Thursday, September 22, 2011

New definition of pedophile: Anybody who makes a joke about, criticizes, or moves in next to, Sarah Palin.

In the newest attempt by the Right Wing to demonstrate their complete lack of ethics, overwhelming homophobia, and constant need to focus on all things sexual, Palin panty sniffer Dan Riehl has gone on the attack against Daily Caller TV writer Jeff Poor:

Over the weekend Riehl used a four-year-old girl to take revenge on The Daily Caller‘s TV writer Jeff Poor, who wrote a simple aggregated story on Mike Tyson‘s vile sexual thoughts on former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. The story stemmed from Tyson’s remarks to a Las Vegas radio station. Riehl was incensed. He’s a big Palin fan and “big” would be putting it mildly. He wept while watching a film that he said stole her innocence: “When I see innocence attacked so viciously I become very angry. My tears flowed from that, not so much from sympathy for her as an individual.” 

So what does Riehl do? As an act of chivalry, he looked up pictures of Poor’s four-year-old niece on Facebook and at 3 a.m. (not at all a shady hour to post) published a story on his blog suggesting that Poor is a pedophile. He linked to photographs of the little girl. He based his accusations of Poor on a remark made three years ago regarding football and homosexuals. 

Poor had posted a photograph on his Facebook page on the campus of Vanderbilt University in front of the set of ESPN College Gameday in October 2008, before the Auburn-Vanderbilt game. Just so happened there was a guy in the corner of the image, and the caption was – “In front of the set of ESPN College Gameday at Vanderbilt University, the training ground for closet homosexuality.” Go figure how that equals pedophilia.

By noon Saturday, The Daily Caller Editor-in-Chief Tucker Carlson had contacted Riehl to insist he remove the post. He obliged.

As many of you probably remember Dan Riehl was the Zombie Rat that Palin unleashed in my direction after I posted the Splitsville story. Riehl took innocuous posts and edited them together to make it appear that I was the quintessential bad man.

The same sort of tactics were used in an attempt to discredit David Letterman, Vanity Fair writer Michael Joseph Gross, and of course most famously, Joe McGinniss, just to name a few.

Essentially the argument is that if you don't like Sarah Palin, or laugh at jokes about her, or criticize her, you are by definition a sexual deviant. Which is EXACTLY how Palin herself has dealt with criticism her entire life. (Isn't it interesting how supporters of hers take on the very WORST of her personality traits?)

And of course since these are carefully closeted Right Wingers they are constantly linking being gay to being a pedophile. Which, as anybody NOT still stuck in the nineteenth century can tell you, is a completely false assertion.

But really what else could we possibly expect from a person who is STILL desperately clinging to their rapidly fading hopes that Sarah Palin will ride in on a Grizzly bear to save the country?

Okay obviously I cannot address this issue without also addressing the story about a leaked email between Joe McGinniss and myself that is making the rounds, suggesting that Joe did not have the facts to back up the allegations in his book. (By the way he certainly does.)

Yes I have seen the article, as well as the vicious attacks directed at Joe and myself.

However at this time I cannot provide a comment because I believe that there is an ongoing investigation.

What I can tell you right now is that I DID NOT leak, or provide access, to any e-mails between myself and anyone else.  Period!

I will also let you know that I will not help to provide traffic to that site by allowing a conversation about the article on this blog.  I apologize, as I really dislike censorship, but I am sure you understand the decision.


  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

    What a crappy thing to do and I hope he is sued, since $$$$ are the only thing republicans care about.

  2. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I love how Breitbart refers to your blog as "now-defunct"! Nothing can be further from the truth, including every single other lie he has told! BTW he's ready to have a breakdown

  3. Anonymous1:36 PM

    On that note G: Why didn't you SUE the hell outta the Palins for defamation and damages!?

  4. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Hey your first link in this story goes to the 241 Los Anchorage aliens story!

  5. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Understand it and applaud it!

