Monday, October 24, 2011

Rick Perry outs himself as a Birther.

This is an exchange that Lynn Sherr had with Perry as reported in Parade:

Lynn Sherr:Governor, do you believe that President Barack Obama was born in the United States? 

Perry: I have no reason to think otherwise. 

LS: That’s not a definitive, “Yes, I believe he”— 

Perry: Well, I don’t have a definitive answer, because he’s never seen my birth certificate. (WTF, does that mean?)

LS: But you’ve seen his. 

Perry:I don’t know. Have I? 

LS: You don’t believe what’s been released? 

Perry: I don’t know. I had dinner with Donald Trump the other night. 

LS: And? 

Perry: That came up. 

LS: And he said? 

Perry: He doesn’t think it’s real. 

LS: And you said? 

Perry: I don’t have any idea. It doesn’t matter. He’s the President of the United States. He’s elected. It’s a distractive issue. 

I don't know who loves this interview more, Mitt Romney or President Obama?

This might excite the racist Teabagger fringe, but it is going seriously freak out the serious Republicans who really believe they can win in 2012. I think Romney just shot up a few points.

And if by some miracle Perry manages to swagger his way into the GOP nomination, this will get played over and over as an example of Perry's lack of intelligence, and latent racism.

Either way between this and the "Niggerhead" controversy his goose is cooked.

Well he is from Texas so I guess that means his goose is barbecued.

By the way if Trump is still suggesting that Obama was not born in America, what does that say about ALL of the other candidates who have made the pilgrimage to New York to get his blessing? Does he tell all of them that Obama is a secret Muslim, born in Africa, and set up by nefarious forces to take over the United States of America?


  1. angela7:18 AM

    Perry truly is the perpetual asshole.

  2. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Perry strikes me as arrogant. He swaggers just like W. What is in the water in Texas that these people think they are so "special" Anyone who meets Trump, and actually can take anything he says seriously is easily fooled, in my opinion. Trump is an instigator. Do these politicians really think it gives them credibility to be hosted my The Donald?? By the way, did Trump have the meal in a pizza parlor, like Palin's "meet and greet"? Was The Donald actually "born" or did he just appear like a really bad joke?

  3. This is simply amazing! I think it was Dana Milbank in yesterday's WAPO who finally admitted that birther concerns now lend credence to Right wing bigotry, now that they are even eating their own, namely Jindal and Rubio. What took them so long, and why the hesitancy to admit racial bigotry is rampant in the GOP base? It's only when they finally get a taste of their own damaging politics that they raise flags.
    Well I've got news for them, it's not blacks, hispanics and muslims that they should fear, it's the Bachmanns, Sessions, Perrys, and Palins that are the real "others". That mob, paranoid, hate filled fear engendering form of politics is not what rational, educated Americans will tolerate. They, the so called T Party Republicans, represent the "cult' that turns its members into obedient zombies, We see it for what it truly is, and we won't tolerate it.

  4. Anonymous7:44 AM

    The "birther" issue is this election's Sarah Palin. By that, I mean a desperation "Hail Mary" play on the first down of the first quarter of the game. It won't work any better this time, but when your party is completely devoid of a single, original idea that could actually improve the lives of the American people, you've got to lay the bullshit on pretty thick.

  5. Ummm....Donald Trump, like Sarah, is a toupee-wearing clown who takes potshots from the sidelines. He's NOT one of the .01% that owns the country, as he's filed multiple bankruptcies and runs his empire on credit. He fails on family values. Not a self-made man, he got his start with an inheritance. He's a slumlord. His carefully cultivated image, in a time of high unemployment, is that of an impossible-to-please boss who screams, "YOU'RE FIRED!"

    So why would Repugs seek his blessing and favor? Well, who better to endorse a governor who says he sleeps well despite knowing innocent people have been executed on his watch? Who better to endorse a liar who claims to create jobs, when all he has done is suck minimum-wage gruntwork from other states by providing a low-tax, no-worker-protection haven? (Motto: TEXAS: It's a little closer than China)

    The fact that Perry is influenced by Trump's birther ravings over dinner is proof (as if we needed more) that when God was passing out brains, Rick Perry was at the other end of the buffet getting liver.

  6. Anonymous7:59 AM

    What a fool. Trumped by Trump - he tricked Perry into spilling dinner party gossip. Picture wide-eyed Rick buying everything the Donald was selling him, all the while knowing Rick couldn't resist dropping the proven lie while trying to impress all that he had dined with Trump.
    Jon Stewart your show writes itself.

