Sunday, September 04, 2011

I don't think Rick Perry and his Evangelical friends are praying hard enough.

Courtesy of Collective Vision:

The meanest drought in modern Texas history looks different out here, away from the cities. There are no emerald swaths of St. Augustine lawns, no blooming shrubs, no misters cooling bar patrons as the sun goes down on another cloudless, 105-degree day. 

The disconnect between what rural Texans are experiencing and sheltered urbanites are seeing has never seemed greater. Out here, the brutality of the drought is measured not in annoying water restrictions or water pipes bursting in the dessicated ground — all now commonplace in Texas cities and towns — but threatened livelihoods, and the waning of life itself.

 So tell me again Governor Perry what are your thoughts about global warming?

"There are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated data so that they will have dollars rolling into their projects."

No serious candidate for President should have so little respect for science, and so little ability to see the evidence that surround him in his very own state.


  1. JenniferinVA3:14 AM

    The zealots construct their "reality" and want to force the rest of us to live in it. In their world global warming is a hoax perpetuated by Al Gore to get rich, government can't help the people, taxes are evil, freedom is a vaginal ultrasound and a 24-hour waiting period, and Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry are God's chosen.
    Thanks, but I'll take my world, imperfect as it is,

  2. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Thank you for posting this. With all the noise surrounding SP, it's good to be reminded what is truly at stake, what is truly important.

  3. Sally in MI3:36 AM

    Ad is je in his state, trying to help these people and animals? No, no no. Governor Rick is off staying in 4 star hotels, giving speeches about how bad the President is and how Perry's God will save the US from financial ruin if we just give our money and our hearts to Gov. Rick, Bachmann, and
    Screech, because THEY will save us from ourselves. I suppose Gov. Rick will deny that there is tragedy happening in his own state, and refuse federal funds as well.

  4. Anne In Texas4:18 AM

    I am thankful I am not a rancher or a farmer like some of my extended family. And I am very unhappy to see that almost all of our trees on our lot are finally, completely dead. One really old oak and five old pecans. Man. I am starting to think God is punishing us Texans for re-electing Rick Perry.

  5. Anonymous4:27 AM

    "When Perry was asked what he thought about global warming, he replied, "'There are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated data so that they will have dollars rolling into their projects'".

    Perry's statement is almost true. But the scientists he's talking about are not environmental scientists - they are scientists working for oil companies and other corporations who don't want regulations on anything they do so they "manipulate the data"... just so the corporations will keep money rolling in.

    Put the words back in the his statement: "There are a substantial number of scientists (WHO WORK FOR OIL COMPANIES) who have manipulated data so that they will have dollars rolling into their (CORPORATION'S) projects".

    Drop a word here and there and good ol' boy Rick Perry isn't exactly lying but he has to be laughing.

  6. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Tropical Storm Lee is proof positive that God hates the current governor of Texas. As a direct descendant of the Old One Hundred Anglos conned into accepting land to serve as a buffer between Santa Anna and the Comanche raiders, the Dixie Chicks have nothing on my embarrassment.

  7. Anonymous5:33 AM

    "Well, I can't figger this thing out, so my advice for your problem? Pray. Pray all day, because I can't do anything for you. doG will provide, if we can just get thet rain-killing jug-eared bootlip out of office. praise the lord, and pass the ammunition!"

  8. Virginia Voter5:34 AM

    What I want to know is why NOT ONE SINGLE MEDIA outlet has ever questioned Rick Perry about this tragedy . Here he is running around the country spouting his bullshit, when his state is suffering from over an estimated $5 billion in agriculture losses? This is crazy.

  9. Earlier I clicked on a video link (ABC News) that panned the audience from behind. Having just been in an outdoor concert audience of 2,300+, this crowd was nowhere near the numbers reported for $P's little farmfest. Judging from the looks on the faces in the crowd, by a face straight out of A Face In The Crowd, those of us attending Bill Maher's concert last weekend had a heckava better time!! Especially so when the names Bachmann, Palin, Perry or TeaParty were mentioned. Bill's audience was composed of 20 to 70 year old well mannered, casually dressed, educated-looking folks and yes, we were all swilling lattes and aged wine. We enjoyed a bit of Brie, all they got in IA was 'cheesy'.

  10. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Have you heard Perry speak about this while running for president? Will tarnish the Texas miracle.

    We know he will be the first to take Federal funds.When he had that prayer service God knew it was not about rain, it was about Perry. Palin and Perry should know that God does not like fakers.

    I live in Texas,it is bad. I WILL NOT VOTE PERRY....he is a snake.

  11. Punkinbugg5:47 AM

    Our area of the Lone Star state, normally green and lush year-round, looks like the surface of Mars. We've had 100+ degree days for a total of 68 days, and everything is dying.

    Wildfires spring up daily in rural areas, and we have yet to see OUR governor visit one of the devastated sites.

    No... he's too busy running around the country, guarded by OUR tax-dollar-paid security staff, who also send advance teams to scour each upcoming location.

    To top it off, his travel budget has been sealed for a convenient 18 months.... so much for transparency!

    Ah yes, Rick Perry. Son of a sharecropper, living on the public dole for 99% of his adult life, and now he's a millionaire! It's the American Dream!

  12. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Here in Northwest Louisiana we live just 3 miles from Texas.Thats what its like here,too.I keep a tote that my grandsons buried half in the ground for support filled with water in my dried up dead garden next to my dried up dead trees.The deer,possums,raccoons,etc come to drink.This was after finding that raccoons had broken into the lid on the septic system for water,and after seeing a small heard of deer searching through the ditches for water that was not there.

