![]() |
This is a sight that could give nightmares to progressives, actual marathon runners, and intelligent people everywhere. |
Personally I am still trying to figure out why there was such an incredible push back on the talk that this whole thing might have been staged. And I don't just mean the typical pro-Palin people either.
Perhaps one of you could enlighten me concerning that question?
Do you know, there is something strangely alluring about this photo--like a heart attack has!
ReplyDeleteIt might be because people just accept things as they appear. Many would choose not to have Palin be the incredible sneak that she is. They would prefer not to see the dark side of anything. I tend to be very suspicious of anything if some part of it does not look right.
ReplyDeleteAnd - I am still miffed at Joe Mc. His train has gone off the track!!
Pat Padrnos
the first picture of the woman starting the race wearing the red shirt is not palin. If you look closely at her face, it's not her. As far as Joe Mcg defending her and even congratulating her, I can only guess that it might be a strategic move to stir the pot with her. If she faked everyone out, and I'm sure she did, his words might make her just a little uncomfortable. On the other hand, he could be straight up telling us his opinion with no hidden agenda and i simply cannot understand him on this one. He is a little strange at times. Who knows!
ReplyDeleteHmm. Everything Sarah Palin does is half-assed. I tend to believe AKM's version of the truth - catatonic, bulimic, freak-a-zoid Sarah - sort of like she was Friday night. I am supposed to believe THAT Sarah ran a half marathon 2 days later? Hahahaha. Nice opportunity for a photo-op of sweaty shoulders, perfect makeup and a FABULOUS floating stride though - kudos, Sarah!
ReplyDeleteWalt Disney's "Pink Elephants" from the movie "Dumbo" came to mind upon seeing that pic!
ReplyDeleteHA, HA, HA! Oh man, Gryph - you've really outdone yourself with this one. I laughed so hard I don't need to do sit-ups for a week.
ReplyDeleteBut you still can't find her left arm? Maybe Paul Revere knows where it is. I'll bet he lost it on his 'wild ride' to warn the British that the Americans were coming.
That was an incredibly scary image to see upon entering IM! Yikes.
ReplyDeleteWhen you are so very, very snarky and the evidence builds that she was in fact there, it just makes us all look bad.
ReplyDeleteYou asked.
There's so much push back because runners, like let's say teachers or parents, are imbued with some kind of granted immunity from doubt: serious people making serious efforts which should be applauded, not questioned.
ReplyDeleteRunning is all about going the distance. The motivation to persist through fatigue and even pain is enobling.
Like a mother faking a pregnancy, or a politician opportunistically adopting a special needs child, a runner faking going the distance is just too far outside acceptable norms to contemplate from a someone not cast out from the group of "normal' and "decent".
A certain kind of obscenity. Unthinkable.
Thus the push back.
Morning Griffin, Interesting how people have picked up these differences (and try to spin them off). I tried it a different way.
ReplyDeleteI do photoshopping and when you have an image you are trying to put into another you tend to use the "clone" stamp. So I took the image and enlarged it and "Oh, my goodness!" you will find the places where the pixels have been tampered with. Not only around SP (especially between her legs) but on the woman behind her. It is not present another place in the photo.
Also the color tone of SP is off. When you take a picture there is a color tone totality of the photograph. She is very much a different tone and saturation.
Besides she's just floating in air there. Really weird.
If Sarah were a normal person she would have entered the race under her own name, run alongside some of her supporters, walked part of the race if it became too demanding, and happily finished among the crowd. Maybe she'd even give kudos to the people who trained hard for the race.
ReplyDeleteBut no. All we have are a couple of dubious looking pictures and an incredible time of 1:46. A feat requiring superb conditioning and miles and miles of daily training.
The people who are saying, face it, she ran the race, have obviously never contemplated or experienced running a half marathon in 1:46.
If she did fake this race, it is not a trivial matter. It is an insult to all who worked honestly for what they accomplished, which, of course, is exactly what her political run has been about from the very beginning.
If it can be shown that she really ran the race (or gave birth to Trig) as claimed, I will stand down.
It's the FINISH Photo that looks Funny to Me
ReplyDeleteNearly no one around, an implausible dampness pattern on the t-shirt - this is as convincing as picturing Sarah in a cap and gown to "prove" she actually graduated from college.
It's pushback just like babygate. She is such an amazing liar that people can't wrap their heads around it. If I even bring up babygate to people who don't like her, they get angry. I can't wait for the big "I told you so".
ReplyDeleteFunny, and the perfect point to make!
ReplyDeleteGood morning, Gryphen!
ReplyDeleteHere's my theory:
Well-intentioned IM'ers probably were worried that all of your amazing work would be "thrown out like the baby in the bath water".
I, personally, think this little "charade" here is the absolute EMBODIMENT of everything Sarah Palin.
APPEARANCES- She SEEMS like the real deal! Just Look! Looks good. Me like.
HEALTHY- You've been addressing her poor health and manic state. This is PR 101.
The PHOTO OP- it is the ONLY "truth" in Payland.
And finally,
As people have said, a ridiculous charade like this is not something the MSM is probably going to step into to de-bunk.
So she gets "news" outlets around the world to SHOW her RUNNING and STATING she RAN a 13.1 mile marathon in 1:45.
Then, she gets SOMETHING redeeming. SOMETHING that AVERAGE JOE "Ameikku" DOES. NOT. DO.
It makes HER SPECIAL, AGAIN. It's something ELSE for them to look up to. Something ELSE to shout at detractors - SEE? She's no attention WHore! See? She's healthy! See? She doesn't need Bomb Sniffing Dogs and Bendy straws ALL the time!
She IS just. Like. Us. But Better!!
Gosh, shucks, how DOES she Do it? Wonderwoman is right! (I heard that she even SINGs to TRIG when she runs! Wow. Is there NOTHING she can't do? (*swoon*)
It's this need for her goons to see her as some sort of super-woman that forces her into these Ridiculous Scenarios. Even the Wild Ride. Just, so absurd.
A bogus headline could SCREAM from page one, and a retraction squeaks on page B28.
Sarah counts on it.
OMG, the photo is amazing. Thanks Oz!
ReplyDeleteYes, for a picture that was obviously photoshopped, I thought the pushback was strange.
ReplyDeleteHas the irony of the half-term governor running a half-marathon been noted?
ReplyDeleteLet's get off the racing brouhaha a moment. What is really going on? Diversion, deflection, confusion and stupidity. Once more Ms Palin (we know it's Heath dear. Get off it.) and her enablers want bloggers to lose credibility and self destruct over this "race". Then she can crow to the LSM that she is being picked on again. Step back and see the real picture.
ReplyDeleteI don't care if she ran or not. IMO she does not have the stamina to run a half marathon on her own. What the silly bitch doesn't understand is she will have to keep up this charade forever.
Get that Gertie - you'll have to run everyday so you can be a shining example to the rill 'merican children. Photographers and reporters will demand access to your daily runs. Love it, love it, love it!
As you will be training to be able to accomplish your goal, here's a word of advice: get off the Redbull and pills before you have heart failure you dim bulb.
The photo of her running in front of the crowd is doctored. Plain and simple. I believe she was at the race and that she did run, but that photo was manipulated at least to some extent. There is evidence of that in the photograph. As a runner I'm also dubious of the 1:45 time. It's a bit too good for someone who's never seen running outside anywhere, and it's also too good for a treadmill runner. Just more half-truths from the Palins.
ReplyDeleteTrue Blue Girl...WORD. Thank u for so eloquently stating exactly what is wrong and very disturbing about EVERYTHING Sarah does publicly. It is so transparently fake epitomized by her tragic reality show where Daddy Chuck had to help her shoot the poor little caribou.
