Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I think we have narrowed down the reason that Borders went out of business.

Courtesy of National Confidential:

Sarah Palin’s latest book is causing a headache for the bankrupt Borders book, based on pictures release online. The national chain, closing its doors and attempting to rid itself of inventory, appears to have a Palin sized problem.

Okay I am exaggerating a little bit...maybe. But you have to admit that it certainly did NOT do Borders any favors to purchase all of those crappy books when there was NOBODY who wanted to murder their brain cells by reading them. After all there are only SO many paint chip eaters, and most of them have never actually read one them there books. "Cletus stop trying to push it into the damn VCR slot! You have to open it up and try to make sense outta those squiggly lines."

I like how they said they had a "Palin sized problem." I think we should all start using that in our day to day lives.

"Yeah Bill, you certainly do have a problem, but at least its not a PALIN sized problem!"


  1. Why can't the books just be remandered. Or sold as compost.

  2. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Comment from Reddit poster
    [–]CorpFantastic 1 day ago

    At the borders I worked at that closed we started giving them away with purchases. Most people didn't even want one for free.

  3. I really don't feel sorry for Borders. Overpriced "trendy" books in overpriced malls. Perhaps a box of Sarah's books should be sent to each of the top executives of the failing company. As a nice Christmas present.

  4. Anonymous5:16 AM

    How come anybody who deals with Sarah Palin has Palin Sized Problems?

    Curt Menard

    Todd's snow machine business partner

    John McCain

    The GOP



    Anchorage Police Dept

    The Johnstons

    Trooper Wooten

    Town of Wasilla

    Alaska tax payers

    Dr. CBJ



    The list is endless.

  5. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Those books were remaindered once. Now they are nonreturnable and Borders got stuck. They will either be donated to charity or tossed out.


  6. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Everything sarah does is an epic failure. Everything sarah touches turns to shit.

    PS- She doesn't look very healthy to me. Did everyone see her last night? She looks like she's about to very publicly lose it.

  7. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Gryphen, you are NOT exaggerating at all. Yesterday, on its last day, I went to the Borders here in the suburbs of Philadelphia. While all books were marked down to 2-for-$1. ( I kid you not!), not one single person would even touch the Palin related books. I was one of those people, except I saw a copy of Brisket's work of fiction and grabbed it for 50 cents. I figured, at the very least, I could use it on a cold winter to stoke the flames in the fireplace. Hell, I even bought a book about bedbugs. Come to think of it....they were side by side on the shelf! Borders...I'm going to miss you!

  8. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Any thing this woman Sarah Palin touches gets fucked up -
    becomes Palin sized problem like her marriage, jobs and children.

    Then these Palin size problems does not just end there, they reproduce and spread throughout Alaska, to Los Angeles and Arizona. Good thing Shailey Tripp made Todd wear condoms!

    It's like an epidemic..... these Palins needs to be spaded and neutered.

    Where's Bob Barker? We need him to make public service announcements:

    "Have your Palins-Heaths spayed or neutered"

  9. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Those books were remaindered once. Now they are nonreturnable and Borders got stuck. They will either be donated to charity or tossed out.


    5:35 AM

    The Palins are a charity case.

  10. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I think Grandma Sarah should buy all those Border unsellable Palin books and give them to her grand children.

    Those fuckers breeds like rats and they should learn where their retarded genes come from.

  11. Anonymous6:08 AM

    "PS- She doesn't look very healthy to me. Did everyone see her last night? She looks like she's about to very publicly lose it."

    Really? I thought she looked healthy and robust, like she just finished running a whole half-marathon. I think she is deserved another IM apology.

    (snark off)

  12. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Take all of those palin books and have Tawd build a 14 ft fence around the Palin compound. That way when Piper and Willow starts popping out babies like Bristol did we can at least keep them isolated and account for their locations. Maybe we can hunt down Bristol, Track and their offsprings with airplanes and send them back to the compound.

    Fuck it, it won't work.... we seen what happens when Tawd builds 14 ft fences.... they don't last long.

  13. Beldar Biblio Conehead6:18 AM

    $2.59???? C'mon Gryphen!! What? Am I MADE of money? With an economy this bad, consumer goods have to be priced right to sell. You get back to me when that book is a nickel and THEN we can start negotiating a fair price.

    BTW, Instructables.com has a great tutorial on how to hollow out a book to hide valuables from non-readers.

    So, yes, I would buy The Screechy Wretch(tm)'s book ONLY if it were under a dollar and IF every fucking word in it were removed with an X-Acto knife. (And if the jacket with her picture were removed, then run thru a shredder, then the shreds used to line a hamster cage and when the hamsters where done with it, the remnants were safely soaked with gasoline, set afire and then the ashes were dumped in a pit toilet at a public park known to be frequented by preverts and counterfeit/fake pharmaceuticals salesmen.) Then I would definitely buy her book. Cuz, ya know... I just love books.

    $2.59, my ass....

  14. Anonymous6:20 AM

    I saw this very same Palin-sized problem at the Anchorage store. Counted over 30 copies of this garbage on the shelves as the store was closing out.

  15. Anonymous6:21 AM

    I've been to the sale at my local Borders (great deals on books) and it's the same thing there, they can't give them away as toilet paper!
    Granny Lulu's fans can't or don't read.

  16. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Bwahahahaha! Gryphen, you are just on fire lately!!!!

  17. @ Beldar "changing middle name" Conehead...YOU ARE FUCKING HILARIOUS!! Sorry to shout but I was eating goldfish crackers and damned near choked when I got to this part...

    "So, yes, I would buy The Screechy Wretch(tm)'s book ONLY if it were under a dollar and IF every fucking word in it were removed with an X-Acto knife. (And if the jacket with her picture were removed, then run thru a shredder, then the shreds used to line a hamster cage and when the hamsters where done with it, the remnants were safely soaked with gasoline, set afire and then the ashes were dumped in a pit toilet at a public park known to be frequented by preverts and counterfeit/fake pharmaceuticals salesmen.) Then I would definitely buy her book. Cuz, ya know... I just love books."

    Thanks for the laughs!!

  18. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I saw the same Palin Problem in the Borders stores closing in Oklahoma. Palin books were everywhere! Stacked in the front. Stacked in the back. Stacked along the aisles. My daughters and I laughed our heads off. The media, including the stupid book vendors, have ALWAYS overestimated Palin's appeal with the public.

    If Palin can't unload her books in red Oklahoma, then her "career" is careening to a rapid close.

  19. Anonymous3:08 PM

    The root of the problem is that her target audience does not read.

    Not even a cereal box.

  20. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Border's buyers are notorious for overbuying remainered books because they just can't pass up a deal. Their entire business plan sunk Waldenbooks, and now they're paying the piper.
    I used to love shopping there, they had some fantastic deals in their bargain book selection, for a long time they had decent prices on music and childrens books, and always had books in stock.
    Barnes and Noble is the only other game in my area, so I guess I'm moving on to Amazon.

  21. indy_girl7:44 PM

    "At the borders I worked at that closed we started giving them away with purchases. Most people didn't even want one for free."

    Why the hell would they? For every page of Sarah's drivel they read, their IQ goes down a point!

    ***Warning to clearance shoppers: Bristol's IQ ppp drop rate is 2:1***


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It just goes directly to their thighs.