Saturday, September 03, 2011

Sarah Palin deigns to mingle with her sycophants in desperate attempt to retain their support. Update!

This fawning write up of Palin's appearance at a meet-up of castaways from the Sea O'Pea comes to us from the pro-Palin blog US for Palin:

Gov. Palin shook my hand shortly after entering. She signed my O4P NY tee shirt, as I said to her, “Take New York. Take the heart of it. Take it all….all 29 electoral votes. Do it for my wife. Do it for my mother. Do it for all the little girls of this country.” My meeting with her concluded with a hug from Gov. Palin, followed by a handshake with Todd. 

The former Alaska Governor did not address supporters at the Conservatives4Palin-sponsored event, however, Peter Singleton, Iowa State Coordinator, Organize4Palin did. The Palins sat and listened to his address, followed by final bonding with supporters.

Now the Palin-bots are going to come over here again and claim that I doctored that picture to make her look so incredibly bad, but of course I didn't as you can prove to yourself by clicking the link provided at the top.

Of course it does not matter what she ACTUALLY looks like, because this is what these people see when they look at her.  

However something is very odd about this appearance.

"The former Alaska Governor did not address supporters ."

Why would Palin show up to this meeting of supporters and NOT take the opportunity to address them?

These are her most ardent followers, and the source of the money that flows into SarahPAC, why would she not take the time to thank them and get them all fired up about the possibility of a future announcement that she is jumping into the race?

I literally could not answer that question. Until I saw this video.

Did you see it too?

There is something very, very wrong with Palin.  She looks quite ill, and extremely frail.

I believe that she is having a nervous breakdown, and she simply could not take the chance of losing it in front of these people.

If you look at Todd in the video you can see the that he has a very worried look on his face, and seems drained from the strain of dealing with whatever she is going through right now.

The supporters in that room were too blinded by the appearance in the sweaty flesh of their demi-god, but I believe what we are witnessing are the last days of Sarah Palin as a political force.

It could be the books coming out, the pressure about babygate, or even the statements coming from "Anonymous," but SOMETHING has almost literally sucked the life right out of her.

Update:  I noticed that a number of you did not believe that Palin looks as ill as I described earlier in the post. I in fact do.

My opinion, and this is just my opinion, is that she is having a rather severe psychotic break. I also believe that it is affecting her health in rather troubling manner.  That kind of skinny does NOT come out of a diet pill box or Red Bull can, THAT is the result of a serious eating disorder.

Some have mentioned possible drug use, and yes that could also be a factor.  In fact if I saw that woman on the streets I am pretty sure I would automatically assume she was a meth addict or a speed freak.

Also watch her affect in the video.  She seems incapable of any emotion, not even responding to the loud cheers right behind her and right next to her.

What is even more bizarre is that she cannot even FAKE emotion, which of course she is usually quite adept at doing in front of crowds.

So though we can all have different reads on what we are seeing I assume we all agree that there is something seriously amiss here.

Palin is scheduled to give her speech later on today.  I am interested in whether or not she can pull it together by then, or if she will be forced to cancel.


  1. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Wow, what a huge turnout (NOT!). Were those her daughters (Willow & Bristol)? It was hard to see in that awful video. It looks like they are in a basement.

    I just can't believe that there are that many (ha ha) supporters left;)

    She does look very strained & does not look very good. It must be devastating to realize that you really aren't the queen you thought you were. Too bad her family & friends weren't big enough to tell her that she really was and is not all that before she ever got to this place.

  2. WakeUpAmerica6:22 AM

    She looks frail and sedated. What is with the fugly shirt and key hanging around her neck? Anyway, can you imagine that caricature of a human in the White House? She is definitely a mess. Her sycophants are pushing and shoving her to the precipice. I agree that she appears to be on the verge of a breakdown. Todd does look worried. He looks like he just wants it to all be over one way or another.

  3. WakeUpAmerica6:23 AM

    Also, did you notice how white that crowd is?

  4. Anonymous6:23 AM

    In prior appearances there was an exuberance as she sucked up the adoration. That is missing, I see fear and a very hesitant and tentative Sarah Palin.

    She may have a very hard time with her speech.

  5. Anonymous6:23 AM

    I think that you are right on with this one. She is sweating up a storm and out-of-it. How is she going to make it through the weekend? This could finally be it.

  6. anjaak6:24 AM

    She just doesn't know when to quit! (just kidding!)

  7. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Pandering by wearing Iowa Hawkeye shirt... Sarah's normal crap.

    Her token African butt licker Ms Ross showed up...

    Too scared to even give a 5 minute pep talk to her most ardent "donators"... PRICELESS.

    Sarah does look ill..

  8. Oh my god. At least it is a VERY small group of delusional people. These are the ones who make her think she is living in the real world.

  9. Chenagrrl6:28 AM

    The lack of animation, which is her signature, is certainly apparent. Is this recent, a precede to her Sept. 3 speech?

    I have always found her public persona -- despite that legendary -- eye contact -- to be overanimated. However, it may be that she has finally figured out what every tour guide eventually learns -- overanimation is exhausting.

    By the way, the late Kay Linton and those who worked with her in the Miss America organizations in Alaska, preached strong eye contact.

    So Sarah's legendary person-on-person style is a learned response.

    Compare her to the truly legendary governor, Bill Egan. He not only had the eye-contact thingy, he also was said to know everyone's name. Of course there were a lot fewer people in those days.

  10. Anonymous6:28 AM

    I'm sure all Stupid could see when she looked around that adoring "crowd" of D-students were dollar signs.

    'Let's see, this one's probably good for $10, this one, $20, this one $5, this one $100 (I'll take a picture with him)...'

  11. Anonymous6:29 AM

    All those people there, all that press. Her friendliest audience and she didn't give them even a Hello Iowa! Very strange. Sweaty face again. Todd did look wound tight as a guitar string.

  12. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Strange indeed, she looks sick.

  13. Anonymous6:31 AM

    She looks as if she has an extra thick swath of blush on, to hide hollow, Karen Carpenter-ish cheeks.

    Also, she actually looks somewhat emotional there, like she may have a lump in her throat.

    I guess she knows the end is really here.

  14. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Clearly her supporters & their demands are too much. They (& she) ruined their grifts. Get that woman to a hospital.

  15. gybswtddy6:32 AM

    Actually she is feeling the strain of demons. Her enemies (ie. liberals, gays, environmentalists, Alaskans, lame stream media, basement dwelling bloggers and peeping tom authors) are truly evil and demon possessed. It is hard to maintain one's true blessings, strength and dominion when besieged by such a vile group of people. **snark**

  16. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Gryphen, you are being a bit unfair to Grandma Lulu. If you were in a room surrounded by 40 delusional people you would be quite uncomfortable too. Also too, the constant sweating tells me menopause is not being kind to the shrieking shrew.

    Poor Saree, this is what you have to look forward to. Meeting with groups this small. This is very telling that for all their planning and traveling that this is how many showed. I guess C4PEE is much smaller than they care to admit.

    PS I hope the cleaning crew got paid extra to sterilize that room after so many with poor hygiene were in such a small room.

  17. Anonymous6:33 AM

    WARNING: Sea of Pee spin

    Like a Family Reunion — Sarah and Todd Rock the C4P Meet-Up; Updated

    ...The atmosphere in the Machine Shed restaurant was electric. I had heard that people started gathering there as early as 5 p.m. Media people were swirling around with their cameras and notepads. I briefly chatted with our old friend Scott Conroy, and a reporter from the L.A. Times. Between 7 and 8 p.m. the crowd just became huge, especially once the busload of Texans4Palin pulled up. Outside in the lobby area and gift store, dozens of Palinistas milled about with their buttons, shirts, and signs. It was like a gigantic family reunion. And it was a diverse crowd – old, young, families, singles, of all backgrounds, and orientations.

    Once inside the reserved room, there were about 20 packed tables.

    It was awesome to meet some of the writers and longtime posters here whom I’d never met, including Nancy, and to reunite with friends I’d gotten to know at previous meet-ups. And Frank Aquila was there with his new book Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere. I plan to do a full review later, but you need to check it out on Amazon.

    The Governor and Todd entered through a side door and came right down our aisle. A couple quick thoughts about meeting her again. She looks really strong, tanned and healthy. I would say, she’s looking very fit for the rigors of the campaign trail. Ha! And Todd … he is looking very fit for any kind of trail!

    It’s amazing Gov. Palin can even concentrate with all the noisy stampede around her, but she takes her time with each person. She signed people’s books. She asked all three of my kids for their names and where we were from. Upon hearing we’re from Hershey, her eyes lit up, she said she loved “Hershey” and I could tell she was craving some chocolate. I wish I would have brought her some for the s’mores she loves.

    I gotta get some sleep now … but God Bless all the Palinistas here in Iowa … as well as the ones who are making the trip with us virtually.

    We are all a giant family. And tomorrow we get to hear from the Mama Grizzly herself.