  7. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Like Sarah Palin & Donald Trump, Rick Perry simply does not like black people. They don't believe a black man deserves to be president. They are truly racists. Simple. As. That.

  8. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Based on that exchange, its clear that Perry is as dumb as Palin. They just aren't smart. Why do people beat around that bush? Some people just aren't intelligent, why not just say it? Herbie Cain is another dummy.

  9. SCREW Trump-what an odious buffoon!

    He' the epitome of everything that's wrong with this great country of ours . . .
    Greed (an ignoramus w/too much money)
    Bad hair!
    and these pitiful-ass republicans pandering to him make me ashamed and sick-to-my-stomach!!

    Pray & campaign for Barack & Joe 2012!!

  10. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Good grief this guy makes W look like a Rhodes scholar

  11. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Bravo, Robert from America.

    Perry appears, at least in this photo to have the same wonky left eye as Palin....Yikesssssss! Evil twins, seperated at birth?

  12. Anonymous8:35 AM

    The southerners who still haven't accepted that their side lost the Civil War, are really getting on everyone's nerves.

    It was 146 years ago.

    Seems its the same bunch who figure that refusing to believe that a BLACK DEMOCRAT could possibly have won the Presidency, without their vote, and will be whining about THAT for the next century.

    You would THINK that with each new generation, some intelligence would seep in...but with the parents so determined to brainwash their poor kids, like they were, we may never hear the end of it.

  13. Gasman8:37 AM

    Apparently­, P.Rick's focus groups have been telling him that he just doesn't come across as being dumb enough.

    Resurrecting the birther issue should pretty much fix that.

  14. erica from dallas8:39 AM

    Whenever somebody brings up the birther story I say "Isn't it amazing the FBI and all the other international vetting agencies missed the false birth certificate, Maybe it is a huge conspiracy"

  15. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Morning Joe Reenacts Rick Perry’s Parade Magazine Birther Interview

  16. When conservatives start spouting BS, it is never clear to me whether they actually believe it, or if they are just trying to score points with people who do.

    Granted, either possibility is pretty disturbing.

    These people should just come out and say they don't like black people and/or they don't like having a black president. At least that would be honest. Right now we have a lot of people in this country who are jumping through hoops to believe something that has been disproven repeatedly.

  17. Anonymous9:01 AM

    It’s been about five months since the White House took the extraordinary step of unveiling President Obama’s long-form birth certificate, ending the “Birther” conspiracy theory once and for all. With the questions answered, unhinged conservatives were forced to move on to other areas of nonsense.

    Well, most of them, anyway.

    New comments by Rick Perry in Parade magazine have revived the issue of whether the Texas governor believes that President Obama was born in the United States.

    In the interview, Mr. Perry was asked if Mr. Obama was born in the United States, and he replied, “I have no reason to think otherwise.” When pressed, he said, “Well, I don’t have a definitive answer.”

    As part of the interview, Perry said the president hadn’t seen his birth certificate. When Parade said the governor had seen Obama’s, Perry replied, “I don’t know. Have I?”

    Pressed further on whether he questions the legitimacy of the documents, Perry said, “I had dinner with Donald Trump the other night…. He doesn’t think it’s real.” Asked if he believes the materials are real, Perry said, “I don’t have any idea,” before concluding that the issue is “distractive.”

    Not distractive enough to avoid discussing in an interview, apparently.

    My first instinct is to consider the strategy behind comments like these. Does Perry have polling that suggests there’s still a lot of Birthers who, for example, are likely to participate in the Iowa caucuses? Is this part of the governor’s strategy to reconnect with the GOP’s right-wing base? Maybe Perry believes questioning the president’s legitimacy will move the campaign discussion away from some of his recent setbacks?

    But on second thought,

  18. Beldar Obama2012 Conehead9:16 AM

    Don't kid yourself, Gryphen, Perry (who claims NOT - repeating: NOT - to be related to mega-talented frontman Steve Perry of 80s-90s supergroup Journey, tho I have no reason to think otherwise) ain't that much more stoopider than Shrub and that moran without a brian was elected president 1.5 times!!