ReplyDeleteFake runner, fake pregnancy, fake glasses, fake hunter , fake wife, fake mother who NEVER gets called out. When will it end?
I can't stand Palin and don't believe her Wild Ride story. I just don't see why she would fake this race. Gryphen, I have said this before, but since you ask: I am pushing back because it just helps destroy any credibility you have on the Trig stuff - the stuff that matters.
ReplyDeleteThe photo is hilarious!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen you are so very, very snarky and the evidence builds that she was in fact there, it just makes us all look bad.
ReplyDeleteYou asked.
5:02 AM
Er.... I don't think anyone is disputing the fact that Sarah was there.
My two cents: I think she WAS there. I do not think she was EVER running with the actual race. I think that photo is photoshopped and I think the "finish" photo is staged. As proven time and again, she'll lie about ANYTHING. Unreal.
ReplyDeleteThe biggest give-away to anybody who's ever pulled off a sweaty t-shirt is the way 'water' has been splashed around the collar area and on top of the shoulders.
ReplyDeleteThe sweat marks are even more odd for someone who started off the race with two layers of clothing.
We should be skeptical of you as you are of Sarah. You're not in Iowa and as far as I know you're not a forensic photo expert.
ReplyDeleteYour argument that both feet were off the ground is ignorant of human beings actually run. Though probably not at 8 minute mile speed.
It's also pretty simple to have someone check this out before posting it. It's like when Fox Nation runs with a viral email story before checking it out. Do you have standards or not? Or are you just a gossip site? Without checking it out, you're just pissing in the wind.
Sorry, I misread the article and thought Oz made the photo, too. Anyway, I love the photo! I now do think she ran this one, though. It really wouldn't matter one way or the other. I know she's faked other more important things.
ReplyDeleteROFL about photo. Kudos to OzMud. As for JoeMcG, when I saw his comment that he was a long-time friend of Ailes, the main question was why didn't his long-time buddy, Ailes step in during the PalinBots serious threats against Joe? Sarah was an employee, Joe was a long-time friend - where was Ailes? Instead, the "next door neighbor pediophile / big tall fence issue" was hyped on Fox. A perfect publicity stunt for JoeMcG and Sarah that fooled the PalinBots as well as all who sympathized with Joe. Including me.
ReplyDeleteGood joke, Joe. I'm not going to buy the book, I'll just read the reviews on C4P.
Even the site you link to shows the stupid, embarrasing mistakes you can make when you have non-experts examining internet "evidence"
ReplyDeleteMistakes like this:
Where (during the race) did you get the snazzy timing gear? Doesn’t that type have a wire that runs up your arm, through your sleeve, down your back to come out and then run down to your shoe? Did you attach this when you took off the red shirt and white headband? UPDATE: Correction – that thing that looks like a cable is in fact a sidewalk crack.
Oops, I guess I should have made clear that the photo was not shopped by OzMud.
ReplyDeleteIt comes from the always creative imagination of Love and Knishes.
I think that person-writer chastising you for mocking photos of SP in a race she may or may not have run is a) self promoting; b) untrustworthy; c) dull blogger. He needs to monitor his own credibility.
ReplyDeletePalin's purpose was accomplished: a self-created "did she run or didn't she run situation" that drew everyone's attention from her big build up of a Sept. 3 "surprise" announcement.
ReplyDeleteIs there a Karl Rove clone in Murdoch's stable? Or is Karl, himself behind this kind of thing? Somewhere in the shadows, someone besides PsychoSarah is sure laughing their ass off.
Anonymous @ 5:02
ReplyDeleteNobody is saying she wasn't there.
Hi Sarah, Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteQuick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?
Are we in sorcerer's apprentice territory yet?
ReplyDeleteGood for you Sarah you can fake a marathon run. Now back to more important things. Where's Trig's DNA test AND birth certificate? Where's your hair follicle drug test? If you have nothing to hide I don't see why you refuse to provide these items.
ReplyDeleteThe parallels to Babygate are amusing:
ReplyDeleteShe tries to provide "photographic evidence" to prove her point, but they only serve as proof of her deceit. At best, they only bring more questions.
Also, regardless of her staged photo ops, the STORY (ya know, the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY AND HOW) around the photos NEVER. PANS. OUT.
That is what has given Babygate a real life. There is conflicting evidence EVERYWHERE between what Sarah DID, what Sarah SAID and what Sarah WROTE.
(The woman actually gives a speech and says she delivered Trig in A-N-C-H-O-R-A-G-E. That's over an HOUR away from the Mat-Su Regional Center where she WROTE she had Trig. Shhh! don't mention the MSRC didn't have the CAPABILITY to deliver a HIGH-RISK Baby like Trig and Anchorage could...shhh. Brisdull was well taken care of in Anchorage. What? Who said that?)
Once again, it's just an attempt for people to say, "See? Those nasty bloggers can't give her credit for anything! Maybe she IS villified too much". *puke puke blech*
palin the mad, could not run 8 minute miles PERIOD.
ReplyDeleteand its time you all realized what a fraud joe m is.
i pointed it out AT HIS OWN SITE many times.
you want proof this is another fraud?
show me a single picture of palin running the route outside of these 2 fake pics.
I think portions of this "run" and the staged pictures are going to show up in a future political ad. Count on it.
ReplyDeleteKudos to OzMud for pointing out the many questions about the race. Kudos to Love and Knishes for the hilarious photo. And kudos to you, Gryphen, for not letting all the push back make you "retreat".
I don't care if she ran on one foot all the way in this race, at record breaking speeds.
ReplyDeleteShe lied about how much of the race she ran (by omission) and she did it as a photo op to dispel rumors of her health.
I think the push bk is because there is so much more traffic on this site. And yes, it gets a little 'out there', BUT there is something to be said for free speech on a blog. (are you listening Mr. Closed Comments Now That I've Used You To Promote My Book?)
As far as other Alaskan bloggers go..... shit or get off the pot.
Way tired of the polite bk and forth, I need a few hits on my blog so I'll mention $carah posts.(And I find it disturbing to pick comments off one blog to post on your own)
You asked. You are silly at times but are still the best at never giving up on the lies that are $carah Payme.
Photo is proof human cloning should always be banned.
ReplyDeleteThat many Sarah's is SCARY!!!!!
I really dont see how deciphering a photo matters in general. Photos dont talk. And I wouldnt call it PUSHBACK. I'd call it common sense. People wonder how she goes places incognito, yet she does similar things in AZ. AND other states. Ever wonder why MORE pictures don;t surface of her in an airplace (other than the one with Bristol from Feb). People obviously don't care.
ReplyDeleteI'm serious. It would take a lot to fake something like a race. That first picture showed up just after or even during the race, no?
I dont understand why people think they can honestly say Sarah is out of shape, when they 1. dontknow her 2. have never met her 3. have never seen her home gym
Again, you base your opinions of rumors and gossip and no doubt lies.
Oh and oz mud had to make retractions. That tells you something right there.
Or we just use our brains and eyes to determine the likelihood of faking a race.
ReplyDeleteNOT LIKELY. And while I cannot say personally how fit Sarah is, you cannot comment on how unfit she is.
I think the thing that drives me crazy about this marathon BS is that she's getting away with another blatant con and so many people are just going, Oh, okay.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, guys? You think this woman has it together mentally enough to train to get this kind of time? You think she ran this little race at 7:30 on the day she was flying to NH to give an important speech? After not having run in anything for years, she just suddenly gets a hankering to run in a tiny race in the middle of nowhere, where the runners get conveniently spread out and everyone is on their honor?
