Thursday, October 13, 2011

Just what exactly makes up a Michele Bachmann? Glad you asked!

I think that is a fairly accurate description of Michele Bachmann's contents.

I don't spend too much time thinking about Sarah Palin's slightly smarter sister these days, since she has about as much chance of winning the GOP nomination as she does being invited to join MENSA, but she IS still good for laugh. Personally I doubt that will ever change.

If you liked this you might enjoy visiting Betty for more politically incorrect, but truly inspired humor.


  1. Anonymous4:06 PM

    UR all just haters and jealous of republican women married to gay...err...I mean "rill" men. You quit blogging right now! Did you hear me...OBEY!!!!
    Ur all just jealous of our wigs an stuff and magical pregnancies. Michele will too win the primary, cuz I just shipped her the secret weapon, my belly bumpit!

    Signed Sarah...err.... I mean Anonymous

    PS Stop BLOGGING NOW and what not

  2. Anonymous4:25 PM

    OMG, I just LOVE me some Betty Bowers...she can make me laugh so hard I have to RUN to the ladies room half the time. Talk about sharp, intelligent, satire. Thanks G for posting that link, I forgot how much she gets me in my funny bone.

    And it looks like from those Michele ingredients that she really should be avoided at all costs. JUNK FOOD, you know.

  3. Olivia4:30 PM

    She did come up with the first idea she has ever had that made sense.
    "On Fox News this morning, Michele Bachmann proposed shifting the tax code back to the Reagan tax code of 1981 -- apparently without realizing that would amount to a dramatic hike in tax rates."--TPM

    I think she is counting on the fact that most fans of that senile old goat really think he was the king of low taxes. If she tries to walk it back, she will look stupid because either it looks like she wants to raise taxes or else it looks like she doesn't know anything about Reagan.

  4. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Makes me even MORE proud of our President and First Lady when I see the grace and dignity they bring to the White House. No batshittery here.

    This site is spectacular images and videos celebrating this administration and most especially the Obamas. I urge you to visit if you haven't before and bookmark it to come back to it daily, it's the boost that we'll all be needin' as it gets uglier during the campaign, trust me.

  5. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Can you please give us a Fred update?

  6. Anonymous4:48 PM

    very nicely done! it was a good chuckle

  7. emrysa4:56 PM

    damn that is funny!

  8. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Must Read.

    Obama's great day and smack down of Flummoxed Noose, and he does it with grace and style.

    THIS is our President at his best!

  9. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Betty has her moments, but she never fails to amuse!

    my fave is

    "Jesus words 100 Jesus Actions 0"

    I almost choked on my east coast liberal croissant!

    I hope Michelle doesn't just fade away, she's too much fun to laugh at, and SNL needs the material.

  10. Anonymous5:15 PM

    OMG Day 5 of Sarah's Crackberry Withdrawl. That house is too small to stay away from the crazy, oh that poor fridge!

  11. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Now that Batshit Bachmann is just pretty much a joke, I don't hate her nearly as much. She's kinda funny, actually. Corndog, anyone?

  12. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I don't see any HOT SULFUROUS AIR in that ingredients list.


  13. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Poor Michelle, even on a story about her, half the comments are about Sarah Palin.

  14. 4:35pm
    You do know that IM links to the Obama Diary in his blogroll?

  15. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Maybe she could join the opposite, DENSA!


  16. Betty is still with us?!?!?!

    I used to spend a lot of time at her site when I first got my computer (1995?)

    One of the funniest things I've ever heard in my life is a recording at the site of a black gay man telling how Jesus came to him and said, "Be a man, Girl!"

    (Do I have to tell you that this site was started by a gay man? Didn't think so.)

  17. Hi Michele, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Do you and Marcus still collect Federal funds for your "Pray Away The Gay" clinic?

  18. deebee6:54 PM

    Recommended daily dose: none
    Possible side effects: headaches, nausea,brain damage.

  19. Anonymous6:55 PM

    O/T but....Ova in CP4 Land.....


    I agree. I find all this rah-rah stuff rather annoying. It assumes all kinds of things with zero direction or even hints of direction from Sarah herself. Of course, we can each make tiny little efforts here and there, but without a sustained, organized strategy it'll be like using peashooters to take down an elephant.

    It's not as if our country's crisis point is somewhere way down the road, decades from now. It is right around the corner. Possibly next year, certainly NLT than 2013 when Obamacare will be implemented in full.

    Meanwhile Sarah has gone dark again. Indeed, since the midterms last November, almost a year ago, she has shown no willingness to engage in SUSTAINED effort toward any goal.

    There was Madison, and then nothing.

    There was the first leg of the bus tour, and then nothing.

    "The Unfefeated" opening in July, and then nothing.

    The IA State Fair in August, and then nothing. And on and on it goes.

    C4P is a great little cheering section, and for years now this site and each of us individually have fought it out with other blogs and anti-Palin smears in the media, etc. And O4P, bless them, have done yeoman's work with no pay or encouragement from the boss.

