Monday, September 12, 2011

A Pugnacious Potpourri of Palin Presentations.

First up we have more tidbits from Jeanne Devon and Ken Morris, co-authors of the book "Blind Allegiance."

Courtesy of Mudflats:  

In writing Blind Allegiance—and even more so after listening to those who reflected on her non-political life—we struggled to understand Sarah’s lack of New Testament virtues including charity, forgiveness, and compassion. The born-again bona fides she swore were at the core of her spiritual life seemed hollow and without substance. Despite Sarah’s pleas to staff and followers to shield her with prayer when she believed evildoers were seeking to do her harm, Frank Bailey suspected that she had a different approach to faith than the one he’d embraced growing up on Kodiak Island. 

For us as authors who read over 50,000 emails and spent two years researching Sarah’s campaign and governorship, we developed more than a suspicion. The only Biblical message that seemed to resonated for the half-governor was from the Old Testament, and Sarah seemed a revisionist at that – rewriting the familiar verse from Exodus as Two eyes for an eye. Our subsequent interviews with those who knew her well confirmed and extended these observations. Blind Allegiance, we were authoritatively told, was, if anything, understated, and the devout images projected publicly were nothing more than a sham. 

One friend of the Palins commented, “I cannot ever remember a religious moment in the house. Ever. I can’t remember hearing a prayer. Ever. Todd rarely would get up and go to church with Sarah. When they did decide to go to church, it was a screaming match. ‘We’ve got to go now!’ Sarah would scream. ‘Get your asses in the car!’ The girls would roll out of bed, no breakfast, hair all messed up. Seemed that there was a lot of swearing.” Mad and stressed out, “Sarah often yelled at her family . . . the kids kind of learned to ignore it because it happened so much.”

Pictures of Sarah and family attending a church service to appear in 3..2..1

For those of us who have been covering Palin lo these many years, this information is quite will known.

Essentially Sister Sarah talked the talk but rarely, if ever, walked the walk.  For her God was a kind of cosmic Santa Claus whose job was to give HER what she wanted. However she was not one to consider herself a servant to ANYONE.  Not even the creator of the universe.

Palin did resort to prayers in times of great difficultly, or intense stress, but once again it was to ASK for something that she needed but NEVER to give thanks for what she already had.

There is more over at Mudflats so click the link to read the rest.

Now let's visit the world of Garry Trudeau to see what he, as one of only three people to read an advance copy of "Going Rogue," has to reveal about Joe's book.

(To read more Doonesbury strips click here to visit Go Comics.)

By the way according to Joe he has NO editorial control over the Doonesbury strips, nor contractual agreement with Trudeau. So for what it is worth he cannot be held accountable for how he, Fox News, or Sarah Palin are portrayed in the comics.

This is what Andrew Sullivan had to say today about the book:

One tiny nugget. Joe McGinniss sent advance copies of his devastating book on Sarah Palin, "The Rogue," to three people: me, Garry Trudeau and Rosanne Cash. Make of that what you will; but that book is unputdownable.

Update: Sullivan also had this to say:

One of the fascinating aspects of the coming Rogue whirlwind will be how the MSM handles it. Can they handle the Palinista blowback? Are they so afraid of being called "liberal"? Will they even note the existence of Chapter 19? 

I am still waiting for my advance copy to arrive so I cannot say with authority that it is "unputdownable," but I have every confidence that it will be a very good book that, despite the unfortunate drama surrounding it, will please many people who have been waiting patiently (Or for some impatiently) for more truth about Snowdrift Snooki revealed to the public at large. As for Chapter 19, I am pretty sure I know exactly what is contained in THAT chapter!

For those who like their information delivered in a more visual medium, there is this great interview from CBC News with Nick Broomfield, that may whet your appetite further in anticipation of his documentary "Sarah Palin: You Betcha!"

I have long said that this fall would be very satisfying for those of us following the saga of Sarah Palin, and I think that so far I have been proven correct. And of course as we know there is still MORE yet to come.

Update: Speaking of pugnacious presentations about Sarah Palin, what do we make of this rather interesting article from the Storm Lake Tribune?

Brenda McVinua was among the Storm Lakers Palin chatted with after the race. McVinua was working as a volunteer in the "chute" near the finish line, and was impressed with the former vice-presidential candidate's form. 

"She wasn't even breathing hard. You could tell she's an athlete. If you didn't know better you would have thought she'd just run around the block once or twice." She reportedly said, "Boy, that was fun," as she crossed the line. 

Really? Ms. McVinau said "She wasn't even breathing hard. If you didn't know any better you would have thought she'd only run around the block once or twice?"

This is a woman who has not run competitively since 2005 and she "wasn't even breathing hard?"Puh-lease!

I know people get really pissed at me for pursuing this story but seriously, who in their right mind believes THIS fairytale?


  1. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Hey Gryphen,

    Andrew S. also wondered in The Dish whether anyone in the media would pay attention to "Chapter 19" of The Rogue. I'm assuming that A.S. is referring to that chapter because it is about Babygate, with out without new information or Joe McG's own conclusions.

    Can you confirm that that is the case, even though I know you don't have an advance copy? Is that what the mysterious "Chapter 19" is about?

  2. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Sarah Palin is a dumb, lazy coward in everything she does.
    This is why she quits everything she tries. She is truly an epic failure.

    She's the total opposite of the Obamas. No wonder she's so jealous and obsessed with them. Same with Bristol. Another good-for-nothing stupid lazy coward.

  3. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Hi Sarah,
    Welcome back! Where's the birth certificate?

    PS- Where's Trig?

  4. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Why does Sarah look so sickly and unhealthy lately? I'm starting to worry about her. Are all the illegal drugs finally catching up with her old grandma body?

  5. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I read Joe McGinniss "Fatal Vision" years ago, and after I finished the last page, I turned to page one, and began again.

    I have no doubt he is an excellent writer, and I hope "The Rogue" is his masterwork.

