Friday, September 30, 2011

The Oddest Couple, Chris Christie and Sarah Palin.

This video was put together by the New Jersey Democrats:

New Jersey Democrats are working to tie Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) to former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-Alaska), dubbing the two the "oddest couple" in a satirical video over the ongoing clamoring for both to enter the GOP presidential race. 

The video, released Thursday by the New Jersey Democratic State Committee, mimics the opening credits of 1970s television show "The Odd Couple," using the show's original theme song but featuring cutouts of Palin and Christie traversing New York City.

However the Democrats are not the only ones who are finding fault with the constant  teasing from these two.

This from conservative commentator S.E. Cupp:

Time's up, governors. If Chris Christie and Sarah Palin want to run, get in there. If not, definitively and convincingly take your names out of the running. Conservatives need to begin the arduous job of whittling down the field and picking their frontrunner. The fact that there have been five GOP straw polls in as many weeks with as many different winners is proof that these unanswered questions are creating a dangerous ambivalence among conservative voters. 

The breathless speculation has been fun, but now it's time to get to work.

Now I disagree with Ms. Cupp on everything (And I do mean EVERYTHING!), but clearly she has a solid point here.  And it is yet another indication that Palin has performed this political prick tease MUCH to long to be considered viable by conservative pundits, or the American voters, any longer.

So now it is time for the Republicans to stop playing "What if?" and start the arduous task of selecting the sacrificial lamb they will choose to go up against President Obama in 2012.

Who will it be? The guy with the magic Underoos, or the guy that plays golf with a sniper rifle?

Personally I just can't decide!


  1. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I'm sure rifles will be's just a question of when Sarah's rabid fans decide they've been played, and who they go after.

  2. How dare SE Cupp? She may have just guaranteed that Palin won't decide soon.

    Kidding aside, this quote from the article burns me up:
    "As formidable and admirable as both Christie and Palin are, it's reached the point where they've both become more than just a distraction."

    Someone who's seriously been called mentally ill by former respected campaign staff should not be considered a viable candidate. I'm furious that the news from Rachel Maddow's interview with Wallace and Schmidt seems to have been ignored. Hopefully, Sarah got the not-so-subtle message.

  3. Anonymous3:28 PM

    GRyphen, get over to !!! Hourly updates since 6am by Eric Erickson (yes, I hate him too, but..) calling Sarah Palin out on her own set decision deadline!! Palinbots are going crazy! It's hysterical

  4. Anonymous3:31 PM

    That combination cracks me up!!! He is a very dominate/opionionated personality and Palin, with her incontrollable personality - lies and fraud would not work to any stretch of the imagination.

    They would fight like crazy and it wouldn't take very long for the USA to see and hear about it.

    Bring them on - they'd be a riot to watch FAIL!

    I've not seen anywhere on TV today the interest in the two of them running. Appears this idea is not catching on folks. Good!

  5. “If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself.”

  6. Anonymous3:37 PM


    That photo says it all.

  7. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, where's Trig's birth certificate?

  8. In her own­e is, as the McCain campaign Nicole Wallace called her, Cuckoo for

    ~~"Take Herb Cain. Look at why he's doing so well right now.I guess you could say, with all due respect, he’s the flavor of the week," ~~

    Palin said Tuesday on Fox's "On The Record" with Greta Van Susteren.

    Palin defended her comments Thursday night;

    "What the media tends to do is, kinda gin up controversy, and propel this flavour of the week.

    ~~ I'm not saying that Herman Cain is the flavour of the week. ~~

    I'm one of his biggest fans, and I would never dismiss him or speak negatively about him."

    Palin called Herman Cain “Herb Cain”…NUMEROUS times on Tues.

    FOX has since taken done the video footage of that interview AND changed the transcript of Greta’s program, to correct it to “Herman Cain”… have to be REALLY terrible to embarrass FOX, really terrible!!

    However this footage has been replayed on numerous network and cable news programs, …THEY still have video copies and THEIR OWN TRANSCRIPTS…so nice try FOX, your attempts to cover up for your intellectually challenged employee is nothing short of ….pathetic…really.

    I will place a friendly wager that TheQuitterFromWassilla wil NOT have her contract renewed at FOX.

    Wouldn't it be hilarious if she attempted to have her own radio program in Alaska?!

