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Joan Churchill and Nick Broomfield at the 55th BFI London Film Festival. |
Sarah Palin – You Betcha! is a political, biographical documentary of Sarah Palin.
Throughout the film Nick Broomfield and his team come up against many obstacles; from people who are increasingly unwilling to discuss Sarah, to Sarah herself who claims she will give an interview, but inevitably doesn’t. The film is a mix of one-on-one interviews, archive footage and also some beautiful scenery shots. Seeing the development of Sarah’s career is eye-opening and gives stark evidence of what it has taken for her to become such an influential woman in American politics. The range of interviews with her old colleagues and neighbours also provides a personal insight into what she has done to get where she is in politics; including firing people who were once her friends and helped her get into a powerful position within the community. There is also evidence of bitter family feuds, and other disputes she regularly gets into.
The archive footage dug up is relatively unseen and deeply personal, including Sarah Palin playing basketball in school. With this extensive archive and interview footage comes a sense of naivety or to put it plainly, stupidity. We are informed that Palin thought Queen Elizabeth II was the head of the UK government, incorrectly believed that she made all the decisions regarding policy and legislation, she couldn’t find Iraq on a map even though her son was being sent there, and the film ends with the famous prank phone call in which Sarah believed she was accepting a call from French president Nicolas Sarkozy. Some of the people interviewed are very worried that if she won the presidency she would have no qualms with starting a nuclear war. There was also evidence that she doesn’t always want what was best for the people, and is more concerned what was best for her. This was seen in the way she behaved to her ex-brother in law, whom she tried to get fired purely because he split from her sister. Quite a scary picture is painted of the incompetence of this powerful figure in American politics.
There were a total of 125 hours of rushes and another 125 hours of archive footage that had to be trawled through during editing. The fact that this extensive amount of film was condensed down into an incisive and very well structured hour and a half documentary is a monumental achievement in itself. On top of this, the filmmakers also had to change the direction of the film numerous times as it was not clear whether Palin was running for president or not.
Sarah Palin – You Betcha! is witty and funny, yet rather than taking the easy route of ridiculing a figure who is regularly mocked anyway, it takes a serious look at a character who could have had a catastrophic impact on the world. Broomfield maintains his already established filmmaking style, there is unfortunately no attempt at an evolution in his approach, but it is nevertheless another remarkable achievement from one of the documentary genre’s most vital auteurs.
Sarah Palin – You Betcha! is showing at the BFI London Film Festival on the 15th and 16th October
I am still very much looking forward to seeing this film even though it did not exactly set the movie world on fire with its limited release here in the states. I have to blame a portion of that on the fact that Palin is no longer considered a viable Presidential candidate, nor a real threat to our democracy as we know it.
Essentially the majority people are starting to "get over" her. Something which I have little doubt is driving her insane.
By the way I have been badgering Fred about his book and when the website will be up. I am told that it will be very soon. I was giving a date, but I refuse to share it just in case there is another setback.
I also apologize for the tease, but this time it is totally not my fault. If it were up to me I would have had both the website up and book published ages ago.
o/t Reddit thread
"I also apologize for the tease, but this time it is totally not my fault."
ReplyDeleteThanks for admitting that you do tease us regularly. :)
I don't think Fred's book or site is going to have a huge impact at this time. People are sick and tired of Sarah Palin and very few are even covering her any more.
ReplyDeleteThe book should be immediately released when and if she sticks her ugly head out there to run for any elected office - in AZ, AK etc.
Or, if she were ever to be appointed to a political position.
Please, doG...just let her be OVER WITH!
ReplyDeleteAnother reason the movie "did not exactly set the movie world on fire with its limited release here in the states." is that it is a documentary. I can't wait till it's out on DVD.
ReplyDelete"I don't think Fred's book or site is going to have a huge impact at this time. People are sick and tired of Sarah Palin and very few are even covering her any more.
ReplyDeleteThe book should be immediately released when and if she sticks her ugly head out there to run for any elected office - in AZ, AK etc.
Or, if she were ever to be appointed to a political position."
4:08 PM
I still think that MSM can have the juiciest, longest-running story in ages if they would take the gloves off and run with baby gate. Sarah Palin was good for ratings when she was the birth mother of Trig? Just wait and see how good for ratings she is as the only Vice Presidential candidate (and once-sitting governor) to FAKE a pregnancy for political gain! Yowza! Yes, MSM was grossly negligent in ignoring the story for 3 years, but your average Tom, Dick or Harry won't see it that way.
I would have thought that you were sent a copy!
ReplyDeleteSarah hasn't tweeted or facebooked or fox newsed for longer than ever before.
