Saturday, October 22, 2011

26% of Air New Zealand passengers would like to spend the flight snuggling with Sarah Palin. Really? Have they ever SEEN Sarah Palin?

"Does snuggling mean I have to touch them? Eeew!"
Courtesy of O'Dwyers Blog:

In celebration of the launch of its Skycouch service, Air Kiwi conducted a poll to find out which celebrities passengers would like to cuddle with during a long-haul flight. Jennifer Aniston took top honors, cited by 47 percent of men polled. She was followed by Megan Fox (37 percent) and Angelina Jolie (32 percent). 

Palin, the only politico on the list, ranked No. 4 at 26 percent. Only seven percent of surveyed females picked Sarah, proving once again that women are much smarter than men. Palin tied with Kim Kardashian, Beyonce, and Mila Kunis, who was the top choice of women with 27 percent. [Johnny Depp, George Clooney and Brad Pitt were the top men that women selected as cuddle partners. Hugh Hefner, Kobe Bryant and Arnold Schwarzenegger ranked on the bottom.] 

In a measure of sweet revenge, Palin nosed out her tormentor/impersonator Tina Fey, who clocked in at 24 percent. She crushed Lady Ga Ga, Rihanna, Kristen Stewart, Christina Hendricks, Emma Stone and Blake Lively. Men think Oprah, the political polar opposite of Palin, is the least cuddly celeb. Only eight percent of them would like a chance to snuggle with the media baroness. 

Like senility, Palin’s cuddle factor advances with age. Only two percent of men and women aged 18-to-24 want to cuddle with her, compared to 31 percent of those over the age of 55. On the educational front, Sarah scores best with college grads with a 29 percent score and worst (16 percent) with those without a high school diploma. Fox (32 percent), Beyonce/Aniston (31 percent) are favorites among the least school educated. Fey, at six percent, is the loser in that category. 

Okay at first I was WAY confused by this poll, because you know like..ick!

But then I read the entire article and realized that the men who chose Palin were mostly over 55, so I figured that their standards were probably lower, and they figured she was easy.

But then I also was puzzled by the fact that college graduates were more likely to choose her as well, but I have to assume that either they are intellectually curious about her and want to spend the flight studying her as a human oddity, or that they are closet Trig Truthers, who figure that by the end of the flight they might finally get to the bottom of the mystery.

Of course the possibility still exists that the passengers on Air New Zealand just have really bad taste in potential cuddle mates.

Any thoughts?

(P.S. Just for the record I would MUCH rather snuggle with Tina Fey than almost any other person on the list because she is both cute AND smart, which means that if the cuddling was not stimulating enough, the conversation definitely would be!)


  1. I saw a photo of the skank standing behind the speaker's podium in what I think was South Korea in which she appeared to have padding on her skanky butt. I do not know where I saw the photo, but if anyone can find it please pass it on. It is hilarious.

  2. Anonymous4:26 AM

    I live in NZ Gryphen. I'd just like to say ewww and that the younger ones hate her, I blame the fact we don't get The Daily Show anymore. People just don't have the information. Those I tell about her, they are appalled.

    Please don't judge us all by that standard.

  3. AJ Billings4:33 AM

    What insane, deluded. marketing droid would come up with such a puerile and idiotic meme as "cuddle with the stars"?

    What in hell does a plane flight have to do with cuddling anyways?

    I'd rather cuddle a rabid wolverine that touch Palin's hideous hide.

    And I'm, ahem, OVER 55

  4. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Wouldn't they find out she stinks from poor hygiene?

  5. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Yuck, just Yuck. The energy wasted to type this post was truly a waste of your precious time, Gryphen. What in the world do they have in the water down there? The whole thing is just stupid anyway. Cuddling on a plane????really???? Sure, like that would be something one would find enjoyable or even possible.

  6. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Yeah. It's a really stupid poll given to drunk airline passengers who don't have a clue who half the celebs are, at least not beyond an old (and in Palin's case yesterday is old as she's aging so fast.

    Unfortunately, if this were the U.S. Clueless is also the way a lot of people go to the polls in the U.S.- they vote on name recognition only. That's why Tina Fey scored so low - they know her character(s) and may not associate them with her name.

