Saturday, September 03, 2011

Sarah Palin pulls it together in Indianola, Iowa for last ditch effort to stay relevant to her Teabagger base.

Wearing more body padding than a NFL linebacker, more makeup than circus clown, and many times almost screaming her attacks on President Obama, Sarah Palin puts on quite a show in Iowa.

After seeing what she was like yesterday I had my doubts that Palin could get her shit together for this speech. But you have to hand it to her, when it is time to shake her carefully padded money maker she knows exactly how hard to shake it, and whose face to shake it in.

Clearly this was a speech that somebody worked on for quite some time.

It did not seem to miss one opportunity to attack President Obama, one opportunity to suck up to the Teabaggers, or one opportunity to put her GOP rivals on notice that she can still give them a run for their money. At one point Palin even kissed up to the corporations who have not always been her biggest fans by calling for the end to ALL corporate income taxes.

I have to admit I was very impressed with how her special effects team was able to transform her from the frail, sickly creature we saw yesterday to the Dolly Parton lookalike that stood on that stage in Iowa today.

Well what can you expect from the woman who successfully fooled virtually every journalist in the world into believing that she was pregnant and gave birth in 2008? Hell compared to that, this was a walk in the park for the queen of body morphing.

However those who have been paying attention know what Sarah Palin REALLY looks like.

And it ain't Dolly Parton!


  1. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I thought this was supposed to be some sort of major announcement or revelation today. Imagine my disappointment.

    All 500 in attendance seemed happy though.

    Come on Anon Insider...we need the scoop!


  2. DaleinSanAngelo1:38 PM

    Not much of a crowd there. I'm originally from West Virginia, that crowd put the hillbillies I grew up with to shame. There probably wasn't a full mouth of teeth between them.

  3. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Sorry. I don't think she looked or sounded good. She sounds like someone who has said and worn the same thing since 2008. Time for a shower. Time for "refreshing." And by the way, the longer she delays, the less time she has to get on ballots. NPR said this week that there may be a NH primary in Dec. There are very strict rules that apply to a national candidacy. You can't just skip GOP debates forever and be put on state ballots willy-nilly.

  4. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I don't know, Gryphen. I'm not sure she really does look all that much better in this video. She definitely has the padding, no question there, but look at her face and listen to her voice: I think this is just the other side of the same coin we saw yesterday. Sarah has got to be manic-depressive, or some similar condition. Nobody bounces in one day from the semi-comatose mess in yesterday's "family reunion" (LOL) to the wild-eyed bomb thrower in a Michele Bachmann wig we saw today without some serious problems...

  5. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Serious question of concern: remember when Todd was sickly and thin on Barbara Walters on ABC with SP? Did he give SP something? She seems sickly and skinny now.

  6. The Quitter From Wassilla gave a screech today, I lasted 10 minutes until my husband noticed my ears were bleeding.

    That is after not actually hearing her voice since 2008!

    The failed VP candidate and FOX News employee’s screech fest, started off by her plagiarizing Obama’s 2004 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address:

    "E pluribus unum: “Out of many, one.”

    Now even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us — the spin masters, the negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of “anything goes.”

    Well, I say to them tonight, there is not a liberal America and a conservative America — there is the United States of America. There is not a Black America and a White America and Latino America and Asian America — there’s the United States of America.”

    The failed VP candidate and FOX News employee says…..”Tawd reminded me that I’m not speaking to republicans, democrats..blah..blah…this isn’t red America, or blue America, this is red, white and blue America”

    It just goes downhill from there.

    There were 2,000 expected to attend (what!! only 2,000 expected !!) but CNN wouldn’t admit to the actual turn out, instead they reported that “there was not 2,000 but there had been a storm, and some are still coming in”, whatever THAT means.

    CNN wouldn’t broadcast the crowd either, only a constant stream of head shots, of the failed VP candidate and FOX News employee.

    Of course CNN needs rating so, they have attempted to legitimize the teapotty as a separate entity, by giving them a formal debate, while the real republican debate airs on NBC.

    After all there is no teapotty because they are all registered republicans, supported and funded by the republican party.
    The MSM is about to lose it's money maker as Gawker reports that only~~500~~baggers turned out , that is so funny, ~~500~~ and;

    Photographic evidences suggest that at least 30 percent of rally attendees were cardboard-cutout Sarah Palins.

    There were no reported sightings of any Christine O'Donnell cutouts, because the Palin cutouts had murdered them all days in advance.

    Really, go to the link and check out the photos!

  7. Anonymous1:47 PM

    can't wait for the teatards to bust out the torches and pitchforks and go after the bitch when they FINALLY realize they've been freaking scammed

  8. Anonymous1:49 PM

    that is one seriously fuk'd up woman

  9. Anonymous1:53 PM

    "They just talk vaguely", as if you don't, Ms. Smarty Pants, "time-tested truths" b-s-er ?!?!

    She is so freaking angry.

    Sarah you didn't get the memo, did you? Politics 101. The more positive candidate wins the election, not the most shrill harpy b*&# of the candidates.

    She thinks she is superior because she doesn't use a teleprompter, but she is glued to her notes. You can tell she thinks she is going to whip the crowd into a frenzy. They could possibly try to spin this as some sort of oratory coup for her, but as everyone has pointed out the crowds are small and the polls look terrible. She is playing catch up and it's probably hopeless for her. She certainly got herself revved up, no?

    Funny she is taking swipes at polls now. That's likely what has been eating away at her, the fact she's tanking completely. Our president may have some rough numbers himself, but if you look more closely there are a lot of extremely positive readings for him.

    People like him and trust him, basically. Miles ahead of Sarah.

    So the key necklace was the choice for today, huh? Key to the Kingdom or some such nonsense, right? Get over yourself, Sarah. No one cares about your symbols - and I am a Christian.

  10. Anonymous1:53 PM

    What a pathetic crowd, and what a pathetic speaker! She's not running. Yawn. Nobody but the panting press is going to pay attention.

  11. Anonymous1:55 PM

    She is now the official Angry White People's Candidate.

    Good job, Sarah!

  12. sally in MI1:55 PM

    I loved her plan. She announces that we all know the problems, but she, the Wise Sarah Palin, has a plan. Five minutes later she was still rehashing the problems, and then the BIG PLAN. Repeal health care for Americans, drill, get rid of all the nasty regulations (that keep our water, food supply, and workplaces safe,) drill, drill some more, and then let the pipelines roll. She is a moron. It was funny to see the applause lines that died though. Seemed like when she attacked the President, only a few people cheered. When she gave an obvious applause line, she was lucky to get a few more. It's over, couldn't attract one writein vote in Iowa OR NH, and you hardly drew a crowd for a FREE event in a cornfield. Don't let the bus door hit you on your way home.

  13. Anonymous1:56 PM

    That was the exact same speech as all the rest of hers. Those poor people spending their last dime traveling to see her BIG speech. Nothing new. Same old talikg points.
    Her continuous crony capitalism theme hardly describes the "letting Perry have it" that had been speculated on.
    Full-throated? That in the same sentence as Sarah Palin just begs for a joke. For me, EWWWWWW

  14. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Ahhh, the good ol' days. Sarah wants an America where patriots don't have to come up with counterfeit birth certificates in order to perpetuate their frauds. Oh, for those idyllic days of yore when scamming the public was so much simpler.

  15. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Seriously people, I can't stand her or what she stands for but aside from her "humped over" appearance she did an ok job at the speech. She was attractive and energized. She engaged her supporters just as politicians that WE like engage us. Right or wrong, left or right, there are all types of people in this country and yep, some of them like Palin.

    I'd not have anything in common with her or her supporters but isn't that America, letting everyone just have a voice and do their thing?

    I'm looking forward to an energizing of the Democratic base, a new energy and a new voice for 2012. I too will not sit down and vote for "business as usual" from the left. I hope that WE are given choices in the race for the 2012 election. That will indeed energize my interest once again and maybe get me to the polls.

  16. The Des Moines Register's reporter suggested a crowd size of 2000 and that accords well enough with my takeaway from one-and-a-half viewings the video, from which at this distance I "guesstimated" 1500.

    Minimum 1200 and absolutely fewer than 3000, that's quite shameful enough.

  17. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I saw more people at my mall's Apple store today than at that rally.

    And her hair looks like a toddler took a scissors to it while she was napping.

    I could not believe some of her stupid lines--

    "Polls are for strippers..."
    "Like you, I'm not for sale!"
    (Really? Because I heard your public relations firm negotiations $100k contracts for you to speak at charity events for disabled children.)

    I don't agree with you Gryphen that she looked good. I think she looked haggard and thrown together. That color was not at all flattering, and her hair has clearly been overtreated with chemicals. Or she needs better wigs.

  18. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Love the dreadlocks, Palin.

    Looked to me like over-acting. She got through the speech, but I for one did NOT feel the fire in her belly. Nor apparently did the audience. Not a lot of whoopin' and hollerin' goin' on. I've seen her do much better.

    I admit to watching only about half of the speech, skipping around. But I did catch the repetitive "hopey changey" act, followed, of course with no examples or alternatives.

    I think she's lost it. That lovin' feelin', dontcha know, the one described as charisma in politicians. It's gone, gone, gone. She can't go on.

  19. Oh, that shrill, screechy voice. I shall now call her Wa-shrill-a.

  20. I'm like most of you, find it hard to watch Palin because of her screechy voice and mean-spirited spewings. But I did today (arrived after she started speech).

