Friday, September 30, 2011

Joe McGinniss corrects the erroneous reports that "The Rogue" is not selling well.

Courtesy of Joe's blog:

THE ROGUE is selected as an “Editor’s Choice” in the October 9 edition of the New York Times Book Review. That is a distinction not carelessly awarded. 

It also debuts on the New York Times Best-Seller list on October 9, as #7 on the e-book nonfiction list, and as #10 on the hard-cover list. 

And that’s on the basis of only the first six days of sales, not even a full week.  

Some hostile Beltway sites gleefully pointed to the fact that THE ROGUE had sold “only” six thousand copies, as recorded by Bookscan. 

As if 1,000 copies a day was a poor rate of sale. 

In fact, the Bookscan number of 6,000 represents only 75 percent of hard-cover sales. 

So make the six thousand 8,000. 

And Bookscan does not include e-book sales, so nobody buying for a Kindle or Nook gets counted. Given that the NYTimes list ranks the book even higher on its e-book best seller list than on its hard-cover list, we can add another 8,000. 

And then there’s Canada, whose sales are not included, and which average up to ten percent of U.S. sales. 

Ten percent of 16,000=1,600. So a more realistic count of sales over the first six days would be at least 17,500. 

Hey, the numbers will be what they will be. 

But the MSM attempt to spin the first six days into evidence of “lukewarm” reception is dishonest. 

In any case, having first made the New York Times Best-Seller List top ten in 1969, and having made it again in 2011, that gives me best-sellers written over a span of 42 years, which my publisher believes to be a record.

They did the best they could. 

And they came from both the right and the left of the political arena. Dismissing, undermining, attacking, literally doing everything in their power to sabotage this book and keep it out of the hands of the very people who desperately needed to understand just how close they had come to allowing a crazy person to be the Vice President of the United States.

One even going so far as to forward a personal e-mail to an individual so despicable that they will NEVER be able to shower off the stench of their collaboration.

Yet McGinniss, and his book "The Rogue," persevere. As all TRUE lovers of truth and justice should have wanted, and worked for, all along.

And that is very bad news for a certain half term Governor, and very GOOD news for the rest of us.


  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    What does this mean: One even going so far as to forward a personal e-mail to somebody so despicable that they will NEVER be able to shower off the stench of their collaboration.


  2. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Yea, Joe McGinnis and 'f--- you' Sarah Palin and her supposed supporters.

    I've read Joe's books and he is a wonderful writer and investigator. Geoffrey Dunn also did an outstanding job with his recent book on Palin.

    I knew Joe's book would be a best seller and I suspect it will continue to be for a long time to come - even after Palin has fallen in to the deep pit that is awaiting her.

  3. So who forwarded the email to Breitbart? You or McGinnis? Seems the idea worked brilliantly!

  4. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Way to go Joe McGinniss.

  5. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Glad the book is doing well. Congratulations to Joe and thanks to you, Gryphen. We should all celebrate and be grateful the truth is finally getting a national audience.

  6. Anonymous6:47 PM

    TRUTH is its own best defense . . . and it has a way of finding the light, shining ever-so-brightly onto the dark soul of one, Sarah Louise Heath Palin.

    Thank you Gryphen for clarifying and shining light on all those crafty lies.

  7. oI never ever use this term, but for this post .. FU Sarah Palin. May you spend eternity in H*(L! You idiot!

  8. In addition to the fact there has been no "bulk buy" from some special interest PAC or corporation to "promote" their agenda.

    Single sales all the way baby!!

  9. Anonymous7:01 PM

    It's just as simple as in the press, the one that created you, die in the press, the one that will finally take you down.

  10. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Hi Sarah, welcome back!

    Quick question, where's Trig's birth certificate?

  11. Also loved the LOD smackdown of Sarah regarding her insubordination at FOX. Calling out the network that hired you? She truly is nuts. How long before Ailes dumps her sorry ass. Then she can join Glenn Beck in his nightmare.

  12. Anonymous7:12 PM

    It sounds there's been some nasty 'sabotage' afoot in the land of GryphenJoe.

