Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Margaret Cho on Bristol Palin: "She has grown up to be quite a homophobic person. Where did that come from? " Anybody want to answer that question for Margaret?

Courtesy of The News Tribune:

On “Dancing With the Stars,” you had some conflict with Bristol Palin. What happened? 

She has grown up to be quite a homophobic person. Where did that come from? I knew she didn’t want to do the show. She’s really quite a private person. But Sarah Palin had forced her to because Sarah blamed her for losing the 2008 election. So I had to tell everybody about that because it’s really good gossip and it’s funny and it’s true. She got very furious with me, or actually her mother’s speech writer got really furious with me in a long, obtuse homophobic rant at me. I can’t believe Bristol would sign her name to that because first, she can’t read, and she doesn’t know that many words.

Okay that is not only funny but also completely accurate concerning Bristol's response to a posting on Cho's blog. For those who may have forgotten back then Margaret said the following:

Why did Bristol do Dancing with the Stars? I heard from someone who really should know (really should seriously know the dirt really really) that the only reason Bristol was on the show was because Sarah Palin forced her to do it. Sarah supposedly blames Bristol harshly and openly (in the circles that I heard it from) for not winning the election, and so she told Bristol she “owed” it to her to do DWTS so that “America would fall in love with her again” and make it possible for Sarah Palin to run in 2012 with America behind her all the way. Instead of being supposedly “handicapped” by the presence of her teen mom daughter, now Bristol is going to be an “asset” – a celebrity beloved for her dancing. I am sure the show wasn’t in on this (but who knows anything really). 

Although I don’t agree with the family’s politics at all, I really like Bristol as a person. She’s warm and incredibly supportive, and I think that she looks beautiful out on the dance floor. It’s heartbreaking that people are so awful to her about her weight. I think she looks fantastic, and why does everybody think they have a right to comment on our bodies? What are young girls going to take away from that? If people call her fat what kind of impact does that have on women who have similar body types – which is most of us??!! Still, it is a dance competition, and so I am sure that people feel they have the right to judge bodies and not just ability. That’s just wrong. 

Bristol is learning. She improved a lot, in my opinion. Her tango was fierce and really the best dance she did. You really do learn to dance in this competition! I am proud of her for shaking her ass! But keep in mind there are other forces at work here and it’s not just for the love of dance. 

Now I am scared I am going to wake up with a decapitated moose head in my bed.

Actually much of that is quite complimentary to Bristol, but since she dared to reveal a truth about why Bristol was on DWTS, which really pissed Bristol/Sarah/"The dark forces behind Sarah" off, clearly she needed to be taught a lesson and so Bristol/RAM/"The dark forces behind Sarah" responded on Bristol's fake Facebook page. Here is but a taste to give you some idea of the accuracy of Cho's statement in the interview:

It saddens me that people would think that my mom would "blame" me for anything that occurred in the 2008 election--much less "harshly" and "openly." I think that canard (there, I said it again), has been floating around since then also. I will set the record straight, though my mom already did in her bestselling book "Going Rogue"; there were a number of reasons President Obama won in 2008, but the primary reason was that the economy was starting to falter and the majority of voters thought Obama could do a better job than my mom and John McCain. It turns out, two years later, the majority of voters were wrong, but we can talk about that another time. The point is, I seriously doubt anyone who considers herself a student of American politics truly believes I impacted even one vote in that election. 

There you have it. Why do I want to set the record straight? Because it is this type of hurtful and false narrative that people promote to make my mom look bad. For 20 years my mom had my back--and for the rest of my life I will have hers. 

To my friend Margaret Cho, if you ever have a question, call me girlfriend. Don't ever rely on "sources" who claim to know me or my family. You will be taken every time. And we need to talk. You say you "don't agree with the family's politics at all" but I say, if you understood that commonsense conservative values supports the right of individuals like you, like all of us, to live our lives with less government interference and more independence, you would embrace us faster than KD Lang at an Indigo Girls concert.

Oh yeah, that was totally written by a criminally undereducated, 20 year old with the political acumen of a talking parrot.

You know we all had mad fun picking this apart, and pointing out the insanity of anybody actually believing that Bristol wrote this post, a year ago, but looking back on it now I have to say it kind of makes me sad for Bristol the Pistol.
Bristol on November 23, at the end of DWTS.
After all as much as Bristol seems to have now shaped herself into the same kind of "Munchhausen by proxy" fame whore that her mother has always been, using her child as a source of income as well as a shield to deflect criticism, one has to wonder did she ever have a REAL choice?

I am becoming increasingly certain that Bristol had a baby sometime in late 2007/early 2008, and that this child is no longer consistently in her life. I will not go too far out on this limb right now, but I will say that there is evidence which certainly lends credence to this theory. This means that Bristol may have given up a child to protect her mother's reputation, and then in a fit of adolescent rage after learning that her mother was now going to fake her own pregnancy, become pregnant yet again in an act of pure defiance.

Few would argue that there is no end to the evidence that proves Sarah Palin is a highly manipulative and almost Faustian like presence in her children's lives, encouraging them to trade away their normalcy, integrity, and perhaps even babies, in exchange for money, a privileged life, and, in Bristol's case, fame, all in the service of keeping the Grizzled Mama's name and image in the public eye.

What Sarah Palin has seemingly done to her children is a level of emotional abuse that is almost unheard of, even for somebody like me who has dealt with abused children for well over two decades. In my opinion revealing the truth about Palin's "perfect family" might be almost as important in the long run as revealing the political calculations that launched her onto the national stage.

Any thoughts?


  1. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Bristol will be a huge star in her reality show...

    Then she will star, as Scarlett O’Hara, in a block buster remake of "Gone with the wind"...

    Then she will write her best selling novel...

    On second thought... Nah. Bristol is just an uneducated and unwed mother, with zero talent. Bristol will be cast out of Hollywood shortly.

  2. Keep up the good work.

    Any word on Todd ordering that Tripp license plate before Tripp's reported conception?

    I think Tank's right, Tripp is a lot older than they say. The professional pregnancy photos show a very young Bristol.

    The real mystery is Trig.

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I am almost surprised that a man as old as you can be so immature. If Bristol didn't agree with that post it wouldn't have gone up. The pictures you put up show a strong, happy Bristol getting more beautiful through the years. Haters hate because they are jealous. It's just sad.

  4. Anonymous9:30 AM

    It's very sad that Bristol found it necessary to get pregnant at such a young age to get the attention she craved. And no, Miss Palin, your mother has never 'had your back," or she would never have said 'Hell YES!" to McCain.

  5. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Bristol was the only person in the history of DWTS to GAIN weight. She was obviously pregnant. The only question is what happened to that baby?

  6. Anonymous9:38 AM

    But that's not the truth, Margaret likes to start s**t. It's her act. She's probably still mad she has less fans than a republican.

  7. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Gee Gryphen, feeling a bit ignored lately? Why drudge up past lies and bitter posts with no accuracy?

  8. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Thanks for bringing DWTS up again. Interesting that you now firmly believe Bristol did have an earlier pregnancy, before the child we know as Tripp. I personally still wonder about whether or not she had a child after DWTS, as well.

    But, this all gets me thinking about the other kids. Where's Willow? Isn't she due to graduate from high school soon? And Piper? Is she in school? And as always, where's Trig?

