Monday, September 05, 2011

Rick Perry to skip Freedom Forum in order to tell those damn forest fires to stop burning down Texas!

Courtesy of CNN:

Republican presidential candidate and Texas Gov. Rick Perry will not attend the Palmetto Freedom Forum of GOP candidates Monday night, sponsored by Sen. Jim DeMint, and will instead return to Texas to deal with the wildfires in the state, DeMint and the Perry campaign told CNN. 

The South Carolina senator's office said they learned of Perry's plans not to attend the Columbia, South Carolina event Monday morning. 

"The Governor is in close contact with emergency operations officials regarding fires in Texas, including calls with his emergency management chief this morning," Perry's campaign communications secretary Ray Sullivan told CNN. "Governor Perry is cancelling the remainder of his South Carolina schedule today (including DeMint Fourm) and his California schedule tomorrow in order to return to Texas ASAP."

I'm confused. Can't Rick Perry pray for God to solve the forest fire issue for him from South Carolina? Or does God only hear prayers that originate from Texas?

Or perhaps Perry is going to be more proactive this time and walk right up to them thar forest fires and saturate them with good ole Texas, 200 proof urine until they are drowned plum out of existence? (Of course he may be in direct competition with this guy if he is.)

I don't know about the rest of you but I am getting a flashback to the John McCain campaign and a certain somebody who suspended his campaign, and postpone having to debate Barack Obama, in order to fix the economy."

You know I would hate to suggest that Rick Perry is a coward or anything. I mean don't get me wrong, I WILL suggest it, I just hate to.

By the way, and don't quote me on this, I hear a rumor that Smokey the Bear will be filling in for Perry at the conference. Some sort of job swap thing.

His message will be "Only YOU can prevent moronic Texans from ending up in the White House."


  1. cuppajoe11:24 AM

    She'll be interested to know that Lil Ricky is heading back to the state now.

  2. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Rick Perry prays for rain, and he gets forest fires and more drought, turning Texas into a blazing hell.

    I'm with Michele Bachmann... maybe God really IS trying to tell us something with all these disasters!

  3. cuppajoe11:32 AM

    The horror of these fires can be felt just by looking at the image of that fiery, blackened sky!

  4. Anonymous11:33 AM

    So he shouldn't go back to his state?

    Don't get into political consulting genius, stick to what you know.

    Whatever that is.

  5. Anonymous11:38 AM

    I had the pleasure of taking Robert P. George's class on the Constitution at Princeton and, despite the fact that I am a totally committed liberal, loved him and the whole experience. He is the real deal and so very sincere in his beliefs (unlike the Gov) and beyond brilliant. Of course dumbass Rick Perry would want to avoid Prof. George at all costs. I do hope to read a transcript, though, of Prod. George's questioning of Bachmann about her reasons for opposing gay marriage. There is no way any of them- save perhaps Jon Huntsman- can come away unscathed by Prof. George's intellect.

  6. Anonymous11:45 AM

    This might be more about Wednesday's debate. He might not want to be questioned & try to defend his extremisms.

    He can use the fires as his excuse for not attending. He has yet to face his competitors.

    He's a coward. Uses religion when it's money & power that drives him.


  7. Anonymous11:53 AM

    To be fair to Gov Perry, this is one of those damned if you do and damned if you don't scenarios. Regardless of his choice he was going to get flak from someone. That said, he made the wrong choice. He could have easily assured his constituents that his crack administrative team and state agencies were doing all possible and that he was in constant and direct communication. This move did, indeed, remind me of the 2008 McCain campaign suspension. Methinks the fire is a good excuse to avoid a hammering.


  8. Anonymous12:09 PM

    He needs to get his prayer warrior together.

  9. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Yeah, Rick. If you want to keep slagging Obama for being on "vacation"
    ,you have to do your own job once in awhile.