    Was the saboteur paid? Was Sarah behind any of it. Did Mr. Despicable bribe/extort/blackmail someone for the information. Do you know the person or is it someone in Joe's world?

    Ok, don't answer any of it if you don't feel to, it's just questions rolling around in my head late in the night.

    You're a CHAMP Gryphen and I hope that one day you get the recognition for the service that you have done for this country.

  13. Anonymous7:14 PM

    I ordered the book today after canceling the pre-order based on MSNBC and Current boycotting it.

    Joe has a bad case of crotchety ola man but seems to have done a good job.

  14. Anonymous7:14 PM

    "And the apoplectic response has been instructive into the very serious mental degeneration of Palin’s supporters as she has continued to string everyone along."

    Redstate dedicated their entire day to the Sarah Palin countdown to announce her decision, her self-appointed "drop dead date" deadline.

    It's hysterical, every hour!

  15. Anonymous7:15 PM

    in retrospect, i'm guessing the leaked email boosted sales big time. i even bought a copy! i happened to be in target waiting for a car repair and there it was. i bought it and have to say i like the writing style but i get very angry at the subject matter. my blood pressure literally went up when i read about todd telling his neighbor he would build a road across her land - because he could. i had to put the book down for a bit and walk outside and be calm.

  16. I hope Joe clarifies that statement, if for no other reason than that it could imply Gryph forwarded the email. Let's leave the vague, cryptic statements to Sarah Palin.

    So please Joe, expound on that statement a smidge.

    Not surprised that the book is doing well, Joe is a great writer and does his due diligence well, but I'm surprised at the 8,000 number. Doesn't anyone read books anymore? I remember paperbacks that use to scream "1 Million Hardcover Copies Sold!!!"

    Oh well, I guess they're waiting for the movie. (Make note: Stock up on popcorn!)

    Palin is a joke. Everybody knows it. Not all of her fans are completely brain dead, so deep down inside even they know it, too, also.

    Hey Sarah, "life's a bitch when you're a superstar."

  17. Anonymous7:18 PM

    The bots are rating the book 1 on Amazon and writing very negative reviews.

    Those who read the book and liked it need to write a good review. Same for those who read Dunn's book.

    So, Gryph, who forwarded the email?

  18. Thank you Gryphen and Joe! The door that opened isn't the one Sarah had in mind, and this one isn't closing soon.
    In fact, I don't see how she can recover from this.
    She's a punchline whenever her name is mentioned, whether it's a comedian or not!
    With more to come as the walls come down around her, it's the best soap opera ever!
    If it wasn't for the fact that the media has been shown as a failure again as were the staff of McCain & John himself who should be tried for treason. The reality of this person was being covered up, so an election could be won.
    How is this OK?
    Their are people smarter than me who hopefully are asking the same question and will do something about it. At least do more than I'm capable of.
    I don't even pity Sarah, she deserves everything that's coming to her life.
    One down, many more to go!

  19. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I knew it was BS when I saw the figures on C4P...partly because I was certain it didn't include e-book sales (which is how I purchased my copy), and partly because 99.8 percent of what shows up on there is total BS.

    Exhibit A: The number of cultists who are now claiming that Sarah never said that the end of September was a drop-dead date for announcing her candidacy--despite the very quote in which she says that. It's not just a different world over there--it's an alternate reality.

  20. Anonymous7:42 PM

    good job joe. the irony is that if the book doesnt do as well as expected, is the same reason sarah is barely on fox these days, its because no-one cares about sarah anymore, which obviously is good for the country.

    couldn't help but think of an old homer simpson scene reading over at c4p the last couple days... homer was praying to god and said 'if you want me to eat this cookie, give me no sign... (no sign) thy will be done (chomp)'. the c4prs are basically at that point..."sarah- if you are running, give us no sign....(no sign) well shes obviously running!"

