Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Iraq veteran injured by projectile during Oakland protests. Update!

Courtesy of the Associate Press:

A clash between Oakland police and Occupy Wall Street protesters left an Iraq War veteran in critical condition Wednesday after a projectile struck him in a conflict that came as tensions intensified over demonstrators' encampments across the San Francisco Bay Area. 

Scott Olsen, 24, suffered a fractured skull Tuesday in a march with other protesters toward City Hall, said Dottie Guy, of the Iraq Veterans Against the War. The demonstrators had been making an attempt to re-establish a presence in the area of a disbanded protesters' camp when they were met by officers in riot gear. 

Several small skirmishes broke out and officers cleared the area by firing tear gas after police say protesters threw rocks and bottles at them. It's not known exactly what type of object struck Olsen in the chaos, though Guy's group alleges it was a police projectile. 

Multiple attempts to reach Oakland police by The Associated Press were unsuccessful ahead of a late afternoon news conference. Guy said also it wasn't immediately clear whether Olsen, a network administrator in Daly City, would need surgery. "It's still too early to tell," Guy said. "We're hoping for the best."

As it turns out the Mayor clearly realized that this incident did not make her police force look very good and offered an olive branch of sorts:

Oakland city officials are allowing Occupy Wall Street protesters back into a plaza where police raided and cleared a 15-day-old encampment, but they will continue prohibiting people from spending the night there. 

Mayor Jean Quan announced the conciliatory gesture Wednesday, hours after officers in riot gear clashed with and fired tear gas at demonstrators who had tried to re-establish the disbanded camp. 

Quan says Oakland supports the protesters' goals, but had to act when a small number of them threw rocks, paint and bottles at the police.

If indeed the Oakland police support the protests, you would think they would exercise extreme caution before firing projectiles of ANY kind into a crowd of Americans protesting on their behalf.

I worry that as these protests continue we will see more incidents like this which might cause some gatherings to escalate into actual riots, which of course would totally feed right into the meme that is currently being created by the Right Wing to dismiss these protestors as radicals determined to wreak havoc, cause vandalism, and physically attack authority figures.

I still want them to continue, and totally support the protestors, but I think perhaps they might start to prepare to kick troublemakers out and police their groups in order to keep local law enforcement from finding an excuse to do it THEIR way.

If there are any protestors reading here I would like to know if efforts have been made to anticipate and deal with participants who might get caught up in the moment and do something to invite aggression from the police. Because I have to say that it is starting to look like the police in a number of these cities are losing their patience, and might start looking for ANY reason to disperse these crowds while using increasing aggressive measures to achieve that result.

Update: I just received this video in my e-mail.  I think it provides some very disturbing perspective on what happened to Iraq vet Scott Olsen in Oakland today. It is hard to argue that this incident was accidental if the police are caught on film throwing tear gas canisters directly AT the protestors.


  1. Anonymous6:26 PM

    One of the videos I've seen that has pissed me off is the link below.

    It clearly shows that when some of the protesters were coming to the aid of the injured vet, a cop which the video taker highlights, fired 'direct' upon the helpers and the injured vet at close range -- I'd guess not much more than 10 to 15 feet.

    Would be nice if it could be enhanced to find out who the scum cop was as he could have done further damage or potential fatality being so close range.

  2. Not What You Want To Hear6:31 PM

    What is inviting police aggression is the protestors refusal to stop occupying. But this refusal to leave is the point of the whole movement.

    So, expect these incidents to escalate.

    Do you really think the entrenched powers are going to give in that easily?

    Personally, I don't think we've seen anything CLOSE to what they can and will do.

  3. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Just a little edit suggestion: Mayor Quan is a woman. So it's her police department.

  4. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I don't see how the Oakland police are going to be able to explain their actions. They shot at people trying to help that guy. Those people weren't doing anything at all.

  5. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I'm heartbroken at the news of this man's injury. Your post gave me some clarity, as it has not yet been reported on the east coast.

    My daughter was following it on Twitter and relayed that reports of pepper spray, tear gas, persussion grenades and beanbag bullets were the weapons of choice.

    What saddens me most is I have this shakey suspiscion this police brutality will be spinned as liberal vs liberal violence (though it appears that way because the police are clearly part of the 99 percent).

    Why is it, when the first amendment pertains to religion and free speech (aka teaparty) there are crickets chirping and police turn a blind eye, yet freedom of assembly attracts viscious, deadly force, and it's given a pass in the media?