  10. Rick Perry is a douche bag,and he has yet to visit people affected by these fires.What is happening in Texas breaks my heart,because I have lived there.The people are gracious,caring and loving-and don't deserve the fires and the mess Perry and his cronies have created.My son and friends live there-and I HATE reading the nasty comments on other sites that are beyond cruel directed at Texas residents.Jackass Perry is too ignorant to see that climate change exists,and doesn't give a rats ass that the policies he instituted and endorses are ruining Texas.Feel free to loath Perry as do I-but,PLEASE people-have compassion for the people,animals and what is left of the vegetation of Texas.I talk to the people I am close to there-and it is beyond bad.Find it in your hearts to be part of the solution,not add to the problems.

  11. I was about to say that it looks as if Professor Robert George is going to hold their feet to the fire, but then I thought about it, and am not sure where to go after that comment. (I, of course, was thinking of the Palmetto Freedom Forum.)

    I have the utmost sympathy for what the people in Texas are suffering through right now, and I wasn't thinking of those conditions when the above remark popped into my head.

  12. "So he shouldn't go back to his state?"

    Considering his policies are the reason why fires are growing out of control (cutting tens of millions from fire fighting budgets), Perry would be better off distancing himself from the state.

  13. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Slight correction needed in your article Gryphen, the name is Smokey Bear, not Smokey The Bear.

  14. That's what the Pee-bots have been doing to try to tamp down babygate from the beginning. Trust me, Gryph... 200 proof urine won't douse the fire.

    Just sayin'.

  15. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I'ld like to encourage all readers who are ready to engage their voices to please write to your Senators protesting yet another pledge signed outside of their sworn oath to the duty of the American people.

    44 Republicans have now signed a pledge to block the confirmation of the newly nominated head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau UNLESS financial regulations are weakened. See

    This is pledge #3, adding to Grover Norquists pledge to refuse to raise taxes, and ALEC's pledge of allegience to corporate America.

    Am I the only one that think the party of obstruction should be returning their tax payer supported salaries and benefits back to the American people. These are not reasonable or responsible people....please send an e-mail, write a letter, fax or call. Then spread the word....Amerca is being
    sabotaged by the Republican party.

  16. nader paul kucinich gravel mckinney baldwin ventura sheehan12:43 PM

    1 of Christopher Walken's best films.
    'The Dead Zone' is a must see movie

    plastic fantastic
    Neocon Ricky P.

  17. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Thanks cuppajoe, I am glad to see you linking to Juanita Jean's, The World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.

    That is one of the best and most humorous political blogs ever - the blogger is channeling Molly Ivans and then some.

    -- ks sunflower

  18. I think God is punishing Rick for being such an evil person.

  19. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Rick Perry is insane. He and Palin make the perfect match.

  20. Anonymous1:11 PM

    CNN has some great video of the Labor Day rally in Detroit with the President. There were thousands of people, not a TEA Party bus in sight, and flags, people of all colors, ages, and smiles, lots of smiles. So much different than SP's hundreds of gloomy white elderly 'bots.

  21. Anonymous1:15 PM

    There have been wild fires all over Texas and he is just now going back because of the wildfires. This man is as much a joke as Sarah. He also is as much of a crook. Just ask Texans.

  22. Perry is a douche. Big time douche, but I gotta say I'm glad to see him come back. I doubt he's going to do anything, but if he can tour the area and see the damage being done, maybe he'll change his tune to get more federal aid to Bastrop. 25,000 acres have been burned so far. Last I heard it's still 0% contained.

    Steiner Ranch, which is kind of northwest of Austin, had 25 or so homes burned, and it's roughly 20% contained. The whole of the area was evacuated. 4,000 homes. They won't be able to get back home till tomorrow or so. So far Austin itself hasn't had any fires, or if they had, they've been put out asap and didn't cause too much damage. I seriously don't know how much longer we'll be able to hold out, though. I'm sure in the next few weeks Austin may see some fires within the city. And it scares the crap out of me.

    I've seen droughts before, but nothing like this. I was just outside in my back yard and the grass, trees leaves are so dry, I'm afraid to walk on them for fear of somehow being able accidentally spark something and start a fire.