    I think all of us have done OUR part to keep this dream alive, mostly with only crumbs from Sarah to sustain us.

    I wonder when, or if, Sarah will do HER part. So far, all we know is she's turned down the presidency and opted for cheerleading (WHAT a comedown).

    If she doesn't believe in her message enough to be an active, purposeful leader who is constantly in the fight and clearly and directly communicating with those she would lead -- not once every few weeks, but every single day -- anything any of us can do is pretty meaningless.

    If the past year is anything to judge by, her grand strategy may come down to nothing more meaningful than her showing up every week or so to do fundraisers and make endorsement appearances for selected candidates. That's all fine and well, but it's not going make a difference, certainly not the way her having a title (POTUS, for example!) would.

  20. Anonymous6:56 PM

    OMG!! Betty Bowers!! Long time no see.

    I haven't been to that website in ages. Oh the fun they had back when.
    Time for a visit.


  21. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Mmmmmmmmmm....mmmmmm.... oooohhhh, yeah!!!!!... Mmmmmmmmm schlurp......OH MY...what a corn dog.........

  22. Gryphen, you have probably seen this picture by now. It looks like SP has a tumor, a dressing, a colostomy bag full of gas or is hiding something she stole in her underwear. Some think she had padding on her butt that slipped around to the front.

  23. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Densa!! LOVE IT!

  24. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Crazy woman. Her and Sarah are both stupid and evil.

  25. Gasman8:43 PM

    Bachmann made Olbermann's #2 slot for "Worst Persons" last night. She tried to claim that she's spent more than half her life working in the private sector, even though nearly all of her professional life has been a IRS employee, state legislator, and U.S. House member, i.e., on the government dime.

    Bachmann seems too stupid to even understand the vapidity of her remarks. When she opens her mouth, words just sort of jostle to get out in no particular order. Nothing seems improbable to her. Not a presidential trip to India costing $200 million/day, not the notion of an eight year old John Quincy Adams being a Founding Father (who's your daddy!), not the notion that those same Founding Fathers worked to end slavery, not the "Hoot-Smalley" tariff, not that Democrats cause swine flu, not her stay at the Choot-Spa, not even her paranoia about the census.

    She is an imbecile.

  26. Anonymous9:09 PM

    O/T - but, wow, it's like $arah has disappeared from the face of the earth. I did not see one mention of her $creech in Korea in any media, and $he was not included in any "3rd party" polls.
    Nor has $he been on FOX - like, what is BFF/Greta gonna ask her now? It is so obvious that no one cares what $arah has to say about anything. HA!

    I know $arah thinks all will be forgotten - but there are too many lies to still be revealed. Gryphen, stay with it, please!!!

  27. Anonymous2:58 AM

    Anonymous 4:35

    Warning. The Obama Diary does have excellent photo coverage of the President and his family along with links to positive articles. However, it is a sophisticated President Obama version of C4P. No perceived criticism of the President is tolerated. The comment section has a hate for Rachel, Ed, Jon Stewart, and is extremely hateful towards OWS.

  28. A. J. Billings5:29 AM

    Gasman, you're lines about Bachman are just superb, but talking about her staying at the Choot-spa, is priceless.

    I heard the interview of her saying that live, and about lost it, and was in fact ROFLMAO

    Bachmann also had a famous speech about C02 in front of congress.

    It's natural MR SPEAKER!!!...

    Sure C02 is harmless, and natural you blithering idiot. So is anthrax, ebola, rabid wolverines, and angry grizzly bears.

    Bachman is so deluded, she doesn't even know that Marcus is in the closet. I pity her, but she's still dangerous because she represents christian supremacy, and imposing religion based government on all the rest of us.

  29. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Her “screech” in Korea should have been not only covered, but condemned, but once again she got a pass from the fawning media. At best it was treasonous and she should be called out for it, as should the speaker’s bureau that booked her and didn’t inform her of protocol.

  30. Anonymous6:33 AM

    2:58 am. I don't care if TheObamaDiary site does not welcome trolls. I love seeing the photos because we never see them in the msm and I love reading positive posts and comments. I see enough of the meanness and incivility and just plain ignorance everywhere else, including the trolls who abound here.

  31. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Anonymous 6:33

    Bashing Ed, Rachel, Jon Stewart, OWS and other voices of the left perceived as being enemies of Prsident Obama is not the same position as banning trolls. A first time visitor to TOD should be aware to the extreme position of the site. It is personality driven, not issue driven.

  32. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Dear god, Celia Harrison, that is one startling photo of Granny P. YES - I do believe that is her butt padding. It has twisted around and she has a "ass cheek" on each side of her leg.

    She starves herself to look thin for the cameras and relies on a padded bra and panties to keep from looking like a stick.

    There is another picture from her visit to Salt Lake City(?) that was taken from directly behind her, in which her "buttocks" look like two helium balloons she stuffed in her pants.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.