Thursday, September 08, 2011

Sarah Palin has been demoted from Tea Party icon, to moldy candy-less pinata. "Here's your stick, step right up and take a swing!"

First up we have Ann "Crypt Keepers daughter" Coulter, speaking to Laura Ingraham filling in for Bill O'Reilly, who said of Sarah Palin:

You know, we used to all love Sarah Palin, conservatives like me, for her enemies. I'm starting to dislike her because of her fans. And she does get things wrong. She wouldn't have to. I think she's bright, but she doesn't -- her good points do not seem to be in the direction of running for president. Just like Newt Gingrich, you just go ahead and run so we can get this over with.

You can see the interview for yourself directly below.

However Coulter is certainly not the ONLY conservative pundit taking a swing at Palin these days, check out the scathing evisceration of Palin's political prick tease from

When people (including her own supporters) began to (reasonably) speculate that this would be the date and place of her announcement (as she no doubt intended for them to do), she issued one of the most ridiculous, delusions-of-persecution laden statements in the history of politics, declaring herself the victim of “establishment political games” and declaring that such speculation was “more of the ‘politics-as-usual’ that Sarah Palin has fought against throughout her career.” 

Perhaps never before has a politician had the chutzpah to claim that excited speculation about her running for President was part of a conspiracy against her that she needed to thwart. Likewise never before have so many of a politician’s followers so eagerly lapped up something so transparently moronic. 

Palin’s ridiculous act has worn so thin with the GOP electorate that she now polls roughly equivalent with Ron Paul. Whereas three months ago she would have been in an ideal position to be kingmaker in the Republican primary, given that 71% of Republicans don’t want her to run for President, she might well be in a position that the first person she calls to offer an endorsement will politely turn it down. And nevermind actually running a campaign that could win – in addition to her substantial polling woes, Palin has no national campaign staff, no local staff in any early primary states, no big-donor fundraising network that can match either Perry or Romney, and if her September 3rd speech is any indication, no cohesive and defining issues or policies to run on. The primary calendar has moved earlier and is more heavily frontloaded with major states than ever; a candidate without any of the attributes listed above has never been so far behind the 8-ball as Sarah Palin would be now if she announced tomorrow.

Oh yeah, that's the stuff!

You know I offered numerous times in the past to have these conservatives come over and visit my blog to receive an education on Sarah Louise Palin and to learn what her game plan was for coyly acting the part of the political dilettante, while milking her supporters of every last red cent, before abruptly leaving them in the dust as she roars off in her private jet to live in the luxury that their ignorance and desperation provided for her.

If they had only taken me up on that offer, we could have been reading this postmortem on Palin a year ago.


  1. Anonymous4:10 AM

    How can anyone watch that video of Ann and not be absolutely sure that she was a he first? Personally, I have no problem with people who realize they were born the wrong sex..but feel that they need to be honest about it. I 100% support Chaz Bono on this decision and respect him for not hiding it.
    I am the same with Bristol and Sarah...if they chose to have all those surgeries..more power to them...but don't lie about it and pretend they just somehow magically changed overnight. It is the lying that bothers me, not the surgeries. If you aren't honest about this, you have established that you are not to be trusted.

  2. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Great post Gryphen. Republicans have been given the green light to run the bus over Ms. Palin (Heath?).

    As far as her ill gotten gains, they won't last long. The woman couldn't balance a city budget let alone her own household's.

    Oh what a beautiful morning!


  3. Anonymous4:13 AM

    I will never understand how Ann Coulter is considered attractive. She has a face like a horse's vagina - and not in a good way.

  4. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Her hair must be on fire this morning. Cans must be flying at Casa de Pay-me.

  5. Anonymous4:16 AM

    $arah, this is what God calls, 'sillin the dill' honey.

  6. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Yeah, I waded into the pee pool yesterday to see what they were saying about these events and NOPE, not a word. A couple people referenced the "horrible" people but not an article. Maybe today?

    We knew this was going to happen. The republicans eat their own all the time. They used her (& NO I don't feel sorry for her one bit because of her attitude and stupidity) and it was only a matter of time. They LOVED her when they were using her to "help" McCain but they would never have let her get any closer to the office.

    If she wasn't so stubborn and roguish they would have used her like GWB. In her case, I think she would have been worse than GWB though because she is a loose cannon. He is laid back and she is reactive and dumber than spit. She would have bombed every country she didn't like without thinking about the consequences.

    I have said all along that she was her own worst enemy. It is too bad that she had the opportunity to separate and divide our country so much. She let the crazy out and I have NO idea how we can put them back in their caves.


  7. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Hey, rogues don't CALL to offer an endorsement, they just do it!

    (The advance call is merely to establish the asking price.)

  8. Anonymous4:30 AM

    His followers are in for a rude awakening...

    To keep her charade and grifting going, she will say she needs to devote time to her family now and her real plans are to run in 2012.

    With this, she can keep stringing along the chip eaters and keep them sending money to her PAC.

  9. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Sarah's only chance of becoming relevant again is to reveal the whole truth about Trig.

  10. Anonymous4:33 AM

    So, hopefully, we can concentrate on polishing off what remains of Bachmann's campaign - laugh that it is, and then refocus on Perry - but Romney needs to be taken to task for adopting so many Tea Party views.

    Unless, of course, by the general election, the electorate has forgotten the cheap and sleazy way he's pandered to the TP. Then it will be our job to remind them.

    It will also be our job to remind our President (and best hope) that he needs to represent us more than he needs to compromise with those who do not have our best interests as a country in their hearts.