    I was appalled that she claimed that it was President Obama who threatened to withhold military pay and social security benefits, when in fact, her damn Tea Party congressmen/women were holding the federal govt. hostage. WTF? I pray MSM will focus on the LIES in the speech, and not waste the viewer/reader's time by repeating her nonsense/lies as fact. Raises my blood pressure.

    Here's a sign from today's Iowa event tweeted by HuffPo reporter @JonWard11:
    WOW RT @RealClearScott: Now that's a homemade sign.

    Tweet URL:!/jonward11/status/110064574979522560

  21. Ripley2:02 PM

    BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Check out the two lead pain victims at 25:21! the mouth full of chew is so attractive!

    I refuse to listen to what she says, so I'm just skipping around to see what the people are doing and how her lunacy is manifesting.

  22. Anonymous @1.37pm:

    How did you miss this "major revelation": Quitler prescribed the total elimination of all federal corporate income taxes, and the loopholes therein! I think that rather revelatory.

  23. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Wearing more war paint then the Scottish had on in "Braveheart". And the magically growing boobs are back.I don't recall mine growing at that rate when I was pregnant with my sons.And believe you me,they got HUGE with both pregnancies.Oh wait-my belly grew too-as did the rest of me. And it took a year to totally fit back into my old clothes,and I am about the same size as the Tundra Turd.Her behavior?. My dad was bi-polar.If she doesn't suffer from that,she has some other mental illness,and her family should cash those checks to get her some serious help.Locked in a mental health facility would help her,and get her out of our lives and off the National stage for the good of us all. Ignorant has-been bitch.

  24. Anonymous2:09 PM

    How unbelievably Pathetic that you have to put on your "Big False Boobs" to give a speech. The dumb Bitch had to look down and read the speech 80% of the time. I am more than disgusted. How Fucking STUPID do you have to be to be a Paylin supporter???

  25. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I'm seriously starting to think she purposefully makes herself look raggedy for public appearances - because at private functions and home, she looks healthy and pretty. Also, her hair typically looks clean too.


    Maybe she's just a bad traveler. I know when I spend lots of time in planes and on the road, I look like shit. And last night was just that, at night.

  26. OT

    Someone sent this to me and I had a good laugh over it, if a bit of a nervous one.

    The Power of Prayer

    Dear Lord:

    In the past year you have taken away my favorite actor (Patrick Swayze),my favorite actress (Farah Fawcett), my favorite musician (Michael Jackson) and my favorite salesperson (Billy Mays).

    Just wanted to let you know my favorite TV host is Glen Beck.

    My favorite radio personality is Rush Limbaugh.

    My favorite political writer is Ann Coulter,

    And, of course, I don't want you to forget my favorite politician, Sarah Palin.

  27. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I sure hope that Sarah runs as an independent. Even though I think Obama will cinch the election without her, it'd help him to get that extra bit of winning margin by her syphoning off some teapotty votes.

  28. Anonymous2:11 PM

    i watched her speech and most of the event. she certainly had a low-brow introduction.

  29. Ripley2:12 PM

    "We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth. "

    That is a Lincoln quote. She misquoted it horribly. She said, "We shall nobly save, not meanly lose". 41:19 (yes, I listened to the end)

    She's incredibly stupid.

  30. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Med...she's still a retard.

  31. I don't think she looked much better in this video. Noisier, yes.

    But compare this screechy mess to her RNC speech three years ago, and it's clear that a) she has deteriorated a great deal in looks (her main selling point), and 2) without handlers, a professionally run campaign, and personal attendants for hair, makeup, and clothing, she has very little star power.

    If today's event were her entry onto the national stage, without the professional grooming and roll out she got from the McCain campaign, the backing and support of the Republican Party, and the status of a VP candidate, I don't think she would ever be more than a fringe player.

    I can't imagine the solidly thoughtful middle of the electorate, who go about their daily lives uninvolved in politics until it is time for a major race, starting to listen up in the coming months and being intrigued by the likes of Palin.

    Her screechiness, anger and divisiveness, unprofessional behavior, evident illiteracy and ignorance, and trashy uneducated family would make her no more of a viable candidate than other outliers like Santorum, Cain, Nader, or Paul.

  32. It was torture to watch.

  33. "Cookin' up some caribou and corn on the cob - maybe some venison with some friends"
    Ah, "friends", my favorite side dish :-)

  34. Anonymous2:16 PM

    She looks worn out and I thought very pathetic, trying to look like a mega star in a small group,sucking every last drop.

    Tod and Shailey should educate her as to "poll,stripper,pole".

  35. Anonymous2:17 PM

    I thought she didn't really go to the vets museum in KC??

    I thought she did OK only in that she was the same old ignorant and deceitful Sarah, not frail or catatonic, as I certainly hoped she would be. Her voice was a pisser. She really didn't position herself as an alternative to Perry or Bachmann. Why the fuck doesn't she declare--SOMETHING! Either her own candidacy or an endorsement?? Seriously, woman can't get past her own week to week impulses. Speaking of boobs, yes the water bags were in evidence, and her posture is getting worse and worse. Scrawny bitch with a huge head and huge boobs. Grow up, Palin, and make a decision!

  36. nswfm2:17 PM

    What is that thing around her neck? The key to her jail cell?

  37. Anonymous2:20 PM

    She looks just like she did at that tea rally with Ted Nugent last year (Oct maybe?

  38. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Was the young perky one there?

    Christine O'Donnell

  39. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Gryphen must have a fever or something because there is no way that she either looks good or that her "canned" speech wasn't just more of her same old, same old meme.

    And ONLY 1,000 people showed up. A measely 1,000 when they expected thousands to show.
    HA! She can't even draw a crowd when she crows.


  40. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I'd say that is probably a good weight for her. It doesn't mean she's healthy, it just means it's a good weight for her. Shes a petite lady. Im actually shocked that shes not skinnier considering how much she runs.

  41. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I've always thought she should go back to her natural dark hair. It's becoming on her. And with it, she'd look identical to how she looked in 1996. I'm thinking of a xmas card pic ive seen.

  42. Anonymous2:27 PM

    She just wants to be VP - any GOP candidate who offers her the job will get the benefit of her hate speeches

  43. At 2:30 pm Alaska time (6:30 pm EDT), the Drudge Report headline story is a picture of Palin's bus, linked to "The Tease..." article.

  44. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Did you really listen to the whole 40+ minutes of that video? Wow. Thanks for taking one for the team.

    Padding up a crack ho doesn't make her into something acceptable. Or less psychologically and physically SICK.

    It is unbelievable to me that anyone in this country could actually want THAT in the White House.

  45. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Why not juxtapose photos of flat-chested Sarah at Iowa Fair and bosomy Sarah giving Indianola speech today with photos of flat-tummied Sarah in March 2008 with orca-whale-bellied Sarah in April 2008? Just to emphasize how she likes to pad things: her boobs, her tummy, her resume, the truth...

  46. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Dither on, oh thee of the falsified chest. Let thy impure intentions bless mightily thy grift. Quit not...yet.

  47. Anonymous2:40 PM

    I noticed, if you look closely behind the glasses- she has adopted the Bachman eye make-up style. Heavy false lashes and smoky shadow.
    I have wondered if these two ladies would need to get dolled up before handling a White House crisis?
    As a women it makes me sad they use such trollop tools. IMO

  48. thanks for the excerpt, but i, like so many others cannot listen to her, much less look at her. why was this on c-span??? am i missing something?? would they broadcast members of the KKK making a speech?? she is truly dangerous for people to listen to or be exposed to in any way. c-span should know this. people, lonely, uneducated, mentally ill, bible worshippers, are easily manipulated and should not be exposed to her. no wonder she didn't cancel.

  49. Anonymous2:42 PM

    She is being applauded for this speech and not only by her regular worshippers but also by other empty headed morons. It's clear that they would gladly give her their vote if she were to run.

    I only hope that whatever books, movies or other revelations scheduled for release will have the power to remove this person from the political arena altogether. Heaven help us all if she gets anywhere near the Oval Office.

  50. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I wasted the entire afternoon watching the rally. However, I was not impressed with her performance finding her more boring than usual

    One point of her policy of eliminating corporate taxes which amazed me was her method of paying for the elimination is to close the loop holes. The question to her which no one in the press mentioned is if taxes are eliminated what loop holes are remaining to be closed? If there are no taxes there are no tax loop holes.


  51. Anonymous2:45 PM

    For 20-year-old Stephanie Abbott, a Wisconsin college student, Palin has served as a role model since she was in high school, inspiring her to change her planned major to political science and run for student senate. “Like so many Palin supporters, I’ve really been waiting for that announcement,” she said. “I’ve got all my Sarah Palin 2012 gear already. I really need Sarah to tell me she’s running — I don’t know what I’ll do if she doesn’t.”

    But even Abbot’s patience is starting to wear thin. “There are days where I get frustrated. I hear the other Republicans on TV or watch a Republican debate and there’s something missing,” she said. “Her voice really changes the debate. We’re all as patient as we can be, but we’re definitely waiting with bated breath.”

    This is posted at Politico web site. I'm afraid the Bots are in for a terrible let down.

  52. Anonymous2:46 PM

    From a commenter at the C$P: "I got chills listening to her speech, realizing I was hearing the next POTUS speak." It just seems to me, if she's really planning to run, what the hell is she waiting for? A sign from God, like a large deposit in her unnumbered Swiss bank account? (With apologies to Woody Allen.)

  53. Anonymous2:49 PM

    She's just a tease. For money. There is no reason to not announce if she really was running.

