Friday, September 09, 2011

Just for laughs. The Republican candidate flow chart.

Sometimes you have to just laugh at the GOP circus as it rolls into town.

Of course later there will be those huge piles of elephant shit that somebody needs to shovel off of the streets, but for right now we can just enjoy the show.


  1. Anonymous4:05 AM

    O/T but I wonder what happened to It'sMeAgain. I hope he or she was not outed and subsequently silenced. If you're out there reading, It'sMe, can you let us know you're OK and just biding your time?

  2. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Great stuff! And so true it's scary.

    OT...I am now reduced to reading the title on your blog's sidebar for Joe McG - and it's gotten so bizarre that I don't even click through anymore. Too weird for me - I just don't even want to know what desperate chickenshit he's throwing around over there now. What in the world is up with all that?

  3. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Oz is still at it. She has created a nice visual to compare Sarah's bib. Look at the space between the number and the lettering along the bottom of each. There is WAY more space on bib A and B than on C. How does she do that??? She is amazing.

    Speaking of amazing, there's chance for a Palin candidacy after all...

    "OK! Magazine: Sandra Bullock Having Baby At 47"

    Obviously, she still has time to produce a stage prop. That is, if she hasn't had her tubes tied.

  4. Randall4:48 AM


    Coffee-on-the-monitor hilarious.

  5. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Chart should be..

    Did you fake a pregnancy? Yes--- Sarah Palin

  6. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:57 AM

    "Guh?" --Sarah Palin


  7. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Gryp, are you still in touch w/S. Tripp?

    No one seems to be paying attention to her anymore. Why?

  8. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Oh, forgot link to S. Tripp's latest:

  9. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Just caught the 2011 The Graham Norton Show on BBC America. Have you all seen it? Kathy Griffin was on with Cameron Diaz and Bear Gryls (Man versues Wild). Kathy got in several great jabs at Bristol seeing the, "Dentist".

    Also too Cameron said Bear should take Sarah on one of his shows in the extreme wild and oops too bad so sad she did not make it out :) :):)

    When Kathy said Sarah was a moron everyone agreed. The Brits are not impressed with the Palin's.

  10. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Gryphen, that's hilarious. Sorta reminds me of this creative endeavor from a few years back (which also ties into the "circus" theme):


  11. Anonymous5:21 AM

    4:12 Joe is crying that his friends are leaking his book in a national cominc strip giving away all his exclusive. Really, if all Joe has that hot on Palin can be leaked in five frames of a comic strip he should have saved trees.

    About Joe and the others and their petty author bitch fight, SCREW YOU ALL.

    They all are whinny ass little brats who instead of putting aside their personal agendas fcked us letting Palin's crap sprew everywhere instead of combining efforts taking her out months ago.

    I think it is awesome none of them, especially Baily, made anything, will make anything.

    None of what they have said or done has made the generail public turn away from Palin. The distaste, dislike, aatred comes from her own selfish greedy whore ways exploiting her children.

    The only egos matching hers are these supposed authors so I say goodriddence to the lot of you.

  12. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Joe is a joke. He's drumming up interest for his book. It's a publicity stunt, like palin's phony photo-ops.


  13. Anonymous5:56 AM

    HAHAHA good one. palin has a 'special' place.

  14. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Look folks, Joe McG is an author. He needs to sell books. His main job isn't outing Sarah Palin, it's making a living by selling books. So he's doing his best to stir up some intrigue to keep people interested. Ever hear of marketing? It takes many forms.

    I want to see Sarah outed as much as anyone, but jeesh- it's not EVERYONE's primary goal in life. Joe wrote a book about Sarah, true, but I'll be that he's already moved on to finding his next topic, researching his next book- the guy's gotta eat and pay his bills.

    Please don't expect that everyone who writes or says something- even a book-length something- about Sarah is some kind of traitor if they move on. It makes us look petty.

  15. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Me Again Anon said that s/he was going to finish the trip (about 2 more weeks, I think.)

  16. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Hey Gryph:

    Great article - pic is of theGgrifter, but its not about her, except peripherally as part of the TeaTHIUG problematic.

  17. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Anon @ 6:01, that just makes him a financial opportunist, and we have every right to be slightly on guard about stuff he says. I am not real sure about the many defenses of him that keep popping up all over the place.

    I bet it will be a good book with lots of interesting detail. That's great.

    Where this guy is coming from, however, well we may never know the complete picture on that. Doesn't matter, as long as he contributes more material to the mystery that is Sarah Palin and her inexplicable political career.

  18. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Gryphen, have you seen this hilarious video "Adopt A Job Creator"? It's a devastating skewering of the Republicans sycophantic obsession with "job creators."

  19. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Guh? Sarah Palin


    Thanks for this hilarious chart! Heads are going to explode, fridges will be dented!

    Sent this out to everyone in my address list, this needs to go viral.

    Wonder if we can get a Palin Google thing going, like that Santorum genius did?

    I'm feeling lucky!

  20. Sweet anny9:07 AM

    I have a new printer and I love it, but rarely have a use for it. Printed this one, it's going to my workplace, a bright place full of liberal and progressive thought. I don't suspect it will be seen in any dark dens of reactionaries.

    Joe who again now?

  21. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Just sayin this, Joe wanting to feed his family off of Sarah Palin means he needs me and others to buy his book. If he wants me to support his family he needs to out her because otherwise I have 100's of other places to drop my $25.50.

    Joe needs to stop the poor me bitch routine. The fact he has closed comments to his blog shows he thinks he can dish it but he sure cannot take it.

    Joe better man up before his pr tour.

  22. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Last week Me Again said he/she'd be on vacation for 3 weeks.

  23. Smirnonn11:33 AM

    Absolutely HILARIOUS, Gryphen! Thanks for sharing.




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