Saturday, October 08, 2011

Palin-bots unable to accept that their Queen will NOT run for President, try desperately to change her mind. Now this is just sad.

Just click the image to visit the Facebook page.
It appears that they are in the 3rd stage of loss and grief, "bargaining."

Next up? Depression.

Personally I think they should have stopped at number two. Anger!


  1. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Be nice. These are good people who have hope for their country. Despite Sarah's decisions, she doesn't just STOP being an inspiration to millions.

  2. Anonymous5:45 AM

    I'm sorry but I felt it was my duty to report the page as a hate group via the little report the group button offered up at facebook.

    Be nice? Like she and get followers have been nice?

  3. Anonymous5:48 AM

    These people are insane & stupid. This gives America a very easy way to track insane & stupid people. I hope there is a psychology class following because their depression is going to cycle back to anger--and pretty fast.

  4. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Be nice? When Sarah stops being the most divisive person in the country and stops grubbing for cash, and starts being part of the solution instead of the problem, we can be really nice. Until then, we will work to expose every one of her lies. The country's future is at stake. And really? Those 'millions' she inspires? They need to smell the coffee.

  5. Anonymous5:53 AM

    @ 5:37, why would they turn to Sarah Palin if they have hope for their country? What exactly is it that she promises to them? What is the nature of the inspiration she supposedly provides?

    She's an angry woman who repeats nonsensical phrases over and over again. That about sums it up. That isn't "good".

    As for millions, I really, really, don't think so.

    Perhaps you are being ironic.

  6. angela5:56 AM

    Anon 5:37

    Sadly it is not their country these "good people" are thinking about, it's the cult of Sarah. In Palin's heart she knows her limitations and her wants. She wants money and attention and her limitations are she has NO ideas for moving this country forward except sound bites.

    I hope the bots grief passes quickly and that they choose to do some critical thinking and reading on their own about the problems facing this country.
    A rich woman who now seems to hate the middle class was not their answer.

  7. Anonymous5:59 AM

    5:37 - Sarah Palin was never an inspiration to "millions."

    Plus, it wasn't her "decisions" that have turned off people - it was her behavior, her statements, her absolute and utter disregard for civility, courtesy, intelligence, humility, and compassion.

    Sarah was and still is all about Sarah. Most people woke up to that fact early-on and only those who willfully disregarded the plain and unpleasant truth hung on - the people left as almost as delusional as she is.

    It is not that we dislike these people. It is that we pity them. So sad, so very sad to see people stay at the party long after the lights are turned down and the clean-up crew is sweeping the floor. The dawn of full realization is drawing near, and these folks will be forced to admit they were duped - well and truly duped by someone with half their intelligence and patriotism. They got caught up in an emotional roller coaster.

    Its time to get off and go home and see the carnival for what it was: an illusion created to part them from their money and give them cheap thrills. They need to chalk Sarah up as a learning experience and move on.

  8. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Actually, these are sad, misdirected people who have no hope for their country. That's why they put their dreams in the pocket of a tawdry grifter.

  9. Anonymous6:01 AM

    360 strong...
    note this number includes many duplicate names, tons of anonymous signers, and multiple names within the same family.

    Now this is what I call a movement!

  10. mitchethekid6:02 AM

    Be nice?? Why? Palin sure isn't. I'll give you all credit though, you have the single mindedness of an android. Accept reality and look at it this way. Palin has already saved America. By quitting once again.

  11. WakeUpAmerica6:12 AM

    Those poor people are so needy. That's really sad.

  12. Anonymous6:19 AM

    These "good" people ,who have been led down the primrose path for so long,need a jolt to bring them back to appears they haven't been paying attention.

  13. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Oh yeah. I definitely find someone who staggered through almost a half dozen colleges for a simple degree and who has spent a good portion of the last few years begging others for money instead of holding a real job a TRUE inspiration!

    Are these people for real? Do they not remember this nitwit QUITTING the highest job she ever had? That's like a small town police chief deciding to leave his job after two years, having no other experience, and demanding to head up Scotland Yard!

  14. I am wondering where RAM is in all this. Still under the bus? In witness protection? Writing a tell-all book?

    I don't like going into H***** territory, but Sarah seems to have a group of ardent followers who are so enamored of her that they do realize that she is preaching hate and decisiveness. An uneducated, dysfunctional, charismatic person who is able to manipulate people into believing that one she can lead.

