Saturday, October 08, 2011

Alan Grayson explains what has compelled the Occupy Wall Street protestors to take to the streets.

I dislike P.J O'Roarke (The guy that keeps interrupting Grayson while attempting to jokingly insult the protesters), I know he is considered funny by some people, but he essentially just pisses me off every time I see him on Real Time.

Grayson did an excellent job, and actually GETS IT when it comes to what is really upsetting the people of this country.  These people are not blaming the President for the poor economy and the lack of jobs, they are blaming those truly responsible. They are blaming the corporations that run wall Street and the politicians, on both sides of the aisle, that let them get away with it.

(H/T to Politicususa.)


  1. ibwilliamsi8:47 PM

    Alan Grayson speaks for me. PJ O'Roarke is an idiot so I guess that juxtaposition makes the panel more "fair and balanced" to have him there.

    I wish there were a hundred Alan Graysons to spread around.

  2. Anonymous8:48 PM

    O'Rourke tried to trivialize Grayson's message -- and FAILED.

  3. padoreva8:54 PM

    P.J. O'Roarke used to be funny about thirty years ago, but his sell-by date has long come and gone. I think Bill Maher just has some misplaced loyalty to the old windbag for helping him when he first started out on the comedy circuit.

    Now he is just another bloated alcoholic has-been who is another shill for the Republican party.

  4. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I was majorly shocked when the Supreme court sneaked up on Americans and deemed that a corporation was a "person".

    The GOP and right wingers are doing everything in their power in every way they can (in EVERY state) to disenfranchise millions of voters including many in the military who give their lives for our freedoms by changing the laws.

    Shame on you confused people who sat back and did not vote in the mid-terms and LET this happen!

    "I'll believe a corporation is a person when Texas executes one"

    THAT'S why I took the bus and joined Occupy Seattle in person. We have a law here in Seattle that people can't be honking their horns when protests are going on. A cab driver got fined $143 for honking & before you know it the cup was passed around and people at Occupy Seattle gave him the money for the ticket. There are many & varied reasons why this true grass movement from the people (not Koch or some corporation) is growing.

    For me it stems with GOP'ers handing over power to the United Corporation of America. He who has the most money/power rules. This is wrong and must stop.

    - Colleen

  5. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Thanks for showing this. Just read about Sarah's speech in Lynchburg. A repeat about her listening to God and her wonderful family. She got several standing ovations from 10,000 women. Still have our work cut out to educate many! These people are so stupid! Joe has the link on his new post. Have to be on Facebook to comment. Go comment and get the word out!!

  6. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Joe, if you are reading this I am really enjoying your blog and support you, especially your latest post:

    I truly hope when you get home that you continue with the blog that allows comments.

  7. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Alan Grayson has a great way with words. He is very direct but also very clear in what he is saying - no interpretation required. Hear that Sarah - no word salad.

  8. We could use a THOUSAND Alan Graysons.

  9. Anonymous10:43 PM

    When I was in high school, there used to be a magazine called "National Lampoon." And if I'm not mistaken, O'Rourke used to write for it, and was pretty damn funny. Those were the days. Now he's just another right-wing douchebag.

  10. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Conservative Magazine Brags of its Agent Provacateur's Role in Provoking Police Action in D.C.

    The American Spectator admits to being involved in the precipitation of violence at the Air and Space Museum as a means of discrediting the Occupy Movement.

    It has been openly reporting about its "plants" among the protesters and their actions to get certain things to occur. Included in this, today, was the presence - and central role played by - of Patrick Howley, its Assistant Editor, in sparking the police reaction and violence...

  11. Smirnonn12:44 AM

    Alan Grayson is a national treasure. O'Roarke has been a hack nobody for way too long.

  12. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:05 AM

    PJ is often on NPR's "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" as a panelist and always finds a way to jab progressives. The audiences and other panelists rarely find him funny. I was listening to Alex Bennett last week when he commented on what an asshole PJ is--he used to be a "long haired, hippy liberal," and Alex didn't know what happened to him.

    That said, the RW is shaking in their conservo-boots over this REAL grassroots movement. I had a feeling they were starting to get nervous during the Arab Spring--hoping that the same thing wouldn't happen over here. Surprise! They're starting to squint at the handwriting on the wall and it ain't pretty for them--they didn't expect that the majority of the country isn't as brainwashed and gullible as their Jeebus-y, gun-totin', bitter "base." No wonder they're trying to squash the votes of the 20-something student demographic. The "kids" are smart, they're angry, and most of all--they're peaceful--something the RWNJs don't understand.

  13. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:06 AM

    PS--I LOVE Grayson! Hope he runs again and SOON.

  14. Anonymous3:12 AM

    O'Roarke is more humorous in his writings. He doesn't make it as a live comedy act.

    He's also the first person I ever heard of who has cancer of the anus. It is not clear whether or not that derives from his current career as a flaming asshole.

    In contrast, Alan Grayson is a class act.

  15. Anonymous3:23 AM

    "THese people are not blaming the President" and that is what really galls the right....they are and have been blaming EVERYTHING on the President, while still trying to give Bush and themselves credit for anything that has worked (my God, how in h*** can it be due to Bush that Obama and the troops got bin Laden; that so many of the top alQueda operatives are now dead; and that we are down to 40,000 troops in Iraq?) The blind will not see; the deaf will not hear, and the GOP will never be more than a pile of crap.

  16. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Thanks for that Gryphen. I don't get HBO, and am a big fan of Alan. He is great and we sure need him back in office. He speaks for real America.