  6. JayKen Knotstirred1:37 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?

  7. How come this guy hasn't been investigated for making false accusations against people, or defamation of character...?

  8. Anonymous1:39 PM

    How chivalrous of Dan Riehl. Now, see, if Sarah Palin had one OUNCE of a brain, she'd publicly call him out for what he had done. I won't hold my breath for that to happen.

  9. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Thank you for clarifying this, Gryph! Totally understandable that you don't want to give that loser any energy - or traffic. We've got yer back!

  10. JayKen Knotstirred1:41 PM

    Oops! It just occurred to me that I must be a pedophile too! After all I have the audacity to ask her for Trigs birth certificate! Daily.

  11. wakeUpAmerica1:45 PM

    Viscous attacks? Thick, sticky substance? Did you mean vicious? Although, I think viscous could work.

  12. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Thank you, Griffin. Would you please elaborate on WHO is doing the investigating if there is an "open investigation"?

    Also, "viscous" should be "vicious".
    Although a sticky gooey mess probably describes those jerks. :)

  13. Forty Watt1:47 PM

    I completely understand, Gryph. And nobody who knows you even slightly would think you leaked anything ever.

    Hang in there. We're with you.

  14. Anonymous1:48 PM

    She reminds me of a howler monkey in that picture. Sounded like one too I'll bet.

  15. Okay the first link is fixed.

  16. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Knowing Brightbutt I'm sure the email is something he manufactured just like his other fake tapes. I hope to God it isn't leaked but have faith in you Gryphen. I hope the investigation is concluded soon and that Brightbutt gets his ass sued off!

    PS - Of COURSE every man Sarah hates is a pedophile. The truth is beginning to outweigh all her lies and the public is finding out. Please all if you've read the book head on over to Amazon, put up a review & support the commenters who wish the truth to stay out there.

  17. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I like the way you said, "Sarah UNLEASHED..." She does EXACTLY that. We learned about it in Bailey's book. SP is a vicious, venomous person/animal who keeps wrecking innocent people's lives, and Fox gives her that platform. Wonder if they are afraid of her too? When does her contract run out?

  18. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Dear Mr. Riehl,
    So... your response to... whatever it was that you saw that stripped $arah's innocence away (I'm really confused about what you're talking about there) is to then smear a guy who reported on something disgusting someone ELSE said, by manufacturing a bogus pedophile story and planting an innocent four year old girl in the middle of it??

    Yeah, I can see how innocence means so very, very much to you, you demented weeping asshat.

    WTF is wrong with you. How can you be so utterly without self awareness.

    Is it "the violence of the left" that makes me want to kick your pathetic teeth in? I have an idea, how about people who search the net for pictures of kids are the pedophiles. You stupid fuck.

    Best wishes,

  19. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Oh! how much they project the nasty in their lives on others.

    They are beyond scum, Sarah and her friends, and the media just play along. Disgusting!

    Bierbarf and friends will say and do anything...looks like some hacking went down here.

    Someone is desperate. I guess Ailes has laid the law down not to talk about Joe's book,so sista sarah has her scum working overtime.

  20. Anonymous1:56 PM

    The Scientologists running SarahPAC are getting desperate.

  21. carollt1:57 PM

    I read the made up email "written by Joe". That is not Joe's writing; he writes much better than that. I imagine it's something someone stupid (Sarah) would try to pass off to the media in an attempt to mitigate the damage that Joe's book is having on her. She is a laughing stock today and no phony emails are going to change that.

    Is it just me or did it seem that Sarah's eyes were a bit glassy on Hannity's show the other night. I think she had to take some drugs just to show her face.

  22. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Nothing says family values like looking at picture of strangers' children on Facebook at 3am. Sounds like Danny Riehl is the kiddy fiddler.

  23. Anonymous2:01 PM

    All the bright shiny objects Palin and minions can throw out are not going to stop the babygate juggernaut.

