Kirstie Alley can throw away a lot of clothing.
The actress and former 'Dancing with the Stars' contestant, 60, revealed to 'Entertainment Tonight' that she bought the same dress in a variety of sizes, from 4 to 14, and made a deal with herself to keep shedding pounds until she fit into the smallest size.
Now, at a staggering 100 pounds lighter, 'I feel like I'm back in my element,' said the former 'Fat Actress' star. 'I honestly didn't even realize what I looked like.'
Okay EVERYBODY knows that Kristie Alley has spent much of her life engaged in a losing battle with her weight. She loses some weight before appearing on television as a contestant on DWTS, where it accelerates dramatically, and she is so inspired that she keeps it up until she looses 100 pounds!
And did I mention that she is 60 years old!
So what happened here?
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DWTS first practice September 2, 2010 |
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November 23, 2010 |
But Bristol has undergone some rather dramatic cosmetic surgery.
Kirstie Alley goes on DWTS and comes away with a slimmer physique and a determination to get into even better shape. Bristol ends the show looking probably fifty pounds heavier than she did when she started, and even today, after obvious plastic surgery, STILL looks...dare I say it...postpartum.
I have worked side by side with women my entire life, and more than a few of them had babies. I have also worked as a personal trainer who helped women lose weight through increased physical activity. And NOTHING that I know of explains Bristol's weight gain with the exception of one possibility.
Listen I keep getting a couple of trolls who claim that I am making stuff up by insinuating that Bristol was pregnant on DWTS. But hey I'm a reasonable guy! If that is NOT the reason than please tell me what it could possibly be?
Because I am dying to hear it.
If you want a little inspiration to help you come up with the an explanation you can click here to read how Bristol herself explained it, but I warn you it does not make great deal of sense either.
Bristles has a "godson" with her in L.A. There is a reason to gain weight, since he is about the age where he would have been born after DWTS. People on the set of "her" reality show are complaining that she leaves the two kids with them to babysit. Just like dear old skanky mom. Was Bristles raped - again?
ReplyDeleteKirstie looks GREAT. I always liked her right from the start. Honest, straightforward. What you see is what you get with Kirstie. Unlike any of the Palin clan and their lies.
ReplyDeleteAnd where is the mother of the "godson" that Bristol has been taking around LA?
ReplyDeleteGryphen..add the photo of Bristol outside the DWTS set trailer in the purple outfit... you know the one showing her "outtie" belly button.
ReplyDeleteEven her belly button grew on DWTS!
Wow, she looks Mercede-Hot now! Forget Bristol, I can't help but compare her to Sarah, and how much healthier Kirstie looks versus Her Skanky Bony-ness.
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Kirstie! You're an inspiration to all of us older ladies!
And Bristol, honey, you're not fooling anyone. After it all comes crashing down on your mama, *your* grifting opportunities are going to end as well. So why not 'fess up, move back to Maricopa, and enjoy your kids?
Kirstie has a very specific and organic eating plan she not only follows but publicizes. I've looked into it and she definitely could have easily lost that weight. It takes time though.
ReplyDeleteBristol is nonchalant about her weight, even joking about being a fat girl for life. Though she did workout in LA on the last month. It takes time to discover what works best for you. I'd give her time.
I would like to say something in defense of Bristol - like maybe she never learned healthful eating habits - but the defense falls flat (unlike her belly in the purple DWTS dress). I used to look at Bristol with pity and sorrow for she is a product of a dysfunctional household - now, not so much.
ReplyDeleteHey Bristol - how's reality treating you? Say "hi" to your mom (she's probably too busy strategerizing to read IM today).
Kirstie is proof you have to work at it daily. We don't know Bristol's habits but she's a little young and pretty busy so I doubt she's formulated a plan like Kirstie has. Check out Kirstie's plan and her organic line. You won't be sorry.
ReplyDeleteI do know Bristol did and does workout, moreso now I believe. DIfferent things can affect weight. Bristol dealt with more media stress than most people experience in their lives. That has to be taken into account.
Sorry if this is redundant. I dont know if my last comment went through.
The producers of Brisdull's new reality show have to be shocked and stunned by news of Sarah banging a black guy.
ReplyDeleteThey set up a show with Brisdull living with TWO black dudes .. and WHAM! they find out mom likes chocolate thunder.
How the hell will they ever find a buyer for this show?
Brisdull, your mom may have just killed your show.
So she maintained her weight. I would imagine she became a stress eater or too emotionally fatigued from ridiculous media attacks but I (like you) cannot say anything for certain.
ReplyDelete"Dramatic cosmetic surgery" I see none. Don't you think using the term dramatic is a bit, er, dramatic? Lipo maybe but is that really a crime. It's a simple procedure. She looks the same.
ReplyDeleteshe is so beautiful. Even when big, she was beautiful, but now she's stunningly beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI saw the good bye video they showed for her own DWTS after she was finally eliminated. It starts with a clip of her entering the studio on her first day and she looks fit, and as Bristol is speaking about the experience the video shows her journey from week to week. It's obvious she gained weight. Her face is so chubbed out and she is pouring out of the pink costume. IMHO she gained at least 25 lbs. And I'm being generous, because they they often use fringe or ruffles to cover her upper body. I've never seen a dancer add layers of clothing during the rehearsal, normally they remove a layer when they get too hot. Not Bristol. She looks pregnant!
link provided above!