  7. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Well, her kids friends would probably say the same thing. Sarah is a babe and a very charismatic, friendly and outgoing person who can relate to anyone. It's no wonder SO may people have had a crush on her, 20 years ago and now.

    She is THE cool mom.

  8. Anonymous5:22 AM

    " Those I tell about her"

    I assume you've met her and have gotten to know her in person before you 1. judge her 2. tell people about her

    If NOT, you're a douche and a 6th grader.

  9. Anonymous5:31 AM

    First question to pop into Sarah Palin's head.... Where in the hell is New Zealand?

  10. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Sarah Palin just wet her panties hearing the news that someone might like her.

  11. Anonymous5:40 AM about a "Fred" update?
    BTW, is this person really a "he" and is their name REALLY Fred?

  12. @AJ Billings: Air NZ just introduced sleeper seats that fold flat. Buy two seats, get the third one at a reduced price. Basically they become a bed for two, hence the goofy survey.

    I'm 52, college edumacated, and I would definitely avoid SP like the plague. J. Aniston, on the other hand, I would not. Tina's married, so there might be difficult questions to answer. ;)

  13. Anonymous6:04 AM

    But then I read the entire article and realized that the men who chose Palin were mostly over 55, so I figured that their standards were probably lower, and they figured she was easy.
    Damn it, this is not my computer I just spit coffee all over!

  14. Anonymous6:09 AM

    5:21 a.m.---Wasilla, is that you? Looks like we both are sleep-deprived.

  15. Anonymous6:22 AM

    After hearing the news about how some New Zealanders like her, Sarah has her people scurrying trying to figure out
    how to start a SarahPac-New Zealand, making a reality show Sarah Palin's New Zealand and talking Track into becoming a NZ combat vet.

    But first things first, Sarah is busy googling:

    How much money does NZ have?

    Where is NZ?

    Can Sarah see NZ from Alaska?

    Is NZ a country or a continent or a state in a country?

    What happened to Old Zealand?

    Are we allies with NZ?

    Who can she have a photo op in NZ with?

    Are there any Asians in NZ? Sarah hates Asians!

    Do NZers like Obama?

    Does NZ have black basketball players?

    What kind of jewelry does Sarah need to wear when she goes over there to pander and grift in NZ? A cross? Star of David? What.....

    What props will Sarah need to bring with her to NZ? Does she bring her Belmont push up girls? Her red screw me shoes? DS Trig might be good for a few bucks?
    Can she get NZ to pay for her wardrobe?

    How to get her bus shrink wrapped with a NZ catchy phrase and how to get it over there?

    How to get her relatives a piece of the NZ money? Licking NZ stamps?

    Most important information for Sarah Palin to find to find out about NZ is:
    Does NZ need a queen?

    What does a NZ president do?

    If Sarah runs for NZ president does she have to reveal Trig's birth certificate???????

    Sarah is a happy busy big beaver today!

    Sarah Palin smells blood in the water....

    Sarah is looking for her wedding ring and Christian Family value speech!

    Yippeeeee the Wasilla Hill Billies are back!

  16. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Oh, goodie. The troll is back. It's amazing how little we see of the troll these days. Fairy Tale Time is Over.

  17. sharon6:30 AM

    omg....she's getting more skanky each freaking day. Her most terrifying fear is AGE. Skank knows it's a lot harder to use the push-up bras, botox and wigs to make a 50 to 60 yr old woman "hot".

    Don't get me wrong here - I'm 58 yrs old and still have an edge as far as "looks' but it's not based on botox, push-up bras or cheap wigs.

    Women in my age group have so much more to offer - intelligence, grace, acceptance and tolerance -
    we have years of experience and learned lessons. And maturity teaches us to gracefully yield to the passage of time and embrace who we are, wrinkles and all.

    And we have every right to do so.

    My face and body have aged but I'm not trying to sell "hot" to distract you from who I really am.

    God, I am so sick of looking at her silly lip gloss, tons of eye make-up, slutty shoes and short skirts.

    That's what palin does. And it's offensive, it's pathetic and it's so obvious. She disqusts me and I think the best thing she could do is seek therapy for her issues.