    Sorry you have to deal with censoring, G.

  24. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I just read an article suggestig that Mrs. Todd Dipshit can stretch her "will I run for Prez" tease until Halloween. Good lord--that seems like an eternity.

  25. emrysa2:11 PM

    man, these people really are gross.

    fwiw gryphen, I read the email from joe - I didn't see anything wrong with it. he was simply stating that at that moment he had no proof for certain things - what the hell is wrong with that? what kind of person takes an email written 9 months ago and tries to imply that the same statements are true today, and therefore everyone should be outraged because the author is a liar? these people really are low-lifes, and as such it is not the least bit surprising that they like a person who quit on their constituents, cannot articulate a vision for the country and cannot construct complete grammatically correct sentences. the quitter and these drooling imbeciles are truely cut from the same cloth.

  26. mitchethekid2:11 PM

    Take the gloves off. Turn the tables and do the same to him.

  27. jadez2:13 PM

    people need realize that in this country....bringing law suits are not easy for libel..and are very expensive taking years in court to boot..which the people committing the act know very well.....

    you ever see this stuff against the rich and powerful?
    anyways other countries have a much less threshold to prove libel...but i doubt anyone wants to trade off our first amendment for theirs.

    just stand up to these right wing loons every chance you have.

  28. Anonymous2:16 PM

    It's Palin fans like these that are driving even the crazy far right-wingers (think Ann Coulter) away from Palin. But look for them to grow even more and more violent, incoherent, and crazed as Palin's ship goes down. The day they realize she's not running (and that day IS approaching) is they day they really go stark raving mad.

  29. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Sunshine1970, Shirley Sherrod IS suing Breitbart for what he did to her. That was an episode that did not exactly cover the Obama administration in glory, either, BTW.

  30. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Don't stoop to their level. Good for you, refusing to post a link to this blog, we do not need to see it anyway. True repubs. accusing others of vile acts. I wonder if this guy is a pedophile, by the way? $carah accuses others of doing what she herself does. The sooner this entire family gets off the TV and out of any newspapers the sooner the country can get back to normal.

  31. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Looking at some pics -- wow! Andrew B. and Marcus B. would make a cute couple!!!

    Monogrammed towels, robes, etc. with the letter "B" -- they wouldn't even have to buy new ones!!

  32. Anonymous2:20 PM

    We all knew their plan of attack would be to discredit Joe McGinniss, and any people who went on the record. Once again, it's plain as day why people are hesitant to go on the record with anything negative about Palin. You'll be personally attacked with anything and everything. How many of your average everyday people want that? They know that, and use it to their advantage. Gryph knows first hand, as does Joe.

  33. Hope the "story" about an e-mail sent between two journalists dies a quick, deserved death. Good grief, this is not Stalin-era Soviet Union, Americans still have freedom of speech.

    Can you imagine living in the world rabid rightwingers want us to? No freedom of speech or assembly, no sanctity of (women's) own bodies, no consideration of innocence before execution.

    I know you and Joe can handle what gets molotov cocktailed your way. Such shrill shrieks from these people who gleefully twist the truth no doubt only hardens your resolve to unmask the leader of the gang of no-nothings. My hope is that once Palin's lies are exposed, the MSM will be shamed into probing into the real lies tossed about by GOP candidates. It drives me nuts that the media allows mainstream GOP to equate their lies to Dem goofs (e.g., Senator Obama saying he had visited 57 states when he obviously meant 47). MSM failed Americans on the Iraq war and they are failing us now by challenging GOP "raising taxes" talking points by saying "you mean repealing Bush policy that was scheduled to expire last year, which isn't the same thing as 'raising taxes.'"

  34. angela2:35 PM

    Eff Brietfart, Gryphen.

    I don't fucking care what that sad excuse for crap has to say. The bastard is vile.

    And the beat goes on with Sarah's toe suckers.

