Sunday, October 02, 2011

Do you want to feel proud of your President? Well just listen to him deliver the smackdown to the GOP presidential hopefuls.

You can watch the entire speech here.

I don't know about all of you, but I can barely wait for the REAL debates between whoever the Republicans settle for and OUR guy!  it is going to be a bloodbath!


  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Meanwhile, in the Sea o' Pee, it's DAMAGE CONTROL ON! As this article has just been posted, with the title "A Palin Victory Doesn't Depend On A Date":

    This article has all the elements we've come to know and love from the Peebotz! For example, did you know that the main reasons we voted for Obama was to "assuage our consciences" and to "feel righteous" and "join those creating history"?

    Turns out Obama's win was merely some sort of "white man's burden"-fueled affirmative action event! They're not racist though!

    Also too, $arah's self-declared "end of September" deadline has now been reinterpreted as "NO SOONER than the end of September".

    I don't know how you interpret "by the" as "no sooner than", but Peebot thinking is magical! I believe in Tinkerbell!

    And for the moron who wrote the "article", FYI I voted for Obama because I was sick of the Bush-style fearmongering, the utter contempt and disrespect toward any differing viewpoint, and the utter lack of any vision for how the country would actually be improved. The fact that he picked a no-nothing rabble rousing ignoramus as his VP was merely icing.

  2. LOVE him. And palinbots, I can admit he is not perfect and still support him.

  3. Anonymous10:29 AM

    ...continuing my rant at the end of the first post:

    I also decided against McCain because of the disgusting vision Palin pushed that unless you resemble a character on Hee Haw, you're not a "real American"

    I mean, she actually had Bocephus on stage with her! (Search Ebay for a selection of fine Bocephus/Confederate flag products)

    That would've been like Obama having Lil Wayne or NWA standing next to him! With "Joe" the "Plumber", the only thing missing from Palin's speeches was Truckzilla crushing import cars in the background.

  4. angela10:31 AM

    Loved that the President talked about the GOP field of morons standing on stage picking their noses while an American serviceman was booed.

    The GOP is rotted from within. They have anointed cowards, idiots and liars to be their standard bearers.

  5. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Who’s Your Daddy, GOP? His Name is Barack Hussein Obama

    ...The reason Republicans always sound so petty and juvenile these days is because Obama has shown them up to be the incompetent, bad actors they have been. And he had the good grace not to throw it in their face, which only insulted them more, as they were supposed to be the party of grown ups.

    They try to paint him as having spent like a “liberal” and thereby jacking up our debt, when they know that the debt was incurred under their boy, who left 2 wars, a Medicare Part D drug program and the Bush tax cuts off the budget. They never had a plan to pay for those things – just ran them up on the Republican Daddy credit card while they handed out entitlements to buy votes.

    I know, that’s exactly what they accuse Democrats of doing. But guess who Daddy turned out to be? Guess who paid the bills that Georgie and his frat buddies charged? It sure as heck isn’t a Republican.

    The guy who paid and is paying the Republicans bills is the same guy who led the charge to get the bad guys in order to keep us safe. Turns out, Big Daddy isn’t a Republican. Turns out, he is one bad ass mo-fo who manages to carry himself with the affable, easy-going confidence of the truly competent. He can do in half a term what Republicans could not in two full terms.

    The President pwns Republicans on a daily basis, and just like all sour, immature losers, Republicans can’t take it. Their only solution is, like the petulant little fools they are, to yell, “You lie!” and obstruct anything that would be good for the country, while hoping no one notices that this President has made them look like the doddering, pandering, ineffectual fools they are.

    Who’s your daddy, Republicans? His name is Barack Hussein Obama, he is your President, and he owned you long before you even knew what hit you.

    Kneel down and show some fucking respect, boys.

