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"Kill me. Please God just kill me now." |
This is a man who has been relentlessly stalking my family to the point of moving in right next door to us to harass us and spy on us to satisfy his creepy obsession with my wife. His book is full of disgusting lies, innuendo, and smears. Even The New York Times called this book ‘dated, petty,’ and that it ‘chases caustic, unsubstantiated gossip.’
"Innuendo?" Okay who do you suppose wrote this for him?
Oh, it was THIS Palin panty sniffer.
So let me get this straight. Todd does not even have the balls to step in front of the cameras and defend his wife's "honor, " and instead he resorts to using some OTHER guy's Twitter account?
Oh he IS a manly man isn't he?
I can just hear how the conversation went at the Palin compound:
"TAWD!! That frickin Joe McGinniss is talking about all of the things we paid and threatened all of our neighbors to keep their big mouths shut about! He is doing the worst possible thing anybody can do to me. HE IS TELLING THE TRUTH! Get out from behind that couch and go make it stop. And I mean right the hell now! Oh and after you are done go get us another refrigerator. I cannot believe that with what these damn things cost they can't even take a couple of canned peas to the ice maker without completely falling apart!"
Gee I wonder who will write Todd's response to Joe McGinniss tomorrow on the Today Show?
pure punk waterass white trash
ReplyDeleteTodd is too much of a coward to get on live tv and answer questions even on the today show. Levi is more of a man.
ReplyDeleteHey Todd what was your reaction when you found out Bristol named her son after the prostitute you visit?
I'm thinking sideshow should've been a little more welcoming to her neighbor last summer.I guess words do have consequences.Dontcha think?
ReplyDeleteI knew the Palins would hide behind the New York Times review. Meanwhile, they're always bashing the "lamestream media." So pathetic.
ReplyDeleteAnd how blatantly obvious can they make it that theirs is a marriage of convenience at this point? If something like this comes out, who immediately takes to spinning, if they really care about their wife?
I do think that Joe G. set himself up by moving next door, though. I read the opening of the book, and I see that he just happened to get lucky with the neighbor calling and offering, but I just knew it would allow people to dismiss it as complete hit job because of that. "The man is so obsessed with tearing the Palins down, he moved next door!"
The saddest part about all of this is that Todd knows it's true. He knows his wife is allegedly a bulimic who abuses diet pills, but he has no problem pushing her toward the White House.
He knows she's not fit to parent, much less lead, but he'll go along with this nightmare at the cost of the country. Absolutely sickening.
And the fact that her defenders will continue to defend this trash just makes me sick.
Todd is sure sulking. Looks ready to cry. Will he answer questions on Today, or are they just going to read his statement?
ReplyDeleteJoe can easily rebut anything Todd says. Sure the book is reporting "gossip" like the Palin/Rice story, but if the "gossip" is confirmed it's news, not just gossip anymore.
BTW, The NY Times review wasn't pro-Palin as some seem to think. The reviewer is just expressing her concern that reporting the "gossip" will detract what she considers the bigger items in the book.
Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!
ReplyDeleteQuick Question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?
Screeching heard in Wasilla this evening: "Unfreakinbelievable! TAWD! TAWD! TAWD!!!!! TAWD!!!!!"
ReplyDelete"I'm Shocked! Shocked I tell you! "
ReplyDeleteThe book is about Sarah. Sarah wants to be The President of the United States. She wants to influence politics. She spouts opinions and political commentary on Fox TV. Why can't Sarah answer a few questions herself? If she can't defend herself, she can't pretend to defend the United States of America.
ReplyDeleteTodd is just the guy to answer questions of Glen Rice. It is almost insulting to ask the husband how he feels about the substantiated story of his wife having sex with someone else 30 years ago, when they weren't married. What's the point? Oh, Brad Hanson! Now that's something Todd will be happy to talk about. Why did they split up their business, again?
During the campaign, Cindy McCain regularly introduced her husband, John McCain. They campaigned as a team. During the campaign, we never heard Todd introduce Sarah. He just carried her handbag. (Sarah carries her own Blackberries).
Well, Todd, since you are Sarah's closest political adviser, perhaps you can tell us if you are advising Sarah to run for President. What is her position in terms of the unstable Euro? Should the European economy be based on a single currency? Can you see Europe from your house? What do you read to stay informed in order to advise Sarah's political career?
Bigoted heads exploding at the Sea of Pea today.
ReplyDeleteWow. Just took a peek over at Sea 'o Pee to see how they were handling the news. In addition to the requisite violent fantasies against McGinnis, some brave soul with a screen name "dougx" has posted some things they don't like. So a moderator is editing his comments, replacing them with the statement "I am a homosexual." This tells you everything you need to know about Palin's lunatic base.
ReplyDeleteCheck it out, if you have a strong enough stomach:
Todd, like many bullies, is at base a coward.
ReplyDeleteWhy the hell don't they sue Joe McGinniss? If it's all lies and smears that would be the common sense thing to do, right? Oh yeah, I forgot they have no common sense and they're both lazy quitters who grift for a living.
ReplyDeleteTodd's a cowardly bully and so is his mentally unstable wife.
Hey Todd, quick question for you, how come Sarah doesn't wear her wedding ring anymore?
ReplyDeleteFrom Malia's blog-Sarah have you been hanging out with NBA players.
ReplyDelete"Have you SEEN Todd?"
ReplyDeleteYeah, way too many times, and I've never seen the appeal. (And I'm a straight female in my 30s.) Add to that the voice, the bullying, the pimping, the coercion of Shailey Tripp, etc., and the whole package is distinctly unattractive.
Besides, who defends rumors about a divorce by referring solely to the other spouse's appearance? Most junior high girls don't even use that level of flawed, shallow logic in defending a relationship. Just sayin'.
I am one of the very few people I know who has always been abstinent. I would never say it's the right decision, let alone realistic, for everyone. I'm honestly not even sure it was/is the right decision for me. It has not always been a choice; I've never dated much, partly to avoid "temptation" and partly because I haven't known many guys I wanted to date, I suppose. I waited a long time (too long) for my first kiss, and it sucked. So at this point I figure I might as well wait until the right situation to have sex, rather than doing it just for the sake of doing it and having another sucky experience.
Anyway, I resent the hell out of the Palin approach to abstinence. It's something that everyone but they should practice? How dare they demand that other people do what none of them has managed? How dare they claim that schools should teach ONLY the method of birth control that hasn't worked for Sally/ Chuck, Sarah/ Todd or Curt, Bristol/ whomever (an unknown number of times, but I definitely think more than once and as many as four), and another Palin child (whose privacy I will respect by leaving out the name)? And how do people's heads not explode at this blatant hypocrisy??
BTW. I think purity balls and promise rings are creepy. And I own a vibrator.
I just ordered my copy of Joe McG's book. Based on the tidbits that have leaked so far, it will be well worth the money. And considering the desperation of both the Pbots and the MSM to discredit the book, there's gotta be some good stuff in there.
Forget seeing Russia out her front door. Did former NBA star Glen Rice sneak in Sarah Palin's back door? In an story sure to doom Palin's future political aspirations, the National Enquirer reports that a new book by Joe McGinniss alleges that, in her twenties, Sarah Palin had hush-hush sex with then-University of Michigan star basketball player Glen Rice. Sort of redefines her stance on "Drill, Baby Drill", doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteAt the time, Palin was working as a sports reporter for the Anchorage, Alaska TV station KTUU. Rice, who went on to a stellar NBA career, was playing in a tournament in Alaska at the time of the alleged encounter.
According to the Enquirer, "In the book, McGinniss quotes Rice as confirming the one-night stand."
The National Enquirer goes one step further, asserting that a publishing source said the book contains allegations that, at the time, Palin had a "fetish" for African-American men. She was also allegedly still involved with future husband Todd, who she married a mere nine months after the alleged incident.
This isn't the only shocking allegation in McGinniss' book, "The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin", which is scheduled for release next week. He also claims that Palin and her husband were quite fond of the Peruvian marching powder. The Enquirer reports a story where Palin was snowmobiling with friends and took a break to snort some cocaine off of, of all things, a 55-gallon oil drum.
Palin is also rumored to have carried on an affair with her husband's business partner, Brad Hanson, leading Todd to dissolve the partnership and end the business relationship.