A photo of Brissy with "god son" should be worth a few dollars.
ReplyDeleteNational Enquirer would publish it and ask, "Is this Briz's new DWTS baby?"
50 lbs at the show's end??? 50 lbs???? Do you know how much that is fatwise???
ReplyDeleteWhere? She looks the as in those first rehearsal shots. AND in week 9, despite the corseted outfit, she looked smaller than her mother.
Jesse, while I am someone who has never had any weight problems, my sister has had problems her whole life. I don't think it's an explainable thing either. I cannot say I have the best workout and eating habits, as I live a somewhat transient life, but I am active and avoid processed foods. If you were to truly look at the people who lose much weight and keep it off for longer than a year, they've usually drastically changed something in their lives.
ReplyDeleteI don't see Bristol as someone old enough or "chill" enough to have that desire.
We must mention that she did undergo significant stress from dwts (media) and often showed it indirectly during interviews. That alone could cause what you're describing. And for people who say her weight problems are relatively recent, it isn't true. And she's not the only one in her extended family with them. It appears to be genetic somewhat.
The more we harp on other people for things we couldn't possibly know, the more justify judgmental people.
All Im sayin
Well done, Kirsty!
ReplyDeleteWhen you lose weight, you stop playing fast and loose with your life.
Sorry to be a grouch but this lose spelled loose thing is an epidemic.
Bristol looks about 35 now; I wonder if she gave away the dwts baby she had.
ReplyDeleteWhen slimming down is only done for looks and not overall health, I'm not buying it. But good for Kirstie anyway.
ReplyDeleteNo 60 yr old can lose that much weight, G, and not have a chin tuck or something. I lost 20 lbs in my 40s and got turkey neck as a result, and I wasn't overweight by 100 lbs, either, more like 30. Got down to 110 and eventually 106, but never to my young weight of 95-100.
Gryph, you need to post the screen grabs of Bristol from her E! interview which aired on 2/4/11. These pics show a very pregnant Bristol - not a young woman who has gained too much weight in her abdomen area. (The interview had to have been shot just prior to her giving birth.)
WTF Palin women!
ReplyDeleteAbstinance equals babies.
DWTS eguals weight gain.
Todd sleeps on the couch, Sarah have babies.
They are soooo special!
ReplyDeleteWant some weekend jocularity? I went to Borders death throws sale and picked up some books at 90% off plus my 15% frequent flier card discount. I got the most recent
Bible Code book for $1 because I want to share with you that even the random universe is on to Palin: I don’t understand the bible code, as I thought the original bible was in Greek and these code guys use a Hebrew version, but I’m no bible scholar. I don’t understand the methods but purportedly the odds of some of the sequences are 40 million to one to show up in there. I just think it is that the universe has a sense of humor
When Palin and Obama and 2012 are keywords in search, the result is :” Palin”, “Obama”, “He was elected,” ,“ Truth they confirmed” are all in one code sequence, which is pretty funny . The random universe reveals that truth will be confirmed lol!!!
Another search reveals: “Palin” “She will be selected” “Failure”
Another search has “Palin once and the word “president” show up five times, but the president word is the male version.
Another sequence Obama, reelected, sworn in twice. Obamaand re-election is coded a bunch of times, so maybe we should all relax and enjoy the upcoming ride?
Have a great day, it is gorgeous in my neck of the woods!!
PS I also finally got Going Rogue for $1 as it is helpful to have direct quotes when writing things. Also, it will become a collector’s item, dontcha think…for all the reasons Palin didn’t intend!!
I don't really get it.
ReplyDeleteI'm about 85% convinced on the fake pregnancy. 100% convinced Palin is mental. 95% convinced on the crazy religious stuff. I'm 50/50 on there being multiple Trigs.
This one, the being pregnant on DWTS, I'm just totally flummoxed by. Don't have a clue.
She might have been pregnant. If she was she is totally mental and stupid.
The other possibility is she has a major eating and self esteem disorder and basically just ate ice cream and lard for 2 months. The reports of her mum having an eating disorder and the plastic surgery after the show seem to suggest this is right, But I don't really have a clue about what's going on.
I hope all this stuff explodes into the open. I'd love to know what the hell is going on.
-Nick G
It cracks me up that Bristle has no idea how stooopid she sounds saying that practice was no harder than HS basketball drills. Despite the fact that Olympic Gold Medal winners like Kristie Yamaguchi and Appoloo Ono Anton state that it was really hard work.
ReplyDeleteOh, to grow up in a little insulalted burg, where mommy and daddy rule the roost, where up is down and black is white...
What is the rumor about Bristol out in LA with a child she identified as her "godson"? Anyone have pictures or more information?
ReplyDeleteBringing us back to the day that Mark was reduced to a hernia-inducing tindy dancer with Gristle.
ReplyDeleteHe was wonderfully diplomatic and affectionate with that unfortunate dead weight.