    I am ordering two copies, one for me and one for my local library.

  6. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Of course, the McGinniss - Doonesbury connection is not contractual. The agents for the two get together and make a deal. McGinniss gets his book publicity in the comic strip. Doonesbury's writer gets some very lucrative speaking engagements in desirable locations.

    No money changes hands, no contract, just a very sweet deal for both sides. And ol' Joe M. can smile and say "no contractual...".

    The book flogging business is as crooked and corrupt as, well, Congress.

  7. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Sarah never goes to church. Her family is dysfunctional and in shambles. Her health is rapidly deteriorating. She is consumed by IM and reads and posts here daily. At least 70% of teabaggers don't want her. 100% of normal Americans can't stand her. She's been upstaged by an Indoor version of her fake persona and then by one with a penis showing that republicans are totally sexist and don't want a woman if there's an acceptable male version (Perry)

    Life sucks to be a Palin right now and I'm loving every minute of it.

  8. Rationalist1:02 PM

    Ahhhh. It's fascinating to see the Trig comments going through at Mudflats. Jeanne still seems to be holding to the idea that Palin simply hid the pregnancy and consumed diet pills to appear not pregnant. But the fact that she's letting comments through indicates to me that she's beginning to have her doubts. Must've been something in the emails...

  9. laprofesora1:04 PM

    "...there is still MORE yet to come

    You gave me goosebumps, Gryph.

  10. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Even the run organizers admitted there were no judges along the way, so there is no way of verifying if she ran the whole thing or not.

    She could have just had Todd drop her off shortly before the end, such as perhaps as seen in the photo running past the walkers. With a time like that, she wouldn't have been running around them. All walkers start at the back. There is no reason she would be running past walkers there. Her speed was really fast, she would have been at the front of the pack the whole way.

  11. FEDUP!!!1:08 PM

    Gryphen: You quoted Mudflats as having read over 50,000 emails... Any chance *YOU* could get a hold of those??? Bribe them, if you need, and if you need, we can put up a collection for the bribe... ;)

  12. Anonymous1:09 PM

    "She reportedly said, "Boy, that was fun," as she crossed the line. "

    Sounds like something a liar would say after pretending to run a marathon. Still waiting for the video of Palin running the marathon. I won't hold my breath.

  13. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Who believes this FAIRYTALE? The Happy Happy Fairytale Trolls that live in PalinLand, all pee soaked and delusional.

  14. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Palin needs to finally be exposed for the phony she really is. She would be a disaster as POTUS.

  15. Anonymous1:12 PM

    "Really? Ms. McVinau said "She wasn't even breathing hard. If you didn't know any better you would have thought she'd only run around the block once or twice?"

    I guess that Ms McVinau doesn't watch too many sports programs on TV. I've seen basketball players who run around the court for less time than Sarah spent running half of a marathon. Those guys have sweat pouring from every pore, they are pumping, filled with adrenalin, and they are breathing heavily.

    Think of every sportscast when the reporter thrusts the microphone in the face of the guy who just ran 95 yards to score the winning touchdown. He is sweating and breathing fast.

    Sarah is a remarkable athlete to have no underarm sweat yet she is soaking wet on both shoulders (water, not sweat). She's not breathing hard? My husband works out on the treadmill every morning, running 4 miles uphill. He is more athletic than Sarah, and he is drenched in sweat and breathing hard after his workout.

    If Sarah wasn't breathing hard, she didn't run the full half marathon. Hell, she didn't even run half of the half marathon.

  16. Dis Gusted1:13 PM

    Ms. McVinau is merely telling you how SP ran the race. She ran around the block once or twice.

    The race is based on the honor system, and SP does not possess honor in any form.

  17. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Hey Gryphen, I couldn't bare to watch Fox interviews with her, but in any one of them, did Meghan or Greta ask Sarah about the marathon, as I know they like to prop her up? For her, I think it's odd if they didn't. Is Palin intentionally not wanting it on record the claim that she ran?

  18. Anonymous1:17 PM

    The Chicago Tribune opted not to run Doonsbury today. It was the third panel in your post. In its place was a note that said: "This week's Doonsbury does not meet our standards of fairness. Please enjoy this substitute strip."

    Even though they ran the first two in your post, something about the offerings from this week apparently have offended their sense of fairness. Sheesh.

    They weren't too worried about fairness for about 100 years when they almost NEVER endorsed a Democratic candidate.

  19. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I sure don't believe in the PR stunt called the half-marathon. Let's see, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck . . . .

    Sarah could not have run that far and not be out of breath. She is 47, out of training, and not eating well according to sources we've read.

    Good freaking grief, how deluded to you have to be to be willing to accept this stunt without question?

  20. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I believe is, as, knowing the area where the race was held, it would be impossible to NOT run the whole thing.

  21. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I doubt chp 19 reveals babygate, unless Joe has seriously been playing with everyone.

  22. It's hard to believe that none of these people, Bailey, Dunn, Broomfiled and now Mcginnis and Levi, Sadie, Shaley, anon238 have failed/are failing to offer up anything NEW. As in ICEBERG!

    I wasted my time and money on the Dunn book.. after that I bailed on Bailey's book. McGinnis' book given what came before him and his new attitude toward commenters on his self promoting blog and his recent self promoting posts to his blog has turned me right off. . BLAH BLAH BLAH is what i hear out of McGinnis... ~yawn~

    Broomfiled's movie sounds like a comedy of errors from that so called "review" that posted here this am...

    Seems like anyone with any REAL knowledge or proof of the lies of SP has been scared to death or castrated.

    Even anon238 won't spill the whole bucket of beans.

    The lot of it smells like chicken shit to me.

    Sadie, Shaley, Levi and many MANY more, lets see who is under the bus, RAM, Kristen Cole, Stapletoungue...PLENTY more have the golden opportunity to just tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    But GAWD no...all we get is more of the same old shit.

    I say give it up or shut up folks.

