Friday, October 14, 2011

John Williams radio interview with Joe McGinniss.

Courtesy of WGN Radio:

John talks to the author, Joe McGinniss about his book The Rogue, Searching for the Real Sarah Palin and why he decided to write a book on Sarah Palin. Joe discusses his time in Wasilla, Alaska researching the book including a confrontation with Todd Palin. Many topics come up including controversy about the birth of her child Trig, her relationship with Glenn Rice and more.

It has been awhile since we all heard how Joe is doing so I thought you might enjoy hearing how upbeat he is and that he is still beating the drum about the implausibility of Palin's version of Trig's birth story.

Just click the link to listen for yourself.


  1. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Sarahs "15 minutes of fame" is already turning into "years of infamy"..............

  2. Anonymous3:10 AM

    That guy should listen to himself interviewing Joe McGinniss if he wants to hear an example of "hostile" journalism! Good grief! Dude, do you work for Sarah Palin? Joe handled himself very well, though, and is not afraid of answering criticism, unlike someone else we all know, who can't handle any non-FOX interview!

  3. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Joe McGinniss, author of "The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin," has been talking about his book (and Sarah Palin) on radio.

    He spoke with Seattle's KIRO:

  4. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Joe puts the smackdown on the media and their 'anonymous sources' hypocrisy:
    The Globe yesterday broke the inside story of the Red Sox’ epic September collapse.

    High up in the piece is this explanation:

    “This article is based on a series of interviews the Globe conducted with individuals familiar with the Sox operation at all levels. Most requested anonymity out of concern for their jobs or potential damage to their relationships in the organization.”

    So it’s okay for the Globe to base a Red Sox expose’ on anonymous sources, but somehow scandalous when I do the same in THE ROGUE?

    The Anonymous Source tracker at The Ink-Stained Wretch keeps daily track of use of anonymous sources by major news organizations dating back to Feb. 10, 2010.

    The following 24 news outlets have each used anonymous sources 500 times since then, with the New York Times and Washington Post racking up more than two thousand citations and the Wall Street Journal leading the MSM pack with 7,218.

    Yet it was somehow wrong for me to use some unnamed sources, as well as more than sixty named sources, in THE ROGUE?

    Hmmm, is that hypocrisy I smell?

  5. Anonymous5:04 AM

    For those who say this stuff doesn't happen.
    This girl is going to make money on her story. Of course this was for a school paper, not to fleece stupid palin supporters.

  6. TNbluedot5:12 AM

    I've been following Joe's interviews since the book came out and am appalled by the confrontational angle the overwhelming majority of these interviewers have taken. At least it appears he's now talking to people who have read the book beforehand. Can't imagine how he stays so upbeat; I guess it speaks to his belief in the validity of his work. I'm firmly on his team and thank him for exposing the real Snowdrift Snooki!

    I would like to hear your take on the leaked email between you two, though. Can you set the record straight... was it publicity or what?

  7. This is a terrific interview. Joe did a very good job getting many different important parts out there, not just the salacious stuff.

  8. Anonymous5:29 AM

    I feel adrift. There was so much excitement and what seemed to be momentum as Joe's book was finally released and then Levi's. I really appreciate all that Gryphen posted in support of, or in response to, all that was going on through September. But now what? We are left with this unfinished puzzle and some oddly shaped puzzle pieces that just don't fit. Until the thing is complete, Palin remains a free agent, accountable to no one. That is just not ok. She should be ashamed to leave her house, yet she trotted off to South Korea to spew more idiocy, fergodsakes. Until a few months ago, she was unaware that there was an appreciable difference between North and South Korea. Infuriating. If she weathers this storm, there is a clear path to a comeback for her. Please, someone reassure me the end is near for Sarah Palin.

  9. Anonymous5:48 AM

    "If she weathers this storm, there is a clear path to a comeback for her."

    Don't worry, there's not. She's done. By 2016 she'll be too old and not "hot" enough to run. That's all she's got going for her. She didn't run this time around for one reason: she would have been scrutinized - finally - by MSM. She can't handle that.

  10. Anonymous5:50 AM

    I think they've got Sarah on lockdown.

    It's been eerily quiet in the press. NOTHING in days.

    She is most likely in the 'depressive' stage of her bipolar cycle.