    Whew - though it is not officially over until Sarah announces she has better things to do, I am feeling more relief than ever before. So glad that woman is almost out of the spotlight.

    I think she has ruined even her value as a commenter. I suspect Fox will be letting her go soon.

    I just hope Fox will be gone soon as well. :)

  11. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Will she finally sit down and shut up now that she knows she isn't even good enough for teabaggers?

  12. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Sarah you are definitely no Beyonce!

    By looking at your knarley claws we can see that Tawd has not put a ring on those crooked fingers.

    Biscuit, Piper and Willow see what you have in store for you!

    Pretty soon your mom, Creepy Chuckie and Sally will look like brothers and sisters.

  13. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Somebody should advise Sarah that wonky eyes, false eye lashes and heavy mascara does not go well with each other.

    It just draws your eyes to her wonky eyes and makes you wonder what the fuck is wrong with that special needs retard.

  14. Oh, ye of little Faith, dost thou not know the mysteriousness of the Ways of God?

  15. Anonymous5:01 AM

    "... declaring herself the victim of “establishment political games” and declaring that such speculation was “more of the ‘politics-as-usual’ that Sarah Palin has fought against throughout her career.” 

    Sounds like Sarah does not have fire in the belly, but gas up her old fungus ass.

  16. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:04 AM

    A Paliniata! Brilliant idea for Halloween! And swinging a bat at it would be SO satisfying. Gotta get out my newspapers, glue and tissue paper...

    I still call a lucrative future in televangelism for The Nitwit Queen. Those mindless acolytes who believe that she's a gift from heaven can gaze upon her oily countenance in TV, or dutifully trek to her megachurch in AK or AZ--while continuing to donate their meager savings to her lavish lifestyle in the name of Jeebus.

  17. Anonymous5:05 AM

    A commenter from Red State had this to say:

    "Can we all agree that if Palin decides not to run, that she’s basically “punk’d” everyone in a publicity stunt to sell books and promote herself as a celebrity?

    What other case can be made? That she still can’t make up her mind? Is that the sort of decisive leadership you want in the White House?

    If Palin were truly interested in becoming President, she could have had the nomination on a silver platter after 2008 by finishing at least one term as Governor, hitting the books, and giving substantive policy speeches. Instead, she got a taste of the celebrity life and wanted an easy paycheck as opposed to the grueling duties of being a serious leader. She quit in the middle of her first term for dubious reasons, got book deals, did Reality TV, a show on Fox, etc. I went from being a genuine fan in 2008 to feeling like an idiot for being such a sucker.

    You can tell she’s figuring out her star is fading, and the absolute only way she can get attention any more attention is by pretending to run for President.

    Conservatives need to be more aggressive about weeding out the con artists in our Party that are pretending to be serious about public office when they’re really just trying to make money off suckers. If Palin decided she just wanted to be the conservative Oprah you wouldn’t hear the same criticism (and she would also be universally ignored). Instead she has to trot out this con that she’s serious about being President."

  18. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Ha ha we told you Sarah Palin is not running for POTUS. She just took your money and ran to her bank you stupid Sons of B's!

    Well officially Sarah has not called it quits again but it is coming down the pike and I wanted to finally be able to say it.

  19. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Seriously, it took these two ladies three years to find out that Sarah Palin is thin on policy?

    Didn't they watch Sarah Palin during the Katie Couric interviews?

    (applause, applause) Thank you, Ms. Couric for unmasking this lazy unintelligent fraud!

  20. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Sad to see how Sarah is fading, just as Bristol is becoming a big Hollywood star.

    Hope there is enough money left in SarahPAC to buy Bristol a Malibu beach house and pay nannies to take care of her children.

  21. Anonymous5:14 AM

    "With all due respect, Gov. Palin’s initial flirtation with running for President has lost its sparkle. The hints, followed for months and months by nothing but more hints, have grown tiresome. It is time for a decision. Or more precisely, it is time for a public announcement, as we suspect Palin has already made her decision.

    The New Hampshire Primary is four months away (presuming the calendar stays as it is). We understand that Palin doesn’t like to play by anyone else’s rules. But she needs to understand that her prolonged decision-making process is lowering her standing among Republican voters and conservative independents. Many are starting to feel as though she is stringing them along."

  22. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Let's see, Sarah tried being a beauty contestant, mayor, governor, car wash owner, mother, wife, runner, basketball player, reality star, sports announcer, and other stuff but can't seem to be successful at anything.

    Tell me again how they came up with the movie title "Undefeated"?

    It must be a bitch being Sarah Palin right now. It is like being an airplane pilot a 1/2 mile up in the sky and somebody mixed water with your gas.

    Karma is a bitch huh Sarah.

  23. Anonymous5:17 AM

    O'Reilly new exactly what Laura was going to talk about while hosting his show. I think O'Reilly thinks Sarah is the biggest joke in America and this is his way of getting it out.
    We are seeing Fox commentators coming forward to state their opinions of her now and it is not good. Hannity and Greta will be next.

  24. Anonymous5:20 AM

    And if we had been reading that postmortem a year ago, would the current crop of GOP wannabes actually be speaking logically instead of beating the drum for the one thing that will not fly right now: more tax cuts. Would Obama have found a spine long before now if the Congress had not be infiltrated with this slime hiding behind a Constitution they hate? Would the left have held onto the House and actually gotten a jobs bill passed? I hate to give her the discredit for all of this, but one has to wonder when the drum majorette at the head of the parade has the press reporting her every random tweet, what state this union might be in had she taken her millions and gone home.

