Friday, September 09, 2011

Stephen Colbert was very impressed with Rick PArry's debate performance. But like most of us thinks that Rick PErry is a douche.

I have watched  a lot of pundits address Perry's ridiculous comparison of climate science to the imprisonment of Galilei Galileo, but I really think that only Colbert has put it in the proper perspective.

Plus he made it funny.


  1. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Ruh roh. This potentially a very big deal:

  2. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Sure Perry's a big mouth (little less than Trump, little more than Sarah) but he's got great ideas and conviction. He's not a shill for his party. Anyone of those candidates could make Obama wimper in terms of resume and conviction.

    However, the media is liberal and Americans are koolaid drinking, robots who are taught to abhor ANY free thinking conservative.

    Cmon America, NO ONE is worse than Obama. EVERYONE is more qualified.

  3. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Ignore the troll.

  4. Anonymous7:55 AM

    @7:28 AM You sound like you are from the PBOTS camp. Any free thinking Conservative does not exist. You are FAUX NEWS LIMBAUGH, HANNITY, COULTER,
    and O REILLY worshipers with no view of reality. SHEEP follow, they do not lead.

  5. Anon 7:28

    I doubt if we shall hear from you, but give us one "great" idea that Perry has. I have heard none.

  6. Anonymous8:02 AM

    7:28 am. What planet do you live on? Not on planet Earth and not in this country. Haven't you been listening to these idiots tripping over themselves to sound more stupid than the one who spoke before. I thank God that President Obama is our president and I pray that we can give him a workable majority in Congress for his second term. And I'm not alone.

  7. Anonymous8:06 AM

    7:28 ... so, I abhor you because I was taught to fear free-thinkers...

    HILARIOUS. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
    You so silly !

  8. Anonymous8:08 AM

    @7:28- Is this the new Palin family meme? Sarah sez "EVERYONE is more qualified, so vote for me! No harm done! And my flautism is also, too, plenty good enough for Carnegie Hall. *@#$$$%& H8RS !!!!!"

    Wild Tortoise (who sips Koolaid without the aid of a bendy straw)

    ps- spell-check is not always a fix for a "NCLB" stlye edumycatshun. Pres. O is neither a "wimp" nor a "whimperer". Please choose alternative descriptors such as "leader", "magnificent" and "unbelievably talented". "Underappreciated by trolls" would also work well in this context. Thank yew.

  9. Gasman8:22 AM

    P.Rick is a none-too-bright, closeted corn dog jockey. He's the only candidate who can tickle his tonsils with large, fried phallic foods as impressively as Michelle Bachmann.

    If he survives long enough in the campaign, I actually think his closeted sexual proclivities will become a problem for him. I don't think there is enough money behind him to keep everybody who knows his secret to stay quiet. Can you imagine what a few pictures of P.Rick ridin' bareback would do to the campaign? You know Ron Paul would be delighted to help see those got widely distributed. Hell, Paul would probably rent a plane and scatter millions of copies across several major cities personally.

    Anon @ 7:28,
    You are a fucking moron. What "great ideas" has P.Rick had? Killing innocent people on death row? Cutting funding for volunteer fire departments 75% during the WORST DROUGHT IN HISTORY? Having more uninsured than any other state? I'm just getting started. He is a disaster and his state is a disaster, literally.

    ANYTIME an asshole like you states that "EVERYONE is more qualified" than President Obama, it is apparent that it is motivated by racial animus. The man has impeccable professional and intellectual bona fides - certainly more impressive than most/all of the occupants of the GOP presidential clown car - so the only possible reason to belittle Obama's resume is to push your racist meme.

    We have established that you are an imbecile and that you are a racist. Why don't you just STFU?

  10. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I worship Stephen Colbert.


  11. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Perry's long time big-money backer has jumped ship, just announced as champaign chairman for Huntsman. Perry's debate performance was that persuasive, it convinced a huge TEXAS bundler for Republicans to bet on another horse, hah! That Perry, he's good, isn't he? Must have been the bonus round where he flushed Ron Paul's supporters down the toilet when he manhandled Paul so he could piss on his leg.