ReplyDeleteIt's like the old days when she didn't exist in the lower 48.
There a little blip about her changing her political affiliation on her facebook page, which has the pee-ers all a twitter thinking it's a secret message from their queen, but that's about it.
Google news has pretty much no mention of her in the last few days.
Since she left for S. Korea and did her embarrassingly stupid speech and the S.Korean government had to smack down her pot stirring comments about N. Korea...well she pretty much has 'gone dark'.
She's either in a really big depressive episode crash, or she's gonna spring something on the world in her typical manic style.
She hasn't mocked or attacked our president, she hasn't acknowledged MLK, she hasn't stuck her nose in Occupy (the world), she hasn't been on her buddy ReGreta's show, she hasn't sat across from her sycophant Hannity for softball pre-prepped 'interviews'...
Seems like since she finally stopped the 'is she running' tease, (and got done with her obligatory speeches that were scheduled before her 'I'm quitting the GOP' announcement)she's all but disappeared from the media radar.
All I can say is it is WONDERFUL not to have her mug in the news. It's like a bad nightmare is over and I can breathe again.
I am grateful for however long it lasts.
Thx for the Fred update. I'm worried about whether it is now arriving too late. Before, I was worried if it would add anything new, be a read that people like -- but now, even if it is everything we hope for, it will be just too late in a very few minutes.
ReplyDeleteHurry, Fred!
Gryph, Can we stop with the Sarah Palin already. You helped take her out. A much better film for us to see now is "I'm Not Moving short film Occupy Wall Street" PLEASE! It's on Youtube, put it up and let's discuss. At least play it for your daughter, but I bet she's already seen it. We are suffering from Sarah burn-out, bring us some cutting edge new shit. This OWS film is good, put it up per request, and let's discuss. It can't hurt at this point. Please, Uncle Gryph.
ReplyDeleteWhere has she been since the "I quit " the "I'm not quitting" fairy tale presidential race announcement? I think she did a brief speech somewhere down south (to a 1/2 filled theater). I refuse to go to the sea of pee cesspool so these comments are how I keep up. Seems awfully quiet out there. Perhaps the revelations about "sea of babies" has hit close to home?
ReplyDeleteJoe McGinniss is making wonderful progress getting the questionable pregnancy into mainstream consciousness. Fred's work may be coming at just the right time. I think his impact will depend on his approach and emphasis.
ReplyDeleteHello Gryphen
ReplyDeleteexcellent posts lately, especially on the insanity of "Herb" Cain and this film on Paylin.
However, I would like to point out that narcissists like Paylin are can't live without causomg problems and stir up trouble. Otherwise, who'd pay attention?
You wrote this about Snooki of the North:
"Palin is no longer considered a viable Presidential candidate, nor a real threat to our democracy as we know it."
I would seriously question that statement, and I'll tell you how I know.
I have a sister who is very similar to Granny Grifter, as in ALWAYS stirring up trouble, living in perpetual drama, and in scrapes with police and ex husbands, bringing law suits, fights with boyfriends. Her worst crime so far is defrauding $60,000 from our aged father through a complex bit of blackmail and "guilt".
If she's not causing problems for someone, including my poor niece, we are all holding our breath waiting for the next crisis.
$ister $arah is brewing up some way to impose herself on us, you can bet on it. My bet is that she'll personally start touring around the country again, endorsing idiots like the despicable Sharron Angle,
and injecting her Royal self into even state level elections.
Her brand if divisive, xtian supremacist xenophobia is running rampant among the Tparty, and she just has to have the limelight.
The fondest hope of the C$P, and O$P folks is that she'll run 3rd party, get drafted at the convention, or dream up some other cosmically idiotic way to f*ck up the elections next year.
I wish to Gaia that you were right, but I've had a lifetime of dealing with a psycho narcissistic sibling, and I take nothing for granted.
We have to be alert, on point, and ready as ever to expose her for the fraudulent fool she is.
And many thanks for continuing this most excellent blog
She canno0t be allowed to just fade into the background. She has created too much havoc in this country. She must be revealed and reviled.
ReplyDeleteYou know what? I just don't think anyone cares about SP. Most people think she is an idiot and could never win the nomination let alone an election. They think that her and her family need to just go away.
ReplyDeleteWe follow her because we got sucked in from the beginning;) We also know what she is really about and her record. Again most people don't care because they think she is an idiot.
The peebots follow her because they are just nuts.
Sarah Palin "fatigue." By the time the movie was released, no one gave a damn about her.
ReplyDelete"She canno0t be allowed to just fade into the background. She has created too much havoc in this country. She must be revealed and reviled."