  13. Anonymous6:43 AM

    I was just in Texas where there were two wildfires burning. One was in Palo Pinta County at Possum Kingdom lake{the second since April}. After burning four days and only fifty percent contained has destroyed many homes and will destroy more. The other in Wise County destroying about three hundred acres and several homes. Not once did Rick Perry go on TV to comfort these people and promise them help. I grew up in Texas and family still lives there and it makes me sad to see what has happened to Texas.
    The Texas government has let people put gas wells right in peoples back yards. Gas wells are all over. People are just stuck with them. Who would want to buy their house with gas wells in the back yard? It is really sad to see what Rick Perry has done to Texas for money.

  14. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Proof enough that there is no "God."

  15. If there was ever any doubt as to what a lowlife Rick Perry is, ignoring the tragedy that is happening in his state removes it all.

    I am so sorry you Texans and Louisianans are going through this. And all those poor breaks my heart to see those pictures.

  16. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Perry is lower than a tic on a weasel's belly. He'll say and do anything as long as it gets him traction, I skimmed through his "Fed Up" book, and he has a lot of explaining to do.

    I feel for the people of Texas, especially those who make their livelihood off the land. They've been ignored in favor of big oil and cronyism, and have to deal with Perry and his ignorance.

    The man is delusional, and very dangerous, I hope he's just the "flavor of the day" and feels the smack of defeat, like Bachman's meteoric fall in the polls.

  17. Anonymous8:01 AM

    hey, whats to worry on water in TX....not a prob. for the frackers.
    who are sucking the aquifers dry.

  18. Anonymous8:07 AM

    As a rancher, not our main business, that raises graasfed, antibiotic free cattle, I can attest to just how devastating this drought is.
    Many of you may think it has nothing to do with you, but you are mistaken.
    It is not just Texas, crops have been plowed under coast to coast. LA lost a season of veggies, many in Texas never planted any, cattle herds are being sold off down to a small breeding herd size.
    The affects on the rest of the nation will be higher food prices, less premium veggies, less nuts, less cotton, less fruit.
    My advice is if you have a freezer--stock up.
    The Texas drought is NOT just about Rick Perry and his crazy ideas--it is real people losing their farms and ranches. While I as a Texan, realize just how easy it is to make fun of Gov Good Hair, thank you for making this article more about what WE the people are seeing.

    Little Rabbit

  19. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Perry is just like Palin. The going is getting pretty tough in TX so he bails on you. Same shit, same stink.

  20. As I went through a process to figure out why I was confused about why what I wanted to do with my life and for my kids was seen as "wrong", my "experiences" allowed me to see things differently and make decisions contrary to what I was being "told was good." I learned that we MUST use our own eyes and bodies to SEE what's right and not be swayed by WORDS that deceive.

    Against what is accepted as "normal" in our culture, I chose to take only as much work as I could that would allow me to care for my kids. I did things like breastfed them until they were both over 18 months. We do not spend our money on movies...we read. We walk almost every day. And I continue to have to stand up to people who are sure there is something wrong with me, that I don't make good decisions.

    Yes, I am one the poor that needs the government to take action to control the greed of the insurance industry...I need basic health care for a reasonable cost; yes, I am a woman and I have dealt with not finding any "part-time" positions that will pay over $12.50 an hour, so I need help to care for my kids or at least health care coverage... I simply can't do it for those wages. It makes me sick to see the greed of the CEO's, their bonuses, but I don't let it get me down.

    I have something more important, I am a progressive, I donate time and money when I can in small amounts to important causes, and I have incredible kids. I do believe in God, but I believe tragedy is supposed to help us see we need each other. People are the hands of God and government is simple people we elect to serve our country to help the people control those who would destroy because they are wealthy/rich and are certain they are entitled and for some reason never learned some basic religious principles of caring which actually means means sharing our time and what we have with others. Perhaps their parents were too busy or just weren't there for them.

    Anyway, I lived with one and we have too many in political office because they can be so charming.

    Hopefully enough of us are using our eyes and ears and the tide will turn away from these criminals who are "using religion and whoever twisted it to mean fear of others to control people" and support good, caring people again.

    We need new talking points for the left. I hope people will work on it...I see some come and go, but we need some solid concepts, in the manner that simply saying "Peace" worked in the 60's to counter the counterfeit "Freedom" that is being bandied around now.

  21. Anonymous8:47 AM

    As a Texan I can say this summer has been the summer of pure hell. If God was listening to Rick Perry at all, it should have rained some. As a native Texan, it almost has become more than I can abide. I want to move, but my husband won't, so I am stuck in this dried out, hellishly hot place. If Rick Perry, et al think the hurricanes and earthquakes are God's judgement, what about the drought and the fires here? How does he explain that? YOu know that is te fraudulent thinking in that kind of thing. Our state is dying for water and we have nothing. We're hoping thr hurricanes turn toward us so we can get some rain. That is how bad it is. I live in teh city and my yard is full of uge cracks and holes everywhere. It must be pure hell in the rural areas. I started feeding the rabbits, birds, squirrels in my yard because I felt so sorry for te wildlife here. I put out water for them daily too. I wish i could help them all. Texas is big, hot and dry and it is no picnic to live here in any way. Rick Perry is and has been a terrible governor. Last year he said if you ran for president you should quit your current job. We are waiting for your resination Perry.

  22. Ugh. Tough pictures to look at. I hope it rains in TX.

  23. Punkinbugg9:28 AM

    Update: Perry's coming to Texas to check out the wildfires!!

    Ironically, he's having to cancel plans to debate the other Republican contenders in SC.

    Now before you say, "Hey Punk -- he's damned if he do, damned if he don't!", remember that he never once debated Bill White when running for governor.

    Wonder what tactic he'll use to avoid the next one?


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