Sunday, October 02, 2011

Why Jon Huntsman will NEVER be the Republican candidate for President.

Okay, you're crazy!

Crazy for EVER thinking the Teabaggers, who now run the GOP, will support somebody who believes in a notion as far fetched as SCIENCE that is! 

I mean what are you thinking man? Don't you want to be the nominee?

(H/T to Andrew Sullivan.)


  1. I doubt he even loves America!

  2. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Yeah, Huntsman the only "thinking" one on the menu.

    By the way, did you see that Gov. Christie is now "officially" setting up a presidential exploratory committee? That's after two weeks of the pre-arranged public begging for him to do so from GOP figures. Another sign that Mrs. Palin is toooo late. The only people begging her are the Ca$h4Pbots.

  3. If religious fundies want to deny the science behind evolution and climate change, fine. At least be consistent and stop using electricity.

  4. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Alright Gryphen...

    It's been 2 days.

    Where is part two!

  5. The most sane candidate the R's have, and they hate his guts.

    This is why the Republican party is dying, committing suicide by drinking the tea.

  6. he's running for the 2016 nomination. what's crazy is believing republican voters will be looking for someone that professes any respect for science in five years. the party will continue to try to manipulate the stupidest among us to vote against their best interest.

  7. angela7:22 PM

    Poor Jon.

    Yes. As he is a basically sane, lucid, thoughtful Obama appointee who refuses to go teabagger.

    He is indeed toast.

  8. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Jon Huntsman and Romney are the only two Republican candidates who wouldn't send me screaming in fear across the Canadian border if they were elected. Maybe our country could even survive if one of them were POTUS. Survive, not thrive.

  9. Anonymous7:37 PM

    I find Huntsman completely endearing. But there's a difference between endearing and presidential. I'd hire him in a second. I'd probably work for him too. But vote? Naw. I just admire his balls. So ... to ... speak....

  10. Anonymous7:39 PM

    I bet Huntsman believes in equal rights for all and would not stop a woman from having an abortion if she had been raped. Oh the horror!

  11. Anonymous8:03 PM

    i have a personal bet that mr. huntsman will be the 2016 Republican nominee for President, and perhaps even President. there will be the need to find someone to follow mr. obama then.......

  12. Dinty8:17 PM

    It's funny, this guy I might even vote for, yet they will never let him get the nomination.

  13. JayKen Knotstirred8:22 PM

    I'd vote for this guy just because he didn't have a hunting camp named...

  14. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Hi Sarah, welcome back!

    Quick question, where's Trig's birth certificate?

  15. Gasman8:44 PM

    Stupidity has never been a viable strategy for survival in nature and it isn't going to be more successful as a strategy for long term political survival.

    The obdurate ignorance of the teabaggers will lead to their self immolation and possibly take the entire GOP with them as well.

    The teabaggers are just too damn stupid to attract anybody but other morons and thankfully, our national supply of morons seems to be holding steady at no more than 20-30%, far less for the hardcore toothless cousin humpers that make up the core of the teabaggers.

  16. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Spot on Brendan! We need a healthy two party system to make this work. When a party starts to splinter because of pandering to its most extreme elements it's losing its way...that's not just a republican problem but one that democrats also need to be aware of. The republican party no longer exists as a viable alternative for choice in America.

    The tea party refers to Huntsman as a RINO. In fact, anyone not touting fundie values, second amendment solutions or an automatic distrust of Washington is now classified as a RINO. What's the matter with this process where a logical, thinking man who just happens to be a republican has absolutely no support from his party. St. Ronnie is likely rolling over in his grave.

    And now everyone's clamoring for Christie. But guess what? He's a RINO too!


  17. Anonymous8:50 PM

    OT -

    The Sea of Pee posts have been dwindling. Today, only 3 posts.

  18. He's dancing as fast as he can isn't he. Too bad that he does happen to be the sanest card in the GOP/TP deck.

    And he's MUCH more intelligent, attractive, well-spoken and personable than another yet undeclared 'candidate' whose name we all choose not to utter ever again.

  19. "The Sea of Pee posts have been dwindling. Today, only 3 posts.
    8:50 PM"

    Hey we HATE to tell them 'we told ya so' but, we TOLD ya so !!! There's no hee hee hee in the CofPee today.

  20. Gawd, people are here actually giving praise to him because he believes in science and climate change. Can people be any more gullible? He still is a repubagger nut. To start with his phony motorcycle campaign ads.

    Do be so easy to vote for a repugbagger.

  21. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Global warming will be a threat to global security.


  22. Okay, you people do realize that writing a post can take some time right? And when it has to accurately reflect what is in a person's book it takes longer still.

    And for your information when I do posts that are important, and that I want a lot of people to see, I DON'T post them on weekends when the number of visitors slow down. I post them on Mondays.

    So check back tomorrow, and you should be happier. Well some people will be happy, I have a feeling a few others will most certainly NOT be happy.

    BTW, I have been assured that the website for Fred's book will be up this week.

    See? Even more reason to be happy!

  23. Anonymous10:09 PM

    @ Anon 8:03

    "i have a personal bet that mr. huntsman will be the 2016 Republican nominee for President"

    Put at 50/50. Centrists still love Romney.


  24. JayKen Knotstirred10:20 PM

    Take your time...Do it right.

    Ignore those with little patience.

    Any job worth doing, is worth doing right!

  25. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Let the right-wingers know that the military consider climate change a security threat.