  23. I wish it was Rick Perry that was being punished and not all the innocent victims of his disgusting takeaway policies in Texas. I have no doubt his karma will take care of giving him what he deserves from all of this. In the meantime, a lot of people and animals are suffering down there.

  24. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Rick Perry is a chickenshit!

  25. Anonymous1:50 PM

    However, with wild fires buring, Perry managed to fit in a 'town hall' this morning, before taking off to deal with the fires that have been BURNING FOR WEEKS. Sen. Demint, who sponsored the forum, even offered to allow perry to go first. Perry did not want to be compared to Romney.

  26. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Is Levi doing H8ters?

  27. Enjay in E MT2:10 PM

    I agree it is a damned if you do and damned if you don't decision.

    People have died, 300 homes burned in the last couple of days - Gawd hasn't delivered even with the national pray-fest of high ranking Gawd speaking religious folk.... it is finally time to ask for federal & other state government help.

  28. Anonymous2:13 PM

    See when Palin, Perry , Bachmann and the GOP start playing God,he says NO YOU CAN'T!

    When they rile against the poor,the defenseless and fill their own pockets He says...I'll show ya!

    Interesting,everything they bash the President on, they themselves have to clean up.

    Fires were burning,drought was happening and Perry was busy meeting with bundlers

  29. Anonymous2:33 PM

    My heart goes out to every Texan whose life is affected by these wildfires. Just remember that your fellow citizens of the USA hope for your best welfare.

  30. Anonymous2:38 PM

    The fires in Tx are very,very dangerous right now. Bastrop county alone has lost 476 homes. People can hate on Perry all they want (I don't like him either) but the fires are real, frightening and heartbreaking and people's lives are in danger.

    I find myself hoping everyday that nothing sparks a fire in my neighborhood covered with dried up trees and grass. The ground is so dry, it has shifted around powerlines and they are leaning.

    Perry just said on tv that FEMA will be here WED. Guess God is telling him we need Govt. Aside from that, he is the only Gov we have and I hope people will listen to him. He was just on tv warning of the dangers and what people are to do.

    People may not take Perry seriously, but they need to take the fires seriously.

  31. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Palmetto Freedom Forum? These republicans are such asses!

  32. Anonymous2:41 PM

    How is it that the likes of Perry (and Bachmann for that matter) keep getting re-elected? Is is it due to apathy and low voter
    turnout and the Preacher tells the congregation who to vote for? There are plenty of smart people in TX (and MN). When I hear Perry it's like a W nightmare redux, only worse.

  33. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I suppose all those jobs Perry "enticed" from California came with the added benefit of California's drought and wildfires. The only thing that will help is a change in the weather. Praying evidently doesn't work. For the people of TX, get your important things together and get out of the way. If your government has cut firefighting resources, the blow back of that less government thing is coming home to roost.


  34. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Wasn't the state on fire when he left?

  35. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I'm in between the two fires in Bastrop. It's incredible! Perry just made his comments...Ft.Hood help will be here in 72 hrs! By then, everything will be lost! Over 25,000 ac. and 400+ homes have been burned since 2pm Sunday. and KXAN have incredible viewer photos.

  36. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Maybe he'll take a plate of cookies and a fundamentalist preacher with him! When states face tragedies of any sort, their governors should be right there with their constituents. I think there was so much noise about Rick Perry being AWOL that his keepers have forced him back to face some of the mess his state is in. I suspect he is not in secessionist mode this evening.

  37. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Gryph, your snark is in overdrive lately. Love it !!

  38. Beldar Obama2012 Conehead2:55 PM

    Havent these self-righteous tea-baggin' hypocrites considered the possibility that the fires ARE doG's vengence against a sinful and corrupt conservative population?

    The word around Mt. Olympus is that Zeus (Jupiter in Roman mythology) is so angry with Rick "Yep, I'm a douchebag!" Perry that He called on Hephaestus god of fire, (or Vulcan in Roman mythology), to go down to Texas (or Anus in Roman mythology) and "open a can of whup ass on them mofo's" (or "burn down thousands of acres" in Roman mythology).