    All her fans that say she should skip the debates and that she can save money by waiting are kidding themselves. Do you really not want to hear her debate? Do you not want her to start converting the unbelievers here with her fantastic ideas? We are not trying to get an unqualified friend a job, we are looking to hire someone to run our country.

    Saving money? She is not on the same pay level as us, bots. She does not need to eek out one or two more paychecks from faux before she announces. She is losing far more in endorsements than she is saving by not jumping in just yet.

    That isn't brilliant strategy, as you call it in your pond. That is either profound ignorance, or grifting extraordinaire.

  54. Anonymous2:54 PM

    ok, I already wrote a serious comment, so forgive this;

    Why are her boobs even bigger than before? The Girls she brought out at Belmont were large enough, weren't they? What's next, Dolly Parton boobs?

  55. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Yoohoo, Palin/Heath clan, you have a family member that needs an intervention NOW. At least, protect the minor children from the impending meltdown.

  56. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Anonymous @ 2:38 PM.
    You funny.
    Me like.
    Thank you.

  57. TexMac2:56 PM

    From Fox:

  58. From an ABC News reporter who was THERE;

    INDIANOLA, Iowa — Given the hubub ahead of Sarah Palin’s speech today, turnout at the Tea Party of America’s “Restoring America” event isn’t as big as anticipated.

    Perhaps 500 people are braving the on and off rain showers ahead of the former Alaska governor’s keynote address.

    Palin’s One Nation tour bus is parked in the grass in front of the stage. She’s due at the mic in just under an hour.

  59. Nancy In New York2:59 PM

    She is one mean spirited nasty bitch.

    This nightmare has been going on for three long years. McCain, you SUCK.

  60. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I'd say that is probably a good weight for her. It doesn't mean she's healthy, it just means it's a good weight for her. Shes a petite lady. Im actually shocked that shes not skinnier considering how much she runs.

    2:21 PM


    Oh, Sarah, you're so FUNNY!! The only place you run is to the plastic surgeon and the bathroom to barf up the 4 bags of oreos. Why don't you run on over to wherever you've stashed Trig and throw some more cash at whoever agreed to keep him in secret. You're pathetic. And you will NEVER be president of anything. Unless they have an association of anorexic fancy pageant walkers--THAT you're qualified for. You're laughable. Total joke.

  61. Those elderly people at the rally are so sad and pathetic. When sarah says no coporate taxes, guess where revenue is gonna come from...yep, social security and medicare cuts. The tea party are the ones who wish to completely obliterate these very important programs and you're cheering them on!? Wow. These white elderly people are more scared of seeing a black man as president than they are about their livelihood. Now that's pathetic and Sarah can take as much money from their ss checks and I have absolutely no sympathy for them. They are people wishing for a bygone era that will never, thank God, come to pass again.

  62. Anonymous3:03 PM

    One point of her policy of eliminating corporate taxes which amazed me was her method of paying for the elimination is to close the loop holes. The question to her which no one in the press mentioned is if taxes are eliminated what loop holes are remaining to be closed? If there are no taxes there are no tax loop holes.


    2:42 PM


  63. Anonymous3:14 PM

    An irate Sarah to God, "Who told you you're allowed to rain on my parade! Unflippinbelievable!!!"

  64. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Big Update:

    Looks like Payme PAYlin can't make use of her old "One Nation" bus tour anymore.
    She had to pay, rather her PAC more likely paid for a brand new bus wrap.

    Her horse-N-3-trick-pony show is now called ... wait for it .... cause it's still yet another tired old PAYme PAYlin meme.
    The "Restoring America" crazy-bus.

    From the "AmesPatch" website:

    "... Huddled into a depression on a hillside in the National Balloon Classic field near Indianola, the crowd stood soaking as a local conservative radio host and other speakers took to a stage, Palin’s red, white and blue “Restoring America” bus parked in the background. ..."

    Now I know why she didn't have any pictures of the old bus wrap with her phoney "One Nation" wrap on it when she was in Iowa the last time around. The only photo I saw was one of the front of the bus and never saw any photos of the sides of the bus.
    She probably had a cease & deceist order from what's his name for her infringement of his copyright.


  65. Anonymous3:15 PM

    LOL!! Regardless of what she tries to be, regardless of what she says she is, regardless of what she says she's done - "if a cat has kittens in a stove it don't make 'em biscuits". Stolen from another blog but darned if it doesn't say it all!

  66. Virginia Voter3:15 PM

    I'm with DaleinSanAngelo...there was not a full set of teeth in that audience.

    Behold, Palinbots, these are your peers, overweight, trucker hat camo wearin cousin humpers whose collective IQ is not even equal to my labrador'sThis is Sarahs wonder was freaked out of her mind last night, trapped in a room with those morons. I dug the biker/trucker chick with the denim vest sitting across from her at the restaurant. Who says Sarahs fans aren't diverse?

  67. Anonymous3:15 PM

    A supporter when asked about comparing Palin to the other candidates…

    “They may have the intellect, they may understand the issues, but they don’t have her spirit.”

    The last line in a Politico article today has that gem.

    What an endorsement for a political candidate. Can you believe it? I’d be embarrassed to say that my candidate is a retard and doesn’t understand the issues. Oh lordy. With supporters like that, who needs enemies?

  68. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Well Gryphen, I thought her speech was masterfully written and she seemed revved and revived onstage. She must have had her B vitamins this morning to give her the boost to do all that charisma, wattage and liberal outrage that her fans thrive on and feast over.

    The speech itself was full of hoax statements, lies and dog whistles, but she's spellbinding the committed & telling them what they want to hear and already believe.. so from that standpoint it was a great success.

    And, of course, there will be a bonanza of edgy TP flavored sound bites to be harvested from the event for later titillation of her fans.

    She was quite the shapely propaganda vehicle.. contrasting in an interesting manner compared to the mainly older male & female apple and pear shapes onstage and in the audience.

    The only reprieve was that CNN did not promote her quite so positively as in past years.

    But it is with a heavy heart Gryphen that I thank you for providing IM, a haven for distressed souls who have entered even for a short time the distorted world of the TPers.

    I watched the whole spectacle, which leaves me feeling sick at heart.. so thanks again for IM and just for being your great and articulate self. Perhaps tomorrow, I'll be able to smile again, but for the moment I just find her too dangerous for peace of mind.

  69. Anonymous3:18 PM

    @1:58, nice try you moron. We have an incumbent President. Or are you SO high-minded that you want to see a contested nomination? Right. A new type of troll here, I think. Very interesting!

  70. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Ha ha, Bristol is here! You need to get a life, mama. Go take care of your DWTS baby.

  71. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I laughed at the stripper jab. One of the best descriptions of her I've ever seen was in a comment, "Sarah Palin is a political pole dancer."

    Oh, yes, her weight is perfect for MILF droolers. And her natural dark hair looks great in dreadlocks, very ethnic.

    Sorry, I feel like being mean today. Quid pro quo, Sarah Palin, quid pro quo.

  72. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Interesting exercise from a commentor on Laura's blog:

    I was intrigued by a comment on an earlier post from Tom, who mentioned that he had sent some friends cropped pictures of Palin taken during her (alleged) pregnancy with Trig.
    Last night I decided to try something similar as an experiment. I cropped Palin’s head and flag pin out of the pictures from March 14, March 26, and April 13, 2008 and sent them to seven women I am very close to. None of these women have followed babygate, 3 have each had multiple pregnancies, and a fourth is currently seven months pregnant with her first child. Without identifying the woman in the pictures, I asked them to guess how far along in her pregnancy she was in each picture.
    One person has responded so far – she is an evangelical Christian, has given birth to four children, and is by far the most conservative of them all, although she is not a Tea Pary member or wingnut of any kind. She flatly said that the woman in the March 14 photo was not pregnant. When I told her the pictures were of Sarah Palin, she wanted to know where the picture came from, which pregnancy, and – most of all – why she would have done it. I kept thinking I was going to have to argue that Palin wasn’t pregnant with Trig – but after seeing the three pictures together, she needed no convincing that Palin was pregnant. Her main concern was why Palin would have attempted the hoax.
    I didn’t try to push any particular theory as an explanation. We talked about the possibility of protecting Bristol and then I mentioned the political benefit to Palin: that conservative pundits had been building interest in her for at least six months prior to Trig’s birth, which gave her the credentials of someone who not only talked the talk, but walked the walk. We have left it there for now and I don’t know if after thinking about it and checking it out on her own if she will decide it’s just conspiracy nonsense, but I have planted the seed, and I am eager to see how the other six women to whom I sent my email will respond.
    I guess my point here is that I think we focus too much on getting people to admit that Palin isn’t Trig’s birth mother. As others have noted on this blog, there are people who will never admit Palin could do any wrong, much less pull off this hoax. There are others who may be more open to the idea, but will decide it’s just a wingnut conspiracy theory. And then there are those who will get it – maybe not the first time they are exposed to the theory, but eventually. It may take a sort of grass roots effort by email to get the story out there to where it gets some traction – and I speak from my vast success of having persuaded one person so far! But repeated exposure by various media - that is how the birthers did it, after all.

    Sat, 03 Sep 2011 12:47:53

  73. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Hey, people are just being so completely hilarious on this site today. Seriously, I am laughing so hard. Dreadlocks, falsified bosom, to name just a few of the choice morsels of amusement. Thanks for bringing the comedy. I had to laugh when my husband accused me of being a Palinophile while we were watching a news report on her speech today. (They did cover Cheney's attempt to throw her under the bus, or else send her a warning...)