  17. Anonymous5:49 AM

    It's ironic that these invertebrate windbags, like O'Roarke and the Faux instigators , who parrot the slam de jour, will be the ones who will personally gain from the blood, sweet and tears of protestors like these and others, like Grayson, who are doing the dirty work to get financial, environmental, social and medical safeguards in place in order to improve the quality of life and protect citizens in our country.

    I've been a financial contributor to Rep. Alan Grayson even though he wasn't my congressman, because he does speak for me and represents my values and visions. He's the new blood and backbone that is desperately needed for this country. I do hope he continues to shine the big spotlight on the 'managed' news media which is also responsible for the pitiful state of our country and needs to be addressed as well.

  18. Anonymous6:51 AM

    I loved how Alan Grayson set their lazy, self-righteous repeating of the MSM "what is the OWS POINT" meme on its head. In addition to P.J. O'Rourke, "take the money and run" Nicole Wallace shows herself, once again (and as always), to be a total douchebag.

  19. Marleycat7:39 AM

    I absolutely love Alan Grayson - he is very similar in message and forthrightness as my great Senator from Vermont - Bernie Sanders. Their style is different but their sharp intellect and true support of the rights of the American citizen have never wavered.

    I remember, many years ago, when he ran for the House after being Mayor of Burlington, VT, as an Independent, one of the main reasons many in VT considered Not voting for him because they thought as one of the few Independents in Congress he wouldn't be able to get enough support from either Party to benefit Vermonters.

    Thank goodness for his eloquent persistence and consistent advocacy for every citizen in the US, not just Vermonters, he has won reelection every time. We, as a nation, need those "voices in the wilderness" that both Sanders and Grayson give to us.

    People recognize authentic telling it like it is and true moral character when they see and hear it. Just like the Occupy Wall Street may not effect dramatic immediate change - it is incredibly important the message is being made.

    We need to know, regardless of the outcome, whatever the venue, we at least have the right to be heard and that the entrenched powers that be know we are angry.

    That's the importance of having those voices in the wilderness - to advocate for the less powerful time and time again. Bernie Sanders and Alan Grayson are the true American Patriots!

    I support Pat Leahy and Peter Welch, too, but am disappointed not to hear them speak up and advocate as much as Bernie - but, I guess that speaks to the difference between an Independent and mainstream Dem. Bernie hasn't done too poorly despite his Socialist label, now has he?

  20. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Seems the GOP is starting to shake in their boots over the impact taht the OWS are having...GOOD!


    Rep. Peter King: ‘We Have To Be Careful Not To Allow [Occupy Wall Street] To Get Any Legitimacy’

    ...King was speaking on the Laura Ingraham Show, where he dismissed the protestors and scolded them for not having a clear sense of what they’re actually protesting.

    “The fact is these people are anarchists. They have no idea what they’re doing out there… They have no sense of purpose other than a basically anti-American tone and anti-capitalist. It’s a ragtag mob basically.”

    The bigger issue King had wasn’t with the protestors, but with the media for giving them so much (in his opinion) unwarranted coverage, and used a historical comparison to put the protests in perspective.

    “[W]e have to be careful not to allow this to get any legitimacy,” he warned. “I’m taking this seriously in that I’m old enough to remember what happened in the 1960s when the left-wing took to the streets and somehow the media glorified them and it ended up shaping policy… We can’t allow that to happen.”

  21. Anonymous8:10 AM

    So, when common folks peacefully protest en masse against unbridled greed by Wall Street and the banking industry, it's just an angry mob of unAmerican thugs.

    But when corporate-sponsored tea party folks peacefully protest outside the White House (albeit carrying signs promoting bigotry and hatred or calling for violence), it's the purest form of patriotism in action.

    Got it.

  22. Anonymous8:11 AM

    You know that you're having an effect when those high paid congressmen start calling you names.

    The wealthy have always accused those less wealthy of being the problem, it is a lie that can no longer hold itself together.

    They call themselves wealth creators, but they forget to mention they are only interested in their own wealth, giving others an income is always a by-product of their own greed.

    They tell you that if their taxes are raised they will stop creating wealth, it is an empty threat as there are millions of us who will fill their shoes and happily pay a higher tax rate for being allowed to profit from our society.

    Anarchists want smaller governments and less control, that is exactly what the right wing have been campaigning for and yet the right wing has the gall to accuse others of being anarchists.

    Don't believe the hype, all that the Occupy Wall Street protesters really want is for fairness in our society.

  23. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I was listening to Alex Bennett last week when he commented on what an asshole PJ is--he used to be a "long haired, hippy liberal," and Alex didn't know what happened to him.

    he appeared to be drunk or on something on the Maher show. He was losing it big time.

  24. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Schieffer asked if Cain really believed there was a massive conspiracy by the protestors to get together and say, “Hey, everyone, look over there!” to draw attention away from the president. Cain argued that the unions were instrumental in setting up the protests. And as for his earlier charge that the protestors are anti-American, Cain framed anti-Americanism as being one and the same with anti-capitalism, which he believed is a belief many of the protestors are advocating.

  25. Anonymous10:29 AM

    George Will: Occupy Wall Street Represents The Spirit And Intellect Of The American Left

  26. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I got the impression O'Roarke had a few too many before the show. He came across as a jerk.

    Love Grayson.

  27. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Alan Grayson proves that smart is sexy. PJ, not so much

    Palin- not at all


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