Saturday, September 24, 2011

President Obama discusses new program called "Race to the Top" implemented to improve our public schools.

Providing incentives for schools to formulate new ides to improve education, and to identify successful methods currently being used, is EXACTLY the right way to improve education in this country.

A Federal mandate, like NCLB, that is forced on teachers, not only stifles enthusiasm for their job, it also destroys their ability to use their individual talents and creativity to keep the classroom an engaging place for children to learn.

Much like the children they teach, classroom teachers are also very unique individuals with differing skill sets and methods for inspiring their students.

Having worked in a classroom for several years I can tell you that a good, effective idea by one teacher was quickly adopted by others in the school. And the teacher who had the original idea felt proud that their fellow educators had enough confidence in their abilities to borrow freely from their lessons plans.

THAT is how innovation in our public school system works, and I am extremely grateful that we now have a President who recognizes that fact.

The one thing that the President is incorrect about is that George W. Bush deserves credit for No Child Left Behind. What Bush did to our public school system deserves nothing but condemnation from Americans, and certainly NOT praise!


  1. Anonymous6:18 AM

    I totally agree with you about Shit-For-Brains Bush deserving credit for NCLB. Bush (who was left behind as a child) signed the abomination. Maybe he signed it because he speaks English as a second language and didn't understand the nuances of the bill.

  2. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Pro-education! Yes! Let's start educating kids in schools again. My sister is an elementary school teacher and has told me horror tales of NCLB.

  3. Anonymous6:24 AM

    President Obama is doing one hell of a job!!!

    And, then there is that asshole group in the House portion of Congress. Going on vacation AGAIN! They need to be voted out and tenures placed on ALL members of Congress. I detest the job they are NOT doing.

  4. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I swear, everytime I hear our President Speak his truth, I get goosebumps.

    We need to support Public Schools and give our teachers the tools and flexibility to approach each child's learning style. Conforming to the idea that rating a teacher based on a set of arbitrary performance measures will bring better teachers, or help our kids learn is dead wrong.

    What the President said about parents taking an active role and being committed to their kid's education is what's lacking, and hurting our chances for a competitive, educated work force.

    I think the President was being very generous and wise in not bashing Shrub, it would make it look politically motivated. And besides, with the nutjobs running for the GOP slot make Bush look like a genius, but more importantly, it speaks to those undecided fence sitters in the GOP to take another look at President Obama as the best candidate.

    While I think he's stepped too much to the right, I still feel he's our best hope. Never thought DADT would be repealed in my lifetime, and his accomplishments make our country better.

    Support your children's Educators, every way you can. It's a noble profession, not just a job.

  5. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Not having watched the vid yet due to computer problem -- BUT -- to read 'Race to the Top' is NEW?? Sorry -- it's not.

    This was a same-name program announced last year - 2010.

    One stand out recollection of the program for me is that NJ Gov Christie went hugely over-the-edge nuts in that his admin or someone who I believe was then fired -- screwed up by not filing in time or something along that line. Christie first blamed DC, the program, the President - like that's anything new!!

    Update: It was the NJ Education Commissioner who was fired for providing wrong info on application. Christie defended the guy one day and fired him within 48 hours. SURPRISE! Surprise!! Blame in on the Pres as a Rethug wouldn't make a mistake you know!!

    My point is -- it is not a new program or if it is a new program - it should not be rolled out under the name of an already used program from 2010.

  6. Anonymous7:46 AM

    President Obama is one step ahead of everyone.

    I am not worried about his re-election.

    NCLB is crap, I know, but I also know our public schools are a lot stronger than most people believe. I have seen too many examples of teachers jumping through hoops for bright students and magically lifting up average students.

    I have seen plenty. My children have gone to public schools in five different states.

    I owe public school teachers big time.

    Big fucking time,

  7. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Good luck in the States with Republican governors- WI, FLA etc.- where they're slashing education spending in favor of tax cuts.

  8. Not so fast. While I completely agree with what you say, that is NOT how Race to the Top works.

    It is essentially a carrot for agreeing to implement Arne Duncan's and other education amateur's ideas. Like merit pay and value added evaluation.

    Those innovative teachers you speak of would become resource teachers so they could more easily pass on their innovations.

    In my personal district I am a national board certified teacher librarian with a masters in library and information science working as a music teacher (one of my other credentials) because they are reducing library positions to save money. As a librarian I am up on technology, am a trained staff developer and provide professional development. But since there was another music teacher with no job she was made into a resource teacher and I am in a classroom divided between two schools, one having a traditional schedule and one having a year round schedule so I get no vacation and no summer. Meanwhile the music resource teacher doesn't know how to put an attachment or link in an e-mail and can't run an inservice using simple technology. Her professional development consists of musically teaching experienced teachers how to "suck eggs". I've been to college, have a degree (several in fact) and have over 30 years experience. I don't need to be told to follow the program "exactly as it's laid out" and then be read to from the manual.

    That is the current state of school management and Race to the Top does nothing to change it. All it does is make all schools compete for a few dollars and only bestows it's largesse on those that toe the Federal Dept. of Education company line alá Arne Duncan.

    NCLB put us on the road to hell and RTTT is driving the nails in the coffin after putting a stake in our hearts.

    Obama made some very poor choices in his appointments and Arne Duncan was the very worst.


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