Sunday, September 25, 2011

FDL Book Salon with author Joe McGinniss.

Courtesy of the Rogue blog:

FDL Book Salon Welcomes Joe McGinniss, The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin 

Author: Joe McGinniss 

Sunday, September 25, 2011 1:55 pm Pacific time 

Welcome Joe McGinniss, and Host Phil Munger “EdwardTeller”, (Progressive Alaska) 

The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin

This is your chance to speak directly to Joe McGinniss, ask him a few questions, and perhaps offer a little emotional support after the rather eventful last week he just had.

I imagine he would appreciate any kind words he might receive at this point.


  1. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Hang in there, Joe! All of the push-back just means you're on the right track...especially since we've heard not a peep about an impending lawsuit. Where are Sarah's fancy lawyers now?

  2. This could be a nice opportunity to help The Rogue & Joe, and at the same time put another crack in the dam holding all of SP's ugly truth!

    A few thoughts about the FDL salon...

    - You have to be registered at FDL to comment, so plan ahead!

    - Joe may run into the liberal resistance wall: Palin's irrelevant / don't give her attention & she'll go away, the feminist argument (a woman's right to abuse power?!), Joe shouldn't have rented the house, focused on Rice, etc.

    We need INFORMED voices keeping focus on the big points. Palin herself is only part of the story. The real story is that someone horribly unfit & unqualified -- with a big HOAX -- was knowingly promoted as VP/Presidential material, and the MSM allowed it to happen.

    If some of us can support that message and Joe's effort to tell the story, we can potentially make the active & influential FDL audience more informed and supportive of the cause.

    Start getting your logins & questions ready!!!!

  3. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Like I say about Obama, they don't need us to stand up for them, they have their own two feet and 'still' spines that make Sarah and any of the GOP leadership look like jelly-fish.

    But I'm sure a kind word in the mix of very bad reviews and journalistic criticism does make things a little bit easier to bare, as well as brisk book sales. Any publicity actually helps Joe and he's a big boy, if not the biggest, fattest target for populist discontent over Sarah's dithering about running while grifting - and the poor talent pool in the POTUS field on the right.

    Who needs sympathy today? Bristdull, for her humiliating reality show bull-ride, but all she has to do to make your good intentions shrivel up like limp impotent cajones is to see her go after a drunk 'homosexual' patron.

    You've got to give her credit for bravery in putting her newly realigned jaw in such dangerous situations. A stiff breeze could knock that chin off, and she's bull riding and picking fights with men in bars.

  4. jadez5:15 AM

    well..i told joe i believed he waited to long to publish his book,,,but what do i know.

    people must remember that no one interviewing joe has any idea of who the real palin is so they see this stuff and think, "well. i can make myself look good defending her cause no one can be this bad".

    but like we all know she IS that bad and even worse!.

    but joes book has served its purpose...its on record now how bizarre and undignified this woman is.

    i dont see how she recovers from this and the coming baby hoax book.

    joe has been around a long time...he knows the score

  5. Anon513 & jadez --

    I just want to reiterate that I believe we should support The Rogue & Joe at FDL, not just to support Joe personally, but because this is an opportunity to get the real story out!

    Right now, for a variety of reasons, there's a lot of misinformation and spin being put there that is confusing that truth, which happens to be Joe's story, as told in The Rogue.

    Just like many here give good reviews & stars at Amazon to offset the bots' "reviews" -- they didn't actually read the book -- we have to do our part to offset the disinformation.

    I'm of the camp that believes that a lot of the distraction is NOT a coincidence. It's part of a coordinated effort. Regardless of one's opinion about Joe and the specifics of his book, it represents a powerful opportunity to break through the overall clutter and get out the REAL story.

  6. She's become too much of a celebrity to ever be considered presidential material imo.

  7. It has been difficult to watch Mr McGinniss be treated with such low respect by various interviewers who obviously couldn't be bothered to actually read the book. As is fairly typical with today's media, blurbs and talking points suffice for thoughtful discussion.

    There is an interesting book review in the Sept 30 issue of Entertainment Weekly. Although they only gave the book a C-, they did touch on other important elements in the book rather than focusing on the already widely discussed affairs . I had the impression that the reviewer, TinaJordan, is not too familiar with the concept of irony as she mistook Joe's reaction to the Palin's reaction to his presence as whining rather than another insightful and very telling glimpse of her paranoia and narcissism.

    Despite the juvenile tactics disguised as 'interviews' by the likes of Morgan, the View and Behar, Joe has maintained his usual level of professional competence and confidence and has shown that he will not take the various hosts 'over-talking' disrespect in stride.

  8. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Agree with NSG.

  9. silvermoondog7:26 AM

    I urge everyone that uses FB to go like Joe McGinniss' FB page. The fucking palinbots are all over it calling him names, calling other posters that write in favor of Joe all kinds of names. They keep touting their intellectual superiority too and they can't even spell or use grammar properly! These idiots drive me up the wall. They tear the book down and haven't read it. They are imbeciles! I made a nice post and I'm sure the dirtbags will start tearing me apart next. I think Joe McGinniss has taken a ton of shit from idiots and stupid "journalists" this past week. Draw your verbal swords out and stand up for the truth. The truth is that he has chronicled this wretched woman's life for what it truly is. She has her skanky army of morons out on the attack. Lets fight back for Joe and the truth!