It's ironic that hard-ass workin Kirstie's partner failed to carry his heavy contestant in one humiliating scene, and that dull troglodyte only had to dress like a gorilla.
Rarely do I comment on Bristol.
ReplyDeleteBut if that poor idiot girl really thinks anyone with a brain believes that she had more physical exertion when she was playing basketball— she is a moron.
There is NO aerobic exercise like dancing. Bristol was a heifer on DWTS. No one in the history of the show gained weight and literally looked like they'd put on fifty pounds. Anyway--the poor fool was a long way from high school basketball -- like at least two years.
Can a Palin ever open their mouth and not spill out the most incredible lies? I don't know if the silly cow was pregnant or ate a McDonalds whole, but it seems she has turned into an idiot liar like her mother. Pitiful.
I know. Their is just no rhyme or reason when it comes to the Palins.
ReplyDeleteThe girl just kept getting bigger and bigger and showed no effort to 'compete' to deserve or earn her inexplicable spot as a 'celebrity.'
We can be labeled haters just for noting the obvious, but Bristol, you literally did NOT dance your ass off. It grew! WTF.
This one's easy. The Palin women are supernatural ...everything about them defies what we have learned about human biology and reproduction for centuries.
ReplyDeleteSarah has a six week pregnancy, where her supernatural tight abs hold in a growing fetus for seven months, even when in labor on an airplane! Super Sarah then sheds all her baby weight in a day, showing up to work less than 72 hours after birthing said baby, with no visible discomfort from post partem bleeding or engorged breasts. Sarah can run a marathon at a championship pace as a 47 year old granny , also, too!
Bristol, her progeny is so physically fit, that the DWTS workout which sheds pounds off professional athletes and menopausal grannies, faster than a stripper sheds clothes, gains an extraordinary amount of weight, cause it's just TOO EASY. Supernatural Bristol says dancings not tough enough for an Alaskan girl who pitch a tent, guzzle wine coolers, and procreate like a rabbit . Supernatural Bristol
can also regenerate body parts bigger and better than they were before, as evidenced by her enormous chin.
Sarah and Bristol should become new Marvel superheroes. Who needs Wonder Woman (yeah, I know she's DC comics) when you've got Wasilla Woman? They crush their enemies using accusations of pedophilia and rape, pop out babies to make a living, and perform super human acts of physical strength beyond imagination! They hunt, they fish, they can't shoot worth shit, but at least they're easy!
Good times
There's a photo from DWTS where Bris is in a green military type jacket, and they showed her from the side. There is a definite bump there, and in other shots as well. And if the wardrobe people on a professional dancing show can't cover it up, there's something amiss. But then, there is always something amiss with these people.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, you should put the shot with the blue military-looking DWTS outfit up.
ReplyDeleteTHAT showed a real basketball belly:
And who can forget the shot where her girth rivals that of Sherri Shepherd:
Gryphen you're missing the best pics! You need the one with Sherri Sheppard and the one of Bristol in the 112 degree heat in Haiti...sporting a giant belly and a huge SCARF. And most importantly/convincingly you need the screen grabs from the E! Interview of Bristol showing her new house. That girl was DAYS away from giving birth.
ReplyDeleteBRISTOL AKA the "idk, this I know, id be careful"'s your cue, lunkhead. Start in about how "G" is lying and "you thought this blog had integrity. You're never coming back". Oh and must not forget your bread and butter "Bristol laughs at this. You haters only make her stronger. Bristol and her strong happy family don't care about any of this!"
Riiight. That's why strong happy Bristol neglects her sons and her "show" in order to post on IM 70 times a day.
I don't know why it never occurred to me until now, but Bristol won't let Tripp see Levi because Tripp would tell him (and in turn, Mercede) about the new little crying, pooping, fixture at their house. After all, I doubt Levi would buy "dad, that's just my God-brother"
Once when I was watching DWTS when Bristol was "dancing", my son also happened to be visiting and walked into the LR and said "Is that Palin's daughter? I didn't know she was pregnant again...."
ReplyDeleteAnd what is this about?
Could it be that she wasn't losing the weight because she was on anti-depressives? Or anxiety meds?
ReplyDeleteThey are known to add 10,20 pounds to women. Also, wonder if she could have been so angry at mom that she put on weight on purpose just to spite her mom, knowing that her mom puts physical appearance above everything else.
Maybe she has adopted her mom's way of doing the exact opposite of what everyone wants. Just throwing out some unlikely scenarios.
Don't forget the picture of her in Haiti, looking even more pregers. She's going to need to make a lot of money to pay for her kids therapy once they're old enough to read her book. Or, is she going to keep them out of school so that day never comes? Any ideas who the father is?
ReplyDeleteIMO, the picture that should be shown is Bristol (walking outside to the stage studio?) in that purple DWTS dress where she has that huge pregnancy belly. Pictures that merely show a pudgy B aren't making the case.
ReplyDeleteKirstie looks stunning. Good for her. However, I call bullshit on the no surgery thing for her. My sister is 45 and has lost 110 over 14 months, she was obese. Her doctor said she will need surgery to remove excess skin and that insurance wil pay for it as the skin folds tend to get infected with fungas over time and are a health risk. No lie. There is no shame in Kirstie admitting that she may have had to have the excess skin removed and/ or her breasts lifted after such dramatic weight loss.