    I figure Track and his new wife/new baby are accounted for at the moment. Does he hold a job? Is he still in the military? Did he ever make plans for college?

    This family has significant resources to see to the advanced education of their children. It's almost statistically bizarre, particularly given that fact, to see none of the older children on a college track.

    Someone tried to say Bristol is still with that Gino person? Where, out in LA? No paparazzi sightings of her with him? And what of the house in AZ? What happened to Bristol's reality show, also?

    Your post sparked these questions Gryphen. Thank you.

    For those who think this is incidental to Sarah Palin, it is not. Though parents cannot be held entirely responsible for the behavior of their kids in all circumstances, when one sees such noticeable patterns it is not inappropriate to draw certain conclusions about parenting style. Parenting style says much about a person. It does enter in to discussions about prospective Presidential candidates, also, like it or not. Just as other aspects of candidates' personal lives do - at least in the American political system.

  9. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Bristol gave birth to her son 'TRIPP' Feb. 2008. Sarah STOLE this baby and renamed him Tri-G after his condition when she found out she was on the list to be McCain's VP. Bristol was furious and got pregnant again right away. This leads to Tripp #2 a.k.a. the current blonde haired Tripp. The only thing I'm unsure of is was the original Tripp a DS baby or was he swapped out. I have a feeling he was swapped out considering all the rent-a-Trigs we've seen.

    Bottom Line: Sarah Palin has not given birth to ANY baby since Piper.

  10. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Why are people so keen on dumping on Bristol's choice to do DWTS? She was asked and she accepted, I'm sure much to her mother's chagrin. She knew she'd receive hateful, unfounded criticism. That doesn't impede Bristol. It makes her laugh.

    You prove daily you know nothing about this girl.

  11. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Where's Tri-G's DNA test? Why won't Sarah provide this simple proof that she is indeed the birth mother and end the questions? What is she hiding?

  12. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I am almost surprised that a man as old as you can be so immature. If Bristol didn't agree with that post it wouldn't have gone up. The pictures you put up show a strong, happy Bristol getting more beautiful through the years. Haters hate because they are jealous. It's just sad.

    9:26 AM
    Hi Bristol! Quick question since you're reading and posting here: Why did you name TRIPP after TODD's prostitute? That's just sad.

  13. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I guess we now know the only person Bristol didn't befriend on DWTS. Everyone else loves her. Why so bitter Margaret?

    Why are comediens, people whose jobs are to make us laugh, the most insecure and bitter?

  14. Anonymous9:44 AM

    If her page is fake, then why does is mirror her private one for the most part? And how does she personally comment on fans' posts?

    Ignorance is ugly.

  15. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I am almost surprised that a man as old as you can be so immature. If Bristol didn't agree with that post it wouldn't have gone up. The pictures you put up show a strong, happy Bristol getting more beautiful through the years. Haters hate because they are jealous. It's just sad.

    9:26 AM
    ROFL. You aren't even trying any more Pigstool. Don't you have children to take care of? You really shouldn't be trolling IM. Unless you're obsessed with Gryphen. Hmmmm. Got a little crush huh? Time to get a life weirdo. HAHAHA

  16. Anonymous 9:26

    Two questions:

    How could anyone believe Bristol is getting more beautiful through the years? She is a plastic surgery impaired fat skank.

    How could anyone be jealous of Bristol? She is an uneducated, classless single mother, with no visible social life, and doing nothing interesting, inspiring, or worthwhile.

  17. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I don't understand how asking someone if they're gay makes that person a homophobe. But it's typical liberal fashion to assume things about people they blindly hate.

    You can tell it's a slow blog day when people dredge up old lies.

  18. JADEZ9:52 AM

    bris "the chin" dull, like her mother has no motherly instincts.. no ability to love her kids so she becomes a grifter and has babies only to use in furthering her ambition.

    but like her mother she has no talent less physical appeal and is destined for the dollar bin of history like her book and her mother.

    and maybe now someone will tell the truth about the abortion i believe she had after obviously being pregnant while on DWTS.


  19. Bristols Paid Fairy Tale Troll9:57 AM

    Bristol is a strong happy girl with deep roots that has wanted to be a mother since the day she got boobs. Her wish came true as a result of lots of sex in tents with lots of boys, her BFF from Juneau told me herself. She said Bristol told her that she had to have alot of sex to increase her odds at getting knocked up accidentally, cause she was sort of on the pill, but maybe kept forgetting to take them, especially when she went camping.

    What does a lesbian like Margaret Cho know about sex with boys anyway? Bristol just had so much fun during DWTS with all the friends and family comin to visit, and they ate at Applebees and Cheesecake factory every week, and dancing is boring and not enough exercise for strong happy Alaskan girls anyway. Everyone on the set was nest friends, and even the homosexuals made her great outfits that really showed off her bump, uh, I mean curves.

    So just shut up and stop discussing and making judgements about people you don't know cause people who go on reality tee vee, write books about themselves, give interviews to tabloids,and give speeches about their sex lives are pretty private, and blunt too

  20. Sally in MI9:59 AM

    @9:26...well since you obviously have no love for anyone here, tell us, what are YOU jealous of? We do not hate Bristol or her mother. We hate the scam they have pulled on this nation and people like you, who fell for every wink, every shake, every stiletto. We are just trying to make sure no one else falls into the abyss surrounding this family, however many of them there are...

  21. Anonymous10:00 AM

    The "you owe it to us" (to go on DWTS) fits with the "you owe it to us" explaining Track's enlistment (per Joe's book)

  22. Anonymous10:03 AM

    What really gets under people’s skins is the rant against “elites” or people who have a preponderance toward the positive effects of education on our country and its future. I mourn for Bristol Palin’s pointless life. This is the real story Gryphen. Palin was able to exploit the differences between people in our society who have been enviously able to use education to their advantage. The bottom line is Bristol was not parented in a wholesome way that would encourage her success as a contributing member of society. Her parents were not home emotionally or physically. And, the resultant teen-age pregnancy was turned into an advantageous and sick trick to benefit her mother’s political/celebrity ambitions.

  23. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I love Cho, but she is wrong about people talking about Bristol's has nothing to do with her eating habits, it has to do with the fact that many people believe she was pregnant during that time.

    Bristol was a beautiful girl, physically, before...but not any more. Inside beauty, not so much...she's an adult now and the time for blaming her decision on mommi-dearest are long over.

    But bristol is weak and I would be shocked if bristol ever stands up to her mom. real shame. come on bristol, prove me wrong!

  24. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Yes, Bristol's come-back. We could smell the wood burn as her brow furrowed trying to decipher her mom's ghost-writer retort.

    She put her name on it. Cause we all know she knows how to use 'canard' not once, but twice also too and whatnot.

    And we all know that the five month stint really made her in need of a 'night out' from her motherly duties from Tripp II. Leaving her 'joy' in the hands of a gay is probably the most UNBELIVEABLE! part of the whole mess.