    Listen, her speeches continue to be word salad, I don't care how much people work on them. Bill, great point about the loop holes! If she is proposing the elimination of corporate taxes in the same speech she uses attacks like "cronyism", she is simply incoherent.

    The woman has no clue what she is talking about.

    Rage attracts rage. They be some pissed off racists there at the rally, and they liked hearing her rant.

    Honestly, Sarah, is that all you've got?

  74. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Will a single bot have the last remaining respect for some standards of intelligence to the fuck do you recoup revenue lost from eliminating corporate income tax by closing corporate income tax loopholes????

  75. Anonymous3:23 PM

    While we may have a reprieve from Sarah Palin, it may be temporary. When she resigned as Governor, most didn’t see that coming. The truth is that we don’t have a clue about what she intends to do, except to keep causing people to send her their unemployment and retirement checks.

  76. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Wow, there are all sorts of interesting new types of trolls on here right now!

    @2:09 is admitting that Palin looked like shit last night:

    "I'm seriously starting to think she purposefully makes herself look raggedy for public appearances - because at private functions and home, she looks healthy and pretty. Also, her hair typically looks clean too.


    Hmmmmmmm, indeed! So, you see her at home? Would that be through your binoculars, you stalker freak?

  77. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Pretty sad that Todd had to ask Sarah for money to buy a soda after her speech.

    But why would Todd need $200 for a soda?

    Could it be for some Iowa nookie?

  78. Anonymous3:29 PM

    2:21 and 2:24 (or, should I call you Bristol?!), shut up with your bullshit.

  79. cckids3:31 PM

    It's sad that when I saw her speaking on CNN, my first thought was "oh, god, that VOICE" (since I never willingly listen to her). The second thought was "huh, she put the boobs on today". So classy, Sarah.

  80. She complained that some corporations weren't paying any taxes and then said she wanted to get rid of corporate income tax. (As if a Pres. could do that.)

    She signed a gun for someone who said it would be raffled or auctioned as a fundraiser. Looked like the Glock the Tucson Republicans are raffling.

    I still like her citing "John F.K."

  81. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Noticed her nails looked bitten or something, on one hand. Not such a big deal, but one of those details that slips through. Certainly not typical of a potential presidential candidate. The Daily Mail has pictures and she really doesn't look good, up close. I guess she's thinner, but it's more that she is just overly made up and tense-looking. She's going for a straighter hair look, too. Funny.

  82. Anonymous3:35 PM

    What a huge contrast between her first national speech in 2008 and now, a mere three years later. She came across as an old woman today - hunched over, a bit wobbly at the end, her voice clearly an old woman's screech as opposed to her early middle-aged screech in 2008.

    Does she not want to part with any money to get a good stylist, a decent hair dresser, or a speech consultant? Such a mistake. At least in 2008, the GOP knew how to make her into a silk purse, giver her dazzle and sex appeal. Now, she comes across as the embittered old bitch in bar who, tossing down a few, has all the answers for why life in general sucks.

    She refuses to grow, to learn, to evolve and better herself. No, she sticks to the same old, same old with the end result that she has simply become old, worn-out and bitter-sounding. There is no vibrancy left, no sex appeal (which the hell was on her lips? Looked like middle school white lip gloss, but came across as some kind of scum. Ick.

    She could still come across as an attractive woman if she stood upright, smiled more, and had a good styling team. But Sarah never learns. She simply sinks deeper into her own mire.

    Bye-bye Sarah. If you don't start taking care of yourself and start looking healthier, fewer people will want to look at you at all. They ditch female TV hosts when they get as haggard as you are now becoming. Think about it, Sarah. Either check yourself in to a clinic and spa or forget it. No one wants someone who looks like a loser.

  83. @Bill. Yes! Eliminate the tax and then remove its loopholes! And repeal Obamacare but not the free federal healthcare her own kids get! Washrilla returns. Lets hope she's screeching to a halt.

  84. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I was only able to tolerate a few minutes of that awful shrieking, just couldn't handle any more of it. No how, no WAY!

  85. Anonymous3:41 PM

    That was her best shot? Wow, what a loser. I have never seen someone throw away opportunity with both hands. Just think for a moment what someone with access like that to a supporters could inspire and accomplish: volunteer support for vets and their families, special needs children and their families, communities isolated by geography or weather, homeless vets, homeless children, elderly shut-ins without family, and on and on.

    The cumulative effects of our lives determine its final significance and ultimate value: these include not only our own actions and efforts, but all those we inspire, support or empower.

    What a legacy. Hate, deception, greed.

    Sucks to be you, Sarah.

  86. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I didn't watch the speech because until she says she's running or not there is nothing of interest she could possibly say. Same old lines and attacks, blah blah blah.

  87. Anonymous3:42 PM

    The nasty is strong in that skanky bitch!

  88. Anonymous3:43 PM

    And three black people showed up! See how diverse the Tea Party is?

  89. JayKen Knotstirred3:44 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?

  90. Maddies_Mom3:45 PM

    I don't think she had any idea what she was talking about in that speech. I watched the whole thing (I know, my ears are still bleeding. She had no idea how anti-corporate that speech was. That was the most insincere acting job I've ever seen. Again, she had NO idea what she was talking about.

  91. Anonymous3:50 PM

    to the poster at 1:58. Why do you need a candidate to energize you to get out and vote Are the issues not important enough?

    This is not about who talks a better game. It's about whether the politicians work for the lobbyists or their constituents. It's about who will act responsibly and make the hard decisions for the good of our country in the long term and who will just talk a good game do what is popular and kick the can down the road on the tough stuff.

    Unfortunately, not all candidates are charismatic. We need to vote anyway. Staying home is not an option.

    The turnout was poor in 2010. The teabaggers got elected in many places. They have been chipping away at access to healthcare for women and they are working to continue the weakening of unions. That is what happens when folks don't vote.

  92. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Her lack of preparation is so obvious from having to read the whole speech.

  93. Anonymous3:54 PM

    I laughed through what I could stand to listen to! Project much Sarah?
    Those people in the crowd were pretty pathetic looking, as I am sure most of her fans are!
    NancyB in SC

  94. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I think she looks like a sick person wearing makeup to disguise how sick she is. And i find the boobs thing ridiculous.

  95. Anonymous3:57 PM

    You recently ran a post with many convincing photos showing how Palin could not possibly have been post-partum after her alleged 'birth' of "T-rig'.

    I submit there is one other reason (other than never having been pregnant with T-rig in the first place) why she never appeared post-partum in 2008: she was modestly – and patiently – saving her post-partum boobies until NOW, for her big 2012 debut. ;-)

  96. Anonymous4:00 PM

    ++++ There is something very, very wrong with Palin. She looks quite ill, and extremely frail. +++

    What a maroon.

    She spoke for 45 minutes today, looked and sounded fine.

  97. Anonymous4:08 PM

    I dont really see big boobs here. Those are her natural ones. And they are nowhere near belmont size.

  98. OlNellie4:10 PM

    Dude, those boobs are like barely Bs. They look like her natural ones. That sweater, albeit thinnish, would make then appear more rounded and bigger. Women know whats up and how clothes impact boobs.

  99. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I could stand approx. 4 minutes of the video. This biatch makes me sick.

    (sorry, Willow...but you know what I'm talking 'bout.)

    I need me some "ANON238" or AnonInsider as some people are calling him/her.

    Thanks, gryphen !!

  100. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Looking at the pics (no way can I listen to her voice) - I thought maybe 200 turned up. Amazing that the media continues to count up for Sarah and count down for the President.

    One of the more pointless things Sarah did was to attack the President for using the teleprompter - she highlights stupid by looking down to read her speech.

  101. Anonymous4:25 PM

    TV reported a crowd of 2,000. Where did that come from?

  102. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Dear Lord, I couldn't listen to more that 5 seconds of that screechy harpy! How I loath John McCain!


  103. And you will NEVER be president of anything. Unless they have an association of anorexic fancy pageant walkers--

    HAHAHA! Very funny!

  104. Nancy In New York4:32 PM

    THIS is what a political rally in the rain looks like with REAL Americans:

    Granny Lulu's teabagger rally looked like a casting call for extras in Deliverance 2.

  105. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I watched for a bit before her speech and it was a horrible event. The Pres. and Vice Pres of Tea Party of American were a couple of hicks talking off the cuff and doing a very poor job. Bad musicians, bad speakers, horrible comedian! It was badly organized and very amateur...didn't really matter tho because all that's being reported on is the speech. I wish someone in the media would be truthful about how many were there and how bad the event was.

  106. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Sarahs a pretty confident person. I think last night she was truly in deep thought mode when around her loyal fans. She doesn't want to let them down but shes realistic. She knows she inspires people and that people have risen up to fight the BS in DC.

    I saw pure introspection in her face last night.

  107. Olivia4:40 PM

    D'ya think she notices that these people who worship her are a bit lacking in teeth and brains and wonders where all the beautiful people are? The ones she imagined would be her fans when she was aspiring to be like Ivana? It has to be a bit disappointing knowing that your base is made up of "overweight, trucker hat camo wearin cousin humpers whose collective IQ is not even equal to my labrador's"(to borrow a phrase). I guess as long as they keep giving her money, she doesn't really care what they look and smell like. Kind of like the proverbial 2 bit whore.

  108. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Does she want to get rid of the Alaska Native Health care entitlements her family is qualified to receive?? In Alaska they pay for your trip out of the village to see your doctor at the Native Health center, cab fare, hotel and a companion to travel with you if needed...after seeing the doctor they go shopping and take pizzas back home with them. I know, my son is a cab driver for the summer.