  18. Anonymous6:34 AM

    She's not going to run. It's written all over her face. But obviously these people don't know it. That's why she couldn't speak. It will be all over this weekend. I bet she cancels her NH visit for Monday. It was just a ploy to appear ready to kick-off a campaign. Probably because she wasn't sure until a few days ago. But that looks like a face of resignation, not one that's revving up for a run.

  19. Dis Gusted6:35 AM

    the woman has a history of mental depression. Reportedly she has had to be institutionalized - this, IMO, is a genetic condition if Willow is going through the same thing.

    She does not look the same as just 3 years ago. Neither do her children. I was watching a video of Bristol recently - she has Tripp and she is showing her house in AZ. Then the clip goes to 'new face' Bristol who also has a 'new voice'. IMO, once again, this appears to be a body double. Who is she? A cousin?

  20. Anonymous6:36 AM

    What a comedown! From stealing swag at Beverly Hills galas, hoitytoiting it around NYC and DC-- to sitting in a hot, fat-inducing ugly restaurant in Iowa. The candidates who can do this kind of thing with aplomb look good. The ones who can't, just look like fools.

  21. WatchingandWaiting6:36 AM

    Really? Someone with national celebrity exposure shows up for something like this? Pathetic. You can get more people to show up for a school board "meet and greet" around here.

    And she does seem very stiff and unnatural. I wonder what is going on in her mind. Maybe because she knows she cannot run. Whatever the reason, it is certainly weird to say the least.

  22. Anonymous6:38 AM

    lol at the guy's opening statement re: GOVERNOR Palin and a real leader.

    He must not have noticed she QUIT! WHY DID YOU QUIT Sarah? Was it jut for $$ or were you paying people to threaten the President?

  23. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Wow. I can't get through this.

    Absolutely Gryphen, I agree with you. It was probably rather inexplicable to the few (horrible racists) who were in attendance, why she did not address them. So unlike her.

    I am not one to focus on her appearance, but as someone who does have personal experience with those in acute mental crisis, the fact that her hair looks so messy in back is one sign... Appearance is the last thing folks in her state care about, or can manage. Her posture, she is slumped. Her facial expression looks vulnerable. Amazing to see her like that, actually, and I cannot help but feel some compassion for it.

    Don't slam me. I want her out. But, anyone who succumbs to a breakdown is in extremely bad shape, mentally and physically. It is painful to look at that.

    Going to review that tape again.

    You must be right, Gryphen. She is on the edge because she knows the end of her political career is near.

  24. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I don't think she looks frail so much as she looks like a woman about to dump a man who is proposing to her. Sorry, blame it on the Bachelorette. They were shouting "run, Sarah, run" (I know, who doesn't have a vision of Sarah as Forest Gump) and she mumbled a weak "thank you", not out of modesty but because - I think - she isn't running and she knows that pretty soon she has to let them down.

  25. If you listen closely after dude speaks, you can hear people in the crowd talk to each other asking why she's not getting up to acknowledge her supporters. How rude of her not to at least speak for 2-3 minutes!
    I still can't get past the muskrat on the back of her head and the t-shirts she wears that are made for an 11 year old. That shirt looks like one of those handmade "glue-gun-glitter" shirts that were popular in 1989. (admit it now, your Aunt Betty made one for you at Xmas, right?) She sure does love the attention! She knows she can milk this until end of Sept. ($$$) and then the "my family needs me" excuse will come into play. Or the classic "I do not need a TITLE to do good for the REAL Americans". What a tool.

  26. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Sarah... are you going to be able to make it through a 30 minute speech today?

    Sarah.. you look like warmed over dog vomit.

    Sarah.. your political career ends today.

  27. Anonymous6:47 AM

    The thing I find amusing is Ms. Palin (Heath?) thinks she can go to Korea, (that's South Korea quitty pants) polishing her cred as an international diplomat and NO ONE in South Korea will know about all her past and present deficiencies. It's so difficult to get information on the internet over there, right? She'll be safe. Ummm no that's NORTH Korea that denies their people the right to free speech.

    Perhaps Ms. Palin (Heath?) will cross the DMZ amid Hallelujahs (That would be us saying take her, she's yours!) so she can join them. The "Dear Leader" would probably like to give her a poke.

    BTW you won't be able to tell them "No signs" in the auditorium Ms. Palin (Heath?). You have no power over South Koreans. Enjoy being the butt of jokes, Asian style. Yes, Asian - people with slanted eyes that creep you out. All those slanted eyes looking at you. Makes you all tingly doesn't it? LOL


  28. Anonymous6:47 AM

    A subdued Sarah Palin. Amazing to see that. She looks fragile.

    Looks like she might be hitting rock bottom, finally understanding the true reality of her situation.

    We always said she would collapse when that happened, and it won't surprise me at all if she will need to go to a hospital.

    As I said in a post above, it's kind of sad to see that. Far better for her to have bowed out gracefully when she saw the writing on the wall.

    When someone is prone to grandiose mania, however, they aren't capable. It's not in their personalities or in their bio-chemical set.

    They crash, and that's probably what's happening.

    It has a cumulative effect, it can take days and weeks for someone to finally "cry uncle". We have speculated before that she may be on psych meds, but sometimes they need to be adjusted. I would bet she hasn't actually been treated for depression or bi-polar disorder, but you never know.

  29. Anonymous6:47 AM

    I agree that she looks subdued. However, I'm just not seeing the "ill" thing you speak of. She's rail thin, to be sure, but I don't think she's physically ill. Mentally ill, however, that's a different story.

    As for her lack of animation, she knows it's over. Just going through the motions at this point.

  30. QUOTE: [It was like a gigantic family reunion. And it was a diverse crowd – old, young, families, singles, of all backgrounds, and orientations.]

    Um, NO, I don't think so! "and orientations"? LOL!

  31. Anonymous6:48 AM

    She's not running...she'll make some excuse..and try again in the meantime...she'll keep gifting what she can from these folks. It's time for her to shit, or get off the pot..even Karl Rove is calling her out on her BS..

  32. Nancy In New York6:49 AM

    Granny Lulu's done. She's not throwing her wig in any ring. She just has to stroke her palinbots personally so when she announces she won't run, they can blame the evil haters for bringing her down. And keep sending her money, of course. They'll keep their eyes on 2016 for her, which is kind of ironic considering that they've got their hearts set on the Rapture thingy happening soon.

    She looks like a deflated balloon. Maybe babygate is about to blow wide open, or maybe she realizes she blew her big chance to grasp power and lost it all by just being the basket case she actually is.

  33. Anonymous6:51 AM

    She doesn't look ill, you don't have to exaggerate.

    What she does look is guilty. The look on her face is pure guilt. Knowing she is stringing these people along for cash. It's one thing when they are anonymous people online, but when they are in her face believing her its much harder to sit there knowing you are using people.

  34. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I watched without the sound. She looks like she's about to have a panic attack! Or like she's going through serious drug withdrawals. Something on your mind Sarah? ROFL. Little ol' Gryphen and Anonymous got you a bit worried? It shows. How's that babygate thingy working out for ya? ;-)

  35. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I didn't see anything out of the ordinary with her, but her husband sure had an "uh oh wait until they find out this was all a big scam" look on his face.

    It WAS odd that she refused to even speak into the microphone for two minutes.

    Anyway, I predict two thousand people, tops, at today's speech. And I wouldn't be surprised if it was less than that.

  36. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Wish crowd was chanting... where's Trig?

    How fucking dumb do you have to be to be a Palin supporter?

    Pity the fools that send her money.

  37. Anonymous6:55 AM

    She was doing whatever it took to JUST GET THROUGH that event!!! The fact that she did not address those people with just a "hello" and thank you for being here says it all! I think she is at the end of her rope. And I am so glad for that.

  38. oops. My apologizes to any HAWKEYE fans out there....I just found out that the shirt she is wearing is a Hawkeyes t-shirt. (it's still ugly IMHO) I guess maybe she bought it at the mini-mart up the street?

  39. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Boy, what a couple of phoneys..She looked like that was the last place on earth she wanted to be, she looked scared and lifeless, just going thru the motions with her fake smile and posing for the cameras. Didn't even take the time or think enough of her cult supporters to say a few words. SHE"S DONE!!!

  40. I'm inclined to vote for menopause symptoms as well to explain how often we see pictures of her sweating. That seems to be the most likely scenario given that she's just the right age. She strikes me as thin and worn out too. It's been a bumpy ride lately and isn't going to get better.

  41. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Hm, well I never notice a difference in Todd since he's so stoic. I don't know. She was more subdued but it looked to me like she didn't know how to react to her fawners. She's uncomfortable with people who idolize excessively, though she appreciates them. She DID just make personal calls to selected fans homes.

    But - if there is something there underneath, it MAY have to do with recent commentary where people are saying "if taking Sarah down means DESTROYING her family in the process, we will do it."