  6. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Extremist Christians Use The Bible To Justify Their Hatred Of Obama

    Extremist far right Christians have developed a twisted analysis of how Obama is pursuing the destruction of Judeo-Christian culture

    ...There are many devotees of the Christian faith that are searching for any reason to hate President Obama, and cooks like Kuhner, Bachmann, and many Republicans have used the contraception issue to portray the president as promoting government-funded abortions. Contraception is not abortion, and the decision to use contraception is not the purview of any man, woman, or malcontent Christian, but the woman or man who chooses them. People like Kuhner would impose forced-birth on happily married couples, many of them devout Christians, because it is their personal religious belief. America is not a theocracy and the bible is not the Constitution. For the record, the bible makes no mention of contraceptives and it is the Catholic Church that has promulgated the notion that intercourse without pregnancy is a sin. The anti-contraception crowd are ultimately interfering with the personal lives of married couples and singles alike, and it smacks of the Taliban.

    Kuhner has every right to express his antiquated biblical viewpoints, but to assail the president as using the health law to destroy America is going too far. There can be legitimate criticism of the health law, but using it to frighten superstitious Christians already fearful of a Black man in the Oval Office is nothing more than baseless fear-mongering....

  7. I wish he'd be that vehement more often. Conciliatory ain't workin' with the hateful right.

  8. honeybabe10:48 AM

    meanwhile, back at the ranch.....perry announces that is "open" to sending our troops into mexico looking for druggies. wonder how that will be recieved as a republican platform. see huffington post.

  9. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Awesome! MeAgain is spilling some cool beans:

    The Palins say "do it", hey?

    So much for that "I do not pay any attention to the negative blogs about me" line Sarah spewed.

    Or should I say- the line YOU spewed.

    But no apology needed for telling another big fat whopper...knowing that you, your "guy", and your two puppeteering daughters are tying up time in this thread is gift enough.

    Oh, and I never said I was going to "take you down". I think you and I both know who will actually be doing're not even trying to hide your disdain for him publicly anymore but somehow I think you'll stop short of REALLY getting into it with him. Because oh, the dirt he has from Rove and Schmidt...honey pie you KNOW you are in for it good.

    That's why you're kicking seventeen and eighteen year old kids out of their homes so you can get orange self tanner streaks on their sheets, right? Because you know that Fox gravy train is off the rails and soon to crash. It's hilarious that you couldn't get the hotels to comp your stay like you wanted. Guess the name "Palin" isn't quite the golden ticket it was when you were greedily scooping up five and six sets of swag in the suite when the invite explicitly stated "take only one of each item or voucher", or when you were living the high life in Nieman's- tell me, Sarah...why is underwear for your husband and children a "political expenditure"?

    (see next comment)

    8:25 AM

  10. c. clark10:50 AM

    Also on the C4P thread today they're loosing their minds over Fox's treatment of Palin. One of the comments says that Palin has been dropped from the Fox Business networks roster of contributors.

  11. Anonymous10:50 AM


    But it's not like anyone is surprised at your family's greed. How do you think the people who sent Bristol more than $100,000 in baby clothes and gear would feel...if they know most of their lovingly selected gifts for Bristol and Levi's "new" baby...ended up being sold on eBay?

    All your gauntlet throwing achieves is to truly display how desperate you are. Saying "everyone" knows who I am is a not so subtle attempt at trying to scare me. But I know you didn't tell anyone who I am. You know I was serious about the "insurance policy" I have. And if I ever have to USE said insurance policy...I think I'd start by having a little show and tell with Lyda. I think she would be SO interested in seeing what's behind some of those many "redacted" blocks.

    As to your nonsensical bit about Gryphen putting my posts on the front page? You know good and well I have asked him NOT to feature my posts. But if he wanted to and thought something could be gained by doing that...all he would have to say is "I am presenting these statements as speculation only" to protect himself.

    Now really, and Bristol have both admitted on this thread that you read all these comments. Everyone knew that of course...but I'm sure they appreciate how your desperation is causing you to trip up and make yourselves look even more scared.