  25. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Herman Cain 2012!!!!

    The man turned around Burger King and Godfathers. He knows business obviously. What a change to have someone in the hot seat with actual experience and not just selected to racebait and provide a facade for special interests.

  26. angela5:41 AM

    Yep, Nasty Ann and the rest are demoting her, but they don't really know Sarah like we do. Sarah will still try to be kingmaker anyway—if she doesn't run on Twitter. She'll ask for money for her PAC to endorse Perry, Bachmann or Mitt (who I truly can't imagine her endorsing). Doesn't her kind tend to hate Mormons?

    The idiots will of course accept her endorsement. They want that twenty-five percent of completely toothless knuckle draggers Sarah comes with (if they haven't already jumped in rivers and tried to end it all by consuming mass amounts of fried butter after they find out she will not be president). But if there are survivors, they'll probably follow Sarah.

    After what Palin did behind McCain's back, no one should trust her as far as they can throw her bank account. If they do-they deserve what they get. Look how she just treated O'Donnell, a woman she previously endorsed.

    Ann doesn't understand that Sarah will not be ignored! No matter what anyone says. Palin bunny stew, anyone?

  27. Smirnonn5:45 AM

    "Oh yeah, that's the stuff."


    "Likewise never before have so many of a politician’s followers so eagerly lapped up something so transparently moronic."

    Well, sure. It's unprecedented. But never before has there been a political movement so based on ignorance, empty platitudes, false American exceptionalism, fundamentalist religion and thinly veiled racism. And never before has there been a narcissistic lying sociopath (with a phony physical facade complete with stage glasses and flag pins) so willing to brazenly fleece her supporters (Sarah - that's YOU).

    Glad to see some of the folks on the right are finally seeing through the smoke and mirrors and false victimhood of the Payliar.

  28. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Some people are just late to the party, aren't they?
    Oh well, better late than never.
    Unfortunately, her legacy is that she opened the floodgates for legitimizing GOP lunies and now we have to contend with them.
    Go get 'em Gryph!!!!

  29. Anonymous5:50 AM

    THIS is who we need. A man of action, experience, intellect, and business. A man with skill and determination, a tried and true businessman.

  30. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Well it's about time her supporters turned on her. Any of them...all of them that were put before her. Now they're not just idiots...they're poor, penniless idiots.

    Sarah, they say that you often peruse this blog and if it's true, have you no fucking shame? You're heartless and despicable. It's only a matter of time that karma will come around and fleece YOUR ass.

  31. Anonymous5:52 AM

    How come the Arizona Maverick is not encouraging or endorsing the Wasilla Maverick to run for POTUS?

    I mean Sarah spoke up and defended Johnny Boy but he is not willing to reciprocate the favor?

    Hey Tawd that must piss you off that Johnny McCain is pulling a Joe Miller on your dumb ass ex-wife?

    Hey Tawd, how come the people Sarah endorsed is not coming to Sarah's rescue? Everybody is staying clear of Sarah like she is the Titanic or something?

    By the way, when was the last time time these two unAmerican loosers, McCain and Palin, were seen together?

    Was it when Johnny asked for his clothes back from the grifter and her family?

  32. Anonymous5:53 AM

    I take slight issue with your last paragraph. Because you insist on reporting blatant lies and offering snide commentary on things you really don't know, you discredit yourself and turn off middle road people.
    You choose to remain biased to your own party.

    By all means, there is enough politically to kill Sarah's professional dreams. But perpetually bringing up the peripherie doesn't help your case. Especially when your info is filled with lies.

  33. Anonymous5:54 AM

    This makes it official - Sarah's jumped the shark.

  34. Anonymous6:01 AM

    "Oh yeah that's the stuff" indeedy. Isn't it just scrumptiously yummy to watch the cannibals sharpen their knives?

    Sarah was just too stupid, greedy and narcissistic to keep a facade in place that would have fooled people - she just HAD to show her true self. Which is just a tip of the iceberg.

  35. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Herman Cain 2012!!!!

    The man turned around Burger King and Godfathers. He knows business obviously. What a change to have someone in the hot seat with actual experience and not just selected to racebait and provide a facade for special interests.

    5:35 AM

    Oh my, Sarah would blow a gasket if another African American steals her thunder!

    Sarah lost to Miss Alaska, an African American.

    Sarah lost to President Obama, an African American.

    Drum roll please...

    Sarah lost Bristol to two African Americans. Bristol surely does want to be a Kim Kardashian!


  36. telah6:13 AM

    OT here, but something you may be interested in: Michigan is freezing Welfare benefits for anyone who has received them for a combined 4 years. Effective Oct. 1, more than 40,000 people (including 27,000 children) will receive Nothing. Nada. No Welfare benefits. And the nonprofits are going to "soften the blow." Just in time for winter heating bills to start coming in.

    Here is the DHS reference to the new law:,1607,7-124-5459_7342_7923-15596--,00.html

    Welcome to the greatest country on Earth. Hope you bought a sweater.

  37. Anonymous6:15 AM

    2011 certinly has been a great year with best yet to come. Patience is paying off.

  38. Anonymous6:15 AM

    A sad thought comes to mind: when the Palin crash & burn is complete, and the grifting days are over, what happens to Trig?