    Yes that has been written, which would hurt anyone. Bristol alluded to this mentality last summer and started showing disdain for haters who "wish to see her family destroyed."

    You've gotta admit, it is wrong to wish harm on anyone.

    But honestly, to compare to a real scenario, she looks better than Obama has in recent months and days. HE looks emaciated and frail himself.

  42. Anonymous6:59 AM

    She definitely looks sedated. She is usually pretty amped up when talking to people, but she seems so reserved.

    At the very end when she's taking a picture with that lady and her kids, the lady turns to say thank you and Sarah has already turned away, talking to someone else, literally 1 second after the photo.

    That seens to be a fitting metaphor for how she's always treated these people.

    I hope they go after her with pitchforks. She deserves it.

  43. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Being mentally ill IS being physically ill. Just ask any healthcare professional.

    Did you see that poll that says 7O+% of Americans do not want her to run? Maybe that's what's making her subdued at this event.

    She probably lost it earlier this morning when she read that, and couldn't adequately compose herself for a speech. Just didn't have it in her. It does happen, even to Sarah Palin the relentless not-a-campaign-campaigner.

  44. What I have always wondered is WHAT these poor, delusional people think Sarah Palin would do if she becomes President? Wave her hands and the country goes back to the good old days of the 1850's? They are "assigning" to her abilities that she simply doesn't have. No one does, actually.

    They remind me of the delusional group of people on the Left who "assigned" the same abilities to Obama. They became undone when he wasn't able to wave HIS arms and the country would immediately be great again. They were the ones so disappointed when he couldn't take this country as forward as they wanted, forgetting that as president, he was part of a three-tiered government.

    These are the people - who I actually hate more than the same bunch on the Right - who bitched and moaned because Obama wasn't "progressive" enough and has "sold out" the people that put him into office. These people stayed home in 2010 and didn't vote for House and Senate candidates and so we have had the Tea Party strangling this country ever since.

    Anyway, I think Obama's doing a fabulous job and the 111th Congress did great things. We need to get Congress back in the hands of the Democrats.


  45. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Actually, on second thought, I don't even think 2000 will show up, not even 1000. If this was all that could be mustered up for the c4p meetup, then they'll be needing Iowans to make up the rest of the crowd. Considering she didn't even get a single vote in the Ames Straw Poll, I just don't see many Iowans trekking out to some balloon field to hear this has-been speak.

  46. The rat's nest of her hair is a bad sign - there is no one with her who can help her arrange that better - I will be watching on live on C-SPAN - her speech is scheduled for 1:15 central time.

  47. Anonymous7:06 AM

    What an IDIOT speaker... guess he never reads Halco's blog.

    Claiming her accomplishments are ACES and AGIA.

    For you dimwit supporters:

    ACES.. .. is HIGHER TAX on oil companies.

    AGIA.. a failed pipeline effort that will give a Canadian company several hundreds of millions of dollars of Alaska's money.

    Both of Sarah's "crowning achievements" are DISMAL FAILURES

  48. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I'm guessing Todd upped her meds and therefore too medicated to speak.

  49. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Adrienne was not there.

    I think she's torn. She still has passion to see this country fixed, yet knows she's not the one to do it. She receives countless mail from thousands she's inspired and doesn't want to let them down. I think she thinking about how to proceed and not break hearts. It's like Frank says. She can do a lot of good in the world, she just needs to find the right way to let people know she's doing what is right FOR HER. Any person who is fawned over would be put in this predicament.

    She's realistic. Her fans are idealistic. Like Obama. Remember the picture of a crowd of black people touching Obama like he's their Blarney stone or something? I think the same thing's happening.

    Plus, it can't help that there are anon commenters making up stuff daily. Mediainsider, we know it's you. Your writing style gives you away. You're a manipulator and a bigger fraud than Sarah.

    Luckily, her family doesn't seem affected by all this. Piper was having fun with friends at the fair, Bristol is loving her time in LA and having a blast with Kyle and crew, there's the precious new baby that brings every joy in AK, I'm sure her dads hunting, and her mom was with friends at the fair looking serene.

    Like I said, she's torn between not wanting to let down her avid, 3 yr long following and still wanting to better the country. THAT was evident in her face, no matter your perspective.

    And Todd always looks the same to me. Maybe she wasn't done relaxing from their cabin getaway recently.

  50. She and Todd look very uncomfortable...almost squirming in their seats and as though they cannot wait to leave.

    The turnout was small -- it looks like the back room at a Perkins restaurant.

  51. Anonymous7:10 AM

    She really does look deflated. I loved it when the sign behind the guy speaking. started to fall down. Hello, Palin worshippers. That was a sign from above....The Divine One is taking down your "campaign" one thumb tack at a time.

    This appearance sure verifies the Anon account from last night.

  52. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Have we ever known Sarah not to grasp the microphone? NO. This is not like her. Whether it is physical or mental illness, it is anyone's guess. There have been comments that Todd had agreed to stay through 2012 if she ran. She may be seeing her marriage/career/family starting to dissolve without being able to do anything to prevent the demise.

  53. She and Todd look very uncomfortable -- as though they can't wait to get out of there. The pained expressions on their faces says it all.

  54. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Todd is not part of the group delusion in that room. He's looking at Sarah and thinking of how hard it has been to make Sarah see the reality of her situation. As the only sane one in the marriage, he has done his best to convince Sarah of the risks of running for public office. He knows that there is a big risk for devastating personal secrets to be revealed as well as the truth about her professional corruption.

    Todd looks afraid as he looks at his wife. I think he is afraid that the praise and applause will awaken the monster he has tried to subdue.

  55. Anonymous7:13 AM

    This is a group of sadly deluded people. The speaker has the details of her record so convoluted, no wonder he's confused. I think they want to believe so badly in this mythical person, that no fact will pierce their fantasy.

  56. Anonymous7:13 AM

    That woman is drugged. Pure and simple. She is on some kind of meds that calm down the mania stage she's in. She's obviously SEDATED. Anyone who knows about psychotropic drugs can tell. She is doped up. I know, I've been there and it isn't fun. It's like walking in a cloud and not in a good way. I don't feel a bit sorry for her, but I call it when I see it.

  57. Anonymous7:14 AM

    I agree with 6:51 - it's guilt. At one point she is swallowing with a lump in her throat. True dat - is easy to completely fuck over anonymous people, but when they are all with you in tight quarters gazing at you adoringly and YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE it is simply unbearable. Sarah looks like she did on the night of the great Loss of 2008 - cry Sarah, cry. I have no shame about my schadenfreude.

  58. laprofesora7:17 AM

    Regardless of my personal feelings for $P, I think it's really rotten of her to string those people along if she has no intention of running. How can she sit among them, knowing they want her to run, and yet she cannot be bothered to make a decision one way or another. What a selfish, sick, twisted POS.

  59. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Reposting my prophetic haiku from a Thurs. thread:

    Todd the wad wades in
    The crowd wearing a plaid shirt
    Sweating like a pig

  60. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Gryphen, for someone who is usually so astute, I'm surprised that you were puzzled why she didn't speak.

    It's obvious. Her bots forgot to pass the collection plate first.

  61. angela7:20 AM

    Her and Todd looked resigned. They both have that OMG we had to do this, but WTH look on their faces.
    She looks a bit overwhelmed, exhausted and sweaty.

    Menopause is a bitch.

    Of course she has to save her energy to through Molotov cocktails at the President and babble word salad talking points at everyone.

  62. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Wow, the c4p'ers really don't get it. when you have to bus people in from over 1000 miles away (busload of Texans) to fill a venue with a capacity of 401, it doesn't mean you are popular.

  63. Love and Faith7:20 AM

    Like 3 days ago, she looks happy and serene. She looks serene but pensive there. Like she knows there are people counting on her, believing in her, yet she knows herself and her limitations as a mortal. As long as she doesn't stop trying to improve the country, i think people will accept any decision she makes. She is a person who affects people deeply and emotionally. Those people are needed for the betterment of mankind. They inspire just by being them. I think visiting this restaurant was a good step and it looks like it's helping her. She's always loved meeting the grassroots people the most. I remember meeting her and Bristol back in 2006. They were naturals.

  64. Anonymous7:21 AM

    hahaha what a bunch of suckers. totally buying the fantasy lol

  65. lostinthemidwest7:24 AM

    First, why is this guy from California heading the IOWA Palin group??? No one in Iowa wanted the job???

    At the 5:28 mark on the video, she looks almost too weak (or sedated) to stand up straight.She looks like she should be in a hospital. It will be a big 'tell' about medications if she shows up at the speech with all the 'fire in her belly' she is so known for.

    I loved the looks of shock and disbelief on the 'supporters' faces when they realized that she was not going to speak. That she was just going to weeble around and have pics taken.

    I think she needs serious help. She looks awful. Kind of like Karen Carpenter before she died. Why don't these people (or Family) see this?

