Trig was born, if early Feb., or just knowing Bristol was pregnant and due in the spring.
Hypocridiot. Sarahnoia. Palintology is getting it's own terminology.
I also agree with 7:14 and several other doubters. If Chuck was so plugged into Sarah's life that he was encouraging her to stay for the formal event, then he also was around her enough to know she wasn't pregnant. In other words, how did he know so much about this conference in the first place? Wouldn't he have already known they weren't staying since the flight back was already booked, and Todd didn't re-book to an earlier flight? He had to have known she faked the pregnancy since he said he was there when Trig "popped out". So the "Sarah told him her water broke" to get him off her ass for not staying doesn't add up. Yea, this is going to turn into another Wendy Waitress "You people are mean!!! I'm leaving!!!" Anon 238 is just feeding us Sarah gossip that anyone could have made up, just like 7:14 demonstrated.
ReplyDelete@ 10:16 - take another look at the race results.
ReplyDelete40-49 Results - Women 21100 Half Marathon...
2. Heath, Sarah W47
Anon 8:27 -That photo of Sarah running in Iowa is photoshopped. Look at the feet.
ReplyDeleteTOTALLY agree with you.
Anon 8:27 -That photo of Sarah running in Iowa is photoshopped. Look at the feet.
ReplyDeleteTOTALLY agree with you.
Sounds like Toki de la Vega to me.
ReplyDeleteI am a runner and there is NO WAY Palin ran a 1:45 1/2 marathon. That is a sub 8 min mile. Hard core, regular runners have that pace time for the 1/2. I don't want to hear about how "I can run that!" Really? Sub 8 minute mile for 13 in a row? Not Sarah!
ReplyDeleteResults will be posted here, will be easy to check who bib # 63 really is, where she finished, what race she ran and her time.
Also, the name "Jump Right In & Run" means sarah could have jumped into the race for this photo, then jumped right out a few feet later.
thought from left field:
ReplyDeleteIs "Fred" actually Floyd Orr? His old blog is still there, but not current. Says he is writing another book?
I really can't believe that picture that Greta VS posted! How stupid is she and how stupid does she think people are (hint, the people commenting are VERY stupid.)? Palin can fly, folks! She is running on air! And she is in better focus than anyone else and she alone is running in (or just above!) the grass.
ReplyDeleteThe comments are pathetic. These people are driving around out there. Use caution.
c4per's do not realize that the photo was photo shopped. If she sprouted wings and flew over the race, they'd believe her.
ReplyDelete"If your last paragraph is true, then said supporter is a twisted human being."
Isn't someone a twisted human being simply by virtue of being a Sarah Palin supporter?
You are correct. Thank you for pointing that out.
40-49 Results - Women Half Marathon (team results)
ReplyDelete2 Heath, Sarah W47 Des Moines, IA
Her TEAM finished 2nd, so it says. And why Sarah HEATH ??
Storm Lake Running Results:
Well, Sarah was second in her age class, 40-49, in a handful of women running in "Jump Right In" fun run. No times available, but pal Greta says 1:45. Wow. That's super slow for a dedicated runner. Awww, that's a bummer. Sorry, Sarah. Maybe too many clothes on, in 70-degree weather?
ReplyDeleteWeird that you skipped all the fantastic runs in Alaska in the last few weeks. Seems like the Big Wild Life runs would have been a no-brainer...
Ritalin? She might be using a perscription obtained for a child since she doesn't want it on her record.
ReplyDelete@11:25, anon didn't claim that Chuck bugged Sarah about the formal event because he's so "plugged in". Rather, because he is a pain-in-the-ass. He has a huge mouth and is not the brightest bulb in the circuit, so it stands to reason that he wouldn't be in the loop on the fraud. And don't get me started on Sally.
ReplyDeleteIn the marathon she is listed as Sarah Heath
ReplyDeleteThe Storm Lake results do indicate a Sarah Heath from Des Moines ran as W47 in the half marathon getting 2 points.
ReplyDeleteThe photoshopped pic makes it look like she is trying to run in at the last minute of the race. We need to get a shopped pic of her running out of it right after it starts and then her getting into a limo and zooming off toward the finish.
ReplyDeleteA comment on the necklace she wore:
For all you doubters of Anon Me again, I suggest you go back and read Game Change, Blind Allegiance, and many of Gryphens older posts. Time and time again we have heard the same things from various sources, and Bailey published Sarahs own emails to back them up. She was obsessed with polls and her media coverage, and anonymous bloggers. Steve Scmidt himself described Sarahs catatonic states on the campaign trail, eating only Atkins bars , with her hotel rooms strewn with dirty dishes and clothes. How do you think she got through the VP debate? Probably lots and lots of prescription meds. Sarahs mood swings were documented in depth by Bailey when Sarah was running for governor.