    Now, you should play nice, Sarah. Or I'll have two words for you: REAL HAIR.


    8:27 AM

  12. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Hitting what few bookshelves are left in America today is The Rogue: Searching For The Real Sarah Palin. What new information the book offers is not in its title as, currently, Amazon lists five other books about Palin with "rogue" in the title, not even including Palin's own Going Rogue: An American Life. Sure, Joe McGinniss' The Rogue is a hatchet job, but it's performed with a high quality Alaskan made-in-the-USA hatchet—built to last. For those whose own happiness comes from despising both Palin and her variety of unintellectual flyover dope, the book offers a wealth of fossil fuels. Drill baby, drill.

    The Rogue is mean. Mean and uncivil and ruthless. In that sense, it is the biography Sarah Palin deserves, but it won't hurt her. The former governor has now passed into a realm where those who despise her will do so for life, and where her most ardent fans have invested so much, and believed so hard, it's now necessary to go to the grave on her side.

    Further revelations about Palin, no matter how leering or vile, will do her no harm. She's born again. She needn't even address the most recent accusations, because her followers all understand. They too all once snorted cocaine off some overturned oil drum with a bunch of drunk guys playing grab-ass with them, and they too wanted more for themselves, something better. What are you gonna do at the age of 22 in goddamn Alaska?

  13. Anonymous11:00 AM

    1. Damn, he´s good. That was an awesome beat down. It sent chills down my spine. I agreed with every word he said. Go America!

    2. Take it from a former palinbot - never feel sorry for the palinbots. Read ¨The Rogue¨ to refresh your memories about all the death threats they issue. Never forget they are PROUD of their behavior. (They think Iḿ still one of them! LMAO!)

  14. Anonymous11:03 AM


    Goodbye to All That: Reflections of a GOP Operative Who Left the Cult

    ...The debt ceiling extension is not the only example of this sort of political terrorism. Republicans were willing to lay off 4,000 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employees, 70,000 private construction workers and let FAA safety inspectors work without pay, in fact, forcing them to pay for their own work-related travel - how prudent is that? - in order to strong arm some union-busting provisions into the FAA reauthorization.

    Everyone knows that in a hostage situation, the reckless and amoral actor has the negotiating upper hand over the cautious and responsible actor because the latter is actually concerned about the life of the hostage, while the former does not care. This fact, which ought to be obvious, has nevertheless caused confusion among the professional pundit class, which is mostly still stuck in the Bob Dole era in terms of its orientation. For instance, Ezra Klein wrote of his puzzlement over the fact that while House Republicans essentially won the debt ceiling fight, enough of them were sufficiently dissatisfied that they might still scuttle the deal. Of course they might - the attitude of many freshman Republicans to national default was "bring it on!"

    It should have been evident to clear-eyed observers that the Republican Party is becoming less and less like a traditional political party in a representative democracy and becoming more like an apocalyptic cult, or one of the intensely ideological authoritarian parties of 20th century Europe. This trend has several implications, none of them pleasant....

  15. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Respect Our President, Damn it!

    You may or may not have heard about the absolute insanity of some schools asking students to bring permission slips in order for them to watch the President of the United States deliver his Back-to-School speech to school children. I remember when this happened in 2009 and then again in 2010 and it absolutely made my blood boil. I am by no means a nationalistic type, a patriotic, flag waving zealot…but I’ve always respected the office of the presidency. And even though I had nothing but problems with George W. Bush as president, I wouldn’t even think about disrespecting him when he is doing his job as President and giving a speech to school children.

    This pisses me off beyond belief...

  16. Anonymous11:07 AM

    ...These are the basic building blocks, the very basis from which President Obama approaches every major initiative he gets involved in. He is a pragmatist. He will not get involved in battles he does not believe he can win and he will approach them in a manner that builds coalitions and strengthens his position in future battles.