  35. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Long-time piece of shit Dan Riehl has gone too damn far this time. I can only imagine how pissed off I would be if I were one of the little girl's parents. What is wrong with him that he would ever think that was OK? I seriously wonder what kind of warped thinking would lead someone to do this. Very creepy.

  36. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Gryph, I had to hurry up and get down to Barnes and Noble before the pee-bots cause Joe's book to be ripped out of store. I really wasn't all hell-bent to buy it until this morning, when I learned about the questionable e-mail from a commenter on your "defunct" blog. Well, the pee-bots are right, "they show you who they fear", and "by their fruits you shall know them". Also, too, "GAME ON"!!! By the way, there were only three of Joe's books left in the stack when I grabbed mine, and Levi's book was nowhere to be seen. Good to see you and Joe take the high road. How in the hell having these kind of people backing her up makes her look good I don't get. No wonder she can't get a broad base of support, her fanbois come off looking like RWLunaticFringe. This is going to backfire on her bigtime, and more people will be buying Joe's book as a result. Well, at least until RandomHouse recalls them, then I'll sell my copy on e-bay!/s

  37. Anonymous2:44 PM

    It sounds like Riehl's attack might be legally actionable.

    With regard to "the email," I found it this morning, was disgusted, and then my editor's eye noticed that it was dated mid-January... So...that means Breitbutt is so desperate, he has to spin a hit/hate piece on something completely outdated.


  38. Why did Joe McGinniss say that Zane Henning filed three of the ethics charges against Sarah Palin and that they stuck?

    He only filed two.

  39. Anonymous2:49 PM

    We are here for you G. just hope when all is said and done you can let us know the details from behind the scense - hopefully an investigation is done soon.

    hang in there and be safe

  40. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Sometimes the Universe gives us odd blessings. As the wild rumpus has indeed begun here lately, I am reminded of the Frank Zappa lyrics: "Ain't this boogie a mess?!"

    Every form of evil thrashes and screams as it is discovered and destroyed: it's in the nature of evil to lash out.

    Best part? All of these allegations NOW make sense, causing people to pause and wonder, imagine, and think that it is indeed possible... And why is that? Because Sarah and her white trash tribe have SHOWN THEMSELVES capable of just about anything - NOTHING is too much from these people!

    Because of HER OWN ACTIONS, Sarah is now known to be (at least) erratic, thin-skinned, tone-deaf and less than, shall we say, informed and presidential.

    So now these stories are getting the traction they never would have if she had not spent the last 3 years revealing her weaknesses - especially by picking fights and serving up her own special brew of vicious toxins.

    People I know are speaking up about Sarah as if she is of course capable of all this stuff - look how she's been behaving, they say, no surprises there.

    And her grifting for dollars while teasing her supporters has been the last straw for these folks - just really disgusted and amused by how stupid her supporters must be.

    Todd's racing in February and she's still on Fox, sending out pleas for mo' money. Duh.

  41. Anonymous2:53 PM

    If neither you nor Joe leaked that email, one or both of your accounts have been hacked. Get it secured, and find out the perps.

    OTOH, at first I thought Oh, SH*T! Now what!
    But now I see it as Joe asking for some more info at a time (in January), when he did not yet have all his ducks in a row, and by mid-summer, when his book went into print, he had all the needed info. I am pretty sure that his lawyers would not have taken AWTF and Enquirer etc as valid sources - especially since they seemingly referred to each other.

  42. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Anon 1:45

    "Griffin. Would you please elaborate on WHO is doing the investigating if there is an "open investigation"?"


    First off -- Being you can't spell his name is a clue.

    Secondly - if he can't make a comment, then why the fuck would he tell you anything. Tell an 'Anon'

    Wow are you ever a fucking retard!!

  43. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I remember a couple years ago reading that Sarah was in a hotel and someone came to her door and she answered it in her robe. What was this about, she can push her boobs in peoples face but that is ok.....