  39. Anonymous6:17 AM

    While the following interview is entertaining, it perfectly exemplifies the current challenges facing, not just this administration, but in some respects the United States, for the participants are two rather polar political opposites. On one hand you have a press secretary whose sole job (like every one before him) is to get a message out that serves to advance the policy agenda of the administration for which he works. On the other, you have an opinion media entertainer, who despite claims of being fair and balanced, doesn’t strictly adhere to accepted journalistic standards, and hews very close to pro-GOP talking points...

  40. Anonymous6:18 AM

    From the comment section of article:

    . I have been called every name in the book and constantely berrated by her supporters on here for 6 months now because I have said consistently that Sarah Palin is only in this to furher her name id and therefore her bank account. To me, this started when she quit her job as govenor. She quickly had a best selling book come out shortly after that, then the tv show, the DWTS gig with bristol, another book, a movie, to copywrighting her name, and now she is trying to continue to figure out how to stay on the front pages so she can make more money.

    Sarah Palin does not care about the United States of America at least no nearly as much as she cares about talking about it and raking in some serious cash as a result. This is why I despise her, its not her stances, its not that she talks funny or thats she is a woman, its that she is using the politcal process soley for her own personal gain. She is the exact opposite of the men and woman who put their lives on the line for their country.

    Goldwater_Conservative Wednesday, September 7th at 12:53PM EDT

  41. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Anon said: "Because you insist on reporting blatant lies..."

    For what seems like the millionth time, WHAT LIES???

  42. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Gotta love MAnn Coulter:
    'You know, we used to all love Sarah Palin, conservatives like me, for her enemies.'

    So, this bimbette only liked Palin because she had 'enemies'(I assume she means those on the left), not because she came to the table with any ideas, solutions or even the slightest bit of intellect? If that's not enough to make people reconsider voting Republican, I don't know what will. These people only want power for the sake of having power, not to help further mankind.

  43. Anonymous6:24 AM

    " Hannity and Greta will be next."

    Especially if Greta learns that Sarah set her up last weekend with her little "joke".

  44. Anonymous6:26 AM

    "He {chimpy} is laid back...

    Laid back? You mean like he was with Katrina? Or do you mean when he started an illegal war? Oh I get it you mean when he allowed torture.

    We know both are first rate idiots, but what degree is inconsequential.


  45. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Sometimes the universe gives you gifts. For example, "annointed" Sarah threw away what was almost certainly the 2012 nomination because of her own demons: greed, laziness, envy, lying and vindictiveness. SHE THREW IT ALL AWAY while we all watched. It could have turned out so differently, but Sarah, being Sarah, insisted on doing HER way and now she is LOSING again. Lucky us. Thank you, universe.

  46. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Sarah, I'm talking to YOU

    The only way to get back at all of those Republicans who are stabbing you in the back is to tell the whole truth about Trig. Tell about the higher ups who helped you set the whole thing up and erase all of the evidence.

    The truth is going to come out anyway, so why not get in front of it and pass the blame onto those that pushed you to do it? Especially now that they are not protecting you any longer?

  47. Anonymous6:32 AM

    @5:53AM - u mad? bahahaha
    Gryphen was 100% right. Accept it.

    BTW, wtf is "peripherie"?

  48. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Anonymous said...

    A sad thought comes to mind: when the Palin crash & burn is complete, and the grifting days are over, what happens to Trig?

    6:15 AM

    I guess Trig goes back to his mom Bristol since she is the only one working Palin scams nowadays.

  49. Anonymous6:34 AM

    bustol's lameass 'reality' show will be more ignorance to talk about. Why these uneducated racist dysfunctional hillbillies don't see the writing on the wall is just more hilarity.

    was her name even mentioned during the teabagger reunion that was on last night? Was chimpy's name? Sorry I couldn't bare to watch more than a few minutes of that bitchfest.


  50. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Dumbass Tawd, should of left Sarah when she had all her scams working. Now she can claim she does not have a job like Tawd.

  51. Anonymous6:37 AM

    "I will never understand how Ann Coulter is considered attractive." - 4:13

    Uh, where did you ever hear that?!

  52. Anonymous6:44 AM

    If you swing at the pinata... DON"T hit the chest!!!!

    You will be sprayed with water.

  53. Anonymous6:50 AM

    sarah isn't going to run because her racist ass never mattered, her lack in pulling a significant audience with common sense and her fondness for anything rogue, rude and stupid. Roar me a river terror bitch.

    "Somebody should advise Sarah that wonky eyes, false eye lashes and heavy mascara does not go well with each other."

    she was going for the I raised 23 kids bachmann's sad eye look.


  54. Anonymous7:01 AM

    @5:01 AM

    "Sounds like Sarah does not have fire in the belly, but gas up her old fungus ass."

    You have a way with words. I am still laughing at that one.

  55. Anonymous7:03 AM

    O/T- The "Christians" are blaming our natural disasters of late on God's wrath. I'm reading a book on Mayan prophesy published in 2009. The prophesies are built on extensive, intricate calendars with thousands of codix. These occurrences (tsunamis/hurricanes/earthquakes) were predicted a long time ago to happen in the United States. The book also points to racism, hatred, division, in 2010. According to the Mayan calendar there are 5200 year cycles... Interesting that a new cycle begins December 21, 2012. It will take many years to build upon, but the shift is towards peace not destruction.

    Anyway, whatever one believes, I thought I would throw this into the mix/conversation due to the Republican "leadership" telling us that these happenings are biblical.

  56. JayKen Knotstirred7:06 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  57. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I take slight issue with your last paragraph. Because you insist on reporting blatant lies and offering snide commentary on things you really don't know, you discredit yourself and turn off middle road people.
    You choose to remain biased to your own party.