    The key part of this recipe is coalition-building. In this country, particularly at the level the president operates, nothing can be accomplished by working alone. When you look at every major piece of legislation that was supported by the president and that was eventually passed, it was only by getting people from all sides of the issue to get on board that he was able to achieve victory.

    Our country has never been more polarized politically than it is right now. Achieving consensus between disparate groups has never been more difficult, particularly in Congress. When you look at what the Obama administration has achieved legislatively, every one of the achievements involved getting the American public behind it and encouraging them to pressure their representatives in Congress to move in the right direction. Health insurance reform. Wall Street reform. Ending Don't Ask, Don't Tell. In order to accomplish this, the American public must be convinced that it is important enough to pay attention to, to act on, and to FIGHT for.

    The "new" populist Obama we are seeing today is not new; it has always been there. The emergence of this "New Obama" is simply a matter of timing. He needed to wait until mainstream America woke up to the realities of what the Republicans and other conservatives in this country are doing and what they represent. It has taken two and half years for most of America to realize the Republicans aren't acting on behalf of average Americans. They (and, frankly, some of their Democratic colleagues) are acting on behalf of those with the most money and power in this country. Big Banks, Big Oil, Big Business and Big Wealth. To the extent that these politicians have power, they derive it from the resources, mainly cash, coming from these groups.

    So, for the past two and half years, President Obama has, often quietly, fed them lengths of rope. A concession here. A backtrack there. Compromise after compromise with hostage-taking conservatives bent on making sure he doesn't succeed in anything that he does, even if it harms the country. And it does harm the country; we see that in spades today. Nobody who is paying any attention at all can continue to believe that Republicans are acting responsibly. When they defend to their last gasp the massive tax breaks given to wealthy individuals and large corporations or the federal tax monies given as subsidies to the most profitable companies in the history of civilization, their motives become crystal clear.

    Now, with the impeccable sense of timing and stategic purpose & action that Barack Obama is known for, he is reeling that rope back in.

  17. DominionistEscapee11:07 AM

    That's MY President! So proud of him!

    I think he's angry at all the shit he has taken for the past 3+ years, since before he even had the Dem nomination. But he's expressing it by passionately advocating tolerance, pride in our service members, and patriotism--what a constructive and healthy way to transform anger into passion for change!

  18. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Oh, yesssssssss. Put any speech of Obama's next to any of McCain/Palin's, like this one, about "fungible" and "molecules" and ask if you want to trust the GOP ever again.

  19. Anonymous11:30 AM

    I have no doubt that President Obama will be outstanding in the debate against 'the' Republican.

    But, if they get someone in there like Perry or the 'heavy' guy, will they be respectful in their tone to our President? I suspect they'll play to their base and be abusive in tone, etc.

    I've no doubt that President Obama will be superior in the debate. There is not one Republican out there that will be able to compete against him verbally and as to knowledge.

    I hate seeing the hateful stuff that is already being put out there about our President....just saw some bumper stickers that came to me via email from Republican friends....they are horrible.

    So, so hope the majority of the Republicans are replaced in this next election cycle. They are a horrid party!!!! (House/Congress)

  20. It's 2012, and somehow, Sarah was the last one standing for the GOP.

    Sarah: "Can I call you Barack?

    President Obama: "No, you can call me Mr. President. Can I call you 'Quitter?'"

    Sarah: "Did you know I gave birth to a Down Syndrome baby instead of choosing abortion?

    President Obama: "I didn't know empathy bellies could be aborted. And I showed you mine . . . now why don't you show Trig's?"

    Sarah quits the race after this debate, because she will ONLY run if Americans call her "Queen" instead of President. And she wants it spelled "Kween."

    President Obama wins by an unprecedented landslide, and the Palins return to the open arms (not) of Wasilla. All except Bristol, who is working for Marcus Bachmann to help 'homosexuals' discover abstinence."

  21. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Oh, no. Now MeAgain is offering to show a photo of Palin without her wig-hats. Yawn. Don't bother.

