Friday, September 09, 2011

Feel good picture of the day!

This is the scene at the Borders closeout sale in Maryland.

So nice to see that the Grizzled Mama's stupid book of regurgitated stories she stole from more accomplished authors will STILL not sell, even at 90% off.

And it is equally satisfying to see it on the shelf right next to another lying Republican who should not financially benefit from his duplicity.

Perhaps they should relabel it "cheap toilet paper." I can think of a number of people who would LOVE to wipe their ass with a George Bush or Sarah Palin book.

(H/T to Wonkette.)


  1. angela10:21 AM


  2. I just got home from Borders and counted 10 palin books for 80% off !
    even at that price nobody wanted it.

  3. Virginia Voter10:27 AM

    He, he...I was in my local Borders a couple of weeks ago, and there was a front table loaded with every RWNJ book released in the last year...Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, George Bush, and yes, even Rick Perry's was there.Stacks upon stacks that NOBODY was even looking at. Back in the teen section, Bristol's book lined three shelves of an otherwise empty fixture.It looks like Borders will actually have to pay their cleaning folks or staff to throw them away . I murn for the trees who lost their lives to print such drivel.

  4. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Sarah can't give them fucking books away, sorry for the bad language but that picture is the funniest thing I have seen today.

    Everybody have a great week-end and stay safe!

  5. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I was recently in the Borders at Columbus Circle in NYC when I was on a business trip. THOSE people have a sense of humor. They put all Obamas books next to Palins RIGHT IN FRONT. I laughed out loud which drew many smirks and weird glances.

  6. Anonymous10:32 AM

    the position of $carahs hand relative to her mouth still cracks me up .
    if it weren't for all the gallons of makeup $he trowels on $he'd also have a little dark spot on her forehead from polishing so many belt buckles

    two bit $kank

  7. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Oh, I thought that you were talking about Jim DeMint.

  8. Ouch. Using them as toilet paper would just reinforce how much of a Pain In the Ass each of those "politicians" is. Maybe the store should label them "Kindling."

  9. JayKen Knotstirred10:42 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, How many copies of "America By Heart" did you sell at 90% off?

  10. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Please tell me why is Sarah Failin getting such good press from the new york times? Anand Gridharadas wrote about the brilliance of her Iowa speech and the bots at Cash4Palin are lapping it up. When oh when will she finally be exposed and slink away into obscurity? OTOH, kinda hope she runs and then gets exposed--as an idiot during debates and interviews, and "also, too" with her deceptions.

  11. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Palin responded to the Pres speech this morning on Fox- video is on Youtube. She talks crap as usual.

  12. Anonymous10:50 AM

    What's all this about a certain NYT article praising Palin's new rhetoric? People are saying she is making sense! Not just TPers, but those who say they never thought they'd agree with her.

    Seems she has been coached bc this is not coming straight out of her mouth...cannot be her thoughts alone.

  13. The 2 Borders near my house are filled with Sarah's book, Beck, Hannity, Levin all those Right wing freaks. They can't give them away.

  14. Anonymous10:51 AM

    So Sarah how does it feel to be rejected by America? The citizens have spoken. They decided you are simply not good enough. Time to sit down and shut up. Unless you decide to tell the truth about Trig, no one wants to hear from you.

    Look what happened to the Indoor Palin aka Bachmann after Perry entered the race. You really think if they don't want Bachmann, they want you? Please. You're over.

  15. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Palin: Obama 'Plays Us All for Fools'

  16. Paper for paper airplanes for kindergarteners to throw? Scratch paper for toddlers to use with their crayons? I don't usually believe in burning books, but an exception could be made ....

  17. Anonymous10:55 AM

    You missed jim dementia's book next to dubya's.

  18. Ewww- Shrub and Scarah faces are the last thing I would want near my ass.Too afraid I'd end up with a bad case of dysentery,or catch some of their stupidity through osmosis.Maybe they should just ship them to people in cold areas to use as heat sources in their wood burning stoves.Purification through fire and all.

  19. DominionistEscapee10:58 AM

    Exact same scene at both Borders here in Colorado Springs, but add in a couple shelves of Glenn Beck and anti-Obama drivel. Yay!

  20. Hopefully "Darth Dick's" book is next up for this same honor, for this same reason.

    Really, who but a blind Right Wing nutjob could read those lies and all that crap?

  21. Anonymous11:02 AM


    Now you have gone too far ... "I can think of a number of people who would LOVE to wipe their ass with a George Bush or Sarah Palin book."

    To allow or recommend the above is unsanitary, immoral and down right nasty. Please, tell these people to not deface their bums.

    Be safe out there and protect yourselves.

  22. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Can't wait until the truth comes out about Sarah and they have to move "Going Rogue" to the fiction shelves.