ReplyDeleteWhy would people pity the Palins? They are literally laughing the ridiculous things said.
ReplyDeleteShe's going to need to make a lot of money to pay for her kids therapy once they're old enough to read her book.
Why would her kid need therapy after reading HER book? I would imagine just hearing some of the ridiculous statements from people who have no idea what they're talking about would make the child and future children question humanity. Tripp is the most loved little boy who will grow up in the company of his adoring Nana and Papa, Aunties and Uncles, andbe told that to survive in a world where people feel justified in spreading lies and hate, one must laugh it off.
Week 9
Too bad Kirstey Alley is as big of a kool-aid drinker as the most dedicated Palinbot... i.e., she's a Scientologist like Sarah's pal Greta.
ReplyDeleteThe weight loss looks great on her, but mark my words, it won't be permanent.
Any more than this weight gain was on Bristol:
Pregnant looking Bristol
Even more pregnant looking Bristol
I made the above snappies from:
Bristol Palin's Son Tripp Gives E! the Grand Tour
Bristol hasn't been angry with her mother since she was a rebellious high schooler, going through typical high school emotions.
ReplyDeleteTo whomever referenced the pic of Sherri and Bristol, thats just a bad picture, as these, taken the same day, show a more realistic depiction.
ReplyDelete"That's why strong happy Bristol neglects her sons and her "show" in order to post on IM 70 times a day. "
I feel sorry for you that you're so filled with hate and gullibility.
I agree. How can you claim Kirstie is free from cosmetic surgery or minor tucks here and there? That was a huge weight drop in a short time. For someone her age, there'd be saggage.
ReplyDeleteI also dont know how you can still claim Bristol's had numerous procedures. I see effects of lipo, that's all. Anything else would take time to heal. She hasnt been in isolation long enough at any given point. (I mean isolation from friend, not just public)
I laugh when I recall the DWTS scene where Brittle climbs on a chair and flops across Marc's back so he can carry her.
ReplyDeleteShe was obviously too heavy for him to lift.
Marc looked like he was toting a bale of cotton.
Maybe he got hazardous duty pay when she was his partner.
McGinnis describes the Palin practice of vanquishing enemies as a “potentially dangerous character flaw.”
ReplyDelete“She has no sense of proportion, no ability to modulate her response. She’s over-the-top in all directions: rah-rah cheerleading for those she supports, spewing vitriolic condemnation of anyone who challenges her.
“If this is how she reactions, as a private citizen, to an unwelcome neighbour next door, what would she do as president if the Iranian government suddenly irked her?”
But McGinniss attributes much of that mindset as a consequence of life under father Chuck Heath, unearthing a story of how her father once whipped up an “ugly, violent mob” in Wasilla to protest the firing of a school principal — his close friend — who was fired for ignoring allegations that another teacher had molested as many as 17 girls in his Grade 3 class.
Said Pat O’Hara, a former school board member caught in the fracas: “Sarah learned from her father; if someone disagrees with you or does something you don’t like, annihilate first, ask questions later.”
McGinniss portrays Todd Palin’s transformation from a hard-drinking, womanizing, cocaine-binging good ol’ boy to an emasculated but vindictive presence today. “Clearly, being reduced to the role of chihuahua carried around in a rich lady’s purse is proving stressful for Todd.”
And he awakens doubts about the real Sarah Palin, gathering anecdotes that suggest she is neither a fisher nor much of a hockey mom, nor even the least bit interested in actual governance, having ruled Alaska partway through a single term with a mostly blank appointment book as she leafed through the pages of People.
The most scathing indictment, however, McGinniss saves for what Palin loves to call the “lamestream” media: Rather than taking her down, the media circus continually catches and resets Palin to a place of otherwise inexplicable prominence.
“Sarah Palin practises politics as lap dance, and we’re the suckers who pay the price,” he concludes.
“Members of our jaded national press corps eagerly stuff hundred-dollar bills in her G-string, even as they wink at one another to show that they don’t take her seriously.”
... He leaves no ambiguity, though, about the import of what he calls “the unanswered question” of Trig, Palin’s son with Down syndrome, who was born in 2008. Untroubled by a lack of actual evidence, a small but unbowed band of Palin critics has long wondered aloud whether she is the boy’s biological mother. Like all conspiracists, they insist that they are only asking questions that could be readily answered by nothing more out of the ordinary than a full data dump of Palin’s obstetrical records. McGinniss approvingly quotes blogger Andrew Sullivan, who has insisted that “if Palin has lied about [giving birth to Trig], it’s the most staggering, appalling deception in the history of American politics.”
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to be a woman to know what causes "belly" growth like that :). There is no other explanation EXCEPT pregnancy.
PS Dear Brisket,
We all know that you have been sexually active since, at least, age 15. Please, please start using birth control. Your continued pregnancies and "disposal" of those babies after giving birth is very troubling--SEEK HELP!
Please print a link to any pictures of Bristol with the "godson" aka DWTS baby.