    Move over Shannyn just might have

  9. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Wow, she looks good there! Too bad she's a raving, moronic lunatic!

  10. Anonymous3:51 PM


    That sound you hear that sounds like Rush Limbaugh just sat down on a stack of bubble wrap is Palinbot hearts popping from coast to coast.

  11. Yikes! Why is Christie being compared to Palin?

    Christie is being asked by the REAL GOP to run, and he has repeatedly and unwaveringly said "NO".

    Palin, however, has danced around for three years trying to get her followers to donate their time and attention to her, when she, too, has NO intention of running.

    (If she does, she will be SEVERING ALL TIES with FOX, and that is a very, very, very poor long-term plan; I know it's Sarah Palin but is she gonna mess with her $$$$$$?? I really don't think so, but who knows?)

  12. Anonymous3:53 PM

    The minute Sarah Palin throws her hat in the ring, too many bad things happen. She loses her lucrative gig at Fox News which keeps her precious celebrity going & gives her a TV soapbox all her own. She actually would have to answer questions (this time!) and participate in debates, interviews, listen to handlers, do what she doesn't want to do, get along with people she doesn't like.

    On the other hand, if she doesn't announce that she's in, Fox really doesn't have any interest in her any more, her star has dimmed so the jobs will evaporate too, if not right away, soon. Her fans will bolt, she will be suddenly a total has-been with no hook in the game, no claim to fame.

    This is karmic payback, she's manipulated herself in a corner. There's no upside.

    Awww, too bad.

  13. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Red State Reminds The World That Palin Said She’d Make A POTUS Announcement By Today

    Conservative blogger Erick Erickson over at Red State is having a lot of fun with what they’re calling “P-Day.” That’s their term for the last day of September, the final day Sarah Palin has said would pass without her making an announcement one way or another about her presidential campaign.

    Obviously, no announcement has come, leading to mocking by the RedState gang. Palin’s fans, to put it mildly, are not happy.

    Here’s the video of Palin talking with reporters at the Iowa State Fair Erickson cites when declaring P-Day, posted first to the San Francisco Chronicle:

  14. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Palin says, “”I have said that that August to September time line is important for a number of reasons.”

    I believe it is Jake Tapper in the blue shirt who then asks her “So by next month?” which would be September.

    Her response?

    “I think that practically speaking that would have to be it, that drop dead date. Also, in fairness to supporters who are standing on the sidelines, this is what I’ve told Todd over and over again, I don’t want to be perceived as stringing people along.”

  15. Since Palin's current braintrust appears to be her family and a coupla local-yokel attorneys, and her primary PR/image consultant/spokesperson seems to be a low-paid, low-information teenage blog troll or two -- it's worth speculating on the Palin cabinet/staff to be sworn in early in 2013:

    Pres Palin, just like God intended
    VP Parnell (Alaska's loss is the country's gain)
    Chief of Staff - Haveyouseen Tawd
    Sec of Defense - W.A.R.
    Sec of Transportation - Jimmie Johnson
    Sec of Labor - Glenn Beck
    Sec of Treasury - Donald Trump
    Dept of Homeland Security - Rick Perry
    Sec of Education - Willow
    Sec of State - Wyclef Jean
    NEA - Hank Williams, Jr
    EPA - N/A
    White House Press Spokesperson - Bristol and/or Brooklyn & the Fairy Tale Trolls
    Ambassador to China - Michelle Bachman
    Presidential Council on Physical Fitness - Herb Cain

  16. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Ms. Maverick and the Michelin Man

  17. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Naaaaah, Gryph, let' em keep playing and watch them eat their own - it's soooo much fun.
    Only danger is that other entertainers may suffer.

  18. Anonymous4:26 PM

    She makes and breaks promises like other people blow their nose. I don't put anything beyond her.

    Of course, a rational person who was willing to plan and WORK toward the goal of winning the nomination would have declared by now, and put together a professional team.

    But what if your goal was simply to call attention to yourself? If her contract at Fox ends December 31st, I don't doubt she will do a brief, splashy "run" in 2012.