I don't know if the first photo has been tinkered with or not. (What makes me suspect is the eyes, as in, Sarah is about to run off a curb but she's looking straight ahead, not down, and the woman she's about to run into also seems oblivious to her. But it's always possible.) I agree people have been crazy in their attempts to show that it has been Photoshopped, looking at collars and claiming the shoes are different at beginning and end (they're not), even looking at ears. I do believe that is Sarah at the beginning of the race and at the end; I just don't believe she was there in the middle.
A woman who would fake a pregnancy would fake running in a race, just like she faked doing a bus tour when she really flew between cities and gamely tried to fake her way through interviews with Katie Couric and "In what respect" Charlie. And. She. Keeps. Getting. Away. With. It.
Why are you mad at Joe M for taking the high road through all this? He brings sanity to the Palin Party, which was much needed after so much lying has been done. (startinh with DWTS)
ReplyDeleteOz Mud's post's arguments were not that compelling.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone merely asked the race director whether, with certainty, Sarah Palin of Wasilla, Alaska ran the 13.1 mile race and whether the 1:46:00 was her actual time?
It wasn't THAT long ago when she ran the Anch marathon and ran it in 3:59:??
ReplyDeleteI believe 2005.
If there's one thing I trust, it's her fitness level. Esp when people in her family have buffed up in recent years and months. Fitness obviously means something to them (her older sister runs, Molly just lost a lot of weight, bristol goes to an LA gym and had an elliptical in her AZ home), willows still a slim teen, tracks always been slim, ive never seen todd fat)
Of course she was there. She posed in pics with several people at the end. Including pic with her holding the medal.
ReplyDeleteThe photo looks like a woman simply passing a whole crowd of people to get ahead. I do not see the alleged photoshopping and I photograph my friends at the NY M every year.
ReplyDeleteWhy drive 100 plus miles just to be at Storm Lake marathon? What would be the purpose of going out of one's way just to be at that marathon? Aren't there marathons in Alaska? If she just wanted to go for a run why not do it outside her hotel? With the travel schedule and her having to be in New Hampshire, why put servant Todd through the motions just to appease his wife - she wanted to drive 2 hours away just to be at the marathon?
ReplyDeleteDoesn't he have a say in anything? No jetlag for these folks? After NH, isn't she supposed to be on her way to South Korea?
The incredible tight schedule these Palins run in addition to her spastic energy is incredible, seeing she's a, cough cough, mother of 5 with an active toddler at home.
She's really trying to drive home the fact she can do it all. Am still mulling over the photos whether they're recent photos or not.
Virginia Voter - (Elvis impression) thank you, thank you very much...
ReplyDeleteBuilding on your list of Sarah's epic fakery:
fake tan, fake hair, fake boobage
fake Christianity
fake op-ed columns, opinions and postings
fake public servant/officeholder (had to hire a manager when she was mayor of a tiny town; then managed her public image while Todd and her cronies ran everything else as governor)
fake advocate for special needs children, or vets, or just about anyone or anything
fake PAC, rarely donates or shows much interest in races, candidates or policies
fake analyst on Fox, even with softball setups
fake public speaker (recycles same tired phrases, barely bothers to customize or localize for the audience and even then gets it wrong)
fake celebrity - abuses the media AND her fans, acting only in her own interests and for her own convenience - refusing even to stand and thank fans who'd ridden a bus 1000 miles
fake candidate (the endless tease) with absolutely no idea that she cannot fumble and stumble her way into office
fake Republican and fake Tea Partier
Heck, sometimes I think she's an alien with excellent but - lucky for us earthlings - ultimately faulty programming.
Sort of like a sociopath.
OK, MY question about the photo...
ReplyDeletewho's the dude running on the roof of the building behind Sarah?
Now that guy is a runner!
Some keep mentioning her home gym... well running on a treadmill and running on the ground are two different beasts! You can't train for a half marathon by running on a treadmill! Husband used to run traces all the time and he will tell you running on a treadmill is not the same as running outside.
ReplyDeleteWhy the push back?
ReplyDeleteWe've put a great deal of effort into exposing SP's lies -- babygate, dairygate, etc. . We are trying to "slay the dragon."
Along comes this newest, fairly obvious lie. It's such a silly, childish piece of B.S., we almost can't believe it. It seems so clear that our girl is responding to the chatter on the blogs about her poor health.
This "dragon" that we are trying to put out of business-- she's actually only a dragon-fly. She is a big ZERO, an empty "runner's suit." She is a shrieking "nothing." She's being held up by a sector of the media because they need her.
There may be a push back because some of us are seeing that she truly is a two dimensional piece of dust. So what was all the fuss about? We just can't believe that she is so inconsequential.
Yes, there are still some folks who earn their living in her wake, so they just keep banging the drum - but now it sounds like a children's toy instrument.
I think some of you are way way TOO tough on Joe McGinniss. We all forget that those who write and read these blogs regularly know every single detail of Sarahs weirdness. But the very majority of Americans don't even follow politics, let alone Sarah. Just talk to people and you will find this out quickly. I think Joe is saying ( and I do not speak for him!!) that in the grand scheme of things we are a tiny group and he is right!!!! I do thnk he is very wrong about Sarah not reading the blogs. We know she does and I don't know why he doesn't know/see that.
ReplyDeleteBut please stop cutting him down here and elsewhere! Why give Sarah and bots the satisfaction. He has a right to his opinion and so what if it's different. We are all on the same side!!! Don't take it personally that he sees blogs and the Internet differently than those of us who spend too many hours online. There are many more people like him than like us. I just spent a week with some of them and when I told them some of the things about Sarah they thought it was all nuts!! We know every detail. Most people do not know and do not care!!
So please think twice before blasting Joe on line. His voice is important whether you like it or not. And as I wrote, we are all on the same side. He offended you?? Get over it. Is it really that important in the grand scheme. You only prove one of his points- and that is many " anti-Palin" people have lost perspective just like the other side has. He's right about some of that, sorry.
Her left leg looks like it's attached to a right foot.
ReplyDeleteLet's review and summarize:
ReplyDeleteAging menopausal narcissistic sociopath, possibly bipolar and self-medicated, with delusions of grandeur; history of extreme dysfunction including intimidation, coercion, distortion, deceit, denial and rationalizing; currently demonstrating symptoms of accelerating decompensation
Looked to me like the real/not real Sarah who posed in the photos with the two women in black jackets was scrunching down a bit. Possibly to look 5'3"? I still say body double. People want to believe what they see. If you haven't spent years studying every photo and noting speech patterns and tones of voice, and someone says Hey, look, there's Sarah, would you know the difference?
ReplyDeleteAnon 6:07- get over yourself!! So Joe is friends with Ailes!! Who cares!!! Do you only have have friends just like you??? You live in a small narrow bubble with a very limited view and are so so above others. You don't even know it!! Boo hoo hoo! And you are not buying his book. Who cares! I'm sure he doesn't and for good reason! Your post illustrates the absolute small mindedness from " our side" that he is talking about!! How sad for you that you can't see you are as off as the c for p people.
ReplyDeleteJust a few thoughts. If it WASN'T photo-shopped, why is she the only one "running" on the grass (and why does it look like she's taking a shortcut)? Why is she in completely different focus and brighter color than everyone else? Does she just emanate a celestial glow the rest of us don't have?? Last thought, shouldn't she really have been photo-shopped "running" on water?
ReplyDeleteIt's just more proof of Sarah's exceptionalism!
ReplyDeleteTight abs at 44 hid a 5th pregnancy!
Wrinkle-free face and (occasionally) perky boobs at 47!
Policy positions with no content whatsoever!
Marathon runner without training!
Youthful, beautiful, fertile, healthy, and the annointed!
6:59, Don't cha know that's Sarah running past herself, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, she's Super Granma Grizzly.
