Friday, October 07, 2011

A much appreciated mental health break.

Courtesy of TPM:

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) attending her husband's retirement ceremony, the now former astronaut Mark Kelly. The visit marks Giffords' second trip to Washington since she was shot in the head last January while meeting with constituents in her district. Aides said Giffords planned to conduct no congressional business and would return to Houston shortly after the ceremony to continue her rehabilitation.

After posting so many gleeful postmortems on Sarah Palin, I thought it would be nice to talk bout a TRULY uplifting and inspirational figure for a change.

I have the feeling that unlike SOME people who shall remain nameless, that Gabby Giffords still has much to contribute to our country, and I look forward to sharing her future endeavors right here on this blog with all of you.

I find just looking at this picture of her big beautiful smile to be inspirational all by itself.


  1. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Gabrielle's lookin' really good !
    So glad to see !!

  2. You said it. What a BEAUTIFUL smile she has. Sigh...

  3. Anonymous10:45 AM

    She is looking so well -- and beautiful. Such a lot of hard, hard work so far and to come. Thank you for posting this, G-man.

  4. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Thanks, Gryphen, for stepping out of the mire. Gabby's smile is infectious.

  5. Anonymous11:00 AM

    That smile just made my day! Thanks Gryph!

  6. "I find just looking at this picture of her big beautiful smile to be inspirational all by itself."


  7. It is a joy to see her.

  8. Anonymous11:07 AM

    One day Gabby will write a scathing article detailing how she feels toward Sarah and her "cross hairs".

  9. Cracklin' Charlie11:09 AM

    Gabby looks fantastic. 100 watt smile! True beauty comes from inside a remarkable person.

    Love this!

  10. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Thanks. Your right. It's just the kind of reality check we need right now.

  11. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Gabby looks so cute and has such a warm, welcoming smile. Sarah Palin will ALWAYS be associated w/the shooting of Gabby - as well as her statement regarding 'blood libel'.

    Sarah Palin has a place in hell awaiting her there is no doubt. Being a verified and known liar, cheater, thief and fraud St. Peter is NOT going to allow her in the 'pearly gates'!

  12. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Looking good Gabby!

  13. I was just leaving to run errands when I saw this. I will carry her beautiful smile with me all day. Thanks, Gryphen!

  14. hedgewytch11:30 AM

    When you look at couples like the Gifford's and the accomplishments that they've made in their lives and how they live with grace, dignity and generosity; it truly boggles the mind how people such as the Palin's can be held up as such models of integrity as they have been.

    Gabrielle is a beautiful, courageous woman and I wish her and her awesome hubby the best for all the rest of their days.

  15. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly remind me in many ways of the President and First Lady. They're both couples who not only love each other very much, but genuinely LIKE each other and enjoy being together. They're both going through a challenging time and supporting each other through the difficult periods.

    And we're all lucky to have these two wonderful couples to inspire us.

    Congratulations to Mark Kelly on his retirement and to Gabby Giffords on her remarkable progress. That's a smile to brighten anyone's day!

  16. Gabrielle is beautiful and courageous. How far she's come in such a relatively short time.

  17. Anonymous11:51 AM

    She is an inspiration!

    How easy it is to forget that tragic event. No doubt families are still grieving over their lost ones.

    I would imagine they harbor some resentment against SP. Even though she's not responsible for the tragedy itself, she refused to remove her map, refused to admit one iota that it lent to the violent rhetoric during that time.

    What's hardest to bear is listening to her screetch about how she's such a victim because media misunderstands her. It's at times like these when we see a true hero, Gabby Giffords, overcome her difficulties and nary a word about victimhood.

  18. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Just seeing her there brings a smile to my face.

  19. Pat in MA11:54 AM

    Fantastic! Another thing that brought a big smile to my face was filling out the survey at the pee pond:

    It's fun - like answering the question about what you want to see SP do now with "fade into oblivion"


  20. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Hedgewytch, you said it all and said it very well. I agree totally with your comment.

    Thanks, Gryphen for a ray of sunshine in the dismal political landscape.

    P.S. Please support the Save the Internet movement over at mudflats. A crucial bill is coming to vote next week that could devastate our access to a free and open net. It could quash small business people as well like artists, inventors, writers, and such - not to mention the negative impact on rural net users. Don't let Big Business prevent the FCC from protecting us, the average Americans! Please help by calling your Senators and Representatives. See mudflats for details. Thanks.
    - ks sunflower

  21. Anonymous12:19 PM

    She still has more mental capacity and a servant's heart than Sarah or her endorsements purport to have.