Good lord. She is a walking, talking Jerry Springer episode...and she was a few electoral votes away from being Vice President of the United States
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2011/09/14/benzinga1917811.DTL#ixzz1XzrzUMHL
I don't know about you, but I find this really, really funny. Todd is now in the role of the "Good Husband." He has to stand by his wife and say that her infidelity is in the past, and that it is no big deal. Now, who in their right mind will buy that? Sure they weren't married at the time, but she was in a serious relationship with him - or so he thought. She basically, not only did she screw Rice, she also screwed Todd over.
ReplyDeleteCan we send questions to the Today Show for Todd to answer? I would like to know:
ReplyDelete1. Why did Todd and Brad Hanson end their business relationship?
2. Why did Sarah quit her job as governor. (Todd was out of town when the rest of the family took the vote.)
3. What was Todd doing in Sarah's office making phone calls to get his former brother-n-law fired? He wasn't a government official. He had no right to be making those calls. It just have been personal.
4. Is Todd Sarah's campaign adviser? Is she running for president? Who will be taking care of the children during the year long campaign?
5. Tell us about Trig's therapy. How is he doing? By the way, how old is he?
Did that reporter really use that phrase first, or was he repeating Todds comment?
ReplyDeleteand this is your weirdest statement ever: "paid and threatened"
Sarahs way too cheap to give people money, other than food banks and charities.
Hey Todd what was your reaction when you found out Bristol named her son after the prostitute you visit?
Uncalled for
It's lies like this
ReplyDelete"paid and threatened" that start shit that shouldnt be started.
Todd, what do you have to say for yourself about beating up a junior high school child when you were a Senior?
ReplyDeleteWHY did you do that? Just because he was black? Or just because he was 3 or 4 years younger than you and your two buddies? Who were those friends of yours? Guess you'll cover all that on the Today Show, right?
You Palins and Heaths give white trash a bad name.
Palin's supporters are proving they're racist to the core. Look at that op-ed C4P has up from a writer for the Miami Herald.
ReplyDeleteIn it, he focuses solely on the Glen Rice aspect. I've noticed that all of her supporters online focus just on the Glen Rice affair, and not the one with Todd's business partner.
Why do you think that is? Because they feel they MUST defend her against the thought of being with a black man.
They are so transparent, and the sad thing is, they're pathetic, pathetic, asses don't even realize that they're giving themselves away by doing this.
Man, alaskawtf is a despicable example of a human being. I hope people like that dont believe in God because smearing people for political gain or shits and giggles is just wrong.
ReplyDeleteSarah is looking more mature everyday.
Now I know people are jealous of her.
Des Todd Palin make up ridiculous lies to smear your daughter? Does he spread hateful gossip about your little girl, that pretty much immediately gets revealed as lies?
ReplyDeleteG, why are you jealous of this family? because they're happily living together and you get your kicks bringing others down?
Is that why she always has TWO BLACK BERRIES in her hands? Is it a psychological thing? She's always thinking of juggling them babies, juggling...lol...way too many good jokes coming from this
ReplyDeletePerfect time for Sarah to QUIT and play Supreme Victim. Will she quit right now or will she ramp up her grifting with a few lazy-ass months on the campaign trail first? I just don't know. She doesn't react logically.
ReplyDeleteLou Sarah, if you can't decide when to announce your quitting, try flipping a coin.
They might as well divorce. She's clearly not running.
ReplyDeleteComment on the Washington Post's butt-licking defense of Palin regarding The Rogue:
ReplyDeleteSarah gets away with crap again, with so-called "reporters" falling right into her "woe is me" act.
First of all, journalists have been using anonymous sources since the beginning of time. As long as the journalist verifies the source's relationship to the person, why does it matter if it's anonymous? Maybe if you didn't bother to buy into Sarah's victimization act, you'd realize that she is vindictive, and her and her pack go after anyone who is perceived to have crossed her.
It's no wonder sources don't want to use their names. Just Google Sarah and the Lemonade stand, and see what happened to a man who simply complained about traffic around the Governor's mansion.
Also, this is so damn patronizing. Why does Palin need hand holding? How many "rumors" have been printed about Bill Clinton? Did you rush to his defense? How much was his sex life splashed across papers?
Palin can't hack it too? Even though she's been a driving force in attacking others negatively? Even though she's a proven liar, time and time again? You're somehow doubting a renowned NBA star who has absolutely no reason to lie?
You are exactly why politicians such as Palin have been allowed to scam the public for so long. Too lazy to do any actual investigating on your own, and criticizing others when they expose the Palin facade. It's not scurrilous, she's the one who's selling herself on being Ms. Family Values and Mama Grizzly and everything that's right about "real" America. Meanwhile she's living a lie.
It's about exposing a hypocritical politician, and it's certainly fair game. Especially since, like I said, male politicians have faced this since the beginning of the time, without the hand holding.
Also, like I said, Palin takes delight in trying to destroy EVERYONE. This is not someone you should be feeling sorry for.
Ok, Gryphen did you really write that title? ;-) very clever
ReplyDeleteI love how people call Todd a coward when he is not the one smearing other people's families with lies daily. Hey G man, how'd that Bristol is pregnant lie work out for ya?
ReplyDelete"I don't know about you, but I find this really, really funny. Todd is now in the role of the "Good Husband." He has to stand by his wife and say that her infidelity is in the past, and that it is no big deal. Now, who in their right mind will buy that? Sure they weren't married at the time, but she was in a serious relationship with him - or so he thought. She basically, not only did she screw Rice, she also screwed Todd over."
Id expect nothing more from a man who loves his wife. Even Shailey has admitted that she believes he loves her. All relationships are difference and you should realize that. Theres not one person on the internet bitching who can honestly say they know Sarah or Todd.
You watch, the media will all rush to pretend they're so high-brow, and Palin will get away with her bullshit yet again.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely sickening, our joke of a media. Hypocritical, fraudulent, politician, who is 100% pure fake image, will skate by again with her false image, simply because somehow it's now off-limits to call her on the bullshit she's been portraying in the public for YEARS.
You wonder why our country has gone to shit, and why bullshit people like Palin are allowed to happen.
Do you notice that Todd didn't actually say the Glen Rice and cocaine stories were lies? Just that "the book is full of lies, innuendo, and smears." Clever wording there, Van Flein. Just good enough to make the bots think he denied it. Let's break it down and fill in what Todd might have said, but didn't make the edit, shall we?
ReplyDeleteThis is a man who has been relentlessly stalking my family to the point of moving in right next door to us to harass us and spy on us to satisfy his creepy obsession with my wife.
If I attack the messenger with strong enough words, you won't pay attention to what I'm going to say next. And frankly, I'm tired of people who are relentlessly trying to report the truth about my wife. It's exhausting, and she's really freakin' out, which makes my life hell.
His book is full of disgusting lies, innuendo, and smears.
But the stories about Glen Rice, cocaine, and Brad Hanson are not those lies, which, unfortunately for me and my cash cow, came from credible sources. What part of the book is lies? I'll get back to ya on that, Katie! And I'll throw the word "disgusting" in there to distract you even more.
Even The New York Times called this book ‘dated, petty,’ and that it ‘chases caustic, unsubstantiated gossip.’
I'm not calling it that, because I could be sued for defamation and I would have to prove it, which I can't, but Murdoch ordered the writer to say that, and the NYT is pretty important, so you should believe their fluff piece, rather than McGinniss' verified sources.
Todd Palin has not even read the book so it's unusual for him to be making specific comments already.
ReplyDeleteTypical Palinbots.
Bitching and moaning about something when they don't know the facts.
I just read people saying that WEVE seen Todds temper. Um, no, we as public, have not.
ReplyDeleteBut I would imagine, regardless of veracity, that Todd would ream anyone who attacks his family.
However, they are strong, close people.
Please answer me, if they're not, then why are her grown children always over at the house? If things are really as bad as you paint and hope, wouldn't the kids not wish to hang around?
Suckers, all of you.
lol, Palin supporters, how is it that EVERYONE is lying by Sarah? How is that possible. Literally every time something comes out, you smear the shit out of the people providing the info, and you say they're all lying.