  66. WatchingandWaiting7:25 AM

    I was reading that comment w/ the post for C4P, and it is sort of sad. They really do believe what they want to believe. They project onto her what they need her to be. They desperately need someone to "worship" in that way. Its exactly what many claimed about Obama, that people were worshiping him. And yet, I've never come across anyone who speaks of him in that way. They respect him and like him, but they do not worship him.

  67. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I can not think one ONE idea she has put forward to help this country. Why do they STILL refer to her as governor? Well, 150 people? I would demand a recount, it looks like a small family reunion to me.

  68. Anonymous7:25 AM

    6:51-Yes, GUILTY is the word and SCARED because she knows today she is going to let them all down after she's strung them along for so long.

  69. swe1237:28 AM

    I have seen this in a family member. There's no doubt in my mind that she has an eating disorder. The swollen cheeks but gaunt body, loss of hair, shakiness. That's just the physical piece. The emotional part including faintness, no strength, paranoia. On top of that Todd or another family member always watching and enabling. Trust me, I've been there and done that.

    Anyone out there who knows her personally...she needs to be hospitalized and soon!

  70. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I thought she looked scared as well as angry. Scared that she's out of her element and had to sit with the common folk in such close proximity with no barriers in place. She's very engaging and animated when her props and a security detail can distance her, especially when she's physically elevated from the crowd and when she feels she has total control. It's difficult and uncomfortable for her to mingle and function without that security blanket compounded with all those years of having visions of grandeur. She's accustom to just sashaying through a crowd so being immobile raises her fear level. Her frequently clenched jaw depicts anger which seems to be boiling below the surface. I believe she realizes that the protection from her well connected sugar daddy is waning so now she'll have to stand on her own two feet which means that more people will see that the Empress has no clothes. Karma baby karma.

  71. ann_s7:32 AM

    She never meant to end up like this. What she wanted was to be like Ivana Trump. She wanted to be with a social class a lot higher than the people in that barn. She knows that will never happen. I really think she bought in Az thinking that she could ride on McCain's coattails, socially, at least. It is bizarre that she doesn't know by her age how the world works. Cream rises to the top ...water seeks it's own level, and if you care desperately about false values and an extravagant lifestyle you have to have the goods. She wants it...but doesn't have the goods.

  72. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Orientations? I didn't see "gays for palin" signs anywhere.

  73. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I bet she couldn't wait to wash her hands,

  74. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Looked like someone forced to go to their white trash family Reunion by their parents.

  75. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Of course Sarah didn't speak, it costs $100,000 to get her to spew.
    Of course those days are few and far between now, hehehe.

  76. Anonymous7:35 AM

    I don't think she looks ill. She didn't give a rousing speech per usual mode of operation. I think that has more to do with being put on the spot with questions from the audience, asking her if she is going to run for president. She wanted to avoid answering.

  77. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Yeah, guilty, sheepish, subdued. Maybe not ill or on the verge, but no way is she running for prez with a demeanor like that. I imagine she'll apologize to these bots, but only wish she's apologize to the rest of us, to Obama, to Wooten, to her kids, to Levi, F. Bailey, C. O'Donnell etc etc...and more than anyone else, to Trig, who deserves a full-time, even half-time mother, and gets neither.

  78. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Dear C4P lurkers:

    Sarah did not speak to you because you did not pay her. She will only speak to you if you give her money.

    Get a clue....

  79. Anonymous7:38 AM


  80. Anonymous7:38 AM

    The video does indeed show a very subdued SP. The sense I get just from watching this brief clip is that she's not going to run...that she knows its over. I suspect it is because of the coming tide of revelations about babygate and other insider info into her destructive family life. And agreed that Todd looks completely wound up and worried. Its disturbing, regardless of how you feel about the woman, to see her unravel publicly. Also disturbing that her sycophants are oblivious to it.


  81. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Surprisingly, I don't feel any schadenfreude, just pity for this woman whose admittedly self-inspired tribulations have only just begun.

    How terrible it must be to truly believe you are the anointed one, and then discover it just ain't so.

    She is empty, hollow and her world will end with but a whimper.

  82. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I don't care how fragile she looks, I have NO compassion for her.

    Just means they'll have to fit her for a smaller size orange jumpsuit.

  83. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Tea Partiers Join All Of America In Pushing Sarah Palin Out Of The Spotlight

  84. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Just in case Sarah Palin was even thinking about running for president, former vice president Dick Cheney went on Laura Ingraham’s radio show today and questioned why Palin quit as governor of Alaska. Here is the audio:

  85. Anonymous7:45 AM

    See, and I just thought it looked like KARMA hit her in the face, leaving an over-done streak of blush....
    It's probably hot and humid in IA, thus her hair looks like a sweaty mess and she needs a cold beer, but being a "good xtian," she doesn't drink that brew. Just the Red Bulls--no wonder she's so full of shit.


  86. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Hey Gryph - over at C4p, the homepage has their donate banner - wit a 3/4 view of Palin. The pic in the black tee last night has her face in almost the same position. The banner pick appears @ 2-3 years old. The comparison is striking. Anorexia?

  87. Anonymous7:47 AM

    You know... reading this and looking at her (and knowing all that is about to come her way, in terms of documentaries, books and really bad polls), I ALMOST feel sorry for her. Seriously, I cringe a bit...

    But, then i think of how horrific she was with her hate-filled lies on the campaign--which have only been perpetuated with her Faux news gig and tweets. I think of the hateful deceit that she has instilled in Bristol (and probably her other children as well). I think of how she has incited her followers to hate and possibly to violence.

    It will not make me celebrate, should she actually suffer a total mental break down from the stress of having her balloon so publicly "popped", but she has certainly brought it on herself.

  88. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Maybe Ailes and Murdoch have told her they will not be renewing her lucrative contract with Fox? Now she sees that the small crowd are the ones she will have to depend on to support her entire family in the future. Maybe Bristles and Willow are BOTH pregnant? Where was Piper, is she in juvenile hall for folllowing her big sisters examples of bad behaviour? Nah, $carah does not pay attention to her children once they start walking and talking. I wish they would stop calling her governor.

  89. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Oh my goodness,
    Did you see all the classic tells ? Eyes locked forward, a convienant smile and nod when appropriate and did ya see the tongue? Toads concerned look. Even while working the crowd, only spoke to children(how difficult is that)This is how a paranoid person looks and acts.
    Poke her with a fork...she's done. Although I've been waiting for this day...I'm kinda sad...cause it's starting to get REALLY GOOD. She dosen't know who to trust, even in her inner circle. Imagine what it's like to be there. Polygraphs, secret handshakes and coded messages.
    She'll never announce her intentions until she has too. Her answer will be one designed for her to keep the PAC money available to be used for diapers, babysitters and diet pills.
    (hush money too)
    Last thought, did you notice the crowd. Kids under 12 and adults over 50. No young adults. That's her demographic. How depressing.

  90. Virginia Voter7:53 AM

    You know it's really bad when she won't even speak to her deluded sycophants. Sarahs putting her meal ticket in jeopardy...she was only there for twenty minutes. These people travelled hundreds of miles to see their idol, and she didn't even speak to them?

    Menopausal granny is rapidly losing her looks and her followers. I couldnt help but notice none of her handlers were Recher, etc.

  91. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Wish the camera was on her when the speaker mentioned the pipeline and how the 30 year issue was "solved".

  92. Anonymous8:01 AM

    She looks physically weak because she is humiliated.

    There was a time when sarah got paid to make these type of appearances. Here she was doing it for free.

    There was a time when people would pay $10,000.00 for a private meeting and photo op with sarah. Here she was doing it for free.

    After Rove paddled her arse, sarah and Todd phoned every prominent conservative and journalist they thought might still be friendly and begged them to come to her defense. No one stepped forward to lie for her. Even threats fell on deaf and irritated ears. That man who spoke is all that is left.

    Her head is bloody and bowed, her wonky eye rages even in profile, and her shadow frightens her.

  93. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Deep fried paint chips were the main course for her followers.

    Washed down with gallons of grape Kool-Aid.

    Dear Bots...please help Bristol buy her fourth house (in LA)... donate all your money.

    Bristol is becoming such a BIG star in Hollywood she needs a Malibu beach house.

  94. Anonymous8:01 AM

    How can she sit there among those she's grifted, knowing that they expect her to run and knowing that she can't? No wonder she looks the way she does. How will these people feel when they realized they've been cheated? She better watch her back in the future, as these are seriously deranged people.

    She does look bad, flat in emotion, guilty in expression, a little teary. But still feeding off of the idolatry that will soon be coming to an end.

    And what a joke that speech was! Hey Alaska, she 'solved' AGIA! How's that $500 M unbuilt-and-never-will-be-built pipeline thingy working out for ya?