  19. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Nevertheless, Paliniacs were not happy with Erickson’s reminder that P-Day is upon us. From his post entitled: “BREAKING NEWS: PALIN SUPPORTERS CLAIM SHE NEVER SAID IT OR MEANT IT OR SOMETHING”:

    Palin supporters want us to know that despite Sarah Palin saying that she’d decide by the end of September and despite Sarah Palin fan sites at the beginning of the month saying she’d announce by the end of the month, it wasn’t actually Palin talking in “voice of God” talk, but rather a non-binding advisory opinion. On the same day she said September was a “drop dead date” she told David Brody it could be October.

    “This must be like when the Pope says something, but doesn’t require that all Catholics go along with it and the Pope himself can change his mind,” Erickson writes.

  20. Anonymous4:40 PM

    My favorite tongue-in-cheek (god, I hope),comment from

    "September isn't over until Sarah Palin says it's over."

  21. YEOWEE !!! This is getting very ugly... Will we have the pleasure of watching Mama come completely ripped and uncontrollable live on Cluster-Fox ??

    Larry O'Donnell just ran a piece about the last few days and Mama now DIRECTLY accusing Megan Kelley (Cluster-Fox Bimbo of the year candidate) of manufacturing 'mis-information' about HER !!!! Oh, baby ! Can we get an HD camera in the middle this little spat ???

    There is TAPE AND DIGITAL PROOF ( un-edited by Cluster-Fox's crew of minions ) that Mama said this BLATANTLY to our pal, Gretter van Cesspool, in an interview !!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

    Get out your protective gear and clamp down all things shakeable, cause the chief Mama Monkey may be going on a full blown warpath !

  22. Anonymous5:10 PM

    The clock is striking midnight. The ball is over and Sarah's coach has turned into a pumpkin.

  23. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:12 PM

    Brilliant!! From a long time "Odd Couple" devotee.

    Meanwhile, back at Red's 9pm EST. Do you know where your candidate is?

  24. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Must see LOD tonight!!

    "The ice has never been thinner under Sarah Palin."

  25. Anonymous5:26 PM

    I wonder if it's occurred to anyone over at C4P that if it takes Sarah this long to decide anything, electing her President probably (duh) isn't a good idea.

  26. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Consider that of all the candidates, Sarah Palin has the least excuse for her dithering. Unlike Perry, Bachmann, and Paul, Palin hasn’t had a job with official duties for the last two-plus years. All the other quasi-retired or term-limited candidates have long ago declared. Even Jon Huntsman was serving as ambassador to China as recently as April; and by the way, Huntsman has a larger family than Palin does. I get that deciding whether to run for President is a difficult decision; however, the Presidency is a job of difficult decisions, and if it has legitimately taken Sarah Palin over two years to decide whether to even start the process of becoming President, then she is unfit for the job.

  27. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Sexual innuendo all the time with Sarah. Bringing attention to your "Box" so you don't have to work to earn a title.

  28. Anonymous5:33 PM

    As far as I've seen, Chris Christie may be an asshole, but he's an asshole that unequivocally says he aint runnin.

    That's not as far as Sarah will go. She has to shove out her odd-non-sequitor-shacklin-and-boxing flim-flam decision-makin pole dancin.

  29. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I think the comment about the magic underoos was uncalled for, and the video was downright mean. I don't believe that any of that stuff, but I would never make fun of it. It's rather harmless, you know. Every religion has it weirdness. As long as the weird things are harmless and don't interfere with non-members, who cares?

  30. Anonymous5:39 PM

    They are going crazy @ RedState

    Few mts ago Last Word- Rewrite a must watch abt Palin so called big announcement.

  31. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Is Sarah Palin In Trouble At FOX News? -Last Word Rewrite

  32. Anonymous5:48 PM

    While I usually love political satire, this odd couple one is just a slap in the face to good comedy. Couldn't they use old ren and stempy cartoons insead?

    But it's an exremely effective ad!

    OTOH, I'd like to see Christie run anyday. He's got some explaining to do about his past views on gun rights and immigration, he's got a hair trigger temper and treats people who ask tough questions like scum.

    what a circus side show the GOP has become.

  33. Anonymous5:52 PM

    If Sarah Palin looked like Chris Christie she wouldn't have fans, or haters. She wouldn't have been the '08 vp nom, and RAM wouldn't dream of being "fucked" by her. Does the US have any 300lb female politicians? No? Why?