ReplyDeleteI've even seen some C4P'ers saying ridiculous things like Glen Rice just wants attention. Wouldn't that be a hellavu random way to get attention? And why hasn't he attention-whored ever before now?
How can you guys just keep denying, and denying? EVERYONE'S a liar but Palin, right?
How is it possible to deify someone so much?
Did it ever occur to you that if you're constantly having to come up with excuses, that maybe the person you're defending is exactly the things everyone's been saying?
Awww, the trolls have arrived. They're not quite as quick as yesterday, though. I think they're having a hard time keeping up with all the bad news coming out.
ReplyDelete@9:52 That's a great question for Todd. Two blackberries, one for government, one private one for government business that we don't want anyone to know about, I mean, the second one is personal. Todd would know all about the blackberries, since he was copied on Alaska government emails, even though he wasn't in the state government.
ReplyDeleteI also like the comments form people who point out Sarah's nasty name calling and the hurtful things that she has said about people. She can dish it out. However, if these are all lies, why would the publisher put himself in such a dangerous position, waiting to be sued? Why can't Sarah speak for herself?
Mama Grizzly ain't so tough now is she, if she needs her handbag handler to go out and talk to the lamestream media about how that mean old man is bein' mean and reportin' all those true facts about her...
ReplyDeleteHey Todd, are ya gonna talk about how your wife was f#cking a big basketball player behind your back?
10:02 pm, which Palin daughter are you? Go to bed, and just be happy that Sarah was apparently not screwing around at the time of [i]your[/i] conception.
ReplyDeleteTodd's lame response is not much of a move. Not many countermoves left? Getting backed into a corner? Too bad, so sad, Palins, you're still in check.
ReplyDeleteBut the stories about Glen Rice, cocaine, and Brad Hanson are not those lies, which, unfortunately for me and my cash cow, came from credible sources. What part of the book is lies? I'll get back to ya on that, Katie! And I'll throw the word "disgusting" in there to distract you even more.
Glen RIce is technically a he said/she said, but if true, is hardly a scandal. How do you know the coke story is from a credible source? Look at all the lies youve believed from this blog that G swore were tru but never panned out. Again, the public has no basis for judgment. If you werent there and havent lived a specific moment in someones life, Id shut the eff up if I were you, before you look like a vile idiot.
The Palins are SO incredibly stupid!! Sarah just can't help herself!! Saying this is all lies is about the dumbest strategy. They should just ignore it but victim Sarah can NEVER let things go. Compare to the classy Obamas who don't react to every little thing. Going up against Joe is not very bright. Sarah is not very smart about things like this
ReplyDeleteThey may believe they are setting the record straight but the truth is the more they protest, the guiltier they look.
And sending Tawd?? Sarah where are your cajones.!
Our Lady of the Wolf Slaughter snorted cocaine, engaged in unconfederate acts of miscegenation, and rode Todd's business partner like a snowmachine on moguls. Those are the claims Joe McGuinniss is making in his soon-to-be released book, "The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin."
ReplyDeleteOf course it's all bullcrap (mostly). Sister Sarah's a hero of the Heartland. She wouldn't be snortin' no urban nose candy. She'd be firing up some good ol' American methamphetamine. I bet she was just playin' with the crank on that oil drum while Todd was using a pair of pliers to straighten out their needle.
And surrendering her virtue to an unheartlandlishly hued basketball player, who hasn't done that a few handful of times? Heck, I'm still walkin' funny from that night with Wilt Chamberlain back in '74. Yeah, it's a sin, but I mitigated it by demanding he call me "Wendy Sue." And besides, a person can't be blamed for succumbing to that basketball mojo, especially with players from the short shorts era. I mean, good Lord, I bet Jesus, himself, drove hard down the lane whenever he saw Curley Neal bend over.
As for Snow Machine Brad, there's no way Sarah lubed his slide rail. She couldn't; she's married for chrissakes.
You wait and see. It's going to come out that McGuinniss is a god damned journalist. They never have anything good to say about Sarah.
It is ridiculous to have Todd make a statement like he is some big, bad bully
How is he a bully for defending the woman he is married to? People are dense and stupid. A bully would throw Joe against a wall. Todd is not a physical person, never has been. Raising your voice is not a crime.
There are so many lies about their adolescence it should make anyone sick. Both Sarah and Todd were quiet and respectable people. (this I've confirmed from over 15 people who knew them growing up)
Ok, I'll bite.
ReplyDeletePlease answer me, if they're not, then why are her grown children always over at the house? If things are really as bad as you paint and hope, wouldn't the kids not wish to hang around?
First, prove that what you state is the truth. Second, the Palin kids have no visible means of support AND they have their own kids to support -- not an easy task on limited or no income. They have no education. Bristol has a failed reality t.v. career (sure, we'll see when her show debuts, but we hear that she is not getting rave reviews from test audiences), a failed writing career (sales and rankings don't lie), and a joke of an abstinence spokesperson career, which is presumably defunct now that another out-of-wedlock Palin grandbaby appeared. Track has kept his plans very quiet, but I assume he hasn't graduated from college in the last few months. Does that pretty much cover the "grown kids."
Anonymous 9:56. Todd really loves Sarah, eh? Well then the logical conclusion is either they have a VERY open marriage (she screws Curtis, Brad, Glenn and he screws Shailey) and she should cut that "family values" BS or Todd has no self-esteem.
ReplyDelete"Screw me once, shame on you. Screw me twice, shame on me."
Anon @ 9:49
ReplyDeleteI assure you no one here is jealous of Sarah Palin. There is not a single reason to be, not one.
Todd had better be mighty careful about how much he slanders Joe. Joe has his sources, on the record, and Todd has outrage and denial. No contest. She is screwed.
ReplyDeleteI just read people saying that WEVE seen Todds temper. Um, no, we as public, have not.
ReplyDeleteUm, yes, we have. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20014471-503544.html
"Please answer me, if they're not, then why are her grown children always over at the house? If things are really as bad as you paint and hope, wouldn't the kids not wish to hang around?"
ReplyDeleteThat easy. None of them have real jobs. Why would they work or go to school when they can live off Mommy Dearest. Typical rich kids. But hey, lets not forget that Track doesn't want to be involved, Willow and Piper look at their mother with disdain, and RAM already confirmed that Sarah can barely stand Bristol, but Bristol has to stay relevant by hanging on to the gravy train.
I still don't understand how it's okay to demean someone personally. We're all human, even Jesus knew that ;) Ok but for realsies. If Sarah were a man and democrat, this would not be front page news online. You know that. It's like the boy who tells his friends his girlfriend did more things in the car than she did. In Hs, small minded, gossip lovers believe anything.
ReplyDeleteTruthfully, none of us can know anything about the Palins objectively. We can look at happy pictures, we can read about fun adventures, we can talk to their kids friends who love Sarah, we can indulge frenemies with an ax to grind (though those people are usually the least honest for that reason)
What humors me is, Alaskans, for decades, hated corruption. The F Murkowski/Lyda Green type of corruption/big govt was on its way out when Sarah walked in.
But now, based on stupid reasons, You seem to be defending the old way. You defend Lyda, despite her lies and attacks, You defend Ramras, despite his sexism. You probably would defend Frank too.
Luckily, I have been to AK. Wasilla even. It's a charming little place where strangers are open and gracious. It has some of the most beautiful scenery imaginable. I've spoken to people from Sarahs past who only have glowing things to say. Ive spoken to disgruntled people who can't back up their criticisms when pressed.
It's best not to judge anyone, but the one thing we must remember is, who are WE as fellow flawed humans to judge.
"Please answer me, if they're not, then why are her grown children always over at the house? If things are really as bad as you paint and hope, wouldn't the kids not wish to hang around?"
ReplyDeleteI can answer that one. It's because Sarah and Todd didn't raise children who can be independent and self-supporting. Instead, they raised children who always have their eyes on the easy way out. Why should they work for themselves when they can live on money that their mother scams from her supporters? Why should they educate themselves when their parents so obviously believe that education is not necessary? Sarah had no compunction about taking her kids out of school for any reason at all.
Good parents give their children a solid foundation on which to grow. Sarah and Todd gave their children a life of alternating abandonment and photo-op closeness. A life of screaming arguments and little food in the house. Those kids don't have a solid enough foundation to ever make it on their own.
