Friday, October 07, 2011

Bill O'Reilly goes unarmed into a battle of wits with Richard Dawkins.

My favorite part of this is that it is clear that O'Reilly believes he is winning this debate.

His smug attitude and patronizing facial expressions are clear indications that he has no idea how ignorant he looks to any audience not dumbed down by years of watching Fox News.

The idea that a powerful religious faith or belief in God has ANY real impact on the warlike and often inhumane nature of human beings is easily demonstrated to be false by examples such as the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem Witch trials, the Crusades, the belief in Manifest Destiny, and of course the terrorist attacks that we are witnessing today.

O'Reilly is simply too caught up in his own ego-maniacal belief that any faith which HE embraces must be the correct faith, to see how ridiculous, and easily refuted, his claims of Judeo-Christian moral superiority truly are. 

Personally I have no idea how Dawkins resisted the urge to laugh right in Billo's face.

(H/T to Mediaite)


  1. When people realize that organized religion is not a harbinger of morals, society can advance.

  2. Anonymous2:22 AM

    O'Reilly is an idiot. If he believes in god, he should be in fear of going to hell for being a such a dumb fuck.

  3. Anonymous2:56 AM

    No wonder Bullo's wife left him for another man. What an overbearing, ill mannered, ego driven clod he is. Repulsive takes on a whole new meaning in his case. Does anyone else thinks he looks like Mr. Magoo at times? He is as full of himself as Palin, neither one with any good reason to think they are so important. If a man in a regular job had sexually harrassed a co-worker the way he did, he would have been fired. Instead, Ailes paid her off with millions of $$$.

  4. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Bill O'Reilly is a window licker. This is my first chance to use the term I learned in the last posts.
    I guess I would really just prefer to call him an i-di-OT!

  5. Oh, Jon Stewart nailed Palin's con to the wall!!!

    Check it out at about 4:20...

    Stewart, of SarahPAC benefitting her & her family... "The only way that the little scheme would be dishonorable or shady is if Palin had known all along what her decision was, yet continued to dangle her indecision as a lure, to unsuspecting donors. But how are you gonna prove that? You'd have to find someone close to the operation, perhaps too naive to realize she has inadvertently spilled the beans on, let's say, June 28th..."

    Cut to Fox's Brian Kilmeade: "Do you get the sense that your mom has not made up her mind yet, or do you think she knows and hasn't told us?

    Bristol: "Y'know, she definitely knows, u, we've talked about it before, but, um, some things just need to stay in the family."

    Stewart, after a long, delicious pause... "See this kinda takes it out of the self-involved category and puts it into Nigerian prince territory."

    Seems like Palin's new brand is coming into sharp focus! Bahahahahaha!

  6. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Dawkin's really did make O'Reilly look foolish. O'Reilly was closed minded and unable to put his religous beliefs behind, whcich is common with him Remember when O'Reilly's thought he was making a point when he repeatedly said, "Where did the moon come from?.

  7. I think he did laugh in Billo's face.

  8. Anonymous4:02 AM

    I agree with you, Gryphen.

  9. WakeUpAmerica4:15 AM

    Like Sarah, Bildo is a Christian in name only.

  10. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Bill O'Reilly is a window licker. This is my first chance to use the term I learned in the last posts.
    I guess I would really just prefer to call him an i-di-OT!

  11. Anonymous4:37 AM

    OMG--that was worth watching. I am so glad I live on the other side of the US from my inlaws who think BillO walks on water and are bible thumpers. Bill just set those people back 200 years AGAIN. I just finished God is Not Great, by Hitchens. It was a tough read, but really recommend it and will read it again. Poor Dawkins, he is truly a Saint to have to sit across and debate such an idiot.

  12. Anonymous4:44 AM

    It's another example of the Republican/Conservative decision making process which was recently summarized by Herman Cain saying:
    "I don't have facts to back this up, but I happen to believe that..."

  13. Anonymous4:59 AM

    I've said it before, I'll say it again - what an absolute arrogant, know nothing a$$hole he is. That was one of his "better" self-satisfied rants and I just wanted to punch him in his sanctimonious face.

  14. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Billo is an arrogant, ignorant buffoon.

