Thursday, September 22, 2011

I think I have a new hero.

Courtesy of Talking Points Memo:

Former White House financial reform adviser Elizabeth Warren, who is now running to challenge Republican Sen. Scott Brown in Massachusetts, is turning out to be one Democrat who is not shying away from the Republican cries of “class warfare” against President Obama’s proposals to raise taxes on those with very high incomes — instead offering up a full-throated rebuttal about the benefits that the wealthy were able to obtain from society at large, and the need to give something back. 

In a video of a recent Warren appearance, posted online by an individual who says he or she is not affiliated with the campaign, Warren answered the charge. “I hear all this, you know, ‘Well, this is class warfare, this is whatever,’” Warren said. “No. There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own — nobody. 

“You built a factory out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police-forces and fire-forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory — and hire someone to protect against this — because of the work the rest of us did. 

“Now look, you built a factory and it turned into something terrific, or a great idea. God bless — keep a big hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is, you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.”

Damn! That makes me want to pack my crap and move to Massachusetts, JUST so I can vote for her!

My fellow Democrats Elizabeth Warren should now serve as the absolute model of the perfect candidate that we need to recruit for 2012.

And by the way, Scott Brown better watch his ass!


  1. Anonymous4:04 AM

    She is an impressive person. Thinkers like her give me faith that integrity is still possible. She is hard-working and intelligent, a breath of fresh air.

  2. angela4:18 AM

    I have always loved Elizabeth Warren. She is brilliant.

  3. Hey Gryphen, I didn't think Elizabeth would escape or disappoint you! So happy to see your post here as I am a big fan of ms Warren and have volunteered to work for her candidacy, as well as a good of mine.
    Scott Brown came to his seat with the help of the Koch Bros. tea party express, and he's already been seen in a video shaking hands with Koch and letting Koch know that he's grateful for his help and needs the Bros. help in this next election.
    Election process here in US is way too long and costs too much.
    There is a better way and the people have to vote it in.
    Power=$$$ too much power in the hands of Corp. who are not interested in the little guy.
    We used to have a Consumer Protection Agency and the GOP got rid of it and of regulation and that's a major reason for the mess we're in.
    thanks for your blog,


  4. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Give them Hell Elizabeth! I hope she gets lots of air time and let us make sure she does!

    She is a real Mamma Grizzley!

    Crace, Brains and looking out for her fellow man.

  5. wakeUpAmerica4:22 AM

    I have been saying this for a long time. The very rich use more of our resources and infra-structure than the rest of us. Therefore, they should pay more.

  6. Anonymous4:29 AM

    I have been impressed with Elizabeth Warren ever since seeing her as an occasional contributor on Keith Olberman's old show on MSNBC. We do need more people like this and she will go far. She explains things in a way that everyone can understand.

  7. I've seen her several time on Bill Maher -- she's a pistol and talks sense. An antidote to the screecher who talks nonsense.

    But can Americans tell the difference anymore?

    I cringe to think the right-wing-nut god-botherers could affect the world's future.

  8. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Thank you for posting this! This needs to go viral. Warren makes it simple for anyone to understand. I keep telling people, if I were mega-wealthy I would be happy to fork over a big chunk for taxes. I would still have mult-millions that I would not have if I lived in another country.

  9. AKinPA4:49 AM

    Finally, someone brave enough to address the class warfare issue! We (all of us non-multi-millionaires) have been the victims of class warfare at least since the Regan years.
    I was younger and much more ill-informed back then but even in my ignorance, I realized that a "trickle down" system wasn't going to help us people at the lower levels very much. "Trickle down, my a**!
    In hindsight, I'm amazed that we we were so stupid that they didn't even have to try to camouflage their system with a less truthy name. For once, "they" (GOP/Corporatists) demonstrated truth in advertizing and we elected the fools and/or their cronies a second and third time. "Yes, sir. We'll be happy with any 'trickle' you masters can graciously let pass on down to us."
    Warren's message has got to be the only message any democrat running for office should put out. It won't shame the GOP into doing anything but it might wake up some of the brain dead worshipers of St Ronnie and his ilk who consistently vote republican against their own best interests.
    If her message spreads like wildfire throughout the country, the republicans may come to regret that they clearly signalled that she would never get their approval.

  10. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Republican cries of “class warfare”

    Republican got it right there is class warfare.
    It been going on for a long time.
    The middle class is losing it.
    And I am mad as hell.

  11. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Elizabeth Warren for President 2012...!

  12. Anonymous4:57 AM

    From the kitchen table here at where I am the Chief Executive of, where I actually feed my kids, we took a vote and there were two yea's and one hell'ya for Elizabeth Warren.

    It's about goddamn time we stop practicing apologetics toward the mighty rich and the noisome whack-job Right of Right assholes out there that have been shoving their mandations down our throats for the last three years.