ReplyDeleteI have maintained for years that if Sarah must be ADHD or have some other type of learning disabilities. Her run on word salad, frequent malapropisms, and Paul Revere moment are not normal. Everything Me Again has revealed is consistent with what others have experienced with Sarah. If she is making shit up, we will know soon enough. Until then quit the sniping...it pleases Sarah.
As far as Joe M goes, he is clearly a dinosaur. If Sarah didn't pay attention to blogs, why did she kick Gryphen out of her book signing ? I'm still on the fence about buying his book...I will buy Levis for sure.
Analysis of sly deception in speech
ReplyDeleteto Tea Party faithful:
Did she even understand what she was reading from her notes?
Whoops! Wad I do?! on my last comment the following should have been included:"Sarah could have paid a minion who is a seasoned runner to enter and run that race as Sarah Heath from Iowa! Who would have noticed?! Then send out a photoshopped pic to the media! What a simple little hoax! Certainly not past tranny palin!!!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteJohn McCain!
Did you vet that bitch?
9:46 AM
Are you asking if McCain took that bitch from Wasilla to a vet?
Uncle G, you have been conspicuously silent on the Anon comments. I find this very interesting. hmmmm...
ReplyDeleteThinking about Anon's mention of redacted e-mails concerning the fake pregnancy. That means that Parnell knows now & many others in his administration may also know. (who ever did the redacting) That is a lot of people to keep silent.
& what about Mudflats? Did Bailey show her any interesting e-mails? Why is she letting baby-gate comments through, when she did not before?
The web of silence increases...
Aurora, that link is scary. Palin is sicker than I ever imagined. The callousness is breathtaking.
ReplyDeleteAnon "me again", is there any way your friend can send you the picture of newborn "Valentine Trig" so you can post it or send it to IM?
ReplyDeleteCan't stress enough how HUGE that picture will be.
Thank you so much for what you do and your time and effort!
I bet "coffee" = Ritalin. It all makes sense now.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @ 8:24 am said...
ReplyDelete"Didn't creepy Chuck say he watched SP pop out Trig?"
He did say something to that effect.
We have also heard that Paylin had her tubes tied after Piper was born.
So it's hard to know exactly what popped out of Paylin (aside from all her lies and distortions).
Please, Please, PLEASE STOP with "I don't believe Anon238" because....
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, your OPINION holds the exact same weight of those who choose, at this time, to NOT discredit Anon238 out of hand.
Second, well, it's really boring. If you doubt her, I suggest you leave it on the Broomfield post so she can see it and address your concerns herself.
However, I wanted to add:
- She didn't say RITALIN was prescribed for the Adult Sarah Paylin. It does NOT mean that the adult Sarah Paylin does NOT abuse it.
-I believe ANY number of Family members of ANY number of people in Sarah's past could be Anon238, I don't need to speculate. It's pointless at best, harmful at worst.
Bottom line: There are many of us who are enjoying her posts ~with a grain of salt ~ but enjoying them nonetheless. Most people would love her to be true, but if she isn't, well, what have we really "lost"? Pfft, not enough to get all grizzly about, is it?
You trolls trying to discredit anon are kind of pathetic . She -- it reads like a female to me -- said that Sarah knows who she is and added that their mutual connection is someone who can't be removed from the Palin circle. Some people thought it was Brittas mom. It could be Meg Stapletons sister... It's a confidant of one of Sarahs confidants but Sarah can't touch this person because of her relationship to the confidant. It's pretty obvious unless you're looking for reason not to believe or because you're a troll trying to dissuade others. Nice try losers.
ReplyDeleteDidn't creepy Chuck say he watched SP pop out Trig? That would conflict with what Anon is saying.
Oh, Absolutely, Anon! "Creepy Chuck" (did it feel weird to write that about ur Grandpa, Brisdull?) is Definitely Who I go To for all of My Facts re: Heath/Payliars.
Thanks AGAIN for pointing out the USELESSNESS of the "facts" that "debunk" Anon238.
To borrow from a Different Anon:
Back during the campaign, she entered a marathon in Washington state, but didn't finish it. Her handlers said she dropped out to avoid reporters at the end of the race.
Oh cripe! They thought THAT was a GOOD, WELL-THOUGHT OUT ANSWER? They admitted she was "dodging the press"?
@5:25 anon, you left out this:
ReplyDelete"Although the drug (Ritalin) is only licensed to treat children and teenagers with ADHD, healthcare providers may occasionally recommend it as an off-label ADHD medication (for adults).
Anon 11:57 - Sorry, I don't believe SP ran that half marathon in 1:45 either but that time would not be slow AT ALL. That time would actually be a very respectable 8 minute mile. No shame in that.
