Monday, October 24, 2011

How is Pat Buchanan NOT considered the Godfather of the Tea Party? Or is he?

Check out these obviously racist quotes from Buchanan's new book "Suicide of the Superpower" courtesy of TPM:

From the chapter, “The End Of White America”: 

The white population will begin to shrink and, should present birth rates persist, slowly disappear. Hispanics already comprise 42 percent of New Mexico’s population, 37 percent of California’s, 38 percent of Texas’s, and over half the population of Arizona under the age of twenty. ……. Mexico is moving north. Ethnically, linguistically, and culturally, the verdict of 1848 is being overturned. Will this Mexican nation within a nation advance the goals of the Constitution—to “insure domestic tranquility” and “make us a more perfect union”? Or has our passivity in the face of this invasion imperiled our union? 

I know what you are thinking. "But Gryphen one example from a book does not necessarily prove racism."

But wait, there's more!

Also from the chapter, “The End Of White America”: 

Those who believe the rise to power of an Obama rainbow coalition of peoples of color means the whites who helped to engineer it will steer it are deluding themselves. The whites may discover what it is like to ride in the back of the bus. 

From the chapter “The Diversity Cult”: 

Americans who seek stricter immigration control have been charged with many social sins: racism, xenophobia, nativism. Yet none has sought to expel any fellow American based on color or creed. We have only sought to preserve the country we grew up in. Do not people everywhere do that, without being reviled? What motivates people who insist that America’s doors be held open wide until the European majority has disappeared? What is their grudge against the old America that eats at their heart? 

On crime: 

If [conservative political commentator Heather] Mac Donald’s statistics are accurate, 49 of every 50 muggings and murders in New York are the work of minorities. That might explain why black folks have trouble getting a cab. Every New York cabby must know the odds, should he pick up a man of color at night. 

From the chapter “‘The White Party’”: 

What the above points to is a strategy from which Republicans will recoil, a strategy to increase the GOP share of the white Christian vote and increase the turnout of that vote by specific appeals to social, cultural, and moral issues, and for equal justice for the emerging white minority. If the GOP is not the party of New Haven firefighter Frank Ricci and Cambridge cop James Crowley, it has no future. And although Howard Dean disparages the Republicans as the “white party,” why should Republicans be ashamed to represent the progeny of the men who founded, built, and defended America since her birth as a nation?

You know reading this kind of makes me wonder if Pat Buchanan might not be Rick Perry's long lost crazy uncle.

I cannot believe that Pat is treated like just any other pundit on MSNBC.  If he had his way, half of the journalists there would be forced to share one "colored" bathroom, so as not to get their n****r cooties on him and his fellow KKK brothers.

The man is a dinosaur, but what is worse is that he is a blatant racist who NEVER seems to get called on it. In my opinion he should NEVER be asked his political opinion, especially as it pertains to our President, because it is clear to me that he sees the world through the prism of prejudice and hate, and simply cannot be trusted to provide a reasonable and measured response to anything that has to do with President Obama, his policies, or his political future.


  1. Anonymous12:17 PM

    The strangest thing about Buchannan is that on foreign policy he is perfectly reasonable; almost an anti-neocon.

    He was just born in the wrong century for his views on domestic policy not to sound awful.

  2. Good question. I am of the school of thought that Pat Buchanan is like the Godfather of the Godfather of the Tea Party. Back behind the guy in charge, possibly playing with some sort of strings. following high blood pressure diet

  3. Sadly, it is 'liberal' MSNBC that has perpetuated his career on the airwaves and catered to his delusions of relevance.

  4. It's amazing to me that this idiot is still around, spewing his racist bile on and in the mainstream media.

    Sure makes me believe that minorities in this country have a harder time of things...

  5. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I have almost given up on MSNBC. I was so angry when Rachel would not have Joe McG on her show. I still cannot figure that one out. But as to Pat B - that is another mystery. He is absolutely racist and you are right - no one ever call him on it. Disgusting person.
    Pat Padrnos

  6. Gasman12:38 PM

    Pat Buchanan was, is, and always will be a knuckle dragging cousin hump racist. Pat could eat shit and die and I wouldn't shed a tear.

    Fuck Pat Buchanan and anybody that looks like him.

  7. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Can somebody provide an addy for MSNBC corporate ? Its high time they dump this racist loser !!!

  8. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Rick Perry and Pat Buchanan don't compare. I am assuming your comment means he is racist--or maybe you meant dumb. Perry isn't racist--and I am a Democrat saying that.