ReplyDeleteI love the trolls that mention NY or NYC like supposedly being from NYC gives you credibility?
ReplyDeleteOhhhmy..when I first saw the photo, I thought, "Isn't this supporting our North Korean 'allies' just abit too much?"
ReplyDeleteMy running group was a buzz with skepticism about Sarah's time. These are hard core runners. In the past 6 months I've logged 650 miles OUTSIDE. No gym running for serious runners, unless the weather is too crappy. We've had a summer of 100+ temps, and we still ran outside.
ReplyDeleteAnon 6:44, I agree, someone else (Mary, her partner) did all the work and Sarah gets all the glory. Isn't that the what happened when she was Mayor and Governor and even pretending she was pregnant? Sarah loves the glory but not the work.
ReplyDeleteWhy isn't there a picture of her race partner congratulating her at the end of the race?
I don't understand the push back either. Oh well! Her faking this run will haunt her in the end.
ReplyDeleteThey're in too much of a straight line going down the road. Real people don't naturally appear in formation, in a crowd.
ReplyDeleteNo, I'm sorry. It's definitely photoshopped.
I can tell. I work in the same office as a guy who took a Photoshop class.
I have no opinion about the photos or the run's legitimacy. I do notice that the image of Palin running above the grass appears as if she is running away from not toward the running course, when one considers the positions and angles of her feet.
ReplyDelete6:07--Very good question..He sucked a lot of people in and I wonder if he is going to reveal anything new in his book or is it just hype to sell books.
ReplyDeleteI know nothing about Photoshop, but I thought the pictures looked fake from the get-go. She is more sharply outlined and the colors of her clothing are more vivid than the rest of the group, but it was the strange floating feet that struck me first. The blue shoes of the man closest to her look odd too.
ReplyDeleteThe finish line picture also looks implausible. Where was everybody else, and why was she just strolling casually across the line? Someone at Palingates suggested the lack of underarm sweat could be due to armpit Botox injections. With Sarah, anything is possible.
I keep remembering the 5K Turkey Trot she dropped out of in Kennewick, Washington in November of 2009. She had tweeted her intention to run, and the story was covered in newspapers throughout the Tri-Cities area. Yet she left the race after a short time, claiming she wanted to avoid publicity. Right, she's famously publicity-shy.
If Palin had truly run the whole marathon, she would have more pictures than the three unimpressive ones we've seen. Just as every mother has hospital pictures of herself with her newborn (except Palin,apparently), we would expect Sarah to thoroughly document her amazing marathon performance. She loves the camera, she loves attention, and she would love to flaunt this marathon finish. Compare her pictures to those of Laura Novak posted after she ran a marathon.
Who cares what Joe M says. For Joe, this is another opportunity for him to deliver a smarmy lecture and pat himself on the back. We can think for ourselves.
I put Palin's claims of being a hardcore runner in the same category as her boasting about AGIA, her "vindication" by the Branchflower Report, and her status as the mother of a combat vet.
Whether Sarah's race performance was falsified/staged and whether the photos were altered are two different discussions. I think the photos are real, as were the Gusty photos, but that they were taken specifically in order to mask a larger deception.
ReplyDeleteI think Love&Knishes' work is great, but I think it would have been extremely difficult to stage a separate photo of Sarah running alone that would produce THAT EXACT softness and hazy light quality, especially in her hair region. Even a photo taken a half-hour earlier or later in the same spot would not have had the same light quality, which is consistent among all the participants. For that reason, I believe the photo is legit.
These shots with multiple Sarahs are funny, but they are (relatively) easy to pull off because the consistent lighting works in the artist's favor.
As for the "finish line" shot, that's laughably fake in that it has been staged, obviously, with the unbelievable lack of sweat in the right places (just some water dumped around her neck), the fact that she is the only runner in the whole field of vision, and her perky, cheesy "checking my time" gesture, which is just so Sarah, always needing to lard it on.
As to why Phil and Joe take the (real) pictures as evidence enough that Sarah actually ran the race in the time claimed, I will offer this: the way they talk about Sarah Palin indicates to me that they don't know how mentally ill she is, or how her mental illness works. I'm not convinced they understand the depths of the deviancy and deception.
Joe should, but he doesn't. Joe was taken in by MacDonald; he doesn't instinctively have the "nose" for these kind of people. Rather than SENSING the crazy, Joe needs to build a case, dutifully putting one piece next to the other, perhaps in part to convince HIMSELF of what went wrong, and why. I found his earlier books to be thorough but rather mechanistic: the crazy didn't leap off the page.
As someone who wrote about "The Selling of the President", Joe should not be surprised that handlers will also go to extreme lengths to make their candidate appealing. Perhaps his "good friendship" with Roger Ailes has blunted his ability to perceive the true extent of the fraud currently being perpetrated.
A more mundane reasoning might be that (like Jeanne and Shannyn) they are both afraid that they'll be tarred with the "anti-Palin conspiracy theorist" brush.
I've commented elsewhere that the idea that Sarah might've finished the race without cheating flies in the face of EVERYthing that we know about her.
Besides being the only race she'd have completed that I know of (she got publicity for entering the Turkey Trot and the Autism walk but quit those soon after starting), it would stand out as the only activity IN HER ENTIRE LIFE that she ever actually 1.) completed, 2.) excelled at, and 3.) DID NOT lie about. Since that would put the "Jump Right In" race in the category of a singularity in the Palin universe, the only sensible course is to disbelieve it.
For this, and a few other reasons too long to go into here, I didn't need to see photos of any kind to doubt this race story.
Hallmark Channel last night had an ad for the Undefeated. Whomever is running the money machine is serious about keeping the charade alive.
ReplyDeleteSee Sarah Run
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 5:02 AM said: When you are so very, very snarky and the evidence builds that she was in fact there, it just makes us all look bad. You asked."
ReplyDeleteNah... You're entitled to your opinion, but you don't speak for me, so cut out the "us" -- unless you mean the rest of the Palinbots, who look worse than bad when they troll here. Hello, KevinNYC.
As far as Palin being "there", the point of these several posts by Gryphen is that she was obviously not there FOR THE ENTIRE RACE.
She was not electronically monitored;
Tim Crawford or the unathletic Jason Recher obviously set this gig up several days in advance;
she did not identify herself correctly or properly (not "unattached" as she should have -- unless they planned far enough in advance for "Sarah Heath" to actually JOIN an Iowa club!);
she "sweats" unlike any other runner;
and runs like a newbie wearing makeup, jogging pants, trail-running shoes and a cotton shirt...
Yes, as Greta VanSusteran said, it's a joke.
(amen to your comment @ 5:07 AM, True Blue Girl)
Well, count me as one who thinks she did run the race. And that it doesn't matter. It isn't as if she's tried to get a lot of publicity from this. The first photo looked hinky, but there are eyewitness accounts, and again, who cares? I'm puzzled that so many, you included, need to have this be a fraud. Even world-class grifters can't grift, lie, and fraud ALL the time!
ReplyDeleteAnd for those who think her sweat pattern is odd, remember that people (exceptionally vain people) use botox under the arms to stop the sweat. That way they don't have to worry about sweat ruining their fabulous clothes. Doesn't that sound exactly like a procedure Palin would have done - she of the tattooed lip liner, lipodissolve shots, botox on the face, etc, etc.?
Let's keep ourselves focused on the important stuff. I'm worried that she's figured out that she can't run for president because she'd get crushed and we'll have to put up with her pathetic screeching for another four years. Or that she'll throw her support behind Perry, and if god-forbid he wins, he'll make her Secretary of Energy. What a nightmare!