ReplyDeletei meant @7:01 am anon
ReplyDeleteAlso, the word choice is something other than street talk (i.e. endeavor, incredibly, lackluster). Then out of nowhere she uses the term "baked" to describe Sarah at the restaurant.
Yup, that's pretty moronic reasoning as well.
I have already used "British" and "Australian" phrases, as well as the exact word, "baked" (Levi in the Green shirt @ the hospital? Duuuuddde).
So, again, Take your Moronic "facts" and "reasoning" and take it to the Bloomfield post so Anon238 can hand you your ass in the next post.
Not to mention that Anon said that TODD called Sarah A HOBO, not Anon.
ReplyDeleteSo learn how to read before you get all ahead of yourself with, ya know, Analysis.
why the meltdown, Sarah Vs Sarah?
ReplyDeleteI sense another Rosie Ruiz scandal in the making, regarding the Palin "marathon" results.
By the way, look at how it's gone from Gryphen correctly pointing out that Sarah looked subdued and unwell at the Iowa restaurant, to Anon claiming--WITHOUT PROVIDING ANY EVIDENCE--that she was drunk on the plane and then given ritalin the next day to perk up to commenters now saying almost as fact that Sarah must be taking ritalin illegally, possibly even stealing it from her kids and snorting it.
ReplyDeleteWhat next? She's secretly feeding it to Trig (or to all three Trigs) because she's just abusive like that?
Sometimes, people here just go overboard on the conspiracy garbage, and I think that's what McGinnis was referring to.
I am almost sure that Sarah Palin did not give birth to Trig. I think the evidence we have seen supports it. But there are those people who take it to the next level and beyond--"Trig is the product of incest" or the son of Sarah's sister and now there are at least three Trigs, etc.
Stick to what the evidence supports, and we will get much further with our claims against Sarah. But if you start throwing in wild speculation--especially fed to you by Anons--you discredit the arguments against Sarah.
She looks anorexic. We can see that. But there's no evidence she's stealing Ritalin and snorting it.
2,000 expected but only 500 turn out in the rain to see Palin....In Virginia 26,000 turn out in the night rain to see Obama, check out the pictures;
OzMud said...
ReplyDelete" Here in America, baked means stoned, and it's generally only used by teens. It does not mean drunk."
I still use the word 'baked' to mean someone toasted on drugs and believe me I'm no teenager. I think it's usage more depends on where you live and in what circles you travel - we all have our pet, familiar words and take them wherever we go.
Ritalin would not be an out-of-line choice for a woman who is (reportedly) getting her pharmaceuticals from online sources rather than a proper doctor. An amateur who used it for her kids would be more apt to order Ritalin than another depressant with which he or she had no experience.
Are those running shoes or sandals on Sarah's feet in that photo?
Again, I have to say I believe
Anon238's intent was to convey that because Sarah knows him/her that he/she needs to be careful what they write - as in offereing certain info would give away their identity - not that Sarah knows they write here.
It's been my understanding that Sarah's emails didn't take 3 years to redact and release - but that they were delayed getting to the redacting process to begin with - which means someone or a small handful of someones had more than enough time to pull any emails thought to discredit Sarah regarding the pregnancy. Look how long it took Celtic Diva to finally get the emails she paid for - plenty of time for someone to audit them on the sly before the release.
"why the meltdown, Sarah Vs Sarah?"
ReplyDeleteLOL....yeah, that's what I say.
I was just asking questions, and wondering about styles of speaking in the Alaskan area. Because down where I live, we don't talk exactly like that. And her writing seemed quite sophisticated to me, and then the phrase "she was baked last night" was stuck in there a little out of place. Not saying it's not the writer, but I was thinking along the lines of a third party, perhaps a younger person telling anon that hey, I saw Sarah and she was really baked last night, and then it gets inserted in the narrative. Anything is possible.
But none of that matters really, I was just speculating. But so far I haven't read anything she wrote that contained anything new. If I'm wrong, then please point out all the new stuff I'm missing - the names of the 3rd parties involved with the Trip adoption, the explanation of what happened after they left the Texas airport, how involved her doctor was, etc. Also, If Todd emailed a staff member about the prosthetic, then who was it? Not that I would recognize a name, but it would show that this person saw the email or was told details about the email.
Which of sarah's family/friends children has ADHD? Find the answer to that and find sarah's "coffee" supplier.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 2:36, you do realize it's not completely out of the question that Trig is the product of some type of incest or involuntary incident, right?
ReplyDeleteNot saying it's true, but you do realize it's just as possible as any other scenario, particularly if it turns out Bristol is Trig's mother?