  95. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Just because Gryphen says she looks ill does not mean it is true. I watched the video and I don't think she looks any different than she always has. I do believe she did not give a speech because she was not being paid for it. You don't give it away when dimwits are willing to pay for it.

  96. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Indianola, getting rained out, and it looks about as many people showed up at the restaurant are at the

  97. Anonymous8:03 AM

    She looks like hell!!! She is dressed so inappropriately and didn't even get up and say thank you to her few supporters. I agree with the 6:51, there is a lot of guilt, well assuming she has a conscience, which I doubt. But all of the failin palins don't look too enthused...something's up! Hopefully, they'll go back to Alaska and stay there.

  98. Anonymous8:06 AM

    So that´s what three million FB ¨friends¨ looks like.


  99. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Her lifestyle is destructive in every way: horrible eating habits, sleeping habits, substance habits, and, worst of all, horrible thought and behavior patterns that will, over time, destroy the body, just as they destroy the soul. Next to come are facial tics, a glazed and lifeless stare, and bone disorders. The body, mind, and soul are all one; each of them affects, influences, and eventually can even control the others – for life or for death.

    I wish her no ill, and do not expect her future to be 'pretty', but she has surely played the center role in her own demise. Even more sadly, she has played a strong role in the demise of many others (McGinniss will surely speak to this in his book). She has also gleefully introduced fear and hate-mongering into American discourse at levels not known before, something that will leave open wounds in our society for years to come.

  100. Anonymous8:08 AM

    She looks like the night she and MacShame lost.

    She is disappointed there was not more people.

    She knows this is all she has, a rag tag group.I think the COD episode showed her up as a small insecure person.

    Fox is paying her big bucks,if she is running she will have to say it on Fox.

  101. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Top photo.

    Brunette to the right of sarah.

    She is a good-looking young lady.

    There was another one hovering around their table.

    Sarah must have paid them to be there.

    Sorry, sarah, they just made your sunken face look more sunken.

  102. laprofesora8:11 AM

    I think I know why she didn't speak...she wasn't getting paid! Granny Grifter don't screech without getting some scratch.

    That look on her face was $P being PO'd there was no big pay day in it for her. You can almost read her mind, "look at this shithole they made me come to and I don't even get a check!"

  103. Anonymous8:12 AM

    If Granny Grizzly planned to run, when her bots started chanting "run, Sarah, run," she would've at least done a thumbs-up and a wink. Also, too, she'd have stood and said a few words of encouragement. I've been to family reunions that were more exciting than that Machine Shed gathering.

  104. Anonymous8:13 AM

    That's pretty bad. Is she catatonic? Stoned? Afraid to even speak? She is so over. The median weight of that oh so white group had to be 275 pounds easy. I like how the one Asian in the audience got to go shake the hand of the queen and then get her picture taken with her and the three kids. Where's Trig?

  105. True Blue Girl8:13 AM

    Looks like she's just had to refuse - over and over and over - to "say a few words" to her supporters, many of whom rode on a bus all the way from places like Texas (just think about that for a moment.)

    To all the reasonable pleading, cajoling and encouraging - and no doubt some confusion and frustration, finally - she just said, No I'm not going to say even a few words to all these older people who have taken the trouble to come here tonight, nope, not gonna do it.

    My guess is she got some mixed messages, a little short of the glory and adulation.

    That's the face of a sweating loser, working her jaw and tongue to keep her emotions under control.

    Even SHE knows she's a loser.

    Too medicated to speak coherently? Too strung out to avoid emotional meltdown or inappropriate over reaction? Or maybe she's such a mess in general that Todd had to step in and tell her she was going to blow it.

    I think she needed the attention and adoration, just wasn't functioning well enough to take a risk and speak.

    Mentally ill.

  106. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Oh happy day! I am no longer afraid of this woman. She is impotent, lame and limp as Todd's little head.

  107. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I´m only interested in the Fat Lady who does sarah´s hair.

    Were you there, Fat Lady?

    (sorry. I´m so jealous of Fat Lady I can´t help myself)

  108. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Reporters in the room? And from the LA Times, no less? Ruh roh. Somebody didn't take care of the arrangements. Probably a huge fight just before this, maybe even a last minute change of plans about speaking. She looks furious and worried.

  109. $arah passing up the opportunity to screech to her minions says it all.
    She's out, she's done, stick a pitchfork in her.

  110. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Given where all the money is coming from, i think that she's likely to be bankrupt in a few months. Many people who come suddenly into a windfall over-spend, assuming the cash flow will continue indefinitely. If she can't make it on the speaker circuit or get people to donate to SarahPac, or inspire a reality tv show, she will be out of funds. I say this is likely even if she rallies and gives a solid rabble-rousing speech tonite.

  111. Gasman8:17 AM

    From the Piss Pond:

    "It was like a gigantic family reunion."

    Yeah, a family reunion of imbecilic cousin humpers that have spent too many generations in the shallow end of the gene pool. Not much genetic diversity in THAT crowd.

  112. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I think she is clearly anorexic or bulimic, and not only because she is exceedingly thin and reportedly took diet pills during pregnancy.

    I think her animosity toward Michelle Obama stems in part from her unhealthy obsession with food. That is why she talks about the s'mores, the cookies, the fried butter on a stick--all things she is never filmed eating, yet thinks and talks about incessantly.

    Every politician took a moment at the fair to "sample" the local food on camera--except Sarah Palin, yet Sarah Palin was the only one who introduced food into the discussion about why she was going to the fair. She's also trying to preempt discussion about her unhealthy weight.

    Hiding her eating disorder is also probably why she pretends to be an enthusiastic runner, yet there is no evidence that she currently runs and on vacation in Hawaii last year, her legs lacked the tone one would expect from an enthusiastic runner.

    From a Website on anorexia:

    "Food becomes the most important part of an anorexic's life. Anorexia sufferers are often obsessed with food and will read cookbooks, collect recipes, and look at pictures of food in order to satisfy their cravings. Many anorexics insist on cooking for their families but will not eat any of the food they have prepared."

    And, remember the Newsweek close-up a year ago that showed her facial hair?

    "Fine hair called lanugo will grow over the face and body in order to keep the anorexic warm."

  113. Here's what's wrong with her:
    BS: I’ve revised my original Babygate paper as a magazine article. A couple of weeks ago I sent that to Sarah Palin’s Wasilla address, and she received it on August 15, according to the USPS tracking service. In a cover letter I asked her to respond to the article, and I also asked six specific questions that stem from it, such as whether she was truly pregnant in 2008 and whether she wore a fake pregnancy belly when Andrea Gusty interviewed her. I told her I planned to publish the article within a month, and I promised her I would include her response with it.

    Of course, she has not responded. So what can we concluded from that?

  114. Anonymous8:18 AM

    If she has decided to run, the reason for her continued announcement stalling is to avoid all the Rethug debates.

    There is no way she can be on stage and hold her own with whatever the number is - 7 or 8 or whatever.

    If you recall her debate with Biden - she didn't answer a question. When you have 7 or 8 Rethugs, some who will address the question, she can't be shown as the one that runs off the track spewing 'air cadet word salads'.

    Some of the Rethug candidates have started to speak about their plans for some issues -- she's never once spoken of a 'plan' in the 3 years she's been on the national stage. She just continues her 'attack dog status'.

    The Wasillabilly does have her own cheerleading cable station and I'm not talking Faux. CNN has a reporter at Iowa and they have discussed her event today every hour since early this morning.

  115. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Mentally ill, oh, indeed. Physically ill, maybe.

    Worn out - absolutely. Guilty - perhaps. Angry - I think so - having to appear in greasy spoon backrooms, man, that must hurt at this point.

  116. Anonymous8:20 AM

    She's not wearing her wedding ring. Again.

    I wonder whether her speech tonight may include a reference to an illness--either hers or a member of her family. It would be a perfect excuse not to run, and would explain all her erratic bus trips and other stuff over the summer. Of course it will be a lie, but a lot of people would believe it.

  117. Anonymous8:21 AM

    mmm, idk. Nothing's dropped yet, nothing's changed for her. She's known books are coming out, she received BA when everyone else did (b4 pub). Yet she's still going.

    I think she's battling how to continue inspiring people with how to let them know she is not a savior. I see the exact same feelings in Obama's eyes when he looks pensive and seemingly defeated. This is why we must be realistic in election leaders. We held Obama to a high standard based on NOTHING but feelings. And they're doing the same thing to Sarah.

    She's a good person with a strong family. I think it wil turn out ok for her and those she's inspired to make a difference.

    She's at the point where people are either indifferent or forever devoted. As long as the devotees maintain themselves, their passions should only help the country.

  118. Anonymous8:24 AM

    RAM was at the gathering... she was under the table giving a bj to Todd..

    RAM is trying to get back to the inner circle.

  119. Anonymous8:24 AM

    She must have said hello before the speech, because right after, she had her eye on the exit and moved towards it pretty fast.