    You accuse SP of being a tease. Fine. But this crap is NO different. And Mudflats too.

    It's time to PUT UP.

  23. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Anon 12:53, because you know them so well.

  24. Anonymous1:25 PM



    I'm done.

  25. Anonymous1:27 PM


  26. Anonymous1:27 PM

    "Why does Sarah look so sickly and unhealthy lately? I'm starting to worry about her. Are all the illegal drugs finally catching up with her old grandma body?"

    Sarah never goes to church. AND? Her family is dysfunctional and in shambles. YOUVE MET THEM?BECAUSE THATS NOT ACCURATE Her health is rapidly deteriorating. AGAIN, UNREFUTABLE PROOF?She is consumed by IM and reads and posts here daily. POSTS HERE? REALLY? PROOF? At least 70% of teabaggers don't want her. 100% of normal Americans can't stand her. STEREOTYPING? She's been upstaged by an Indoor version of her fake persona and then by one with a penis showing that republicans are totally sexist and don't want a woman if there's an acceptable male version (Perry)


  27. "If you didn't know any better you would have thought she'd only run around the block once or twice?"

    Actually, we don't know any better, and we do think she did the equivalent of running around the block twice--by starting with a 5K bib and finishing with a Half Marathon bib, after throwing a cup of water over her shouders to look sweaty.

    I, too, want to know about Chapter 19! And a Fred update, please.

  28. "you would have thought she'd only run around the block once or twice" LOL!

  29. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Ms. McVinau is absolutely right -- sarah ran around the block one or two times, and that's all !!!

    She then said to herself, "well, It's been about an hour and 45 minutes since they started the race, so this is as good a time as any to cut to the finish line and cross triumphantly !! They'll think I ran the whole thing !! You betcha !! Todd ! Sprinkle that bottle of water over my shoulders to make it look good. "

  30. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Okay, okay, you got me. I was one of those who thought it was silly to doubt she had run the half marathon, mainly because I know nothing about running, what a good time is, how hard it is to train for one, etc. And also because I didn't think her running made any difference to anyone. Didn't get much traction in the press, sure as hell wasn't going to change anyone's opinion of her.

    However, I think I've been turned around by all the info I've read here and elsewhere. After faking a pregnancy and lying about everything it's hard to believe anything she says or does.

    If in fact she has cheated on this race, and in response to what has been posted on this blog, what a pathetic woman she is! Hang on, even if she hasn't cheated on this race, what a pathetic woman she is!

    Can't wait for chapter 19 of The Rogue.

  31. Anonymous1:32 PM

    12:57--I don't care who has a contract, who's talking to who or who's kissing who's ass as long as it brings out all the facts out into the open.

  32. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Apropos some comments on earlier articles:

    There is more over at Mudflats so click the link to read the rest.

    (To read more Doonesbury strips click here to visit Go Comics.)

    Bulk copiers please note this leading by example.

    To the person who complained about the "difficulty" of getting back to a thread where a few people are still posting: please get somebody local to you to coach you on the use of bookmarks.

  33. Anonymous1:35 PM

    If there is anyone more delusional, more hateful, and more immature than the worst of the palinbots, it is the average "anti palinbot".

    Assumptions are dangerous and have discredited many a blog and journalist.

    It's sounds like you think the country is automatically going to turn around once Sarah drifts into a non-public life, like she is the cause for everything that has gone wrong in the last 3 years. You really think Sarah influences intelligent republicans who see through the democrats deceptive practices? Yeah, ok. Outsiders don't influence the machine. THe current machine in both parties is what is destructive. You have dems lying about the jobs bill being paid for, you have Americans not even considering intelligent, accomplished candidates in the GOP, candidates who Obama dreams of being. ALL you people do is vomit out sexist comments, immature comparisons and blatant denials.

    Step away from the koolaid.

  34. Anonymous1:37 PM

    The only time you will see the Palins in church is when there is something they can con from the church like votes or loyalty. It does not have anything to do with God.

    To quote Bristol,

    "The family is too busy for church!"

  35. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Sarah such a fraud she can't even do Phony good, she always gets caught.. You'd think she'd learn..hahaha.. not Sarah, who needs to be in charge and thinks she can do anything.

  36. Anonymous1:41 PM

    What's worse than a FRAUD? A lying, GRIFTING Fraud.

  37. Gryph --

    I'm sorry if this has already been covered, but there's some great detective work on display at Oz Mudflats. The runner I've thought of as "Mr. Ponytail" does *not* have a ponytail.

    If you look hard you'll see that the "ponytail" is actually a woman's curly, wavy hair! But where is the rest of her? Hmmmm.

  38. Anonymous1:43 PM

    "She reportedly said, "Boy, that was fun," as she crossed the line. "

    Isn't that what she said just after "giving birth" to TriG, too?

  39. I especially like the one that dispels the myth that Sarah Palin doesn't read ... I mean she reads "People" magazine. lol. Then when Katie Couric asked her what news sources she read, why did she not say "I read People magazine ... all of them ... anything of them ..."

  40. "candidates who Obama dreams of being"

    Poor, pitiful President Obama. See him wistfully gazing out of the window of Air Force One, dreaming of being Rick Perry.

    Also, too -- Please provide proof re "dems lying" about the jobs bill. Proof that *doesn't* come from Red State, Drudge, Rush, Glenn, Hot Air, Instapundit or any of the other right wing spin machines. You can't because it doesn't exist.

    Republicans -- willing to keep millions out of work to put one man out of a job.

  41. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Says Anon at 12:57: "Of course, the McGinniss - Doonesbury connection is not contractual. The agents for the two get together and make a deal. McGinniss gets his book publicity in the comic strip. Doonesbury's writer gets some very lucrative speaking engagements in desirable locations."

    "No money changes hands, no contract, just a very sweet deal for both sides. And ol' Joe M. can smile and say "no contractual..."."