    So, wait... Perry is going back to Texas in order to ensure that his government is responding helpfully to the fires' devastation while simultaneously delighting imbeciles of the t-bag persuasion that he's the man best equipped to make government 'inconsequential' in everyones' lives.

    Ok, go it.

  39. Sally in MI2:58 PM

    I thought Texas was God's country, protected from all the pesky federal intervention stuff, and ready to secede and do it all themselves, like the founders wanted. I have relatives in Texas, and I am very sorry for what is happening, but gosh darn it, you people knew what you were getting with this put him BACK in office. I sincerely pray that no more lives are lost, and that this moron is kicked to the curb so your state can thrive once more...elect a progressive, would you?

  40. Anonymous3:05 PM

    I hate perry, but this is still my state and I hate to see it burning. The damage is tremendous and its not funny to the people and animals it has affected. Perry's a jerk and should never have gotten another term, but watching the destruction is no joke to us. I wouldn't wish Perry on the United States and I don't wish him on Texas. Only 33 percent voted in the last election. I blame the stupid people who were too lazy to get out and vote and put Perry out of office. I blame them for what we have to face now. If I can actively campaign for Bill White when I am very sick with a deadly, chornic disease, I want to know what possible excuse they could have. So now we have another idiot running for office, just as stupid almost as Saraph Palin. I doubt anyone would find it amusing that their state was on fire.

  41. DaleinSanAngelo3:11 PM

    Not to downplay the dangers of the fires near Austin, but we have been having wild fires through out Texas for the last 3 months. Where was he then? The only trip he made to the San Angelo area was for a fund raising trip that he was here for a whole 3 or 4 hours. The guy is a complete waste as a Governor!

  42. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Anonymous said...

    So he shouldn't go back to his state?

    Don't get into political consulting genius, stick to what you know.

    Whatever that is.

    11:33 AM
    Listen up A__hole. Perry has been "missing in action" for 2 MONTHS, the drought hasn't stopped and neither have the fires ALL SUMMER!
    If you think he should be in Texas than why hasn't he until now? As a Texan, I'd like to know the answer to that as would many of my friends and neighbors.
    Perry has a remarkable ability to to avoid ANY debate and ANY questons and I think that is what Gryphen is alluding to. But then if you seem to know soooooo much about Texas, you'd already know that.

  43. Anonymous3:13 PM

    That sum bitch is pullin a McCain.

    Don't tell me that rat bastard is going to pick unvetted Palin as his Hell Sarah pass too?

    She is still unvetted because nobody has seen her records, its all hear say.

    That woman is tainted!

  44. Anonymous3:16 PM

    @2:41 I've heard people here in Tx say that they don't vote because Tx is dominated by Repubs, so their vote won't do any good. However, after all the cuts, they may change their tune.

  45. Anonymous3:16 PM

    WTF is that old man going to do when he gets to Texas? Just get in the way if you ask me.

  46. Anonymous3:25 PM

    The Rice MOB Band in Austin, halftime 9/3/11. When your own state makes jokes like this about you...maybe this should be a sign??

  47. My daughter lives in Austin and she has many friends there, a lot of them come from the outlying area around Austin. One of her best friends is a firefighter. Naturally I am concerned and scared, not just for her and her friends but for a city and an area that is beautiful. And it is so sad to me to see the livestock and animals suffer and die. I can't bear to see the pictures.

    I know Rick Perry is not loved in Austin. And I don't want him for President of the U.S. as much as I don't want Palin. But I think his decision to go back to Texas today to address the issue of the fires is the right one. He is the Governor. He needs to be there to talk to people, to direct resources, including his national guard, or whatever. And the Texas Rangers (do they still exist)? But his state is where he needs to be and I for one am glad he returned and I hope (not for his sake) for the sake of Texas he does some good things at this critical time. This may show whether he has any redeeming qualities as a leader.