  10. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Sarah Palin has now reached the threshold where the gleaming canvas of perfection will be turned to utter ruin, like the true face behind the mask in Oscar Wilde's The Picture Of Dorian Gray.


  11. Anonymous7:34 AM

    All Things Considered: NPR had a segment on 9/23. Worth reading the transcript and comments. Not as damming as others in print and T.V. and makes valid points about Palin's hypocrisy.

  12. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I'm with NSG on this one. There's a concerted effort at dissing this book, which is totally unjustifiable. Say what you want about Joe's personality, his work and journalistic integrity is something these interviewers haven't experienced. Reviwing something this important fairly DOES matter.

    Most of the interviews focus on the tidbits that don't matter, and it guides the discourse in that direction. We need to do our part.

  13. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I was really shocked at how vehemently the so-called MSM used the meme that McGinniss' having moved next to the Palins was somehow intentionally inappropriate at best and at worst, stalking. It is clear many of those ("Babba Wawwa", aka Barbara Walters as but one example) did not even read the book, or at least that section.

    I have long been disgusted with our media/press, but that has been disgusting. It only proves the point of Gryphen, McGinniss, and so many many others--that our media is vested in protecting this ridiculous phoney, if only to avoid doing any actual work.

    Joe McGinniss, I read your book (more like devoured it) on some beautiful Colorado days with my precious doggy girl sitting outside at my local coffee store. While that experience was likely to be a good one, regardless, your books was so well written,I hated to finish it. Clearly, I'll have a hard time finding a suitable replacement for my morning ritual.

    I'm sorry for the shallow-minded media. I salute your courage for weathering the RW Palinbot crazies. Don't forget how many sane, yet appreciative fans you have out here. We aren't as loud, but I KNOW we are far more numerous.

  14. I have been away from computers and such for a few days, so I have missed what has been happening with the interviews. The reaction to Joe's book is certainly no surprise, and I imagine he was expecting it. It probably is a repeat on a larger scale of what he had to put up with when he moved to Wasilla. It will blow over, and he will still get the word out big time. He's a big boy. He can take it.

  15. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I was at Costco yesterday hoping to find Joe's book. I did! It was prominently displayed on the end table of their book section and the stacks of The Rogue were obviously far more depleted than all the books around it.

    I might add that this is in staunchly right wing Coeur d'Alene Idaho---just a mere 40 miles south of where SP was born. I view this as encouraging.

  16. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Great job on the book Joe. I haven't seen Camp Palin and her minions attack anyone else with so much venom before. She released ghost written statements from Todd, her brother, the guy she had the affair with, heck, Sarah even brought in the ghost writer she hired to pen Bristol's memoir to help with the counter attack. But you know you've really struck a nerve if Andrew Breitbart is hell bent on making a big stink over your book. Even after you neutered his talking points he doubled down on the stupidity attempting to prove his point. He failed miserably, but it doesn't really matter in the long run anyway. The general public is simply burned out on Sarah Palin, she has proved herself to be worthless and the vast majority of Americans have already had enough of her shoved in their faces. They are just as sick of her as you are by now!

  17. 4:27, are you serious?
    Hang in there, Joe! All of the push-back just means you're on the right track.

    Uh, maybe not, buddy.

  18. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I sincerely hope that this book is reviewed fairly and taken seriously, as it contains important information that the public needs to know about the potential national disaster that is Sarah Palin. I hope that people read the book and believe the often unbelievable stories about Palin's personal and political history. I hope that this book helps put an end, once and for all, to Palin's political career, and sends her back to Wasilla with her tail between her legs for good. I hope that it will insure that we will never again be subjected to her face, her voice, her hatred or her stupidity.

    Having said that, I still find it hard to spare a kind word for McGinnis himself after his recent actions. I hope that he will take the opportunity to re-examine his own behavior and learn from this experience.

  19. Thanks for the FDL heads-up.

    I want to ask Joe: "The reaction to your book from Palin's supporters ... how big has it been, how would you describe its general tone, and has it included any hard evidence which contradicts or disproves anything in your book ?

  20. sharon10:56 AM

    Off topic here but I believe the identity of "meagain" is Britta's father. Track's father in law.

    Any thoughts?

  21. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Joe's writing really is exceptional - totally draws you in. Check out this excerpt of The Rogue in the New York Times:

  22. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Sharon, I think it's a relative of the actual birth mother of Trig.

    Honestly, I can't think of anyone else she wouldn't throw under the bus.

  23. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I've not received my book yet although do expect it tomorrow.

    Does McGinniss bring McCain into the book much and the fact she was not vetted before being put on his ticket?