  44. Anonymous3:00 PM

    the guy who put the four year old niece's picture up while attacking the fellow is a very, very warped person

  45. Anonymous3:01 PM

    We all know what Breitbart is like. He's a criminal. Dan's been laying low for sometime.

    So don't bite people.

    In fact Gryph -- you should just post a new blog and let this go. You excite them by talking about it. That's how they get their 'rocks' off.

  46. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Hey, Gryphen! I'll get your back. I have to. I invested in you during the two for Tuesday money bomb. Did you see Breitbart the other night? That guy was all bloated up and acting all paranoid talking about guns and the teatards. He probably has an STD. Maybe he needs to stop hanging out with those 13 year- old girls in his neighborhood. hahaha

  47. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Remember, Sarah Palin herself accessed Randy Reudrich's computer when she was on the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. She accessed his computer without permission and found that he had been politicking while on the job. Then Sarah complained about Randy R's "ethics" and ended up quitting her job with the Commission because she couldn't work with a person of questionable ethics. (In fact, the job, even as a citizen's advisory person, was way over her head. Perhaps she thought that she could just "rub on Todd" and some of his oilfield "roughneck" knowledge would glom onto her. Perhaps if she had "rubbed" on Todd a bit more that would have happened.

    Face it, these people will employ any tactic to get their way and try to denounce anyone that dares to question their behavior.

    Gryphen, you should be proud to be on the barrel end of the gun when it comes to these scumbags.

    They don't even know where to start with damage control, the Palins, that is. This thing has gotten beyond even what a Becky Ram could control. NIce to see it happening.

  48. This guy is in serious need of a full mental health exam; the inpatient type.

  49. Anonymous3:05 PM

    On Breibarts website comments, I am "Ardiva" and gave him a piece of my mind a couple of times.However,I will not go there anymore as he is just out and out insane like Palin is!

  50. Irishgirl3:05 PM

    Oh my! McGinniss must have hit a nerve. You know that Breitbart and Riehl don't give a damn how Palin treats her children or how unethical she is. What they don't like in the book is the fact that Palin slept with a black man. That is what they want to discredit.

    Hang in there Gryph.

  51. Anonymous3:08 PM

    IM family, if Sarah wants to sue Joe would she have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she was "pregnant" with Trig? Anonymous, "me again" says that Sarah is desperately seeking a birth certificate for Trig. hahaha
    Hey, teabaggers! Who needs a birth certificate now? She's just copying Obama. That woman is an idiot.

  52. Anon @ 2:57...I think you're remembering when she answered the hotel door in her TOWEL. I think it was Steve Schmidt that was at the door. Does that ring a bell...maybe from his book? Gads...I can't believe ANYONE thinks that woman is qualified to be POTUS. I will NEVER forgive John McCain for inflicting that shrew on us.

  53. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I read Joe's email and I have to agree with him that a lot of the accusations by Gryphen as much as we would like it have not been proven to be true-YET

  54. Gryphen, Stacey McCain has just stepped over the line. He's going after Mercede.

  55. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Q: So what do you call a man who can tell you the color of your nipples and you never undressed in front of him?

    A: A Palin

  56. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Well, at least until RandomHouse recalls them

    Why on earth would Random House recall them? Gryphen, thanks for the quick update on this issue. I'm sure all will come out in the wash.

  57. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Tell me Emrysa which accusaations do you know to be true for sure.

    emrysa said...
    man, these people really are gross.

    fwiw gryphen, I read the email from joe - I didn't see anything wrong with it. he was simply stating that at that moment he had no proof for certain things - what the hell is wrong with that? what kind of person takes an email written 9 months ago and tries to imply that the same statements are true today, and therefore everyone should be outraged because the author is a liar? these people really are low-lifes, and as such it is not the least bit surprising that they like a person who quit on their constituents, cannot articulate a vision for the country and cannot construct complete grammatically correct sentences. the quitter and these drooling imbeciles are truely cut from the same cloth.