    It is best to attack Perry on proven points. Being racist is not one of them. Someone with Buchanan's attitude would never have allowed tuition for illegals which Perry did.

  9. Anonymous12:48 PM

    He taps into the fear of people living in rural white communities. They see a world they don't understand and want to go back to a world they know where they feel safe because they understand it. This is what Sarah was selling and it is what the republicans are selling also, too.

  10. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I remember in the early days of Rachel Maddow's show on MSNBC she had Buchanan on frequently. That didn't last. She's too smart to put up with his right wing rhetoric.

  11. Gasman1:05 PM

    Pat Buchanan is a simpering shithead.

    "Hispanics already comprise 42 percent of New Mexico’s population, 37 percent of California’s, 38 percent of Texas’s"

    Yeah, but those states used to be MUCH HIGHER in their Hispanic populations BECAUSE THEY WERE PART OF SPAIN AND THEN PART OF MEXICO! If Buchanan had come to New Mexico prior to 1850 he would have seen ONLY Hispanics and Native Pueblo Indians. What fucking part of NEW MEXICO doesn't he understand?

    What a fucking bigoted moron.

  12. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I knew very little of Buchanan when first seeing him as an often spokesman on MSNBC - but, I quickly determined I didn't like his take on things and had figured him out to be a racist.

    Wouldn't be one bit surprised to learn he was a part of the KKK at one time in his life as I suspect many of the older white Repubs in the U.S. Congress were a part too.

    We need to vote these Repubs out of office on all levels of government. They are showing themselves to be nothing more than horrible and certainly don't represent the views of the majority throughout the U.S.

  13. Anonymous1:15 PM

    C'mon Gryph...his dad died in a concentration camp.

    He fell out of a guard tower.

  14. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I cannot believe "Lean Forward" MSNBC has this racist bigot on their channel! I have emailed them twice now asking them to fire him.

    Email MSNBC:

  15. Rachel Maddow has taken Pat Buchanan to task for his racist views and mythological viewpoint of a country founded by white people, for white people.

    She used to call Buchanan her pretend uncle. After a 2009 exchange in which she strongly proved the falsity of his racist claims, she stopped calling him that. I don't think he ever appeared on her show again.

  16. Anonymous1:21 PM

    As the great Molly Ivins once said, "It sounded better in the original German."

  17. Anonymous1:24 PM

    This senile old fuck wrote an editorial defending Hitler! Why they don't fire his racist ass I have No idea. Rem when he was at the repuke convention and got up to speak saying we are in a race war.Pundits said he helped the repukes win more than anyone. He is an old ,senile racist sorry excuse for a human.

  18. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I can't stand that old racist.

  19. Another excellent post. I would have missed this.

  20. Thanks, Wicket - 1:21PM! I just e-mailed this to MSNBC:

    "WHY ON EARTH do you continue to let Pat Buchanan spew his racist claptrap? He's an embarrassment to MSNBC. I can't watch him and always turn to another channel when he comes on. Why not just hire David Duke?"

    Email MSNBC:

  21. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Hey, Pat. Remember when Jesus said all that stuff about White people and not letting the Brown people take over?

    Neither do I, you so-called christian, racist POS.

  22. Anonymous2:09 PM

    You know, if the idiot people like him TREATED people right they wouldn't have to worry about sitting in the back of the bus. I just think these people are so odd.

    I have family that came to America as early as 1735 (and one particular family that built ships for England had sailed here prior to the Mayflower) and I don't feel the way these people do. Many of our (I mean that in general) relatives came here and some of them were treated horribly but many of them worked hard, purchased land and made a better life for themselves and their families.

    Are we not supposed to let people in because they are not of Eastern European descent? Good god these people need to grow up. I suppose they see this as a precursor to the "end times" because we are now so global and that is a huge threat to them. I say this because I have heard people being so worried that they will have a number (or something else) for "world" identification. Why they worry about this so much when they are going to be raptured up is beyond me;)

    I cannot believe that Pat gets a voice either.


  23. Anonymous2:14 PM

    This is simply amazing! I think it was Dana Milbank in yesterday's WAPO who finally admitted that birther concerns now lend credence to Right wing bigotry, now that they are even eating their own, namely Jindal and Rubio. What took them so long, and why the hesitancy to admit racial bigotry is rampant in the GOP base? It's only when they finally get a taste of their own damaging politics that they raise flags.
    Well I've got news for them, it's not blacks, hispanics and muslims that they should fear, it's the Bachmanns, Sessions, Perrys, and Palins that are the real "others". That mob, paranoid, hate filled fear engendering form of politics is not what rational, educated Americans will tolerate. They, the so called T Party Republicans, represent the "cult' that turns its members into obedient zombies, We see it for what it truly is, and we won't tolerate it. And that's not even getting into the topic of your dotter and her black wife and their gold plated dildo.