  48. "Only YOU can prevent moronic Texans from ending up in the White House."

    HA! Well put, Gryph.

  49. Anonymous3:56 PM


    Levi has done an interview with Dr. Phil!!!

    It will be on his new season which starts Sept 12. There was no specific date given for the Levi episode.

    The teaser statement was "We have a letter from Brisket's lawyer saying "you haven't paid child support................"

    On the site you can click on a preview of the new season titled "All New Season of the Dr. Phiil Show starts Monday, September 12! Watch a preview". Scroll about half way down the home page.

    On Sept 12th is George and Cindy Anthony.

  50. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Fellow Texans please please help stop this man. I was born and raised in Texas, but do not live there now. My family does though. Just got home Saturday from visiting. There were two wild fires burning. One at Possum Kingdom Lake burning about 6000 acres and destroying many homes. This was the second major fire there since April. The other in Wise county destroying many homes. Rick Perry has cut back so far on services there is not enough people to fight fires. We thought we would have to evacuate from where we were because a fire started after a head on collision and burned about three acres of land about a mile from where we were staying, but luckily it did not spread further. The family I talked to in Texas hate Rick Perry. People like him Palin Bauchmann and the Tea Party are just a bunch of crazy people.

  51. BAustin4:13 PM

    Yes...Perry is a tool...but

    He came back to central Texas and sounded like a governor ought to sound. 23 major wildfires in Texas. Serious shit... I can't even comprehend the devestation in Bastrop. The fire by Steiner Ranch is very close to home!

    Thoughts and prayers for all those is sooo dry and windy now. We need rain in Texas!

    FEMA comes one weds.

  52. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Perry will probably hold a prayer vigil then a 'Shoot that dang Thang Away' fundraiser (glocks only) cause it's the repukes 'way of campaining'. Y'all let's hold hands and sing together now: Praise be the gel that holds Perry's morals intact ! Praise be.

  53. cuppajoe4:29 PM

    I am a Texan near Houston. I would hope all the smart asses making their funny quips here about stupid Texans would just stop for a minute and realize that MILLIONS OF US have voted AGAINST Perry every damn time we could.

    The state is on fire....a mom and her daughter died yesterday in these fires, hundreds of others have lost, and will lose, their homes, livestock, pets, livelihood and businesses.

    Go to this tinyurl and look at the fires around the state. http://pre­view.tinyu­­zevv
    Back out to get a bigger picture of the fires around the state.

    It's maddening that smart asses here and other sites are popping off about the suffering of fellow AMERICANS dealing with conflagrations bearing down on them, burning everything in their path, just totally out-of-control blazes with NO HOPE AT THIS TIME to contain them.

    Imagine that THIS is YOUR hometown right now:

  54. Anonymous4:43 PM

    @3:16 Thx. That is how it is in AK - very red state which is why we ended up w F. Murkowski and have had the same repub congressman for many years and of course $creechPayme. Anchorage mayor is a repub jerk who will probably get re-elected if ppl stay home next election.

  55. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Perry is known for avoiding debates.

  56. Chenagrrl4:54 PM

    Has this loon asked for FEma help, or any help, or is he stickin' ta his principles while his state burns around him. Loooon.

    To cuppajoe, the flamin' Texan. We understand your predicament. We are joking because we feel Perry is going to increase the disaster.

    Godspeed, my man. I have lived with fires around me. Upper Chena. No fun.

  57. angela5:14 PM

    Being from a state with a nut bag GOP governor and being a liberal—I feel for Texans. The ones who elected the POS Perry know who they are. The ones who didn't should be supported like they are being held hostage by a madman—which they are.

    May Perry get very close to the fires and piss on some flames just as there is a hot spark, flying upwards.
    That wound will need a band-aid no one will want to see.

  58. Anonymous5:27 PM

    It has been the hottest summer EVER in Texas. There has been no rain for months. Even the lizards and snakes are dying of thirst. The tinder-dry scrub and forests erupt in conflagration at the slightest spark. Yet Perry, Palin and their ilk say the answer is drill baby drill, spew more carbon into the atmosphere, gimme gimme mine I want more.