  23. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Hilarious! By the way, she makes an appearance on Fox today, and BIG SURPRISE: criticizes the President.Really, it's the same old lines, ONE MORE TIME.

    But the most interesting thing in the interview is her face. She has a sagging lump of skin in between her eyes, right above the bridge of her glasses. When she lifts her brows, the strange lump disappears and then slowly appears again. It's as if the skin is weighing too heavily between her eyes. So ugly.

  24. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Bush and Palin = two losers. Rick Perry just another Bush.

  25. jcinco11:13 AM

    my local borders included idiotstick bristol's insipid book. shelves were full & I live in the reddest of the red cities...I'm convinced her recent antics in trying to steal the limelight from the real repugnant candidates is going to result in her being more reviled by the right than she is by the left.

  26. Anonymous11:16 AM

    That just made my day!

  27. Smirnonn11:21 AM

    iMO both "books" should have gone straight from hardcover to quilted 2-ply.

  28. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I am LMAO at the palinbots who paid $100.00 for that book because it was signed by Mister Auto-pen.

  29. Smirnonn11:29 AM

    Oops, almost forgot. Anyone who bought one of these "books" for any other purpose than comedic relief needs help/meds/a lobotomy/an intervention/shock therapy/serious feng shui/rolfing/a remedial education and to get a life.

    As you were.


  30. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Yes, I agree, put them in the toilet paper isle. And when they don't sell there, put them in the compost pile.

  31. i don't have a major bookseller near me or i would love to send a report!! 60-70 miles away would be my guest. i think we need more reports. if you live near one, let's go!!! waiting for a movie schedule and counting down the days to the premier. If i could afford the trip, i would sooooooo be there, in LA with other IM fans. i would love to meet them and put a face to all these people of sanity. If you are an IM fan wear a button or t shirt to the premier and plan an anti-republican party/rally. What fun!!!!!

  32. Dis Gusted11:31 AM

    She has a sagging lump of skin in between her eyes, right above the bridge of her glasses. When she lifts her brows, the strange lump disappears and then slowly appears again.


    she's melting...she's melting!.....arrrrghhhhh guh.

  33. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Her book has also just been sitting there at my local LIBRARY. Right in the section of new books. Every time I go in, it's still there.

  34. Anonymous11:41 AM

    That's exactly how my Borders in Indianapolis looks like!! I was cracking up when I checked there the other day. Of course nothing I wanted was there anymore!

  35. London Bridges11:41 AM

    Joe McGinniss is citing a NYT article that said Sarah Paling just got more interesting based on what she said at a speech the other day.

    All Sarah is doing is recycling the same speech she used to run for city council , mayor, and governor. Everyone is bad and evil and I am good!

    That's why Sarah is the most dangerous politician to ever walk the face of the earth! She says this crap and then steals everything she can get her hands on once she is elected.

    Can't anyone see and recognize this pattern? Joe, I expected better insight from you!

  36. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I was at our Borders today. There is roughly 5% of their stock left, tops. VERY few multiple copies of ANYTHING, 2 or 3, if at all. The ONLY exception, that I could see, was Sarah's America By Heart. There were at least a dozen stacked up in piles, even with 90% off everything. The doors at out Borders close tomorrow night. Sad to see. I spent many hours there with my kids when they were little.

  37. fromthediagonal11:50 AM

    Look at the right side of the picture: is that a Jim DeMint book?
    YEAH, not selling either.

  38. SusieQ11:53 AM

    I was reading more of the Bush/Cheney legacy here and got so angry--again so at least that picture perked me up a bit.

  39. Anonymous11:55 AM

    When Borders went out of business earlier this year around here, I don't recall seeing many Palin books but it may be that there wouldn't be a lot of demand for them in the first place in my state, Massachusetts.

    Too many "Brie-eating, Chardonnay-drinking, latte-sipping, Volvo-driving, liberal elites." (description courtesy of 2004 GOP)

  40. Anonymous11:57 AM

    @Dis Gusted I think that flap of skin is from Botox injections.

  41. jcinco11:57 AM

    Hello DominionistEscapee @ 10:58, I'm from "M" Springs, the liberal pocket just west of CS. I haven't been to the North Borders, just the Southern one and have been shocked the buybull thumpin' zealots haven't been scarfing up scarah and bristle's books. Even the right has palin fatigue I guess.

  42. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Can anyone believe that this idiotic writer at the New York Times believes Sarah came up with brilliant ideas on her own??? LOL!!

  43. Anonymous12:03 PM

    And to the right of Bush's book is Jim DeMint's book!

    I love it!

  44. Anonymous12:10 PM


    Food for thought: is she genuine or a 'stalking horse'? Watching the speech as delivered, I felt she was very disconnected from the meaning, was just a robot regurgitating what was written for her.