  109. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I agree Anon@3:50, 100%.

    Anyone who sits around waiting to be energized, waiting for all those wonderful choices, needs to get real.

    "Business as usual" is the long, slow, difficult slog toward something better. It is not easy, it is not pretty, and we don't get everything we want in a short 4 years time.

    But sure as hell I will blame people who couldn't be bothered to vote if any one of these crazies gets into the White House. That won't be anyone's fault but the people's.

    You want charisma, you want entertainment, Anon@1:58? Go watch cable.

    I want our President to be smart and dedicated. I want him to be a hard worker. I want him to have the wisdom to choose his battles, because he knows he can't win them all. We have that in Barack Obama.

    Start scouting candidates for 2016, how about, instead of being disappointed in the present. If we don't have a viable Dem candidate then, just watch what these assholes will do to our country again.

    We are in this hole because of the Bush years. Anyone who wasted a vote on Ralph Nader or didn't vote at all back then needs to take responsibility for this mess we are in now. Stop passing the blame to the guy who inherited it. You are doing the GOP's dirty work for them, don't you realize that?

    You don't have the luxury of choices this time around. There is no one else, and absolutely there is no one else who can approach the phenomenal leadership of our brilliant President.

  110. Anonymous4:50 PM

    OK, this me officially announcing that I am no longer worried about Sarah's potential to be elected... to ANY office. She's done, over, pffft. Not scary, just pathetic.

    No power. Her base is shrinking, and it's mostly the low information voters who make all their decisions based on faith or "gut" or the criteria of "she's just like me".

    She's now dithered too long, spewed her blather too much instead of saying anything. She couldn't pull this off now even if she she did everything right from this minute onward, because she's proven herself to be an unelectable party-splitter who will burn down the GOP tent around her own head, or just torching a piece of it to glorify herself for the tea partiers' bid. There is no way she can do anything other than more damage. She has hobbled herself with her own mistakes, grudge matches, petty vindictive thin-skinnery, and shrieking ignorance wrapped up with a big old bow of too-lazy-to-bother. No one with enough political power has any reason to back her, and many have every reason to kneecap her run now before she does any more damage to the brand.

    She's just a hyena, a nasty piece of work let loose on the weakest at the edge of the herd.

    But she's got no pack.

  111. Anonymous4:55 PM

    She's just a celebrity making cameo appearances in a walk on role as political bomb-thrower - and a lazy, inept one at that.

    That is all.

  112. Anonymous4:56 PM

    @Anon 1:58

    Please do us a favor and sit your ass out cause no one CARES whether a troll like you go to the polls or not. Palin was a mess. A shell of her former self. It is pathetic that she keeps trying to relive the glamour of 2008 over and over again. If you care so much, encourage her people to get her the HELP she needs, and with the quickness. From Neiman Marcus to a muskrat wig and fake boobs. From thousands who at one time thought she was intelligent to a couple of hundred stragglers who really don't know any better. So sad for the FIRST BITCH of WASILLA!

    See Sarah, it really is true. You just don't have it. No class, no intelligence.....just a low class screecher of hate. Wow.

  113. Anonymous5:00 PM

    checkout the crowd, LOL the field is empty!!!!!!

  114. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Crazy Train: Sarah Palin Wants to Eliminate All Federal Corporate Income Tax

    ...We got the “Drill here, drill now” bit and the jabs at “hopey changey”, because the Tea Party really responds well to this sort of low-level, lame taunt based on nothing and coming from someone who keeps offering them “hope and change” only she’s calling it “restoring and reforming”.

    But the real puzzler was when Palin announced what I guess will be her job-creation “policy” if she runs: Palin proposes that we eliminate all federal corporate income tax in order to create jobs. ALL. That’s any and all corporate income tax. And this is where we get to the part in our program where we reveal more proof that the Tea Party doesn’t give a hoot about fiscal conservatism. A policy of no federal income taxes for corporations is not exactly responsible. But certainly, it’s rich, coming from Palin who taxes the oil companies in Alaska so much with windfall profit taxes that they claim they stopped drilling there as much as they were because their profits were being taxed too much.

    We aren’t sure, of course, how Palin would have any clue about job creation, since the federal government has been the largest employer in Alaska since well before statehood. Palin apparently wants to rob the federal government (read, blue state theft) of revenue but never pay. See, that worked for her in Alaska between the socialist taxing of the oil companies (a plan I support, by the way) and taking more than she gave from the federal government. But see, the federal government and the taxes from the oil companies funded that little plan of hers. She seems to have missed that part.

  115. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Sarah Palin Iowa Tea Party Rally Was 1/50th as Big As the Wisconsin Protests

    ...The Des Moines Register reported, “The Alaska governor-turned-reality-TV-star-turned-conservative-icon made her third trip to Iowa this year for a Tea Party of America rally in Indianola, an event that drew a brave crowd of about 2,000 willing to sit in dripping wet lawn chairs in a driving rain.”

    I suppose tea partiers and Sarah Palin’s loyal devotees will blame it on the rain, but the truth is that attendance for this big conservative outing was absolutely dwarfed by the genuine and truly grassroots Wisconsin protests. Back in February, over 100,000 people gathered in Madison, Wisconsin to protest what was at the time Gov. Scott Walker’s attempt to strip collective bargaining rights from public employees. This was not an isolated incident. On several weekends an estimated hundred thousand or more people turned out to protest.

    You do remember that February rally, don’t you? It is the gathering that was ignored by all three cable networks, and unlike Sarah Palin’s little rainy day talking points monologue wasn’t carried on C-SPAN either. A gathering of 100,000 Americans protesting for their rights was deemed not worthy of coverage by the corporate media.

    Sarah Palin’s rally was 1/50th as large as the Wisconsin protests, yet the media still insists on treating her as if she is worth coverage.

    Palin still got TV time despite the fact that the new Fox News poll revealed that Republicans absolutely do not want her to run, and another poll revealed that 67% of Americans said that they would not vote for her. Still many in the mainstream media have bought into the fraudulent talking points that Sarah Palin is a draw, (she isn’t), the tea party is an actually grassroots movement (it isn’t), and that tea partiers aren’t Republicans, (they are nothing more than the Moral Majority/social conservative Republicans).

    Sarah Palin was only able to draw 1/50 of the crowd that gathered on a winter Saturday in Wisconsin, but you won’t hear anyone in the mainstream media making this point. Real democracy terrifies the corporate media. Real people rising up and demanding their rights is a terrifying proposition for a media structure that would rather keep people distracted by irrelevant circus acts like Fox News employee and corporate media creation Sarah Palin.

  116. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Excellent comment, 4:50 PM.

  117. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Anonymous 3:25 PM said..."Pretty sad that Todd had to ask Sarah for money to buy a soda after her speech."

    What does that mean?

  118. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Same shit..different day! Yawn! And she's still stupid.

  119. Anonymous5:07 PM

    3:54 - I'd like to think it wasn't so much projecting as her speech-writer throwing in a couple of slams towards Sarah herself. It's as if s/he knew she would say whatever was written down for her and not notice the blatant contradictions. S/he knew the few hundred that showed up would only fawn over her and cheer when the script said [pause for cheer], and not try to make sense of what she was saying.

    I did see one guy with a "WTF?" smirk on his face, his arms folded, while everyone around was cheering. Thanks for taking one for the team, WTF guy!

  120. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Sarah Palin: You spoke the God's honest truth when you said that you and your family were NOT GOOD ENOUGH for this great country! And, like you also said, you NEVER will be!

  121. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Oh the sharp wits of this crowd, truly.

    That is it, spot on. The nasty hyena at the edge of the pack, who has got no real pack herself.

    Perfectly put.

  122. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Aren't Alaska's surplus and the yearly checks to residents a result of corporate taxes?!!

  123. Anonymous5:12 PM

    "Poles are for strippers!" Yeah, that's what I want my President to sound like. Trailer Trash.

  124. Anonymous5:17 PM

    In the second picture she's describing how she put her biggest titties on today for the special occasion with the teabaggers and this young man is lapping it right up.

  125. AJ Billings5:22 PM

    $arah you are SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT.

    In the first part of your screechy ingorant Iowa "speech", blasted CORPORATE WELFARE, but then 10 minutes later, you propose NO CORPORATE INCOME TAXES for business?

    That's astoundingly stupid. And even if you were President, you CAN'T MAKE TAX LAWS!!. DId you know that? Oh, that's right, it's that other thingy, that department of Congress, remember?

    I guess someone never proofread your speech, or did you go all "rogue" and such like, also too,
    while reading it yourself!!!

    And by the way, if that was a "Major" policy and position screech, you utterly failed.

    Crowd of maybe 1500

    All white, mostly overweight fried butter eaters.

    Typical lies about "exceptionalism", like that's the touchstone of all reality for carbon based life forms her in the rill 'Merica

    Sure $arah, you can botox, makeup,
    and stuff your water bra, and your sycophants (look it up dear) will continute to send you their SS checks.

    But we know, that you know, that the bombshells are coming soon.

    When Cheney, Rove, and serious Repubs are all against you,the big guns of mud slinging will fire at will if you declare for President.

    Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace could tell a few tales, as well as anon238.

    And I bet that there are some others in Alaska that could have what you blithely (look it up $arah) refer to as a "come to Jeebus" moment, and dump your secrets like bucket of salmon chum.

    Just sit down and shut up $arah, your day of ruin is coming, and schadenfreude will be the order of the day.