    The people in this Facebook group may need to be re-programmed, like certain cult members. That's it!
    The Cult of the Cu*t.

  15. Anonymous6:27 AM

    5:37 She IS an inspiratioin, she inspires intelligent people to vote for ANYONE but her.

  16. It's pitiful. These may be good people, but they were taken because they allowed themselves to be manipulated by a narcissist. If they want to have a sociopath as their inspiration, that's their issue. I personally feel that Sarah Palin would find me beneath her contempt because I have a completely different take on how this country should progress, and it involves all of its citizens, not just a select few.

  17. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Be nice. These are good people who have hope for their country. Despite Sarah's decisions, she doesn't just STOP being an inspiration to millions.


    I'm always amazed at people who fixate on Sarah Palin types. Reminds me of the women & men who write love letters to convicted criminals in prison. Then the next thing you know they're married to them in some weird separate ceremony! And promise they will "wait" on the outside--even though they'll never, ever get to spend even an hour together.


  18. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Sarah's followers maybe don't realize it, but they've been brainwashed. It's like a cult. A cult will follow their leader, mesmerized by that leader and that leader can do no wrong.

    I can't believe they are this stupid to think that one sitting president can do it all for them. What could a President Palin do more than any other republican contender? Do they think she has special privileges any other president never had? That she could overrule everything to get things done her way?

    Don't they realize that a Congress, Senate pass the laws, approve legislation. Whatever a President Palin has proposed could very well be in the hands of another party of NO.

    She would have her hands tied just like every other, including President Obama. His promises of change didn't happen because he lied, it was because he was obstinately refused.

  19. Anonymous6:39 AM

    She was going on and on again about the "main stream media" this week, but ignores the fact that she's had the ears and eyes of the "msm" for three years. Last night, she could have discussed and reported on all the things she claims aren't being talked about. Instead, she just complained.
    She's only good at finding fault, and can't come up with one solution.
    Most people are "good," and most people have "hope for their country." They also know how to tell the difference between a con artist and real thinking, intelligent, committed leaders.
    A final note: Sarah, please ask your PAC to buy you a comb and mirror. Some of those "good people" paid $100 to see you, and you looked like you'd just run out to walk the dog, after dark.

  20. These people are delusional fools, but I don't feel sorry for them at all. And the more money they willingly give to Sarah Palin means less money they're able to donate elsewhere.

    Her next step is into the religious "Jesus saved me, he can save you, too, IF you give me all your money".

    Bet on it.

  21. Anonymous6:42 AM

    OK. Mostly I write snark on here now, but there was a time when I would write serious things like in early 2009: "Why doesn't her family get her the mental health treatment she so desperately needs? Why doesn't anyone care?"
    And I say the same to those who are starting her "Earthquake." Sarah Palin, as has been obvious to most of us since Fall 2008, is mentally ill. She needs treatment. She needs to be protected from exposing how ill she is in public. WHY WOULD YOU DRAFT HER INTO FURTHER EXPOSURE? Did you see what she wore last night? She cannot even dress herself properly. It would be sad, except her unique intersection of mental illness and hatred has been established as her "brand." And to those on her Earthquake Facebook draft campaign page who joined the Koch Bros. and Murdochs (billionaires/millionaires) to pay for this deadly mix of crazy and hate: you call yourselves "patriots"? No. You're enablers of the psychotic. You're anti-American. Tucson.

  22. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Wow, she really is looking raggedy. With all her money, she not get a professional stylist? Good god, I could even do a better job with her presentation.

  23. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Remember that nearly 1/10 of Americans have a mood disorder (bipolar, depression, etc) and it's no surprise she still has supporters.

  24. Almost 3,000 so far. That will surely sweep her into the presidency by a landslide.

  25. Pat in MA6:55 AM

    Looks like a poster of "America's Most Clueless"

  26. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Now that Sarah's done, your little blog is rather pointless isn't it?

  27. The sad part is that individuals have different points of view.

  28. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Morning trollie at 5:37 am...

    "inspiration to millions?"
    Yup..that's why the earthquake consists of 3,000 total.


  29. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Uh, she doesn't respond to support, she responds to money. Unless all you fans are putting at least $2,500 (campaign contribution cap) behind your earthquake, it won't register on her Richter Scale.