I admit to being one here who thinks too much was made of this. There is proof or there is not. Bad guesses just make us sound like the folks who keep saying why the birth certificate was fake and that Obama was not born in this country.
ReplyDeleteWe need proof or we need to concede that there is more evidence showing she was there and ran at least some portion of the race officially or unofficially.
I have to wonder what is it that we would be talking about had these photos not popped up? My guess is that we would be focused on the fact that for her recent events the numbers of people at her screaches are dwindling rapidly. This diversion into the realm of supposition (is this picture photo shopped and was there a body double) has taken our focus off of that fact.
I don't give a dam if she ran a race or faked it. I do care that she is losing her power to influence the politics of this country.
From that Iowans4Palin blog:
ReplyDeleteteledude said...
I now believe the photo was taken by Todd Palin and sent to GretaWire on his cell phone. My wife says he was taking pictures, so that makes sense.
September 4, 2011 3:51 PM
Yeah..."pictureS"...like all the runners...then all the walkers...then his dear old shrew of a wife..
Then Greta had one of her crack Fox News staff do a little manipulation of the photos, put them all together in one.
The "push back" is all out of proportion to your blog post about the Palin foot race. When the sneering "friends" can't get their yucks scorning babygate, they have lure you away with pointless blogging about your commenter community.
ReplyDeleteDesperate to feel superior and lonely for action on their own blogs, some bloggers have turned to smearing yours. It's as if they have no interesting ideas to blog, so in a juvenile tactic they just frantically try to draw attention to themselves.
You have nothing to be borthered about, G. The gretawire photo of Palin was improbable at best. Give Palin's history, faking ANYTHING is the most likely scenario. The discussion on your blog was lively and funny.
BTW, a blogger posted comments from your blog as examples of absurdity. Certainly not the action of a gentleman. I will not limit my comments in fear of that guy. But I would not want him for a "friend". He is underhanded at best, more likely deliberately destructive. An unfortunate personality.
I have to admit, even some of the anti-Palin commenters seem ignorant of physics and geometry.
ReplyDeletePlease folks, look up "vanishing point" and the effect it has on objects on either side of center before you make comments like this, seen at the teledude's blog:
Anonymous said...
Nice picture of you and your wife with Palin, but there seems to be a shadow problem. If you look at the shadow of the person standing on the far left, it would appear the sun is pretty much directly behind and above the photographer. The shadow under your wife's nose would seem to confirm that, the shadow is symmetric. Now the shadow of Palin's face would seem to put the sun above but to the right of the photographer. Notice the shadow of her nose is not symmetric and there is a large shadow down her neck and on her right shoulder. Compare that with lack of any similar shadows on your wife. Or...maybe your wife is a vampire and does not cast a shadow? September 5, 2011 9:04 AM
I was also dismayed at the number of comments about Palin's running shoes, when all it would have taken to check them out would be to Google "red black running shoes". I found the make and model and price in just a couple of minutes.
Please research before you comment.
Someone questioned why she would even fake this run; because she can, my dear friends, because she can.
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize that this race was 100 milled away, too. The story just keeps getting better. I was surprised at the size of her hip as she checked her time, too. Maybe it's "the angle?" but it doesn't really mesh with her build OR the shape of a runner.
ReplyDeleteGawd! A gaggle of Palins. Just what the world needs!
ReplyDeleteAdd to the list of fakery: for years (maybe still) she touted her stint as a sports anchor on Anchorage TV. It turns out she was only a sub, and was on the air exactly TWO times. And have you seen the tapes of those appearances? She was the incompetent vapid twit she is in everything else she does.
ReplyDeleteHer resume:
College graduate: NOT
majored in Journalism: NOT
Competent small-town mayor: NOT
Energy expert: NOT NOT NOT
TV sports anchor: NOT
Gov of Alaska: WGE
Gov of Alaska: QUIT
Marathon runner: NOT
Bus Tour(3x): NOT
Palin's claims about being a runner have always been suspect. Just think for a moment about her poses for the Runner's World Magazine: pantyhose, really? Yup, that says serious runner to me.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand you people doubting that Sarah Palin ran the race because it appears that she is running on the grass.
ReplyDeleteI talked to Sarah by phone and she swears she ran the whole race in the middle of the street, well at least that's what it looked like to her through her left eye.
Gryphen----Is that Sarah gliding across the rooftop of the house in the background????
ReplyDeleteIf she ran this race, trying to be ingognito, and just for the experience, why are there any photos at all? Who called the couple to alert them she was at the race, causing the husband to rush out of bed, speed down to the finish line, and have a camera there to document the event?
ReplyDeleteWhy? Because Sarah needed proof. Incognio by ass! She got the hair thing going, wearing her trademark glasses, and iconic prom hair.
When I run, which isn't as often as I like, I wear no make up, my hair's in a pony tail, and I look like crap warmed over, Why bother, if you're going to get sweaty all over, exhausted beyond belief, and taking a shower afterward?
The other bloggers are chiming in because they need the hits. Skim though their posts, they're watching tomatos dry with two or three comments per post, they link to this story, diss the blog, lift comments, diss Gryphen to get hits, that all.
And on the whole Joe issue, again, he's an author, not a blogger. He's old school, immersion Method journalist, and knows his stuff. Disagree all you want, and don't buy his book, if it eases your character assasination by the friends he has. He's friends with Ailes for a reason, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
I'm friends with people with whom I disagree with politically, does that make me a wack job, socialist, or community organizer?
Someone else pointed out that he's right, and I agree. We run to our computers for the news, opinion, entertainment, work, and a variety of things on a daily basis. There are people who do these things without a computer, some very smart, eloquent and well rounded people.
The blogs, to me, are important because we get a take the mainstream media doesn't touch. Are there flops, mistakes, and lies? Yes. Don't judge anything myopically, step back and see the bigger picture, Gryphen has always been consitantly good, when he's wrong, he admits it and moves on. I don't know how he has the stamina to deliver great content on a persistant basis. I've seen his style evolve and grow, and I'm proud of the job he's doing.
I wish he'd come out with a book or two of his own.
palin does NOT have the calf muscles of someone who runs.
ReplyDeleteshe does not even have the calf muscles of someone who walks a tready a few times a week.
aside from that her outline fakely imposed in front of the other people looks ridiculous.
Idiots. Right up there with the folks who think the moon walk photos were staged.
ReplyDeleteAlthough the thought of her back in ANY kind of office makes me puke, she WAS seen running quite frequently in Juneau. After all, THAT was something she COULD do!! She had to take quite a bit of time off to tend to her sport!
ReplyDeleteSarah ran a race? Ok, well that's it! Florence Griffith Joyner for president!
ReplyDeletethe pic on right, that is sit-on-your-ass- but bulge women are so used to seeing...and her thigh has No contour along with NO calf muscle.
i dont know who the woman on left is but she doesnt have Any calf muscle either.
this, runner OR walker calf muscles.
I'm loving the new troll meme of "But she has a home gym". ROFL! So? That doesn't change the FACT that Sarah LOOKS unhealthy. She LOOKS sickly. She looks OLD and WORN OUT. You can't deny these facts as much as you want to. The photos are all over the internet.
ReplyDeletePS- Where's Trig?
iow....her calf muscles would NOT have carried her anywhere or any distance.
Until I see a definitive "photoshop" breakdown and analysis I'm going to have to say that the photo is real. As far as her racing and race time goes, I have no idea if she trains. I live in Wasilla and I don't see her running on the streets but I have seen her at the AT&T Sports Complex on indoor track.
ReplyDeleteThe finish line photo shows me a very trim and petite person with rather firm calves. I know we've seen her saggy and baggy and out-of-shape in the HI photos, but here she looks pretty fit to me.