    "The book flogging business is as crooked and corrupt as, well, Congress."

    That would be most likely be their respective editors or publicity people, not their literary agents. Except Trudeau doesn't have an editor, just a contact at his features syndicate to whom he submits his material, a secretary type, really.

    If deals were being made from Joe's end they'd either be happening through his book editor and/or their publicity department, or he'd be quietly making them himself. After all his years in the industry he has probably made some well-connected friends here and there and could be making these little arrangements himself. After all, even with books that have large advances and decent publicity budgets (Joe's is likely to be on the lower to middle range for its publicity budget), the author still has to do a huge amount of work generating his or her own publicity. If this book doesn't generate buzz and sales he won't be able to get a decent advance on his next proposed book, so it all ties in together.

    Trudeau might have an "agent" at a speaker's bureau, or an entertainment attorney who makes deals for him, but really -- when has Gary Trudeau been known to be on the speakers bureau circuit? I don't think these "lucrative speaking deals in certain desirable locations" are happening for Trudeau.

    Syndicated columnists sometimes end up with book agents if they publish collections of their prior columns in book format, so Trudeau might have at some point acquired a literary agent to help him with those deals over the years. But mostly, Trudeau is a syndicate guy. Different animal. Not a traditional author. As a syndicated columnist he can literally call up publishers himself and get a deal for one of those anthology/collection type books. A decent entertainment lawyer can handle the various rights involved.

    As a popular syndicated cartoonist, Trudeau doesn't really have to deal with the traditional "system," publishing-wise, which means he can afford to be a bit of a --- well, rogue. That makes him fun and interesting, especially when he decides to challenge the multimedia industrial complex with stunts like he's pulling now.

    I do think that Trudeau liked The Rogue and is definitely trying to push the boundaries of what his features syndicate and what the editors at individual papers will allow him to publish with all the mentions about the book in his strip. He likes to do that from time to time and stir the kettle. Good for him.

    But basically, no agents needed to have been involved. And it's more likely that Joe's book EDITOR or his publisher's publicity department would be in a position to have Trudeau's contact information.

  42. Anonymous1:50 PM

    "I know people get really pissed at me for pursuing this story but seriously, who in their right mind believes THIS fairytale?"

    I get pissed because I did believe her fairy tale. I get pissed because she abuses the trust of the public. I get pissed because not enough people DO pursue her stories. The ball gets dropped and she gets away with her BS. I hope the whole lot of them get NAILED for all to see: marathons, babies, religious commitment, prostitute involvement, all of it. They're frauds, cronic liars who continue to scam and take advantage of anyone they want to.

  43. Big applause for LIZ!

  44. 1:35 Anon...

    talk about KOOLAID...

    what the hell have you been drinking?


    You are good for a laugh.

  45. WOAH @ Troll really lost it there! Maybe you need a drink or two or ten...YIKES! I hope you didn't have a stroke after you posted that...umm...RANT! If that is you Bristol...Girl, go play with your babies and watch some cartoons...but not Spongebob...look it up.

  46. Anonymous1:59 PM

    "It's fascinating to see the Trig comments going through at Mudflats. ....... But the fact that she's letting comments through indicates to me that she's beginning to have her doubts. Must've been something in the emails..."

    How about: something about the marathon that changed her mind? If you can fake running a half marathon, what else would you fake? And if happens to OZ, who else might change their minds? Let's hope Sarah pushed the envelop too far this time and it all blows up in her face. This marathon could be the thread that unravels all her fabrications. And the kicker is, she did herself. She just can't stop herself and continues to be her own worst enemy.

  47. when i get the mcginniss book i will look at chapter 19

    i am number 3 in the holds queue at the library

  48. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Just curios, has Sarah built any new wings to the church building or maybe built a premature - prenatal ward to the hospital that supposedly delivered DS Trig to show her appreciation to the community and church for supporting her and her family?

    Or is Sarah spending her money on neck and face-ass lifts?

  49. Anonymous2:03 PM

    This is the most ridiculous paragraph I have ever read:
    While the Democrats are still, he thinks, pursing an 18th-century idea of politics as a forum for rational debate, Palin and her Tea Party chums "have a romantic view of something that probably never existed – the American dream – and that proud Americans don't need healthcare or welfare benefits, that those are for the weak." And it's this individualism that Broomfield thinks connects with voters. "The more you look at it the more worrying it is. And worrying is a pathetic word for it because it's really troubling. You get a feeling of a lot of people are looking for a way and finding they can't find it. Their solutions are more and more extreme and I think she embodies all that."

    Um, The American Dream ABSOLUTELY exists. Where else can immigrants, illegal or otherwise, thrive and live happily? Where else can people achieve vast wealth via hardwork and determination? Where else can woman achieve what was once known as male occupations while raising their families or having a dedicated husband staying at home and hardly being judged for it?

    It's interesting to note just how many republicans are successful professionals, before their stints in public service.

    Screw everyone who doubts America.
    Screw everyone who thinks

  50. Anonymous2:06 PM


    1:27 PM

    Awesome! Hopefully we'll feed the fire in her so much and she will run and can be DESTROYED by the very people who made her famous. Hi sarah! Hi brisket!

  51. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Like whittling away at a stick, sooner or later there will be nothing left of Sarah, and that will be good.

  52. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Sounds to me like that woman was speaking truthfully, on the record without attracting undue heat for innocent-sounding comments.

  53. Anonymous2:16 PM

    It is very telling that Sarah chose such a poorly organized and sponsored run - specifically, one without the electronic timers. She's an idiot, but she's not stupid. More like a nose for grifting and deceit opportunities.

  54. Anonymous2:17 PM

    "Her health is rapidly deteriorating. AGAIN, UNREFUTABLE PROOF?"

    In all honesty, I don' t care about her health. But if you want to continue believing what the rest of us see as not true, go ahead.


    How could we feed the fires when she doesn't read here? Proof given. You make it too easy.