  15. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Groan... This made my head hurt. O'Reilly is way out of his league, but doesn't see it. Why can't he just have a thoughtful, respectful discussion with a true scholar? Then to call Dawkins a liar at the end without any substantiation is beyond disingenuous. What loutish, bullying behavior! But not unexpected.

    I recently heard an interview with O'Reilly on NPR pushing some book he's written about Lincoln. He sounded so sane and low-key that I didn't know who it was. When I learned it was O'R, I thought maybe he had turned over a new leaf a la Ailes's steering Fox away from Dominionist neoconism. I guess I was wrong. (Which commandment does that violate?)


  16. I would remind Bill-O the Clown that Josef Stalin in his youth studied for the priesthood.

    Oh, and I for one do indeed study and strive to obey the teachings of Jesus son of Mary; the fact I'm an atheist bears upon that not in the least (if anything, it requires I be more careful to be correct).

  17. Anonymous7:40 AM

    What a tool !
    I echo the sentiments of the person who said thank goodness that my relative who worships BillO lives many thousands of miles away.

    This db just rebutted a scientific statement with logic like: "But, We hear Thunder, so it must be giant people up there walking." Duh.

    The only thing worse than an ignorant fool is an ignorant fool who things he knows what he's talking about !

  18. Didn't Dawkins miss the straight line? Buddha didn't teach belief in God. O'Reilly goofed. A second key point is that science is the study of the creation, no matter it's origin. I don't understand the science vs God debate. Perhaps it would be better framed as science vs. the bible.

  19. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Nose scratching lie at 1:32. "Throughout history some of the worst regimes have been atheist, you know that." I am Christian but I don't deny that killing in the name of God has been pervasive in human history. Just as much (or more) as killing in the name of Allah. And yes, I believe God and Allah are the same deity.

  20. Gasman9:08 AM

    When Bildo deigns himself capable of taking on Dawkins in a battle of wits, Bildo is punching WAY up above his weight class.

    Bildo is a pompous ass who imagines himself a great intellect. He presents circular arguments to buttress his own untenable assertion of "proof" of divinity.

    I find it immensely amusing that Bildo likes to arrogantly strut about with his beak in the air proclaiming his Christian piety, with a loofah in one hand, his falafels in the other, and his dildo jammed where the sun don't shine, set on high while he reminisces about sexually harassing his colleagues.

    I sincerely hope that as the criminal investigation of Murdoch's sleazy little empire comes to light that Bildo's confidentiality agreement with Andrea Mackris is one of the things which is revealed. I would love to see pompous asshole Bildo exposed on the world's stage as the lecherous sexual predator fuck that he is.

    Bildo can go straight to hell. And if indeed there is a God, I can rest assure that's where Bildo is headed.

  21. Tyroanee9:22 AM

    Bill gives me a rash, and I don't mean in a good way.

    By pointing out there is only one religion that has formed America proves his ignorance and is like saying the only flavor of ice cream is vanilla.
    Bill is definitely on my bucket list of "Must miss at all costs"

  22. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Bill sounds like a little petulant child

  23. @8:50:

    People who push the "Throughout history some of the worst regimes have been atheist, you know that" line have a bit of a problem.

    God really didn't do a heck of a lot for all those people who died.

  24. Olivia12:55 PM

    BillO is looking and sounding more and more like a cartoon character every day. That is the longest I have ever watched him and now I feel I need to go take a shower like I touched something crawling with cockroaches. Blechhh!

  25. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Whenever I see a billo clip, i always take a deep, cleansing breath before hitting the arrow.
    What an abnoxious, arrogant and ignroant man! Sorry, Billo, if you believe your G_d is infallible, take a long hard look in the mirror.

    I don't mean to offend anyone who believes in any organized religion, because I respect their right to do it.

    But please afford me the same dignity and respect in my choice not to.

    Di moreno, I totally agree re: Hitchen's book. Unfortunately, some people don't rise to the challenge of questioning faith and expanding their horizons.

  26. Gasman9:01 PM

    Tyroanee said...
    "Bill gives me a rash, and I don't mean in a good way."

    I haven't laughed that hard in YEARS! I plan on stealing that line!

    Thanks for both the laugh and the line.


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