    Whas that Rechter or whoever his name is in front of the door to exit chewing gum? She probably wanted the table closest to the door, LOL. Even she knows these people are idiots for believing her crap.

    And the "Busload of TexansforPalin," in the C4P quote is funny to me.

  120. Anonymous8:26 AM

    She does look mentally ill.

    FYI, the rally is on CSPAN right now for those who care to watch. And yes, it looks exactly like you'd expect. Old, white, people.

    I think Sarah's supposed to speak at 2 pm est (1 pm Iowa time).

  121. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Wow. This pic pretty much sums up the rain-soaked flop the "big" Palin speech is. As well as the desperation and delusions of her bots.

  122. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Yeah, sure looks a real barn burner coming up here folks.

    I almost feel embarrassed for Palin.

  123. Anonymous8:30 AM


    You didn´t really think sarah was going to let you, a black person, sit at her table, did you?

    Now you know your place among the faithful.

  124. Anonymous8:30 AM

    See she wore her old glasses. Guess the other ones are for the 'big stage'.

  125. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I agree with those that think this isn't an illness. It's guilt, it's despair at knowing her grifting is at a crossroads- run and be bombarded with questions about her past; since everything is coming out about her- or stop now and lose the money and fame she craves.
    You can't live a life like she has and not feel the effects at some point. Throw in menopause and what you get is a mess. She is a mess, with too many secrets to hide, but drooling for the 'win'.

  126. Anonymous8:34 AM

    The idiot that was speaking has never looked up a fact is his life -- he's too busy stuffing his gutt and it shows!!

    He still believes the pipeline is being built -- that BS statement that she made 3 years ago.

  127. Anonymous8:35 AM

    re: the breakdown thing...i had one last year. sleeping was totally skewed, couldn't concentrate on anything, cried all the time, didn't want to get out of bed but had nightmares when i did manage to sleep, hurt constantly. can't even describe how bad it was. lost a bunch of friends bc they didn't know how/ want to deal. i had no health insurance and was under-employed, unable to find full-time work, couldn't even afford my anti-depressant medications. (fortunately i had a family member who was willing and able to pay for them.) long story, but my parents ended up driving halfway across the country to get me (i am in my 30s) and i moved back in with them bc i couldn't handle being alone. it's been a year, and i am still nowhere near where i was emotionally before the breakdown. some days just getting up, showering, and going to my part-time job is overwhelming. i still have no insurance and struggle to pay for my scrips.

    normally i'd have compassion for anyone else going through this. it is a f***ing nightmare. but sarah palin, a multi-millionaire, has access to all the health services she has tried her damnedest to deny to people like me. (death panels??) she has the choice to get help--there is no financial reason she can't. so i kind of think that if she is headed for a breakdown, it couldn't happen to a more deserving person.

  128. Anonymous8:36 AM

    6:51, it would be hard for you or I to not feel guilty but not for Sarah - she only cares about herself. The woman doesn't give one hoot about anyone but herself. She justifies her pillage of these low information folks by believing in all the crap that they feed her. If you don't live in reality you can't really see what is going on in the real world.

  129. LisaB25958:38 AM

    I didn't get the "ill" vibe either, but I sense guilt too.

    It's one thing to string along people from afar, another thing to sit in a room full of them and realize you're going to disappoint them.

  130. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Sarah lives in a chemical soup. She's most likely bipolar and some mix of ADHD and is either on an up or a down, with not much in between. That is why she can't run for President. She would have to reveal the years of psychotropic drug use that she's been engaging in to cover for her messed up psyche.

    This is someone who was traumatized as a child in ways I won't go into, but it's so apparent to anyone who has worked with victims of sexual abuse. She is not getting very good advice from a doctor, or she is self medicating, it's become more and mroe clear to me that she is crashing...and I mean bigtime.

    Sarah, get some halp, you are losing it.

  131. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Anon 6:39

    "I want her out. But, anyone who succumbs to a breakdown is in extremely bad shape, mentally and physically. It is painful to look at that."

    Personally, I look forward to seeing it played out on stage in front of the world to see. She so deserves it.

    I care not that it would be embarrassing for her and her family. They all are scum of the earth and I seriously will jump for joy watching it playing out.

  132. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Wow, the Karen Carpenter comment was harsh. If anyone close to Sarah really cared and loved her they would demand that she stop this stupid little charade and get some medical attention. Sarah took the dieting a little too far to the extreme. The muskrat hairpiece was priceless. Commenter, I was thinking the same thing: WTF is going on with the hair? Todd may be able to braid the kids' hair but he just couldn't put that ole' muskrat on Sarah's too-large head.

  133. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Gryphen, on the Jesus picture you need to put black toenails with white polka dots on Jesus's feet.

  134. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I don't think she knows what guilt is, any more than she knows what transparency is.

    To believe you are God's chosen one justifies any thing for her.

    As far as having a mental illness and dealing with it, the solution would probably be to pray it away.
    Does anyone think she would actually do the responsible, correct thing?

  135. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Sarah sitting under the hatcheries sign was priceless. Irony abounds around that two bit hussy.

  136. Anonymous8:46 AM

    7:07- you mean the cabin get away where she was getting her meds adjusted? She's "torn", you mean you took all their money because they thought she was running and she was stringing them along, now she has to shit or get off the pot! She's still a quitter and the fear is showing...

  137. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Gryphen, I feel like I should sue you for the six minutes of torture I just went through, LOL! I was expecting to see her shoes on the wrong feet or maybe a big green boogie dangling from her re-shaped what am I missing re. "did you see it"??

    Was it the banner trying to jump off the wall in embarrassment?

    She sure is looking plastic.

  138. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Anon at 6:58: "But honestly, to compare to a real scenario, she looks better than Obama has in recent months and days. HE looks emaciated and frail himself."

    He has the most stressful job in the world, compared to living responsibility-free off of a fraudulent PAC.

  139. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Swe123 7:38

    "Anyone out there who knows her personally...she needs to be hospitalized and soon!"


    Her husband is with her and if he doesn't care -- why should anyone else. It's not anyone elses responsibility.

    In fact -- let it happen on stage. Let her have a meltdown in front of the cameras. Screw the getting her behind the scene to do it. She wants to rant her racist BS on the country -- she deserves to meltdown in front of the country. Maybe that would knock some sense in to her moron cult followers -- let them have meltdowns too -- they've earned them and deserve them for all the harm and damage she and they have done to so many.

    As I being vicious -- yea - so. Personally, if she melts down and dies in front of us - I'm not going to be uset AT ALL. She earned and deserves it.

  140. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Sarah has been wearing the key around her neck alot lately. That's so if the kids and Todd lock her out of the house she can still get in. Don't know what happened to the cross and star of David jewelry.

  141. Anon at 7:07,


    Maybe you could get a job writing for Bristle's "reality" show. Great imagination.

  142. Anonymous8:51 AM

    That, my friends, is the look of a woman with a "pucker factor" of 11. She knows that if she doesn't announce, she'll be cannibalized by the sheeple she's fleeced. One can almost picture her thinking, "How the fuck am I going to get out of this with my millions without running (i.e., "alive")?!?"

  143. Anonymous8:53 AM

    "But honestly, to compare to a real scenario, she looks better than Obama has in recent months and days. HE looks emaciated and frail himself."

    For Heaven's sake, he's the president with real issues and responsibilities. Get a grip on reality.

    I see the family has been put on Fairy Troll duty today. One in particular seems exceptionally concerned that when Sarah's scam is outed, so will another's.

  144. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Anon @ 8:32, I think it's both. The two ideas aren't mutually exclusive.

    This is a woman who has consistently shown signs of some sort of mood disorder or anger disorder, at the very, very least.

    She has consistently shown signs that perhaps she uses substances to get by, or perhaps has an eating disorder.

    All of that falls under the category of "mental illness". People don't like to use the term, and in this case because she has such a toxic personality and reputation people feel like it's somehow giving her a free pass.

    It's not, but it explains a few things. There are some bad people out there who also happen to suffer from chemical imbalance. She's one of them.

  145. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I think Pathetic Palin is just too lazy to do anything but the minimum to keep her cash cow producing. We all know she cannot put two words together that makes sense. That roomfull of tards just wanted an opportunity to drool over their idol. Talk about a whole lotta balls lost in the high weeds! Sheesh!


  146. Anonymous8:56 AM

    The organizers of today's event are saying they expect 2,000 people.

    Wow - are they having 'wet' dreams!!!

  147. Anonymous8:57 AM

    7:20--As long as she doesn't stop trying to improve the country, i think people will accept any decision she makes.


    Really, no response to this except to throw up a little in my mouth. Trying to improve the country? She's only in it for herself, you deluded individual. Country be damned. She has no respect for any of its leaders or any of you poor lemmings. She has no respect for any of our institutions, including that 'family" she goes on about...if she did, she'd place family above her need to grift. But she doesn't. Improve the country...sheesh, she's done more damage to it than anybody but, oh, maybe Dick Cheney.