  30. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Ok, anon 5:37, I'll start being "nice" to these "good people" as soon as your idol stops being a snarky bitch to everyone but her moron folowers! In other words, don't hold your breath!

  31. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Chuck Heath Jr. has been giving interviews, being moderator on blogs and burning up the internet taking up for his idiot sister. Guess he must be a paid SarahPac buffoon also too.

  32. Marleycat7:03 AM

    5:37am - Uh-huh - yeah! All good people fire brown-skinned people from their jobs just because their skin color makes them uncomfortable (especially when it reminds them of their past sexual fetishes with black guys), deliberately scam their supporters of their hard earned cash, neglect their children, falsely accuse a political opponent of being a "Jew" who is not married to his wife of many years, fake pregnancies and steal their children's babies only to neglect their needs for therapy, glasses, love, have grown children who didn't graduate nor have any aspirations to get a college education (especially when they have lots of OPM to pay for it) - and on and on!

    Uh-huh, all good people tear apart the Constitution, promote racism, classicsm, sexism - and every other "ism" out there just to get votes. And most of us female "good people" also, too, have whoring, pimping husbands who belong to a secessionist hate group. R-i-g-h-t, Sarah - as Christine O'Donnell said - we're "you". Of course, you did stab her in the back and throw her under the bus, also,too, didn't you Sarah?

  33. Anonymous7:06 AM

    5:37 am anomys says Be nice. These are good people.

    You are totally wrong, Sarah is trash and lies like the devil. Remember her crosshairs got Gabby Giffords shot and others died. Sarah has trashed everyone and anyone; she has really screwed up Alaska and her hate speeches are terrible. The only hope Sarah has is more money in her bank account and hope that no one finds out what all she has done criminally.

  34. jadez7:09 AM

    those people like the fanatics we see at blogs are not there to support palin.

    they are there to support each other.
    palin the bizarre, is just the tool used cause the fanatics cant see their own insanity.

  35. Anonymous7:11 AM

    The ONLY thing that is keeping Sarah propped up is the media. If they stop covering her, she becomes nonexistent. I can't wait until that becomes a reality.

  36. Anonymous7:12 AM

    So will she do a Jim Jones and take the crazy with her over the cliff?

  37. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I'm sure the narcissist queen is loving the attention. I really hope they persuade her to run. Because she won't get anywhere near the White House, and her secrets will be unveiled, and it will guarantee President O another win.

    Do it, Sarah! Listen to the voice of God as speaking to you not through the burning bush, but through the "Earthquake"!!

  38. Anonymous7:16 AM

    What do you think is happening to Sarah's midsection in this photo from Dana Loesch's twitter account?

  39. I'm stuck on stage 2! Anger!

    I'm angry that she hasn't shown us Trigs Birth Certificate yet!

  40. Anonymous7:19 AM

    They grasp at any morsel that falls from her lips, don't they?

    I heard the exchange betw Palin and the host--it meant NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING. Seriously, she was just trying to get off the air. If you hear that exchange in full context--it was just small talk, the host was trying to be funny, perhaps put words in her mouth, BUT IT MEANT NOTHING!

    These people are sad, sad victims.

  41. Anonymous7:24 AM

    What she had to offer is simple.
    If you fill their heads with your fears, they will look to you for solutions.
    Its just like disaster capitalism and the shock doctrine.
    In their eyes President Obama was the disaster, and a black man is their fear.
    I personally am sick of the overt and subtle ways we are fed their bullshit. (pictures the whitehouse lawn covered in rows of watermelon)
    In the words of one of my heroes, Happy Bunny, "I'll be nicer when you're smarter."
    Kinda sounds like how Sarah has treated her fans huh?

  42. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Two months ago, I went on Ancestor dot com and found out I was related to the Palins, but the worst news; I was also related to the Heaths.

    Since then, my wife has left me, my kids have disowned me, my dog avoids me, my neighbors shun me and my employer fired me.

  43. Randall7:40 AM

    MENSA material they're not.

  44. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Terrible review. It might be good to let her know what others believe...

  45. Anonymous7:41 AM

    5:37AM. You poor thing. Do you just wait for a new post by Gryphen so you can be FIRST? You would enjoy yourself so much more at one of those sites that adore their goddess, Ms. Palin.