    Found this article by following link presented at Joe McG site.


  45. Anonymous12:11 PM

  46. O/T I just can't believe that Sarah have been invited to speak at the World Knowledge Forum In South Korea in October. What are they thinking? Why HER? Of ALL the possible people they could have invited they invite Palin? It makes no sense.

    They must have pretty odd selection criteria, or perhaps they just couldn't get anyone else?

  47. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn12:21 PM

    I don't know, Gryphen, but I think the Sears catalog is actually softer on the tush. Anyway, I'd love to see both Itchy AND Scratchy's bargain basement books hanging in fashionable outhouses all across America!

  48. I am a transplanated New Yorker and I can't believe the New York Times has so dropped the ball on all the republican presidential candidates, much less $arah Palin. Today, they seem to be encouraging a mentally-ill degenerate with an IQ of what, 85? How dare they put her anywhere near a headline. They know better than that!!!

    Actually, I would be happy with one headline, "Why Would ANYONE Encourage A Mentally-Ill Degenerate With An IQ of 85??? I don't know their corporate structure, but I look everyday for articles and opinions exposing these candidates and everything is pitifully light. The writers seem to have their hands tied. I can only imagine THAT pressure. I would like to see headlines everyday like, "No, not Rick Perry", followed by a simple list as to the reasons why not, the facts. Then, move on to the next candidate, the next day, and the next. Every time a prospective candidate lies or distorts, (they cannot hide from their records), a headline, followed by a simple fact-based list. Get rid of these candidates and move onto the qualifications of the next one.

    I would also like to see an attempt at reality at presidential debates. A panel of intellectuals is needed, so everytime one of the candidates answers a question, SOMEONE, extremely knowledgeable and unbiased, (and they ARE out there, believe me), could then comment and put a fact-based perspective to the response. Otherwise, as we have seen, candidates can just stand at their podium, and lie, looking good for the camera. They are masters at the con. Ordinary people do not know if they are lying or not and just believe what they say. People will get the message. The NYT used to be THE source, considered to have unquestioned integrity. The most respected Journal in the world by the highly educated. The ultimate free thinkers. For quite a time now, they are just pandering like everyone else. They don't want to be on the wrong side of the winner. These are Ivy League, non-bible, educated people, the best of the best. Shame on them for not continually warning the world about the republican presidential nominees. Shame on them for worrying more about the bottom dollar than the nation.

    And, as an aside, shame on them for not exposing 911 for what it was, a complete con on the american people. I continually wonder about that. Really, I get the worst feeling in the pit of my stomach everytime I think about what the Bushes got away with. I have watched credible, no nonsense, fact filled documentaries about 9-11. I cannot believe major journals have not exposed it. I guess it might lead to a breakdown of the very fabric of our society and they have been warned not to expose it, for what "they", the ultra rich, the Bushes and others, consider a greater cause. I would believe anything, and the NYT and others not exposing $arah Palin does not surprise me one bit. It is all about money and power and conscience-less-ness. To get along you have to go along.

    Now is the time to remind people what free press is all about. For heaven's sake, our democracy is at stake. Surely The NYT can see it degrading. The NYT and others have forgotten what GREATNESS is all about. HOW DO THEY THINK OUR DEMOCRACY WAS FORMED ALL THOSE YEARS AGO? THE PRESS. THE PRESS TOLD THE TRUTH AND KEPT PEOPLE INFORMED AND INVOLVED IN CREATING THE GREATEST DEMOCRACY THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN. Now the disinvolvement of the press will help bring it down.

  49. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Thanks jcinco, I had not seen the "repugnant" descriptor before. I think I shall use often from this point forward.

    Hope you don't mind, but it described them so well.

  50. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Re the NYT article, I wanted to ask if they were praising her ghost writer, but did not want to click and comment.Lazy journalists who just copy and paste.This is Sarah paid by the Kochs, who filled her administration with buddies who where unqualified and he wants us to think we'll agree with her.

    Her books were bulk bought,yet the media acts as if she is mainstream.

  51. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Well what would you expect. The people these books are aimed at don't, or can't, read.

  52. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I was recently in the Borders at Columbus Circle in NYC when I was on a business trip. THOSE people have a sense of humor. They put all Obamas books next to Palins RIGHT IN FRONT. I laughed out loud which drew many smirks and weird glances.

    10:30 AM


    You lie. I was at that same store and there were NO books available on the PRESIDENT. They were all gone. And I am sure people were staring at you. They were staring because you were laughing like a maniac while your delusional imagination has its way with you.

    Palin's books were all over the place, unsold and so were Bristol's.

    You lie because you can't stand the truth.

    Palinbots=losers x 2.