  21. JayKen Knotstirred7:47 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  22. Anonymous7:48 PM

    to 7:27 anon- regarding the alternate reality at c4p, check this post out from tonight from someone called sonoforiginalted:

    "I've got a real question: how can any reasonably intelligent and politically aware and informed person/media person, commenting on and/or following Palin's actions, honestly believe she's not running. Assuming at least some of them are being sincere, really, how can they sincerely believe Palin is not in?Am I missing something here? Or is Palin's strategerie really fooling them into thinking she's not running? This is a legit inquiry."

    these people are crazy. palin has a mess on her hands when she lets them down, and she is soley responsible.

  23. Anonymous7:49 PM

    lbts said...
    I hope Joe clarifies that statement, if for no other reason than that it could imply Gryph forwarded the email. Let's leave the vague, cryptic statements to Sarah Palin.

    So please Joe, expound on that statement a smidge.

    The statement you're talking about is something Gryphen wrote, so it doesn't implicate Gryphen. In Gryphen's blog posts, the part in italics is a quote, i.e. this time from Joe. The part not in italics are Gryphen' words.

  24. Anonymous7:49 PM

    This book hardly makes our idle and pathetic MSM look very good, so they can't be too eager for it to do well.

    JMcG probably won't be bumping perennial favorite gasbag Grumps McCain from the Sunday morning talk shows.

  25. Jayken Knotstirred7:53 PM

    Gryph, Great work on the most recent Photo Editing!

    The last few weeks, have had an artists touch, when selecting your lead photo.

    This post is GREAT!

    Once again, You're the Go To Guy for all things Palin!

  26. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Anon@7:18 PM said, "So, Gryph, who forwarded the email?"

    Could it be Ken Morris?

  27. "THE ROGUE is selected as an “Editor’s Choice” in the October 9 edition of the New York Times Book Review. That is a distinction not carelessly awarded."

    Read it and weep, all of you reviewers who reviewed The Rogue without reading it - including two of my favorites, Keith Olbermann and Rachel.

  28. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Well....we need a song in "sympathy" for her then don't we?

  29. I'm thrilled 'The Rogue' made the NYTimes bestsellers list. I hope sales continue and that he has better media opportunities coming up in the States.

    I wish reviewers would quit calling the book a hatchet job and soon realize that it was the only way he could honestly write about Sarah. I believe he'll eventually be completely vindicated and the book will be a classic.

    "One even going so far as to forward a personal e-mail to an individual so despicable that they will NEVER be able to shower off the stench of their collaboration."

    Uh Oh. It sounds like I may have been wrong to rule out and strongly defend certain ones. Sick.

  30. Anonymous8:14 PM

    How about this, Your Heinous?


  31. Anonymous8:27 PM

    This paragraph is written by Gryphen, not Joe, "One even going so far as to forward a personal e-mail to an individual so despicable that they will NEVER be able to shower off the stench of their collaboration."

    So obvs Gryph was not the leak and I don't think Gryph would say the above about Joe.

    What I've heard and it makes sense is that Devon was likely copied on that email when it went out in Jan 2011 (she hid from him that she was working on a competing book). Of course they had the falling out over that and the manuscript etc so she leaked this email to AB as payback to Joe. It's a theory.

    Susan in MD

  32. Anonymous8:33 PM

    "Yet McGinniss, and his book "The Rogue," persevere. As all TRUE lovers of truth and justice should have wanted, and worked for, all along."

    Yeh, what he said.
    I kept asking myself why this gaggle of 'critics' and such would
    come out screeching as they did.

    Until of course realizing sp has been a meal-ticket for most of them; they chatter her twits her moans and they even followed her fake bus tour. I mean ROFLOL.

    Theyre struggling with their own
    I say Its Is About Time.

    Worse, they *all* were questioning the sp bullshit story amongst themselves as we saw with the pundit-blog hoo-hoo.
    It is Not as tho they did not notice the open pit holes in her bullshit story.

    Kudos to all those who took the time to VET this GD psycho woman.
    And no, that aint you msm who were all too afraid-y to ask questions about all that 'ickky' female stuff!!
    Yeh, yeh, we get it, it was jes too personal! know, like letting this deranged woman near the WH is somehow not
    personal enough for the rest of us.

    Go away punks....We got This.