    Female politicians are only acceptable to republicans if they look like old beauty queens, toe the line, reproduce, and keep their place. It is a barefoot and pregnant mindset "we'll let you stay, if you are attractive, and agree with us..."

  34. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Must see LOD tonight!!

    "The ice has never been thinner under Sarah Palin."

    5:21 PM


    OMG - talk about must see TV. This is definitely it! I have been waiting for this day!!!

  35. Anonymous6:38 PM

    O'Donnell - MSNBC The Last Word - has a great segment on Palin tonight. Hee, Hee, Hee.

    (Background music should be 'Ding, Dong, the Witch is Dead'!!!!!)

    He mentions that Nick's film opens Tonight and plays a clip of the film.

    He also mentions Palin's trouble at Fox -- she's focused on Juan Williams now!! On Greta's show once again, she's accusing Megyn Kelly now too of misinformation about low polling numbers being at level with existing candidates - yet she was 'praising' CNN for the 'within 5 pts. of Obama' - of course, the Obama poll! Well holy crap -- she praised that 'lamestream media'!!!

    Palin is taking them all on these days. Guess that's why she's in her AK studio - and not in Fox studios in NY!!!

    You can just hear the wire burning phone calls by Palin to Murdoch complaining about Ailes!!

    Tic, Toc, Tic, Toc
    3, 2, 1 -- bye bye Sarah!!

  36. Anonymous6:49 PM

    I cannot imagine Chris Christie winning the primary. He is obese - the election process is tough and I'd worry about him having a heart attack due to the stress. He would not be physcially up to it either.

    Doubt he'll run. And, doubt Palin will either.

  37. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Anon 5:34 is upset. Awwww, da poor baby. Go to Mommy - she'll kiss it better.

    Why is Anon 5:34 upset: "I think the comment about the magic underoos was uncalled for".

    Get real for f*ck sake.

    I ask you Anon 5:34 - Did you get your Mommy's permission to be on the computer??

  38. Anonymous7:02 PM

    6:38 And, isn't the Palin the one that has said time and time again on Greta's show that polls don't count or signify real inidcations? And, now she is talking about one poll being better than another.

    Sarah, you idiot, keep your stories and beliefs on the same page. You confuse the mass!!!

  39. What are their choices: a fatass wannabe mafia thug and a immature, mentally-ill, racist, secessionist, snarky skanky ho.

    I never thought that woman would even try to run for President of the US. repugs have jokes

    repugbaggers have NOTHING


  40. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Normally I wouldn't be caught dead at RedState, but I'm refreshing every hour just to see the comments about Sarah Palin not announcing! Boy, are the bots getting vicious, though. They are cannibalizing themselves.

  41. I should have watched the vid before I posted my last comment. That was funny as shit. HAHAHAHAHA

    Very very good

    Where are viable repugbagger candidates?

  42. DominionistEscapee9:27 PM

    I wonder if it's occurred to anyone over at C4P that if it takes Sarah this long to decide anything, electing her President probably (duh) isn't a good idea.

    5:26 PM

    Because I am a masochist and I'm procrastinating re: some work I don't want to do, I actually dipped a few toes in over at the Pee Pond. They--at least the last loyal minions--seem to think she HAS decided, and she has an amazing master plan that doesn't include enlightening her followers at this point in time. They have to accept this; she doesn't owe them anything, and they just have to trust her to know what she's doing, because she is the only one who can save our country and because she has such a solid track record of wise decisions and because of course she is praying about it. I can't decide whether to be amused or depressed at the in(s)anity.

    Oh, and apparently Tammy Bruce Tweeted something like "If she wasn't running, she would have no reason not to tell you" (not verbatim but that's the gist). Apparently no one is pointing out that the opposite is also true: If she IS planning to run, there's no reason whatsoever that she wouldn't have told her "C4peeps" by now.

  43. Anonymous2:57 AM

    "As long as the weird things are harmless and don't interfere with non-members, who cares?"

    Wrongo cupcake. Read "One Nation Under Gods" and you'll get a real eyeful of exactly what the LDS church has planned. Think Dominionism with jello molds and magic undies for all. I lived in UT, planet Utah for those unfamiliar, and it as unlike any other state in the union (and I've lived in dozens of them). Even as late as '88 you still had to be "of the faith" to be allowed to volunteer for anything related to your child's school. Not in any other state had I ever faced such discrimination.


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