Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hillary Clinton:"President Obama has passed with flying colors every leadership challenge."

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Considering that she was once his fiercest opponent these are powerful words coming from a person who has been surrounded for much of her life by formidable political heavyweights.


  1. Anonymous8:03 PM

    I have always admired Hillary Clinton. I appreciate her many years of public service and her acceptance of the position as Secretary of State at President Obama's request. She is smart, hardworking, and determined.
    Though she was disappointed after losing the nomination, she threw her support behind Senator Barack Obama at the convention and even campaigned for him. She put personal feelings aside to serve our president and our nation. He has shown Secretary of State Clinton and the rest of us he is more than capable.
    Good on Mrs. Clinton for publicly defending our president
    from the naysayers.
    She is a role model for anyone interested in politics, but especially for young women who are serious about making a difference in politics.

  2. Anonymous8:05 PM

    This is why Republicans are so afraid they know he is a great President and they have a bunch of clowns running against him.

  3. WOW! She couldn't be more clear, could she? WTG, Hillary!

  4. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Thank you Hillary Clinton!

    I am going to email her to thank her and ask her if she can get the other Dems to start talking about Obama achievements.

    I just now realized that none of the Dems have done this, that I am aware of, they need to start speaking out.

    Thanks for posting this Gryphen.
    It was so refreshing to hear someone on TV talk in such glowing terms about President Obama!


  5. Anonymous8:40 PM

    The Democrats have strong, smart, energetic leaders.
    The Republicans are a gaggle of grifters, self-promoters, jingoists and zealots. Not one is prepared to lead our country. The GOP has been hijacked by opportunists.

  6. I was sooooooooo impressed when I saw this this morning. Glad you posted it here. We always knew she was smart and able, and she too has passed every challenge of her job with flying colors. I am so grateful she is at work for us, along with President Obama.

    Here is a great site that gives a ton of info about the recovery (down to the money going to YOUR neighborhood), incl the best job search program I've seen in the last two years:

  7. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Good job linking to this video clip.

  8. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Bravo HC !!

  9. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Thanks for posting this. I was cautiously checking in before going to bed and was very happy to see Hillary's lovely face rather than that pink slathered thing that has been taking up way too much space for far too long. Between that series of screenshots and the palinized Cain... yikes! I am so proud of Hillary and very glad to hear her make these statements.

  10. I hope Sec of State Hillary Rodham Clinton stays on for the next President Obama term - I know she said she's retiring in 2012, but look how much they've accomplished!

  11. Sarah & the gang won't like it when HRC teams-up with POTUS as our VP. Oh my, I guess SP will have to do to HRC what she did to Prez Obama...

    Try to take back all the good thing she said in the past... Wondering if SP would dare to 'come at' HRC....

  12. Anonymous10:35 PM

    I heard her earlier and was thrilled with the excellent comments she was making about our President. In fact, I yelled (quite loud)..........GO HILLARY!!!

  13. Anonymous11:11 PM

    What a class act that Mrs. Clinton is! I am SO PROUD of her, and of our smart, classy POTUS!

  14. Hooray, for Hillary!! She said it all. We have to make sure none of those buffoons running on the republican ticket ever get into the White House or continue in Congress! They have not only screwed up the US, but they have screwed up the world! The bunch of jackasses! I love Hillary! Although she didn't run for President she took to supporting President Obama and she's been a great Secretary of State. I don't even want to think what would have happened if McCain/Palin had gotten into the White House! What a couple of clowns and jackasses they are too!

  15. Anonymous4:58 AM

    in a two party (or more) system, we really need viable candidates from various points of view.

    today's gop candidates are anything but viable and are bordering on unforgivable inanity.

    it is quite clear that only buffoons will hold the torch for extreme social conservative issues

    i am grateful for President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and their combined efforts to present a mature and rational face of the USA to the rest of the world.