  59. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Is Rick Perry a Smoke Jumper? A heli pilot?

    Is God speaking to Texas?
    Are the Christians listening?

    ”I don’t know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We’ve had an earthquake; we’ve had a hurricane. He said, ‘Are you going to start listening to me here?’” Michele Bachmann, August 2011

  60. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I can understand and sympathize with Cuppa joe and other texan's frustrations. Not everyone in the state voted for douchenozzle Perry, and in a time of any disaster, be it man made or by nature, we're Americans FIRST and must do what we can to help.

    We just had earthquakes, tornadoes, a hurricaine the size of europe on the east coast, and it brought out the BEST in people. As much as I loathe Chris Christie, I commend him for doing his job as governor for ALL the people of his state. He gave credit to FEMA, the federal government, and the President, and it took guts for him to do that.

    Texas has been suffering for months, drought and fires have killed cattle and agriculture, and sadly, people and property, and Rick has been everywhere but Texas, making sure the Federal Government is as inconsequential to everyone's lives as possible. I skimmed though his book, the man has made a LOT of statements in the past that he needs desperately to find a way to walk back on. He's nothing but a coward, and makes Sarah seem like a good governor by comparison.

    This little gesture, in my opinion, is his dodging the hard questions, and too little too late for the people of his state. He should have been there from the get go, getting a battle plan in place, coordinating all the resources at his disposal, and doing what he could day in and day out, it's his JOB and he FAILED. It's his moment to show he has what it takes, and he blew it for photo ops and money.

    My heart goes out to the people of Texas. They need help, and their governor is too self absorbed to even care. Remember this on voting day!

    Gryphen, Thanks for consistantly doing relevant posts like this one. The Tea Party and Republicans need to be exposed for the agenda they're pushing forward, screw the little guy and award the rich. I'm starting to feel there is no middle class anymore, and I'm not taking it sitting down.

    I'd like to see our President pay a visit to Texas, as he did in New Jersey. Show them how compassion and active listening to the people really goes a long way.

    Four More Years! Or Canada, here I come!

  61. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Gryphen, you read my mind...I read the first paragraphs and I was like...Yeah, no kidding...He's scared shitless to debate and be asked about Cameron Todd Willingham or secession or stimulus money, etc. On the radio this evening, they did a blurb about the forest fires and announced that it was "SO BAD" that Rick Perry was leaving the presidential race. And my first thought was, Yeah, and he'll be whining about needing federal funds in three seconds and...I hope Obama says no...And then I thought...gee, NPR has done an awful lot of stories about Rick Perry and given his election bid an awful lot of attention considering the fact that he hasn't sat down to be interviewed by a single person on NPR...or ABC...or CBS...or NBC...or CNN...or anyone really since he announced. And it's been two or three weeks already.

    On HuffPo, I've been agitating for someone -- SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE -- to point out the fact that the "frontrunner" has yet to do a single national media interview. Michele Bachmann is a nutball but at least she has the balls to sit with the mainstream media as she did when she did Face the Nation.

  62. Anonymous7:06 PM

    All my love to Texas and her creatures small and large. I lived there in my youth. Galveston and the waves there taught me about the force of MotherNature. (I'm still suprised at my lung capacity as an 8 yr. old caught under a wave while being pummeled against a seabed of shells.) MotherNature is what she is, was and will always be. C'est vrai.

    So sorry to see her brute force hurt and kill so many creatures. Texans, I'll be thinking and praying with and for Y'all. Climate change and oceans heating up are just another way of Mothernature telling the arrogant human(corporate land and sea rapists) to stop fucking with her and all her inhabitants.

    Godspeed rain to a parched Texas. (from a praying agnostic) XOXXXOOO to Texas! (doing rain dances)

  63. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Hee hee...cuppajoe took my comment....