  46. Does anyone know what is going on in this picture of Sarah from last night, looks like her water boobs fell!

  47. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Now that Sarah's done, your little blog is rather pointless isn't it?

    6:56 AM

    Yet here you are (Sarah?) busy trying to re-direct attention away from this blog. Which appears to be thriving, BTW.

    Don't you know that trolls just make Gryphen stronger? ;)

  48. Poor Sarah, overshadowed by President Obama once again.

    Ahh schadenfreude, it feels so good!

    Granny Grifter is scheduled to screech at the South Korea Knowledge Forum, held from 10/11 to 10/13.

    President Obama will host a state visit for South Korean President Lee Myung-bak at the White House on 10/13. On 10/14, the two Presidents will travel together to Detroit to discuss the Korean free trade agreement.

  49. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Poor P-bot at 5:37...

    If Sarah really had "millions" of supporters, don't you think you wouldn't need to swarm polls with multiple vote, rig the DWTS poll and flood book reviews with multiple entries to make her look popular?

    You DO understand there is a difference between what is real and what you wish was real, don't you?

  50. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Be nice. Forgive them for sending death threats to critics and their children, shooting out car windows, firing into homes, stalking US citizens for exercising their rights, etc....

    Be nice. They are a little confused why people don´t like them....

  51. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Sarah represents what they feel, hatefulness because a black man and women are in their White house, she says exactly what they want to hear, bashing Obama and they pay her to say it. They don't care about their country, they care only about themselves just like their leader. When you get down to it, Sarah and her few thousand Bots are nothing, just some crazies on the sidelines who think they are important to her because they send their master money and she does not care one bit about them personally.

  52. Anonymous8:11 AM

    How many of Madoff's victims still worship him and still ask him if they can send him money? Just goes to show how equally mentally unstable they are as she is.

  53. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I signed their stupid petition as JOE DON DUMBFUCK and commented that this stupid woman would NEVER be president.

    And the signature & comment shows up on their petition!

    Go do it. It's fun!

  54. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I see Eddie Burke is front and center on the top row. That about says it all.

  55. Anonymous8:20 AM

    What do you think is happening to Sarah's midsection in this photo from Dana Loesch's twitter account?


    Heaven knows! That is one of the strangest things I've ever seen. She's carrying around wads of cash/pills/or something in her pockets and her fanny pack?

    Maybe she's pregnant and carrying the little miracle in the front of her thighs and her buttocks?

  56. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Does anyone know what is going on in this picture of Sarah from last night, looks like her water boobs fell!


    She got a couple of big holes in her Spanx and that's the rill Sarah bulging out.

  57. Anonymous8:26 AM

    "Be nice. These are good people who have hope for their country. Despite Sarah's decisions, she doesn't just STOP being an inspiration to millions."

    @5:37 AM

    No. They're assholes who want to take this country back centuries. $arah Palin inspires hatred in a disturbed minority in this country. It would be nice if she would STOP irritating the majority of Americans.

  58. Anonymous8:27 AM

    mmboucher, I just posted that great "mystery" picture at ADN along with a picture of the "bulging audience" (LOL!) at the rally. I'm still laughing. My theory is that her boobs dropped, others have speculated that it's a spanxfail or overly full Depends.

    The earthquake page has good ol Eddie Burke as one of it's signers. Pretty much sez it all. Pathetic.

  59. Anonymous8:43 AM

    "Now that Sarah's done, your little blog is rather pointless isn't it?"

    @6:56 AM

    Obviously not, since you are still continuing your pointless trolling here. $arah Palin is not running for president, but she is still a PUBLIC FIGURE who refuses to GO AWAY, and still wants to have political influence, and is still hellbent on annoying America. She's still fair game.

  60. Not What You Want To Hear8:45 AM

    These are people who simply don't have the self-confidence to admit: "I was wrong." Only deeply, deeply insecure people would be clinging this doggedly to a dead dream. And of course, that is a characteristic that con artists seek and find in their most gullible victims.

  61. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Anon 5:37 AM - 'These are good people who have hope for this country.' Compared to what, the
    rest of us who don't? And no, she
    wasn't/isn't 'an inspiration,'
    she is a con artist who is phony to the bone. NOT what she's cracked up to be. Those so-called
    Christians that are 'devestated'
    worshiped her like she is the golden calf of the Old Testament.
    Check the Bible & see what it says about idol worshiping.