  25. Mark In Everett WA10:10 AM

    You can always tell when a Palin is commenting. It includes "immature" (we all know kids go thru this phase of calling everyone else immature - let's call it the projection phase) and the whole jealousy thing. Definitely the signs for a young mind/writer. Oh, and "haters hate. It's just sad." is another dead-giveaway. Anyhow, that post by Brisdul is hilarious - so clearly written by someone, anyone, but Miss Thing. So condescending (when she should be humble), and full of anger at what Pres Obama took from them. So we're to believe if McCan't and Payme Now had actually won the election our economy would be all fixed and better now? Really? No hubris there, darling Bristroll. You would be wise to make an effort to be nothing like your mother or father. Money, as you'll soon find out, isn't everything and does not in the long run bring happiness.

  26. Anonymous10:11 AM

    And Margaret lost a helluva lot more weight in her short stint on the show than Bristol did in her whole charade of a competition.

  27. Anjaak10:11 AM

    I think Bristol did look beautiful in that DWTS promo photo, but she sure screwed that up with all the orthodontic surgery that she has had & anybody who has a professional stylist can look something akin to a Hollywood starlet. Remember how good Sarah looked with her 25 G a week stylist during the campaign? (or whatever it cost)

    Anyway, I just wanted to point out that Bristol & her Trollettes will probably be out on the Cho article, so be ready for a deluge of comments on how great a dancer Bristol was & how Margaret was just a gossip & jealous.

    Hi Bristol!

  28. One can't help feel sorry for Bristol and her siblings sometimes. They did not ask for a mother as vile as Sarah and without a lot of help from caring people, they are going to carry out the cycle of dysfunction.
    What is important is that the lies of who Sarah is and the image she has put out there as a hockey mom, dedicated wife, etc. are revealed more and more so she won't have a platform to continue spreading the hate that she does so well, especially aimed at our President.
    Now, I certainly was vocal about my total dissatisfaction with Chimpy and Darth Vader, but never would I encourage people to reload and put them in sights. This is one sick puppy.

    Bristol, if your reading this, get help, it's not too late for you. You can break away and start over.Free yourself from your mother.It's your choice. Don't walk, RUN.

  29. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I'm not one to knock any one blogger, as a blog is an individual's personal bias.

    However, there's very good reason why people consider this blog defunct.

    You consistently write posts that have no basis in truth. It all seems to be about page loads here. You fail to retract things that pan out to be false (pregnancy). You write with certainty about things that cannot be proven with the information you provide (two babies).

  30. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Where did that come from?

    Well shit doesn't fall far the toilet!

    Bristol AND Willow gets their homophobic personalities from their parents!

  31. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:23 AM

    "This means that Bristol may have given up a child to protect her mother's reputation, and then in a fit of adolescent rage after learning that her mother was now going to fake her own pregnancy, become pregnant yet again in an act of pure defiance."

    X2. IMO, the role of Trig was created for Sarah to perpetuate the myth being built for her long before SP was publically tapped for VP. Maybe the first, older Tripp was sent away to live with another member of the family, since it would be too much for the Abstinence/Family Values Crowd to handle two out-of-wedlock babies for The Saint's eldest daughter. It simply wouldn't fit the script being carefully written for the happy, wholesome, Mom-supportive Palin clan. I think Margaret Cho inadvertantly got a brief, forbidden peek behind the scenes which resulted in "Bristol's" unforgettable Facebook rant (" would embrace us faster than KD Lang at an Indigo Girls concert." Brissie has that kind of socially-aware wit--huh, really?)

    When the true shit hits the fan, it's gonna be a very scary little tale, I think.

  32. Anonymous10:24 AM

    INteresting theory. And I wonder if the first baby was FAS, which either gave them the idea for a DS, or they figured they could pull off the switch without many questions.

  33. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Anonymous 9:40(2) wrote: Bottom Line: Sarah Palin has not given birth to ANY baby since Piper.

    A tubal ligation and cauterization (just after Piper) will do that, y'know…

  34. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Bristol was the only person in the history of DWTS to GAIN weight. She was obviously pregnant. The only question is what happened to that baby?

    9:35 AM

    Bristol was suppose to go on tour with DWTS because she finished 3rd, but due to her weight gain Bristol disappeared like she did while she was in high school. In high school Bristol had a 9 month case of MONO.

    I wonder what Bristol had this time?

  35. Anonymous10:29 AM

    She was attacked, horribly, even though she was complimenting Bristol. That says a lot about that Failin' Palin "family."

  36. Anonymous10:29 AM

    hey numb nutz,
    truth be told Gryph does these particular threads solely for your and your entertainment alone, quit bein' so cynical and enjoy..

    'sides all that, ain't there a kid or two around the palin compound there with some diapers that need to be changed ? that burnt kraft mac 'n cheese probably "blows" right though 'em eh ?

  37. Cracklin' Charlie10:31 AM

    You are right that she had a baby in 2007, Gryphen, but the child IS still a part of her life, because that child is Trig. She also had a baby in 2008, and his name is Tripp.

    IMO, neither pregnancy was planned.

    Sarah took one of the babies, because her 17 year old daughter had too many.

    Bristol, it is not your fault that your mother lost the election, it is HER fault. Just like it is HER fault that nobody likes her. What happens from here is up to YOU.

  38. Anonymous10:34 AM

    True sign of maturity: calling others "immature" and "jealous". Go to school Willow.

  39. Anonymous10:38 AM

    The strong, happy Bristol troll is back.

  40. Has there ever been in the history of the US, a state governor and VP candidate whose children were such under achievers?!

    Track, to his credit, was in the military. He's married and a father- good for him. But he didn't even graduate high school, and was kind of a delinquent prior to enlisting.

    Bristol is making a career out of her teen mom notoriety, it's kind of pathetic.
    Willow? Who knows? She's definitely not going to school
    anymore. Will she get her GED somehow and go on to college?! It looks like she wants to follow Bristol onto the D List.
    Piper, like Bristol and Willow, seems to miss a lot of school to be with Sarah. It's so inappropriate, yet the Palins treat it like it's fine to miss lots of school.

    As for Trig, is he enrolled in some sort of therapy school? Is he talking yet? Therapy? What surgery did he have last November when Sarah and Todd left him to campaign?!
    Does Tripp even have a stable home, a life where he wakes up in the same bedroom most of the time?!

    The Palins are a twisted family- Sarah says they are close, she even called her kids over achievers- but the reality is the opposite.

  41. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I will set the record straight, though my mom already did in her bestselling book "Going Rogue"; there were a number of reasons President Obama won in 2008


    How many palates of books did SarahPac buy and give away for donations to SarahPac?

    LOL "best seller Going Rogue"

    Give me a break.....

  42. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I will set the record straight, though my mom already did in her bestselling book "Going Rogue"; there were a number of reasons President Obama won in 2008


    How many palates of books did SarahPac buy and give away for donations to SarahPac?

    LOL "best seller Going Rogue"

    Give me a break.....

  43. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Sure, the fairy troll is here. Everyone loved Bristol including Maks who she trashed, and outspoken as he is he pushed back.

    Everyone loves Sarah. everyone loves Bristol. Everyone in Palinland is happy, happy, happy, happy, happy.

    We get the gist of the happy, why the hammering away?

    No one cares.

  44. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Anonymous 9:26
    "The pictures you put up show a strong, happy Bristol getting more beautiful through the years. Haters hate because they are jealous. It's just sad. "

    Firstly, you should come up with a new rant. "Haters hate because they are jealous". Old, worn out, overused, has more tire tracks than those on Palin's face.