  19. Sally in MI9:36 AM

    Someone in a Christian book group I'm in said one night that "The Constitution states that we are a Christian nation..the founders were Christians." When I said, "No, they were Deists, and Jesus is not even mentioned in the Constitution," he retorted, "well, in the original He was, and they were." He also threw out the insidious idea that foreign troops are installed on our soil, waiting for orders.
    I am not kidding; this guy really believes every word. I looked up the "foreign troops" nonsense, and we do, indeed, train foreign troops outside of Chicago, but they are not 'stationed' here awaiting orders to kill Americans. I was waiting for the guy to say that Obama is ready to take over America for the Muslims, but he shut up. He sounded like he was reciting the Beck playbook. And this is a Brethren church group...we are pacifists. Bet he votes GOP.

  20. Oh, good lord. Could my Governor get any stupider?

    I want you all to know there's a huge portion of Texans who despise this moron, and are HIGHLY embarrassed that P.Rick would even think the President isn't a citizen of this nation.

    I don't know why any ANYONE would want to even TALK To "the Don," nor take advice from this idiot.

    *headdesk headdesk headdesk*

  21. Anonymous9:56 AM

    “I don’t know. I had dinner with Donald Trump the other night.
    That came up.
    He doesn’t think it’s real.”

    What a buffoon Perry is.

    This idiot wants to be POTUS?

    Trump hates Obama with a passion so Perry is now quoting Trump! LOL

  22. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I am at a loss to understand why anyone would want to have dinner with Donald Trump (did they eat at the pizza parlor again?) as I would have no desire to do so. I think it is equally as un-understandble why you would brag about it later. The words pond scum have always come to mind when I saw him him. Guess now I will change that to racist pond scum.

    Like someone else said, he really isn't that wealthy..his wealth is a house of cards that could collapse at any time. I think that is why he backed off of running for President..if he ever really intended then his financial record would be exposed. BTW, I think that also played into Sarah's decision.

    It is also beyond me how he gets a woman to come within 10 feet of him without laughing at his stupid hair. I remember when he was having his then scandalous affair with Marla Maples, and I wondered how she could stand being near enough to him to have his child. The present wife is really a pathetic person.

    I only watched his show one time and found it boring and not worth my time. It was sad for me to watch those people pandering to him.

    I read at that article in Parade about Rick Perry and found it the height of silly..nothing about it rang true or honest. Always disappointing to see a once decent magazine hit the skids like this.

  23. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Like Sarah Palin & Donald Trump, Rick Perry simply does not like black people. They don't believe a black man deserves to be president. They are truly racists. Simple. As. That.

    8:00 AM

    Sarah does not want the black people, Sarah just wants the black penis.

  24. Anonymous10:13 AM

    If he isn't American born, he wouldn't be in the White House. Case closed.

  25. Anonymous10:20 AM

    What is with this obeisance being shown to Donald Strump by these weak-kneed pretenders of the GOP? It's like they're paying homage to a piggy-lipped, bad-haired, bankrupt idiot. Oh wait, that's exactly what they're doing. What a bunch of dopes. Only Jon Huntsman, who has no chance with the Repugs, has any backbone.

  26. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Anyone who courts Trump's vote is as pathetic as Palin.

    Even though Karl Rove is doing his level best to disassociate his former boss from his Lt. Governor Perry, the two are intellectual and swaggering equals - unfit for office.

  27. Anonymous10:48 AM

    What exactly is a "distractive" issue? And what is it with Conservatives and their inability to master the English language?

    Not that sometimes I don't garble my words, but usually it is when I'm talking about something I don't really understand ... or trying to spin something that I know my audience won't like.

    Hmmmm.... maybe that explains it.

  28. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I feel I can speak to this issue being a Texan and being just a bit younger than Rick Perry and Donald Trump. It is unfortunate but true, until that generation that gave us the men that are Perry and Trump die out, we will continue to see this issue over and over again. THAT is how scared they are of black men. Texas did not start full integration until the early 1970's and I believe it was only done then to comply with Federal laws. I remember men LOSING their minds over little white girls like me having to ride a school bus with black children. I thought they were crazy when I was eight years old, now I know they are. This is not going to change until the next generation is in charge. Not here.

  29. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Rick Perry’s Busy Weekend: Birthing, Forbes, And Now Confederate Flag Drama

  30. Anonymous11:15 AM

    If one wanted to invent an undercover agent who worked for Democrats to make Repubs look ridiculous, it would be hard to do better than Trump.

  31. Pat in MA11:21 AM

    and in other batshit crazy news, Bachmann's now ex-NH campaign staff explains reasons for quitting en masse:

    even veteran campaign operative Ed Rollins washed his hands of this looney tune back in September.