Sarah must be in lockdown getting her meds upped if Tawd has to speak on her behalf.
ReplyDelete"If you werent there and havent lived a specific moment in someones life, Id shut the eff up if I were you, before you look like a vile idiot."
You sound like an utter idiot. Was Sarah there when Obama was apparently "palling around with terrorists" in her words?
The old bag gets off on spreading rumors, innuendo, and negativity about everyone else, but she expects to be off-limits. People like you have fed into Queen Sarah's lack of self-awareness. Congrats.
NEWSFLASH: the act of calling out a Presidents lies and misleadings is NOT attacking him. Sarah has never attacked Obama. She's even complimented him personally.
ReplyDeletePa-thetic. But, you are all unflawed, perfect little democrats no?
Why is it cool to personally attack and make crap up about President Bush , yet when your beloved Obama has been caught in numerous huge lies, you constantly defend him?
ReplyDeleteOkay, Gryphen, I just don't know. Well, after this video (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/new-anti-palin-books-wild-claims-cocaine-use-multiple-affairs/)
ReplyDeleteI'm leaning to the gaydar...does he really walk that way? clean up the table after her that way? ok maybe, well, i could be wrong, butt...
Anon @9:56
ReplyDeleteLoving someone does not guarantee a healthy relationship...you rationalize everything Palin to fit your idolized, sanitized vision of the Palins. They may love each other, but they are extremely dysfunctional and perpetuating that cycle of dysfunction in their children. If only it was confined to their family...not possible. Sorry but the Palin's are a cancer. Wish we'ld discover the cure.
"I've spoken to people from Sarahs past who only have glowing things to say. Ive spoken to disgruntled people who can't back up their criticisms when pressed. "
ReplyDeleteFunny that you apparently don't "press" people who report glowing things. You only require critical people to "back up" what they say? Do you have any proof that the glowing praise is true?
Dude, guys. There are dfinitely things that have already been leaked that cannot technically be proven. Joe has already shown he is not a fair writer, but one who twists things to his liking , to fit his agenda. Look at Broomfield. Nick purposefully left out a glowing interview from one of Sarah's classmates, a woman who is more credible than most classmates.
ReplyDeleteWhat does that say?
How do you know the coke story is from a credible source?
ReplyDeleteBecause Joe is a respected investigative journalist. Heck, he even moved to AK to interview people and find the truth. And his publisher would insist on credible sources. And his book has been approved by their legal team.
As much as you (Bristol, Sarah, Willow?) try to claim that people just "make stuff up," if that were true, you'd be suing them, now wouldn't you. Rail all you want, but the truth is coming out.
Trig, hit her again.
ReplyDeleteBuncha tough guys around here. Todd is very fit and has fast hands. He'd slice Levi to shreds and leave Griffen a damp pool of unrendered oil.
ReplyDelete10:23 pm, tell your heroine not to judge.
ReplyDeleteWhat a joke of a post. Do you have amnesia when it comes to SARAH'S negativity?
And yes, you genius, Bill Clinton's exploits were ALL over the news. He's both a man and a Democrat, last I checked.
And he didn't have a rush of people saying "oh, poor, Bill. He's such a martyr."
By the way, funny how you've now concocted in your head that Sarah didn't "go far" with Glen. So tough for you to handle, huh?
You Palin supporters are really like grown kids who can't let go of the Tooth Fairy fantasy. Damn shame, since most of her supporters are over 60. And busy sending their disability and SS checks to her, while she enriches herself. Shameful.
Oh, and Again, the public has no basis for judgment.
ReplyDeleteThe public has no basis to make judgments about a public figure, who has made public statements about her "values," "morals," and "abstinence" beliefs, as well as publicly trashed a sitting President every time she turns around. What planet do you live on?
Really hope Glen Rice referred to Palin as the Vanilla from Wasilla
ReplyDeleteTodd's just sore because he just found out who taught Sarah to play the oboe.
ReplyDeleteHey, do you all remember in Game Change , McCain's advisers said that Palin was visibly shaken when she was told that the Enquirer was coming out with the Hanson story.
ReplyDeleteYou know why? Because it was true.
Toddd is never going to live this down with his AIP white pride buddies.
ReplyDeleteIt's best not to judge anyone, but the one thing we must remember is, who are WE as fellow flawed humans to judge.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely fairy tale. How is it "judging" her to expose the truth?
You do know that Sarah actually judges the President every time she opens her mouth. She also judges the first lady for incredibly petty things (that she promoted as governor).
You can spin your tale all you want, but Sarah is not fooling anyone any longer but a few loyal bots. No one is buying the Palin fairy tale. Because it simply isn't true. The truth is actually quite ugly.
I'm getting a huge kick out of the trolls on this blog.
ReplyDeleteJoe McGinniss is going to have a best seller - he is an investigative author - has a history of writing well researched and well written books.
You can bet he researched his resources as to what is in the book - ran things thorugh attorneys - and will publish feeling good about his product and absolutely delighted to be finished with it!
I cannot imagine covering the Palin klan as long as he did. Pure torture.
Sarah and Todd do not have good reputations in Alaska - check it out trolls - vet them - they are horrid folks! Not reputable at all.
trolls are flying! LOL
ReplyDeleteI've read quite a few articles commenting on this story. they all ask if we know it's true and they all say something to the effect of 'did you call rice to confirm'. ;-) Really? Why not did you call Palin to confirm? All attempt to appear unbiased while being biased...the level of news these days.
ReplyDeleteLet's just ask them both, then report what they said; not one or the other, but both.
I still fail to see how anon sources are supposed to accurately portray this woman. The only way one can know her or anyone is to actually meet and get to know her. NOT by buying into unsubstantiated gossip and rumors that in the end turn out to be false. Ask GRyphen what it's like to spread a rumor that is a lie.
Anon 10:23:
ReplyDeleteSo you've been to Alaska and actually to "charming" Wasilla? Wow, that really makes you an expert! Not.
Your heroine is an awful person, and I actually know her. Not from photos, not from TV, not from fantasies and myths, as you Lower 48 Palinbots do. From real life, from way before she was famous. And she's awful.
I've had my disagreements with various other people in Alaska politics, serious, strong disagreements, but almost all of them were acting in what they sincerely thought was the state's best interests. Not so with Palin. She's quite disturbed, and sadly, she spreads her toxicity wherever she goes. You will notice that very few people who ever worked for her or with her have good things to say about her afterward -- quite the opposite of what would be the case with any worthy political figure or leader.
What is with all the nasty anti Palin tweeters? And you say Palinbots are the immature, ignorant ones.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of person (crystalwolf for starters) attacks journalists for objectively reporting things?
If Sarah were a man and democrat, this would not be front page news online. You know that.
ReplyDeleteYou mean like Bill Clinton? Anthony Weiner? John Edwards? Mark Sanford? Shall I continue? In fact, pretty much all of the sex scandals have involved men (Nicki Hayley excepted).
So, are you saying that because Sarah is a woman, we should give her a pass, even though she supposedly stands for "family values" and "abstinence?" Don't think so. If she can't take the heat, she really should just sit down and shut up.
10:23 - Nice tactic, pivot back to the "non-judging empathetic human" meme. That one in the playbook or did you come up with that yourself?
ReplyDeleteBrooklyn, honey, please, give it up already.
She can dish it out but she can't take it.
ReplyDelete10:34 I've heard that Todd is nothing more than a bully. He certainly didn't have the balls to get out of that marriage...when Sarah screwed his close friend and business partner...which has been verified time and time again.
ReplyDeleteAnd, now it comes out and has been confirmed that she (the big racist!) screwed a famous basketball player years ago.
I suspect the grifting they have done for the past years is going to come to a complete halt. The gravy train should soon be over for the two of them.
"It's best not to judge anyone, but the one thing we must remember is, who are WE as fellow flawed humans to judge."
ReplyDeleteGreat point. Please pass it along to Sarah "Obama pals around with terrorists" Palin. She has been dishing it out for her entire career--lies, slander, personal attacks. Now finally someone pushes back with the truth about her and she cries foul. Or she just cries. That whole family is full of bullies who are also cowards. They did this to themselves, and there is more to come.