  24. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if nasty ass Pat Buchannan has a black love child out there ala Strom Thurmond...that much racial hatred has to come from somewhere...and I'm sure when it comes out a bunch of Stormfront folks heads will explode!!!

  25. Anonymous2:15 PM

    We New Mexicans LIKE our tri-culture state just the way it is. Pat Buchanan is a turd.

  26. eclecticsandra2:40 PM

    I don't see how acknowledging changing demographics makes someone racist. It's how we handle the changes that makes a difference.

  27. If MSNBC insists upon giving this angry old racist airtime they should limit it to the MorningJoe show only. That way sensitive, intelligent liberals wouldn't have to risk getting his stank all over them.

  28. Anonymous3:15 PM

    But Gryphen, you forgot one of Pat's biggest attributes...he LOVES Sarah Palin. Have you ever heard him talk about her? He doesn't just agree with her politics, he is totally infatuated with her, like if she would have him, he'd marry her in a heartbeat.

    Pat Buchanan is one sick puppy!

  29. Enjay in E MT3:40 PM

    And the GOP Party releases another excuse why we should fear anyone who isn't White Christian. More reason to ban birth control, fill their Quivers with children for the Christian Army when they use 2nd Ammendment remedies to stay in the majority.

    My Civic teacher recognized white births were being out-paced by other races back in the early
    70's, but then again.... I was educated in the public school system.

  30. Anonymous3:56 PM

    He is every bit of what you think he is and worse. And I agree with others here, MSNBC needs to dump him, yesterday.

  31. Chenagrrl4:14 PM

    Pat Buchanan can kiss my happa ass.
    I am as good an American as he will ever be.

    There, I said it and I feel wonderful.

  32. Anonymous4:16 PM

    At one time, ALL of NM's occupants were Hispanic, or Native American. And Arizona's. I'll have to check border maps for California and Texas.

  33. Anonymous4:39 PM

    OT Herman Cain has a n ex con as a body guard. Story on TMZ.

  34. Now THIS could get interesting! If true. I'm marking Nov. 5th on my calendar...

  35. Not about Buchanan, but a great how -to support Occupy even if we can't go and participate in person...great information:

  36. Anonymous4:58 PM

    If you tune into Morning Joe you can still hear Pat drone on and on. Of course, what would expect from a program that has Joe Scarborough sitting in front of a digitally flying flag. It makes me sick to even accidentally turn that show on in the morning.

    My husband used to like to watch it because he laughed at Joe and Pat and the rest, but he can no longer put up with it. Humor disappeared as it became clear these idiots really, really believe what they are saying. Creepy Pat needs to be retire into the shadows along with the other regressionists.

  37. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I believe the first time I ever heard of Buchanan was during a speech he gave for Reagan's nomination speech in 1982. After hearing the speech, I thought what Buchanan had said was way over the top and scary. He reminded me of a milder McCarthy. Ever since then, I'm still scared by what he represents. There is no way anyone can convinse me this man is not a racist, or that his views were those typical of the 40's and 50's, but way off the mark in 2011. I'm surprised, well maybe not, that the Republican's still listen to what he has to say. Actually, in the state the Republican Party has been in the last three years, they're probably more acceptable to his views now than they were 3 years ago. He seems to reflect an unspoken form of racism that seems more prevalent now than it was before Obama got elected. People like Limbaugh and McConnell were criticizing Obama before he was even sworn into office.

  38. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Ole Pat is one of approx 25 talking heads that appear over and over and over on the same 'news shows'.
    And 'shows' they are. Only.

  39. Anonymous5:12 PM

    PatB is one of the good ole boys who enjoys things just the way they are.

  40. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Yes, agree with aboves: We here in NM like our diverse culture.

    STFU pat.

  41. This guy is an absolutely disgusting relic.

    ANyways, off topic but I just read this...

    In Chapter Nine of This Is Herman Cain—entitled “‘Forty-Five’—A Special Number,” Cain notes that his “conception, gestation, and birth all occurred within” the year 1945 (true of pretty much anyone born in the last three months of that year). He then launches into a detailed account of how “45 keeps on popping up as I go about the business of being elected—you guessed it—as the forty-fifth president of the United States of America.” 1945, Reader’s Digest published a version of Friedrich von Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom, which Cain ran across last year and loved 2013, the year the 45th president will take office, Cain and his wife will celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary.