    Give us something that will help demonstrate the BabyHoax. Or any of the multiple PalinGates. Let's get serious here.

  22. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I am so giddily happy to listen to just about every word that falls out of this man's mouth. He's is such an amazing orator, thinker, visionary and deeply kind and humble to the core. He is such an exemplary expression of what is possible in public service. Michelle too. Pure class these two. Our first couple is the envy of the world.

    No matter what happens going forward, I will always be grateful to have lived during the time of Barack Obama. He has made such a huge difference in this country and in my life in of today, I will be enjoying FREE 'Obamacare' through my state health services. Yes, ObamaCARES and it is directly impacting my health and well-being.

    4 more for '44'!

  23. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Absolutely BURSTING with pride!

    He blows them all to smithereens with his unbelievable command of the language, the nuances of his thinking and his brilliant SMACK DOWN delivery.

    And it just continues to REVERBERATE even after you've walked away from it. He is so inspired and inspiring.

  24. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Anon at 10:01--Totally agree! I read that inane article at Cash4Palin as well, and was once more sickened at their twisted spin on reality. NO, we didn't vote for Obama out of white guilt, but because we thought he was the best candidate for POTUS.

    I truly hope Palin takes all their money and spends it on herself. It's what they deserve--hell, probably even what they want.

  25. Enjay in E MT12:41 PM

    The lack of support for a battle serving US soldier, who happens to be gay, by the GOP candidates is a prime example of what will happen to America if one of them are elected.

    The GOP, has been dividing America since at least 9-11, will further divide the citizenry.

    Are you Christian enough?
    Are you Patriotic enough?
    Will you believe they are chosen by Gawd? Therefore should NOT be questioned on actions or deeds!

    For Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, et al - they only want to be president of wealthy white America, those making 7 figure incoments & living in gated communities. The rest of America.....of other ethnic backgrounds or religious beliefs(Asian-Americans, mixed races, Hispanic, African-Americans, Mormons, Muslims, or even middle class whites Catholics)

  26. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Thanks, anon, for posting the "meagain" updates. I can never remember to look for them. I'm cautiously optimistic that she's the real thing.

  27. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I think history will show that Obama was one of the most prolific presidents in American history. He finally got universal health insurance passed; he's pretty much cut the most dangerous terrorist group (Al Qaeda) off at the knees - a group that has terrorized the world for decades; high speed rail really is happening, folks, despite the media's lack of coverage (check out progress on the Southeast High Speed Rail Corridor, for example); and just so many big initiatives that have been stalled for years are finally moving through under Obama.

    I grow more confident every day that someone with such a list of accomplishments will be able to outsmart his political foes come 2012.

  28. Anonymous2:27 PM


  29. waves @CamarilloJohn 11:32 am (I'm in Ventura County too)

    OT. Throughout the year this blog has speculated on the role AZ will play in the future of Palin and her "team."

    Like California, Arizona Congressional District lines are now being drawn by a non-partisan commission. Bad news for AZ Republican incumbants and wannabes (tee-hee):
    1) AZ update: Today's commission map is pretty much Democrats' dream map:,-111.928711&sspn=8.21418,17.53418&vpsrc=0&t=h&z=6
    2) AZ map draft would turn both #AZ05 Schweikert and #AZ08 Giffords from 46-47% Obama to 51% Obama AND move #AZ01 Gosar 44% O to 47%
    (Tweeted on Sept 30 by @Redistrict, Dave Wasserman, U.S. House editor of the nonpartisan Cook Political Report & your 1-stop shopping for analysis of 2012 Congressional Redistricting.)