Anon 10:23: " for realsies?" oh please!!! Here you are again, the stupid troll who can't keep her mouth shut when she should. Bad English, grammar and all. You are SO predictable and boring and unbelievable.
ReplyDelete"15 people confirmed Todd and Sarah" blah, blah, blah
And " the Palins are such strong people."
You are SO fucked up, it's unreal. Let's count how many times you have obsessively written tonight. If you aren't one of them, get help soon!! And if you ate one of them, use what brain cells you do have and stfu. Do you really think you are accomplishing anything here??
You aren't!
the act of calling out a Presidents lies and misleadings is NOT attacking him
ReplyDeleteIf that's what she does and has done, I would agree with you. But she lies (death panel lie of the year, pallin' around with terrorists . . .) and sneers, refuses to use the title of President, and otherwise totally disrespects him, that is attacking. And we the people are sick of it. Lucky for us, Sarah has plenty of skeletons in her closet, which are tumbling out and proving her hypocrisy. Isn't this fun?
I knew Todd and Sarah in high school and after too.
ReplyDeleteYes he is a bully. And she is a shrew.
And yes the rumors about him are true.
anonymous 9:49:
ReplyDelete"shits and giggles"--?? My aren't you classy!
Not! White trash alert!!
Jealous of Sarah?? Oh yeah right! Lol. We all are soooooo jealous because they are so happy, so close, so strong and so perfect! With the attributes you project onto Sarah, it's no wonder she's bulimic. I know these words are a bit tough for you so FYI google is your friend
Signed, I'm so jealous of Sarah that I just bought two wigs and water bras so I can look just like her!!
IIRCB, didn't Game Change detail a similar situation happening with McCain? Behind the scenes, McCain's staff had known about his affair with the lobbyist, and had been secretly fearful of it.
ReplyDeleteWhen the NY Times reported it, they were like "oh, shit." Much to their surprise, the rest of the media and the public let McCain off the hook by writing it off as lies and attacking the Times for even publishing it.
The media did the McCain camp's dirty work for them, by attacking the Times over it. McCain's camp didn't even have to lift a finger. They were astonished and overjoyed, because THEY knew the truth...the truth that it was a major problem. They couldn't believe how easily the rest of the media got them off the hook.
I really hope the same thing doesn't happen here. They're so concerned with preserving the image of not being biased, that they place more importance on that, than exposing the insanity of this politician.
It's waste, because Palin will just be back to calling them the "Lamestream Media" in five seconds.
Do your jobs, media. She's a fraud.
There are dfinitely things that have already been leaked that cannot technically be proven.
ReplyDeleteWhat in the hell does that even mean? Pretty lame comeback, if you ask me.
What does that say?
I dunno. What does it say that Bannon left out the truth from his "documentary" and only included positive spin? BTW, when WAS that gas line built, anyway? I can't seem to find it.
So what if she had sex before marriage. Who cares? People should focus on her beliefs and politics and legitimately discredit her for her lack of knowledge, her poor judgment, her phoniness, and her vicious brand of politics. Her personal life as a young single woman is really not relevant except to the religious abstinence only crowd. Her hypocrisy, superficial faked expertise, and viciousness is evident without petty personal revelations about her youthful indiscretions. Is the sex partner's race a factor in making the tryst a huge deal? sleeping with a black man might be a scandal in Wasilla but not so much in much of the country.
ReplyDeleteDear Frequently Defeated Granny,
ReplyDeleteIf the accounts in this new book aren't true, then you need to contact Van Flein: Facebook Lawyer and tell him to "Sue, Baby, Sue!"
If you don't start legal proceedings ASAP, then the court of public opinion will decide that the salacious stories are true.
Jimmy Kimmel Live had a segment on this -- just saw it. Hilarious! I'm sure there will be a clip tomorrow. Kimmel is on ABC, same as Bristol's "I'm getting an outie and heavier while Dancing with the Stars!" escapade. LOL!
ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live had a hilarious segment on this topic. Same network as Bristol's "Dancing With My Outie Belly While Gaining Lotsa Weight."
Hey Toad, How does it feel that your wife runs into many other men's arms and bedrooms? How did it feel when you found the videotape in the early 90's? How did it feel when you learned of Brad and Sarah? And now hearing of this lover from long ago? She used you, dude. Give the charade up. It is obvious neither of you have honored your wedding vows. You , of all people could write the biggest tell all book of all times. Man up...put your big girl panties on and tell the world the life you have been living.
ReplyDeleteAnon @10:23
ReplyDeleteWhy such a persecution complex?
Flying Monkey Alert!
ReplyDeleteTrollFest Ahead!
Bot Army Marching to War!
Wow! The closer to the truth you get Gryph, the harder Her minions fight!
Hi Sarah, Welcome back!
Quick question, Who fought your battles for you after Todd found out about Brad Hanson?
1st 10:34 pm
ReplyDeletei'm thinkin' you've fallen out'a yer hoveround one to many times
todd palin's a punk waterass pussy with a methamphetamine problem
only folks he can whup up on are little jr high kids, but then he needs 2 of his buddies to help
I have been following the Palin saga since her arrival in 2008, and I am pleased to see that the TRUTH about this woman is catching up to her. Despite some of the controversy surrounding Joe McG, ie, leaking Bailey's manuscript, using good people in Alaska (Shannyn Moore), the arrogant tone of his blog, I AM THANKFUL FOR JOE!!!! Because, I think it took this sort of ruthlessness to make his book a success. I marvel at how he has marketed this book a week before it hits the shelves! Fascinating! I think THIS BOOK may be the nail in the coffin. (so to speak). And Gryphen, YOU ARE THE BEST OF THE BEST, THE SWEETEST OF THE PEAS!!!!! hmmm......sweet? :)
ReplyDelete2emptynest said...
Hey Todd, quick question for you, how come Sarah doesn't wear her wedding ring anymore?
9:38 PM
It gets in the way when Sarah does the NBA players.
@Anon 10:13
ReplyDelete"I mean, good Lord, I bet Jesus, himself, drove hard down the lane whenever he saw Curley Neal bend over."
Over the top and laugh out loud funny!!! :)
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHey Todd what was your reaction when you found out Bristol named her son after the prostitute you visit?
Uncalled for
9:44 PM
What are you talking about Willis?
We need to know these things about a person and her family running for POTUS! We don't want a sex addict crack whore making policies because she is getting blackmaled (black mailed).
Last year Sarah Palin and Todd Rice went to watch DWTS in person and watched a few shows. How much you wanna bet they're not going this year?
ReplyDeleteHey TAWD, there is a black NBA player competing this year on DWTS!
My guess is that they may go after he is eliminated.
@Anon 10:32:
ReplyDelete"Dude, guys. There are dfinitely things that have already been leaked that cannot technically be proven. Joe has already shown he is not a fair writer, but one who twists things to his liking , to fit his agenda. Look at Broomfield. Nick purposefully left out a glowing interview from one of Sarah's classmates, a woman who is more credible than most classmates.
What does that say?"
This has nothing to do with Broomfield. And, this is not the first time you've brought up the whole "glowing review from a former classmate" tripe. Move on. I hear SeaO'Pee is looking for more drivel.
Did Sarah Palin and Bristol go to Haiti because:
ReplyDelete1. It was a great photo op?
2. A lot of black men live there?
Enquiring minds want to know.
ReplyDeleteThe trollies on this thread are thick as flies and obviously just as enamored with the shit that is paylump.
She's toast. On the floor. Butter side down, tawd.
Anonymous said..."Todd what was your reaction when you found out Bristol named her son after the prostitute you visit?"
Uncalled for
9:44 PM
I disagree. After the stunt Sarah and Todd pulled with Sarah's fake pregnancy and stealing Trig, they deserved it. Bristol only got pg again to replace the baby THEY TOOK FROM HER for insurance purposes and political PR.
Hey All,
ReplyDeleteJust for grins Google "Palin Rice cocaine" and see what comes up. IT'S OVER!!!!!!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteBuncha tough guys around here. Todd is very fit and has fast hands. He'd slice Levi to shreds and leave Griffen a damp pool of unrendered oil.
10:34 PM
Are there Vegas odds on this ?