  126. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Say ra who?

  127. laprofesora5:27 PM

    "I saw pure introspection in her face last night."

    BWAAAAAHAAAAAAAAA! Stop, you're killing me! "Introspection" Scarah couldn't even spell "Introspection"! BWAAAAHAAA! Seriously, you should do stand-up.

  128. Nancy in New York...that was great! Best laugh I've had all day.

  129. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I bet COD is probably happy she was uninvited to the was pathetic. They had to pass around a donation box to help off-set their expenditures for this sorry ass rally.

  130. Anonymous@4:39 said...I saw pure introspection in her face last night.

    @Anon4:39. I see pure batshit in your comment tonight. (Although Sarah looking inside herself would produce that empty face she had last night.)

  131. I'm sorry to mention my rather unimpressed impression of these Palinistas, but that was the most moronic bunch of half-toothless married cousins I've ever seen.

    One young girl clearly was missing all her molars on the left side of her mouth, and there was a girl who looked "special needs" at 28:38.

    Poor girl probably still thinks 3 years after The Promise that Sarah Palin has been tirelessly advocating (screech!) for her. Yeah, just like Sarah has been for Trig...

  132. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I just can't get over the boobs! That is such a junior high/high school thing to do! Is it me? Maybe because I'm female I can't believe that a politician would be so transparent.

    What if a male politician stuffed and had a huge bulge (like a ballet dancer) at some appearances, and at others he didn't. From one day to the next.

    I'm just shaking my head here.

  133. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I thought this line was funny and true, "Sarah has learned how to run toward a camera, but not how to run for office, and she will be left behind if she tries."

  134. Anonymous5:38 PM

    When you think about it --
    She did her fake family holiday.
    She showed up for a day at the Iowa fair.
    She showed up for the 'cult' last night but said nothing
    She gave a speech written for her today.

    When you consider how little energy she has expended to do this and look like hell -- how the hell could she expect to do 'daily stump speeches' -- in a different town, city, state every day. She'd need more than an Ad saying she is not a Witch!! She'd be old and dried up!!

    And this time she can't do what she did for the 8 or 9 weeks as VP candidate -- you can't give the same stump speech every day. It won't fly!!

    When you think of what was said by her handlers on the VP trail and that was only 8 or 9 weeks -- imagine what it would be like for months!!! Handlers will volunteer to lay down under the bus just to get away from her.

  135. Anonymous5:43 PM

    She wore her 'fuck me' glasses today. Saved them for the 'big stage' as she had her old crap ones on at the 'cult meeting'

  136. I barely lasted five minutes with the sound turned off. The problem is you can just about read the woman's lips as she rants. She oozes hostility from her very soul.

    False eyelashes and boobs...jeesh! A political pole dancer is the perfect description...thanks to whomever came up with it.

  137. Anonymous5:45 PM

    We all know how Sarah wrote letters to the editor herself and then conned her friends into pretending that they wrote them. We all know also too how she fanned herself on Facebook. So how's she gonna get out of saying that she's not running after painting herself into a corner?

    Well I wouldn't put it past her to pay someone to "threaten her life" (or threaten to rape one of her gum-chewing daughters) in some way that is so terrible that she'll eventually announce that for the safety of her family that she's not running. Or some such manufactured scheme wherein she is such a victim that she has to quit her fake campaign.......

    Let's see what doozie the floozie thinks up next LOL. I put NOTHING past the liar.

  138. Anonymous5:49 PM

    hey boot licker/panty sniffer p'bot, your fantasy is a freaking mental mess, a train wreck, but come to think of it you can have it, $he's all yours

  139. Erlene5:50 PM

    Thank you to the commenter who mentioned that the Daily Mail had pics of todays screechfest.

    Is Frequently Defeated Granny is telling this young man about the newest "enhancing" bra she just ordered?

  140. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Bestest troll comment so far:


    ++++ There is something very, very wrong with Palin. She looks quite ill, and extremely frail. +++

    What a maroon.

    She spoke for 45 minutes today, looked and sounded fine.

    Speaking for 45 minutes isn't grueling, I do a fine job speaking for an hour a day, sometimes more, working to get out the vote for President Obama's re-election. It's not that hard, believe me.

    What was the content of her speech? A few palinisms, lots of hate speech, President Obama bashing, plagiarized and massaged quotes, written in advance.

    Compare this to the last post and the speech she gave there. Sick and frail is way too kind. Clearly, this woman's about as sharp as a bowling ball and as quick on her feet as a sloth.

    Thanks for the laugh, and congratulations on winning the best troll comment so far on this thread! Well deserved!

    And enjoy your corn on the cob and venison at your bbq this labor day weekend. As American as "Mom's apple pie"!

  141. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I was channel surfing and came across Sarah speaking on CNN. Within 30 seconds I had to mute because of her high screeching voice. But I kept surfing back periodically imagining Christine O'Donnell swooping in across the stage on a broom yelling, "This is just a coincidence!"

  142. Anonymous5:57 PM

    "First Bitch of Wasilla"

    Isn't that the truth!

  143. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Today validated that Palin is a Hick Tease.

    National Review has a thread going and the generally conservative / libertarian posters
    are less than pleased with Palin's
    shady behavior today.
    A couple of posters ridiculed the Sea of Peebots who described Palin's speech
    as the equivalent
    of the Gettysburg Address.
    Many agree with the comments of a conservative blogger they respect
    called Ace of Spades.
    He described today as The Fizzle in Drizzle and then proceeded to destroy Palin.

  144. emrysa6:08 PM

    anon @ 2;21 pm sez:

    "I'd say that is probably a good weight for her."

    you're out of your mind. that woman looks terrible. how can you advocate for an emaciated frame? she's obviously not healthy at all. case in point - the clavicle that looks like it weighs more than half her body.

  145. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:09 PM

    I think I've figured out why Joan of Awwwk looked so edgy and ill last night--she was in a small, confined space with THEM. Y'know--the paint chip eaters. She'd much rather be yapping at them and hamming it up from a stage so she doesn't have to mingle with the Future Serfs of Kochdom. You know, dear, these are your supporters who are so addled they think you'd gladly sit in their crappy little kitchens and have a cup of coffee with them while you gush over their family photos, or whatever. Too bad it's becoming SO obvious that you can't really stand them, eh?

  146. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Grandmom, Juggs and Speed must have had iv red bull drips and a crunch wrap supreme before taking her lunesta last night. Threw it up, and styled her polyester wig with it this AM. Hope she split a tic tac with Todd. Wouldn't want to be in the front row for that one! Downwind either.
    Her speech was amazing! I'm surpirsed she didn't "keep her place" on the page with her finger, like most children learning to read are taught to do.

    "Polls are for strippers and skiers!" I suppose poles are for Poland and street lights, but she neither confirmed nor denied that.
    Stop taxing corporations THEN get rid of the loopholes.

    Bwaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaaa. Deep, cleansing breath.... ha ha ha ha ha ha.

    The Bard of Wasilla can read in the rain!, Shakespeare would be so proud!

  147. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Most unpatriotic RAGeaholic in 'politics' EVER!

    She belongs in a straight jacket and muzzled.

  148. Palin attracts a small, but dense, group of humans.

  149. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Yes, Sarah was definitely right. There was no place for Christine O'Donnell in that fabulous line up. The reason that the amateur hour came before Palin is that she looked a little better by comparison. Christine at least has a sweet voice, and the screech was hard to take. There was only room for one diva in that gathering. What's amazing is that she called the Tea Party liars, and they all hugged and embraced her. What a bunch!

  150. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Regarding the key she wears. She wore it along with the Star of David for a long time. The history of the symbol is important. The Jewish Faith holds this symbol as a reminder of the covenant with G_D. The symbol was hijacked by an interesting group. This link explains it, and Sarah wearing it is no coincidence, there are no coincidences in Sarahworld.
    She's symbolically trying to endear herself to both the evangelicals, the jewish faith, Israel, and thinks it's the perfect foil for her "blood libel" speech.

    Of course she's wrong on all points, she's on a bullet train to armaggeddon.

  151. Anonymous6:32 PM

    1:47 PM:
    OMG...did she really say that? She totally DID fucking steal Obama's speech...Weird that no one has said anything about that yet...

  152. Anonymous6:51 PM

    "I saw pure introspection in her face last night."

    No you didn't, Todd had his own room.

  153. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I noticed, if you look closely behind the glasses- she has adopted the Bachman eye make-up style. Heavy false lashes and smoky shadow.
    I have wondered if these two ladies would need to get dolled up before handling a White House crisis?
    As a women it makes me sad they use such trollop tools. IMO

    2:40 PM


    Seriously, "trollop tools"? I don't leave the house without foundation and some lipstick. I'm a good progressive liberal, but I am not going to run around town or anywhere without at least doing something to my face and hair. Even if I'm going for a hike I "put on my face". It makes me feel better. If more women took the time to look their best before leaving the house the world would be a better place. There might be a lower divorce rate as well.

  154. Anonymous6:54 PM

    "Sarahs a pretty confident person. I think last night she was truly in deep thought mode when around her loyal fans. She doesn't want to let them down but shes realistic. She knows she inspires people and that people have risen up to fight the BS in DC.

    I saw pure introspection in her face last night."

    @4:39 PM

    Shut the fuck up, you asshole!
    $arah Palin is not realistic, and people will rise up to fight her if she tries to run for president! America doesn't need her, or give a fuck what she thinks! $arah Palin inspires hatred, and people are sick of her BULLSHIT and she's not even in DC!