    She didn't do well in S. Korea, she got smacked down by the government and most likely ridiculed for her bad taste and lack of protocol (wearing white, for god's sake).

    Somebody is keeping her under wraps until the cycle comes back around to the manic stage, where we will see her on FOX and she will be busy stirring up hate and trying to grab the headlines again, but it's different now...the country has moved on, and soon the press will get that and stop with all their propping up of this sick woman.

  11. Anonymous6:01 AM

    @ 5:29 AM
    Well said! It's hard to understand that after all the negative information that has been written about her and her saying no to a presidential run she continues to be politically active, travelling to foreign countries and giving speeches. It's beyond my comrehension how she can even get out of bed in the morning.

  12. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Come on about an update on "Fred", his book and website PLEASE??
    Is it still happening?
    And yes...Joe McGinniss is making a difference!

  13. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I'm telling you...follow the money trail on Trig.
    Proving he came from Sarah's uterus is going to be impossible.
    But he did not...the truth is out there.
    Bristol gone from school during the time her pregnancy would be really showing.
    Sarah not showing.
    Sarah will do anything and everything to protect her image. Sarah blames everyone else.
    Bristol went into labor unexpectedly (probably cause mom and dad were out of town and she was having sex)
    Sarah flies in to where Bristol was, is there after the birth and pretends it's hers.
    Bristol could have gotten pregnant in May and that would make Tripp due in January. She had Tripp early to fit the hoax.
    There is not 3 or 4 babies...that is when the story is even more ridiculous.
    Trig and Tripp are both Bristol's.
    Sarah lied to protect her image cause she knew she was on the short list (short bus is more accurate) for vp.
    Because of Sarah's insane delusions thinking that she is smarter than she really is, she wasn't about to let anything stand in her way.
    This is just textbook narcissism and sociopathic behavior.

    The easiest way to prove Sarah a liar is to follow the money trail. How was the birth of Trig paid for.
    Its simple.
    If Sarah used ANY type of insurance or maternity days at work and it was proven Trig isn't hers, thats JAIL TIME.
    She isn't THAT stupid...granted, she doesn't know about history, how government really works, etc. But as far as being vindictive, conniving and evil, she has that down. And she has done some evil shit and has managed to stay out of jail.
    So she wouldn't risk jail time over using her insurance.
    Just find that out!!!

  14. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Palin is a done deal!

    Even if she tries to make a comeback - say in AZ (if she actually owns that house down there due to the legal problems w/the title) - you can be sure folks would bring out all the crap about her AGAIN. She'd continue to be vetted - even in more depth if that is possible. She has too much baggage and isn't qualified to hold any elected office. She wouldn't get anywhere in Alaska either.

  15. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Yea, Joe McGinniss! Outstanding book on sister Sarah! Loved yours and that of Geoffrey Dunn.

  16. Marleycat7:03 AM

    Anon at 5:50am - Sarah Palin probably has been give the word by the US Government to shut her puffy, botoxed puckered lips, or she was so frightened by the Yellow people she's in seclusion! It's a good day when we don't hear from her!

  17. Anonymous7:07 AM

    The reason the media does not want to receive Joe's book is because they know they did not do their jobs, and they almost let a psychopath, Sarah Palin, become one heart beat from being the leader of the free world. And Joe is telling all in his book. Palin got no vetting at all.

  18. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I was impressed by how well McGinniss upheld his book with a confrontationalist interviewer. It's good that Joe has to confront interviewers like this one and others like him who seem doubtfull of his book's creditability. By being able to respond in a calm and laid back manner with strong answers, McGinniss comes across as creditable and well versed in all things Palin.

  19. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Just finished the book earlier this week. Yeah, I know, late to the party, But wanted to add that it's a great read, and even for the die-hard Palin watcher, there was new appalling information to learn. I really don't know why such a fuss was made over anonymous sources. Joe does a great job of showing the climate of fear in Wasilla that would make the use of anonymous sources absolutely inevitable. Just look at the way the man who delivered Joe's chair had his truck window shot out.

  20. Anonymous7:37 AM

    How about this scenario - and I have not checked the facts to see if it fits - just thinking out loud:

    Sarah discovers that Bristol is sexually active after Bristol has a pregnancy scare (adoption, miscarriage, abortion, not pregnant after-all). Sarah's sister, (perhaps the one that was married to Wooten), discovers that she is pregnant. Rocky marriage so pregnancy is inconvenient. May be different father (?). To teach Bristol a lesson Sarah sends her to live with her aunt to help her. Baby is born early, in Anchorage, and is shown to have Down Syndrome. Sarah leave the conference in Texas. Sarah "adopts" the baby and declares that it is hers.