    By all means, there is enough politically to kill Sarah's professional dreams. But perpetually bringing up the peripherie doesn't help your case. Especially when your info is filled with lies.

    5:53 AM


    HaHaHa!!! You must be one of Sarah's minions.....she always ASSumes she speaks for all Americans with her dribble. Get this...I am middle of the road and Gryphen's comments don't turn me speak for yourself. And if you are feeling that bad, may I suggest that you write your own blog. But you won't, cause you are Sarah, RAM, Todd, Ivy, Chuck or someone close who always want to come here and talk shit. Go back C4P, if they will have you.

  58. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Ahh, the cannibals have begun to feast on Palin's still living corpse.

    Karma's a bitch, eh Paylin?

  59. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Hi Sarah! How does it feel to be taken down by one of your own - The Coultergeist?

    By the way, where's your fake outrage on the comedian who campared Trig to Liberals? Are you really a mama grizzly or just a coward?

    Where's the "big announcement" you promised the teabaggers on the ghostwritten speech you read on Sept. 3?

    What would you have done if Christine O'Donnell swooped in on your speech on a Harley or broom and then claimed it was just a "coincidence"?

    When your c4pee money dries up will Todd go back to working for those unionist "thugs" at BP oil again?

    Is it true that you can see Poll-land from your house?

  60. Anonymous7:27 AM

    If anyone is surprised that Sarah Palin hasn't done something today to steal the limelight back from GOP candidates who actually debated last night, my guess is that her puppet masters have told her Romney is the guy...and it's now time for her to switch her routine to that of his ally.

  61. Anonymous7:29 AM

    As long as Sarah can string along her fans, claiming that any day now she will really be making a big announcement, she thinks that they will give her more donations. If we give her money, she will run.

    No she won't. She left her job as governor because she could make much more money without the eagle eyes watching how she made it. If Palin is a real announced candidate, she will have to follow the same regulations that the other candidates have to follow. She won't be able to appear on Fox. She can't have a cameo appearance on the Jessica Beehive Big Hair Reality Show. She can't walk in on Bristol's charity to boost ratings.

    Sarah would rather have money, the spotlight and not have to do too much work to get those things. She won't announce anything until the end of September. By then, she will have missed out on three debates. When she goes to South Korea to make a speech (ka-ching) she will miss the fourth and maybe the fifth debates. Sarah missed her best window of opportunity and now the act is getting cold. What does a girl have to do to get noticed? A bigger bra? A longer race? Another history lesson? How about another book or movie? Oh, I forgot, those didn't do so well, did they?

  62. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Anon 4: 34 am: "Will she finally sit down and shut up now that she knows she isn't even good enough for teabaggers?"

    No, because let's face it, there are still plenty of really dumb people out there who will buy whatever she's selling. I predict she can find a brand new audience just by switching to some sort of tacky evangelism persona, including a complete trademarked line of $arah Palin crosses, religious wear, books, etc.

  63. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Tawd, it is time for you to grab you one-half of the assets and run for the mountains.

  64. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Anon 4:10 I stand with you that it is the lying that is the problem. Compulsive to pathologic liars have sick needs to con everyone that it is others who lie and "make things up", con people manipulating victimhood, persecution and distract from their lies diverting attention.

    Anyone not a sociopath, personality disorder or psychopath object to pathalogical behavior.

    Palin pulling one over on those she conned doing just enough to manipulate people to doubt themselves. A personality like this is enraged inside for their sense of entitlement dictates they can lie to get, not do to earn or receive. The entitlement anger is a catalyst for revenge and justifies their sick treatment of others.

  65. I will never understand how Ann Coulter is considered attractive. She has a face like a horse's vagina - and not in a good way.



    "and not in a good way"~

    BWAHAHAHAHA!! Thanks for that! I'll be laughing repeatedly to myself all day cuz of you.


  66. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Sarah is crashing and burning now, no doubt about it.

    Many are attributing this to what she is - greedy, selfish, lazy, etc. However, I have to see it as more of what she isn't - smart, honest, capable or hardworking. It isn't that she missed the boat by not finishing her term as governor or forming policy positions; the problem is that she just isn't capable of doing those things. She's not a serious person; she is shallow, silly, ignorant, and vain and not only is not interested in changing, but she is not capable of changing.

    What is really scary is that she conned so many and embarrassed the nation in the eyes of the world.

    What comes next for her will not be pretty. She isn't going to understand or accept that she is yesterday's news and she will put on quite the spectacle, as she gets more and more desperate for attention. I think she'll be going to rehab sooner or later.

  67. honeybabe7:58 AM

    so now we're gonna hear the "i coulda been a contender" speech.

  68. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Sarah's afraid to take on anyone these days; nothing on Sadie, Tea Party, Fox, now Ann. Seems like she is just taking punches from her own team. She is now the omega dog of the right.

  69. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Done, Sarah, done!

  70. Anonymous8:16 AM

    They're circling the wagons now at the C$P--enemies all around: Fox, Coulter, Rove, Ingraham, Cheney,the list goes on and on with each passing day. So far Tammy Bruce is still sticking with Sarah, but there was that one time Greta was abrupt with Sarah, and sometimes Hannity seems to like other candidates...

  71. Anonymous8:23 AM

    ummm, I don't watch Fox news, and seeing the clip of the two low voiced commenters, all I can say is Laura has the perfect face for radio! Ann, the pre-op tranny needs to go on Ru Paul's "Drag Race" to get some tips on deflecting attention from her bobbling adam's apple.