  148. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Bots are already spinning the anemic crowd size as due to the weather. Oh and it's all the organizers' fault of course.

  149. Anonymous9:05 AM

    From Washington Post - she spoke to reporters but not her supporters!! LOL!!

    Cheryl Schnapp of Arvada, Colo., said if Palin doesn’t run, “We’ll write her in. It will be the biggest write-in campaign ever.”

    “Sarah Palin is amazing,” she said. “She is right on policies. She’s got common sense."

    What policies? She's never mentioned anything she will do - she rants and runs down everything but has never voice what she would do. More from the 'stunned & stupid deluded cult'

  150. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Maybe she saw the results of the FOX NOISE poll:

  151. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Four Wasillas in the house at the same time, wave!

  152. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I wonder if she has this tune in her head much. Apologies to Mick and the boys...

  153. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I have been saying for some time that something is wrong with her. I think she is abusing prescription meds and or is taking meth.

  154. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Anon @6:58 AM : You are VERY subdued today, RAM! Usually you spew how happy and strong and thick-skinned $arah is, but not today. I guess you actually KNOW what is going on there, but are trying to do your best to pull the wool over our eyes.
    Well, guess what: IT AIN'T GONNA WORK! :P

  155. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Looks to me like Sarah and her followers came face to face with reality, and weren't all that happy about it.

    Tactical error on her part. If she had maintained that over-the-top affect, stood and spoke from the podium, she could have continued her status of idol up on the pedestal. But she stepped off, refused to meet even the most reasonable expectation that she would say SOMETHING to them, even if it was just "Thanks for coming" and instead let herself be viewed as just another middle aged woman sitting there sweating among the others. She even forgot to put on earrings - celebrities know to dress for their fans, and she couln't be bothered.

    Not a politician.

    Not a celebrity.

    Just a grifter.


  156. Anonymous9:15 AM

    If she runs she will win President of The Honey Bucket Brigade, cause someone has to carry that cheet around.

  157. Anonymous9:15 AM

    It looks as if they "roped" off the room behind the speaker.

    That was lame as shit. Wasn't she the keynote speaker? she just gave the middle finger to her moneybags.

    That dysfunctional family has a penchant for giving them.

    Talk about wtf moments, bitch.


  158. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Anon @7:07
    You're delusional. As far as "people making things up about Sarah every day", that's just useless hope on your part and very bit as effective as "prayers" for things that are immoral and wrong. If 10% of the things that are coming out are true, Sarah is not only done but headed for rough waters. All the drugs in the world won't help her escape responsibility. Somewhere in that fuzzy brain of hers, I think she knows it.

    "Chuck's hunting"? Really? When his "baby girl" is about to announce for President of the United State of 'merika? LOL

    The only thing Sarah Palin can "do for this country" is sit down and shut the fuck up. It can't happen soon enough.

  159. Beldar Waylon Conehead9:21 AM

    Gryphen, I call bull shit!! It's so obvious that you're just trying to build sympathy for the Screechy Wretch(tm). All this talk of her looking frail and sedated and ill and strained. IT'S NONSENSE!!! AND WE ALL KNOW IT!

    There's a very simple reason why she didnt speak to the DOZENS of adoring fans who worship her. She is saving her voice for the debut of Granny Lulu 2.0!

    Yes, that's right. I predict with almost Harold Camping-like certainty that the Grisly Momma will announce a Country (and Western, also, too) singing career tonight!

    It makes total sense! It will give her something to do with her time over the many months ahead while she "thinks about" accepting the most powerful job in the world.

    I further predict she will be touring one or more CDs that I'm almost positive are in production at this very moment. I hope I'm not revealing too much here by sharing the name of the first single: "She's Just A Dried-Up, Withered Old Crone".

    I havent been this excited about someone's musical career since Pat Boone did an album of heavy metal covers!!!

  160. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Is anyone watching this freakshow of an event on C-SPAN?? Truly cringe-inducing.

  161. Anonymous9:23 AM

    OT for this post but still interesting.........

    You know the gossip web site, TMZ? They run a photo contest each month and this month is a "preggo pic" contest.

    They've had over 200 submissions so far.

    There is such a huge variety of pregnant women you just need to see it to believe it. There are women in their 30s, young ladies who barely look old enough to vote.....there are elaborate props for some, bellies draped in tulle or satin......there is all manner of participation by the dads-to-be, from not being present at all, to kissing the belly or lovingly placing a hand on it. There are chubby, soft bodies and taut, fit ones. There are women who have such a rounded fundus it seems their navels will pop at any moment. Women whose babies' have outlines of feet and elbows which can actually be seen through the mom's skin!
    Basically, there is every type of age, body shape, trimester, and photo presentation.

    But there is not one......not a single one.....which *remotely* resembles Sarah Palin at any point in her alleged "pregnancy" with Trig.

  162. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Please, please, please msm stop sniffing her flat butt. she can't run for any office becausem we told you a million, she's fake, fake, fake.

    The only thing real about palin is her racism, her ignorance her grifting.


  163. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Watch the nervous breakdown on C-SPAN approximately 2:15 ET

  164. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Oh, how touching: "I don't know" is starting to accept that Sarah may NOT run for POTUS. Remember, "IDK", acceptance is the first step toward healing.

    BTW, "IDK", why don't you know?! You seem to know so much! You know the family's travel schedule, what they eat, the strength of their family bond.... Don't sell yourself short, "IDK", you know a lot!

  165. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Watching the debacle on C-SPAN. Baggers just don't know how to have fun. Those few hundred people sitting in the rain should strip naked, fire up some doobies and find some mud to writhe in.

  166. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Spent matter how may people show up CNN will make it look like thousands

  167. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I'm guessing Christine O'Donnell is mighty happy NOT to be a part of this tea party disaster today.


  168. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Every day that passes brings to bear increasing pressure on Sarah and it shows. The buzz is getting louder and louder, the narrative is being written.

    She has painted herself into a corner with her feigned 'maverickyness' which is simply covering for her utter inability to tell the truth.

    She could NOT WAIT to get out of that room of those 'rill 'merikans'. It's a visceral difference when she goes on a stage with all sorts of protection and padding from the public or on Fox with their softball questions...but when she has to sit with the dirty masses, she just is beside herself with revulsion, she just wants their money, she doesn't want to be their best friend.

    The ONLY reason she was forced to show up there is that such a bruha was made in the press about Christine O'Donnell and her invite, disinvite, invite, disinvite episode at the hands of Palin's 'team'...which would be Todd and Sarah.

    When you look people in the eye and lie to them, rather than looking into a teleprompter or paying to have a ghostwriter pen her facebook posts and media articles, it is a whole other dynamic. She just came face to face with reality (at least a reality that feeds her existence)

    By nature I am a deeply compassionate and caring person, so I find myself incredulous that I cannot muster any compassion for her, whether she is mentally ill or physically ill, she is simply a manifestation of the hate and horror she has visited upon so many people in this country with her nasty rhetoric.

    Nope, not a single bone in my body rallies to softened feelings about her, she's just too toxic. She needs to go out in a big, public, dramatic, in-your-face event like the moment Crusty McCain sicced the Wasilla Mad Dog on the Republican Convention in 2008...and crash hard, unequivocably and permanently out of the public would truly be a blessing on this country.

  169. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Gryph, gosh I hope you're right but I don't see this terribly frail person having a nervous breakdown. She is certainly more subdued and is quite thin but I don't see a huge change from before.

  170. JayKen Knotstirred9:46 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, How much does your silence about Trig cost per year?

  171. emrysa9:48 AM

    wow, there's a room full of winners!!!

    I think that her and todd's weirdness stemmed from the fact that they were just trying to make it through the event... they know they are scamming those people, this is one of the few times they've actually had to sit and stay put - usually the quitter is on foot and can easily walk away to change the scene. I think they both felt nervous knowing that she is not going to run and is just trying to squeeze every bit of grifting out that she can before that train comes to a halt.

  172. DetroitSam9:49 AM

    Anonymous @7:07 am
    Please, please, please tell me what "lot of good" Palin can do in the world? In what reality.

    "She's realistic".

    Say what? Are you for real? Realism would have made her understand that an under-educated, poorly informed person such as she is not qualified to be President of anything.

    She (and you) thinks she can better the country? This woman knows nothing about anything.
    I bet Palin has never read a single book, newspaper, magazine article, blog post or tweet on Economics, US History, the Constitution, US Government, World history, World Religions, etc., in her life. Do these people even own any books?
    And that communication (or journalsim) degree that she claims she got (after attending what, five or six colleges) is not worth the paper it is printed on.

    The Palins, obviously, do not value education. How many of that family even attended junior college. None. And they never will.

    This woman quit her job as governor and even to this day, she is still as uninformed as she was while governor.