    "Bristol getting more beautiful through the years." Can't wait for all the sagging and dragging of the skin folds, nips and tucks. Pretty soon she'll have the Kenny Rogers/Joan Rivers look - all the skin pulled back repeatedly that they'll run out of places to staple it back!!

  45. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Why do the Palin kids hate Sarah so much?

    What about Tawd's relatives? We never see them with Sarah!
    Is there a lot of hate there too?

  46. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Gryphen hit another out of the park.

    The Trolls are out of their cages once again.

  47. @ Anon @ 10:03 - Well said- thank you!

    I regret that the discussion following Jesse's very important post has degenerated into an adolescent spat. He raised some really important points and I hope we can talk about them here.

    Something significant happened in the Feb-March '08 period to cause SP to announce her "pregnancy" when she did--a day after McCain was selected by the GOP. Just a few weeks before that she was telling Chris Cillizza, in a February '08 interview, that she couldn't possibly run for VP. Then something changed. Now we also have this info about the PLP being ordered by the Palins saying TRIPP in March '08. Jan-March '08 was a critical time for them. Jesse is also looking more closely at that time period.

    The kitchen photos with Triggybear that are supposed to be 5/08 may be actually from an earlier point- some suggested recently that the cake was for SP, as her birthday is in February.

    Well - wow if that is so because it obviously means that a certain little babe was around before April. I am wondering if THAT is the reason that the Johnstons' computer was scrubbed - to eliminate all evidence that Trig was born before SP lied him into existence. Happily, the Johnstons had those photos elsewhere and they might provide insurance. That's why Levi & Co. gave the Tyra show a copy of the Triggybear photo and pretended that it was Tripp. It was a signal to those of us already on the trail of truth and a cute little "FU" to SP.

    To those who prefer the simplest explanations - Jesse's outline is pretty simple. BP had two babes, closely spaced. Ruffles' ears may or may not have been fixed.

    Some recent comments on one of the blogs stated that during the '08 campaign, SP used the term "earforms" when she meant to say "earmarks." Does anyone have a link for that? It may give us a time frame in which such a correction happened or was attempted.

  48. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Wow, Gryph - you touched a nerve by focusing on Bristol again, and obviously the Palins are still very much concerned with what you write about, with what you possibly know.

    Hi trolls!

    Brooklyn, you're back. I guess you've got her now, Gryphen.

  49. Anonymous10:50 AM

    One mention of BP and it's Send in the Clowns!

    Stop the madness!

  50. Anonymous10:55 AM


    I too believe that Bristol delivered a premature baby in the Dec 2007-Feb 2008 time period. It was either a singleton birth or perhaps even twins. That birth involved an infant with a deformed right ear. That infant has disappeared. If the birth involved twins, perhaps Trig is also Bristol's child.

    Sassy (on another site) has reported that she heard rumors late 2007 or early 2008 around AK that Bristol had delivered twins.

    Sarah Palin acquired Trig for 'show' for her political career. Was he acquired from Bristol or some other fundie source?

    Bristol became pregnant by March or April of 2008 and delivered Tripp late 2008. I do not subscribe to the theories that Tripp is significantly older than claimed. I don't have a clue as to why she was padded and bolstered in the gray dress at the RNC.

    The Feb 2009 GVS interview with Bristol shows her with Tripp, he is pretty fresh and around 6 weeks to 2 months old. He is just a long/tall boy and he always has been. He is not a newborn, he was not that fresh in the video. But 6 weeks to a couple months. Yeah, that looks right to me.

    I really have never seen multiple Trigs on the campaign or book trails. I believe that he looks different based on his level of alertness and I have always suspected that drugs were used to control him. His muscle control was at times much better than at other times. That affects his eyes, mouth, head control. All makes him look different.

    And of course Bristol was pregnant on DWTS and on the Haiti trip. She is hiding this child to keep the image of a reformed virgin and keep the $$$$ rolling in.

    Sick and sad, all of it.

  51. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Margaret Cho pisses people off because she rattles off crap that has no basis in fact, but is meant to get a reaction.

    There's a great deal of circumstantial evidence that refutes all she says.

  52. Anonymous11:01 AM

    and you'd probably be dangerous had you 2 brain cells to rub together

    santa claus and the easter bunny are fer realz too...but wait, you already knew that, eh

  53. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Wow Bristol/April/Paid Troll - slow day in the baby factory? So sad.

  54. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I love how the trolls come out and paint a totally different picture of what the majority of us can see with our own eyes.

    Bristol Palin is a BITCH. Just like Mommie Dearest.

  55. Anonymous11:10 AM

    sometimes i wish sarahPAC would spring for a higher quality troll, one who actually addresses our questions rather than repeatedly whining about "immature h8erz."

    like, if bristol is such a strong and confident girl, why waste your time defending her here? and if she's so strong and confident, why did she completely transform her face with bad and obvious plastic surgery?

    if bristol is so private, why doesn't she go home to alaska and stop trying to be a celebrity? if she's such a great mom, why doesn't she make sure her kid gets to see his dad, and take him out of the spotlight of reality tv? if bristol really wants people to stop speculating about her life, why did she release a book and why is she doing, of all things, a so-called "reality" show?

    why do no palin stories ever match up?

    why don't they remove themselves from the public spotlight and go away??

  56. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Thanks for bringing up the DWTS episode again. I find Cho's observation totally believable. Bristiol was only on the show because her mother set it up and Bristol had no choice.

    That Bristol did not want to be dancing with the stars was apparent from the beginning, with no shows at rehersals. She looked totally out of place and not happy. Although I think she came to love the glamour and attention and money, I believe she gained so much weight on the show because she was compulsively eating, perhaps trying to compensate for her misery.

    The only reason Bristol made it to #3 on the show was because of her mother's bots gaming the system. She did not earn that by her superior dancing.

    So, after DWTS, her book, and her reality show, what will she do next? It's obvious that dancing, writing, or acting is not among her talents. It will be interesting to see where she goes from here.

    That Sarah would use her daughter as a proxy for herself on DWTS, so America would fall in love with Sarah again..... is so Sarah. I wonder what Sarah has planned for Bristol now?

  57. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I have to wonder why the trolls come on here to read if they find us all so disgusting? The old "haters hate" mime is getting really really old Bristol. I have an idea. There are these things called "Books"..they come in all sizes and when you pick them up and open them, you will find some new words. Even better, there are some books called a thesaurus and if you look up a word like, say, hate, you will find all kinds of words that mean the same, so you can vary your posts to make yourself look smarter. On second thought, no, it's too late for you to ever make yourself look like anything but the dumb, butt ugly skank you are.

    Whomever commented that she looks good in the picture above, I have one word for you, optometrist. She is far from beautiful.

  58. I think if my mother refused to allow me to keep my child and then faked a pregnancy of her own I'd be mad enough to get pregnant and name the baby after my dad's prostitute. And I'd probably do an internal happy dance every single time my mother was forced to say the name..."Tripp"...especially if my sick mother named the baby I had to give away after it's medical condition..."TriG"...

  59. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Amen 11:10 - THAT is why we know she and those trolls are stupid.