    I watched McGinniss be interviewed on CSpan yesterday and it was better than most I've seen done. Questions were asked and McGinniss was allowed to answer in totality w/o being interrupted.

    In learning of Palin's misdeeds in government and her personal life, I would think more U.S. citizens would be interested in further research of her.

    Alaskans know how untruthful, non christian, unethical the woman truly is...

    She should never again hold an elected office anywhere in the U.S.

  24. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Great review of The Rogue here:

  25. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Sharon, you may have missed the discussion, but it was generally agreed that efforts to out MeAgain could potentially have very negative consequences for that person. If you recognize how vengeful the Palins can be, then you'll understand. MeAgain has already indicated the intention to work with Gryphen. Why not wait to see what develops.

  26. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Had to to read the book wait because I knew I'd be getting a Kindle for my b-day. First book to be downloaded is Joe's!!

    Can't wait to get started on it :-)

  27. Anonymous12:36 PM

    FDL Said on their website:
    "Sunday, September 25, 2011 12:30 pm Pacific time."
    Which is 11:30pm Alaska time. Missed the whole darn thing!!

  28. @sharon, At the very beginning of these revelations from anon238/meagain, we all went on a tear trying to determine who it could be, are they legitimate, how would they know, and it must be so and so. Shortly after we discovered that it may actually scare away anonymous, who may feel that he or she is being outed when what most of the commenters were trying to do was continue to piece together the puzzle, as well as avoid misplaced hopes in someone who may not be speaking the truth. I think the majority of bloggers believe that Me-again is the "rill dill," and likely a woman based on the tone of the comments. For now, I think most everyone is avoiding speculating beyond their initial thoughts.

  29. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Thank you very much for your book, Joe. America needs to know what Palin is REALLY like! What an absolute disaster she would be as POTUS!

  30. Anonymous1:39 PM

    In the case of Sarah Palin, the portrait is one of narcissism disguised as selfless public service, serious multigenerational family dysfunction disguised as family honor and values, and self-deceiving religious conviction as a call to political power.

    Read more:

  31. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Anonymous Where are Sarah's fancy lawyers now?
    4:27 AM

    Threat of a suit at this point would only increase sales.

    If there is to be a real legal action the lawyers would be quiet at this point, reading the book and looking at legal possibilities.

    What interests me is Sarah et al. are quiet. Could they have been muzzled by the lawyers as a possible grounds for legal action is worked out?

    Would Sarah keep quiet if a possible million dollar law suit might be in the offing?

    You betcha.

  32. Not likely - She's NPD2:18 PM

    @2:04 - Sarah's never been quieted by a lawsuit in her life. "She's a Mama Grizzly!" Right? And who is her legal team? A bunch of amateurs. They couldn't wrangle her out of "blood libel," could they?

  33. I just finished reading "The Rogue:...". It's a quick read, especially if you've been, even peripherally, keeping up with Palins.

    But for me, the issue is still larger than Palin herself. McGinniss has peeled back several layers covering SP's dominionist roots and attachments. That's the true danger - the movement to not just merge church and state, but to replace our national identity as a democracy with one that defines us as a theocracy.

  34. Anonymous2:46 PM

    It just occurred to me that Joe did a great job with the title and cover of his book. I really doubt that most of the public that are enchanted with Sarah have been following much of the discussions that take place on the internet about Sarah so a quick glance at the cover and title of the book could make it very easy to catch their eye to take a look. If it's selling at Costco and priced accordingly, I could see that it would be an easy thing to grab as they shop and get drawn into once they're home and have a chance to check it out. This could be as helpful as the media storm that's it's already stirred up.

    Good Job, Joe. Thanks!!

  35. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Sharon, forget trying to figure out MeAgain. After Palin is a bad trivia question, maybe we will know the identity. If I never know the identity, MeAgain is doing a great service to this country.

  36. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I participated in the FDL book salon and left disappointed that my questions were not addressed. 95% were between the regulars and little was developed in the way of new information.

  37. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Hey 2:04... If her boss, Roger Ailes, could not get her to keep her mouth shut, what makes you think her own lawyers, who work FOR her, could?

    She's probably curled up in a fetal position sucking her thumb.

  38. @WaveLength 2:25 pm

    Joe McGinness posted the full transcript of FDL's book salon, and what reverberated most in the discussion was his statement that it would be truly terrifying to have someone (Palin) who believes that we are in the End Days to have her finger on the country's nuclear button. Armageddon indeed.

  39. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Saw Joe on C-Span Books. 4pm ADT. Excellent interview. The moderator let Joe answer in full before he went on to the next question. Joe did a super great job!

  40. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Thank you Anon@ 11:17 who posted the excerpt from Joe's book @ the New York Times.

    I just ordered my copy of The Rogue , thanks poster & Gryphen.

    I'm not a lawyer, but it is so very wrong of the Palin's to purchase lakefront property which does not have access... then just use your neighbour's property to get to your home.

    Property owners will surely shudder at the Palin's ethics and sense of entitlement/bullying that this reveals.


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