  55. Anonymous2:18 PM

    You want us to step away from the koolaid because you're hogging it all, 1:35 PM? Relax and put your gun back in the holster. We don't even want any.

  56. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I've run 10K's for years. I follow a rigorous training schedule and am about four pounds over my "ideal" weight. When I finish a 10K in any sort of time equivalent as she claims for her half marathon I can assure you I wouldn't walk up and say something that stupid - for me? She ran a block or two and no one has the guts to step forward and out this load of bullshit

  57. Anonymous2:26 PM

    "Step away from the koolaid.

    1:35 PM"

    Is that RAM? Is she still in love with Sarah?

  58. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I canceled my four amazon pre-ordered copies of The Rogue.

    Joe's treatment of Gryphen and the patrons of his Rogue blog was unacceptable.

    I think many of us (myself included) gave Joe a pass on leaking the BA manuscript. Because Devon has been so dismissive and belittling of babygaters, I just didn't feel too upset about it.

    Now I realize Joe is a jerk. He was a jerk to fellow writers AND to the people who came to his blog.

  59. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Here is a link to the course map for the halfathon--

    TWO double backs...pretty flippin easy to cheat, if you are that sort of person.
    also if you look at the phots of the finishers - someone posted links last week - Palin was walking across the line, no sweat (but water on top of her shoulders??), finished ahead of some drenched in sweat, apparently in good shape males who were running as they crossed. wow.

  60. Anonymous2:37 PM

    My local community hosts an annual 5K run every fall and one year my husband and I served as the official photographers. I was stationed at the finish line, where I photographed every single one of the 900 people who participated, and I can tell you one thing... Even the "serious runners" were breathing hard and sweating, including the 23-year-old winner, who competes in numerous marathons.

    Yet we're supposed to believe that a 46-year-old woman who spends most of her time shuttling between private planes and fancy hotel suites, who has cancelled countless events because she's just too busy, who supposedly survives on coffee and diet pills....THIS lady has the training regimen and physical fitness required to run 13 miles at an 8-minute pace?? And with no sweating or heavy breathing?!!


    Sarah, if you indeed read these posts, here's some advice. I have a bone-thin control freak / perfectionist of a sister-in-law, and I've seen close up what demons like hers do to a person and their children. I also grew up with a mentally ill father whose moods were always changing, who could go from happy to raging in a matter of minutes, and he has all but destroyed my family.

    I see you very clearly in these relatives of mine and, believe me, it ain't pretty. So why not quit these silly games and lies, put your ambition in check, and seriously, get some help. Because you definitely need it.

  61. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Gryphen, nice alliteration.

  62. London Bridges2:50 PM

    The only yime that Sarah breathes heavily is after the Koch Brothers leave their wads of money on her dresser!

  63. Thanks Floyd M. Orr...


  64. PalinsHoax2:52 PM

    Anonymous @ 1:27pm said ...

    Wonderful. Hopefully very soon then, they'll go up in flames by the deeds of their own nefarious actions.

  65. Anonymous2:54 PM

    For those ordering copies to give to libraries. Most libraries don't put donated books to the library shelf for circulation. They sell them at their fund-raising book sales. If you want a book in your library, request the library add it to its collection.

  66. laprofesora3:02 PM

    Anon @1:27:

    "Unrefutable" proof???

    Now that's a classic! Scarah, how nice of you to drop in and join us! You went a little too far this time Buttercup. Only you and Shakespeare make up words like that!


  67. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Anything Joe McGinniss writes, is unputdownable. I've been a fan for decades.

  68. I don't know anything about the Chicago Tribune (other than it's not Roger Ebert's newspaper), but for them to withhold printing a cartoon because of "factchecking" is the most anti-American anti-1st amendment media statement I've heard in while (excluding Fox News, whose business is GOP propaganda, not news media).

    Cartoons skewering the political establishment and processes is an integral part of what makes America free. No wonder Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are the most reliable news sources to young Americans.

    Good grief, which news organization will next censor satire or parody?

  69. FEDUP!!!3:08 PM


  70. Anonymous3:08 PM

    1:27 Aww look what rolled out of bed and sniffed out my troll bait. See how I made you dance by pushing your buttons? Dance monkey, dance. Too easy.

    PS- Don't you have a "godson" to take care of?

  71. Anonymous3:09 PM

    But basically, no agents needed to have been involved. And it's more likely that Joe's book EDITOR or his publisher's publicity department would be in a position to have Trudeau's contact information.

    1:49 PM

    Do both McGinniss and Trudeau know and use people to make under the table deals for their mutually benefit while still saying " contractual..."?

    YOU BETCHA!!!!!!

    The details of exactly who does the behind the scenes dirty is really not relevant nor particularly interesting. But you can burble on about it as much as you want. YAWN.

  72. Anonymous3:09 PM

    So Gryphen, I'm guessing you've seen this:

    "Levi Johnston writes in his upcoming book his ex-girlfriend Bristol Palin was so angry about her mother's pregnancy with son Trig she wanted to get pregnant, too."


  73. Anonymous3:10 PM

    "like she is the cause for everything that has gone wrong in the last 3 years."

    Yeah, right.

    Everything was just great until Obama was elected.

    F*ck you!

  74. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Ozmud has been really working on the Sarah race, Sarah did not run that race and she and her people lied. She might have jumped right in and then jumped right out but that is all.

  75. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I bet Nordstroms misses her.

  76. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Keep blathering, bot trolls, paid or unpaid! Your ridiculousness provides much mirth and merriment!

  77. Anonymous3:26 PM

    3:09 If Levi wrote that in his book, then he's been paid off and he and Mercede and have been jerking us off all along. I really hope for Levi's book sales this isn't true because the Palinbots sure aren't going to buy it.

  78. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Regarding Trig comments going through at Mudflats-
    I think Jeanne is doing a "step down" approach to Trig Trutherism. She realizes she shouldn't have been strict to the point of banning people who mentioned it politely and with genuine curiosity. So now she's allowing comments..but is sticking to this ridiculous "diet pills made Sarah look not pregnant" line.