  60. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Someone who reads poorly writes even worse. Now I understand which posts here are Bristol's.
    20 and functionally illiterate. No wonder she never enrolled in college when she moved to AZ--as she said she was going to. She'd tank in the first semester having to produce coherent papers.
    To grow up in such a rich, privileged country and be illiterate--there is no excuse.
    The problem is completely fixable Bristol... but it's going to be hard work given how far behind you are vis a vis your peers.
    You're 20, do yourself a huge favor and get your butt into college or you'll be doomed to be a silly little ding dong forever.


  61. Anonymous11:41 AM

    You know, people with strong self-esteem and confidence don't need to defend themselves from bloggers, people who comment on blogs, or anybody else for that matter. The sudden arrival of Palin trolls proves that that whole family is a deeply damaged group of narcissists who suffer from very poor self-esteem.

    You don't see Obama commenting on his many, many critics. You never saw him lose his cool ANY of the millions of time Palin and her groupies have slammed him about stuff. That's because he's a mentally healthy person who has healthy self-esteem.

    Girls -- and by this, I refer to Sarah who still has the emotional maturity of a twelve year old and her equally damaged daughter Pigstool --- you're not going to heal your self-esteem problems freaking out about a blog and its commenters.

    Go live your life. Be happy. Don't hang out here.

    Because you know what? A lot of us hate your fucking useless ignorant fat ass (and constantly pregnant) guts and we have NO problems venting about it here. So coming back to read comments is just going to make your mental illness a lot worse, which isn't good for you.

    Step away from the blog, girls. Try counting your babies and unwanted children to see if any new ones turned up in the time you've been eating Crunchwrap Supremes, drinking Bailey's, and/or obsessively commenting here.

  62. I think you are right, G-man. Bristol pregnancy in late 2007, producing an unwell Trig, who is not in her life much any more. Then the next pregnancy with Tripp sometime in 2008 (dates still not clear; as she could have been either more pregnant or less pregnant than 5 mo at the RNC).

    To me, the weight gain on DWTS has always seemed more compatible with a meds side-reaction. For example, anti-depressants can have this effect, plus on top of that she might have been overeating to sedate herself further. God knows she had enough in her life to need some help in appearing cheerful or even normal. To say nothing of FEELING cheerful or normal, with all that was on her plate. Including the origin of the TRIPP on her license plates.

    And although I am firmly convinced that SP hoaxed a nation and is still being enabled by powerful forces who wish the rest of us harm, I also will readily say that Bristol did great on DWTS: sure, she's not a prof dancer, but she danced WAAAAAY better than I could have. Why pick on that?

    Let's reserve our contempt for SP the VP candidate who is still hoaxing us -- about her fake pregnancy, about the family values it was intended to symbolize, and about her care of her innocent disabled (adopted) son.

    Oh -- where did the Trig we saw at the RNC and later come from? Don't know, don't care. It's SP's hoax that I wish would be acknowledged.

  63. One day these little boys will grow up, as will Willow and Piper. And someone KNOWS the Truth. At some point, this will all come out. As Hamlet said, "Foul deeds will rise, though all the Earth o'erwhelm them to men's eyes."

    It's just so sad that a "mother" would make her own children complicit in her diabolical plot to deceive. There must be a special circle in hell for this . . . eh Dante?

  64. Hahaha -- I too vote for a higher-quality troll crew! LOL.

  65. Anonymous12:02 PM

    When exactly is mini-Sarah's piece of garbage reality show supposed to air? It seems like most 'reality' shows are announced and broadcasted fairly quickly -- that's the whole point, that they're quick and easy to produce. Are they still filming her non-life or has it been quietly shelved?

  66. Anonymous12:03 PM

    "I am becoming increasingly certain that Bristol had a baby sometime in late 2007/early 2008, and that this child is no longer consistently in her life. ... and then in a fit of adolescent rage after learning that her mother was now going to fake her own pregnancy, become pregnant yet again in an act of pure defiance."

    It's been my feeling all along, based on the circumstantial evidence, that Bristol Palin gave birth to a premature Trig much earlier than stated. Sarah Palin claimed him as her own against Bristol's wishes and Bristol intentionally became pregnant again with Tripp soon after.

    I don't subscribe to the "Ruffles" or two babies stories and find the information from Tank about a much older "Tripp" way too sketchy. I think people have been intentionally misleading you, withholding information, and creating diversions from a pretty simple, but sad story.

  67. I know there's a trashcan for our own comments, but I surely wish we can dump in the trashcan such comments as the one below that the ubiquitously lurking Bristol wrote about herself -- she's so boring, repeating the same old delusional crap over and over again, like she's going to convince us.

    Anonymous (of course! Hi, Bristol!) said...
    I am almost surprised that a man as old as you can be so immature. If Bristol didn't agree with that post it wouldn't have gone up. The pictures you put up show a strong, happy Bristol getting more beautiful through the years. Haters hate because they are jealous. It's just sad.
    9:26 AM

  68. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I feel for Bristol and hope you will read Feeding the Hungry Heart by Roth and Fat is a Feminist Issue by Princess Diana's therapist when Diana overcame her eating disorder.

    There is a cure for binging and purging and self mutilation (aka orthodontia). You do not need to leave your mother as some have suggested.

    You must however really grasp your true self worth. Even though you did not get this growing up, there is still time. Then you really can be an inspiration to others.

    There is help out there. Your son deserves the best mom on the planet, why not take a chance on becoming just that?

    Best of luck and all my prayers.

  69. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Since Biography is doing a section on Bristol Palin why shouldn't Gryphen put out what he knows about the hypocritical little twit and her hypocritical and controlling mama.

    Bristol did what she doulc to control Levi.

    Levi didn't apologize for shading the truth? in his interviews. He dithered about signing such a statement when he got back together with Bristol, so The Palins put out a statement in his name, and the damned fool didn't speak up when they did.

    Just as they put out statements for Bristol and Todd and others like Sarah Palins former lover Brad H.

    I wonder why everyone allows Palin to trample all over them.

  70. Anjaak @ 10:11 AM said...
    I think Bristol did look beautiful in that DWTS promo photo...

    It was severely Photoshopped, Anjaak. Her body profile was trimmed and, of course, all her facial flaws were airbrushed.

    I think she took a look at that photo herself and said to her mother, "Saaaarah, I want to look like THAT! Call Dr. _____! This is more important than the abstinence gig. With THAT face, I can make it in Hollywood easy!"

  71. When did track get married?

  72. " Anonymous said...
    I don't understand how asking someone if they're gay makes that person a homophobe. But it's typical liberal fashion to assume things about people they blindly hate.

    You can tell it's a slow blog day when people dredge up old lies.

    9:51 AM"

    Stop using the same tired old stupid line of somebody being to old to call it like it is. you, bustol, used the same logic at the bar where you rode that bull like a fat sloppy stinking ho that she is. Stupid bitch.

    Of course a homophobe like you wouldn't see it as such. why did you, bustol ask in the first place? What did that have to do with the price of eggs?

    Nobody likes this disgraced, dysfunctional, stupid, ridiculous klan.

  73. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Compare the Palin mother and daughter team to these two:

    Here's what women in politics really looks like on my planet.

  74. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Remember too the pic of Brisket on the View with Sherri Shepherd. The baby hill, I mean baby bump clearly evident the day after the winner was announced on DWTS and the top 3 couples fly red-eye to NYC for morning show appearances.