ReplyDeleteIt's bizarre. The commenter who mentioned "who would send their six month old to live in LA?" is absolutely right. Do we have any on-the-record or photographic proof of the "godson" or just anon-me again's comments? Has anyone actually come forward on this?
ReplyDeleteThe thing I can't get my head around is when and how would she eventually integrate this baby into the world? She can't hide him forever.
I think it's possible she has some sort of eating disorder or weight problem.
All one has to do, if one has the patience for it, is look up the various DWTS Youtubes of Bristol's dances. In each one, there are moments where if you freeze the action you see an EXTREMELY suspicious abdomen silhouette.
ReplyDeleteAll those costumes were designed to hide the bulk. I have never seen more petticoats than she wore on that show, and we can't forget the Gorilla suit. She was also quite out of breath many times, not just because she had been dancing (her dances were very simple) but because she was constricted by a corset. They rarely showed her midriff when she and Mark would go speak to the judges, also. It was all very cleverly handled. That's Hollywood for you, though. They are very experienced at that sort of thing.
There are also various photos of her in and around those trailers that show a rather strange body shape for a woman who was exercising more than she ever had in her lifetime. So, unless she was doubling and tripling her usual intake of food, that simply does not explain it. I love people coming on here and "innocently" pushing that line of thinking. Don't bother! It defies the laws of science.
If the comment about Bristol having a new godson with her now in LA are true, I hope we can look into that further. Does she really expect everyone to believe that, that a new baby is merely a godson? Whose baby?
I think the Palins are so accustomed to NOT being asked any difficult questions in interviews - if they allow themselves to be interviewed at all, that is. They honestly think they can bullshit everyone, or that we are stupid. Or that we will just let them do their thing and not broach sensitive topics.
Has Bristol done anything for Candie's since last year in Jan or Feb? I would imagine if they found out she had another baby they would have felt the need to rescind that contract.
Yes, the Haiti photos of her in that white peasant top are suspcious, as is that one from behind, where she and Sarah are standing along a shoreline. The ones in the tents with all the children are not as clear, but she was probably wearing her DWTS girdle and then she had a jacket and scarves on, if I remember correctly. Also, one of her coming off the plane, walking toward her mom and dad; I think that one looked weird.
I think they had her go on the trip in an effort to have her make post-DWTS public appearances as if to prove she couldn't possibly be expecting. But then she disappeared for about 6-8 weeks, I think.
Troll, you are completely delusional. Try as you might, your "reasonable" tone falls flat. Just the same, bless your little heart for trying.
ReplyDeleteChaz Bono said that one of the reasons he went on DWTS was for the exercise and to lose weight. So far, he has lost a pound a week. Joy Behar jokes that Bristol Palin is the only person who has been on DWTS and gained weight. Maybe it's not such a joke.
ReplyDeleteOoh, look Bristols up and at it early today.
ReplyDeleteBristol maybe your next tee vee role should be on HBO's True Blood as a real life shape shifter. Granny Sarah can join you.
Dumb ass.
Troll said:
ReplyDeleteWhy would people pity the Palins? They are literally laughing the ridiculous things said.
Keep trying, sweetie, keep trying. Bless your heart.
Trig, Tripp, Tristan..........
ReplyDeleteWhat is she going to name her 4th child? ?
Who let loose about the "godson"? I was talking to a member of the production/continuity team on Bristol's show and he said the child never leaves the house to keep it out of public view and they all (prod. team) were a little nervous that Tripp would say something while out shooting and the cat would be out of the bag.
ReplyDeleteFrankly it sounded like they were desperate to keep "godson" a secret and I'm a little surprised to see it being discussed on a blog.
FWIW, I know multiple crew and production members were offended when Bristol told them this infant was her godson. It's offensive to one's intelligence. Also too, Bristol was spending too much shooting time caring for the baby so they brought Willow in to help in order to free Bristol up for shooting.
It may end up being moot. From what I hear, the show is shaping up to be a real stinker.
Re: ComeOnPeople5:07am "Bible Code". Yep, we are going to see Quittypants grabbing her wig and fake boobies every four years and shaking her bots down for their social security checks.
ReplyDeleteI count 2008 as a "try", and thank Zeus, that is as close as she will ever come to the WH. 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024. *Sigh*
Not that she even wants to "win" and do the job.
It's infuriating that we have to scroll through pictures and speculate and freeze-frame videos.
ReplyDeleteI think it's completely ridiculous to think that someone would send an infant to live with their 21-year-old aunt, who just so happens to be filming a reality show. At the same time, I just can't figure out how this "godson" would eventually become a "son" to Bristol if she hasn't introduced him already. What's the plan there?
I am trying to recall how the godson has been referenced, other than anon-me again. Can someone remind me?
Have the Palins even once commented on their third, fourth grandchild, Track and Britta's? And their fake wedding.
Why is everything with this family so fucked up?
"That's why strong happy Bristol neglects her sons and her "show" in order to post on IM 70 times a day. "
I feel sorry for you that you're so filled with hate and gullibility.
6:28 AM
Oops Bristol..make that 71 times!