    That's why most women cannot stand her. She has never evolved into a mature woman. She's stuck in high school mean girl behavior and claims to speak for us. She's the type you'd find in bed with another womans's husband. Why? Because she hates women and loves to control men. And as long as she has the "hot" thing going, she grifts. Once that's gone, it's like death to her. I can't wait.

  18. Anonymous6:33 AM

    I lived in NZ for a while and have some close ties in Wellington. Kiwi ad firms do a lot of funny, ironic marketing ploys like this one. I really wouldn't take the "poll" results seriously. Half the people who said they want to cuddle with her probably knew it was a stunt and gave intentionally silly answers.

  19. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Problem solved! Let's relocate the Palin's to NZ (apologies to Anon at 4:26) and she can run for queen there (as I'm sure she is entirely ignorant of their political system) on a platform of 'cuddle with the queen.'

  20. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Maybe they lied, or were just jesting, about being college graduates?

    If there's any woman's brain I'd like to pick, it would be Hillary Clinton's. She's far more interesting than any of them combined.

  21. Oh, God, the fairy tale trolls must be getting desperate if they are all over this post about some inane poll of New Zealanders. (No insult to NZ it is a beautiful, pristine country and I happen to have a brother in law who has lived there for the last 10 years).

    The fairy tale trolls must be suffering from media withdrawal since so many of their other favorite websites and blogs have just dropped Sarah coverage all together. Face it trolls, your employer is officially a has been that really never was. I stay on this story because of one thing, and one thing only, baby gate . I believe when this story finally breaks wide open, Sarah will take the whole GOP down with her, and I wait patiently for that day. Baby gate is a story more about cover up and media complacency than just a sitting governor faking a pregnancy.

  22. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Bristol is googling to see if NZ:

    Has mechanical bulls?

    Are abortions legal in NZ?

    Can Bristol collect child support from Levi in NZ if she moves there?

    Can Tripp and Bristol still collect their yearly Alaska grifting checks in NZ?

    Are NZ canvas tents sound proof?

    Do they have a NZ DWTS?

    Does Bristol need to show proof that she has a high school diploma to be a abstinence speaker in NZ?

    Most important, does NZ have McDonalds and Cheesecake Factories there?

  23. wendy6:50 AM

    I think you should drop the personal attack criticisms. They weaken the blog because of the evident immaturity of this approach. It's old and not interesting anymore.

  24. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Who did Glen Rice vote for in this survey?

  25. Anonymous7:01 AM

    New Zealand Hill Billies has a nice ring to it.

  26. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Kiwis are pathologically friendly. Maybe they feel sorry for her . . . she is kind of pathetic.

  27. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Maybe the Mongrel Mob has a different definition of "cuddle".

  28. Anonymous7:14 AM

    The troll has returned

    " Those I tell about her"

    I assume you've met her and have gotten to know her in person before you 1. judge her 2. tell people about her

    If NOT, you're a douche and a 6th grader.

    5:22 AM

    You may be a cunning liguist in your circle of friends, but you're a judgemental, shallow hypocrite.

    Judging hygiene products you've never used properly and sixth graders you never met nor got to know makes you what? Dumber than a Palin, for sure.

    Face it, you're on the wrong track, baby, you were hatched that way.

  29. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I don't judge any country by the percentage of idiots who happen to reside there.

    But what are the chances that all of them AND Sarah Palin were on the same plane?

  30. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Wait! Why isn't Michele Bachmann on that list, I mean, she's 'hot'...well this video sure says she is:

    Oh yeah, now that's the woman I want running the free world and representing ME! (or NOT)

  31. Anonymous7:42 AM

    What a ridiculous survey, but I'm kind of happy to see the troll back. I'm actually getting nostalgic for them. Soon they will be gone forever, just like Sarah.

  32. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Again with the looks and such a sloppily compiled list? Stay out of the looks department, dude. Or first, take a look at your daughter and her mother. See how the flesh looks like it's sliding off the shoulders and pooling around the elbows, how it's sliding off the jawline and sludging down the throat?

    Stay out of the looks criticism. You simply have no room.

  33. I surveyed the racoons in the alley behind the grocery store.

    They too, chose Sarah palin.

    This is the most pointless post ever, darling.