    Sharon TN

  62. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Not sad - pathetic. How empty their lives must be that they need to fill it with a fantasy.

  63. Anonymous9:09 AM

    "Inspiration to millions"?? Name ONE idea she has put forward to get this country back on track. ONE. These followers of hers need to open their eyes and see what is going on. The woman is a con artist. The aides of McCain who are now speaking out should be made to answer why they promoted her, knowing she was mentally challenged.

  64. Anonymous9:09 AM

    @ 6:19 p these people have been living in lalaland for a long time. They have nostalgia for a time that never was. And they keep seeking scapegoats to blame for their fantasies not becoming reality.

    These are the types who still think Leave It to Beaver was a documentary, that all women of the 50's were happy SAHM's (except nurses and teachers) who may have had careers as young women, but happily gave them up to make Pillsbury dinners for hubby and kids. And that if those "other folks" would just go away, their fantasy would manifest.

  65. emrysa9:13 AM

    hahaha must bookmark that gryphen, it's going to be funny to come back in a month and see how few people have signed up.

    what? only 10,000 people in the entire country really want the quitter to run for president? hahahaaaa have to laugh at 5:37 am claiming the quitter is an inspiration to millions. talk about delusional.

  66. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Weird bedroom hair.
    6-inch sling-back open-toed high-heeled sandals.
    Tight little black pencil skirt mid-thigh.
    Spiral notebook and Blackberry.
    2008 McCain campaign designer top.

    Yep. It's all there. She's HOT!
    It's too bad that Michelle Bachmann isn't a man. Sarah just needs to find another McCain to "tap" her for VP again.

  67. Enjay in E MT9:17 AM

    Awww - interesting piece at American Thinker - obviously the author drank too much of the $arahPalin Kool-aid.

    snip] With Palin's announcement that she won't run for president, the election is essentially over.
    [end snip

  68. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Wonder if the witch will ride her broom on down to Liberty University today in Virginia? I believe she is set to cackle at 3:30 on what her FAITH means to her. Her buddy "Herb" is going to be there also too; he must still be the "flavor of the month" as old ditzy Sarah says.

    Hoping old Sarah will be hit with some rotten tomatoes; maybe a crow will fly over and kidnap that uglyazz wig or leave her with some flying zingers that smell like crow crap.

  69. Anonymous9:18 AM

    5:37 AM

    Are these the same "good" people who think that liberals are evil and not true patriots? who think that democrats have no right to govern? who think that differences should be settled by second amendment means? who think that the tree of liberty should be watered with blood?

  70. Not What You Want To Hear9:19 AM

    We have been trying to warn her bots for years now that they're getting is that not nice of us? Frankly, I don't think it's that nice to encourage people to keep getting conned by her. That's like urging an abused spouse to give their abusive partner another chance.

  71. WalterNeff9:19 AM

    The Germans have a word for finding pleasure in the misfortune of others. It is schadenhahahaassholes

  72. Anonymous9:26 AM

    hmmmm...i have been on board with babygate from the beginning. but today i saw something that gave me pause. this picture

    of young sarah and todd. im thinking serious family resemblance to this picture of trig.

    and i'm not seeing a very close resemblance of levi and bristol to the more recent trig photos.

    its making me rethink is all im saying. just like the pics of track and curtis menard and family made it so obvious who the daddy was.

  73. Not What You Want To Hear9:26 AM

    Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Who wants to bet this post on c4p isn't by Sarah Palin herself or one of her rude family members:


    Jean_A 37 minutes ago
    "I am tired of this fkg sh#t. Gov. Palin didn't let anybody down. Her supporters let her down. Her PAC sent out an email if you want Gov. Palin to run than donate to her PAC. This was to see if the people would fund her campaign. She was just looking for a couple of million to see if the funding was going to be out there. If a couple of million had went to SarahPAC then as a Presidential candidate the funds would have rolled in from the people.

    You can't run for President if you don't have any money.

    So maybe along with the draft for Palin there should be a donate to SarahPAC too."


    The bots didn't come through, dammit! She "was only looking for a couple million."

  74. Anonymous9:41 AM

    hehe, heh they have a survey monkey up at c4p - why I just can't resist takign those thing.

  75. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Anyone who thinks Palin would be a good President or could win the election is completely out of their mind.

    Palin is one of the dumbest people to ever hold public office. She is a liability.