  33. Ad Proelum quasi Ad Proelium -- "To the Press as to battle!" (Geffray Mynshul - 1618)

    Go Joe! Go Gryphen! Go Nick Broomflield! Go Professor Scharlott! Go Geoffrey Dunn! You guys are like Gandalf at Dawn, shining his Light on the Orcs at Helms Deep . . . (H/T to J.R.R. Tolkien AND Peter Jackson).

  34. I just read the part in Joe's book where "Willow"....(sorry Joe but I truly think that was Bristol) scolded the teacher for her spelling of Governor in the "Worst Governor Ever" banner, apparently taking issue with the -or ending, saying "You're a teacher, you should learn how to spell."

    I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but LOL at that one!! Just because mommy somehow got you to get your diploma or your GED or whatnot-- despite your having had possibly two babies in your last two years of school--doesn't mean you actually, like, *know* anything about anything.

  35. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Joe's book is being widely read by even the churchy conservatives. Kindle etc the way to go. Who wants ~that~ book seen laying around in their lairs? NSFW.
    Privately many have known for a long time Palin really, really needs her medication. Publicly it's better to say nothing. Throw in a few Libs as well because she is no longer relevant.

    Anyone else think Chris Christie looks like he could keel over any day? Don't think his heart/high blood pressure is up to the job.


  36. Anonymous8:59 PM

    My best guess is that Griff is anonymously referring to Frank Baily as the one who leaked (sent a copy) Andrew Not-so-Britefart...

    That guy ABFart is one sick fucker. And I have zero respect for FB.

    Oh this book is selling well. WE need to TAKE OUR country back from these teabagging lunatics. LONG overdue.

  37. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I am guessing that you and Joe were sabotaged by someone you and Joe thought was a friend--like maybe another Alaskan blogger who was mad about this book coming out--but appeared to be working with you in Jan. and saw/had access to the email. I won't name any names but do see that possibly.

  38. Anonymous9:06 PM

    P said...

    So who forwarded the email to Breitbart? You or McGinnis? Seems the idea worked brilliantly!

    6:31 PM

    Sarah "I'm Gonna Sue You" Palin looks like a blooming idiot.

    You don't pull a gun on a lion when you don't have any bullets!

    Dumbshit Palin wants everybody to think she is a hunter.

    Hunters has bullets

    Bullies has empty threats!

  39. I believe that many of the critics of the book are in fact writing on the instructions of their corporate overlords who do not want their culpability in trying to put Palin in power to be exposed.

    All they wanted was someone ignorant in power that they could control. Exposing Palin also exposes her powerful backers and enablers.

  40. Anonymous10:41 PM

    @Molly - That is Willow and not Bristol in the video with the teacher.

    Also, IMO, it is very doubtful that it was Jeanne Devon who leaked it, perhaps, someone affiliated but not Jeanne

    Just my two cents worth

  41. Anonymous11:40 PM

    As to who leaked your email Gryphen - Frank Bailey, Jeanne or Shannyn? It really seems like Jeanne and Shannyn have fallen out of favor to a degree over the dispute w/Joe regarding the leaking of Bailey's book.

    Jeanne was asked about their sale count (Bailey's book) on Shannyn's show yesterday and she couldn't/wouldn't give the answer, which seemed weird to me! She is smarter than that. If it was my book that had recently been published, I would be on top of knowing how the public was accepting, viewing and purchasing it - but, perhaps that is just me! Or, perhaps it hasn't done too well. (I did purchase Bailey's book and have read it...interesting, but not well written.)

    In comparison - Joe came out today w/figures as to sales (after just having had the book released) and indicated the book is ranked #10. Plus, he will be receiving a specific award for his new book. Don't think he was a failure in any way, shape or form with the publishing of his book - as many have tried to make it seem. Yea, Joe!

    I've already read Joe's book and found it fascinating, well written and investigated. Plus, it is helping provide the many reasons why Sarah Palin will be pulled from the throne on which she thinks she sits!

    Gryphen you have had a huge part in all of this and I thank you!!