    After someone else's comment, a bobbing adams apple on a horse's vagina is never a good thing, even "in a good way"
    I love that phrase so much! lol funny!

    That poor fridge!

  72. Anonymous8:27 AM

    The GOP is just giving her a taste of what they will do to her if she announces. She is WAY too spineless to take them on.

  73. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Wow. Why are all the conservatives so afraid of Sarah Palin?

  74. Anonymous8:31 AM

    To the Herman Cain supporter posting comments - I respect your choice - but please don't try to sell it here.

    For one thing - the U.S. is NOT a business, it can not be run like a business, a country cannot be run FOR profit - the government of a country job is to protect it's citizens and promote a stable society and help those who unable to help themselves and offer assistance during times of crisis (such as hurricanes, earthquakes etc.) and to BUILD infrastructure and projects that will serve the people but are too big to be done by just local neighborhoods or states (i.e. Hoover Dam).

    So please, stop promoting Cain here - go out and do some campaigning for him but not here - and when you do campaign for him - at least try to find some substance and experience that he has that would actually to applicable to the job he is applying for - that of President of the U.S.

  75. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Took a dip over at the Pee Pond--Get a load of this comment

    "What these egg-heads can't stand is Sarah is smarter then all of them put together. By waiting to declare she has the advantage of watching all the other potential candidates
    perform at the debates and now knows how she can and will respond to them when she is one of the debaters.

    Even more importantly, Sarah knows there are only so many questions that can be asked at a debate even though they may be worded differently from different moderators. Sarah now knows the questions on the exam as well as how the other candidates have responded and can prepare accordingly to her advantage.

    Maybe this is what is so upsetting to the likes of the other
    so called intellectuals. She has once again out foxed them."

    Wow! Its still unbelievable!

  76. Anonymous8:35 AM

    take slight issue with your last paragraph. Because you insist on reporting blatant lies and offering snide commentary on things you really don't know, you discredit yourself and turn off middle road people.
    You choose to remain biased to your own party.

    By all means, there is enough politically to kill Sarah's professional dreams. But perpetually bringing up the peripherie doesn't help your case. Especially when your info is filled with lies.

    5:53 AM

    I drive a lot, and those pesky "middle of the road" people are a pain in the ass to avoid, so I had to put a cow catcher on the front of my car.
    Which lies are you referring to, dear delusional one?
    Inquring mimes want to know!

  77. Dinty8:50 AM

    It's comforting to know that criticism of Palin is no longer tantamount to misogyny in the eyes of the Fox blondes

  78. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Coulter, Ingraham and Redstate have had enough of the Palin nut cases threatening them.
    We all know they are not alone.
    Local talk shows are taking just as much hate
    and threats as the national figures
    because they read some
    of the typical responses on air.
    Erickson said yesterday
    that Palin bears some responsibility for their unhinged and delusional behavior
    and wrote that if
    they do something awful
    ( he implied mass suicide , but, everyone knows it could be something much worse ) ,
    she will be to blame
    for ginning them up for so long.

    Rush Limbaugh threw Palin part way
    under the bus today.
    He said on air that " Michelle Bachmann considers to impress him , but,
    she is being hurt by Palin's indecision."
    Limbaugh has a 24 / 7 professional security team so he can freely criticize Palin
    without worrying about his safety
    from her enraged bots.
    Limbaugh had been one of Palin's biggest fans.
    He's also friends with Coulter.
    There's definitely been a pronounced and sudden shift on the right against
    Palin's weird behavior
    and her crazy fans .
    Don't know why it took them 3 years.

  79. Enjay in E MT9:04 AM

    Hmmm - Looks like the Faux / GOP attack dogs have been unleashed.

    I like this from RedState article:
    The spectacular mismanagement of Sarah Palin’s fame and political clout has turned what could have been a decades-long career as an influencer of Republican politics into a train wreck that has gone on for so long that even the macabre has become blase and disinteresting.With only a touch more finesse, Palin could have re-emerged periodically again and again; sadly, instead, this seems destined to be her only go-round, which she is milking for every cent it is worth, until the point where almost everyone wishes she would just go away. [end snip

  80. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Just reviewed the 500 photos of the Storm Lake Running Club 2011 event and not a single glimpse of Sarah.

  81. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Sarah's only chance of becoming relevant again is to reveal the whole truth about Trig.

    Indeed . . . and if the price is right, she'll tell it ALL (that's if no one else beats her to the punch!)


  82. Anonymous9:24 AM

    8:28--Wow. Why are all the conservatives so afraid of Sarah Palin?


    Oh, it's not just conservatives. People of all stripes are afraid of poison, and Palin is poison. Even if it doesn't kill you, poison takes a long time to get out of your system. These conservatives are just trying to move it out faster. You have also been poisoned, apparently, but you seem to like it, so...

  83. Anonymous9:35 AM

    She's gonna run just to prove you all wrong. I don't see how she doesn't. Why would she want to prove what everyone is saying about her is right? How would she recover from that?

    She's essentially gonna be forced into it because everyone keeps saying she won't run. She may do it half-halfheartedly, but she'll do it, in my opinion. Plus, it makes more sense for her to run. How is she gonna keep marketing herself if she doesn't?

    She HAS to. That's why I still don't understand why Gryphen is so convinced that she won't. She has every incentive to run, even if it's just a bullshit, fake-out, attempt.

    And I actually believe she's delusional enough to think that she can win. She really believes that she was ordained, and her fanatical supporters gas her head up.