Who's to say, maybe she trains hard, maybe she was passing those slower people and the bright colors of her shoes and red shirt against green grass make the photo "look" fake.
Just like the other "gates" surrounding Palin, until I have 100% definitive proof they are all just theories.
"Photogate" has just proven to me that our eyes sometimes are not the best judge of what is real and what is fake. It is always best to have proof before jumping in and declaring something a fake. Remember when Palin's Deceptions had a forensic photo expert analyze the some of the pregnancy photos for authenticity. That is how things should be done, in my opinion.
Gryphen, if you were surprised by at least one of the nasty pushbacks, then you missed a certain Joe quoting one of your blog posts about the stalkers in his comment section and calling you a "nutty, ignorant trash-talker."
ReplyDeleteJoe wants to distance himself from the bloggers by putting the bloggers down--people who helped him, who did much of the grunt work he will now turn into bestselling gold. Now we see him tweeting that he talks in his book about Sarah being bulimic. Duh. I've known that ever since I saw her swollen knuckles at the correspondents dinner in DC after the election. If this is an example of his "big reveals," I'm glad I'm not buying his book.
One of two things: either Joe knows she faked that race and is pretending she didn't to try to distance himself from all the "nutty, ignorant trash-talkers," in which case he's an untrustworthy, duplicitous sack of shit, or he knows so little about Sarah and the way she operates that he actually fell for her cheap little charade, which does not auger well for his book having anything to tell us we don't already know.
Yeah, I know: anti-Palin solidarity and all that shit. So why aren't you people who keep rushing to Joe's defense attacking HIM for his lack of anti-Palin solidarity? Is it because you want to align yourself with the big famous celebrity? Sorta like all the Palinbots who swoon over Celebrity Sarah?
I hate to give Palin credit for anything positive, but--. The Des Moines register (which is not a right wing paper) had a photo of her being interviewed post-race. She was wearing the same visor, running tights, and shoes. There was no red top, but a sweaty gray Tshirt. If you look at the suspect photo, she had on a gray TShirt beneath the red top. Although it's hard to believe a middle-aged woman who doesn't run regularly could pull off a half-marathon. Maybe she pulled a Rosie Ruiz - started, dropped out, took a short cut and finished. Wouldn't put it past her.
ReplyDeleteKajo said:
ReplyDelete...I was also dismayed at the number of comments about Palin's running shoes, when all it would have taken to check them out would be to Google "red black running shoes". I found the make and model and price in just a couple of minutes.
Please research before you comment.
8:22 AM
And Kajo, you are very correct that people should research before they post. In fact, if research had been done in advance of posting the first "Photogate" post, then none of use would be talking about this.
Very good to stress the importance of research. Research is key to being considered a legitimate source as opposed to just a tabloid gossip. But, gossip is fun and gossip has its' place in the world. We just need to remind ourselves which is which. "Photogate" definitely seems to fall into the "gossip" realm, it's that lack of "research " that convinced me.
ReplyDeleteHi, I mention NYC because that is the name I used to comment with on political blogs. You can go here and see if I sound like a Palinbot
What I am is a stickler for evidence. Even from partisans on my side. It keeps the tempation to drink the Kool-Aid in check. Notice I never said if I thought the photo was fake or if Palin ran the race or not. But if you're making the claim that it's fake, you need better evidence than what you have. It's not that difficult to analyze a photo for evidence of copying and pasting and mismatched saturation levels and other pixel level anomalies.
I have real disdain for arguments like "Palin is liar, she lies about everything." When you start with that premise you make embarrassing mistakes like claiming she is hooked up to a sophisticated timing device and then finding out actually you mistook a crack in the pavement for a timing cable. It's embarrassing. And I expect better out of my partisan side.
Also the "he is arguing my conclusion, he's must be a Palinbot," he so very, very weak. It's a way to create an echo chamber, not an effective means to build a political movment. I prefer to be in the reality community. If you got the chops to break that photo down and prove your point, then bring it.
Lidia17, your comment @ 7:58 AM cuts to the chase. You're wiser than Joe McG or Phil M., that's obvious.
And Anonymous in multiple places, STOP pushing the "Botox of the armpits" theory.
They make underarm shields for the problem.
People under stress, like runners in a 13+ mile race, sweat in other places too, like all over their trunk, and they experience facial flushing -- you can't Botox EVERYTHING.
Anonymous @ 8:57 AM said... "Sarah ran a race? Ok, well that's it! Florence Griffith Joyner for president!"
ReplyDeleteResearch, people!
I know that was supposed to be funny...but Florence Griffith Joyner, RIP, died September 21, 1998.
How sad. Not a one of Ozmud's points stand up to scrutiny and are a complete embarrassment to we who hate Palin. She's done more harm than good.
ReplyDeleteI too think Palin faked the run but the only logical way she could have done it was to be transported most of the way from the start to the finish. She shed the extra clothes in the vehicle which is totally explainable. Her t-shirt was most likely misted with water, and she was dropped back in the race.
The logical reason why I suspect her is because she ran incognito which was the only way she could have faked it. Otherwise there would have been lots of publicity and pictures of her during the race.
Alas, now that everyone has tried to make up all the bullshit points to show that she wasn't there, etc., etc., the real stroy that I've laid out just becomes lost in the shuffle.
However, her attempt to fake running is so patently phony that at least rational people have the satisfaction of knowing.
Go figure Gryphen. In the rush to prove her a phony everyone has aided her cause more than proved her a phony. And it was all so simple, right from the beginning! No wonder the stupid fukking bitch has still got a little momentum with the stupid people who support her!
OK, Sarah, who's your training partner? We know you don't go out before dawn alone. Three times a week? Let's see the pics.
ReplyDeleteSooooo, spalin's running? NOT.
ReplyDeleteWho knew that Palin was such a fan of Michelle's Get Moving Campaign!!!!
ReplyDeleteHai Gryphen,
ReplyDeleteBased on the low-resolution image I could find, many things point in the direction that your intuition is spot on. I'm a professional PhotoShop-user and have often 'manipulated' photo's. Of course I can be wrong, but if you look closely, there're some clues. If you can get a High-resolution image (not a compressed JPG), that would be really something to 'rip apart'.
Disclaimer: all these remarks are based on a low-resolution image of the Runner as found on this site. With a (much) higher resolution, obviously the research would be based on a better input:
a. If you look at the composition of the photo, it's almost as if there are two parts: the one's next and before Palin and the part (walkers) behind her. The runners are running and not just starting. Also the pixilation and coloring suggests a difference. So it could be made from two different background-parts.
b. SP is going for it, bypassing and ignoring everybody, probably just 'in the zone'. If you look at her angle of view and the placement of her left foot, on an angled slope close to the curve, even an inexperienced runner like me knows that that's not the way things happen. You fall and worse easily break your ankle. Her view and posture are tarmac-running, not on the grass with a curb ahead. And everyone is ignoring here. Even I would be curious, while drawing on my last reserves, to see who came barreling along.
c. She is just too tall compared to her 'companions' and the street. I don't know if she's a tall woman, but even including camerasetting, closeness and angle of view, she's too tall.
d. Her parts are too sharp compared to the rest of the image (not forgetting the possible settings of the camera), even with a sports-setting the woman behind her would be as sharp as the guy running in front of her. The details of her body are just too much.
e. Looking at the saturation of her shirt and the rest of the photo, there's a lot of difference. Especially if compared to the saturation-levels on the Flickr-photo's.
f. Hair: the most difficult part of cutting out a person from the background. The blurred parts on top do not match the bottom (above the white hairband), in detail and structure.
g. If you're cutting someone out from the background, often there's a small edge of transition between the fore- and background. In close-up it looks like a white or light-grey line. I noticed those around her right leg.
h. If you look at her right shoe, you'll see that the backpart is deformed. That's not something a camera or decoding would have done. It's too elongated, the angle is wrong and is too blurred (along with the part of the curb just above the heel). The right-front part of the shoe is sharp, the left-front part isn't. The difference is too great.
i. The curb-line close to her right knee is too sharp compared to the lines immediately in front and back.
j. The left shoe is cut out badly. Though the design of the shoe has a lighter part on the back, considering the angle of the foot, it shouldn't have been there. Especially because there's no blurring on the whole left leg and shoe, while the ground underneath and curb are more or less blurred.