Acting like that's just so far gone when few of us really know a damn thing about Trig's true parentage, is just as illogical as people getting carried away with other rumors on other topics.
I really find it interesting that you would even bring that issue up.
So many iffy comments going on around here. To be expected, as things are heating up I guess.
Oh My Gawd Tawd!!!
ReplyDeleteThese people crack me up. What makes them think that she couldn't be abusing Adderal/Ritalen/any other form of speed because it isen't prescribed for adults (or whatever lame excuse) or off label or whatever. When one of every ten children is on this for whatever reason, don't you think some of these drugs fall into the wrong hands? Have they not heard of the internet pharmacies? (Oh yea-people only order overseas drugs for legitimate purposes) $50 and 20 minutes and I'll go down the street and get you whatever your heart desires. My goodness you people are stupid.Remember the e-mails where her and Ivy obsessed over coffee? A little much...doncha know? Classic one remember, she didn't want coffee since she had just eaten? Most people love coffee after a meal. However abusers usually don't take their pills after a meal - why - the food slows the drug entering the blood stream. All the tells are there. Plus duhhh ..... she has the classic look of a speed freak. Also isn't Wasilla the drug capital of Alaska. Case closed.
so apparently Shawn Christy is right and Sarah Heath never did get married to Hawt Toddy.
ReplyDeleteShawn Christy is the kid that Sarah Palin hired to send threatening letters to the President. He is the reason she was forced to resign or go to jail for treason. He claims that the papers he was served with all state that Sarah Heath is SINGLE.
The question is how long has she been single? Was she EVER married?
Just a comment on Ritalin.
ReplyDeleteThis morning I reconsidered 'Ritalin' being prescribed for Sarah Palin & thought back to the time when Sarah became "catatonic" or overwhelmed and "shut down" when she was being prepared for the VP debate.
Palin's managers must have looked to medical people to help.
Just reread an article on the mailonline, "Cambridge professor calls for healthy adults to use 'Ritalin' to boost brain power"..
The article was written Dec 10,2008.
This was not an ordinary woman faced with an ordinary situation.. and it is not difficult to imagine that 'off-label' treatments were tried.. so that Sarah would not completely disgrace the party by her inability to function.
After that, if it has been prescribed for her once.. and seems to work in certain situations.. I don't imagine she'd have trouble getting more Rx's for the med.
Sarah, from videos, seems very at home talking in her church but put her in a situation of responding to a question.. and you get 'Paul Revere' beautifully captured on tape.
So in retrospect, I have no problem thinking that she may have been prescribed Ritalin, but not really for 'ADHD' just as a medication that could functioning and thinking well enough to be onstage.
ReplyDeleteYou said:
"You do realize it's not completely out of the question that Trig is the product of some type of incest or involuntary incident, right?
Not saying it's true, but you do realize it's just as possible as any other scenario, particularly if it turns out Bristol is Trig's mother?"
It may be possible, but it is certainly not as PROBABLE as any other scenario, when you look at the proportion of pregnancies to underaged mothers that are due to incest versus the proportion due to consensual sex with a non-family member.
It's also possible that aliens really did land here and instruct Egyptians on how to build the pyramids, but it's not all that probable.
ReplyDeleteWhile we are speculating on things for which there is absolutely zero evidence, why don't we throw in the possibility that she takes Ambien, which she steals from Bristol, because she's obviously stressed. And she most likely takes Abilify, because her depression is so severe that Prozac could not possibly treat it. She is also no doubt taking Rogaine for women to help prevent hair loss due to her nutritional disorders. Of course, she doesn't want anyone to know she uses Rogaine, so she has it shipped to Track and Britta's house.
By the way, there is no evidence for any of that--just like there is nothing more than sheer speculation and the words of some unverified "anonymous" that she has ever taken ritalin.
But we can speculate and make up all kinds of things and pretend they are true, even without any evidence.
At least there is substantial evidence in the form of photos and witness accounts of Sarah Palin not looking pregnant that demonstrate she was not pregnant with Trig when she claimed to be.
I'm just suggesting that people stick to the evidence and stop looking like the equivalent of all those people who claimed Hillary Clinton murdered Vince Foster.
Of course, she doesn't want anyone to know she uses Rogaine, so she has it shipped to Track and Britta's house.
cinchy since Track and Britta have lived at the Palin compound for 4 years now.
Dear Anon 7:28..
ReplyDeleteI posted the comment at 6:36 and agree, in retrospect, that perhaps I should not have written that post, because it is poorly worded and researched.
I was responding to a different poster who posted his/her thoughts on a different day and did not make that clear. That post tended to assume that Palin has ADHD, which was beyond what I felt comfortable assuming.
Thank you for your comment.