Sunday, September 25, 2011

Morgan Freeman has no doubt that the Tea Party is made up of racists. Now THAT, Sarah Palin, is what common sense looks like!

Courtesy of Mediaite:

Morgan Freeman thinks that Barack Obama‘s presidency has “stirred muddy waters” and inspired a certain racism amongst republicans and Tea Partiers who say, “Screw the country; We’re going to do…what ever we can to get this black man out of here.” Talking tonight with Piers Morgan, Freeman somberly suggests that Republican anti-Obama goals are “a racist thing” that show “the weak, dark undersides of America.” 

“We’re supposed to be better than that,” he mourns. “We really are.” 

Citing the Tea Party and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell specifically, Freeman says that, “Their stated policy, publicly stated, is to do whatever it takes to see to it that Obama only serves one term,” and that, “It’s a racist thing.”

I love Morgan Freeman, and I am very glad that he has the courage to tell it like it is.

In my opinon only a fool, or a liar, still claims that the Teabaggers are NOT racists.

The only thing that would make it clearer is if they walked around in white hoods while sporting tattoos of swastikas. And personally I would like to see somebody roll up Mitch McConnnell's shirt sleeve. P.S. I hope the video embedded properly. If not just click the link at the top and visit Mediaite directly.


  1. JayKen Knotstirred2:04 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Didn't you stir Muddy Waters with Glen Rice too?

  2. Anonymous2:25 AM

    O/T but (Cspan channel) book-tv has McG repeated today Sunday at 9:15 am and 8 pm EDT.

  3. Anonymous2:52 AM

    ¨You have seen how hard he´s tried and how hard they fought against him.¨

    We have. What the tea partiers are blind to is how many Americans believe fighting against President Obama is the same as fighting against America is the same as fighting against Americans is the same as fighting against us is the same as fighting against me.

  4. AJ Billings2:59 AM

    And they are not just racists.

    They, and their "7 mountains" religious fanatics like Pastor Muthee are responsible for children's deaths and other crimes in Africa

    Remember Pastor Muthee anyone?
    He's the guy who persecutes witches and other innocent people in Africa, OH, and also too, laid his hands on Sarah Palin to protect her from witchcraft. Yuppers, lots of that going on in Wasilla

    It only makes sense to take civilization back about 500 years so we can stone the evil witches, worship $arah Palin, and be forced to convert to Catholicism or die at the stake for heretical beliefs.

    Sound about right $arah?

    I am a non-theiest, I don't care about G_D, or any other mythologies, but I respect others who do so. That doesn't give the religious folks a license to kill or persecute others

    If by some miniscule chance I'm wrong, I just hope that someone as hateful and criminally liable as Pastor Muthee does have a fiery future in front of him.

  5. AJ Billings3:09 AM

    According to the comittee which met with Granny Paylin in April of 2008,
    $arah $tupid said
    "I won't hire any blacks"

    On April 29, 14 black leaders in Alaska, including prominent ministers, NAACP officials, and community activists, met with Palin to voice their complaint over minority hiring and job opportunities. During the meeting she allegedly said that she didn't have to hire any blacks. Even more damning, she purportedly said that she didn't intend to hire any

  6. Anonymous4:44 AM

    And SHAME, double SHAME on a media that have enabled this.The rest of the world have looked on with disbelief....what has happened to America the great.

    Shame on McCain and Sarah for this!

  7. comeonpeople5:07 AM

    Morgan Freeman is a national treasure and I'm so happy he spoke out.
    Thanks Morgan!

  8. Cdngrlinus5:09 AM

    I remember the night of the election when Mr.Obama became President-Elect. I received a phonecall from my mother telling me to becareful down there as they are all going to come out of woodwork.
    I am a prime example of the racism in the not so distant past. I was born in Canada because it was illegal for my white mother and black father to marry here. I came back after my father's death( against his wishes) and now as an immigrant I look at the country my father loved and hated with sadness. We could be so much better yet the idea that one's skin colour makes you better still exists. It is going to get alot worst before it gets better. I think there is a lot of fear among that group that the minorities ,who will soon be a majority (2030 I think was the estimate) will treat them as they have treated those who they deem less than themselves. I still have hope that this country can one day move beyond but I fear I will not see it in my lifetime.

    May God continue to bless America and may one day all men & women considered to be equal

  9. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Cannot stand MM. Was on a plane w/him last weekend. Could read his iPad. A little dweeby old guy. With a lot of baggage. Figuratively & literally.