    Go Gabby!

  22. Anonymous12:41 PM

    What a lovely image . . . Gabrielle is truly blessed ~ to be a blessing to others.

    Thanks for the mental health break.

    Much appreciated.


  23. Anonymous12:41 PM

    And to that, I say Amen again . . .

  24. Anonymous12:42 PM

    What an infectious smile! Congrats to a wonderful couple we all love.

    Curious, what happened to her hand (under the flowers). Hope she didn't fall and break some bones. It's a long journey back from that horrible day.

    She just beams with pride!

    Mrs Gunka

  25. Yes, we all need a bright spot to lift us out of the miasma emanating from the palin compound. Truth be told, the majority of people in this country are more like the Gabbys than the 'others'. Her dignity and grace in the face of what she has been through is beyond admirable and I imagine that her thoughts go often to those and their families who didn't live to see another sunrise or sunset rather than her own tribulations. May she and her husband Mark Kelly continue to gain in strength and healing.

  26. Heartwarming to see Gabby's progress. Just amazing, considering what happened to her in January (shudder).

    I wonder if Brendan from AZ will comment, especially since AZ is redrawing their Congressional districts to add a 9th district. New map looks favorable for Dems, not good for Gosar.

    Tweets from David Wasserman (editor of the nonpartisan Cook Political Report) on 9/30:
    1) AZ update: Today's commission map is pretty much Democrats' dream map:,-111.928711&sspn=8.21418,17.53418&vpsrc=0&t=h&z=6
    2) AZ map draft would turn both #AZ05 Schweikert and #AZ08 Giffords from 46-47% Obama to 51% Obama AND move #AZ01 Gosar 44% O to 47%

    Wikipedia doesn't mention Paul Gosar's relationship with Palin, but I know from reading this blog that he and Palin are closely linked. Wikipedia also says that he may run in the AZ-04 Congressional district instead of the district he currently represents (AZ-01).

    Tweet URLs:!/Redistrict/status/119857845440221184!/Redistrict/status/119868638781116416

  27. Basket O'Kittens12:50 PM

    I'm glad Gabby is continuing to get better. But you h8rs are way off base in blaming what happened on Gov. Palin. It was just a crazy guy who had nothing to do with Sarah.

  28. Teutonic131:02 PM

    Hi Guys-

    Sorry- but Yesterday I put up a Grifter FB page that I think you will like and maybe join.

    It's for fun- but the title is Where'sTheMoneySarahPalin? (See Image)

    Here is the link below. Drop by say hi- and friend me if you wish-

  29. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Gabrielle is so beautiful on the inside and out. The smile is amazing!

    This is a great picture as I am just starting to get ready for our Canadian Thanksgiving weekend.

    All the best to Gabrielle and everyone else who has suffered tragedy in the last year. I am truely thankful for how lucky I have been.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadian IM posters.

  30. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Gabby is just great, a true inspiration to all of us in America. A strong, courageous woman who hung in there and never quit. A devoted husband who stood by her through the agonizing months while she struggled to fight for her life. THESE people like her are the ones we need to hear a lot more about, because these people may not have "titles" but represent ALL Americans and what we stand for!

    She is looking great, better all the time as we see her finally being able to get out there. I hope she plans on writing a book eventually!

  31. Anonymous1:24 PM

    11:07: A woman like Gabby, with so much love and courage, probably won't even acknowledge Palin anymore, as I'm sure she knows that Palin is a pathetic individual who really doesn't even begin to understand what life is really all about.

    To give Palin any recognition at all now, would be stooping way down to a level that is in no way productive. I'm sure Gabby has no time to waste on people like Palin.

  32. We are so fortunate to have Rep. Giffords with us.

    That isufferable bitch cause this shit. Rep. Giffords asked the crosshairs be taken down because she was getting threats. The dumb bitch palin said NO. After the massacre the insufferable still had her cross-hair map on her site.

    YAY we knew mooseyak's skanky, grifter ass wouldn't run. First rate grifter. Your idiots want their money back.

  33. Anonymous1:54 PM

    That smile lights up the whole room.

  34. TNbluedot2:02 PM

    Thank you for the Gabby article and photo. I needed that touch of class to shake off the palindirt!