    My fervant hope is this young soldier heals completely from his wounds with no complications.

    And that the mayor and the police department are hauled into court and held accountable. She clearly didn't do her job, the olive branch is self serving, and the police over reacted.

    The evolution of a revolution has found it's tipping point, lets hope history doesn't repeat itself, It brings back "Kent State", and martyrdom isn't the goal, violence isn't the answer.

    Thank You for reporting this in a professional manner.

  6. This is how the Israelis treat peaceful protesters in the West Bank every week. Some of them, like Emily Henochowicz (she lost an eye to the same kind of round that is now swelling and Tristan Anderson Scott Olson's brain) and Tristan Anderson (he's in a coma from the same kind of round. Has been for years now) ARE AMERICANS!

    It is important that American realize that the peaceful resistance movements around the world, including those in the West Bank, are all linked - in a very direct, positive way. Unless we support that linkage they are doomed to failure.

  7. Anonymous7:41 PM

    A link from Rachel Maddow's show tonight that shows a direct comparison to a protest taking place after World War I during the depression. The reasoning behind both protests -- very, very similar.

    When the video of the protest in the depression was split screened to Oakland -- they looked the same with one exception - one was in color and even that was hard to detect with the teargas, smoke, etc.

  8. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Sorry to see the grammar police chimeing in, when something so important is as stake.

    In my humble opinion, and with all due respect, It makes the comment look cheap and vulgar. This is a blog, not the Harvard Law Review, or New York Times who have entire departments devoted to grammar, content review, proofwriters, copy editors, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum

    A soldier is in the hospital in critical condition, others are suffering, and Gryphen makes an editorial or grammatical error while doing a blog post.

    We get it, we're humans, we make mistakes. Were we able to pick up what Gryphen was putting down?

  9. Here's what that moronic Oakland mayor and police captain should have done, reach out to the group like this Portland city commissioner did.

    OccupyPDX (Portland, Oregon) is the poster child for how a peaceful coexistence between protesters and the authorities SHOULD be.

  10. I live in Oakland, just blocks away. People have retaken the park but someone called in the National Guard. The plan is to clear the park at 10PST. I hope people do not get hurt, there are children and babies there. Some say crowd is 3000.
    Pray for us Alaska!

  11. Anonymous8:45 PM

    I firmly believe that we are going to see mass rioting in the USA. I absolutely detest the majority of Repubs in the U.S. Congress and assuredly believe they have created this mess. I'm a retired senior citizen, but if I were young again (as anti war/Viet Nam) I'd be out there w/these people protesting. The poor and middle class have had a enough!!!!

    The cops in Oakland did the wrong thing against peaceful protestors.
    All this is going to do is make people distrust the cops throughout the nation and that will be a sad situation.

    We are in big trouble!!!!!!

  12. Anonymous8:54 PM

    This is the same police force in the news not that long ago where three (I think) cops had an unarmed man face down on a BART platform & one of them shot & killed the man. He claimed the man threatened his life. The video showed a completely different story. They've been accused of excessive force many times. I know Oakland can be a tough city in certain areas but this latest action clearly shows something must be done to reign them in.

  13. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Also interesting that the former Oakland police chief quit a couple of weeks ago; he did not have the mayor's support.

  14. Luckily the "Lamestream Media" is so liberal. "Liberal rags" like the Washington Post reported on the violence in Oakland, running a picture of a policeman petting a kitten:

    Great job, Post! Why don't you just redirect the landing page on to

  15. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Well Munger, you just hop on over there then.

  16. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Philip Munger said:

    Some of them, like Emily Henochowicz (she lost an eye to the same kind of round that is now swelling and Tristan Anderson Scott Olson's brain) and Tristan Anderson (he's in a coma from the same kind of round. Has been for years now) ARE AMERICANS!

    I've been trying to parse this this, but I can't quite make out what Philip is saying.

  17. hauksdottir1:36 AM

    The vet served 2 tours in Iraq, comes home, and gets his skull shattered while peacefully assembling... as is his RIGHT under that Constitution he swore to defend.

    How is a shattered skull and swollen, bounced around brain NOT going to require surgery?

    And how could the police so callously throw grenades directly at people calling for a medic?!?

    The Oakland Police Department is absolutely, totally, unrecoverably corrupt. If they stopped all overtime, they could hire 3 times as many officers, and train them better besides.

    And our "mayor" has got to quit.