    Soon she will have to admit her diet pill fairytale does not jive AT all with the Gusty photos, where Sarah looks like she will drop triplets right there on the carpet.

    I think switching positions completely would embarrass her. So she is "tip toeing" to the truth, that Sarah Palin FAKED HER PREGNANCY WITH TRIG AND DID NOT GIVE BIRTH AT ANY TIME IN 2008.

    The yelling was for Sarah's benefit=)

  79. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Gryphen, I'm a runner, the same age as Sarah and a bit faster. 1:46 is a half marathon PR fir Sarah and you font walk over the finish line looking like you just ran a block and proclaiming "that was fun" when you have just pushed yourself to a PR. Furthermore, no dedicated runner would wear what Sarah wire to run in, particularly in a half marathonon race: capris in summer and a cotton t shirt? More like shorts and a sleeveless or short sleeved tech shirt. And I have never seen a runner sweat like that pattern on her shirt. Or race in full eye makeup. It's ridiculous.

    And its a shame she has lost the shine she had just a few years ago. She is looking suddenly older than her years.

  80. Smirnonn3:35 PM

    More about brisket and her dysfunctional relationship with $error:

  81. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Seems you have hit a nerve in that post somewhere - bots are out in force.

  82. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Another runner here who has done numerous 5k/10k races. Ditto the thought on what she is wearing, no serious runner would wear the cotton t-shirt for that long of a run. All of the races I have ever run have volunteer staff along the route both at hydration stations and to direct runners along the correct race route. There are usually photographers stationed at the start/finish as well as at least one point during the race. If she was really running that good of pace, she wouldn't have been in a pack going through a hydration station, you would think someone would have noticed her somewhere along the route..

  83. Anonymous said...
    Of course, the McGinniss - Doonesbury connection is not contractual. The agents for the two get together and make a deal. McGinniss gets his book publicity in the comic strip. Doonesbury's writer gets some very lucrative speaking engagements in desirable locations.

    No money changes hands, no contract, just a very sweet deal for both sides. And ol' Joe M. can smile and say "no contractual...".
    The book flogging business is as crooked and corrupt as, well, Congress.
    12:57 PM
    So? Three people that we know of were given advance copies. No secret has been made of that, or that the distribution prior to publication would be extremely limited.

    Sullivan and Trudeau, have been, each in their own way, discussing the book within the limits imposed by the publisher. Haven't heard anything from Rosanne Cash, but I don't know that she is a writer.

    What is corrupt about this? Marketing is marketing. Of course, the publisher and author are going to do whatever seems likely to increase sales of the book.

    McGinniss is an author by profession. He writes for a living. It is his publisher's job, and his as well, to "hype" the book. He never pretended that he was writing for the hell of it.

  84. Anonymous4:00 PM

    1:49, what did we do to deserve your savvy and patience? Thanks for all the info. I think if Trudeau hadn't actually quoted from The Rogue, the Tribune wouldn't have bumped the current script. It all sounds legal to me, not political. Yes? We've heard from Sullivan and Trudeau. I wonder what Rosanne Cash has to say.

  85. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Levi coming in

  86. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Very interesting, the woman who saw her at the race.
    Just yesterday or the day before anon "its me" said the Grifter was desperately asking around for someone to say they ran with her! And l@@K two days later, her is the "P@@F"!

  87. WalterNeff4:09 PM

    I ran a 1:27 when I was maybe 30 years old - it was punishing. 13.1 miles at 8 per mile? You can TELL when somebody has done that—they are DONE. No one says, "that was fun" when running at a pace that wins your division. It's not a jog—it's a race. Had she run a half hour slower, maybe I'd believe it. She did not run a 1:47. No way.

  88. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I doubt she ran that whole marathon (or 1/2 marathon, which is more suited to her taste in doing things 1/2), but I also can believe that with enough medication she could have. Why, then, is she the only one photographed WALKING over the finish line? And why did this woman feel compelled to report that she looked so fresh? Did other finishers look that way? The makeup may be tatooed, or Sharpied or glued on or something.

    I'm beginning to think that if she's busted for this one it will make the other busts easier to believe. Athletes don't like it much at all when other "athletes" cheat.

  89. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I'm not sure why there is some animosity in the comments toward Joe McG and Trudeau. Trudeau writes a political satire strip and Joe writes books. Are these posters upset that both of these men draw and write for (gasp!) profit? So what? There seems to be a faction of anti-Palin people who think anyone writing (or drawing) anything to expose Palin should be doing it for the good of mankind and not make a profit.

  90. ManxMamma4:16 PM

    Anon 1:41 "Republicans -- willing to keep millions out of work to put one man out of a job"
    That is one of the greatest statements I've ever read. It should go viral!

  91. ManxMamma4:25 PM

    Dear 2:03 PM...In just about any country, except here. We're slowly getting there but it will take time.

  92. PalinsHoax4:50 PM

    A @ 1:49pm said...

    "Republicans -- willing to keep millions out of work to put one man out of a job."


    What a glaring spotlight on the conniving GOP !!!

    That line says it all. Hope you spread that message far and wide - would love to see it as a bumper sticker, as it shows the Republicans for who/what they truly are.

  93. Beldar Moishe Cohenhead4:53 PM

    OLD Testament??

    Oy gevalt!!! You mean... on top of EVERTHING else... the screechy wretch(tm)... is JEWISH?????

  94. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Nefer, you're right, of course. But there is still a part of many of us Americans who want to believe our success isn't based as much on who we know (or how we appear, looks or otherwise) as what we know or do. Athletes have often been the exception: they run farther faster, hit more balls, whatever, and their success is based on what they actually do -- unless some other athlete (or poser) cheats. That's why I think the marathon thing is a big deal. If she cheated, whether short-cutting the course or with drugs, Sarah Barracuda spat in the eye of Michael Jordan, in my opinion.