  26. Anonymous10:50 PM

    OPFREE applauds the efforts the Department of Defense is making towards less reliance on oil. Several military installations already use biodiesel and electric vehicles. The U.S. Navy has pledged to get half of its energy from alternative energy sources by 2020; the Marine Corps, 30 percent. The Air Force is shooting for 25 percent by 2025. The military also has plans to make increase use of algae-based diesel.

    The group says the best way ordinary people can combat climate change is to get informed.

    “Then we need to talk to our friends, our families and our neighbors to get this message across,” Victoriano said. “This is not a partisan issue, it’s an American issue.”

  27. Did you see on WTF that the film, "You Betcha" bombed in the theaters" People are just plain burned out on Palin. The books and the movie all say the same thing--she's an idiot, she's narcissistic, she's a liar, she's a victim, she's a whiner--you name it and that's Palin!

  28. Anonymous2:14 AM

    It's OK Gryphen, I can't keep up with what you do produce on a daily basis. I can't imagine anyone being impatient with you. It is probably brissdull waiting to see what you have up your sleeve all the while trying to diminish the damage it will cause. Take your time--anything worth doing is worth doing right the first time. Happy Monday, Everyone!!

  29. Randall3:29 AM

    If religious fundies want to deny the science behind evolution and climate change, fine. At least be consistent and stop using electricity.

    6:32 PM

    ...and getting flu shots. (The flu evolves - that's why you have to keep getting shots)

  30. Virginia Voter3:34 AM

    Shhh, don't tell the teabaggers, but their next Great Big Right Hope, Chris Christie believes in global warming too. And guess what? He hugged Pres Obama when he went to NJ to survey hurricane damage.

  31. Huntsman claimed he was the most anti-choice gov ever.

  32. AJ Billings4:04 AM

    I'm not sure how Mr Huntsman can reconcile the differences between Mormon dogma and evolution.

    Ultimately, what it comes down to now for so called "Conservatives" in general is that you *must* be a born-again Xtian, against all birth control, and want to ban all abortion s, even in cases of rape, incest, life of the mother.

    That's the litmus test, and no matter how competent you are, and how reasonable and centrist your other positions are, the rabid extremists in the Pee Party don't acknowledge that you are even human.

    When it comes to the fanatic extremists over at C4P, you must worship $arah Paylin just as much as G_d, and sing her praises at all times, and confess that she is the Savior of all the good white USA Xtians. All other Repubs are just RINO's to those idiots

  33. Anonymous4:09 AM

    I actually voted for Huntsman as Governor (his 2nd term), a rare Republican vote from me. I regret my vote. He's not the person you think he is.

    He doesn't have integrity. He isn't committed.

    There was dirty politics at hand the first time he ran - kicked the woman governor incumbant out of office. She completed Leavitt's term, who was picked by Bush for a Federal position. Olene Walker thought she would be the nominee, but Huntsman got her out fast.

    Then during his 2nd term, he ran with a far right conservative with family issues (ala Palin) a man who quit college, who has a stalker son and Huntsman left us with this man to be our governor to take and Ambassador position with Obama administration.

    Then he announces months in advance that he will be quitting his ambassador position (making his time in the position inefficient) and as soon as he left began attacking our President.

    He criticizes Obama's handling of national security (oh really? The area where Obama has been doing pretty good making decisions without Congree and the Senate?)

    One day he insults Michelle Bachman as being crazy, and the very next day he is wetting himself with the proposition of being Michelle Bachman's vice president if asked. (stated on Piers Morgan that he would do anything he was asked to do for his country) Then why doesn't he complete the job he was asked to do?

    He was asked by the voters to be our governor, but he quits to become ambassador. He quits that job to attack our President's policies. (Must have the Chinnese government scratching their heads about what Huntsman was saying to them as part of the Obama administration now that he is attacking the very administration that paid his checks.

    You don't see it now, but I am saying that Huntsman is not much different than Sarah Palin. Yea, I said that. He thinks riding a motorcycle will help him to connect to the common people, and makes him cool.

    I've met his wife upclose. She is really naive about how common people live. She was a keynote speaker, and was so insulting by trying to "educate" the audience who knew better than she did that single mothers are not bad people and had a lot in common like "real" mothers who had husbands, based upon her experience of having met one such person who was a good person even though she had the misfortune of marrying a jerk she later divorced.

    Really? As a woman who raised my children as a single parent for 25 years before I remarried after they were adults - I was insulted by her condescending opinion about single mothers.

    She went on to talk about how some of these single mothers become successful in careers out of necessity. (Does she not realize that many women who are married also have careers? And does she not realize that some people (including women) actually maintain careers despite not having the "need" to work - but do so to contribute to society?

    It made me wonder how an adult could be so "sheltered" from reality despite having had all of the opportunities to meet people all around the world.

  34. Anonymous4:20 AM

    What a shame! I never thought I would see the day, when intelligence and civility are things that can work against a candidate seeking the Republican nomination for POTUS.

  35. Smirnonn4:43 AM

    Oh, my. He believes scientifical theerees. Not a rill Ameericun.

  36. Anonymous5:15 AM

    But anyone who goes on to use an Obama teleprompter dig to try and appeal to Teabaggers still loses the rational and grown-up votes.

  37. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Love it!

    The sad thing is, even though he worked for Obama and other presidents, has what it takes, the teabaggers and conservatives will never vote for him.

    What a pathetic lineup in the GOP field.


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