    It hasn't been from this current Oval Office that this so sorry state of the country we are in, but from the George W. Bush laissez-faire policies with corporate citizens and the wealthiest driving the train off the rails. Obama's been given toothpicks to rebuild the train and the gutless, limp girly-man GOP are doing everything to make our situation stagnate just so they can be given the wheel again.

    Lizzy and Hillary, that is the bar of competency I hold for all our female leaders and men also too there. Not these freaks like Michele and Sarah who think Economics 101 can be charmed by a wink and the real threat of a vicious backlash.

  13. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Elizabeth Warren is awesome. The US could use a bunch of people just like her. Smart common sense people with compassion and an ability to look at the big picture. Sadly for some reason your political system doesn't attract these kind of people. I hope Elizabeth Warren is elected - one down, many more to go.

    From Canada

  14. Anonymous4:58 AM

    I donated to her exploratory committee when I heard she was thinking of running, even though I live in a red state. She's awesome!

    Oh, and Gryphen, my two-for-Tuesday will arrive next, as I have to reinstate my Paypal after getting off the ebay crack three years ago ;)

  15. Anonymous5:01 AM

    I can understand why the gop fought her nomination to the Fed.!! Smart, common sense lady. But - WHERE is her flag pin, not to mention her cross?? Those are things RILL Amuricans look for, aren't they?

  16. Anonymous5:08 AM

    O/T Today's NE cover -- SARAH PALIN Destroyed After New Book Exposes Her Secrets & Lies

  17. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Wow. Just wow. Simple-speak, straight talk in language and terms even the dim can understand. The President should have her his spokesperson on every Sunday morning talk show about his economic plan!

    She's engaged in her own race, I get that, but wow, she's too good for one state to claim all its own.

    This is the language that has escaped Obama, perhaps in his avoiding any casualness that seems careless in his presidency. But this is what Clinton was so good at...simple, direct, real straight talk making sense. Yes, Scott, you're in trouble.

  18. Anonymous5:13 AM

    How much did you get for that email pervert?

  19. Anonymous5:23 AM

    She is GREAT!!! Send her money. She truly will work for people, not for corporations.

  20. Finally!!! A Democrat with a spine and some cojones.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Anonymous5:28 AM

    I live in Mass and I will be working my ass off to get this woman elected!!!

  23. jadez5:28 AM

    she is a lovely human being and rare indeed in a politician these days.
    she will win this election..have no doubts

  24. If she's your "new" hero, I'd have to ask where you have been for the past two years. Too bad Obambi didn't think highly enough of her to appoint to run the consumer protection bureau she created. I wish she would have waited and primaried his chickenshit ass instead.

  25. Anonymous5:36 AM

    I said the same exact thing last night when I heard she was ahead of Brown in the polls. This woman is amazing. Every time she speaks, it's brilliant. Mass. or bust baby!!!

  26. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Funny how when this country was at its peak (the 1950's), we had the highest corporate tax rates and the strongest union memberships.

    Makes ya think, don't it?

  27. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Now that is one strong woman!

  28. BAustin5:43 AM


    And so freaking right!

  29. Anonymous5:54 AM

    She's absolutely brilliant in her simplicity!

    Undoubtedly, the benefit of education...

  30. Had Obama backed Elizabeth Warren for Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, instead of keeping her muzzled, he might not now be trailing Sarah Palin among independent voters 47 to 43 per cent. She would have made a great director of that agency, but the president was unwilling to go out there fighting for her.

    Not about to move to Massachusetts for anyone, myself.

  31. Smirnonn6:05 AM

    Gawd, I LOVE this woman. Our senate will get a huge injection of common sense and a set of balls that clang when she beats Scott Brown. Please help her out if you can. And, if you own a corporation, please use the rights afforded to your corporation by the Citizens United ruling to help her. Double edged sword, Roberts.

  32. Anonymous6:11 AM

    I posted that to my facebook yesterday. I hope she runs for president in 2016!

  33. YES!!!!!
    As a Mass. resident, I love this woman. She is soooo smart and articulate. She does not talk in old tired talking points. She will eviscerate Brown!
    Go Lizzie!!!!

  34. Gasman6:30 AM

    I find it satisfyingly ironic that the GOP made it possible for Warren to oust Brown as Senator: if the GOP hadn't been such assholes in indicating that they would NEVER confirm Warren as the first head of the Consumer Protection Agency, she wouldn't have likely even considered a run for the Senate.

    As it is, the GOP may have just created a new Democratic Senator that will be the biggest pain in their ass for the next decade plus. How's that "reflexive party of NO" bullshit workin' out for ya'?

    Thanks GOP.

