Saturday, October 22, 2011

Barack Obama the Comforter-in-Chief.

Courtesy of the Washington Post:

It had become one of President Obama’s signature routines in the White House, a habit he mentioned in dozens of meetings and hundreds of speeches: Every night just before bed, he read 10 letters pulled from the 20,000 that Americans sent to him each day. The notes reminded him of why he wanted to be president, he liked to say. He called them his most intimate link to the people he governed. 

Most sobering of all for Obama, his self-described “direct connection” to Americans had also awoken him to a growing disconnect. People wrote because their problems demanded immediate attention, and yet the process of governing the nation was so slow that Obama sometimes felt powerless to help them. 

A few times during his presidency, Obama admitted, he had written a personal check or made a phone call on the writer’s behalf, believing that it was his only way to ensure a fast result. “It’s not something I should advertise, but it has happened,” he told me. Many other times, he had forwarded letters to government agencies or Cabinet secretaries after attaching a standard, handwritten note that read: “Can you please take care of this?” 

“Some of these letters you read and you say, ‘Gosh, I really want to help this person, and I may not have the tools to help them right now,’ ” the president said. “And then you start thinking about the fact that for every one person that wrote describing their story, there might be another hundred thousand going through the same thing. So there are times when I’m reading the letters and I feel pained that I can’t do more, faster, to make a difference in their lives.” 

And just in case you think this a ploy to make the President appear more compassionate than he truly is, reporter Eli Saslow goes on to add this:

Months after these people wrote to the president, when I mentioned their letters to Obama, he remembered the details of their lives. Their letters had shaped his speeches and informed his policies, but it was their personal stories that stuck with him. “Reading these letters can be heartbreaking,” he said. “Just heartbreaking.”

It is almost impossible to imagine any of the current Presidential candidates in the Republican party  taking the time to respond to Americans personally if they had the job, or EVER sending somebody a personal check to help them out in a time of crisis.

I have recently been hearing this criticism of the President that he does not connect in a personal way with the people, but I think that is a media contrivance and it is certainly not something that I have perceived from interviews or from pictures like these:

I believe that the President is a very decent, caring man, who very much wants to do the absolute best job that he can for this country.  And I further believe that it is that very decency which the Republicans perceive as a weakness and just one of the reasons they want to take his job away from him.

Personally I would much rather have a President who cares too much, than a President who cares too little. How many prisoners in Texas have been put to death while Rick Perry has served as its Governor again?


  1. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Thank you for a Great Article Gryphen. Brings a tear to my eyes.

  2. Excellent post.

  3. Anonymous6:23 AM

    He is, without a doubt, one of the most empathetic, caring people ever to become a politician. He is a great leader. I am so grateful, as an American, that he wanted to be in public service, and that he is our President. Obama 2012!

  4. Anonymous6:24 AM

    The repubs. destroyed Jimmy Carter for exactly the same reasons. Too DECENT for their liking. Not cut throat enough. Caring, fair minded people are not respected by the gop, they like snakes. Palin, Gingrich, Perry, Romney, Cain. All take care of #1 - themselves, no thought for others in any way, shape or form. Working class people have no business voting anything but DEMOCRATIC.

  5. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Personally I would much rather have a President who cares too much, than a President who cares too little. How many prisoners in Texas have been put to death while Rick Perry has served as its Governor again?


    So no prisoners were put to death under Ann Richards...


  6. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Nice post. Nice man.
    By the way, Ann Richards isn't running for President. Look up hypocrite before you use it - used properly, it may advance your agenda. Otherwise, it's just background noise.

  7. jcinco7:03 AM

    wonderful article. the president is a good man and doesn't deserve the shit the republicans keep throwing at him. they should be ashamed of themselves.

  8. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Thank you for this, Gryph. This is why I love this man and why we have to fight for his reelection.

  9. Elsie7:09 AM

    About execution records, as of this past August, of recent Texas governors:

    "The Washington Post has reported that the Texas governor holds the record for most executions ever for a governor, and by a large margin. Perry has presided over 234 executions, increasing Texas’ reputation by far as the #1 state in executing people.