  32. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I really dislike this guy w/the puffed up chest when he walks on stage for the debates, etc. He appears nothing more than that of being a jerk!

    I've relatives in TX and they do not like him - course, they are in the more liberal city of Austin.

    Cannot imagine him winning the primary...but, money talks.

  33. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Perry is definately a gulible, pandering, fool.

    Yee-Haw, look at me, I'm a Cowboy Governor!!

    How's that suceeding from the Union thing going Mr. Perry?

  34. After the election is over, Perry, Palin, Trump, Santorum and Bachmann are heading for the Bohemian Grove to dance naked around a statue (think "Burning Man")of Orly Taitz, their Queen. Then it's off to Perry's "N*****head" hunting camp for Godfather's Pizza -- don't forget the forks!

  35. Smirnonn12:05 PM

    This guy is just another Palin-esque anti-intellect but with better hair. And more likely to have given birth in 2008.

    2012 slogan - "GOP. We scrape the bottom of the barrel for America!"

  36. onething12:15 PM

    Nonetheless, it was a fairly sensible statement: he's elected, it's a done deal, it's a distractive issue.

  37. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Same old ideas, same old GOP.

    Obama 2012!

  38. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Perry and Trump - two racist, arrogant, worthless wastes of space and oxygen who deserve each other.

    And isn't it amazing that the scandalous proof of the President's BC forgery was missed by the FBI, CIA, Secret Service and the Hillary Clinton campaign, but was discovered by some two-bit private detectives hired by Trump. And speaking of that proof, where is it Donny-boy???

  39. Anonymous1:54 PM

    he needs to be outed as a closet homosexual. his lovers; Lane Denton and Geoff Connor, plus his personal chef. gryf, you should make this your new mission now that palin has been neutralized as such. then we can work on the mittster and his magic underwear.

  40. Anonymous4:07 PM

    It has been since 2008 and not one shred of proof of a falsified BC. Not even Trump and his millions can turn up anything, nor has the entire rich white boys Republican power base been ablento.

    Whorehouse Perry just showed he is panicked.
    Bye. Bye. Whorehouse.
    All that remains is whether he can now maintain his power base in Texas or if they will turn to someone else.

    I'm betting that just shot himself in the foot with his attempt to look Presidential.

  41. Anonymous6:16 PM

    OKAY, Perry, show us yours.....I MEAN YOU BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

  42. Anonymous7:32 PM

    What the hell! Why is he repeating what Trump said to an interviewer who is asking him questions about what he believes? Can you see just him in the White House:

    LS: "President Perry, the economy is in the tank we are about to fall into the worst recession ever, what do you plan to do? "

    Perry: "Well, Trump says..."

    LS: " President Perry, North Korea had nuclear weapons and is about to take out South Korea, what should we do? "

    Perry: " Well, Beck suggests..."

    LS: "President Perry, the rate of global warming has accelerated beyond predicted levels, oil reserves are diminishing, what should we do? "

    Perry: "Well, Palin thinks..."

    This would be funny if it weren't so close to the truth. What a tool!

  43. Gryphen, did you see this? It's difficult to read, but Page 4 says that Rick Perry's great-great-grandfather was a slave. His great-grandmother testified to that on her application to the Choctaw Tribal Rolls.

    Icey Simmons Ables, "Rick's great, great grandmother's testimony is available from the National Archives, "Application for Enrollment in The Five Civilized Tribes, 1898-1914".)

    CNNiReport says "Not vetted by CNN". Those records are verifiable if someone checks out the Dawes Rolls. If true, I have to wonder why Rick or his parents didn't paint over that rock.

  44. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Rick Perry, Birther? 9 Other Crazy Myths He Might Still Believe (PICTURES)

  45. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Reagan Hair Perry meets Sarah Hair Donalad? Was Melanianoma there squinting, eating her pizza through a straw?

    Damn you Parade magazine! Shoulda gone all National Enquirer with this one!

    We Want Photos!

    Where's the proof?

    "He didn't see mine".... hmmm who has? Who wants to?

    Got Tweezers and strong bifocals?

    My bad.... sorry.

  46. dlbvet9:37 PM

    So what's with Governor Perry's hand being a different color than his face???
    And his face looks sort of Mr. Boehner's always does.
    What is with the Republican dudes???

  47. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Rick Perry is a shti heel. He should cut off his dcik. Then run for king of the morons.


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