  35. Persephone6:35 AM

    Here's one Bay Stater (yes, that's what people from Massachusetts are called) who will be proud to vote for Elizabeth Warren!

  36. Beldar Obama2012 Conehead6:36 AM

    Everything the conservatives say is a lie: there's no class warfare; the rich people they are protecting are NOT "job creators" but the exact cohort of businesspeople who destroyed middle class employment in this country; there are no death panels; our president isnt a raving socialist and has, in fact, been far kinder to the business community than anyone could have predicted; the president didnt raise taxes, he cut taxes; not enough the health care bill has gone into effect to be responsible for the current economic crisis; the list goes on and on. Lie after lie after lie.

    How do they sleep at night or look at their own ugly mugs in the mirror in the morning?

  37. SusieQ7:18 AM

    President Elizabeth Warren anyone?

  38. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Elizabeth Warren for president. I'd support her in 2016 in a heartbeat.

  39. i got goosebumps!!!

    Now THAT is a woman that could be President some day.

    hey Sarah, ya wanna Debate Elizabeth with your wonky winks and your *ef* me pumps?

    She wouldn't engage you directly either.

    And you would STILL be left the monkey dancing around in stupid outfits with a little SARAPAC cup in your hand.

    I dare you.

  40. Anonymous8:20 AM

    @Philip Munger said...She would have made a great director of that agency, but the president was unwilling to go out there fighting for her..6:00 AM
    I agree with you, "except" :-), perhaps the president wanted to, but Elizabeth Warren asked him not to!! She may have had the Senate race as another option and wanted the chips to fall where they may. Besides, I would rather have her as a Senator myself- so I'm glad that happened. Senators tend to be in lifelong positions, and Directors get replaced with each administration.

  41. She explains things in a way that everyone can understand.


    Ya mean like, "She don't use big, "fancy" words" - shop owner, "You Betcha!" documentary
    I'm kidding, of course. One can simplify something because they know it backward and forward (like Obama explaining why the Constitution was still "cool" to those kid reporters).

    Sarah Palin doesn't use "big, fancy words" because she doesn't KNOW HOW to use big, fancy words. She just makes stuff up. She's like an evil Dr. Seuss.


    Wednesdays for Warren, anyone?

    Kidding, kind of.

    this is one of those times where "we" - the "real" REal, Americans need to step in to FIGHT the Corporate Greed and CRONY CAPITALISM that led to the NEARLY DEBILITATING "Citizens United" Supreme Court decision.

    If Scott Brown has them in his corner,

    Elizabeth deserves to have US in hers!

    I'm gonna siphon off some funds and start sending it her way.

    Any other ideas how to help?


  42. Warren Buffet said he didn't know WHY no one was even ASKING him to pay his "fair share" of taxes.

    He didn't have a problem with it!

    I guess it's all the OTHER RNC donors that do...

  43. Randall8:30 AM

    You know; it's tempting to call Elizabeth Warren "brilliant" - because comparatively, she is.

    But that's what's so sad!

    What she's saying isn't all that "brilliant" - it's just basic statements of reality.

    We are so used to hearing nothing but nonsense that by comparison, obvious facts stated coherently seem, by comparison, to be "brilliant."

    GOD that's depressing.

  44. Randall8:37 AM

    Once, after decades of "trickle-down" economics, a young lad went to the theater with his grandfather.

    They sat in the balcony.

    The boy asked his grampa why they didn't sit on the lower level and his grampa replied that that's where the peons sit.

    After a while a fellow walked up to the edge of the balcony and whipped out his dick and started pissing over the side. He turned side to side as his urine splashed all over those below.

    The little boy was aghast, but his grandfather told him it was natural - that that's why those below are called "peons".

    It happened again a bit later when another gentleman walked to the edge and whizzed on those below, turning slowly from side to side, getting it all over everyone below as he emptied his bladder.

    Finally the young man couldn't wait any longer, and although he was disgusted, he just had to go. So he shyly walked to the edge of the balcony, unzipped, and began to pee over the side.

    He just stood there peeing and wishing he'd finish soon.

    The guy directly below him looked up and said, "I say young man, would mind waving it around a bit? I'm getting it all, you know."

  45. I agree. She's going to be a hell of a senator, and hopefully president one day. I admire her so much.

  46. Firecracker8:55 AM

    I have followed Dr. Warren for years. She is definitely one of my heroes. She is does an excellent job of explaining complex political and economic issues in plain easy to understand ideas. I can't wait for her to send Scott Brown packing.

  47. Punkinbugg9:01 AM

    She is a BIG hero of mine. She stopped BoA from charging predatory fees, and that personally saved me a lot of money.

    It is SO SAD to read the YouTube comments below the video.

    99% of the people writing them (if they are indeed people) fall into the category of middle class, yet they are DEMANDING that their hard-earned money go directly to the richest 1%, and calling her every nasty name possible.