  42. bailey11:42 PM

    So who is behind the door that sent Breitfart the e-mail?

    Door #1 - Devon

    Door #2 - Bailey

    So which one do you think is the stinking guilty one?

  43. Anonymous11:50 PM

    So which one of the Christians (FAKE) sent the email to Andrew the despicable Palin/Koch sucker?

    Was it Bailey (Sarah's former lover) or was it Devon (the disgruntled one who is afraid of the "light")?

    Inquiring minds really want to know, particularly those in Alaska who are sick of Sarah and family.

  44. Andrea12:16 AM

    Tonight, after reading reams of messages on a variety of "anti-Palin" sites, and having to digest the vitriol contained within, I was almost exuberant to sit down to my late night news and see that the big story in Canada is our Foreign Minister being criticized for wanting gold foil on his business cards.

    I will never stop loving Canada!

  45. Anonymous1:20 AM

    I would not be surprised if Jeanne Devon leaked the email.. tit for tat, non?

  46. Anonymous2:34 AM

    Indeed, how right you and Joe are Gryhpen! The sales of "The Rogue" surpass that of any other hack book on the right. "Going Rogue?" Weak sales compared to McGinniss' masterpiece. "America by Heart"? What an utter failure when looked at through the lens of Joe's standard of success. Several thousand copies! What an unexpected success! Surely all of the US shall now know of the evils of Sarah Palin!

  47. Anonymous3:17 AM

    Do they not realize that the e-fiction rating is so high because we wanted it the moment it launched?

  48. Anonymous3:39 AM

    The NYT part is great. I lent my copy of The Rogue to a coworker who knows Palin is crazy but also thinks she is a non entity politically, so she isn't worried. Anyway, she was reluctant at first to read because of the bad NYT review. But now it is a NYT best seller.Maybe the NYT critic should read the book?

  49. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Joe's book will be a best seller and if we graph the curve of his sales it will plot as either exponential growth or as having many plateau peaks on the way up, up, up, depending on how many sunrises the life sucking vampire Palin has left!! This book will be translated into many languages.Perhaps even Palinese so the bots can partake. I guess we can't get it into Korean over the weekend. can we?

  50. Anonymous3:54 AM

    Many may not like this idea. Amazon should limit who can rate the book to those who bought the book off amazon. Otherwise the crazies will spend their day their commenting and giving bad reviews with the same mania they voted Barstill onto DWTS week after week.
    Believe me, my family and I are very sad our local Borders closed and now need to order mainly from Amazon (who have very good deals,esp for students) . We are avid readers and we went there weekly or every 10 days at least. I do not mind spending money on books and have a large library collection. i even cried when I left the store for the last time, so many memories there: as a single girl hanging out there reading and drinking coffee trying to meet intellectual guys, to taking my babies there for storytime, to taking my school age kids there now.
    But my point is, amazon should just be on the lookout for the scam reviewers.

  51. Anonymous4:00 AM

    I still can't figure out why RM and KO won't interview Joe. KO isn't really a contender anymore since he disappeared from MSNBC.

  52. Really Gyalist, I sure wish some of Palin's backers would be named...and I am sure they are available. Let's start with Mr. Graham.

  53. TNbluedot4:43 AM

    Oh please stop, 7:03 7:47!
    Your repetitive post on each and every article is just annoying for no benefit. Don't you realize a Trig birth certificate at this point would prove nothing? Snowdrift Snooki has had ample time to have it appear just as she wants it.

    Molly @ 8:40 - It is Willow - check the video.

    Gryphen, can you clarify if the email in question was, in fact, a private email between you and Joe only, or were others copied?

  54. Anonymous5:33 AM

    As an author, I can tell you that Joe is right, Bookscan figures generally are about 3/4 of all hard copies actually sold; ebooks now generally account for 1/4 to 1/2 of all sales, so he's probably sold 6-8,000 ebooks plus 8,000 hard copies, for a total of 14-16,000. However, those saying the book isn't doing that well are actually right in the sense that it is not doing as well as one might expect. Believe it or not, those are pretty weak first week sales for a bestselling author of Joe's status.