    From an AP article on AZ redistricting:
    TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) — A draft congressional map proposed by a Democratic member of Arizona's redistricting commission would put at least two Republican incumbents and possibly two other Republican U.S. Housecandidates in the same district.
    The commission legally cannot consider addresses of incumbents or candidates, and Democratic Commissioner Linda McNulty has said her map was drawn to make another district competitive between the two parties...
    [] Key points of the proposed overall map include having two largely rural districts in eastern and western Arizona and two other districts that have majorities of Hispanics. And three of the total nine districts would touch the U.S.-Mexico border.

    Twitter URLs:!/Redistrict/status/119857845440221184!/Redistrict/status/119868638781116416

  30. Not What You Want To Hear3:17 PM

    Anon 10:01 am: "Also too, $arah's self-declared "end of September" deadline has now been reinterpreted as "NO SOONER than the end of September"

    Yeah, you just know if Sarah Palin read that comment she started licking her chops. The fools are showing they'll fork over their money to SarahPAC no matter what at this point. I really don't think she's ever going to make an announcement one way or another...and the poor saps will talk themselves into believing this means she's going to do a surprise third party run at the eleventh hour. Mark my words, they'll still be swearing she has something up her sleeve even as Barack Obama takes the oath for his second term in office.

  31. Gasman3:19 PM

    Any of these GOP POTUS wannabes that remained mute while that crowd of homophobic misanthropes booed a gay soldier have no business seeking to be this nation's next Commander In Chief. Goddamn, if you are brave enough to put on our nation's uniform, you deserve better than that no matter what your sexual orientation is. If those sorry ass GOP fuckers can't stand up for the troops in that no risk situation why should we believe they'll do better when the stakes are higher?

    And fuck those GOP homophobes in the crowd. That is NOT the America that I believe in.

  32. Anonymous3:31 PM

    If people want to read "MeAgain" they should just bookmark the Broomfield thread where it chooses to post.

    Stop taking up time and space on each post to repeat what "MeAgain" has to say on a dead thread.

    If this parses out to be real information from a real person then they will have their say on a thread of their own.

    Meanwhile, let the MeAgain followers follow the info on the dead thread and stop propagating this info into O/T items on current threads.

    If MeAgain had anything to say he or she would hijack current threads with O/T info in his or her own right.

    Until then, let's just wait and see if any of this is source oriented or just a troll.

  33. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Oh, no. Now MeAgain is offering to show a photo of Palin without her wig-hats. Yawn. Don't bother.

    Give us something that will help demonstrate the BabyHoax. Or any of the multiple PalinGates. Let's get serious here.

    11:49 AM
    Remember what trouble Jessica BeeHive got into when talking about trying to "fix" Palin's thinning hair? I wonder where "MeAgain" got this info? Hmmm, maybe from a blog post a few years ago.

    I must say, MeAgain certainly has carefully bookmarked all of the previously reported on info regarding Palin and her family and is just regurgitating it hoping people don't remember that they've read it before.

    Put up or shut up "MeAgain". So far you have nothing original to say and it's rather sad that so many are hanging on your every word. I seriously doubt that it was Bristol, Willow or Sarah that was engaging you in our posts on the dead thread. It was just the Palin protectors from C4P realizing that you are a sham.

    You are exhibiting extreme hubris thinking that the Palins themselves might actually be following your dead thread rants.

    I would like for our former Mayor and former governor to be rendered politically impotent, but really, the little "dead thread" passion play that you are engaging in is no better than Palin leading her supporters on with a promise to run for POTUS.

  34. Anonymous4:13 PM

    We'll see a lot more of this if the RWNJs get anywhere near the White House:

  35. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Yes, our President is a pragmatist.

    Somewhere $P is scratching her wig and asks, "What's a pragmatist? Is that like a pashmina?"

  36. Anonymous5:05 PM

    O/T... Our President and First Lady went out to dinner to celebrate their 19th wedding anniversary(10/3)this evening.... Earlier, the president spoke at an event for a major gay rights organization. (He sure isn't a couch potato!)

  37. Anonymous5:07 PM

    President speaks on gay rights:

  38. Anonymous5:15 PM

    We'll see a lot more of this if the RWNJs get anywhere near the White House:

    4:13 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Yes, our President is a pragmatist.