  75. Anonymous1:00 PM

    12:03..I'm inclined to agree with your theory..Bristol had at least 2 babys. I think that first baby was suppose to be adopted out and they didn't know his condition until he was born, the adoption didn't go through so Sarah had to fake her pregnancy. The first baby was born earlier than stated and then Bristol got pregnant again..they are all in on it and lied so many times and threw out so much BS to muddy the water. Simple..Bristol= 2 boys= Sarah took one= Bristol has one. DWTS ???

  76. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Game of Life, Have you been lost in the woods? I'm glad you found your way home. Track apparently got married last spring - May I think?

  77. Anonymous1:10 PM

    11:10 nailed it.

  78. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I recently learned that DWTS contestants get an extra bonuses each time they get family and/or celebs supporting them to be in the audience and on camera.

    No wonder someone in the grifter family showed up almost every week. LOL

  79. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I also have come to the conclusion that Bristol became pregnant during 2007 while she was in Juneau. And that the baby was born before her accident in Wasilla in Feb 2008.

    I think the "rumors" of Bristol's drug and alcohol abuse and sexual prosmiscuity and pregnancy in 2007probably accurately reflect the observations of the kids in her social circle. One doesn't get a "reputation" for no reason.

    Bristol conceived Tripp in April 2008 (when her mother "gave birth" to Trig) and Tripp was born in late December 2008. IMHO, Levi was just a dumb stud like Todd: easily used and deceived.

    I think there is enough evidence to say that Sarah did not give birth to Trig in April. So the questions remain, where did Trig come from and where did Bristol's baby #1 go?

    The only exlanation that satisfies me is the simplest one that would account for Bristol's baby #1 and Sarah's fake birth of Trig. It seems most likely that Sarah concocted the fake birth of Bristol's baby #1, when it was clear that that fragile baby would survive AND could be used to further her political career.

    The latter point is the most important as Sarah's modus operandi has played out time and time again: She does nothing that does not enhance her image, one she has squarely placed on "family values."

    Otherwise, why keep the first baby? He could have been put up for adoption, even a DS baby, and no one would ever know. I would imagine that life would have been much simpler had that happened, but I think Sarah simply could not let that golden opportunity go by so she took the baby as her own.

    Trying to fathom why Sarah and Bristol took the actions they did is to plumb the depths of aberant personality disorders. Sarah faked a birth and Bristol responded for reasons most of us would find appalling. Unless you have known or been the victim of a person with extreme narcissism, as Sarah is, you would not believe the extent they will go to achieve their ends.

  80. Anonymous1:44 PM

    The photographic and video material on a possible DWTS-period pregnancy for Bristol is out there. It's not the inexplicable weight gain per se, it's the silhouette and the way they tried to hide it - brilliantly so.

    Check that out before coming up with ideas about bingeing and purging and hormonal problems and the like. I have a niece who I strongly believe is bulimic, and she has a normal figure. She looks neither overweight nor underweight (kind of like Lady Di). She does have a range of health problems, in addition to observable behaviors, that point to this terrible disorder - heart problems, dental problems, neurological and metabolic problems. This is after at least 10 years of it. When she was younger she was noticeably underweight.

    Bristol Palin does not have an eating disorder. She tends toward being fuller figured, but that's no big deal and has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not she has had all these pregnancies.

  81. N'yah1:58 PM

    Yes, I have a "thought".

    My that whatever plastic surgeon took Bristol's money and then mutilated her face simply because she asked, should have his "canards" meet the not-fun end of a scalpel.

    I mean yes, Bristol is stupid for expecting us to believe she wrote this when here-to-fore her longest opus was "haha I'm a slut!" but man, at least she had fresh-faced native beauty before.

    Now she looks like a cross between Madam the puppet and (any Kardashian name goes here).

  82. Emotional abuse? Yup. Keep working to expose it, Gryphen!

    Bristol, her siblings, and their offspring will be better off emotionally when the charade matter how that happens.

    But financially speaking there may be a difference between Bristol coming clean with the truth on her own rather than being exposed as a fraud and going down in flames with her mother. She may have been forced to be a Candies ambassador and to show off her 'work ethic' on DWTS but she's come to like the resulting money and notoriety which seems to have tricked her into believing that 'mother knew best'. Bristol probably can't see that she's positioned to make countless millions of dollars more if she told the whole truth. Hmmm...I wonder if she's capable of telling her story without lying.

  83. Anonymous2:25 PM

    When they finally shelve Bristol's abysmally bad show she can always hope for a spot on TLC's exciting mid-season replacement - Trailer Trash Rehab.

  84. Anonymous2:27 PM

    9:52 "and maybe now someone will tell the truth about the abortion i believe she had after obviously being pregnant while on DWTS."

    she was in her last trimester, so it's really doubtful she got an abortion anywhere. I'd be a little suspicious of her 'godchild' that she had possession of in LA.

    Otherwise, I'd say the baby that was blamed on Track is Bristol's. Or that baby could be Willow's. Her pregnancy test last November was not negative.

    Track and Britta still live at the Palin compound and are probably lifers. It's easy when parents are millionaires to live without jobs.

  85. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I have to wonder if Bristol sometime in her life had an ambition to grow up and be something other than a ridiculed celebrity.

    Bristol, Sweetie, you are young. This Hollywood thing is making you miserable. Go away to school. Start with one or two easy classes. There is a whole interesting world out there that you are missing.

  86. Anonymous2:36 PM

    When did track get married?

    12:30 PM

    he is supposed to get married in December 2011. He is not married yet.

    SP lied again when she said he was. She took Britta's mother's day flowers and broke them into bouquets and posed for a picture. That's the extent of the wedding that never happened.

  87. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Anonymous said... "Bristol was the only person in the history of DWTS to GAIN weight. She was obviously pregnant. The only question is what happened to that baby?" @ 9:35 AM
    I have heard/read a few times, that Bristol and her 2 kids are in LA, for her 'reality' show?

    One is Tripp, and the other is a baby boy, about 6-8 months old, who is referred to as her 'God-Son' -- Yeah right. That is the same age for a baby being born sometime after her DWTS stint would be -- so I believe this is what did happen to 'that baby' she was pregnant with during the show... and causing her to 'gain, instead of losing any weight' during that time.

  88. carollt2:51 PM

    I certainly hope that Sarah did not blame Bristol for her 2008 loss. It is not Bristol's fault that folks went for Obama (and will again in 2012). Whenever I have heard any comments from anyone about Sarah and the 2008 election (and I work with a lot of Republicans), they all wonder how McCain could put such an ignorant person on the ticket; I have never heard anyone comment on Bristol.

    However, Margaret's words do ring true because Sarah is the type of person who blames everyone but herself for her own shortcomings. So no surprise that she blamed Bristol, Todd, and probably the rest of the kids too.

  89. Anonymous2:57 PM


    Other ideas for shows after they pull the plug on the current dog:

    Are YOU My Daddy?

    Plastic Surgery Disasters of the Young and Vacuous

  90. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I got as far as the first Troll and HAD to say--Bri$tol did NOT write that come back to Margaret Cho!! It is full of $arah's words & wordings.