    Hey, Ricky boy, why don't you jsut straddle that thur fir and pee on dude!

  64. Anonymous7:12 PM

    We need to get beyond the fantasy that Perry skipped out on some sort of "debate." The word debate suggests that the participants are asked to respond to a series of questions from the moderator and each other. According to the organizers of this event, this was not actually a debate. Instead each of the participants was going to speak for x number of dialog....SO did Perry bail becuase he had another prayer meeting to attend? Or was he pulling a Palin?

  65. Anonymous7:15 PM

    All my love to Texas and her creatures small and large. I lived there in my youth. Galveston and the waves there taught me about the force of MotherNature. (I'm still suprised at my lung capacity as an 8 yr. old caught under a wave while being pummeled against a seabed of shells.) MotherNature is what she is, was and will always be. C'est vrai.

    So sorry to see her brute force hurt and kill so many creatures. Texans, I'll be thinking and praying with and for Y'all. Climate change and oceans heating up are just another way of Mothernature telling the arrogant human(corporate land and sea rapists) to stop fucking with her and all her inhabitants.

    Godspeed rain to a parched Texas. (from a praying agnostic) XOXXXOOO to Texas! (doing rain dances)

  66. That is incredibly frightening and the rest of the country does feel horribly for all those affected.

    Do NOT make this about trying to make Gryphen, or anyone else, look callous. You sound absurd.

    Not a single person has joked about the fire.

    The fact remains that Perry is the LONGEST serving Governor in the nation.

    The fact remains that Perry has railed against the federal government's involvement in people's lives. And now he is consoling his constituents with promises of FEMA (that is the FEDERAL Emergency..oh, you did know? Okay.)?

    So he wants to be the Knight in shining armor~ as long as he as the Federal Government's army Covering His Ass every step of the way?

    Texans are suffering, and Perry has made the situation Much, Much worse with his Assinine Policies.

    "He sounded like a Governor should sound"~ WTF??? Um, maybe THAT is why Texans keep falling for his SHIT. Jesus.

  67. JayKen Knotstirred8:29 PM

    Hi Rick, Welcome back!

    Quick question, What bible verse should I pray, to end this punishment from God?!

  68. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Rick Perry is just another limp-dick-administrator. Similar too and also like Pay-lin, also too like that TrueAmerican and staunch eating behaviorist-'Adopt an Eating Disordered Child ' and Pray-away-her- Gay husband MicHELLe Bachman.

    Praise Be.

  69. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Richard Perry is a failed politician with his own actions to back his sorry 'work' up. Praise be.

    You're FIRED! Take your cronies with you to the Clubhouse and drink yourselves away. Forever. Drink up Buddy, next one is on you. (BTW- are you a Breck Boy? Your hair is soooo luscious and vote-able, like cotton candy for dumbasses. Lucky you). Praise be.

  70. I commented earlier today after reading some horrid comments from people on Huff Po this morning about the the people of Texas basically deserving what they are getting with the drought and fires because Perry is the Gov.As someone who has so much love in my heart for Texas and its' people,it does my heart good to see the outpouring of love and concern for its' people,animals and the land itself.All the while,sharing my disdain and absolute disgust for that asshat Perry and what he helped create and devastate there.As a former resident of Texas,a hearty thank you goes out to y'all for the love and the honesty.We are Americans first and foremost-and if we get our collective shit together,we can become a great place for all to live and thrive.It is what I need to believe.

  71. Anonymous6:25 AM

    I'm not voting for Perry, but I will say he's not a coward for skipping this debate, he's smart. First off, it's a Jim DeMint forum, which means it's the first televised Dominionist forum, even if the media will never acknowledge this. Perry's no fool when it comes to politics - he knows this forum will capture all sorts of quotes that Democrats will use in the general election.

    Second, if he had attended this debate while Texas was up in flames, he would have been pilloried for it.

    Look, I'm going to vote for Obama, but don't underestimate this guy. He's the one of the most powerful and long-serving governors in Texas ever, and there's a reason for that.


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