  12. Anonymous8:32 AM

    O/T: Grypen, did you see the write-up about SP in the NYT by Anand some-body who praised the Quitter Queen to the skies! And the comments lauded him for finally recognizing her brilliance. OMG, I need strong drink, and it's still morning on the west coast. When will this insanity end?

  13. angela8:34 AM

    Colbert has nailed the idiot Perry. I'd be ashamed to be such an idiot blowhard, but it seems shame and self awareness are not in the GOP candidates gene pooL this go round.

    Also, when IS the bridge going to fall on the goofy assed troll?

  14. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Looks like Brooklyn is over her hang-over from the fiasco in Iowa. Poor thing is so delusional. So Brooky, going to change your allegiance to Perry now that Sarah is fading into the sunset? I suppose you know what a loving family man he is because you have been in his home?

    Your hatred of our president is getting old, real fast. Do you hate the Mexicans as much as the blacks? Is your racism "One size, fits all"? Sarah is like that, you know. Are you one of those fake Christians too. You obviously don't understand the concept that we are all created equal and love your neighbor. It's because of people like you that we have laws to protect all people. Too bad you didn't grow up in the south a hundred years ago and own slaves. Or grow up in the south when blacks had separate water fountains, restrooms, couldn't eat with the whites or go to public schools. Do you have a hanging tree in your back yard? Are you a member of the Militia? You'd fit right in. Have a nice day Brooky, your visits just confirm how crazy you are.

  15. Anonymous8:44 AM

    @ Anon 7:28 am

    Aww, how quaint trotting out the old talking points from the 2008 election cycle.

    Problem is, President Obama will have the experience and qualifications to be re-elected as President of the United States by the time 2012 rolls around.

    If you don't want to vote for President Obama, that's your choice, but the not qualified not experienced excuse won't fly this time around, sorry.

    "No one is worse than President Obama?!?" HAHAHAHAHAHA...I guess those EIGHT YEARS under President George W. Bush, were just a knee-slapping good time, right?

  16. WalterNeff8:44 AM

    Anon 7:26

    Obama's resume includes having served as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA for longer than Saran Wrap served as the governor of a state most have never heard of, from or about.

  17. Sally in MI9:02 AM

    I am still sick about the applause for state-sanctioned murder. And Perry's smirk. He has executed at least one innocent man, and he was white, in case the applause was for killing 234 black or Hispanic men in Texas. It's sick.
    Conviction? He ought to be convicted of fraud for not responding to the fires in his state with more than a shill stadium event. How'd that work out for Mr. Christian? About as well as cutting the volunteer firefighters' budget by 75%.
    And as for that resume thing? President Obama has been PRESIDENT for nearly three years. I really don't think anyone on the GOP side can list that on their resume. Nor will they.

  18. Virginia Voter9:20 AM

    He, he here's Slick Rick, adios mofo:

    How presidential.

    To Granny Grizzly @ 7:28, Rick Perry is not just a shill for his party, but an expensive whore who can be bought by anyone with deep enough pockets. He's a shill for corporate cronies who have run roughshod over the citizens of Texas, decimating education and most basic services , as evidenced by the economic disaster crested by the drought

  19. Anonymous9:26 AM


    I can hear the bitchin' already from the PeeThugs.

    Michelle Obama is at the US Open Tennis in NY. Good for her!!!

    "Obama visited the U.S. Open for the first time Friday to promote her campaign against childhood obesity and praise the U.S. Tennis Association's initiative to build kid-sized courts." (Kid size courts -- it's about time. Another thing that the U.S. falls behind in as they are in Europe)

    She played doubles against Serena Williams clocking 55 mph on her serve - Kewl!!

    Pictures or video are sure to be released soon and can hear the morons complaining about it be travel on the taxpayers dime, etc. They're still bitching that the Obama family vacation is paid by taxpayers. His security yes, but not his personal vacation. No different that the Bush families but hell - that's a fact and we know the moron cult members can't absorb facts.

  20. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Fires still burning close to Austin. Where is Perry? Doing fund raisers. Wanting help from federal government. He does not like the government unless he needs help. Lt. Gov trying to blame Obama and is taking over for Perry.