    I kind of feel badly for Bri$tol. She never got a shot at a half way decent life with those two dysfunctional, bullies as parents. Bri$tol has never known what compassion, empathy or love is. She has never seen it growing up in a home without any. I fear for Piper & Trig. If $arah was that bad with her older children, she is even worse now for the younger ones. People with her kind of Mental Illnesses don't get better with out the proper treatment. They get worse.
    I only wish that somehow, someway, Bri$tol would find a good shrink and go into long term therapy. It's not too late~ YET.

    mary b
    (I'm having a tough time logging into Google!)

  91. Oh thank you 9:40! I finally understand it now. Bristle had a DS baby, I actually think it is a FAS baby, and Scarah convinced her to give it up because Bristle could not afford the care. If this baby's bills were paid under palin as the mother, that is FRAUD! No wonder it is kept so secret. Now the push should be to find out how the medical bills were paid for.
    There just has to be a public record of how many dependents a governor listed in 2008-2009.
    I wonder if palin quit because some of those records were going to come out? Someone made a mistake somewhere, you can't hide this forever or think of everything.
    I remember seeing a report where dependents were listed and there was a question of how many children were listed. In any case, I am now sure that palin has committed insurance fraud, unless she paid for Trig's bills out of pocket, which could be close to $400K or so for a FAS baby.
    Wow now I understand why Trig was Tripp before he was Trig. Well, I think I understand it. I don't think that Trig was Bristle's first baby either, she had 4 babies before she was 21, just amazing.

  92. N'Yah said: Brisdull looks like a cross between Madame the puppet and Any Kardashian!

    Damn if you didn't nail that last picture of brisdull!

    (although, i do think the last pic was when her face was still "settling"...ewww!!!!...she doesn't look the same in the stills from her bore-fest "reality" show.


    "Sarah Palin and reality are not on speaking terms".

    - Unidentified Genius of IM

  93. Anonymous4:36 PM

    My Gosh, Gryphen, you have got to read these C4P posts. They almost read like a parody. Sadly, they're not:

    Palin Prez Today 07:03 PM
    Got a phone call from the RNC asking for donations again.

    I told the caller what I have said over and over. I will donate to the RNC only if Sarah explicitly says to. Told her the RNC is on my sh*t list because of the establishment's love fest with Romney. She seemed taken aback because she was never trained to deviate from the script.

    As a matter of fact, I only donate to SarahPAC and the Samaritan Purse because those two are the organizations she has publicly endorsed. Even my church no longer gets checks from me. My pastor likes Perry, and he has stated so from the pulpit at least on three occasions which angered me to no end. I may very well send the tapes of his sermons to the IRS and make him pay.

    Palin Prez 26 minutes ago in reply to PANTTERA

    So God told Perry to run, and Sarah not to? You know this how? Give me a break. Perry's "prayer rally" was all political designed to bring attention to his upcoming presidential campaign and you bought into that BS. I wonder if you think God told Perry to open Texas to the onslaught of illegals.


    The comments are in this thread:

    I honestly don't know who's worse. Sarah or her supporters.

  94. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Oh, here's the last post, and the saddest one. Says a lot about Palin type of Christians, doesn't it?:

    Palin Prez 20 minutes ago in reply to HuntingMoose

    My pastor has gotten "soft" lately. In the name of compassion, he has screwed up the church budget by expanding the soup kitchen in the church and opening the building wide open to really questionable characters too lazy to get off their butts to look for work.

    I wish the pastor would pay more attention to preaching the gospel and calling sinners to repentance. We all know these liberals have a lot to repent, but yet the pastor is turning the church into a magnet for the pond scum of society. He feeds them using MY money, but doesn't tell them to repent.

    He was Sarah's fan back in 2008. I wonder what has gotten into him. It is really sad. Finding a Bible believing conservative church grounded in strong biblical principles is so hard these days, thanks to ACLU.

  95. Anonymous5:02 PM

    @1:00: "DWTS?": I think something was definitely up when Bristol and Levi suddenly announced they were engaged in the summer (?) before Britsol's DWTS appearances started. As many people noted at the time, she looked like she had gained a good bit of weight based on the engagement photos that were published. Then she appeared to gain even more weight while dancing on DWTS. It was the engagement and sudden break up with Levi combined with her visible weight gain that seemed odd and caused people to start speculating about another pregnancy. The person writing as "MeAgain" seemed to confirm that Bristol did have another son that she was claiming was her godson. Who knows...

  96. Anonymous5:52 PM

    @anon 1:25 There was a conservative female radio host who had adopted a DS child a year or two earlier (Gina Loudon). I don't give Sarah credit for thinking about it own her own. It may have been suggested to her by a behind-the-scenes adviser. The choices were (1) give up Bristol's child for adoption (2) let Bristol raise the child as a young, immature teen (3) let Sarah claim the child as her own for political advantage.

  97. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Gryphen: So pleased to see you label what Sarah Palin did to Bristol as 'emotional abuse'.

    That is exactly what it is and I hope Bristol Googles the concept.

    Gryphen I enjoy your snark and outlook so very much..

    But when I think of Bristol locked into a relationship with a mother that never thinks of unconditional love for Bristol.. sometimes it just makes me very sad for Bristol.

    Annoyed as well, because Bristol seems to have just swallowed hook-line-and sinker her parents opinions of life.

  98. Regarding 4:37pm:

    These types of people ARE NOT Christians. They are people that worship the Old Testament and take not heed of the lessons that Jesus Christ taught.

    I'm an Atheist, but even I can see their hypocrisy for what it is.

    I sometimes think that Atheists do more good in their communities than do these confused "Christians".

  99. SarahPAC paid for all of SP's trips to Los Angeles. They tried to get the show to pay for her trips. They said no.
    So, this was a SarahPAC event?
    Guess so.
    Oh, and by the way, lying Sarah: when you said to that group you had taken the bus down to LA? LIE!
    Proof that Sarah Pac paid for airline, hotel for the same trip.

    Smoke and mirrors.

    Nothing else to see

  100. Anonymous6:41 PM

    When an unwed teen presents a baby bump on the stage of the Republican national convention as PROOF that her mother birthed a baby in April, that teen AND her mother knew that speculation about the state of the uterus would continue until menopause.

    Bristol's mother doomed her to a life of baby bump spotting. Bristol knows that everyone looks at her mid-section first thing. And she knows it's because of what her mother did to her.

    Bristol had the choice. She could have lived quietly out of the public eye and raised the offspring. But, Bristol CHOOSE plastic surgery, some pathetic reality TV appearances and the abstinence gig. She's paraded her offensive attitude on TV, Facebook and with her film crew.

    Bristol deserves every bit of criticism she gets. She's just wallowing in the mire of all her imagined enemies, a concept her mother also glories in.

    The saddest part is that this bundle of maladjusted, ignorant, boring, unimaginative misery has the sole care of a 3-4yr old boy.

    Too bad Cho didn't highlight the biggest problem with Bristol, what she is doing to little Tripp.

  101. Anjaak7:23 PM

    Kajo, I'm sure you are right about the Photoshop. Lots of makeup & tweaking. It's Hollywood after all!