  84. Anonymous9:38 AM

    6:26 - I am sorry I didn't mean to imply in any way shape or form that he was any better or a good president for being laid back. He was used there is no doubt about it. Clearly he was pretty dumb to not realize it. He hurt our country in the ways you said he did plus more.

    I still think SP would be worse than him though. There are certain things that would cause the party suicide and clearly she is too reactive for the party which means she would be worse. She would do some of their dirty deeds and dirty deeds of her own. Combine the two & it would be even more horrendous.

    It is SAD that we have had to deal with both of these people.


  85. Anonymous9:52 AM

    besides conning the shallow enders in the lower 48 what really tightens my jaw is how folks here in Alaska allowed her to con them into her being a mayor but worse yet our governor.
    and no $he was no different then than $he is now,
    once a cowardly grifting lazy lying con artist always a cowardly grifting lying con artist.
    bitch was conceived, born, and lives that way.

  86. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:55 AM

    I just held my nose and took a dive into the Sea O'Pee, but could only hold my breath for a few minutes. There is serious desperation goin' on there--no wonder the poor little creatures scurry over here on a regular basis. Sometimes I truly wonder what'll happen to some of Sarah's Biggest Fans if she doesn't fulfill their wildest dreams and announce.


  87. Anonymous9:56 AM

    """"Herman Cain 2012!!!!

    The man turned around Burger King and Godfathers. He knows business obviously. What a change to have someone in the hot seat with actual experience and not just selected to racebait and provide a facade for special interests.

    5:35 AM""""

    Because flipping burgers and throwing pizza is really good experience for foreign policy.Oh,wait,pizza is Italian.

  88. Anonymous9:58 AM


    THIS is who we need. A man of action, experience, intellect, and business. A man with skill and determination, a tried and true businessman.

    5:50 AM""

    A man who knows how to create minimum wage jobs with no benefits. Yayy!!

  89. Anonymous10:06 AM



    Oh Sarah,you are so funny!

  90. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Sarah is done. She can't draw a crowd of any size. That directly reflects to how few people care what the fast aging unemployed granny has to say.
    Granny Lulu better get out the belly bumpit or reveal her faked pregnancy because that is the only way she'll get any attention.
    Think back to a year ago, HuffPo would have 8 Pro Palin articles more of that. Sarah is a has-been or maybe just a never-was.

  91. Boy did they chew her up. And the sheep at See4Pee are PO ed.

  92. Anonymous10:25 AM

    ANON at 5:53

    Tawd if you are going to try and use big words, please use spellcheck.

  93. Anonymous10:27 AM

    If they had only taken me up on that offer, we could have been reading this postmortem on Palin a year ago.


    A year ago, you thought she was running.

  94. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I agree with the first commenter. The more I see 'Man' Coulter, the more convinced I am that 'she' is a he. If you don't believe us, just look at 'her' hands sometime. 'She' keeps them very well-hidden most of the time, though 'her' arms are fair-game for the cameras. I doubt 'she' shows her ankles and feet on camera, either. Size 13 shoes?

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I am beginning to wonder if 'Ann' Coulter isn't just one more of the countless sexual perverts in the republican party.

  95. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Quitter could not kill the babygate rumor like Beyonce. She shuts the romor by showing the real bump.
    No wonder Sarah can't have courage to run.No Proof that she is a biological mother of Trig. President Obama showed proof of his birth. Beyonce, just shamed her critics.. Your turn Sarah.

  96. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Keep an eye on Brisket Palin and her pacifer sucking son.

    If you see this sexually active girl at an airport it may be a sign that Sarah is about to call it quits again and has called Brisket home to show family unity.

    The question is which lover will Brisket bring home to Sarah's resignation?

    Reunite with Levi?
    Bring home Gino?
    Go back to Ben?
    Her current lovers Kyle and
    his brother?
    Or her babies daddy?

  97. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Last night's debate made up my mind on whether or not Sarah Palin is running for president.

    Sarah is running!!!!

    Everyone should have noticed the obvious vacuum where not a one of the candidates could answer the difficult questions. The only one to come close was Rick Perry because he's obviously the smartest of them all. He's a tea partier so that should make that obvious.

    And now, is there anyone interested in buying a bridge I have for sale? Not just an ordinary bridge, a fucking bridge to nowhere!

  98. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Hey Gryph can you start a Sarah Palin resignation poll where we can guess where Sarah will quit again? Sarah loves polls.

    Me thinks a possible location might be in front of that cess pool that Sarah referred to as the Palin family swimming hole. The same place she quit being governor and she will have her family, parents and sedated Trig there.

  99. Anonymous11:48 AM

    What happens to Paul Revere bus when she quits?

    Who actually owns the rv?

  100. Anonymous 7:03
    Love that...hope it is true.

  101. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Is it just me, or is Palin holding her telepromter (hand) up in that photo?

  102. Persephone12:01 PM

    Anon @ 10:34

    I personally don't believe that Ann Coulter is transsexual (man dressing as a woman) or transgender (man who identifies as a woman and may have had surgery to attain a more feminine body).

    It's fine that you do, but please don't make the jump from trans to pervert. I imagine that there are a few perverted trans people, just like there are in the general population, but being trans-anything does not automatically signify perversion.

    {off soapbox}

  103. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Sarah Quitter Palin, the Great Uniter, at work! See all the Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives, tea partiers, and Independents come together on their opinion of Sarah.

    Well, Lou Sarah still likes her.