In all seriousness, Bristol you need to give up on posting comment after comment after comment. Everyone knows it's you. Occasionally your stalker "Brooklyn" posts the same drivel but she actually grasps the English language and knows what an apostrophe is. You? Notsomuch.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteSo she maintained her weight. I would imagine she became a stress eater or too emotionally fatigued from ridiculous media attacks but I (like you) cannot say anything for certain.
4:28 AM
Oh and here I thought that all the negative publicity against the Palins just made Bri$tol stronger, fed the fire in her belly, resulting in a happy, happy family and that Bri$tol just laughed at the comments.
Wow, where did I ever get those ideas from?
I agree about the purple dress from dwts, (the one where she's backstage outside the trailer). it's a much better picture of bristol than the one currently shown.
ReplyDeleteAnd you can't deny the outie. And sorry bristol, too many burgers at McDonald's do NOT create a belly button like that---- only being preggers causes that.
P.S. I love Kirstie, and always have. Big or small, she's a wonderful person. Full of life and joy and a great role model. Pretty much the opposite of scarah.
ReplyDeleteI believe that Bristol was indeed pregnant when on DWTS. Bristol was pushed to be on the show to help appease Sarah's loss of the VP race. She probably thought that she would earn a little money, get voted off after about three weeks, and that would be the end of it. She never thought that she would last week, after week, after week. The dumb bots foiled the plan of the Palins' to make a quick buck and move on. This is how we were able to see Bristol's pregnancy progress. What I don't understand is how and why did no one, not one single person from the production of that show come forward to tell the public what was evident to everyone watching the show. Are the Palins made of teflon that NOTHING ever sticks to them? If Joe's book does not do the job of getting rid of these grifters then we are living in an alternative universe where the corrupt crooks win and everybody who has been living and playing by the rules loses.
ReplyDeleteI just hope and pray that there is such a thing as bad Karma in the Palins' near future. What is wrong with the media, both TV and Print?
Oh, and thanks Gryphen for all that you do. You have been spot on with all that you have been writing these last three years!!
IMO Bristols's life is reflective of a lot of dysfunction. Plastic surgery, weight fluctuations, multiple unwed pregnancies, chasing ill fitting dreams, lies and obsfucations, aggressive anti social bevaior. She would probably insist otherwise, and as long as she continues to take that position we will continue to see the reflection of dysfunction in her life.
ReplyDeleteUntil she can connect the dots between herself and the reality she is creating she will remain on her current path. I feel sad for her, but have no respect for her apparent lack of self awareness or personal responsibility. Probably the very best thing she could do for herself is step out of the orbit path of her Mother.
I love Kristi...I've always thought she was genuine and honest.
She looks amazing now, but no matter her weight what I always recognize is her spunk and spirit and her authenticity. Way to go Kristi!
Speaking of that E! interview where she went on about the "new man" in her life, the one where she says "I grew up pretty independent and fearless", what happened to that guy with the Italian sounding name? And didn't that dumb interviewer lady realize how strange it was when Bristol said she didn't know anyone in Arizona? Wouldn't the next question have been, "Why Arizona, then?".
ReplyDeleteDoes she still have that house there? What happened to the whole Palins in AZ game plan? Are Sarah and Todd still living up in Wasilla, instead? Where are the rest of the kids?
She travels without her props now, ever since the bus tour debacle with unhappy Piper. Are all the kids in school? Does Track work, now that he is married and with a child? Where's Willow? It has been over 6 mos since there has been any sign of her.
Gryphen, I think the world of you, but I have to say that I'm getting tired of these paid bots.
ReplyDeleteThese posts about bristol, and give her time, she's busy and happy, and did this and that in the fall/spring of 08, 09, etc., are really getting tiresome.
The "real" commenters here are so talented and funny, and the paid bots just take away from that.
Just my opinion, but I hope you would consider deleting them, or maybe putting them in a separate sidebar or something. Thanks for all you do.
"Dramatic cosmetic surgery" I see none.
ReplyDeletethere are none so blind as those that refuse to see the cut away jaw, and the lipo-d cheeks. Add the multiple nose jobs and voila, you have new face Bristol.
She's very self-conscious about her looks and always has been. It had to be tough to be beautiful Willow's plain sister.
Is Bristol's LA god son African American?
ReplyDeleteRemember Bristol wanted to go to Haiti to adopt a (half?) black baby?
Interesting, what does the Palin Camp (Sarah) has to say about this?
No 60 yr old can lose that much weight, G, and not have a chin tuck or something
yes it can be done and has been done by MANY people. People that eat junk food all day (Bristol) will not lose weight. She was ginormous by the end of the show, and when she showed her house in AZ, there is ONE shot of HER, the rest are the body double. The one of HER is HUGELY pregnant.
Has Bristol done anything for Candie's since last year in Jan or Feb? I would imagine if they found out she had another baby they would have felt the need to rescind that contract.
I got an e-mail from Candies in response to my question about the multiple pregnancies. They stated that even if it's true, they stand by their selection of Sarah Palin's daughter to represent their product.
IOW - they don't care how many babies she's had.
Anon@ 6:16
ReplyDeleteThen they surely don't need your defense. Go laugh with them.
Bristol get help, you are young, take control of yourself and the life that you create. Stop making babies, until you are able to contribute to them the very best of you.