ReplyDelete5:24 PM
You took the words out of my mouth. No way can this toxic bitch and John McCain be allowed to skate just because the country got sick of her. No fucking way. Country First, motherfuckers!
Oh, how the mighty (in her mind) have fallen.
ReplyDeleteObama gives a world class dedication speech at the King memorial while Lou Crazy makes TMZ.
It cracks me up how TMZ went with the Crazeeee Lady picture.
I agree with 4:55's senitment. The MSM purposely skirted babygate to keep up their ratings. Now that she's taken a brief neuro psychotic break from the spotlight, it's simply not in her nature to fly under the radar.
ReplyDeleteShe may be toast, but babygate blowing open will make her burnt toast, totally neutralized, humiliated, and exposed for the fake Christian she portrayed herself to be.
I don't think she quit by coincidence this time, Joe's book most definately helped the cause, but nick's documentary may cause the msm to perk up their ears, when Fred's book drops, I think they'll be more willing to address the issue, not only to boost ratings, but to set the record straight once and for all.
Too many good people, activists, ordinary citizens have been bullied into silence for too long. If not for the blogs doing the work of the msm, Sarah would still be grifting the less fortunate, planting the seeds of hate, and keeping the truth from the public's right to know.
We can't let this happen ever again.
Tick tock, monday's around the corner..... wonder if Sarah, Todd, and the Preacher will take up Joe's challege on Alasaka's right wing shock jock radio program?
ReplyDeleteIf they're all "lies", then they must refute what Joe put in his book or their silence will cast further doubt, especially in Alaska.
Anon @3:44 PM
ReplyDeleteThanks for the laugh!
Sarah is really getting trashed on TMZ. She says she needs protection from her stalkers.
ReplyDeleteSo are birth certificates not a matter of public record? Because read this from TMZ:
ReplyDeleteJanuary Jones left her child's father's name off its birth certificate. TMZ reports:
The January Jones baby daddy mystery continues ... because the actress left a big, fat BLANK SPOT on her son's birth certificate in the space where she's supposed to name the father. TMZ obtained the document, filed Friday with the L.A. County Dept. of Public Health, which shows January's son, Xander Dane Jones, was born on Sept. 13, 2011. Several famous studs have been rumored to be the father -- including "SNL" star Jason Sudeikis, super chef Bobby Flay, "X-Men" director Matthew Vaughn ... and "Seeking Justice" co-star Xander Berkeley. So far, mom continues to remain mum.
I wonder how TMZ got access to that. Are they a matter of public record in California, but not other states?
ReplyDeleteI'd be nervous too if I had ripped off thousands of people. The Tea Party seems to attract a lot of Jared Loughner types. It is sort of a fitting reward that a person whose stock in trade was fearmongering now lives in fear.
Sarah is either in a depressive phase, or she's laying low hoping everyone will forget her stupid blunders and con game. I hope she doesn't decide to try to interject herself into the political scene by driving all over the U.S. in her shrink wrapped bus again. Now that she's irrelevant I think people are realizing how bizarre her antics were. Her family vacation in her shrink wrapped bus emblazoned with her name and the constitution, showing up whenever a real candidate was announcing their bid candidacy was over the top at the time. In hindsight, it's cringe worthy, and so obviously the antics of a woman with mental illness.
ReplyDeleteJust because things related to SP disappear, I have d/l the palins.m4v
SarahPalin1982 vid's.
That's right anon, Sarah is over and blogs about her are coming to an end now too. Jesse needs to find some other issue to keep us all together.
ReplyDeletere: TMZ article on $P restraining order..... $P may love TMZ but the readers don't love $P. Check it out....
ReplyDeleteJesse doesn't need to find a new issue, there are plenty out there to consider without any of us even trying.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could believe that we won't be hearing Sarah Palin's screechy voice on TV or elsewhere ever again, but I doubt that very much. She'll be back in one way or another. Hopefully with no true influence left, however, or reason to be ambitious in any way.
OT - I thought y'all might enjoy this:
ReplyDeleteLOLGOP: (on facebook) Sarah Palin thought "the 99%" was a reference to her family's scores on pregnancy tests.
Sarah made fools out of the Republicans, Tea Party and MSM. They all need to come clean, but they will still cover for this idiot.
ReplyDeleteI'm told McGinniss' book is a pretty accurate portrayal of Wasilla, so I'm looking forward to reading it. I also want to see Broomfield''s movie.
ReplyDeleteAfter that, I hope I never see or hear anything Palin again.
"unauthorized" persons can obtain informational copies of California documents like birth certificates (they have a stamp across them saying they can't be used as proof of ID). In Alaska, birth certificates are private for 100 years.