  104. "...Even more importantly, Sarah knows there are only so many questions that can be asked at a debate even though they may be worded differently from different moderators. Sarah now knows the questions on the exam as well as how the other candidates have responded and can prepare accordingly to her advantage..." 8:34 AM
    This is my exact thought about her avoidance of the early debates. She is a 'pick your brain' kind of person not an intelligent, curious, hard-working sort. She has relied on aides from day one, much like many CEO/boss types, and has convinced herself that the job of president will simply roll like that too. Thinks all she will ever have to do is recite the words of others, wave and smile real big while wearing the appropriate ornaments. Let all the other 'little' people do the real work and report back to her while she flies around takin' meetins' on that big airplane. I've worked around women (and a few men too) like $P and I so hope karma truly is a bi-otch. She, the Bachmanns, O'Donnells and asst 'Buffys' like her, trivialize the role of women in leadership positions. From both genders we have suffered enough from the flashy, fake, 3-card monte mentality.

    I'm in the 'she may run but she won't win' crowd and long ago joined the 'sick of her' bunch. Alas, she won't go away but I have no fears that she will ever rule this Nation. I fear more that Perry or Romney may. I fear that the recent uptake in liberal and progressive bashing of President Obama will help one of them just do it.

  105. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Seems to me that Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin are a lot alike.

    1)Both suffer eating disorders.

    2)Coulter at 50 and Palin at 47 are both too long in the tooth to dress as if they are teens; while on stage neither is averse to showing way too much leg to entice a certain type.

    3)Both wear hooker shoes.

    4)Both desperately need a hair style makeover.

    5)Both have written inane books, full of lies and distortions and hawk them shamelessly.

    6)Both have been subjected to SNL satire. Hysterical satire if I may say so.

    Just saying, they could have been bff.

  106. Anonymous2:35 PM

    What!? Nobody commented on PAYlin's hooker shoes that she wore to her teeper screech on Sept 3rd?

    I'm shocked! Just shocked I tell ya.
    You can see them when she's done with her word salad and walks around to the front of the podium.

    Nothing says F**k like hooker shoes do.
    Or should I say, "Nothing says prick tease like hooker shoes do."


  107. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Why do some say,'if she had only done things differently, she could've been a viable candidate for president' or,'she could've made such a difference if she'd taken the time to learn, etc.'? No,she never had it in her to do anything different than she's done
    it. It's a total myth that she
    has all these inner qualities & abilities. At heart, she's scared, mean, greedy, ignorant,
    cunning & small-minded with
    expensive teeth, designer glasses & a fake smile as a veneer.

    Sharon TN

  108. Funny.

    Payliar thought herself "the annointed one", a Reincarnated Queen Esther. One person told her that. She believed him.

    She believes that it is her True Purpose in Life, as One, c-h-o-s-e-n by the do what? I'm not entirely sure, but it certainly involves Forcing Her religious views on Everyone else.

    Sarah absolutely served a purpose, that is for certain. She may have been c-h-o-s-e-n by the Lord but it's not for the reasons she believes.

    I believe Sarah was put in this position to show US what is really going on. It's not about her. It's about US! About our Apathy for our country! Our government and who we elect to represent US!

    I was. Apathetic, to be sure. What was the point? Plus government will always do the "right" thing, right?

    8 years of GW Bush. Sarah Palin. John McCain. John Boehner. Eric Cantor. Michelle Bachmann. Ron Paul. Rand Paul. Sharon Angle. Chrstine O'Donnell. Bill O'Reilly. Glenn Beck. Roger Ailes. Rupert Murdoch.

    Yes, Sarah. You are the little rat that led us to the lair. Now we know where the infestation lies. But you, are still, a rat. Scurry off now, vermin.

  109. Spoke with my re-thug in-laws.

    They are SOO OVER Payliar! It was fantastic.

    But even so, I mentioned that she is EXACTLY the same person as she was in 2008 (shallow, lack of ANY experience

    [ugh. For the trolls:she hired a city mgr. in Wasilla; evidence Abounds to her lack of interest in Governing as Governor- policy and such were written and executed by others.

    The irony is Payliar has been a puppet this whole time, yet she believes she holds the strings. That is why she failed. While she still had her puppetmasters in the background, she could put on a good show. Without them, she is an empty mess of clothes.]) and my MIL said, "But she was NEW! We didn't know!"

    And yet, I believe they voted for McCain/Palin (ha! Doesn't THAT even sound like a Ridiculous joke now?)

    The McCain/Palin campaign.

    HAHAHA! It's its own punchline! When Maddow introduced Steve Schmidt last night from the "McCain/Palin campaign", I imagined Schmidt cringing, as he probably does EVERY time he's reminded how he put HIS career above the WELFARE of HIS NATION. Bald fuck. I like his stupid voice though. Fucker!

  110. Anonymous5:27 PM

    "She gets things wrong."

    This is the same Ann Coulter who told a Canadian interviewer that the Canadian army had fought in Vietnam, and then was totally puzzled when the guy told her that was not true.

  111. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Anon @ 4:10, exactly. An adam's apple? She is awful, a total hypocrite.

    And I honestly wonder if there aren't powers-that-be behind Coulter who are siccing her on Sarah.

    Gypsy Girl, we were all over that. Here and at Palingates.

  112. Chenagrrl6:35 PM

    Coulter's eyes blink and her mouth moves. The rest of her face is frozen in 1980. She would whip a pushcart vendor if it would give her publicity. She will say anything. She is Palin with more education and cunning.

  113. Anonymous7:52 PM

    When I see this pic. She definitely looks like she is sportin C cups. But what is up with the black bra under a light sweater??? Soooo tacky.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.