  58. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Re Babygate: This struck me like a lightening bolt last night:

    Did anyone ever see $arah breastfeeding Trig? Anyone???

    I have read mentions of her using a breast pump, which of course, could be faked.

    This is an important clue that has been overlooked!!

  59. ShadowFever3:40 PM

    You know, it's like the preacher that's married with a couple kids and then one day you find out he's a closet homosexual.

    As for Palin, maybe Riehls wife should be worried, we hear that there may be an opening for a new purse carrier one day soon.

    Any of you remember how Riehl tried to be best buds with the Holloway family so he could go on Fox News and act like he was somehow in the "know". How sad for that poor family to be stuck with him calling you nonstop to ask questions about your missing daughter.

    If just seeing his name didn't make ones skin crawl like thousands of ants were on your body, it would be hilarious how pathetic he is.

  60. Anonymous3:45 PM

    anon at 3:08, Suing is a civil matter with a lower standard of proof, i.e. preponderance of evidence. His defense would be absolute truth.

  61. Does anyone know how Joe's interviw on Jansing & Co. went this morning?

  62. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Hey $arah :-)

    If Joe's book is full of lies, why haven't you sued? Why haven't you sued Gryphen, Regina, Patrick, etc....etc....? Oh, ya. Right. You can't because what they have written is the truth. Come on flying monkeys, think about it will ya....$arah can't sue because it's true. You know $arah will make a buck however she this way....SHE CAN'T

  63. Anonymous @2:16 PM said...

    Sunshine1970, Shirley Sherrod IS suing Breitbart for what he did to her. That was an episode that did not exactly cover the Obama administration in glory, either, BTW.

    I'm not talking about Breitbart. I'm talking about the guy in Gryphen's article. Reihl. The one who is spreading lies about people being pedophiles.

  64. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Once again with feeling...Thanks, John McCain...oh, and FUCK YOU!

  65. Gryphen, Refresh every
    ones memory that on Sept.4th you posted about this email from Joe, wanted more info, big deal, right?

  66. Anonymous4:08 PM


    Dan Riehl, only a pedophile would be up searching the internet for photos of a 4yr old girl in the wee hours. Only a man obsessed with small children would even think of writing such tripe.

    You weren't weeping because Sarah's innocence was attacked you were weeping because you were whacking it so hard. Sarah, innocence? Sarah lost that decades ago, Dan. That you visualize Griftitia in terms of innocence of a child speaks volumes about you, Danny. You toddlerize her and then dare call another man that merely reported what someone else said a pedophile. Get some psychological assistance Danny boy. Or don't you have health insurance?

    As usual Palin and her minions must sexualize everything. Talk about obsessed.

  67. Glad you addressed the so called email, yet didn't quote it here or link it.

    It's a vile bag of tricks they are slinging around which just shows the sewer of abject desperation they are drowning in.

    Enough said on that topic. Next..

  68. Sarah's Pet Wig4:13 PM

    I scolded you a while back on the wonky eye comments because I also have a lazy eye. But I'm not in the news! Damn, that eye starts to follow me now in every picture! It's spooky!

  69. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I would seriously watch your back Gryph. These people are freaking nuts. They are out of touch with reality - big time.

    Take care and I wouldn't give a rat's rear end what all these unhinged people have to say. They are grasping at straws. I don't think I have ever seen anything so bizarre in all my life!

  70. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Breitbart has interviewed Shailey Tripp and will post the interview shortly.

  71. Anonymous4:30 PM

    What???? Immoral Minority is now defunct????

    Crap. Now I have to reset my bookmarks...

  72. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Got this link on Twitter.