    Jean Quan has no idea how to administrate anything in the best of times... but she does know how to protect the 1%. Ptui!

  18. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Write to Scott Olsen

  19. Anonymous2:28 AM

    I'm posting this and telling as many ppl about it as possible - this is unbelievable!

  20. AJ Billings3:15 AM

    It's hard to believe that the major news networks are not covering these atrocities

    Yes, the police have a tough job,
    but they should not be purposely harming citizens, as long as no one is directly attacking or threatening them.

    I hope there are lawsuits to teach these mayors that they can't just attack demonstrators.

  21. I managed an apartment house at Telegraph and Haste in Berkeley at the time of the People's Park demonstrations in the 1970s. The Oakland Police Department was consistently more violent than the few a**hats who acted out, whatever the crowd's complaints might have been. Those pseudo demonstrators were nothing compared to the Oakland police officers. Apparently not much has changed as far as the OPD goes.

  22. Not What You Want To Hear4:26 AM

    Has anyone else noticed that over the years, police officers actually look physically different than they used to? Your average policeman these days looks like he eats a daily diet of steroids. Combine their physical bulk with the scary riot gear they wear, and it's really a quite frightening image.

  23. “Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.” Isaac Asimov

  24. Anonymous4:34 AM

    The oldest trick in the book is to use agitators to stir up trouble, which they can then blame on the protesters.

    Not saying that's what happened here, but it should be anticipated in addition to other unavoidable escalations of tensions.

    There is something about the mentality of police vs protesters, and frequently their respective differences in backgrounds and outlook, that always brings us here. It is not a safe situation.

    These policemen have jobs, for starters. Probably not a lot of sympathy there.

  25. To follow this movement I go into and go to "trending pastes". You can see postings of other happenings and call to action. I find it interesting the posting of police badge numbers, names, etc. in this latest incident. I fail to understand the force being used on marchers....I did not see any projectiles being thrown at police... Would you throw a tear gas canister back at them?

  26. Anonymous4:44 AM

    If they were offended by the unrest in the first place, what do they think these armed responses are going to do? Talk about poking the hornets nests.

  27. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Only Tea-Baggers who stomp on the heads of defenseless girls or throw dirty money at the homeless or unemployed vets are celebrated in America as noble dissenters.

  28. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Keith Olbermann has a scathing report:

  29. Anonymous5:03 AM

    The Oakland Police Department is all scum. They are sick psychopaths who deserve life in prison with no parole. Let the prisoners take care of them. No protective custody. That is true justice. They are exactly like the thugs used by Mubarak or other middle east dictators who beat dissenters. No difference at all. And people wonder why everyone hates the cops.

    They think they are gonna get away with putting this brave vet in a coma. They are laughing about it over morning donuts right now. The people will have the last laugh. Just like the Nazis I'm sure they will say they were "just following orders" Sorry boys that excuse ain't gonna work. Justice will be served and it won't be by the OPD.

  30. Anonymous5:07 AM

    The cops aren't very smart are they? They keep pushing the people like this and soon the people will fight back. Sure they pigs have all sorts of military grade gear, but we have the numbers and that's all that matters. I would be afraid if I was a cop right now.

  31. I fully support the Occupy movement, but please everybody don't mythologize the protesters. They are a mixed group. Many dedicated activists, fed up citizens, and a plentiful sprinkling of rabble rousers. And who knows how many of the instigators of confrontations are even on the side of Occupy. Anyway, I bring this up because we are in the midst of an Occupy mess in my small, very progressive town in northern California. The Occupy movement here started up on the university campus, and the group on campus has been awesome. Unfortunately, some of our less agreeable local "activists" are using the opportunity to have another round of in-your-face demanding (they are always demanding something)by taking over our town square and setting up a homeless encampment. The town square is the center of our town's activities. Everybody goes there. Kids play, people eat lunch, our farmer's market sets up there every Saturday, we have festivals and events there. It is the heart of our little town. It is now buried in tents, tarps, and trash. The so-called Occupiers are 99% do-nothing partiers and 1% activists. They've been smoking on the plaza, bringing their dogs, being rude to people walking by, and generally doing nothing except hanging out. The city just issued them a get-out notice yesterday. They've been told they are welcome to set up on the City Hall lawn (we ARE a progressive community that generally supports the Occupy movement), but they say that is shunting them off to the side (it's a block away from where they are now, and the BofA building is right across the street). They are determined to hold our Plaza hostage. What do they want? They want a public restroom (we did that and it was destroyed twice), homeless shelters (Humboldt county has an active community of people helping the homeless), and mostly just want to yell about cops and stuff. One of the founders of the group admitted yesterday that she could not control the people who were acting out. No posted code of conduct like they have up at the university group. Just a bunch of lowlifes trashing our Plaza. This kind of thing is exactly what the Occupy movement does NOT need. You HAVE to enlist the community behind you. Our town is not the oppressor. Our town is the 99%. In the week since they set up their mess, the small business owners around the Plaza have begun to lose business. The ONLY corporate presence in our downtown area is the banks. We don't even allow chains or corp businesses in our downtown area. I have yet to see one of the Plaza clowns over at BofA. But they've managed to turn the entire town against them. Good job you idiots.