    Her political career has been over with.

  76. ibwilliamsi9:48 AM

    @ 5:37 AM

    Rather than "she doesn't just STOP being an inspiration to millions" I think you meant "she doesn't just STOP aspiring to take other people's millions". You're welcome.

    Nice to see you again. By the way, Where's Trig's Birth Certificate?

  77. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Now that Sarah's done, your little blog is rather pointless isn't it?

    6:56 AM


    Just as many of us told you yesterday, no, the blog is not done because Sarah is not done running around the country and the world proclaiming to speak for Americans that elected her to NO position of authority.

    As long as she does that, she will have to be called out for the know-nothing loony tunes liar that she is.

    Now it will only get more brutal for her because no one has her back, not since she quit on them again.

    The big boys aren't going to take up for her now because she has nothing to offer in return.

  78. Keep on keepin' on Earthquake People. I hope that Sarah takes the time to give you her heartfelt thanks, just like she did the other day when she walked away from her "campaign". Oh, wait, she didn't even acknowledge you, I forgot. I'm sure that you've forgotten it too; just a little oversight on her part I'm sure.

    She didn't even know how much money she had in her PAC and really acted as if she didn't know where it came from. When she finally admitted the "only $1.4 million" amount, she seemed to treat it like a silly drop in a tiny bucket; a paltry sum that really couldn't help her at all.

    I'm sure that those of you that sent her donations felt the same; just a paltry drop in your vast financial buckets. It's a shame you couldn't do more; she may have recognized your efforts if you had, but I doubt it. I wouldn't hold out hope for her to acknowledge your Earthquake either. The only earthquake that would wake Sarah up is one that knocked her roof down on her head, then she'd just think that was a message from God.

    Just like Stewart and Colbert said, you didn't "give" hard enough to keep "Tinkerbell" alive. A Facebook group certainly isn't going to cut it.

    I'm remembering a video from a little gathering in Iowa where the faithful assembled at a restaurant in honor of Sarah Palin and she didn't even have the good manners to step on the stage and speak to them; she had Peter Singleton give a speech instead, just like she had Mark Levin read her "second ode to quitting". The assembled crowd begged her to speak but she left through the back door, no doubt to board a rented private jet, that you paid for. Maybe she thanks you before settling down in those posh leather seats and having her beverage served. Maybe she says a prayer for you when she eats her gourmet meal, on the rented private jet that you paid for. Those private jet trips aren't cheap, ya know, you guys are really good to her and she should thank you more.

    Face it, she's just not that into you, in fact she's not really into anyone, except herself, but you keep trying to make her into something she is not: a caring individual that will recognize others for the hard work and money that they throw her way. Sorry, that ain't gonna happen with this one; dyed in the wool narcissists rarely change their stripes.

    How many times will she burn you before you realize the truth?

  79. Anonymous10:19 AM

    9:26 AM,

    People don't just get their genes from their parents. They get them from their grandparens, etc. Not everyone is a carbon copy of their parents. Some people think Bri$tol and Tripp look like Chuck Heath, Sr.

    I have cousins who are twins, and they look like a great-aunt who died many years before they were born.

    I still think Bri$tol gave birth to Trig, but I never though Levi was his father, though.

  80. Anonymous10:36 AM

    WTF Anon@5:37???
    Be nice?
    When has $arah, her family or her followers ever been nice??
    You mean like when they compare our President to Hitler nice?
    Or when they're busy sending out racist emails nice?
    Or when they are bashing our First Lady nice??
    What is your definition of nice??
    Because it sure isn't the one found in any Dictionary??

    mary b

  81. Anonymous10:36 AM

    It's truly sad how many lonely, alienated, socially isolated, desperate, scared people Palin has taken advantage of. There is a special circle in hell for people like her.

  82. Wow...these folks sound like a church I went to ONCE! Where they passed the collection plate around and then went to the back and added up the total and came up short so they asked for ANOTHER donation!!

    Why doesn't she start her own Church and collect her money that least that's a bit more honest than what these fools are doing!

    "The Church of Sarah"...ALL DONATIONS ACCEPTED

  83. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Another good day.

    As for her strange lower-body at the latest looks to me like an adult diaper - but could just be some trick of shadows/angles in the photo (I suppose, since it was not glaringly obvious from other angles).