  34. Cuddle my ass!

    The old farts are just achin' for a hand job by the grifter, although I don't think most of those idiots have taken a close look at those 80-yr old hands of hers. Just sayin'.

    Like the Queen Quitter, here's the truth about Rubio, another Teabagger with a Fake Life story:

  35. The GOP is the gift that keeps on giving. Giving hypocrisy, that is.

  36. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Was it snuggle, or strangle?

  37. Anonymous8:27 AM

    If Sarah attaches her falsies to her bus will the bus float and make it across the ocean?

  38. Enjay in E MT8:45 AM

    LMAO -

    I am thinking New Zealand passengers may have a 20 hr intervention plot in mind with the most political divisive woman locked in an inescapable confined space with a large number of progressive passengengers?

    90% of New Zealanders vote - they have enacted major health care and education reform, reduced government debt, passed an ambitious carbon emissions trading scheme, legalised prostitution, guaranteed long-term funding for retirement pensions, raised the minimum wage multiple times and decided that supporting the invasion of Iraq wasn't a very sensible idea. They have 'clean' elections - without attack ads and focus on issues.

    I say - go for it New Zealanders!!!

  39. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Personally, I'd just as soon snuggle up to an inflatable love doll as Sarah Palin, but I repeat myself...

  40. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Aussies and New Zealanders are pretty conservative and Fox News is the big news provider. Shocking but true. I was pretty surprised by this when I visited last year. But most people I met were unimpressed by Palin.

  41. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Okay Gryphen. that's twice in one week. I need to start covering my keyboard with plastic before coming to IM. that picture. my god. what was she even doing when this was shot? is she speaking? does she always look that ugly when she speaks?
    dang. she is looking bad.

  42. Anonymous9:18 AM

    I'm over 55 - from Auckland - and wouldn't move a grain of sand on a beach anywhere to get to this pile of hate...

  43. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Who the fuck cares?!? She's a has-been.

  44. Anonymous10:19 AM

    This was a ridiculous post.

  45. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I'd cuddle with Margaret Thatcher's dentures before I'd cuddle with Palin.

  46. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Stop smacking that horse; it's sled-dog food. We're living in a target-rich environment these days - what's-her-face is nothing but a distraction.

    How about Banksters trying to move their toxic investments into FDIC-insured funds (which they'll then "discover" are worthless) and then STICK TAXPAYERS FOR THE BILL?

  47. Isn't Sarah too busy with play dates, Mommy and Me classes, kids' birthday parties, Marathons? I know that's the image this grandmother would like to project, but she's post-menopausal and time has run out on that meme.

    She reminds me of "Mother Gothel"from the (really good!) Disney film, "Tangled," who is old and grisly, and needs the magic golden flower (Sarah Pac) to stay young. Without this magic, Mother Gothel is toast. She returns to being a shriveled up old hag and falls from her tower with a big "thud!" KARMA, Baby!

  48. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Wasn't that clown who tried to edit the Paul Revere Wikipedia page living in New Zealand?

    There are 10 sheep for every human in NZ.

    Nuff said.

  49. Anonymous10:55 AM


    That's all well and good except for the fact that Baby Jane Palin has no friends and her kids truly hate her.

  50. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I would love to see her in the middle of an All Blacks haka (look it up).

  51. Anonymous1:15 PM

    i sense the scent of stale urine damped depends when i see that pic....then mix in the mental pic of the shards of skin hangin' off her toes....fetid indeed..

  52. Anonymous1:48 PM


    or better yet the character lamia from the movie stardust

  53. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Dkey 10:43 a.m.

    She probably have not reached menopause. Most women don't reach menopause until they are in their early fifties.

  54. Anonymous3:02 PM

    ewww! There is nothing cuddley about Sarah Palin. I've never seen a picture of her being truly affectionate with any of her children. Or her husband. Just eeewwwwww.....

  55. Anonymous4:58 PM

    If I was going to cuddle with a girl, I'd pick Minka Kelly because she's just cute. While James Franco isn't that cute, he's getting all those degrees, so he would be a fascinating seatmate. George Clooney is more of the cuddling stature. This was fun to think about.

  56. 6:22- You are very. funny.

    Looking for her speech...




Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.