    "George W.Bush reportedly presided over a higher rate of executions than Perry in his five years as governor before becoming President, while Democratic governor Ann Richards had 50 executions in her one term. Thanks to its size and lack of appeals from lower courts, the overall structure of support for the death penalty is a constant in Texas, no matter who is governor.

    "However, Perry has been even more aggressive in pushing for capital punishment than his predecessors..."

    More executions have taken place since this was written; I'm not sure of the number at this time.

    And then there is this:

  10. Such a wonderful post. Thanks Gryph.

  11. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Obama 2012!

  12. WakeUpAmerica7:16 AM

    The better question is, "How many INNOCENT prisoner have been put to death in Texas because macho Perry wanted to show how tough he is?"

  13. WakeUpAmerica7:18 AM

    Ann Richards=48

    What is your point?

  14. Anonymous7:33 AM

    this is the man bocephus called "the enemy".
    did you know that "bocephus" was a ventriloquist dummy?
    thank you, gryphen, for keeping the reality of mr. obama is the forefront of our day!

  15. Anne In Texas7:37 AM

    Executions in Texas by recent governors:

    Ann Richards: 48
    George W. Bush: 131
    Rick Perry: 234

    Ann Richards is not running for President; Rick Perry is.

  16. Dude, I'm already thinking 2016!

    President Obama is an exceptional person.

    Who are WE going to choose to follow him?

    Hillary 2016

    Elizabeth Warren 2024

  17. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Thank You for passing this gem along. President Obama's humility is amazing. The more I read about him, the more he inspires me. When he became a candidate, I read his work and found out a lot about his compassion for others. He had a rough youth, one that would leave lesser persons bitter, resentful, abandoned, and full of self pity.

    He rose above all that and, turned his focus outward and upward. He is truly a beacon of what's exceptional about America.

  18. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I trust him.

  19. Anonymous7:57 AM


    The "Shoot First, Aim Later, Let God Sort Them Out" contingent of the Texas GOP Delegation has once again spoken. Let me guess, you're adamantly pro-life as well?

    Refreshing to see echoes of "All hat no cattle" mentality in a troll. Ever went hunting with Cheyney? I hear it's a blast!

  20. ManxMamma7:58 AM

    Love this post Gryphen. Thank you.

  21. Our Lad8:20 AM

    Great post, great man. As far as Hank Jr. is concerned, he's always been a bigmouth, a shitty guitar player(though a sometimes good writer)and a dope. Anyone that could endorse that strega from Wasilla has got a bent weather vane.

  22. The comment section of that Washington Post article drew the worst, most ruthless selfish uncaring right wing anti-Obama Republican commenters like honey attracts wasps.

    There sure are some nasty people on the "right" side of the aisle in this country.

  23. hedgewytch8:38 AM

    I remember the day I first heard of Barak Obama. I said "who"?

    While as a progressive, I don't like some of the policies and positions that this administration has taken, I thank goodness every day that we have him as a President. And I will be voting for him again in 2012.

    Thank you Mr. President; for the way you rise so magnificently to your challenges, for your caring, patience and tenacity. And I'm darn glad you are the chess player that you are.

  24. lostinthemidwest8:42 AM

    Thank you for posting this.

    I would be happy if you just posted about this amazing President 24/7.

    There is so much dis-information that it would still not be enough.

    A side note. Very red state here and people are just rolling their eyes whenever Payme is mentioned. Tell her she's done and can stfu now.

  25. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Obama rocks. he is an awesome man and the US is lucky to have him as president.

    I agree, the media makes it sound like everyone hates him but he's still got tons of donations coming in, small donations from millions of people. i guess the media just needs to keep themselves busy even if it means making shit up.

    oh, and he's black. and wicked smart. and a great role model. they hate that.

  26. Anonymous9:17 AM

    The man has soul...something that the weedy thicket of Republican candidates sorely lacks.

  27. President Obama is a wonderful man. The country - as well as the world - is fortunate that Barack Obama won in 2008. Nobel Peace Prize people knew what they were doing.