  155. Olivia6:56 PM

    I expect Rick Perry will start stuffing his pants with socks because it has worked so well with Sarah's water boobs.

  156. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Mining the last vein of stupid before the excrement hits the air conditioning.

  157. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Anonymous said...
    @1:58, nice try you moron. We have an incumbent President. Or are you SO high-minded that you want to see a contested nomination? Right. A new type of troll here, I think. Very interesting!

    3:18 PM


    Actually, yes, I'd like to see another Democratic candidate throw his or her hat into the ring so that we might have another option, rather than just holding our nose and voting for Obama. If this makes me "a new type of troll", so be it. You and I obviously have a disconnect regarding the current President's "report card".

  158. OT

    Arizona Star reports that the GOP raffle for Glock went so well they added a deer rifle to the mix.

    The more outrage liberals express makes the Tea Partiers go out of their way to make any bad/tone deaf situation worse. I think I'm giving up in politics; can only get worse.

  159. Bill 2:42
    Thank you........That is the first thing I thought of. There would be no loopholes if there are no taxes. How unbelievably stupid can she be?

  160. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I do think it is clear that COD won this round!

  161. Anonymous7:11 PM

    No way I could bear to listen to a second of this ditz.

  162. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Anonymous said...
    @Anon 1:58

    Please do us a favor and sit your ass out cause no one CARES whether a troll like you go to the polls or not. Palin was a mess. A shell of her former self. It is pathetic that she keeps trying to relive the glamour of 2008 over and over again. If you care so much, encourage her people to get her the HELP she needs, and with the quickness. From Neiman Marcus to a muskrat wig and fake boobs. From thousands who at one time thought she was intelligent to a couple of hundred stragglers who really don't know any better. So sad for the FIRST BITCH of WASILLA!

    See Sarah, it really is true. You just don't have it. No class, no intelligence.....just a low class screecher of hate. Wow.


    I guess I'm "honored" at your outrage, however you are as blinded by your trust in Obama as Palin's followers are blinded by her charisma.

    People like you don't do the hard job of vetting sitting public officials, you just cast your vote emotionally and then stop paying attention to what they are doing.

    Obama is not doing many things that many of us that voted for him hoped he would do. The latest slap in our face is his lack of support for the clean air legislation that would curtail smog and other particulate air pollution. He once again caved in to the right and did their bidding, all while being a Democrat. Who needs the Tea Party when we have a Democratic Conservative in office as POTUS.

    So yea, I'd like to see someone give Obama a run for his money in the Primary. Someone who might actually give us the change that he promised.

    As it is, the Electoral College places the POTUS into office, not the voters, so really it doesn't matter whether we little people show up at the polls for the POTUS vote or not. The important elections are those where OUR VOTES actually matter. They don't matter for POTUS; that is out of our hands.

  163. PalinsHoax7:17 PM

    Unimpressive. Totally unimpressive.

    I'm referring to your unimpressive boobies, $carah "The Over-Inflated Flatulator".

  164. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Basically, they trowelled on her makeup, fed her some happy pills, and pushed her on stage.

  165. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Anon 1:58pm said...

    I'm looking forward to an energizing of the Democratic base, a new energy and a new voice for 2012. I too will not sit down and vote for "business as usual" from the left. I hope that WE are given choices in the race for the 2012 election. That will indeed energize my interest once again and maybe get me to the polls.

    Go ahead and wait for something to energize your interest once again to get you to the polls and you'll be living under Republican rule the rest of your fucking life.


  166. Bunny Bunny boy7:26 PM

    Man, Palin haters are 10 times nastier than Sarah. Whats with the threats and just plain hateful rhetoric towards her? I thought you prided your liberal selves on taking the high road.

    First there's massive infighting between bloggers and writers that makes no one look sane and now rude liars who apparently are taking lessons from Mercede Johnston in the blackmail department.

    When Sarah decides to finally live a non public life in peace with her family, you're all going to be lost. AND this country will still be in the shitter as long as establishment morons run it. Ruining Sarah isn't going to make the country better. Sarah is not the root of the problem. She's highlighting the problems in her speeches. There's a reason why she repeats so much. People arent paying attention to the problems.

  167. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Did anyone watch the meet & greet? CSPAN seemed to crank up the audio for some of the more interesting conversations. An older woman asked about Trig. Sarah said, "I'll bring Trig back soon.". Back to where or from where, I wonder? The woman then said something about a child with DS, whether it was a family member or someone in her care, I'm not sure. Anyway, Sarah said "Give him a hug for me", and quickly moved on.

  168. A reply to Shan! Not all elderly people are foolish enough to listen to a phony like Palin and her ilk.I live in a Senior community and more and more Seniors are beginning to see the light.Don't disparage a whole group its time to educate not blame.I campaigned for John F. Kennedy in Upstate NY and many doors were literaly slammed in my face,however some listened.Pretty much the same thing is going on now but some do listen.

  169. Anonymous7:36 PM

    It is so apparent that the media outlets are the only ones promoting Sarah Palin. I suspect it is being done only to increase their viewer numbers and radio listeners.

    All the polls show Palin is not in favor! Repubs don't like her and the teabaggers aren't all that impressed any longer.

    She is fake, a liar, proven to be unethical by the Legislature in Alaska, knows nothing (especially as to the oil industry and world affairs) and is a proven fraud.

    And, should she actually stick her nose out there and declare, the media is going to have a field day with it and that is exactly what they want. They suspect there will be a media opportunity to view and listen to the fight amongst the Texas fraud, poor Mrs. Bachman and idiot Palin! And, we'll get to watch Palin totally fall from grace with minute-by-minute - hour by hour - coverage!

    All to the success of President Obama winning a second term which I totally support.

  170. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Who stole what speech? She nor any other politico writes their speeches. Her ghost may have copied shit from other places on purpose or accident but I doubt she had the presence of mind to do it. At least she doesn't sound like a monotonous robot. Cue Obama.

  171. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Hmm, I dont understand what Sarah could be afraid of. She knows herself and her past best. If she were truly afraid, she'd be a hermit. She is far from that. She's obviously fearless.

    Actually, she could be afraid of HOW people spin things. What people write doesn't matter. It's the malicious spin they put on it. Look at this blog for instance. You take a boring video with nothing really to offer and you turn it into a pre-psychotic break spectable, even thought you have no proof of anything.

    Thats all the blogesphere is. Twisted words and propaganda.

  172. Anonymous7:43 PM

    I find Sarah's use of the "come to Jesus moment" term is alarming coming from a christian believer. It's used in sarcasm, and it's used by people that take the meaning lightly. A real christian isn't going to trivialize a true conversion to Jesus Christ as a way to make a point in a speech.

    She shows disrespect.

  173. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Sorry, couldn't watch with the sound on...was too afraid I'd start bleeding from the ears.

  174. Anonymous7:46 PM

    "Polls are for strippers and skiers!"

    Sarah needs to send Levi a thank you note. Because Levi impregnated Sarah's underage uneducated daughter and gave her a prop to make money with, he saved Sarah's daughter from being a pole dancer. After watching Brisket on DWTS, we een that dancing is not her thing and maybe she would of ended up working for Tawd and the APD.

  175. Anonymous7:46 PM

    HAHAHAHA G, she has gone full blown batshit crazy.

    OMG! Did I just watch her playing a vid of one of her speeches to HER audience? Is she showing her crowd how they should react to her? HAHAHAHAHA


  176. Anonymous7:48 PM

    She probably watches a couple Beck episodes and reads Ann Coulter's and other extremist's blogs to get her "in the mood" for her hate-filled screeches. She is one of the most destructive forces to hit our country and after Gabby Giffords was shot, Palin shouldn't be allowed to spew anymore lies and venom, she is pure evil.

  177. sharon7:56 PM

    I'e always loved this blog and have never had any doubt on what Gryphen posts here. With that said, i just visited joe mcginnis's blog and I'm so pissed at him with his most recent rant. I was so into him for a while but he got weird in the past few weeks and tonight his post just turned my stomach. He is so AFRAID of palin and i'm really starting to wonder what the hell his book is REALLY about. He insulted the bloggers AGAIN tonight. What an asshole and I'm done with him. Screw his book. What a lowlife. Sorry if i offended anyone but I'm so pissed right now. Read his blog and tell me if you think I'm taking it wrong. Why is he always taking shots at the bloggers and especially Gryphen? He posted one rant about how bloggers are obsessed since they do this for free and with him it's legitimate cause he gets paid for it. Oh, really??

  178. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Good Heavens! I just realized something.

    That second picture, of Sarah in the white T-shirt?

    The guy on the left (or, to her right) almost has bigger boobs than Sarah does! :^0

    Tom, in FL

  179. Anonymous7:59 PM

    It is curious why RAM is not seen anywhere. She and the C4P contributors who supported SP never seem to get a show of thanks from the grifter. She never introduces people by name, never seems to show pride in the work done for her by others, nor gives anyone credit.

    Why was RAM not at the restaurant? And if she was, why couldn't SP take the time to speak and congratulate her, show appreciation and thank the team?

  180. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Anon is back!!

  181. Anonymous8:04 PM

    People, I don't think gryphen was necessarily saying Sarah looked "good" today. He's saying she looked better than yesterday. But then, an oozing pustule on the hairy ass of Dick Cheney would look "better" than she did yesterday.

    Chickey pie needs to stop throwing people under the bus, and jump her ass in front of it. She is SO done.

  182. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Anon @4:08 PM
    "I dont really see big boobs here. Those are her natural ones. And they are nowhere near belmont size."