  10. Smirnonn5:47 AM

    The tea party is nothing more than an astro-turf re-branding of the fundie x-tian religious far right that's been plaguing our country for a while now. Same dysfunctional, diseased, racist, homophobic, xenophobic low brow M.O. These douchebags need to grow a freakin' amygdala.

  11. Another gentleman with class. I love him.

  12. Anonymous7:07 AM

    There has been more than a few comments on palin's fansite that think her affair with Rice puts the racism question to rest. Unbelievable.

  13. Anonymous7:21 AM

    He was right on! And no one yet has really come out and said it. But it's true. And it's very sad.

    There is still a dark side to the underbelly of America. While the economy is sick and needs immediate treatment, the GOP bosses sabotage every effort President Obama brings to the table. They refuse to compromise just because they can't stand being run and ordered by a man of different color?

  14. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Morgan Freeman has always had my utmost respect for his genuine care for social justice. He's a man who conveys his truth with courage, dignity, and grace.

    The House holding the country hostage, yet again, with it's my way or the highway, pablum puking platitudes, and outright ignorance is going to bite them in the end.

    We clearly see the right and left, but where is that sweet spot, somewhere in between, where thinkers from both sides, over a cocktail and a handshake, find a way? where Compromise, picking your battles, civil discourse and getting the work of the people done are virtues?

    We're screwed because the center no longer exists. And the Media is deaf, dumb, and blind.

  15. Anonymous7:36 AM


    Cannot stand MM. Was on a plane w/him last weekend. Could read his iPad. A little dweeby old guy. With a lot of baggage. Figuratively & literally.

    5:25 AM


    Who gives a flying rat's anus what mickey mouse, or whoever MM is, has on his ipad?

    And what business is it of YOURS to invade another being's personal space?

    Let me guess....

    you're one of "Those nosey folks" who go through people's medicine cabinets

    Am I right?

  16. Randall8:26 AM

    It's funny how quickly it turned, isn't it?

    During George W. Bush's two terms it was "unpatriotic" and "unAmerican" to even criticize the President during war time. Even if you don't respect the man - you must respect the office.

    Now - while the same two wars are going on - the GOP openly declares that their #1 priority is to make sure our President only serves one term.

    They carry signs showing our President dressed as an African witch-doctor - bone in his nose and all. They hold signs showing him as the psychopathic Joker from the Batman movies. They call him a Kenyan, a muslim, a socialist, a communist. They openly carry GUNS and brag about their "second amendment solutions".

    But that's patriotic now, I guess.

    As I said: funny how quickly it turned.

  17. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Finally somebody is speaking the truth about the whole shameful mess!

  18. Anonymous9:05 AM

    @7:36 - you're an idiot. MM = Mitch McConnell. Did you read the post or watch the clip? Have you ever been on an airplane?

  19. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Wonder what kind of reception Sarah is going to get now that the Tea Party knows she had a one night stand with a big black man (while dating/engaged to Todd)

  20. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I fell in love with that man back when he was "Easy Reader" on the original Electric Company. Been following his career ever since. A genuine American treasure.

  21. Anonymous2:28 PM

    @ 9:05
    Yes I did, but I overlooked/missed/ forgot McConnel being mentioned because I read first, then watched the interview.

    I made a mistake, forgive me.

    Yes, I've been on airplanes many many times, and not once did I, uninvited, leer, peek, nor glance at what someone had on their computer screen, what they were reading on their i pad etc.
    I stand by my original comment.

    Stay Classy, and have a nice day!

  22. nogravity2:38 PM

    Morgan Freeman was named to the top 10 as one of the most trusted public figure according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.

  23. Anonymous3:55 PM

    @2:28 - Poor thing. You're blind, evidently. Get your eyes checked. You cannot help but see what are on computer screens and iPads on an airplane. Do you close your eyes as you walk down the aisle going to the bathroom? Or are you lead to the bathroom blindfolded?

  24. Anonymous3:59 PM

    @7:36 - You were unnecessarily ugly in reaction to a comment. You displayed your own ignorance about the references to Mitch McConnell in your rude accusations. Then you wrote: "Stay classy." Back atcha, troll.

  25. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Morgan Freeman is one of my favored actors. I'm glad he stated this to America. It's true. And, it's true of Sarah her in Alaska as to blacks and natives while she was quitter governor.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.