  32. My story was not meant to take away from the nastiness of the Oakland situation. I completely abhor this latest example of cop overreaction. Our police have been very careful and respectful. The police chief has been out every day talking to the protesters. We did have a big scene on Monday, and two protesters were arrested for being assholes. The Plaza protesters don't seem to understand the concept of "peaceful" protest. Because the eviction notice does not include a deadline, and the chief is asking for voluntary compliance, things probably won't get ugly until tomorrow night, when the plaza is supposed to be clear for the Saturday morning Farmer's Market vendors. I will post an update if people are interested. I have photos too, if Gryphen wants them.

  33. Anonymous5:45 AM

    when it was the T party with guns that was ok, but when it is unarmed unpaid citizens they get beaten and maced? WTF??

  34. Anonymous6:30 AM

    A bit intense, but these Occupy protests reminded me of this song that came out a few years back.

  35. A brief character sketch of one of the "activists" creating the tension between the Plaza Occupiers and the town (and the cops): Geronimo Garcia, local nutball, decided a couple of years ago to run for City Council. Fine. If you can fill out the paperwork, you can be a candidate. But for the kickoff of his campaign, Geronimo when to our university campus and started screaming and yelling about City Hall and cops and crap like that. He was screaming obscenities, banging loudly on a garbage can, and insulting students who walked by. When the university cops showed up and told him to cool it, he went ballistic and started screaming and banging even louder. They proceeded to try to arrest him, but he resisted arrest. Town cops were called in. When he was finally wrestled into a cop car, he kicked out the window. THAT guy is one of the people involved with the Plaza occupation. His style of politics is simply not welcome in our town. The guy needs to be locked up and put on meds. Oh, and the response of the "evil" cops concerning Geronimo's involvement with the Plaza occupation and the Monday arrests? Chief Chapman commented that "Mr. Garcia has been particularly unhelpful during our dialogues with the activists." (rough quote)

  36. Here is the facebook page of the Plaza occupation.

  37. Dinty6:56 AM

    @Not What You Want To Hear said...

    "...Your average policeman these days looks like he eats a daily diet of steroids..."

    That's because they are. It's a job where being in top physical shape pays off, they are just as crooked as any baseball player.

    I have long said I don't care if baseball players are juicing, it's thier balls, and I don't hae to deal personally with their rage issues. We all have to deal with cops' rage issues, however...

  38. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I don't think anyone is idealizing the protesters or thinking simplistically about them.

    The police would love to characterize many as people with mental health problems, down and outers, fringy folks with names like "Storm" (the girl they chose to interview for local Chicago TV) - not that I have anything against any of these people, but for many "average" folk they don't hold a lot of weight.

    There are many, many participants who would be considered perfectly conventional, however.

    The MSM coverage has been interesting. I think they realize this story will not be going away, and they have watched this festering resentment towards Wall St for many years now. But they also don't want to be seen as buying into the movement entirely, true to form.

    Let's face it, this movement is still crystallizing. I think it may become a little dormant through the winter months but come spring they will be a distinct force on the political scene, whatever that ends up looking like. They could be a third party movement, or they could rally behind the Dems, who knows?

  39. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Unfortunately, it only takes one or two "fringe" characters to detract from the peaceful protest. The Atlanta Mayor gave the protest members permission to remain on otherwise unavailable property until someone showed up brandishing an assault rifle. Thankfully, the police managed to control the situation peacefully. I think he was between a rock and a hard place. He's lucky things turned out so well this time. It seems to be escalating all over the place.

    Of course, who says that the "fringe" characters aren't plants to give the Mayor a reason to shut down the protests?


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