    Somewhere $P is scratching her wig and asks, "What's a pragmatist? Is that like a pashmina?"

    4:32 PM

    Granny Lulu most likely thinks a pragmatist is a fertility specialist.

    Re: Usage in Palinese...
    me and my klan get knocked up easily unlike those durned unamuriken elitist that have to go see a pragmatist.

  39. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Gryphen: where's part ii of the Levi book? Me impatient. Plus I just fell off my chair and hurt my ass. I need amusement - oak park

  40. Anonymous5:24 PM

    He is good. And getting better. And the GOP is getting really scared. It's gonna be a good autumn!

  41. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Put up or shut the fuck up. "Oooh I'm Gryphan I know what's really going on, but I just can't tell you yet." You don't know shit. I bet you wont post this. Hey Gryphan, quick question: where is the follow up to the Levi post?

  42. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Wow, a busy Me Again troll. Is it Sarah's ghost writer? It certainly doesn't sound like a Palin. They're laying low for a while after being called out. I guess there will be no "you guys are immature middle schoolers" comments for a while. That will be welcome relief.

  43. Anonymous5:41 PM

    G-man -- we are LONGING to hear Part 2 of your review of Levi's book.

    Or for "Fred" to appear with his book.

    Or for Shailey's info to be taken seriously.

    Or for you to tell us what you think happened, even if some parts of your thinking have no proof.

    Now that SP is fading fast, I think the worst outcome we could have is for SP to just quietly sink into obscurity with NO acknowledgment of the BabyHoax (or the other PalinGates), and no accountability and questioning of McCain and other enablers, no connecting of the Koch/Murdoch/Palin/fundie dots, no assessment of the MSM role, everyone gets off Scot free, and it's business as usual in AK.

    Is that where we are headed?

  44. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I am confused about "meagain". Does this person have a website I could visit?

    By the way, I love President Obama and am thankful he doesn't take all of the stupid remarks people make about him personally. He is so far above them all that there is no contest. I look forward to the Presidential debate where President Obama will again show the ignorance of the republicans.

  45. Anonymous5:52 PM

    What an amazing person we have leading our country! I've seen him, calm and steady, waiting for the perfect moment to show the hubris the Republicans in the House, and the GOP in general, have fought to block or destroy, even to the point of allowing our credit rating to be downgraded.
    This isn't a "new" President Obama in this speech, the man is, heads and shoulders above the competition, and knows how to pick his battles on his own terms.

    With the weak candidates they have, and their falling at the knees of an inexperienced, out of shape, blowhard governor from NJ to "PLEEEEEEEEESE RUN! THE COUNTRY NEEEEEEDS YOU", at the Regan Library, no less is just laughable. (Equally as laughable as when the Sarah worhippers chant the same plea).

    Can anyone imagine either in a one on one debate with President Obama?

    Yeah, me neither.

  46. Thank you Mr. President!

  47. I would like for our former Mayor and former governor to be rendered politically impotent, but really, the little "dead thread" passion play that you are engaging in is no better than Palin leading her supporters on with a promise to run for POTUS.

    3:41 PM

    Dead thread? Over 800 comments is dead?

    The 'DEAD' Thread

    Oh, doesn't $he wish...

    If you are an anonymous shill (and not just an anonymous pompous ass), you better get your $$$ in advance from $arahPAC because the well is going dry.

  48. "I hate seeing the hateful stuff that is already being put out there about our President....just saw some bumper stickers that came to me via email from Republican friends....they are horrible.

    So, so hope the majority of the Republicans are replaced in this next election cycle. They are a horrid party!!!! (House/Congress)

    11:30 AM"

    I suspect these assholes will call everything he says as a lie. This way they don't have to have an thought, plan or idea (as usual.)