    Gov. Perry has now cut off prisoner lunches on Saturdays and Sundays in an effort to combat his budget shortfall - a shortfall that he denies having. Arizona, Ohio and Georgia all have the same policies and all have GOP governors. And in typical GOP fashion, Perry's wife sheds tears about the media "brutalizing" her husband and family but no tears for prisoners.

  28. Anonymous9:43 AM

    President Obama brings so much more to the office he holds than ANY Republican candidate would.

    And, I'm especially happy that McCain and Palin were not elected. Can you imagine the havoc that we'd have? McCain wouldn't have known what hit him when dealing w/Palin!!

  29. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Dude. You need to stop with the propaganda and focus on things like the catastrophes that would have been created if the jobs bill were approved.

    The fact that teacher unions would have received billions is BAAAAAAAAD news bears. It's like Obama has NO desire to work middle ground at all. He's ALL liberal in a moderate world.

  30. Sarah Vs. Sarah said...
    Dude, I'm already thinking 2016!
    President Obama is an exceptional person.
    Who are WE going to choose to follow him?
    Hillary 2016
    Elizabeth Warren 2024
    7:37 AM

    Imagine how fortunate we'll be to have Ambassador Obama!

    As a matter of fact, Ambassador Obama could be named the first US Ambassador to the World (kindasorta Secretary of State with a twist).

  31. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Anon @ 9:48, dude, who are you to be thinking a jobs bill would be bad new bears and catastrophic?

    So teachers unions are bad now?

    Don't know where you were educated or if you are a millionaire, but as it is teachers are underpaid and overworked. Our entire educational system needs an overhaul, thanks to George Bush and his No Child Left Behind attempt to destroy public education in this country. Privatize and profit, greed taking over - that's the GOP vision of heaven on earth.

    Maybe you're a millionaire, but most of us aren't. Maybe you don't need public schools or a job.

    You are one of the lucky ones.

    Stop coming around here and accusing Gryphen of propaganda. You are not in the majority, so you might as well catch up with the rest of us, the true 99%.

    Small donations from everyday folk are starting to pour in for the Democrats, and it will only increase as we get closer to 2012. Corporations may secretly donate more to the GOP and help create ugly attack ads or attempt to steal the election, but individual contributions and boots on the ground mean bodies in voting booths. There will be a lot of us, a victory margin too large to tamper with.

    Look at these numbers, they are going to be hard to beat if they are indicative of what's to come -

    982,967 donors.

    That's the number at which President Obama's campaign stood at the end of the third quarter of 2011. That is almost double the 552,000 number that the campaign had at the end of the last quarter. But what's really fascinating about it are the following facts for the quarter:

    606,027 individual donors,
    257,000 of them new donors.

    More than 766,000 donations, 98% of it in chunks of $250 or less.

    OFA and DNC raised $70 million, dwarfing their goal of $55 million.

    Obama and DNC combined dwarfed all the Republican candidates and the RNC COMBINED.

    Not only that, the Obama campaign alone raised nearly as much money this year ($86 million) as all the Republicans combined ($90 million).

    The DNC (source: Barack Obama also has more cash on hand than all the Republican candidates combined.

  32. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Ultra-liberals have to realize that President Obama is president of the whole country, which includes many beliefs/needs. He is a centrist and a uniter not a divider. We need that to progress.

  33. Anonymous10:40 AM

    President Obama in three words:

    1. intelligence

    2. integrity

    3. compassion

  34. This story exemplifies my idea of what Christianity is all about.

  35. And no, I don't believe Obama is the second coming. Nor do I believe in the second coming or that Christianity should be installed in our government. This man just acts in a way that I think personifies Christianity.

  36. Anonymous11:10 AM

    And here's the lengths to which they're willing to go to get rid of the black man.

  37. The cognitive dissonance in the comment at 9:48 AM is astounding in its stupidity.

    "catastrophes" -- no. Unless you're a millionaire member of Congress or selfish wealthy conspicuous consumer who would kill before parting with a dime to charity.

    "teachers unions would have received billions" -- no.

    " Obama has NO desire to work middle ground at all." -- no. Our middle ground is your far left, and Obama's middle ground has, to our dismay, been way too far on your right.