    Also, since I have been banned from commenting further (and run out of email addresses for new profiles) - TOTAL PROPS going out to whomever asked on Scarah's facebook page: "Where is Ruffles?"

  84. Anonymous10:47 AM

    fyi - to anyone taking the survey at C4P (which is fun, so go for it !) ...I would just recommend first going to some other website, like Fox News, or whatever...and then paste in the survey url from there.

    Given the patterns of certain responses, they may wise up enough to delete those that have IM or other blogs as their "Referring url."

    just a thought. SunnyVee :)

  85. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Sarah? An inspiration to " millions?" wow, you are insane and sick. Sarah is a treasonous, mentally ill psychopath.
    She isn't nice to anyone, not even her family. She is a disturbed and emotionally abusive individual who should be locked up for what she did to her state and country.

    So fuck you anonymous first poster. You need help.

  86. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Nope, still in denial. They keep asking themselves what caused her to change her mind. They KNEW she was going to run. Until they admit to themselves that THEY WERE GRIFTED AND PLAYED, they will remain in denial. They only heard what they wanted to hear, spoken by someone they put on a pedestal. Yes, big money tossed her aside when they realized how toxic she is. Yeah, Todd's going to be very busy taking all those phone calls from politicians begging for her help, NOT! Yep, unconventional campaign alright, just convince your followers that you're running long enough to steal their money. Yes, that WAS a VERY unconventional campaign, she never even had to file. Well, we tried to tell them, they wouldn't listen. The cog-dis is so bad they'll never admit it.

  87. Where's Palin Man in all this?

    Anyone seen poor Palin Man?

  88. Anonymous11:12 AM

    How much would Sarah Palin's endorsement matter in the race for the GOP presidential nomination?
    Read Related Articles
    Not at all
    A little
    A lot
    Total votes: 231585 this is current cnn poll 10/8/2011

  89. Anonymous11:22 AM

    WTF? Who dresses her??

  90. Anon 5:37, (may I call you "Sarah"), you have never been "an inspiration to millions" - other than inspiring hatred and suspicion. Nice try.

  91. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I think you Palinbot-Turds should send Sarah more money to get her to change her mind.

    Sarah could use the money since the holidays are coming up and she plans on throwing Track a wedding in Alaska.

    Send her your best donations it would be most appreciated.

  92. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Palin is in negotiations with ABC and "The View". I understand she will be paid millions.

  93. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Sarah is a quitter. She is a liar. She uses her children as media props. She is anti-intellectual. She uses rhetoric and inflammatory language against any one who challenges her. She knows exactly what buttons to push to get her base all fired up. She is a user of others to get what she wants. Sooner this pathetic little person crawls back to her cave the better this nation will be.

  94. Anonymous1:04 PM

    this is anon 9:26am

    i realize you get more genes than just your parents and i also agree that ruffles is a different baby than trig at the convention and growing up. and i cant explain why she would need a different baby except to reinforce a later birth date than when bristol may have given birth in jan 2008. it could be that ruffles actually is sarahs baby and was born premature with lots of conditions in april as she said and she didnt take very good care of it and it died. ruffles to me looks like a malnourished baby to begin with and if the baby being held by the heaths is the same baby as ruffles (which i dont think it is) then whoever was supposed to be feeding that kid starved it and who knows what else. also if trig went from ruffles in april/may to rnc trig then she must have been shoving moosemeat into that kids feeding tube cause that boy is a bruiser. and his "growth" spurt must have ended because trip over took him in size at least a year ago. there are plenty of hinky things going on here. but i cant deny, that boy trig in the trig/trip pic looks a hell of a lot like both sarah and todd more so than track and more than piper.

  95. Anonymous said...
    "5:37 AM
    "Are these the same "good" people who think that liberals are evil and not true patriots? who think that democrats have no right to govern? who think that differences should be settled by second amendment means? who think that the tree of liberty should be watered with blood?

    9:18 AM"

    And says people should die or get sicker because they don't have any fucking insurance.

    And boo our finest OVER IN THE MIDDLE EAST (no less), hate teachers, nurses, construction workers, unions, police, firefighter, clean water and air, safety regulations, working citizens, apple pie,

  96. Anonymous2:10 PM

    WOW! Aren't the bots hostile. What the heck does it take for these people to realize they have been taken for a ride?