  49. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Thank you for posting this Gryph. I just showed it to my whole family after Sunday dinner. A couple of my grown children are not politically aware because they are so busy doing other things with careers, etc. and this started a whole dialogue about the shameful GOP and now we're all GO OBAMA!

  50. Anonymous9:35 PM

    I'm know for one thing I'm still angry at Sarah Palin because she's been a real cheerleader in disrespecting the office of the presidency (because it's not her). She's the Queen of Disrespect and has encouraged it from day one. No wonder her kids don't respect her either and they never will. They may love her (who doesn't love their mother?) but they don't respect her one tiny iota.

    Look at Willow in her TV show - Sarah puts a baby gate or something on the stairs & tells Willow's boyfriend not to go up. As soon as her back turns the camera shows Willow in her cut off short shorts sashaying her teen butt up the stairs and the boy jumps over & goes upstairs. Sarah ignores it just like the turkey pardoning slaughter. Even her own children don't trust what she says and neither does America or the many ex-Palinbots who have just figured out what we've been telling them for the last 3 years. I will not be satisfied until this woman who has brought so much damaging disrespect to America completely sits down and shuts up! Bring on your next move Granny!

  51. Anonymous3:53 AM

    I consider those in Republican leadership (sic) positions in Congress to be traitors. Their goal is to destroy this country, not to govern. They have no interest in governing. The same can be said of all of the Republican candidates for presidency. That any of them can stand behind their "debate" podiums and not speak out against the viciousness of their audience members tells us all just how incompetent they all would be as leaders of this nation.
    I would love to see Mitch McConnell, who said publicly that he wanted to see the Obama Administration fail in its efforts to restore the economy that McConnell's fellow Republican, President Bush, destroyed, so embarrassed that he resigns from the Senate. And then the rest of the traitorous bunch can follow him - into ignominy.


    10:40 AM

    Thank you for that!

    It reminded me in "Game Change" when the GOP tried to eviscerate Michelle for the "proud of my country" remark. (i.e. "Big Daddy" taking care of his family).
    P. 253-254

    "Barack was in no mood for jest. He expected that the fall campaign would be ugly, and told himself he was ready for the freak-show attacks on him...What he wasn't prepared for, what he wouldn't countenance, was seeing his wife in the crosshairs. "They're coming after Michelle," he told Jarrett. "I want to shut it down".

    ...The Obamas taped a segment for...Good Morning America.

    When the interviewer brought up the Tennessee Republican Party Web video, Obama pounced. "If they think that they're gonna try to make Michelle an issue in this campaign, they should be careful," he said, fairly growling. "For them to try to distort or to play snippets of her remarks in ways that are unflattering to her, I think is just low class." Obama added, "These folks should lay off my wife."

    ...After the interview, Jarrett asked Michelle what she thought.

    "Look at my husband," she said, beaming. "That's my husband".

    From: Game Change - Heilemann, Halperin

    Goosebumps again!

  53. @10:29-

    There was a picture circulating in 2008 (not "from" 2008...) with Sarah (at an AIP event?) in the front of some room, in front of a "US" flag...with 49 stars.


    As in, Alaska is NOT represented at Part of the US flag.

    I would love to see it again~ anybody have that?

  54. O/T- The Broomfield thread has 869 comments!

    (Ya think 50% are Paylins? ;)

    Not afraid of Life!

    My guy!



  55. Dude~ you guys are awesome!! These articles you've linked to are fantastic!

    I'm seeing my Rethug FIL later; I'm gonna be like -



    and, oh yeah,


    I hope I have enough printer ink!!

  56. Sarah Jones is, IMO, one of the BEST writers out there (re: "Who's Your Daddy" article).

    Doesn't she always say EXACTLY what needs to be said in the most powerful, interesting way?

    I think I freaking love her.


  57. Goddamn, if you are brave enough to put on our nation's uniform, you deserve better than that no matter what your sexual orientation is.


    AMEN, my brotha!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.