Well, when the fairy tale trolls appear en masse with their cups full of sparkly sugar, you know Gryphen has rattled them, again.
ReplyDeleteWhat's this about Bristol and a god child? And Willow is in L.A. and not at home in Alaska? WTF? Isn't she a minor? Do any of Palin's children EVER finish high school? And who would hand their infant over to Bristol?
Jeez, are these people hiding another Palin kid?
@ 7:35 Also too, Bristol was spending too much shooting time caring for the baby so they brought Willow in to help in order to free Bristol up for shooting.
ReplyDeleteWillow lives in NY. April Morlock was hired to be the babysitter.
It's just pathetic how she tries to be a Kardashian, Hilton, Lohan and FAILS. You would think she'd know by now that the world is just not that INTO her, and the more she tries the worse she looks.
ReplyDeleteAnon 7:35, I think the godson was introduced by anon-me again, who was revealing what she learned from the Palin insider whom Sarah has "wrung the life out of.":
ReplyDelete"Oh, by the way Bristol...I heard about the newest development on your "reality show". What a shame. I'm sure they won't REALLY fire you even though you're bombing with test audiences. Surely they'll take into consideration that you've been professional, courteous, genuine-- oh, that's right. You've made them wait endlessly while you post your transparent pablum on Gryphen's leave the crew to deal with YOUR child and your 'Godson' (oh, I'm sure they'll buy that) when you can't blackmail or pay Willow to watch your DWTS baby)...what else? Oh, how could I forget?! You 'have less personality on camera than a deaf-mute dustbunny'. Ouch. "
To the wacky troll leaving comments like:
ReplyDelete"Bristol hasn't been angry with her mother since she was a rebellious high schooler, going through typical high school emotions."
What IS the point ? I mean, what exactly are you hoping to accomplish ?
Do you post comments like that -- without any proof or anything at all to back them up -- out of the warped belief that simply because YOU SAY SO, commenters here will realize the "error of their ways" and suddenly change their minds about what a skank Sarah Palin is ?
Or worse, do you get perverse pleasure out of coming here to "stir the pot" and generate even MORE anger and mistrust toward the Alaskan Asshat ?
Either way, you're exhibiting EXACTLY the same kind of sick, sad, spiteful, manipulative, psychotic behavior Sarah Palin is addicted to.
And if you think she's a happy, well-adjusted person ... ?
If you look at her sad, lonely, vindictive, hate-filled life and say, "YES ! I wanna be just like HER !" ... ?
You need to save your energy and your nail polish, stop posting comments, and start Googling to find a nearby mental health professional.
And if you think this message is only intended to insult you or make fun of you, please re-read it because it's only in your best interests to take it as it's really intended: as a genuine, heartfelt warning that your behavior is not normal and your life does not have to be so empty, lonely and lacking in purpose or worth.
She damn well looks pregnant and it would only be a Palin who could defy the laws of the universe and gain weight while constantly exercising. Just like her mom defied the universe with her 6 week pregnancy and her tight abs. What is it with these people? If she truly had just been gaining weight, they could have flattened that belly with spanx, but you cannot flatten a pregnant belly with girdles and such. These people have more secrets and skeletons that one can imagine. They have made people around them so afraid of them due to their vindictive ways and threats, they're nothing but huge bullies. So despicable and the press likes to continue to give them all a pass constantly! Dan Rather came out with a sympathetic statment regarding Palin and the McGinnis book that "trashes" her. I think Dan Rather is an idiot. He says she is getting an unfair deal. Bullshit. When people throw themselves into the public eye and run for elected office, all bets are off. She accuses President Obama of everything her little mind can come up with. She's a fraud, a hypocrite, a known liar. She is everyting one should aspire NOT to be. I hope McGinnis' book and the coming babygate book knock her lying ass and her cronies right into the dirt.
ReplyDeleteI love how when people give qualifying explanations, they are attacked an assumed to be trolls.
ReplyDeleteWeight gain or loss is not a science. It is subjective.
What IS the point ? I mean, what exactly are you hoping to accomplish ?
I ask this every time I come to this blog, which is why I keep leaving common sense statements.
Not to be troll-some here, I heard a rumor (probably on Dlisted) that Kirsty had some kind of weight loss surgery.
ReplyDeleteIt may not be true, but I thought I would throw it out there.
"Bristol is nonchalant about her weight, even joking about being a fat girl for life. Though she did workout in LA on the last month. It takes time to discover what works best for you. I'd give her time."
ReplyDeleteWow--one workout last month. No wonder the pounds have just rolled off her.
Strange all the workouts necessary for DWTS did nothing but cause her to gain weight. She truly has a unique metabolism as she is the ONLY person to have GAINED weight on DWTS. And we're talking a double-digit weight gain.
Yet once she was out of the public eye, the pounds magically disappeared. Sounds like a great diet/fitness program Bristol has going there. I'd skip reality TV and just market Bristol Palin's Workout System.
Strange all the workouts necessary for DWTS did nothing but cause her to gain weight. She truly has a unique metabolism as she is the ONLY person to have GAINED weight on DWTS. And we're talking a double-digit weight gain.