  73. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I believe the problem with Brietbard is that he might be an alcoholic. I've read that several times on the net, and I don't know if it is actually true or not, but his behavior and actions seems to follow that type of personality. I really don't know why anyone would give him any credability, but the Palinbots are eating up what he said about McGinnous simply because they feel he tears up what McGinnous wrote in his book. But then, they will believe anything if it protects their "gift from God". Briethbart lost any credability he may have had earlier by supporting O'Keef's and his highly edited video's which have been repeatablby condemned and pointed out as being untruthfull.

  74. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Q) What do you call a woman who:

    1. Whose neighbor is the father of her oldest child?

    2. Who destroyed the family business because she slept her husband's business partner?

    3. Who got a job as a sportscaster by applying on her back and then gets her stories by sleeping with the athletes she was assigned to cover... I mean report on? Annnndd then does not tell her high school love, her boyfriend who has to find out with the rest of the world?

    A) You call that woman with no morals... DIVORCED

  75. Anonymous4:54 PM

    THIS is the PHOTO that shows Sarah's DEEP GROOVE on the bridge of her nose.

    THAT'S WHY I feel she wears glasses.
    To HIDE that unattractive deep groove. She must do Botox.

    She's a phoney from the top of her horror-hair-head to the tip of her dry toes.

    Okay, back to our regular scheduled PAYlin Updates.


  76. Watching Lawrence O'Donnell with Levi. I think he will be friendly and then push him a little. Maybe.

  77. wendy i5:03 PM

    I have been thinking this since Sarah hit the national stage, but have not shared.
    It is quite common for those who always accuse others of pedophilia and sexual deviance to have been sexually abused themselves.
    I have always thought that Chuck Heath and Sarah have a strange relationship. Discuss.

  78. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Actually, the number of rightwinger activists who are arrested for deviant behavior is shockingly high. This shouldn't be surprising; we always knew they were monsters. Read this...and brace yourself:

    Yep, these people walk among us.

  79. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Dan Riehl & Brietbart are concerned...Sarah fucked a black buck and liked it. This is ruining the teabags images of her...
    So she calls the vilest of Zombie rats to her defense.
    Now they are even attacking Mercede.
    We all know Bristol followed her moms example and fucked her way across Alaska....But Reihl is trying to attack Mercede when EVERYONE knows who the Hobags are!

  80. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I thought the hacked e mail showed Joe insisting on sources .
    Which is a good thing.
    That dirty looking, unshaven bloated bag only served to drive traffic to this site.
    Not a smart move .
    A site where Americans can learn
    the truth about Palin .
    Unlike that other guy, whose constant defense of all things Palin is so overt
    and blind that it goes beyond creepy and into sick worship.

  81. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Breitbart is really mentally ill AND a complete asshole. If he had good intentions, I'd give him some credit but he lies and makes things up if they are on a different side of an issue. He's a bully just like Sarah and I hate bullies. He is going to face karma one day and hopefully soon.

  82. Anonymous6:12 PM

    So he didn't like Joes book. Sarah told him it was filled with lies---wahhhhhhh!!! So this Neanderthal makes things up without any regard for the truth. Does he think Sarah will thank him? She would throw him under the bus like she has hundreds others.

    These guys are sick in the head thugs and bullies.

    It's really sick that Sarah calls on these men to do her dirty work. Psychobitch!!!

  83. Anonymous6:33 PM

    This is ALL going to blow up in Sarahs face. Sending these men to discredit and smear Joe was a very bad idea. Very bad.

    It has pissed off people so much that now they are going to talk. People are tired of her bully tactics. Big mistake Sarah. Huge.

  84. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Read the email...actually rather boring. Nothing more than an author looking for information for his book. What's the big deal? Actually makes McGinniss look as if he is making every attempt to be fair. After the email he found people willing to talk... Nothing shocking here.

  85. Anonymous7:54 PM

    From the mediaite article:

    "In it, McGinniss complains to Griffin that she needs to give him better proof for some of the juicy stories on the blog or else he can’t include them in the book."

    Fine reporting, I say. Fine reporting.