  95. Anonymous5:19 PM

    The Bailey book authors and the questionable pregnancy. Now some questioning comments are allowed?

    They've got 50,000 emails that really are public property whether or not the Palin/Parnell 2.01 administration and the Alaskan kangaroo courts think so or not. Maybe the answer is in there, maybe not. Funny how much new additional information now comes out after they publish. Funny how much new information now comes out when others are ready to publish.

    So now it was the diet pills that fooled everyone? Not buying what theyre selling. So diet pills and poor dietary habits make you skinny; skinny and seven (SEVEN!!) months pregnant means everyone is surprised when the pregnancy is announced? Nope.

    So now there's speculation about: the diet pills, the wild ride, the twobull, the scarves, the wardrobe, the high heels in winter when pregnant, the strangly padded undergarments,the wild ride, the strangely flexible and active 'pregnant' governor, the wild ride, the ears, the birth certificate, and the birth dates.

    Occam told me a long time ago that she wasn't pregnant in 2007 or 2008, that the wild ride was a lie; and that the reason Chuck spilled the beans about the water breaking in Texas was that he just repeated the story that Sarah told her parents. She forgot to remind them that some things she says are lies, and never to repeat anything. (and maybe 'Don't talk to the lamestream media also too. My application is already in with Roger at Fox'). She probably doesn't identify all the lies and distortions when she uses them on the family and the inner circle. She probably has trouble keeping herself from fooling herself.

    Anyone who can say about the Branchflower Report

    "If you read the report, you will see that there was nothing unlawful or unethical about replacing a cabinet member," Palin said as boarded her campaign bus in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "You got to read the report." might cut some other corners.

    Failure to plan is a plan to fail.

    Oh what a tangled web we weave when at first we practice to deceive.

    Which applies to her appearance at the half marathon apparently also too.

  96. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Trudeau, Sullivan and Cash are all big name writers who've publicly castigate Sarah and at least two (Sullivan & Cash) have publicly questioned the birth story. It seems natural that if Joe wanted to get the word out to sympathetic listeners, he's approach these people.

  97. Anonymous6:23 PM

    The most interesting thing to me is, in the witchcraft picture, which was taken when she a gubernatorial candidate, how much FATTER she was...she was FATTER then than she was when she pregnant. Her face, in that picture, was so full!!! Now, if you told me that she was pregnant THEN, I might have believed you...Not that she was fat -- she wasn't -- but, clearly, she has used the fact that she is thin, thinner than she was in early '08 as a means to deflect Trig truthers, but, clearly, no one has bothered to compare pictures of '07 pictures of Sarah to pictures of when she was supposedly pregnant. She's relying on a lazy media that might have seen the slightly fuller face she had in early '08 compared to August 2008 as confirmation of a pregnancy when she was actually THINNER in early 2008 than she was in 2006...yet was allegedly pregnant.

  98. emrysa6:25 PM

    damn, too many topics in this post gryphen.

    let me guess... chapter 19 is about the fake pregnancy - although the chapter won't go so far as to call if fake.

    as far as mudflats... while that was an interesting read, I don't think any of us believe for a minute that the quitter is a true christian. she's a fucking nutcase who uses religion to appeal to those who are looking for a leader.

    doonesbury? meh, I chalk it all up to a coordinated effort by joe and trudeau (I don't doubt for a minute they are friends) to drum up some interest in joe's book.

    the article from the storm lake tribune is quite funny really. comes out 4 days after the race, and addresses all of the points that the disbelievers have brought up. yet another example of how the palins create and manage their myth. do you think if you contacted the author and asked them what prompted the story FOUR DAYS AFTER THE EVENT that their explanation would be honest?

    everyone knows she didn't run that race. what's interesting is the lengths that they went to to prove that the quitter is healthy and is a runner. in reality, she is a mentally fucked up narcissist with a victim complex.

  99. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I don't exactly understand all the consternation about the relationship with McG and Trudeau. Read McG's blog and he tells that his publicist contacted Mr. Trudeau about continuing the "Rogue" thread that he had started last summer when Joe moved next door to $P. Garry apparently thought it was a good idea and a "collaboration" was borne, at least in the sense that Joe provided him with a book and GT took it from there.

    The part that dismays me about McG is that he is coyly commenting about whether Garry will quote too much of the book to hurt his sales. This seems to be a direct slam at Bailey and the damage Joe did to his book prior to publication. That's just sick. It's partly why I think Bailey, Morris, et al should sue him.

    With regard to the possibility of cheating on the Storm Lake run, definitely look at the route someone posted above. Others have speculated (and it's clearly possible on the map), that $P ran with the 5K group through the second turn (at the Toilet) and then waited there to finish with the half marathoners who follow the same route to the finish line. If she picked up the race again at that point, she literally did only run a few blocks when she crossed the finish line.

  100. Anonymous6:27 PM

    OMG -- Trudeau totally NAILED the media's reporting of Sarah. That's EXACTLY how they react to her....Oh, the leading contender and former GOP VP candidate QUIT her job halfway through...Well, that's just because she's a GENIUS and if you don't get WHY she's a genius, it's just because you're totally NOT a genius!!!!

  101. Gary Trudeau is a brilliant political satirist. This is a great story line for him and he has mentioned Sarah Palin quite a few times in the past. This is what he does. He may very likely be friends with Joe and so he got to read the book. There really isn't anything wrong with that.

  102. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I can't imagine ever making happy chit chat
    as I come across the
    finish line at a race.
    I actually don't talk much at all for awhile.
    Unlike Palin , I wear shirts that wick sweat away ,
    not advertise it.
    And that's what she was trying to do.
    Palin desperately wanted to be seen at the end of the race " all sweaty "
    to create the illusion that she ran.
    Chatting with the gal at the chute was
    to create an alibi if you will.
    She wanted to be remembered at the finish line.
    Until photos surface of Palin actually running the course,
    everything she did seems bogus.
    The weird photo of her on the grass ,
    the unusual sweat pattern ,
    the wrong clothes,
    continuing to wear her badge of honor sweaty shirt long after the race was completed ,
    full make up and dry hair post race
    and calmly sauntering over the finish line after making happy talk are red flags.