    I think the 1% are getting desperate.

  48. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Andrew at 5:29 - sweetie, you haven't paid attention, have you?

    President Obama had Warren design the agency but knew it would not survive if he tried to appoint her because of the obstructionists in the GOP/TP/Libertarian camp. They hated the agency, but hated her more.

    She is indeed an intelligent, articulate woman whose passion for fairness for all Americans is gaining her support nationally. I believe our President encouraged her run for the Senate. She will be able to accomplish more for a longer time period that way.

    After all, a Senator has six years of power, while an appointee usually only lasts as long as the administration.

    So, given that the Obama administration will end in 2016, Warren will be on the national scene wielding power and shaping policy longer this way.

    Oh, and Andrew, ss much as I deeply disliked the Bush-Cheney administration, I never ever was as disrespectful as you have been in your short post. I believe in this country and in the Office of the President, regardless of whether one was appointed like Bush or elected like Obama. Grow up, little boy, please. You are embarrassing yourself and our country.

  49. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Sometimes I just want to scream!!! Polls - you know those things that are for strippers???? - say the President is responsible for the economy (HP-AOL) and another has Palin high in the polls????? Then, Levi is supposed to be on the View (don't watch) saying he saw SP (TM) after the birth with an IV? With the latter, now is the time to reveal anything you know G, please.

  50. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Hey Gryph
    I'm an aspiring filmmaker in MA and I was sooo hoping she would announce. I've been considering following her campaign but I'm not sure because I'm in Graduate School right now. Proximity is also a problem. But could be a career maker. I just love her. She is genuine!!


  51. Anonymous10:27 AM

    @ Phil Munger 6:00 AM

    How do you know that the plan all along wasn't for Warren to set up the CFPB and then run for Brown's senate seat? Setting up the CFPB gave Ms. Warren a hell of a lot of exposure and a massive head start on campaigning. As you well know, that CFPB exposure and experience has raised her public profile dramatically.

    When a contributor to Firedoglake (like you, Phil) writes his opinion of the President and his motives, I take it with a large (really large) grain of salt. The reality (and truth) resides somewhere between the Firedoglake Left and the Tea Party Right.

    P.S. Mrs. Palin doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of ever beating Mr. Obama, and you well know it. In fact, the Democratic party's best scenario for 2012 is if Palin actually captured the GOP nomination.

  52. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I'm in MA and am going to volunteer for her campaign! I can't wait to vote for her!


  53. Gryphen, I wonder if I could ask you and your readers a big favor. I posted a five star (highest) review of McGinniss's book on Amazon, and I am getting ragged on my "negative" voters. Since I value my ranking on Amazon - I'm #161 in the whole country - I'd like to have some "positives" added to the voting on my review. I mention you and your blog in my review.

    Anyway, if you all would like to help a poor, pathetic Amazon reviewer, please go to the book, and then look under "5 star" reviews. My name's "Jill Meyer". If you could vote "positive" for my review, I'd sure appreciate it!

  54. Pat in MA11:35 AM

    She's got my vote!

    @PhilMunger - yes, you're right she would have made a great head of the agency, but getting another Democrat in the Senate is important. Strategy. You don't really think she said out of the blue that 'oh well, I guess I'll see about run for Senate now since the President didn't appoint me to head the agency?" As for fighting for her, I expect the President will visit Massachusetts to support her campaign.

    And one more thing, you can keep your cranky ass right where it is Phil, we'll be fine here in MA without you.

  55. Anonymous5:11 PM

    ... and also too, those factories that are being built are usually dipping into the public till at the local, state and federal level from day one. Public subsidizing of private enterprises is the norm so in a sense we tax payers are all job creators :-)

    I hope Ms Warren is the catalyst that's so desperately needed to derail the GOP control of the media and gov't, and along with others like Alan Grayson, take off the gloves and start getting this country moving forward and kick the little like Cantor, O'Connell, and Boehner to the curb. And any Dem that hasn't found their backbones by then should get their a$$3$ out of the way. We have wasted too many years stalling on energy and transportation alternatives as well as compromising our citizens health and well being. For a 27 year old to die because she couldn't afford an asthma inhaler is inexcusable and unfathomable. After all she was a job creator too!

    I plan on supporting Ms Warren's candidacy for I envision she'll have more positive impact on the country than my sad sacks of shits from SC that don't know who the middle class are. Hey Joe (You Lie), where are the jobs?

  56. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Thanks for this wonderful post. I saw the video yesterday and was blown away. Senator Warren will defienately hold her ground and stand up to the Repuplicons.
    She has what people call "a fire in her belly", as opposed to the yeast infection/latex allergy Palin's been whining about lately.

    We need more people like Elizabeth to shake things up.


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