  86. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Wow- you Alaska bloggers- where would we be without you guys Thanks for doing the heavy lifting Gryphen. Joe's book arrived today, but I think I'll let my neighbors have at it first. I really don't want to spend my evening reading about that idiot. I'll wait until the weekend when I can properly detox.

  87. Gasman8:37 PM

    Who was the one who cyber-stalked a four year old?

  88. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Consider the Source! These folks need their gene pools chlorinated!

    Palin and the people she pals around with remind me of dung beetles, especially with their homophobic, sexual deviants, and pedophelia inuendoes.

    In the real world, we don't get to choose our neighbors, and we somehow learn to live and let live, but not these people! They gotta make stuff up and assasinate the character of their percieved enemy du jour.

    Think of it as free publicity for your blog, and Joe's book. I knew the moment I finished reading it, Sarah would get one of her pals on the bandwagon. She probably paid them with pairs of her panties in zip lock bags!

    I've got your back, Gryphen!

  89. Anonymous9:34 PM

    All this does is drive MORE people to Gryphen's blog, make more people curious about Joe's book, will get Shailey Tripp's story out there (since Breitfuck is heard to have interviewed her)...she can then follow up on her blog, and promote her books and more and more hits the web, which eventually intersects with the mainstream conversation which then ends up as MSM news, which then gets ripped apart by FAUX News in an effort to discredit the truth getting out.

    It's a crazy spinning time my friends, but having followed Jesse for years now, he's the one person that is on the straight and narrow in my book and he lives up to the mission of his blog every single day, often many times a day.

    We are so lucky to have found his little corner of the web.

    It's gonna get even busier...and maybe uglier...especially as the beast flails about sucking it's last breath. But through it all, Jesse has our backs and we have his, right IM Community?


  90. Anonymous5:30 AM

    I am fairly new to IM but am grateful for all of the truth that has come out and am especially grateful to know how many sane people are still out there pursuing the truth. Thanks Gryphen!

  91. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Love how you linked to a previous post of yours that has now been thoroughly discredited by . . . um, the truth. Bwahahaha!!!!

  92. Oh you are so right! Here's a brand new example courtesy of Bristol: someone calls her mother a 'whore' so she says they must be 'homosexual'. (Not that I'm saying I think gay people are 'sexual deviants' far from it, but clearly Bristol thinks so as that's her go-to 'insult'). See

  93. Anonymous12:59 PM

    wendy i said...

    I have been thinking this since Sarah hit the national stage, but have not shared.
    It is quite common for those who always accuse others of pedophilia and sexual deviance to have been sexually abused themselves.
    I have always thought that Chuck Heath and Sarah have a strange relationship. Discuss.

    I hope you come back and read this thread again, because YES, I have sensed this for a long time and have mentioned it a number of times through the months and years on different threads, as have a few others, but YES, I do believe that Sarah is a sexual victim/survivor and YES my suspicions have vicerally pointed to her creepy father, but that doesn't preclude others. I have posted recently the thoughts that I have had about this so you may be able to go back in the previous posts and find where there has been some recent discussion.

    It's crystal clear for me that Sarah has borne her power out of her sexuality and she was taught/learned to do that at way too early an age. Her language, her dress, her actions, her paranoia, her rage, all stem from that incident or incidents where Sarah realized her sexual prowess and how it could get her what she wanted. It's not uncommon for this to be the case with girls between 6 and 8 being molested or coaxed into a longer relationship with their perpetrator. I'll check back to see if you pick up this thread...

    People seemed to concur with my thoughts, especially the women who had themselves survived such a thing.

  94. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Judge not lest ye be judged. You are quick to judge Sarah Palin and her family, but scoff when the same treatment is given to you or your cohorts.

    I quote from your response:

    "Yes I have seen the article, as well as the vicious attacks directed at Joe and myself."

    Joe wrote an entire book attacking the Palin family with little to no documentation.

    Hypocrisy? I think so.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.