  16. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Howard Kurtz Asks If Media Too Slow To Give President Obama Credit For Muammar Gaddafi Killing

    On Sunday morning’s Reliable Sources, host Howard Kurtz took the media to task for having roundly criticized President Obama‘s decision to get involved in Libya, but failing to give the President credit for Muammar Gaddafi‘s killing at anywhere near the same volume. “The media wallowed for months in criticism of the Libya policy,” Kurtz said, ”Why don’t they stop now, give some credit to the President when a brutal regime is toppled, and the policy is successful?”

  17. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I think now would be an appropriate time to say thank you to President Barack Obama.

    In comparison to his immediate predecessor his success in bringing the world's most wanted terrorists and dictators to justice has been nothing short of remarkable.

    In fact the contrast speaks for itself.

    Recall that George W. Bush launched a war with Iraq that cost us one trillion dollars and thousands of US lives. Obama launched an offensive against Qaddafi that cost one billion dollars and lost no US lives.

    And for once the Arab would is thanking us by dancing in the streets rather than on our nation's flag.

    Obama has rid the world of the scourge of Osama bin Laden, Anwar al-Awlaki and Moammar Qaddafi. And all of this was accomplished within six months: if Obama were a Republican, they'd be commissioning bronze statues by now.

    You know they won't say it now or ever, so let's say it for them: thank you President Obama for making the world and the United States safer.

  18. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Thank you Hillary Clinton! You have grown to know President Obama on many, many levels in his leadership as President of the United States AND it sounds as though you have respect for him. Yea!!!

    He will get my vote AGAIN this coming election. I was more than ready to provide it even before hearing Mrs. Clinton's commentary.

  19. She's a good, smart, strong woman, and her comments were excellent. I still shudder to think of the attacks the right wing would have made on her if she had been the candidate. Their viciousness knows no bounds.

  20. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Hillary is a class act. When she was running for POTUS, the more I heard from her, the more I liked her, despite the press constantly trying to portray her as some kind of shrew. (That still makes me sick. They are supposed to REPORT the news, not lead us to a particular point of view.)

    I respect her very much, and am glad she spoke out. As another commenter said, we need more Dems to speak up for our wonderful President. We are so lucky to have him.

    Thanks for posting Gryphen, and thanks for all you do. It is very much appreciated.

    R in NC

  21. Beldar HerbCain2013 Conehead9:29 AM

    Is anyone starting to get the feeling that this country doesnt actually deserve Barack Obama as president? (And I mean that in an entirely different manner than the way we surely didn't deserve Bush, or don't deserve any of the political midgets blundering their way through the GOP nominating campaign)

    There doesnt seem to be a widespread recognition that when President Obama is permitted to lead, he does generally excellent things and achieves favorable results and when he's boxed in with political bullshit the unpleasing outcome can't be blamed primarily on him.

    Thank you for your support of and service to our president, Mrs. Clinton.

  22. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Well stated, Hillary. An honorable woman with the level of intellect this world needs in leadership positions. Obama 2012
    Clinton 2016

  23. Anonymous11:27 AM

    My dream ticket: Obama/Clinton 2012

  24. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Obama/Clinton 2012
    Clinton/Warren 2016

  25. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Nobody is perfect but I have always liked and respected Hillery.

    It's too bad her light was dimmed by Bill's.

    I am delighted for her that she now has the world as her stage, and she stands among today's world level stars.

    The hatred of the Republicans for her is high praise indeed.

  26. Anonymous6:31 PM

    What 8:03 expressed is exactly how I feel about Hillary. She's a woman I've always admired and am proud to hold her as a role model for women, especially for my Daughters.
    As much as I wanted to see a Woman become President, seeing her accept it wasn't her time, then have the presence of mind and grace to help him get elected showed the world her true Character.

    I'm so proud of this Woman, Wife, Lawyer, Politician, Former First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State and Mother!

    (And don't quote me, but I heard she can follow directions on Mac and Cheese, Also, Too! ;o)


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