  53. Anonymous @ 11:34 AM said...Her book has also just been sitting there at my local LIBRARY. Right in the section of new books. Every time I go in, it's still there.

    RWNJs steal "liberal" or any books they disapprove of from their public libraries. Now, I'm not suggesting you do anything illegal or immoral like that, but...

    (how about just ripping out a few pages every time you go)

  54. Anonymous1:54 PM

    In my head, I keep hearing Bert Parks singing "There she is Miss Irrelevant"

    This has been such a looooong 15 minutes of pain.


  55. Anonymous1:56 PM

    sucks to be sarah
    and bristol
    and todd


    the rest of that batch deserve a break

    oh, except chuck, too, also

  56. Anonymous2:09 PM

    She looks totally drugged in her interview this afternoon on Meghan kelly.

    Even C4P is saying she looks "tired" and that she wasn't very encouraging that she would run

  57. Dinty2:25 PM

    Yet another sign of Palin irrelevance:

    Guess who's missing from 2012's "Great Conservative Women Calendar"?

  58. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Well, the books are already full of shit, why not go the full monty and recycle them as toilet paper. You can put Dick Cheney's pack of lies with it too. How is is that he is still living. I swear e is a cyborg.

  59. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Bristol's book should be there too.

  60. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Sarah and Bristol could care less if any books are sold as long as they get their money up front.
    This is how the Palins work.
    Take the money and everyone, including her followers, are on their own.

  61. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I noticed that in the lower left-hand corner is an excellent, well-written book by NYT writer Nicholas Kristof and his wife, titled Half the Sky*. It's about the gendercide of women and girls worldwide.

    I highly recommend it.

    *Women hold up half the sky--Chinese proverb

  62. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Maybe Sarah should buy out those discounted books and give them away to her bots for Xmas!

  63. Anonymous2:59 PM

    When Obama starts his "We the People" website, will Quitter Palin have to rewrap her bus?

  64. Anonymous3:04 PM

    I guess they went bankrupt because they bought these shitty Palin books by the truckload. I bet that if they have any autographed copies, they are 95% off.

  65. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Where is Anon 238/Me Again?
    I've been scouring for new comments for days and and am dying for new information!
    Please come back.
    We really need the momentum you've been providing.

  66. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Sarah Palin -- You Betcha!: Toronto Review

    Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin strongly condemned President Obama's jobs plan Friday afternoon, saying that the president "plays us all for fools."

  67. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Makes me wonder -- with Borders filing Chapter 11 & closing up - did the publisher get paid for the Palin books.

    Hope not and probably not!!! It's not even worth five cents on the dollar!!

  68. I read and commented on the New York Times article. I would be stunned at the good things that are said about Mrs Palin but I already know how good comments about her get sent to blogs and op eds. Not too concerned. The writer is pushing a new book......just a good way to get some publicity. What a machine that publicity machine is!

  69. Anonymous4:43 PM

    'Look what happened to the Indoor Palin aka Bachmann after Perry entered the race."



    there are many teabagging nuts out there especially in the media via murdoch, koch, and the rest of the bums who got rich by being elected.

    Besides it's one nutzo pro writer vs millions of articles telling it like it is about the insufferable bitch.


  70. Anonymous5:04 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Palin: Obama 'Plays Us All for Fools'

    10:54 AM'

    When that nasty insufferable bitch makes idiotic hateful squeals like that it shows she belongs with teabaggers.

    She sounds like some freakish, racist, immature dumbass.

    her weaves, wigs and extensions are raggedy and dirty looking. Also the weight of her pieces vs the homer simpson strains on front look childish.

    Hey granny it aint working for a fifty yo dirtybag as yourself; it just makes you more out of place.


  71. What a thief5:43 PM

    "Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin strongly condemned President Obama's jobs plan Friday afternoon, saying that the president 'plays us all for fools.'"

    Sarah's projecting again....she's the one playing the palinistas for fools (as well as for every dollar they've got), when she has absolutely NO intention of declaring a run for 2012.


  72. Anonymous8:04 PM

    That photo is priceless! It's also very comforting to read all the comments, Smart people know trash when they see it!

    Notice no mention at all about the President's books! They flew off the shelves day one.

    It must suck to be trash or Sarah, but Trash still has potential to be recycled. Sarah has no place to go but downhill from here.

  73. lwtjb9:41 PM

    It's happening at our Border's too. They're down to selling the furniture. Lots of empty space, along with many books by Sarah and Bristol. Those books now very obvious. Couldn't happen to nicer people.

  74. cckids10:00 PM

    My favorite Sarah book sighting was at a grocery store. There was a huge pile of them, marked at 30% off, with one of those store-printed signs "Sarah Palin: America BS by Heart". Still makes me laugh.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.