  21. Anonymous8:14 AM

    5:29, you took the words right outta my mouth. 3 books in the same year, 2 in the same month was overkill and our puzzle is unfinished. We thought we had her, but she just changed her form and escaped our net like the ugly octopus that she is. Now if she runs in 2016, independents will say that we've been hounding her since 2011 and that we had nothing on her and they'll be right. And *WE* will be the ones ending up with egg on our face.

    I don't know anymore what was the right strategy. If Fred's book doesn't come out this year but the next, then it will look like there's always ineffectual stuff continually trickling out. Goddammit! Watch, she'll come out the suffering Madonna martyr out of all of this.

  22. Joe acquitted himself well in this interview in spite of the host's interruptions. The interviewer came across, not just as devil's advocate, but as downright naive.

    Williams went overboard several times. He interjected that, when Palin announced she was seven months pregnant, everyone said she looked "spectacular." I haven't read that anyone used that word. I recall reading comments like this: "Where is that baby, in her pocket?" and "I look more pregnant when I'm constipated." I think Lyda Green noted that she was visibly pregnant at a much earlier stage in her own pregnancies.

    Joe may be off-base when he speculates that Palin's bias against people of color can be traced to her encounter with Rice. Chuck Heath said that Palin left Hawaii because it was "a minority type thing, and it wasn't glamorous." This would have predated the Rice one-night-stand.

    All the shameful actions, lies, and stumbles of every legitimate potential presidential contender are being examined by the press. Their respective religious faiths are being dissected. Polls have even been taken among Protestant preachers to determine if the LDS church is Christian or not.

    Yet only a small number of people (mostly bloggers, until Joe wrote The Rogue) have drawn attention to Palin's far-fetched "religion." It's the same with her terrible record in government. The MSM has treated Joe as if he's unfairly picking on Palin, resorting to (gasp) unnamed sources. They have chosen to ignore the many unimpeachable named sources.

    Why was she off-limits, even before she announced she wasn't running? The most frequent excuse offered seems to be that she gets clicks on websites, so no one wants to bring her down. I don't buy it. I think it's because she has perfected the art of playing the female victim card.

    Kudos to Joe, to Gryphen, to Prof. Scharlott, and to everyone else who has the bottle to expose the truth. Can't wait to hear from Fred. Hope s/he doesn't let us down.

  23. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Joe is still posting great stuff on his Rogue blog. Check it out!

  24. Glad to hear it. I bought my copy the day it was released, and am finally almost done. I'm enjoying it a great deal.

  25. Anonymous6:46 PM

    #1,147 on Amazon. See ya!

  26. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Joe's doing great in these interviews! The Bard of Wasilla planted the "stalker/peeping tom/pervert next door" theme- and it's the ONLY thing they focus on. His book is a must read, even for us "palin overloaded" people.

    Look, this is America, we don't get to choose who our neighbors are, and we don't even have to like them- but it's his right to live wherever he wants.

    RE: The Glen Rice and racism issue.

    I had a roommate in college who did the same thing, and had the same reaction Sarah had. It was her first taste of freedom, she experimented sexually (just like everyone else), She was a basketball player, and the guy was a rising star and she went "heels to Jesus" the second he made a pass at her. She went seriously postal for a few days, but she kept in touch with him after he moved to LA to play professional.
    It didn't change her racist views one bit.

    I've been catching up with his blog, and I'm glad he closed the comments- it must make those paid trolls all wee wee'd up not being able to refudiate what he says.

  27. That interview was the time for Joe to quote the statistics he found about the use of 'un-named' sources in recent books and news media. At least Williams appeared to have read the book despite going into it with a preconceived negative opinion. He actually ended up doing the same thing to Joe that he accused Joe of doing to Palin.

    I feel bad for someone of Joe McGinniss' reputation and experience having to prostrate himself in front of these condescending fools who can't perform or recognize real journalism when it's right in front of them.

  28. AKRNC5:46 PM

    Anonymous @ 6:46, The Rogue is #16 on the NYT Bestseller list. Amazon is NOT the only place to buy books.


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