    I blame Palin fatigue as well as the way the book has been trashed by so many "pundents" and reviewers. The leaking of the sensational Rice and cocaine stories by the NE in violation of the imposed embargo hurt. However, given Joe's leaking of the Bailey manuscript, it kinda strikes me as karma. And the truth is, his behavior in that affair left a bad smell in the noses of a lot of people in NY and he's paying the price now. Which makes me angry at HIM, because his churlish behavior helped Sarah.

    And so, once again, we see liberals riding to save the fair damsel in distress from a hypothetical dragon. When are they going to acknowledge that IS the dragon?

  55. TNBluedot, just hush. Everyone else loves JayKen's clever question, and the way it innocuously pops up all the time. If you don't believe it, read back thru the posts -- lots of compliments for him/her there.

  56. TNbluedot6:21 AM

    Andrea @12:16 - Perhaps you should stay away from "anti-Palin" sites if they disgust you so?

    While there are many places in and many things about Canada I love, we all know there is no Utopia - even in Canada. So, if you think we're gullible enough to think the most serious problem up there right now is the FM having gold-trimmed business cards, think again!

    Anon @3:54
    I agree that Amazon should have some sort of control. It's really frustrating to read some of the junk there, knowing the person hasn't read the book, but has an agenda.

  57. I bought three hard copies. One for myself, one I want my sister to read and one I will be giving to the library.

  58. AKRNC6:44 AM

    The original reviewers who quickly panned Joe's book as if it was nothing more than a tabloid novel filled with trash have had that same nasty light turned back upon themselves for their failure to even read what they so hastily panned. With 70+ NAMED sources and dozens of hours of interviews on tape, there is no lacking in material to draw upon information regarding Sarah's sordid past.

    Anyone who gets mixed up with Breitbart, including you, Sarah, always lives to regret it as you will never be able to wash off the gutter slime that permeates within him and encompasses all who surround him. Although I'm fairly sure you brought a good deal of your own malodorous past with you considering your blemished history.

    Joe's revelations, while not all new, are seen in a light that reflects so poorly upon you, Sarah, that you cannot run away from it. It is your past, attached to you, claimed by you and yet re-written with a nod to the truth unlike the way you've covered it in prior fictional tales. Reality is harsh, deal with it. It has finally caught up to you and you cannot run far enough or fast enough to escape what will come down on you now. You'll finally receive all you truly deserve.

  59. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Way off-topic, but a friend just sent me the you still keep in close contact with Shailey Gryph? Why aren't people paying attention to her? I believe her simply because she puts her reputation on the line & doesn't seem to be afraid to speak up.

  60. Anonymous7:28 AM

    We do not want this commenter to stop asking every day on every post "where is Tri-G's birth certificate"?. It makes me laugh every single day.
    Just skip over it if it annoys you.

  61. Sillywhabbit8:14 AM

    Gryph has linked to ST web site a few times and been very supportive.
    Maybe I read a post of hers wrong, but it sounded like she was saying "piss of and stop trying to drag me in your fight with the fight is with Todd and APD."
    Like said, maybe I read it wrong, but ironically I went to her blog because she posted here on an IM thread that she had a new post up.

    Through the rabbit hole:
    Someone just made a post about being united. Being united is the only way information will get out. All the petty bickering and pointing fingers has to stop. With that said, stop dragging me into a fight that I did not ask for. I have my own battles to fight. My name got slung around all over the place recently and the worst part no one asked me to weigh in. It was just okay to fling me out there. No it really wasn't okay. It is rather silly for my name to even be in anything other than directly relating to Todd Palin.

    You should be nice to the hand feeding you traffic.

  62. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Susan in MD (Anon 8:27 PM)
    What she said . . .
    This has been my theory all along.

    Susan wrote:
    This paragraph is written by Gryphen, not Joe, "One even going so far as to forward a personal e-mail to an individual so despicable that they will NEVER be able to shower off the stench of their collaboration."

    So obvs Gryph was not the leak and I don't think Gryph would say the above about Joe.