  21. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Perry is horrible, he has done NOTHING but cut services to all aspects of life in Texas and give away money to big business.
    He has stripped the school system, he stripped the firefighting funds.
    He is nothing more than a shill for big business and has completely worked against small and medium size businesses. The only decent new jobs in Texas are tied to the federal dollar in construction jobs at the border and on military bases.
    Perry took the stimulus money and abused it.

  22. Anonymous9:45 AM


    Further to my first post of Michelle Obama attending the US Open Tennis in NY - Here is a link which includes a number of pictures of Mrs. Obama playing tennis included in an article in the Orlando Sentinel.,0,4272980.story

  23. Anonymous11:00 AM

    7:28AM is a racist.
    Its so sad that racist teabaggers like 7:28am will support ANYONE just to spite normal rational Americans. They don't care if their guy is actually capable of leading the country. They just want "Anyone but the black guy". We get it 7:28am. You and your kind don't like black people. Get over it. 7:28AM is a racist.

  24. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Why you respond to 7:28 I have no idea why.

    They pop in - throw down a rant - some racist - then leave to go to other sites to do the same.

    As Gryphen says above the comment box - "Don't feed the trolls".

    The only one you upset is yourself.

  25. Anonymous said...

    Sure Perry's a big mouth (little less than Trump, little more than Sarah) but he's got great ideas and conviction. He's not a shill for his party. Anyone of those candidates could make Obama wimper in terms of resume and conviction.

    However, the media is liberal and Americans are koolaid drinking, robots who are taught to abhor ANY free thinking conservative.

    Cmon America, NO ONE is worse than Obama. EVERYONE is more qualified.
    7:28 AM
    Good God, what are you smoking? Oh, and the scent of desperation and fear just oozes from your comment.

  26. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I always love my Colbert fix. What a truly gifted comedian and political commenter. He always makes me smile.

  27. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Ruh roh. This potentially a very big deal:

    ..............Huntsman is not the gentleman that many of you give him credit for. There is a reason that Utah will not vote for him.

    He is simply an opportunist. He goes from calling Michelle Bachman crazy one day, to the very next day telling Pierce Morgan that he would accept VP under Michelle Bachman (he'll do anything to serve his country).

    Did he serve in country in the military? No. But he accepted this President's request to serve as Ambassador - and is undermining any effectiveness he had in the position by announcing 5 months in advance of his plans to reside. Then he has been insulting the administration he had been working for to get accepted by the Republicans.

    He was the first GOP candidate to criticize Obama's job speech. Even as Cantor and Boehner tweeted that there was areas that they could work together on, Huntsman attacked his former boss' speech in whole without offering any thing as a better alternative.

    I actually voted for Huntsman as governor in Utah, and deeply, deeply regretted it. I thought that he sounded very much like the conservative Democrat he was running against, and thought Huntsman might be more effective in getting the work done. However, he was so fast to move on from Utah and leave us with his leutenant governor (an idiot nutcase) to carry on in a different direction than what Huntsman ran on.

    Also we had a woman governor (lt. governor who stepped into the role and finnished the term after Leavitt was tapped by Bush for a Federal position) who got pushed out (despite doing a decent job) by the Republicans in the first run. Olene Walker was pushed aside pretty brutually by Huntsman.

    Just warning you - he looks pretty, but he is a not harmless. There is a reason for the Romney/Huntsman feud.

    Also, Huntsman spoke supported Sarah Palin as VP. Who can forget his we've been waiting for Sarah?

  28. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Huntsman is a dirty campaigner - he is just passive aggressive

  29. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Huntsman's double speak

  30. Anne In DC6:45 AM

    I found nothing in Rick Perry's debate performance to convince me that he is anything but GW warmed over. He's mean-spirited, ignorant, and totally without empathy. Nothing in that debate alters the fact that he has enacted policies which have been disastrous for his state. He is more dangerous than either Palin or Bachmann, as bad as they are. That's because he has a long record as governor that his sycophants will drum up as meeting the experience measure, regardless of how horrible that record is.
    As for the comments from Anonymous 7:28 a.m., you would be in for a rude awakening if Perry or anyone like him ever won the White House. As for his not being a shill for his party, he is currently the leading shill according to all polls.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.