    Imagine Palin sitting down with world leaders for a real discussion of issues where she would have to rely on her interlect and knowledge instead of tweets, facebook snarks, and clap-trap speeches written by her flunkies?

    Please, give me a break.

  173. Anonymous9:50 AM

    She dissed her Bots!!

    They're good enough to rob them but not good enough for her to speak to them!!!

  174. Anonymous9:50 AM

    toad and that dingbat wife of his really believed the Iowa crowd came to see them. HAHAHAHAHA

    toad said something like (after arriving at the fair) she (goofball) still has "it" when they were met with on lookers.

    palin couldn't totally quit her self-headlined event although the old bat tried. she'd half-way quitted, what a loon. HAHAHAHA


  175. Anonymous9:50 AM

    How can the media continue to ignore the obvious physical and
    emotional changes in Palin ?
    How can the media continue to ignore the alarming weight loss and the flat affect ?
    Palin behaved like a frail old woman.
    Who either didn't have the energy or decency to stand up and thank her cult .
    The old pictures that were posted on
    the podium are a reminder of what she
    used to look like
    and the desiccated shell she looks like now.
    When she turned her back in the video,
    you could see the vertebrae
    in her neck.
    The constant sweating is troubling ( the Pella premiere , the Iowa Fair and last night ),
    especially since she is emaciated
    and wearing light clothing.
    Some patients report excess sweating
    and weight loss when
    on the anti depressant Zoloft.
    Will anyone in the lamestream media have the guts to report on the small turnout ?
    20 tables at a small restaurant is nothing and half of them had to be bussed in.
    Todd looked extremely uncomfortable.
    The bots were predicting a turnout of 80,000 today .

  176. Upcoming on C-Span as I post this comment, the awaited address at the "Tea Party 'America'" event:

  177. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Even with the free buses, there were so few people there? Today maybe she will unveil her "platform" "Free diet pills, Red Bull and illegitimate babies for EVERY family in America". Since she is "just like her followers"

  178. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Gryphen -

    You can't blame Anonymous, Joe, Fred, Levi, etc. for Sarah's current condition. The Palins and their deluded followers will be doing plenty of that when she finally hits rock-bottom.

    Sarah herself is to blame. The heinous lies and doings were bound to catch up to her sometime. They must eat away at her every day.

    If there is anyone else to blame, it's those closest to her who knew she wasn't healthy, long before she became a national figure: Chuck, Sally, Todd, Bristol (who I sort of give a pass; as Bill O'Reilly said re Jamie Lynn Spears, "Now most teens are pinheads in some ways. But here the blame falls primarily on the parents of the girl, who obviously have little control over her..."), Fred, etc.

    If they sat idly by when she needed psychiatric and medical help, they have no one to blame but themselves.

  179. Anonymous9:58 AM

    "I do believe she did not give a speech because she was not being paid for it. You don't give it away when dimwits are willing to pay for it." 8:02

    Bristol is this you??

    Bristol, you know it is dimwits sending money to the PAC, but you should really refer to them as "patrons" to be polite.

  180. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I agree with those that say it's not illness we see, but guilt and fear. This is a woman who BASKS in the adoration of a crowd, but she looks SO uncomfortable being so close to these adoring fans. Did anyone note the "...God is a woman now" "Amen" from a man & woman in the crowd at about the 1:13 mark? Todd looks out at the crowd, but she just stays in her hunched position with that little smile. Very eerie. I've yet to meet any Obama supporter who believed that the Prez was "ordained" by God & have NEVER heard Obama say he was ordained by God. That's the HUGE difference between the President and Palin, among many, many, many others.

    It's interesting how her eyes are riveted on the speaker, darting to the side on occasion. But, she never turns her head to smile and look at any of these people in the eye, even those close to her. She doesn't even look at Todd! Though, he does seem to be watching her reactions pretty closely. I think this showing at the restaurant was meant to build courage. That's not tiredness we see, it's fear. And it shows.

  181. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Things I learned from the Tea Party rally:
    They're probably not gonna find a cure for a kid's cancer if the health care reform law goes forward.

    Teabaggers really like calling Obama "boy".

  182. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Shows you how selfish Sarah is. Christine O'Donnell probably would have brought a bit of excitement to the crowd. This whole thing is a total borefest.

    Sarah couldn't have anyone compete with her for attention and excitement!

  183. Anonymous10:03 AM

    It is a sorry scene, but for those of you who feel bad for her.... just remember, she knew all along she wasn't going to run. She loves her new life of living off of an endless piggy bank and all she has to do is wheel herself out of her mansions a few times a year. Her family's focus is the money from Sarahpac and putting on the show to keep it coming. The whole family carries on this charade, for the money. Sarah may be scared, but it's only fear the money train could end.

  184. WalterNeff10:04 AM

    This Grammy Award-winning singer on CSPAN won his award for a kid's Halloween album

  185. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Countdown with Keith Olbermann 09-02-2011 4 - Palin' In Comparison, with Wayne Slater

  186. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I love the Palin Family Fairy Tale Troll who always knows exactly when things happen, including exactly when certain emotions and feelings happen: last fall when Bristol was in LA, spring of 2006 when the family was so happy when they all went camping, etc. This family troll (I think Bristol) can always name the event, even when it's been 3 or 4 years.

    Glad you're so happy Bristol, having a blast with Kyle and crew in LA!!

  187. Anonymous10:05 AM

    wonder if buck howdy's playin' at the machine shed tonight ?

  188. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Watching the Indianola "rally" on C-Span with the sound off. She better come out with a fantastic speech - those people are not showing happy faces. Sarah's probably backstage pulling her hair out, smearing her make-up and throwing cans at Todd, screaming "Pray for rain you MoFo so we can get the F outta here".

    What a sad, pathetic bunch of humans.

  189. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Watching the Indianola "rally" on C-Span with the sound off. She better come out with a fantastic speech - those people are not showing happy faces. Sarah's probably backstage pulling her hair out, smearing her make-up and throwing cans at Todd, screaming "Pray for rain you MoFo so we can get the F outta here".

    What a sad, pathetic bunch of humans.

  190. QUOTE: [The muskrat hairpiece was priceless. Commenter, I was thinking the same thing: WTF is going on with the hair? Todd may be able to braid the kids' hair but he just couldn't put that ole' muskrat on Sarah's too-large head.

    8:41 AM]

    Thanks Anon 8:41! :) I wish I could get her hair out of my the previous 3 years I keep waiting for 2 eyes to peek out from the underbrush or for the entire mass of nasty to attack someone. That entire "bumpit" thing is so incredibly strange. Is that an Alaskan style trend, or just Palin reading 1994 issues of "Women's World @ her Wasilla hairdresser's store? Too much TV time @ 3am watching those infomercials? Does she buy bumpits by the gross?

  191. Anonymous10:08 AM

    "She's always loved meeting the grassroots people the most."

    Yeah Right! I think she looked around and wasn't happy with this class of people and the restaurant... the Machine Shop? Looks like a painted barn or something. Ohhhh, how the mighty has fallen!!!

  192. WalterNeff10:08 AM

    She's wearing 'the girls'

  193. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Blame It on the Rain? Turnout Appears Low Ahead of Sarah Palin’s Iowa Speech

  194. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I wonder if our dear anonymous will return and lend some insights into the constant enthusiasm about "coffee" in Sarah's emails -- and the substance her minions was always adding to her coffee for her.

  195. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I have CSPAN on. She has on padded shoulders, a padded bra, a big hair wig. She is doing her usual speech.

  196. Anonymous10:11 AM

    She is peaking right now and the first thing I noticed was the added bra. I am shallow, I know.

  197. Anonymous10:12 AM

    "... it can't help that there are anon commenters making up stuff daily. Mediainsider, we know it's you. Your writing style gives you away."

    Thanks for the nod-of-approval. Many have doubted MediaInsider but nothing beats a bash by a bot to give credibility to a commenter. (Actually, I think you're family.)

    PS- I got a kick out of "Your writing style gives you away." Come here often? You're using a lot of the phrases that are used here.

  198. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Maybe I am missing something here while watching the CSPAN screech show. (OMG help me get through this!)
    But, why is there no scan of the crowd? Any idea how many people in attendance?

  199. #1 tool of con-artists: sympathy.

    She won't run. She'll tell people she has cancer, MS, dementia, lyme's disease, whatever, Chrohn's. They'll send more buckets of cash.

    She'll milk that for a while, then be cured miraculously.

    It will all be OUR fault, of course. Because she is the ultimate Queen of Con, she can turn anything into a $-making scheme.

  200. Anonymous10:13 AM

    "I think - she isn't running and she knows that pretty soon she has to let them down.

    6:39 AM"

    Oh please, you can't be that delusional. she doesn't care about your feelings. It has everything to do with her giving up her free money.

    The whole event is weird and lame as hell. Didn't the pee crowd say it was going to be thousands there, buses galore and whatnot?

    Isn't a keynote speaker suppose to speak? What a joke.



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