I'll put $1,000 on Gryph right now.
Hey Tawd, there are no pictures of Sarah Palin eating a corndog.
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering if Glen Rice has pictures of Sarah eating a chocolate covered banana?
Wanna buy some?
If Darth Vader was alive today, I'm wondering what stories he would share about him and Sarah Palin?
ReplyDeleteFrom the NY Daily News (Philip Bondy):
ReplyDeleteThe next time Sarah Palin complains about her treatment by any media member, that reporter might want to inform her that at least he or she is not literally sleeping with sources. Because according to a new book, Palin violated the most basic of journalistic tenets, bedding college basketball star Glen Rice in 1987 when she was a young TV sports reporter for KTUU in Anchorage.
There is plenty of funny and jaw-dropping material in Joe McGinniss' book, "The Rogue," but the one serious, grimace-producing revelation is that Palin had a one-night stand while covering the 20-year-old Michigan player who happened to be in town for a basketball tournament.
According to the Alaskan's acquaintances and neighbors interviewed by McGinniss, Palin, 23, had a "fetish" about black men. Rice reportedly confirmed the affair when asked by the author, though he wasn't commenting on it Wednesday from his home in Coral Gables, Fla.
This is the stuff that drives legitimate women reporters nuts, makes members of AWSM (Association for Women in Sports Media) furious because it tears at credibility and plays to false stereotypes. Palin had learned her ethics the previous fall and spring as a journalism major at the University of Idaho - her fifth college in six years - where future Bulls coach Tim Floyd was coaching.
The allegation about Rice, of course, is just one more swinging strike against Palin, who has become the world's most famous hypocrite/talk-show host/Presidential wannabe in a land of tarnished political souls on both sides of the aisle. Palin was a non-running joke before this material surfaced. She is now an X-rated punch line.
Hey Tawd, why did Sarah buy a house in Arizona?
ReplyDeleteCould it be because Alaska does not have an NBA team and Arizona has the the Suns NBA team?
as much a i DESPISE sarah palin, if she is indeed a bulimic, i feel for her. i battled with an ED for 6 years, pretty much starving myself then purging whatever little food did manage to make it to my stomach.
ReplyDeleteit damn near killed me. now i have to live with the consequence of such for the rest of my life. a heart murmur. gastroesophageal reflux disease. a rotten mouth. all because i thought i was HUGE at 5 foot 4 and 110lbs.
i now work with young women (AND men too!) who are trying to build a healthy realtionship with food. there are SO many other reasons to bring sarah palin down. her alleged eating disorder should not be one of them.
9:52 PM: "G, why are you jealous of this family? because they're happily living together and you get your kicks bringing others down?"
ReplyDelete"Happily living together?" Who, Sarah, Todd and poor spectator-to-dysfunction Piper?
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Uncalled for
ReplyDelete9:44 PM
uncalled for...UNCALLED FOR????
are you insane? it's what inquiring minds want to know. WHO names their babies after the family prostitute? WHO uses prostitutes....NOT main stream America.
She was probably the lead horse in Todd's stable and the kids knew it.
anon 1013pm said A bully would throw Joe against a wall. Todd is not a physical person, never has been. Raising your voice is not a crime.
No, Todd's definitely not a physical person. He's more the type that pays OTHER thugs to set fires and tamper with gas cans FOR him.
to the fairy tale troll - nobody is lying about Bristol's multiple pregnancies.
ReplyDeleteshe doesn't always keep the babies, or pretends they are a 'godson.
Women who have HAD children, KNOW a pregnancy when they see one. Bristol was pregnant on DWTS and had the baby shortly after the show finished.
He'll show up if he hasn't already.
NEWSFLASH: the act of calling out a Presidents lies and misleadings is NOT attacking him.
ReplyDeletetit for tat - calling out Palin on her lies and misleadings (BIGGER LIES) is NOT attacking her.
It is 6 am here on the East Coast, and my local NBC morning news is running the Glen Rice / cocaine story promoting The Rogue. Perfect way to start my day.
ReplyDeleteMore good times. Oh yeah, and fuck Todd, that cowardly mother fucker can't even respond himself ? What the fuck kind of man is he? Loser. Sarah, You gonna stand for that, girl? I bet a real man like Glen Rice would stand up for his woman. Ha, ha, ha, ha....
Todd will only send a message, watch for Sarah to be on Fox with scripted questions and they'll say it is all lies. They will do what they always do, lie like a fox.
ReplyDeleteI am very interested in how Joe McG will handle the bad reviews and the censorship. Is Roger Ailes going to help him or stop him? I hope Joe really sticks it to the lame stream media for always protecting Sarah yet printing or reporting little piddly things about the democrats.
For goodness sake, Sarah was doing drugs and pretending to be a saint.
Big dick Todd will save Sarah from mean old Joe.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see the Palin gravy train crash and burn.
10:02 pm says Then why are the grown palin kids always over at the house? No, we haven't seen todd's temper.
ReplyDeleteThe grown kids are always at the house because none of them has a job, you idiot. They are grifters just like Sarah and Todd. Todd has shown his horrible temper many times and it was recorded on tape; he is a little man who tries to bully others. The whole family is white trash.
Bristol, for heavens sake, quit typing and take care of all your babies.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHey Todd what was your reaction when you found out Bristol named her son after the prostitute you visit?
Uncalled for
What planet do you live on? Sarah named her reatrded kid Tri-G =retarded! Bristle named her second kid aftervdad's happy ending massage therapist. Totally called for!!
Another aspect of this whole Glen Rice thing is Palin's character. She was a sportcaster Intern, right? Several years older than the college student Rice, right?
ReplyDeleteI think her behavior constitutes abuse of her position, right?
At least she as been consistent and hasn't quit being abusive in her positions, right? Let's give her that!!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWhy is it cool to personally attack and make crap up about President Bush , yet when your beloved Obama has been caught in numerous huge lies, you constantly defend him?
10:29 PM
Back at ya bro:
How come the last administration lied and got us into fake wars and helped orchestrate the shit this country is in today and none of you had a damn thing to say about it? Now Obama, who inherited a shitstorm is to blame for everything.
See, two can play this game.
Sarah and Todd Palin are nasty, vile people who use anyone and everyone for their own purposes. Sarah Louise Heath Palin has lied and lied about people including the President and his wife.
ReplyDeleteSarah Louise Heath Palin put crosshairs on Gabby Giffords and she was almost assassinated and other died. Sarah Palin is Hitler in a dress and the devil in disguise.
I hope to hell this lying woman gets her own blowback cause she is a traitor to this country and has the mouth of a terrorist.
Sarah Palin has judged others and rammed down our throats how strong and christian her family is; her family is a bunch of walking talking haters with no jobs, no education, no morals and not a christian bone in any one of them except for the babies. While Bristol has been getting it on with the guys and having multiple children and old Sarah continues to lie and call her golden.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteBuncha tough guys around here. Todd is very fit and has fast hands. He'd slice Levi to shreds and leave Griffen a damp pool of unrendered oil.
10:34 PM
Just who I'd want as first husband of the US of A.
I'm curious as to why it is Todd's responsibility to defend his wife. Sarah is the one who wanted a public office. Would any other politician/public person stand in the shadows while their unemployed spouse did their public relations responses?
ReplyDeleteThis is Sarah's responsibility to address the issues, not her spouse.
Todd very fit with fast hands?
ReplyDeleteThe above comment was made by one of the ass lovin bots with no education or common sense. Damn, this family has no education, morals, honor, family values and does not know when to shut up and sit down. Why all the uproar if none of this is true?
Here's the true litmus test, rabid Palin supporters: do they sue for slander? If not, I think you have the answer right there. She (or the McCain campaign, can't remember which) threatened to sue the Enquirer over the Brad Hanson story, but the Enquirer had proof, so they backed off. Where's Van Flein or whoever Sarah's current attorney is?
ReplyDeleteP.S.- There's a man near my grandparents' place in Indiana who has a Palin 2012 bumper sticker on his truck, and recently added another telling how you can buy said bumper stickers... I wonder how he's taking this? (and yes, he's old, white and wealthy...)