    What I've heard and it makes sense is that Devon was likely copied on that email when it went out in Jan 2011 (she hid from him that she was working on a competing book). Of course they had the falling out over that and the manuscript etc so she leaked this email to AB as payback to Joe. It's a theory.

  63. I got my audiobook last week :)

  64. Anonymous6:52 PM

    #227 on Amazon and dropping like a rock.

  65. Anonymous7:55 PM

    What a wonderful time to be alive! Thanks to Gryphen and other fine bloggers and Joe's brilliantly written book for doing the hard work that made this a success!

    Got my ticket, popcorn, and pajamas ready for the total meltdown after this fraud gets what's coming her way. The bot's pitchforks have no corks.

    Hell hath no fury as a teabagger scorned!

  66. Anonymous8:07 PM

    My guess is that Roger Ailes leaked the email, as a favor to his old pal Joe. I've always admired Joe for admitting his friendship with Ailes, not a bad thing having friends in high places, doesn't mean you agree with their agenda nor would break bread with them, it just makes good business sense.

    Sarah never learned that trick, and she bit the hand that fed her. Pink Slip in 3-2-1.... Ta Ta loser! You've made me (Ailes) a fortune and helped Joe sell his book!

    If I'm wrong, then congrats, Gryphen! Whoever it was deserves a medal of honor and/or a case of popcorn.

  67. C4P has some kind of filter that sees certain negative words or someone on call 24/7 to delete a post within 5 seconds. I tried this as an experiment because of all the comments I read there are so overwhelming Pro Palin, where's the dissent? At least doesn't delete comments, it's a country where opinion can be expressed however in dispute regardless of subject matter.

    All of you are insane! And the laughingstock of most americans! There's only a 100 of you Palinbots, Sea of Pea, Cultist's that exist today but you keep on and on and on....give it up! She's not running! Get over it! Get on with your lives and move on! No repugnant candidate (not SP) will win in 2012. Deal with it!

    on Erick Erickson Finally Explodes 1 minute ago
    All of you are insane! And the laughingstock of most americans! There's only a 100 of you Palinbots, Sea of Pea, Cultist's that exist today but you keep on and on and on....give it up! She's not running! Get over it! Get on with your lives and move on! No repugnant candidate (not SP) will win in 2012. Deal with it!

    on Erick Erickson Finally Explodes 1 minute ago
    All of you are insane! And the laughingstock of most americans! There's only a 100 of you Palinbots, Sea of Pea, Cultist's that exist today but you keep on and on and on....give it up! She's not running! Get over it! Get on with your lives and move on! No repugnant candidate (not SP) will win in 2012. Deal with it!

    on Erick Erickson Finally Explodes 3 minutes ago
    All of you are insane! And the laughingstock of most americans! There's only a 100 of you Palinbots, Sea of Pea, Cultist's that exist today but you keep on and on and on....give it up! She's not running! Get over it! Get on with your lives and move on! No repugnant candidate (not SP) will win in 2012. Deal with it!
    Link to this:

    All of these comments were gone within 5 seconds of posting so I gave up. What's the problem with discussing alternative viewpoints? Was the word "insane" filtered out for deletion? Maybe I should of use a more friendly adjective? This cult at C4P is scary as hell!

  68. Anonymous11:38 PM

    #232. By under 500 by Wednesday.

  69. Anonymous6:38 AM

    #244. Down.

  70. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Jesus Crist. What a demented place. I found it googling "Bookscan and errors" and ran across this lunatecs attended place. Those of you who posted here, I don't even know when - have you ever come back and looked at your lunacy.

    This is truly comunist attended place. I grew up in a communist country... disending equaled prison after severe beatings by the secret police and more. Your hair (if you have any left) would stand up knowing these things. You people look like those who inflicted the terror on disenters!

    I am so disturbed to have run into this horrible place..

  71. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Of course, after APPROVAL by the ones who allow this crude expresion in the first place. I wonder why I bothered - the fact is that I am trying to mount some disent with the damn Bookscan who reported 60,000 on a book I handle when in fact I KNOW precisely it sold an aggregate of 270,000 copies...


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