  35. Anonymous2:08 PM

    One day Gabby will write a scathing article detailing how she feels toward Sarah and her "cross hairs".

    11:07 AM


    ESPECIALLY when Sara Palin starts making noise about a run for Arizona politics.


  36. Anonymous2:13 PM

    I just don't understand why Palin won't produce Trig's birth certificate and collect that sizable chunk of change from Scharlott. She could donate it to brain trauma research or a rehabilitation program. It would dispel the cloud of doubt hanging over her head and make her look like a human being with a heart all in one fell swoop.

  37. Anonymous2:37 PM

    It is - she's amazing! Unlike a balding, screeching, claw-lady we all know and despise. And her friends Kirsten Gillibrand and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz are fabulous - we need more women like them in politics!


  38. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Gabby is everything that you know who isn't!

  39. Linda Arizona3:03 PM

    Her face gives me hope.

  40. Anonymous3:13 PM

    @12:50 Basket O

    FYI, Charles Manson didn't do any of the killings, it was his devoted followers. He was convicted of the murders through the joint-reponsibility rule. So what's your point.

    And yes Gabby is pure sunshine on a cloudy day.

  41. I am so glad that Gabby is making a remarkable recovery from her gunshot wounds. And I will never forgive Sarah Palin for the rhetoric and the "cross-hairs" map that may have played a role in the deaths in Tuscon. And her Blood Libel speech shows the deep depravity of her soul. Begone, Sarah. I curse you for all eternity.

  42. Agree with @Anonymous 1:24 pm who responded to @Anonymous 11:07 am:
    "One day Gabby will write a scathing article detailing how she feels toward Sarah and her 'cross hairs'."

    At the extremes of human behavior are people like Palin (nasty, paranoid, self-absorbed) and people like Obama and Giffords (empathetic, considers another person's point of view, makes everyone around them glad to be in their presence).

    Giffords really wouldn't have anything to gain by taking a page out of Palin's book. She's loved for who she is, not because she gains admirers by attacking other people.

  43. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Her recovery,as joyful as it is, is just so heavily clouded by the images of those killed and wounded.

    It also is a huge nail in the coffin that was the willingness of politicians to meet their voters face to face.

  44. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I guesss the bummer of a day I have has is still hanging on me.

    Yes it is wonderful to see her doing so well.
    But let's keepin mind that the kind of post ER care that most Americns could afford is not inthe same league asthe tax payer subsidized health care the Congress can give itself.

    I would be willing to be that her total bill is now well over a million, and I bet she has little or not co-pays, virtually nothing that is not covered, and it is unlikely her premiums will go up or that her insurance will be cut off.

    Its fantastic for her, but what about the rest of us who are paying for her Cadillac coverage when many of us have no insurance at all becasue we just cannot afford it.

  45. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Gabby is radiant, strong, genuine, and truly an inspiration. I wouldn't dare mention "that woman" in the same comment, it would be too crass.

    Thanks, Gryphen - She's a class act and a national treasure!

  46. Anonymous7:28 PM

    She is so lovely, Gryphen! Thank you for posting this!

  47. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Gabrielle is TRUE grace & grit....

    NOT Palin's graft & grift


  48. Anonymous10:00 PM

    She's so beautiful!

  49. Anonymous10:45 PM

    I moved to Arizona just two months before the Gifford shooting. Now, nearly a year later, I would like to make a few observations:
    1. Loughner, the shooter, is psychotic. He may or may not have been influenced by Sarah Palin. We probably will never know.
    2. The majority of Arizona people are good people, upstanding citizens who, regardless of their political leanings (and love of guns), do not condone this sort of violence.
    3. Sarah's "blood libel" speech did her more harm here than anything else she could possibly have said.
    4. In spite of our loony-tunes Governor Brewer buddying up to Sarah, the truth is that the good old boys in the Republican cabal here would never give up their power to an Alaskan carpetbagger.

    Gabby's recovery, and her attitude of forgiveness rather than vengeance, is an inspiration to us all. Sarah could learn a lot from this woman.

  50. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Such a great, sweet and courageous woman Gabby is. Best wishes and blessings to her and hubby. May they continue having a loving and supportive marriage!


  51. Anonymous5:40 AM

    SHe has the most warm, wide, and infectious smile! I am so glad to see her looking so well! Take that Sarah Palin!


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