Just saw the McGinniss piece on Today, loaded with lots of Todd's "rebuttals"-----after three years of hearing Mr. Sarah Palin talk and talk and talk (NOT!) we are now expected to believe he wrote such "hoity-toity" words as those written in the press release? Oh, Todd----you are an even bigger idiot than your wife!
ReplyDeleteDespite the fact that most people, right and left, think that Sarah was treated unfairly by the press, the truth is that the MSM gave Palin a pass. YES, INDEED, THEY DID! They gave her a pass because they did not want to appear to be ganging up on her any more than was already percieved (plus she was good copy. They felt "above" investigating the weirdness surrounding Trigs's birth, etc, etc, etc.
ReplyDeleteNow comes "THE ARROGANT JOE" with the CAJONES to back up the arrogance. Yes, Sarah has gotten a pass. Hopefully, this will be the end of her politically. It could not happen to a nicer gal;)
Already in the opening of the Today Show they are setting up to smear Joe: "....does he have an axe to grind?"
ReplyDeleteLiberal media? Like hell. CORPORATE media.
Once again this proves how unsuited Sarah is for public life..that she can't issue a statement for herself but hides behind her man to protect her name. She wants to be President, but can't even speak for herself? She loves to pretend she is like Margaret Thatcher. Can anyone remember ever hearing Margaret's husband speak in her defense? It becomes clearer every day that Sarah and Todd should have stuck to small town politics and not tried to reach for the stars.
ReplyDeleteInnuendo huh? Add ‘dated, petty,’ and that it ‘chases caustic, unsubstantiated gossip’ and you can smell the wood burning as Todd tries to process such big words and meaning. Once RAM and Greta were able to explain all this negativity to him in a way that meant "drama" he went at it and will be slaying windmills this morning. LOL.
ReplyDeleteTodd, manning up and defending your wife with your mumbling pipsqueak voice on national television isn't going to enhance your manly-image exactly.
Just like there was one way to completely silence the Babygate stories by providing a copy of a Birth Certificate...
ReplyDeleteJust like there was one way to completely silence the College Degree question by providing a copy of her actual College Degree...
SP has one way to completely silence all of the "they're all lies" books out there by suing for libel...
She won't do any of the above.
Anon 10:23PM - Could you go tip-toe
ReplyDeletethrough the tulips somewhere else?
Joe M, Bailey, G.Dunn & Levi have no prior friendship/relationship
where they'd get together & plot
to each write 'a book of lies'
about the Palins. Even if their sources in Alaska overlapped,they
interviewed scores of others, &
Bailey knows her well. And let's remember, Glen Rice didn't come out of the blue & say a word. He
was contacted to verify his encounter with Palin. He could've
written an account of it years ago & likely been paid well for it,
but he didn't. My opinion of
SP is that as damning as all that
has come out about her is, it's only the tip of the iceberg re what she & that 'happy-family'
husband of hers have gotten up to.
And do let's keep in mind that this
woman, enabled by 'him' thinks she should be president of the United States. Oh, & Nick B.,is he 'makin' stuff up,' too?
Sharon TN
Well to repeat the obvious, we all know that Todd doesn't posses the intellectual capacity to write that statement. How many ghost writers do they employ???
ReplyDeleteWonder if Joe has called his lawyer about the accusations of stalking and harassment?
Sarah must be in pretty bad shape if she has Todd running defense. Normally she'd be out there with bared teeth excoriating Joe on FB twitter and whatever other outlet she could manage.
Afterall she couldn't even manage to control herself on the beach in response to the lady who erected a banner saying that SP was the worst governor ever. She could not resist getting in the ladys face.
makes ya go hmmmm...
anon 2:11,"Women who have HAD children, KNOW a pregnancy when they see one. "
ReplyDeleteOr don't see a pregnancy at all, as was the case with Sarah!
Does anybody else remember the blind vice piece from Ted Casablanca about the female politician and her husband with the open marriage? Ted is usually right about these things and this was right during the first arc of Sarah's "hot Alaska Guv running for VP" narrative. There were no other interesting female politicians on the radar at that time.
ReplyDeleteThe Palin Trolls remind me of the sad hangers-on in high school: the kids that just weren't cool enough to sit at the same table with the head jocks and the cheerleaders - but who nonetheless defended them.
ReplyDeleteThey still are because they think it makes them cool, too.
It doesn't - it makes them kind of ...sad. Pathetic. Worthy of pity.
Actually that's a pretty good metaphor: Sarah as either high-school cheerleader or jock - your pick. And Todd as either also, too.
And neither has matured past that point - the king and queen of the prom.
Sarah: the Queen of Petty. Thinks being snotty is the same as being cool.
Todd: carries her purse, bullies smaller kids in the hall.
the trolls: sad little boot-lickers who want so bad to be included at cool table.
They never will be - even after they give Sarah their lunch money every day.
Trolls are out en force today, I'll bet it gets worse in the weeks to come.
ReplyDeleteTrolls (aka Chuck, Sally, Molly, Heather, Jack, Lou Sarah, Todd, Bristol, Willow, Piper, RAM, Ivy, et. al.,) are fartin in the wind.
Anon...If you werent there and havent lived a specific moment in someones life, Id shut the eff up if I were you, before you look like a vile idiot.
ReplyDelete10:10 PM
I love this Troll Meme, if you haven't walked in their naughty monkey shoes, or lived a specific moment in their bag of bones or DWTS ballooning body, you don't know the Palin's. . .The Palin's have been shoving their story down our throats for over three years, happily and shamelessly, while telling us everything about us is unAmerican, unpatriotic and unReal.
They haven't walked in our shoes also too.
And they live such a fishbowl, myopic life - they don't know Americans, they don't know America, so why should they influence policy and the direction of this country?
Fuck you and your infantile argument that since we don't "know" them, we don't have a right to limit their influence on our lives.
Todd, Aren't you just a little pissed at Sarah for not offering to share a little of that Chocolate Thunder with you?
ReplyDeleteThat bitch! Haha
ReplyDeleteThis morning on the Today Show, Todd Palin was quoted in a statement:
"You all should stop this shit and leave us the hell alone. You're all just sooo jealous because you can't just kiss your wife to find out what Glen Rice's c*ck tastes like."
I’ve been saving these funny nicknames for a couple years now and it’s time for a tribute to all things Sarah or Scara or
ReplyDeletegranny grifter
swag hag
WGE-(hats off the the gal from Homer!)
who’s your mama?
and we could add in also who’s your daddy?
ex ½ gov
muskrat love
the strumpet in a bumpit
todd’s bitch
valley trash
water bra wonder
the bumpit bimbo
the wonky eyed wonder
the immaculate deception
tundra tart
da bus driver
Wasilly hillbilly
wild rider
saint sarah
bible spice
quitter mcword salad
costco queen
the bumpit bimbo
‘mansour’in candidate
half baked Alaskan
lying sack of shit
a rill American
the flirt in a skirt
spare-me palin
the woman who shall not be named
simple sarah
‘Sybil Sarah’, but that one is kind of mean
pure punk waterass white trash
white on rice
plain old freakin’ scary
the latest and almost funniest: Vanilla from Wasilla
I know there is more, join in and add to my list please. It never bothered Bush to nickname everyone he knew, ain’t that right ‘brownie’
I gotta say, it’s been an interesting three + years, and now it comes to this, Sarah, I hardly knew ya!! (the real you, that is!)
sideshow sarah
ReplyDeletedang how did I miss that one?
Oooo,,,,Palin didn't take to twitter or facebook to defend herself? She sent Todd with a note like in school? Quaking in your boots yet Sarah? You were warned by the your compadraes to STFU, but you got full of yourself. Let's see how squeaky Todd handles it when the rest of the stuff drops.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Sarah, where are your cojones? Hey! Grizzly Mama, come out!!! Why are you hiding? Repudiate this!!!!! You so bad, with your hunting, raising a family, shooting deers, and holding down the fort persona....Don't wimp out now. Now is the time for that GRIZZLY.
to rise up and protect herself....Come on girl, we are waiting......
Also too, I hear you like brown Rice.
PS The president still doesn't think about you!!!!!
Buncha tough guys around here. Todd is very fit and has fast hands. He'd slice Levi to shreds and leave Griffen a damp pool of unrendered oil.