    That has to change, and thanks to your Republican Party's Thelma-and-Louise gunning the engine and driving the car over the cliff, it probably will next year.

    "He's ALL liberal in a moderate world."

    I don't call the fundamentalist evangelicals "moderate", nor do I call "moderate" the anti-abortion wingnuts who cheer comatose uninsureds to die (Sarah Palin's "death panels" personified), innocent convicted prisoners to be executed, and gay soldiers to be harassed.

    Your so-called "moderates" are the most hateful un-Christian selfish bastards I've ever experienced in my 65 years.

  38. Anonymous11:29 AM

    @9:48 Just look behind the propaganda, it's there for a reason, "shiny object" "media contrivance." Now, turn your eyes over to our friends in Greece, and look what happens when the unions are not pacified. They might join up with the people. Who's in unions besides those lowly scapegoated teachers? Why the police and firefighters, of coarse. It's full-bore left vs. right propaganda right now, divide and conquer, keep the people from consensus. Yes, the unions will be accommodated, they just have to break the jobs bill up into easily digestible, somewhat affordable parts. President Obama will be re-elected once the OWS crowd is thrown to the wolves to the delight of the right-wing idiocy.

  39. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I am not ashamed to say that I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE President Obama. He works for ALL of us every single day and I for one feel he represents the REAL (not "ril", Sarah) America.

  40. President Obama's innate decency is one of the reasons I love and trust him, even if I don't always agree with his actions.

    His strong desire to connect with the people and his empathy with their personal situations reminds me of Gabrielle Giffords. They both have that goodness in their hearts.

  41. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I met Obama in 2006 in Old Town Alexandria when he campaigned for Jim Webb. I got a personalized autograph from him.

    When he ran for president, I knocked on doors, not a lot, but a few times. And I was happy to vote for him.

    During Obama's presidency, my husband lost his job, got diagnosed with genetic cancer, and had to undergo chemotherapy for 6 months.

    Also, during Obama's presidency, my husband survived cancer and chemo, we were able to continue to keep food on the table because of the 1.5 yrs of unemployment my husband got, that Obama and Dems kept going. We bought our first home, because under Obama, the housing credit stayed in effect, and my husband now has a work from home job supporting one of the world's largest government contractors.

    I hope Obama gets a chance to read the letters of the families he ALREADY helped, not just the ones that are bitching for help now.

    Of course, so many of our friends bitch about Obama because they never did anything to help themselves.

    Obama rocks!!

  42. Anonymous1:08 PM

    The DNC (source: Barack Obama also has more cash on hand than all the Republican candidates combined.
    Goes to show you which party has more financial savvy. I would rather have an administration that can figure out a budget!! And operate in the black. This country has always done better financially with Democratic governance despite what the stoopid right says.

  43. I agree Gryph- I'm so tired of the bashing of our President. It is so undeserved. And to hear my students parrot their parents' ignorance about our President is even more disheartening. I hear routinely from my students, "President Obama is ruining our country." To which I say, "How so? What specifically has he done that is ruining our country?" And guess what they say? Absolutely nothing. They return to their desks with their tails between their legs. Sad.

  44. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Well President Obama is coming here to Las Vegas on Monday for his photo-ops in our eastside heavily Hispanic area of town. The Secret Service has already done a preliminary sweep, and today we saw the green and white helicopter circling overhead! The LVRJ (our paper) won't disclose the street or anything, but the residents were quoted on how they had to get the cars off the street and such. So, pics from Vegas will include lots of cute little Hispanic children, and probably a couple of adults who look like they're employed (union jobs, probably). The ubiquitous For Sale-Foreclosure signs will have to be put away. TV crews, quick meet-and-great, then on to the Bellagio for the fundraiser. Hillary came here, too, on her campaign. Eastside, Mexican restaurant. Same MO.

  45. Anonymous3:14 PM

    This is great, Maher explains why Occupy Wall Street will win.

  46. Thank you for a lovely article.....Obama 2012!

  47. Anonymous5:46 PM

    7:47 Bingo.

    That is what I come back to Every. Single. Time.

    Obama 2012!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.