    If those are her natural ones, what does she do with them when she doesn't wear them?

    The woman is nasty looking. She looks like she doesn't bathe. The wigs are getting worse and worse. She can't even keep herself clean and her followers think she can lead the country? She couldn't even compete in a bar at closing time. She's a skank.

  183. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to run for President as an 'official Tea Party candidate', making herself seem more 'authentic' than Perry or Bachmann. 'Wouldn't be surprised at all, 'cause then she wouldn't have to attend any debates and she'd be free to do whatever she wanted without dealing with the inconvenience of other people's rules. I wouldn't put it beyond that feverish brain of hers.
    M from MD

  184. Anonymous8:10 PM


    From that site you linked came this great comment;

    "I admit that I'd love for Palin to win because Palin winning is the only way to make liberals feel how horribly we'd all feel if Obama won a second term."

    Posted by: Stateless Infidel



    Are you seriously suggesting that that if women wore makeup more often, the divorce rate would be lower? Are you kidding? You cannot be a progressive, of this century anyway.

    Makeup to go hiking, really?

  185. Anonymous8:13 PM

    anon238 in the Broomfield post explains her appearance yesterday and today - better living through chemistry

  186. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Anon @4:39
    "Sarahs a pretty confident person. I think last night she was truly in deep thought mode when around her loyal fans. She doesn't want to let them down but shes realistic. She knows she inspires people and that people have risen up to fight the BS in DC.

    I saw pure introspection in her face last night."


    Who ARE you? Her drug dealer?

    What I saw in her face from the video of last night was fear and a totally beaten down look. She looked around at that crowd and thought "I spent my hard grifted dollars to impress THESE people?" Sarah knows things are crashing down around her and so does Todd. It shows in their faces. The speech today wasn't even a good pretense and I watched the entire thing.

  187. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Anon238 is back! Head on over to the Broomfield post.

  188. Anonymous8:21 PM

    That;s definitely a wig she's wearing.

  189. Anonymous8:29 PM

    She also got a new pair of specs. Round ones now.


  190. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Anonymous said...
    @Anon 1:58

    Please do us a favor and sit your ass out cause no one CARES whether a troll like you go to the polls or not. Palin was a mess. A shell of her former self. It is pathetic that she keeps trying to relive the glamour of 2008 over and over again. If you care so much, encourage her people to get her the HELP she needs, and with the quickness. From Neiman Marcus to a muskrat wig and fake boobs. From thousands who at one time thought she was intelligent to a couple of hundred stragglers who really don't know any better. So sad for the FIRST BITCH of WASILLA!

    See Sarah, it really is true. You just don't have it. No class, no intelligence.....just a low class screecher of hate. Wow.


    I guess I'm "honored" at your outrage, however you are as blinded by your trust in Obama as Palin's followers are blinded by her charisma.

    People like you don't do the hard job of vetting sitting public officials, you just cast your vote emotionally and then stop paying attention to what they are doing.

    Obama is not doing many things that many of us that voted for him hoped he would do. The latest slap in our face is his lack of support for the clean air legislation that would curtail smog and other particulate air pollution. He once again caved in to the right and did their bidding, all while being a Democrat. Who needs the Tea Party when we have a Democratic Conservative in office as POTUS.

    So yea, I'd like to see someone give Obama a run for his money in the Primary. Someone who might actually give us the change that he promised.

    As it is, the Electoral College places the POTUS into office, not the voters, so really it doesn't matter whether we little people show up at the polls for the POTUS vote or not. The important elections are those where OUR VOTES actually matter. They don't matter for POTUS; that is out of our hands.
    For the record, I never commented on my political persuasion. How arrogant of you to presume who I vote for. If you got a beef with the President, exercise your right to vote like any good citizen. But stop with the arrogant fortune telling, will ya? Palin is a bitch. A mean hateful, vengeful, uneducated, unclean, lying, racist, amoral BITCH. That was my point. How the hell did you glean my political leaning from my post? As I said, how arrogant. I know the President's record, I know Bush's record, I know McCain's record and the records of all of the other people out there, past and present. When it comes time to vote, I will cast my vote for the person I choose to, based on what I think is best for America. In the meantime, I will post on anti palin blogs cause I think that is what is best for America. And you can stuff your assumptions about my political leansing up your you know where!

  191. Anonymous8:39 PM

    @4:39 PM

    Shut the fuck up, you asshole!
    $arah Palin is not realistic, and people will rise up to fight her if she tries to run for president! America doesn't need her, or give a fuck what she thinks! $arah Palin inspires hatred, and people are sick of her BULLSHIT and she's not even in DC!

    Pretty tough talk!!How you going to rise up? Did you hit the streets when Bush was in office. The weak ass Dems won rise up for shit. Remember all that hope we voted for with Obama. It was truly just hope and I hope we can replace him with a real Dem

  192. I don't think she looked at all bad yesterday. In fact, I thought she looked pretty damn good. Let's just tell the truth, shall we? She looks normal, most Americans look fat. It doesn't mean that she's "sickly" or any of the rest of the terms that fat Americans are using to describe her lithe form.

    Seriously, people, there's so much to criticize her on, do we really need to randomly speculate on her looks? Don't we have anything else but her hair, her makeup, her padding (!), her clothes, etc.? She has a great body, she looks good, she's a marathon runner. And her politics suck! Yeah, I said it.

  193. Anonymous8:52 PM

    sharon @7:56 PM:

    First, I wouldn't take anything Mr. McGinnis has to say about bloggers to heart. Second, wholesale generalizations are cheap rhetorical tricks and mean nothing really--I could say "all farmers are rubes" or" all fishermen have no political impact" or "all people living in cities display hedonistic traits"" and I've said nothing of import or fact.

    Moreover, if Joe feels blogging is a waste of time why isn't he giving it up and getting off his a%% and pursuing political action as he advises his audience of bloggers, et al.?

    Finally, he is dead wrong that unpaid writing and writers penning political opinion and information outside the corridors of power have no impact. The Samizdat helped bring down the Soviet Union. Pamphleteers, Thomas Paine among many others, had enormous influence on the development of democracy in Europe and the US.

    It seems Mr. McGinnis feels the need to justify his pay of late. Be that as it may, his needless slurs and his gratuitous and selective reading of history display his own bias, vitriol, and lack of comprehension of basic facts.

  194. Anonymous8:59 PM

    sharon said...
    I'e always loved this blog and have never had any doubt on what Gryphen posts here. With that said, i just visited joe mcginnis's blog and I'm so pissed at him with his most recent rant. I was so into him for a while but he got weird in the past few weeks and tonight his post just turned my stomach. He is so AFRAID of palin and i'm really starting to wonder what the hell his book is REALLY about. He insulted the bloggers AGAIN tonight. What an asshole and I'm done with him. Screw his book. What a lowlife. Sorry if i offended anyone but I'm so pissed right now. Read his blog and tell me if you think I'm taking it wrong. Why is he always taking shots at the bloggers and especially Gryphen? He posted one rant about how bloggers are obsessed since they do this for free and with him it's legitimate cause he gets paid for it. Oh, really??

    7:56 PM


    I think he makes very valid points. It was obvious from last night's Machine Shed dinner that Palin doesn't even pay enough attention to her own dedicated bloggers at C4P to give them the benefit of a "thank you". If she doesn't know her own supporters, it's very doubtful that she pays much attention to the detractor's blogs.

    Joe is saying that our words are stronger on the street, engaged in a movement, rather than repeating the same dead talking points over and over on the blogs.

    Face it, babygate will be solved later or never. Palin will most likely never be hauled off in the "orange jumpsuit" that many hold out hope for. Palin will either run in 2012 or not, and either win or lose, or will hold out for 2016 and will either run then or not. She will continue to stir the emotions of those that find her an abhorrent individual for as long as she is alive and able to open her mouth.

    Joe is saying that there is more to life than beating on Palin and perhaps community and social engagement on behalf of what we believe in as individuals is more effective than typing invectives towards a Sarah Palin that never even reads them.

  195. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Sharon--his is right about the bloggers, most people don't know we exist or do they care..we all need to get out and make sure Sarah never gets near the White House or anywhere else in Washington DC..she's a dangerous person and bitching about her on the blogs doesn't get out to the public..stop talking about her looks, no one cares, we need to talk more about her life, her record and yes the baby hoax.

  196. WakeUpAmerica9:12 PM

    anon@2:38 has posted on the old thread.

  197. Anonymous9:13 PM

    @7:56 PM Sharon,

    I went over to Joe's blog earlier and thought the same thing. So no it's not just you. Wow! He is something else. I think he might have mood swings like Sarah. Is he trying to stop people from reading his book? I have been suspicious of him ever since he disclosed that he was friends with Roger Ailes.

  198. sixdollarman9:24 PM

    Tardstock 2011! Yee-haw!

  199. Anonymous9:30 PM

    6:52, you poor, submissive thing. I feel sorry for anyone in such an unstable marriage she'd be afraid to be seen so much as hiking without her fake-up. Or who feels her natural face is so abhorrent her husband might divorce her. Sweetie, stay away from the bo-bo. I hear it's addictive.

  200. Sharon_Too_Also9:52 PM

    Agree with him or not, an inquiring mind would like to know what the hell made Joe McG set that volley of cannon shots off on his blog tonight.

    Timing is everything - why now? Burning bridges like that is stupid - after all he does plan to go back to AK.

    Could he possibly be afraid that the dam will burst before Sept. 20 and water down his epic? Hmmmmm


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.