  102. Anonymous7:28 PM

    One day, one of the Palins is going to make the mint selling a tell all. But I think it will have to be a Palin, because everyone else has probably signed a confidential agreement.(but I can imagine Sarah making everyone, including Piper, signing one)

  103. For what it's worth I asked Shailey on her blog if Todd purchased a PLP in March 08 for her and she said she saw Todd and also gave Sarah a massage in March 08 but never received a licence plate from him. So I guess that leaves us with baby Tripp and why did Todd purchase a PLP with TRIPP on it in March 08, 9 mos before Tripp was born.

  104. 10:21 AM

    The only people lying are the repugbaggers. Get real, deal with reality. I know it hard for you.

    No wonder the insufferable lying bitch took your money. ROTF

  105. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Bristol got the Leno chin implant as an optical illusion.

    Bristol was told that to make her wide face narrower that she needed to elongate her chin.

    Nobody is buying she lost 5 lbs and had her jaw realigned.

  106. Anonymous10:31 PM

    There's been speculation here and at other blogs that Bristol wasn't actually pregnant at the RNC, that she was forced to fake a pregnancy to squelch the rumors about Trig being hers. (In this scenario, Tripp would already have been born, which fits with Tank's comment to Gryphen and/or with the "Trig and Tripp are twins" theory).

    I'm not sure I buy this, but if she DID fake the RNC pregnancy at her mom's demand, how unimaginably awful to then be blamed for "losing the election" because of that same pregnancy! I can't even imagine the level of manipulation and mind games that would entail. I'd like to say I can't imagine what that would do to a young woman's psyche either, but we have the desperately-seeking-the-spotlight Bristol as Exhibit A.

    The idea that Sarah forced Bristol to do DWTS would also explain, at least in part, the obvious DWTS pregnancy. Some people have suggested that she got an abortion after the show ended, possibly in Haiti. That's never made sense to me--why wait that long to end a pregnancy, and why risk all the scrutiny, analysis, and speculation? Well, after reading Cho's comments, I think Bristol's second public, albeit unacknowledged, pregnancy was a big old passive-aggressive F.U. to Mommy Dearest.

  107. Anonymous10:59 PM

    I see Margaret Cho's "confindentiality clause" in her contract has expired! Woo Hoo!
    Cho can effect positive change now that she's "Unshackled".

    Bristol always reveals her hate when someone disses Prunella De'Silla.

  108. Anonymous11:43 PM

    1. Pic of Jessica Simpson last week:

    2. Pic of Brisdull on The View from the ABC website, Nov, 2009:

    Public opinion is that person in pic #1 is absoulutely 100% pregnant.

    Palin-bot opinion is that person in pic #2 is NOT pregnant and not fat and we're all just jealous.

    BWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAA!!! They're all freaking NUTS!

  109. Anonymous12:37 AM

    the 'godson' song and dance is very weird. I'm a godparent. I rarely have full possession of my godchildren. They may stay a day or two during vacation, but they don't live with me forever....

    Who, in their right mind, would give Bristol a newborn child to care for while she is filming a reality show?

    She's lying. AGAIN.

  110. "Twenty years old, 'engaged' twice, pregnant four times, a mother thrice over and a miscarriage."

    One of the tidbits below from the Aug. 23 Broomfield post, helpfully (thanks!) recounted by telah.

    Let's see: green sweater pregnancy is miscarriage; Trip/g is premature; Tripp is born 7/08-2/09; and then the DWTS godson?

    telah said...
    While we wait, I thought I would post some of the tidbits that MeAgain has shared with us so that you can dispute them line by line, with proof, if you please:'s been nearly a hundred days since you (Bristol) or your mother has clapped eyes on Trig. I hope the guilt of what you allowed her to do to that child eats away at you. I hear Trig open-handed smacked your mother when she tried to get a photo with him in May. And you just gave him to her. Knowing how bad she would treat him.
    --Twenty years old, "engaged" twice, pregnant four times, a mother thrice over and a miscarriage.
    --(Trig) doesn't have the parental attachment to anyone. He pines for Todd, who genuinely loves him. But Sarah uses Trig as a pawn. Todd offered to care for him instead of Sarah paying someone $7500 a month.
    --When Trig smacked Sarah, she went "you little shit," practically hissing.
    --(Sarah) has a birth certificate with February instead of April, and it does not have the "right" names. There was never a formal adoption or even custody agreement.
    --during Sarah's epic fail of a photo shoot with Trig...she tried to make him wear sunglasses so people couldn't see how bad his eyes are. He chucked the glasses!
    --Trig's eyes CAN be operated on but as I understand it the reason for not doing so at this time is that it's SO bad now, Sarah knows Trig's former ophthalmic specialist would tear her UP for letting it get this way.
    --She told the doctor that Trig was going to be under the care of "the best specialists" in the L48 but in reality she only said that to explain away why Trig wasn't following the prescribed schedule of therapy or office visits.
    --Sarah is desperate to get a good fake (birth certificate) but scared presenting a fake would be her undoing. She has begged CBJ for help with this, but CBJ has definitely had enough with "helping" Sarah and has refused.
    --I would not be surprised in the least if her (Sadie's) "Levi and Bristol are definitely not parents to any baby besides Tripp" party line has changed.
    And, this pearl, which may explain why you are still here:Right now locals are scared to mention any "extra baby/ies" theory. It seems so far fetched. But there is a reason Bristol starts calling Gryphen a "pervert" who is "obsessed with Trig" whenever anyone dares to bring up the ear issue. There is a reason Sarah becomes apoplectic when the deformed ear/two babies theory is mentioned. Last year there was an occasion where Todd slept in the car because Sarah was raging against Gryphen so bad. Even when he tried getting away from her in the garage she kept storming in, wanting Todd to join her in her plan to "eviscerate" Gryphen.

  111. @lillibird. Is that the first time Shailey has said she gave Sarah a massage in March? Only a few days in that month before Sarah made public her "pregnancy" and massage office would have known. Did Sarah decide to fake on the same day she announced?

  112. Anonymous7:20 AM

    G - you should really get up here (Wasilla) and see the new driveway fence with all the 'private, 'keep out, and 'no trespassing' plastic signs nailed all over it. Someone's trying to seal off the compound from prying eyes.

    The infamous 14' fence is still there too - a little worn but there nonetheless. And the compound itself (what you can see of it) seems to be expanding - these new structures/additions weren't there a year ago. That lot of the Palins is stuffed to the gills - thanks to all the stupefied Palin supporters no less.

    Bristol is no different from any other Wasilla girl - other than the fact her mother is famous. If the world hasn't heard of Sarah, Bristol would be living an entirely different life - as in no one would have heard of her nor cared about her actions. Such is the Palin fame and money - taken directly from the script of the Beverly Hillbillies no less.

  113. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I am almost surprised that a man as old as you can be so immature. If Bristol didn't agree with that post it wouldn't have gone up. The pictures you put up show a strong, happy Bristol getting more beautiful through the years. Haters hate because they are jealous. It's just sad.

    9:26 AM

    Gryphen is more of a man than Creepy Chuck and Tawd will ever be combined.

  114. Anonymous4:30 PM

    7:32 said: "... Shailey ...said she ...gave Sarah a massage in March 08..."

    I'm sorry. I guess I don't remember Shailey ever saying that before now. At that point, a massage would have really made a pregnancy obvious, I would think. Has Shailey ever commented about this? All I recall is a comment on a January massage where Sarah claimed to be NOT pregnant at the time not a March one.


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