And so we can go on ...
PS Also posted as a comment on OzMud
Spending the day today working with a designer friend, who also is a runner. She says the photo is absolutely photoshopped. Plus, who the hell would run over all that stuff--manhole covers, grass and curbs--in a race. Oh, and also too, if her foot were to come down where she is floating she would have done a face plant.
ReplyDelete8:55 - there actually is plenty of very convincing evidence that the moon landing photos were faked. Shadows and reflections in impossible places, landscape features not lining up, etc. That doesn't prove the moon landing didn't occur, but it does call it into question.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if this idea has been floated yet, but perhaps the 'Sarah' that ran in the race was not actually Sarah but a body double. I wouldn't put it past her to hire some (fit) lookalike to throw on running gear, sun glasses and a goofy hat and run the race. That way she can say the photos weren't faked and be truthful... it's just that it might not be her! (This is just a hypothesis and nothing more, just trying to view this story from yet another angle).
ReplyDeleteIdiots. Right up there with the folks who think the moon walk photos were staged.
ReplyDelete8:55 AM
I say bullshit.
I've seen Michael Jackson do it live.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete8:55 - there actually is plenty of very convincing evidence that the moon landing photos were faked. Shadows and reflections in impossible places, landscape features not lining up, etc. That doesn't prove the moon landing didn't occur, but it does call it into question.
11:52 AM
It just keeps getting crazier in here!
"It's also pretty simple to have someone check this out before posting it. It's like when Fox Nation runs with a viral email story before checking it out. Do you have standards or not? Or are you just a gossip site? Without checking it out, you're just pissing in the wind.
ReplyDelete5:58 AM"
Did you read the post over at the Iowans for Palin site - a poster and claimant to one of the Palin photos as photog "Joni W." who also seems to be a member of the StormLake RunningClub, says they're a small group with NO WAY TO VERIFY if Palin actually ran the race.
I'll settle for Palin SAID she ran the race - but since Palin seems to have only a passing acquaintance with the truth (and I'm leaving out babygate)I'll not beleive anythign more unless there's some more and better evidence.
telah said...
ReplyDeleteSpending the day today working with a designer friend, who also is a runner. She says the photo is absolutely photoshopped. Plus, who the hell would run over all that stuff--manhole covers, grass and curbs--in a race. Oh, and also too, if her foot were to come down where she is floating she would have done a face plant.
11:20 AM
Will you get your designer friend to actually break it down and pull the photo apart and state categorically that it is fake and offer up the proof of such? You see, that's what we need here, not just "friend of a friend" circumstantial evidence."
This is the same as those on the babygate threads that state their sister/cousin/aunt/best friend/Mom was pregnant and never showed and no one knew until she delivered that she was with child".
There seem to be a lot of "photoshop experts" around today and yesterday, I just wish someone would find the "smoking gun" that shows that the photo is not real. Some sort of undeniable marker that attests to fraud and a fakery. Believe me, if Photoshop was part of my skill set, I'd be on it.
bwaahaaa gryphen this picture is hilarious. when you posted the one yesterday of the double palins I immediately thought of that website "know your meme." (sad keanu was a great meme) I swear to gawd this photo is absolutely perfect for that. I might start something.
ReplyDeletethe quitter is a fraud and this photo is fucking cooked. everyone can go back & forth and debate the weirdness of the quitter in this pic, but the most telling example that this is fraud are the other people. walkers in back of her, runners in front of her, no space between the walkers and runners. also too, all of the runners are facing forward - if they had just come around the walkers their bodies would be facing numerous directions, not straight-the-fuck ahead.
I have no explanation for the pushback gryphen, wish I did.
okay I guess I should get busy on my meme!
emrysa--meme title: Sarah is TOO running...also, too.
ReplyDeleteThe half-marathon website posts a 12-week training schedule, recommending 10-15 miles per week of running for those who want to attempt to compete, even in a fun run.
ReplyDeleteAll the time she's been on jury duty, on the bus, huddled up in her house, we didn't know that Sarah was out and about five days a week, running three a day, minimum, while working up to the half-marathon distance.
@5:14 AM
ReplyDeleteI totally agree about the big "I told you so!"
In October of 2008, I was having dinner with a friend from college and her husband. I know they are Republicans, so we usually don't discuss politics. But, we were talking about the upcoming election and I mentioned how Sarah had faked her pregnancy. The look my friend gave me was one of total disgust and she said, "Oh, you can't believe that!" Like I was fucking crazy. We parted after that dinner and didn't speak for over a year. We have since communicated and even have seen each other (she lives in another state). I will see her in a couple of weeks for our 30 year college reunion. I really wish something really big would break before then regarding SP and all of her bullshit lies, especially Babygate. I don't even want to say "I told you so." I won't have to. The facts will speak for themselves.
Here's a forensic image tool that lets you upload images to it.
Here's the explanation of how it works
Error level analysis is a quick and easy image forensics method, allowing one to determine if an image has been modified by programs such as Adobe Photoshop.
It works by resaving an image at a known quality, and comparing that to the original image. As a jpeg image is resaved over and over again, its image quality decreases. When we resave an image and compare it to the original, we can guess just how many times the image has been resaved. If an image has not been manipulated, all parts of the image should have been saved an equal amount of times. If parts of the image are from different source files, they may have been saved a number of different times, and thus they will stand out as a different colour in the ELA test.
It is worth noting that edges and areas red in colour are often depicted as brighter in the ELA tests. This due to the way the photos are saved by various programs. It is not proof that image was manipulated.
Roll your mouse over the top image to compare the original to one saved many times.
Here's the analysis of original shot of Palin racing from the earlier post
Using this tool nothing jumps out to me about this image. The grass looks uniform. The runner behind Palin's leg looks the same as the rest of her. The edges of the red jacket show up more intensely, just as the explanation says.
Taking a fresh look today at the first picture (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-o5dTxrAM2-I/TmTVN7pPr-I/AAAAAAAABbc/lxmiJ7t_3qc/s1600/Palin+running+in+Iowa.jpg), it's just so evident that it was photoshopped.
ReplyDeleteThe key feature for me is that NO ONE is looking at her. There are dozens of people, many walking, and here comes this attractive female in a bright red top and tight leggings, running on the grass, appearing to cut into the group, looking like she might crash into the woman right next to her, and not a single person is looking at her. Not even the tall heavyset man behind her is checking out her toned butt in motion.
The other photos at the event seem legit (i.e., not 'shopped) and I suspect she probably ran a few blocks. Nevertheless, it seems evident that this crazy woman (and her enablers) perpetrated yet another hoax...for obvious reasons.
Thank you, Gryphen, for being willing to keep up the pressure on the Grifter -- and retaining your wicked sense of humor -- even when erstwhile colleagues rebuke you.
@1:57 PM
ReplyDeletenice try, no balloon.
if she were training in ANY fashion
her calf muscles would show. it.