    ..In some cases the digits 4 and 5 are only part of a figure, like the times when one of Cain’s weekly commentaries ran to 645 words or when the final leg of a campaign trip took place on Flight 1045 traveling at 45,000 feet. At times the 45 in question is only tangentially related to Cain, as when he cites a Las Vegas campaign event where he met a couple celebrating their 45th anniversary. And in one case, the key moment ultimately doesn’t have anything to do with 45 at all: at an early strategy meeting, Cain and two aides believed they were seated at table 45 in a restaurant, only to be told that there were only 43 tables total. Regardless, it all adds up to something big for Cain.

    So yeah, THAT'S "kind" of weird...

  42. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Chenagrrl @ 4:14, thanks for the "happa" word. My family came here by way of Barbados in 1635, and I'm married to a first-generation immigrant. Everybody, even Native Americans, are immigrants from somewhere.

    Buchanan is one of those old guys who bemoans the darker skins taking over and then says, "At least I won't be around to see it." That's right, thank goodness!

  43. OT.

    For those who live in the midwest, @breakingnews reports that the aurora can be seen as far south as Tennessee tonight. (I'm submitting this to Gryph at nearly 10 pm Central time, nearly 11 pm Eastern time Monday night):
    Northern Lights putting on a show tonight; people report auroras as far south as Tenn., Mo., Ind. and Ohio


  44. Why does it matter which skin color ends up being more prevalent?
    Buchanan's ad nauseum hints that this result will spend the end of America are so simplistic that they would be laughable if they weren't so abhorrent. It's the same shtick he has been pushing for decades.

  45. When Pat Buchanan comes on any station, I change the channel. I don't understand why MSNBC keeps him on.

    Based on the documentation in the following link, it appears that this story about Rick Perry is true. If so, his own ancestry includes a Choctaw Indian and a slave. If true, he'll loose a big chunk of his base.

  46. " We have only sought to preserve the country we grew up in. Do not people everywhere do that, without being reviled? "
    I'm not sure what he grew up with, but as a woman, I am sure glad that I have the right to vote, choose my career path, , have the ability to plan my family, etc. Ditto, as a mother of a daughter.
    Also, I would imagine that other ethnic groups don't long for the days when being treated as second class citizens was not only the norm, but official policy. Sadly, I DO think that these are times that Patty longs for.

  47. Sorry. @ 7:59 I meant spell the end of...

  48. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Gasman @12:38

    Pat Buchanan was, is, and always will be a knuckle dragging cousin hump racist. Pat could eat shit and die and I wouldn't shed a tear.

    Fuck Pat Buchanan and anybody that looks like him.


    The last line - priceless may I add-

    AHA! Now I know why Sarah switched from "Republican" to "Conservative"!

  49. Anonymous9:23 PM

    High Five's Anon 1:15 p.m.


  50. Anonymous9:42 PM

    If there's any justice in the universe, my only wish would be whatever God he believes in, let it be an African American on Judement day.

    What a disgrace.

    After reading that, I feel like I need a shower.

  51. Anonymous9:50 PM

    I think you should provide a link for folks who want to tell MSNBC why they think Pat Buchannan should not be a commentator.

  52. "He was just born in the wrong century for his views on domestic policy not to sound awful.

    12:17 PM"

    Ya do.
    There is never a time for his racism. NEVER

  53. Perry is a racist you fool. Him and his rock and flag.

  54. 'So yeah, THAT'S "kind" of weird...

    5:32 PM"

    The number 45 and its happenstance isn't weird. It's him believing that shit which makes him weird.

    Wow 45 is cain's iq, also.

  55. Ask George Wallace, Ross Barnett Strom Thurmond, Jim DeMinto, Rick Scott, Nikki Haley, David Duke or any KKK member - he is THE racist of the country and he likes it.

    AND, any outlet that actually gives him time to spew his hate is just as guilty as he...

  56. When my kids were younger and growing up,I would take them to hear all the candidates speak ,no matter what party if they came to this area. When Buchanan was running for president, he came to local university and we went. We only made it for 45 minutes before I had the foresight to get the hell out of there because of how fired up he was getting the audience with his hate filled speech. Scared the crap out of me and not until Palin, have I heard such pandering to the racists amongst us. It made for interesting dialogue with my kids, I wanted them to become informed,involved voters and to really understand the process and make up their own minds.
    I have written MSNBC many times asking them to remove him from their lineup but unfortunately, hasn't happened yet.


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