ReplyDeleteYet once she was out of the public eye, the pounds magically disappeared. Sounds like a great diet/fitness program Bristol has going there. I'd skip reality TV and just market Bristol Palin's Workout System.
10:36 AM
Bristol Palin's Workout System? Or is it from Kyle and his brother pounding the fat out of Bristol?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI love how when people give qualifying explanations, they are attacked an assumed to be trolls.
Weight gain or loss is not a science. It is subjective.
9:51 AM
Actually it IS science.
Less calories , more exercise = weight loss
Eating more+ weight gain
pregnancy + weight gain
Telah at 7:47 asked:
ReplyDelete"Why is everything with this family so fucked up?"
My Answer:
Because EVERY DAMN ONE OF THEM in this family is "Literally" fucked up.
Am I right? Thought so . . .
I want to know. In the history of DWTS, has any ANY contestant gained a good bit of weight?
ReplyDeleteI've had a disagreement with someone at work who has said that a few contestants have gained weight, yet they couldn't name one. (besides Bristol)
Why hasn't anyone from the show, whether Mark or any of the people who worked on it come forward about it? That's what I'm most frustrated about. It's so obvious something was wrong with Bristol during the show and yet everyone acted like everything was fine.
Sometimes I feel I live in Bizarroland when it comes to the Palins.
If any of this had been a novel/TV show/movie plot the author(s) would have been scoffed at as a plot that was so out there that it could never evereverever happen because it would be too ridiculous.
And, yet, here we are.
"What IS the point ? I mean, what exactly are you hoping to accomplish ?
I ask this every time I come to this blog, which is why I keep leaving common sense statements."
THAT sounds like $carah herself!
11:46 Nobody from DWTS blew the whistle on Bristles, because they had to sign confidentiality agreements before the show. Nobody was to talk about her negatively. They DID make their feelings about her clear, though, because according to Bristles they did not like her. They all felt bad that Mark was stuck trying to make that lump look good.
ReplyDeleteNext up -- Nancy Grace and Chaz Bono !!
ReplyDeleteI swear that's probably why half the people get on that show in the first place. What a fun weight loss plan.
Yes, the whole Haiti trip was curious. To show she supposedly wasn't afraid to be seen in public? Quicky divorce for SP and Todd (a la Dominican Republic?)? To later be able to spin a tale of "adopting" a biracial baby they just "fell in love with & their big Christian hearts told them to take in" -- or maybe to hide the fact that the DWTS baby daddy was black?
According to Media Insider the DWTS baby daddy had a tell all book deal. What ever happened to that?
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWhat IS the point ? I mean, what exactly are you hoping to accomplish ?
I ask this every time I come to this blog, which is why I keep leaving common sense statements.
9:53 AM"
Isn't it obvious, Sarah? OTOH, you are pretty obtuse.
Anyway, what Gryphen *IS* accomplishing is exposing you and your family for the lying, hypocritical grifters you are.
And judging from the increased presence of concern trolls here lately, you are well aware of it.
I loves me the "you have to take into account the added stress Bristol endured because of media scrutiny" comments.
ReplyDeleteAnd WHO signed the contract to be on the show? To do the "View" after writing her fake book? What pressure are you idiots talking about?
Kirstie had no pressure, of course. She did a show called "Fat Actress" and made fun of her own weitght, and inability to get acting jobs due to her weight and age. She's a single mother raising more than one kid (Three, I think, but not sure). She lost a ton on Jennie Craig, then was hounded for years by National Enqirer with the most unflattering photos possible.
No Stress?
Keep it up Kirstie! You look absolutely stunning now, while you were beautiful before. You're beautiful for your age at any weight. You're a courageous woman of honor.
Bristol, not so much. I like your tattoo. There, I said something "nice" about Bristol.
If Bristol has stress issues, she has the money to get the help she needs. A good roll in the hay might do her some good for now, but she needs a lot more professional help to deal with "stress", or she'll look like RAM's little sister.
Whose child would Bristol be the Godmother of?
ReplyDeleteRemember how she felt about Cindy McCain offering to be the Godmother of Tripp? Bristol said that she thought it would be strange that Cindy would want some sort of "guardianship" over her child and that if anything would happen to Bristol, that she has family to take care of her child.
So if Bristol believes a godmother would be the guardian of the child (in her mind) in the event of death and that it should be a family member - then which family member gave birth to a son recently? Track had a daughter.
porker! She is fat! Go away Brissdull. Go tell you lies to your family. These P people disgust me.
ReplyDeleteI am dying for this story to get figured out - it's so absolutely insane! I found it so hard to believe she could actually be pregnant during DWTS, who could be so brazen, but that outie belly button was impossible to ignore. Then, thank you to the person earlier who linked to the E! still shot. Seriously, what in the world? Anybody who has NOT seen then needs to, and explain this other than that Bristol actually was pregnant during DWTS. How does NO media see her like this in all her interviews and not mention the obvious? Poor Mark. I haven't seen the full video though - haven't figured out which one it is from (and I cannot torture myself to watch multiple videos with these clowns):
I have never seen anything like this family and what they manage to get away with. How in the world does this happen? Please, let's make this family go away already!