ReplyDelete10:34 PM
Aww what's wrong troll? U mad? Ahahahahahahaha. Toad has "fast hands" ? ROFL. Okay.... Get some help you sick freak. Todd is a gay coward bully and a terrible father.
Wow, who made this crap up as if it's "the truth"? Guess this website isn't what I thought it was.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteTodd, Aren't you just a little pissed at Sarah for not offering to share a little of that Chocolate Thunder with you?
That bitch! Haha
6:11 AM
You're assuming that Sweet Todd didn't partake of Glen Rice's nectar.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWhy is it cool to personally attack and make crap up about President Bush , yet when your beloved Obama has been caught in numerous huge lies, you constantly defend him?
10:29 PM
1) You're on the wrong thread, dear.
2) Blah, blah, blah... Except that President Obama has not "been caught in numerous huge lies."
Todd is a sick wimp and a coward.
ReplyDeleteHe's whipped.
His pathetic written response makes Marcus Bachmann look manly.
Todd's sexual McGuinnis fantasy regarding his daughters
is unbelievably creepy.
And raises red flags .
If Palin really felt his daughters were in danger from McGuinnis ,
he should have moved them
away from the " pervert."
I bet Todd actually left them alone
and unattended a lot last summer .
Palin claims his daughters were unable to enjoy the traditional Alaskan summer-
which apparently includes drunken sex in tents and speeding tickets for
driving 80 mph in an Escalade.
Palin's reality show was filmed last summer-
the daughters were always able
to get out and about.
Unlike poor Trig who was usually left behind.
@10:23 PM
ReplyDelete"I still don't understand how it's okay to demean someone personally. We're all human, even Jesus knew that ;) Ok but for realsies. If Sarah were a man and democrat, this would not be front page news online. You know that."
Bullshit, and you know it. Bill Clinton, and Anthony Weiner. Both men, both democrats. $arah Palin gets a free pass because she is a republican, and most of all because she is a woman.
Everything you said afterwards is delusional bullshit, too. You are a bullshitter, through and through. Fail. Try again, asshole.
"NEWSFLASH: the act of calling out a Presidents lies and misleadings is NOT attacking him. Sarah has never attacked Obama. She's even complimented him personally.
ReplyDeletePa-thetic. But, you are all unflawed, perfect little democrats no?"
@10:29 PM
NEWSFLASH: Get your head out of your ass!
Calling $arah Palin on her lies, misleading, quitting, and grifting is not attacking $arah Palin, either, then. And that is a fucking LIE that $arah Palin has never attacked Barack Obama. Sane people would laugh in your fucking face if ever said that to their face! $arah Palin is famous for always attacking Barack Obama. $arah Palin's fake compliments once or twice don't mean shit! $arah Palin has called Barack Obama a terrorist, accused him of trying to murder people with death-panels, and she has even attacked his wife! And the list goes on! $arah Palin just makes up lies about Barack Obama! It's you deranged republicans who think you're perfect little "real Americans." Fuck you, moron!
"Why is it cool to personally attack and make crap up about President Bush , yet when your beloved Obama has been caught in numerous huge lies, you constantly defend him?"
ReplyDelete@10:29 PM
George W. Bush is a criminal, who got away with his crimes. Why so bitter? And, what "numerous huge lies" are you talking about dip-shit? What does Barack Obama have to do with your beloved $arah Palin's whore-ish past? Just a lame attempt to change the subject. Fail.
"Dude, guys. There are dfinitely things that have already been leaked that cannot technically be proven. Joe has already shown he is not a fair writer, but one who twists things to his liking , to fit his agenda. Look at Broomfield. Nick purposefully left out a glowing interview from one of Sarah's classmates, a woman who is more credible than most classmates.
ReplyDeleteWhat does that say?"
10:32 PM
What does that say about you and some others who only believe the "glowing interviews" about $arah Palin." Works both ways dumb-ass.
"Buncha tough guys around here. Todd is very fit and has fast hands. He'd slice Levi to shreds and leave Griffen a damp pool of unrendered oil."
ReplyDelete@10:34 PM
Oooh. Is that a threat?
Oh, please. No one is afraid of Toad Palin.
"I've read quite a few articles commenting on this story. they all ask if we know it's true and they all say something to the effect of 'did you call rice to confirm'. ;-) Really? Why not did you call Palin to confirm? All attempt to appear unbiased while being biased...the level of news these days.
ReplyDeleteLet's just ask them both, then report what they said; not one or the other, but both."
@10:45 PM
Bias, blah, blah, blah... Why would $arah Palin, a grifter who may or may not run for president, and who is trying to fool people with some phony wholesome image of some conservative "Mama Grizzly" admit to screwing a black basketball player? Get real, please.
"I still fail to see how anon sources are supposed to accurately portray this woman. The only way one can know her or anyone is to actually meet and get to know her. NOT by buying into unsubstantiated gossip and rumors that in the end turn out to be false. Ask GRyphen what it's like to spread a rumor that is a lie.
@10:46 PM
Same old troll crap. But we're all supposed to believe $arah Palin's unsubstantiated gossip and rumors that have all proven to be lies, right? And these are not "unnamed sources," fool.
Ask $arah Palin what it't like to get rich from spreading lies.
"What kind of person (crystalwolf for starters) attacks journalists for objectively reporting things?"
ReplyDelete@10:49 PM
The immature $arah "lamestream media" Palin.
10:34 said: "Buncha tough guys around here. Todd is very fit and has fast hands."
ReplyDeleteThat poor black boy in jr. high will confirm this. He is quite a fighter, as long as he has others with him. He is a complete and total bully, picking on weaker people.
I really is no wonder those kids are all worthless, when you consider their genetics! (Yes, Willow and Bristol, I mean YOU!!)
Buncha tough guys around here. Todd is very fit and has fast hands. He'd slice Levi to shreds and leave Griffen a damp pool of unrendered oil.
ReplyDelete10:34 PM
Excuse me while I paraphrase Sarah, "Have you SEEN Gryphen?" I don't know about Levi, but my money is on Jesse.
gawd, I am ten years older than her and my thighs are tight... NO cottage cheese and ummmm, I'm NOT a runner...
ReplyDeletethings that make ya hmmmm in the night...
no wonder she wore knee lenght leggins... she KNEW she'd be in front of cameras at the finish line... had to hide the cellulite....
un flippin believable
Oh baby!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
I just read people saying that WEVE seen Todds temper. Um, no, we as public, have not.
But I would imagine, regardless of veracity, that Todd would ream anyone who attacks his family.
However, they are strong, close people.
Please answer me, if they're not, then why are her grown children always over at the house? If things are really as bad as you paint and hope, wouldn't the kids not wish to hang around?
Suckers, all of you.
"Stockholm syndrome" google it.
Have YOU seen Todd and Sarah? Justin Beiber? Or are you one of those real stalkers who believe everything Palin says is the gospel truth?
I just love reading the palin pantie sniffers (Todd's and Sarah's) commenting on this thread.
ReplyDeleteIt shows that Gryphen is right, expecially when an asshat actually thinks Gryphen would lose in a fight with Todd. ROTFL! Todd doesn't have the stamina to lift a can of creamed corn, let alone land a punch.
Sarah's such a weenie, she plays the "Momma Grizzly", "Avid runner", "Talented self sufficient huntress" and overall "outdoorsey type", and she's such a wussy, she has to sic her purse handler/hair stylist/babysitter/houseboy, Tawwwwwd to respond to an interview with a scripted bullshit piece of room temperature Santorum.
Pathetic, truly pathetic.
My guess is that Sarah was heavily sedated, with a hangover, locked in her wing of the coldest house in Wasilla, rocking back and forth, banging her head on the headboard while sucking a pacifier.
She's toast and she knows it, the next appearance will be on Fox News, banging the drums, calling the book and author all kinds of names.
But she won't dare do a face to face interview with Joe. She knows he knows the truth.
And this is based on a few pieces of information released from the book BEFORE it's published.
And, for the record, what's coming out now should have been dealt with by McCain, because it was his job to vet her as a candidate, and because she built up a career and forced herself into the public arena, all gloves are off, and no question is off limits.
Sarah, be careful what you wish for, you might just get it!
Sucks to be a Palin this month.