Gryphen - I think I may have done it. I was so positive the INSTANT I laid eyes on that picture of Scarah floating above the ground that I had to find a program that detects if an image has been edited. I found the program JPEGsnoop online and well I downloaded the program and picked the picture of Sarah fake running and processed it. Voila - it came up with very technical details about data this and data that. The point is - at the very end it concludes whether the picture has been edited or not. Guess what? Result as copied from the file is : Drum roll please....
ReplyDeleteBased on the analysis of compression characteristics and EXIF metadata:
ASSESSMENT: Class 1 - Image is processed/edited
There you go folks - proof that that photo was definitely processed. Feel free to experiment as well. Website where I got the program from is http://impulseadventure.com/photo/jpeg-snoop.html. How to interpret the results is found in: http://impulseadventure.com/photo/jpeg-snoop-identify-edited-photos.html.
FAKE SARAH!!!!!!!! Feel free to post these results if you like. Happy to help. I love it when I'm right.
Anon @7:16 AM
ReplyDelete"@Anon 6:07- get over yourself!! So Joe is friends with Ailes!! Who cares!!! Do you only have have friends just like you??? You live in a small narrow bubble with a very limited view and are so so above others. You don't even know it!! Boo hoo hoo! And you are not buying his book. Who cares! I'm sure he doesn't and for good reason! Your post illustrates the absolute small mindedness from " our side" that he is talking about!! How sad for you that you can't see you are as off as the c for p people."
I would hope that a "long time friend" or any other category of friend would speak up for me - at least to someone such as Palin, who was under contract to Fox - if that person (Palin) had unleashed "5,000 people writing terrible and threatening emails about me and my family". That's what I remember Joe McGinniss to have said.
IMO, that's what Mr. Ailes should have done. Wouldn't you do that for a friend of yours? Since Ailes didn't, it seems odd to me that Joe McGinniss continues to call Ailes a "long time friend".
Whether I buy the McGinniss book or not will not determine the success of his book one way or the other. We're talking one sale.
You ask "who cares?" whether I buy the book or not? Apparently you do. Get a grip.
anon@1119: I'm not a professional Photoshop user, but...what about the back edge of her right leg?! Zooming in enough to see the pixelation, one can see the jagged edges everywhere else on the pants, but a knife-edge straight line down the back! Perfectly vertically straight, no less. Toned hamstrings or no toned hamstrings, who has stick-straight legs?
ReplyDeleteThere are always celebrities much more famous than Palin who run the New York City Marathon ,
ReplyDeleteusually for various charities.
They sign up under their own name.
Palin's false name ( or is it ? )
and false place
of residence seem to indicate that either she was unsure of her ability to even finish
the race
or it was a scam from the get go.
A normal well known runner would have been
proud to advertise and acknowledge their upcoming participation in the race.
Palin didn't announce her participation until it was over , making it harder
to verify that she actually ran.
Regardless of whether the photo is real or not-
it looks fake.
Her history of shady behavior ,
the abnormal secrecy ,
the bizarre photo , the spectacular time for someone who is pushing 50
and whose last known marathon was in 2005 are cumulative areas of suspicion.
Besides the unusual sweat patterns,
grass running and
pristine finish line demeanor, etc.
Neither Drudge nor Gawker have used the photo perhaps not wanting to be ensnared
in a photo hoax down the line.
BTW- Palin's claim in the Runner's World article that
" Dad ran Boston a couple times,.."
has also never been verified.
Would some talented volunteer please do a tumblr (like Princess Beatrice's Wedding Hat) of Sarah Palin's Half Marathon Run?
ReplyDeleteIn fact, would someone put Sarah Palin's running figure ON Princess Beatrice's wedding hat?
palin is laughing her ass off while all of us discuss whether or not her pic is real and if she ran the race. This is exactly how she keeps her sorry self in our faces. She doesn't give a crap whether we buy it or not - the point is that she's being discussed. This woman cannot STAND one minute out of the spotlight - attention whether negative or positive makes no difference to her at this point.
ReplyDeleteSarah didn't "pull off a half marathon." The two-person teams ran like this (according to the race website): the first member started the race, and after the third water stop (out of six) the second member, who had been bused to that location, ran till the end. If she ran anything, Sarah ran half of a half marathon. I believe the time is for both of them and I have no doubt that Sarah's partner ran her half faster than Sarah did.
ReplyDeleteDo ANY of those people look like they are running a half marathon? Seriously? Far as Sarah, it's an obvious fake. She is totally out of proportion with the rest of the crowd, for the most obvious thing. The shadows don't match either. And, as noted, she is floating.
ReplyDeleteOh, yes. Loved this image.
ReplyDeletePalin very CAREFULLY worded a reference to this event when she wrote about it on SarahPAC. She used the word “joined” instead of anything related to “ran”: “Yesterday morning I joined the ‘Jump Right in and Run’ half marathon in Storm Lake, Iowa and last night in Manchester, New Hampshire we enjoyed a lovely dinner at the Puritan Back Room.”
ReplyDeleteIf/when she is confronted with her lie (maybe when the official photos from the race come out and they show that she was not present for much of it), she can justify it by claiming that she never actually SAID that she ran it all.
I've decided that it's possible that SP jogged with the walkers and did the 5 mile walk in 1 hour and 46 minutes.
ReplyDeleteThe army ran a study in the '80's that indicated the average person walks 1 mile in 15 minutes - so this would make SP a little slower than the average person. Sounds about right to me.
Last(?) thought. I'm sure someone has pointed this out along the way, but one more thing strikes me about the photo: nobody in the background looks like a runner in a half-marathon race. Not just Palin: a half-marathon is a serious distance... who runs that race in plaid shorts, long-sleeved t-shirts, long or capri pants?! And, sure, there are race events with multiple distances, but they stagger the start times...they don't start everyone together.
ReplyDeleteSome new and interesting photos...
Wow, another Hit Me Like a Ton of Bricks moment.
WHERE are all the people CHEERING at the end of the RACE???
THere is NO ONE at the end of the race where Paylin is.
WHAT RACE, EVER, HAS NO ONE waiting at the end for the RUNNERS??
Except Todd of course who was able to take the pic of her Strolling across the finish line, looking at her watch. I didn't see a timing device on her shoe, so I guess the race organizers just took Sarah's word that what was on her watch was her Real Time! hahaha!
Bitch didn't run anything. Except the biggest Scam in US political history. Period.
Why the incredible push-back? I suspect division within the Palin camp, between the total nutcase camp led by Palin herself, who continue to feel free to invent their own reality, and a marginally more sane camp that is trying desperately to keep the rotting ship from taking on more water over still more laughably ludicrous lies. I further suspect the latter camp has been in overdrive damage control mode.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone see this post at OzMud?
ReplyDeleteakshutterbug Says:
September 8, 2011 at 1:10 am
Actually she faked the run in ’05 too. A few years ago when I was looking into the “Humpy’s” race in Anchorage she supposedly ran, I noticed something very interesting in the results. A very good friend of mine (who has been running marathons for years and spends a tremendous amount of time training) was listed as having finished one spot ahead of her. So I called her up and asked her if she knew that she had finished just ahead of Sarah Palin and her response to me was just laughter. She said that Sarah was never in that race.
Sarah has some weird obsession with making people think she is a runner. When she came here to Valdez in ’07 to announce what that years PFD was going to be, Sarah stepped off the plane with spandex and running shoes on. Her handlers kept insisting that she wanted to go running with our HS cross county team but it was only 10am and the kids were in school. Her handlers kept berating the Mayor until he finally called the school and managed to get most of the team excused from 8th period so she could go “running” with them. They all met out on the track, Sarah posed for a few pictures with them and then left. She didn’t lift a shoe and after making everyone jump through hoops for her, it ended up being nothing more than another photo op. She’s a complete and total fraud
Love the photo.