  103. Anonymous6:52 PM

    I love the fact that Sarah comes here all the time to read up on things. Hi Sarah. Did you go running today?

  104. Anonymous7:19 PM

    IMO the headband to cover the ears is because the photo is of SP taken in the winter years ago, when she WAS healthy appearing. She was NEVER healthy with HER diet of Red Bull and Tacos.

    The photos at the finish line show a haggard woman with makeup troweled on. The sweat patterns are unnatural. Her figure looks dangerously emaciated, especially the thighs. How could they have been so full with tight pants when wearing the red sweater at the start of the 5K walk, and then slack and flabby with loose pants by the finish line.

  105. Anonymous said...
    Nefer, you're right, of course. But there is still a part of many of us Americans who want to believe our success isn't based as much on who we know (or how we appear, looks or otherwise) as what we know or do. Athletes have often been the exception: they run farther faster, hit more balls, whatever, and their success is based on what they actually do -- unless some other athlete (or poser) cheats. That's why I think the marathon thing is a big deal. If she cheated, whether short-cutting the course or with drugs, Sarah Barracuda spat in the eye of Michael Jordan, in my opinion.
    5:02 PM
    I don't understand. I don't think I have commented on the marathon, mostly because I didn't feel qualified as I am not an athlete or a photoshop expert. But from everything I have read by more knowledgeable people than I, I believe she most likely did fake the run, and that was a reprehensible thing to do for all the reasons you mentioned.

  106. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Hi $error,

    Are you all packed and prepared for irrelevance?

  107. To 1:32a~ **Kiss on the Cheek**


    You have dems lying about the jobs bill being paid for

    (Actually, THAT is a lie),

    you have Americans not even considering intelligent, accomplished candidates in the GOP

    (What does GOP stand for where you live, because you couldn't Possibly be speaking of the current "Good Ol' Party")

    candidates who Obama dreams of being.

    (How do you know what Obama dreams you creepy fool?)

    ALL you people do is vomit out

    (unlike what you are doing...)

    sexist comments,

    (Sexist would be to treat a woman without respect simply because she was a woman.

    Sarah Palin does not deserve respect because she is an ignorant, spiteful, inciteful, crude, LAZY, vengeful and cruel person.

    She is lucky to receive such tame commentary from anonymous commenters on blogs.

    It will probably be Much. Worse. When her "koolaid" drinkers find out the "truth").

    immature comparisons

    (like Granny Quitter compares herself to PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA?)

    and blatant denials.

    (um, what?)

    Step away from the koolaid.

    (Interesting Note! Because of Scarah Payliar I was drawn to the Jamestown horror story. Anyhoo, it wasn't "Koolaid" at Jamestown, like everyone likes to quote.

    It was FlaVor-Aid®.


    Go read a book, Brisdull!

    Actually, start READING to ALL your Children!

    You WILL learn something.

  108. Anonymous8:33 PM

    I was banned from mudflats, well not banned, but one out of twelve comments was allowed though, some not even dealing with babygate.
    Yet, I still support her and bought Bailey's book. It's their blog and their right to censor, but censorship sucks big time.

    I feel the same about Joe, this whole "guilt by association" thing regarding Roger isn't fair. I've read Joe's books, and found his portrayl of Alaska and his writing style unbelieveably breathtaking.
    Fatal Vision was, by far, the best book I ever read, even after the fiasco that followed it, call Joe anything you want, but he's a master at his craft.
    I'm buying his book both the analog and kindle versions to keep for myself.
    He didn't close the comments permanently, at least that wasn't his intention, but his blog is serving it's purpose, because EVERYONE is yakking about it. I'm going to enjoy reading his book, I just know it, and I'm going to savor it without jumping to that chapter. His son, apprently, got the writer's gene, though his style is quite different, his book is a great read as well.

    Don't feed the trolls, they're just "haterz", and besides, they'll go directly to your thighs;o)

    And there's no way the quitter finished the race. OZ got the goods, and the interview says it all. She wasn't breathing hard.

    How much did they get paid to say that?

  109. Anonymous1:09 AM

    SHE'S BACK! Palin Gushes Over Bachmann, Slams Perry For 'Crony Capitalism'

  110. That Sarah is such a cheater. She did not run the half-marathon at Storm Lake, and the photos pretty much prove it.
    The photos taken by the official photographer for the Storm Lake half-marathon are on view now. Here's how to see them.
    Go to this URL:
    Then scroll down to Photos for Sale; hit the link and then look at the upper left for "slrc's Albums". Hit that link and you will see three albums. The first one is for "Jump Right In and Run 2011". This is the one you want. There are more than 434 photos of the half marathon, images of people at the start, on the course, and at the end. You will find lots of photos of Caribou Barbie, but none of her at the start or on the course. All the pictures of her show her at the finish line or afterwards schmoozing with some local people. Look at photos 297-299, 387-402; 416-417; 429-434.
    I was not in Storm Lake that day, but I believe she crossed the starting line when others did, then left the course for an hour or so, started running somewhere along the trail and then jogged or walked across the finish line. She probably had no idea that she would end up placing 2nd in her age group. There are photos of her holding her 2nd place medal on its ribbon, and she is not wearing it proudly as you might imagine a REAL runner would do. No, she probably realized that she had done TOO WELL. I wonder how the women who came in after her feel, especially those who should have received the real 2nd and 3rd place medals.

  111. Beldar Gnu Conehead6:00 PM

    Oh, Gryphen, the pictures you use....

    If you squint your eyes a little bit, in this one she looks like an angry wildebeest whose hind quarters are covered in snarling hyenas.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.