    Can you say MADOFF, bots? Just keep sending her your money. She's laughing at you.


  97. Anonymous2:25 PM


    Sara in negotiations with the VIEW?

    And she will be paid millions??

    Better put the lid back on the paint thinner and go outside for a while.

    75% of REPUBLICANS can't stand her, add in independents and democrats and what kind of audience do you think they'll get there?

    Sheesh, wake up. She fleeced you for every nickel you could spare. That's a shame but it's not my problem

  98. Anonymous said...
    Palin is in negotiations with ABC and "The View". I understand she will be paid millions.

    12:26 PM


    As if we don't already have enough reasons NOT to watch The View.

  99. Anonymous3:01 PM

    one of my all time favorite duets, wonder if they're hip/onboard to the earthquake thingie ?


  100. "What do you think is happening to Sarah's midsection in this photo from Dana Loesch's twitter account?"

    HAHAHAHA WTF? It looks like her booty pads slipped onto her hip. rotf

  101. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Several times in the last couple of weeks Sarah was asked - if the economy improved and unemployment went down, would she be able to show SOME level of support for Obama?

    She didn't hesitate to answer in the negative. That tells you all you need to know about her.

    She doesn't give a fuck about the American people. And that includes all you mouth-breathing Palinbots.

  102. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Palin is in negotiations with ABC and "The View". I understand she will be paid millions.

    12:26 PM


    Please! We all know that would never happen because

    1) Too many dark-skinned people on the View,
    2) Too much work required,
    3) Whoopi would lay out Sarah's horseshit before she knew what hit her.

  103. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I never really understood how a cult leader could gain control over people until Sarah came along. She has something they initially admire, but it goes far beyond that. They feed off each other and support each other, quickly losing the ability to objectively judge her. Anything that challenges their view is dismissed out of hand and they wallow in their self-imposed ignorance.

  104. Anonymous3:43 PM

    As if we don't already have enough reasons NOT to watch The View.

    2:28 PM

    ABC always gave her a pass, and WaWa WUBS her. If women can handle that screech, more power to 'em. Here's to my full time job!

  105. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Forget joining a facebook group. You want to show her how much you really care, you've got to up the ante, folks! How about this? Try eating a big, steaming pile of your own excrement! Get it on video, and send it to SarahPAC! That will show her just how far you're willing to go to cover her back! Yeah, that's the ticket!

  106. Anonymous4:30 PM

    @ 5:59

    Plus, it wasn't her "decisions" that have turned off people - it was her behavior, her statements, her absolute and utter disregard for civility, courtesy, intelligence, humility, and compassion.

    exactly - besides SP does not make decisions according to her father.

  107. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Palin is in negotiations with ABC and "The View". I understand she will be paid millions.

    12:26 PM

    ROFL - the View would go the way of All My Children if Palin was a host. Maybe she's going to be a guest and will 'fess up about TriG.

  108. Anonymous4:43 PM

    what would possibly make SP balloon up like that - she was bony in the fake race finish line pictures.

    drugs?? did she take the same pills that made Willow fat? (the official excuse for Willow's weight gain this spring.....)

    She lost a lot of weight in August and only looks a little heavy now. Her body must have adjusted to the anti-depressants.

  109. lwtjb4:54 PM

    As someone else noted here a while back, Down Syndrome children resemble each other a lot more than they resemble family.

  110. Anonymous8:12 PM


    The burns!

    They'll be breaking out in a chorus of "How am I supposed to live without you?" next.

    Sarah Palin on the View? for Millions!

    Bwaaaaaaaahhhhhaaa. Maybe you mean "the Chew"- she's been scarfing down the crunch wrap supremems, vodka and red bull martinis and moose chili with those chipmonk cheeks and shapeshifting midsection.

  111. Anonymous8:20 PM

    It's the earhquake to nowhere, folks! It started when a 32 oz can of peaches (in heavy syrup) hit the fridge and jiggled the jello. Thankfully, Super Todd and his "buddies" were there absorbing the shock with the water bra and empathy belly, sparing Wasilla mass deviatation of biblical proportions.

    Rumor has it, the squirrell Joe befriended sat on the deck and laughed hysterically while guarding his nuts.

  112. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Anon 10:34

    (doing my very best Elvis impersonation)

    "Uh, thank-you..thank you very much"

    It may just become my new internet hobby... ;)

    Ain't I a stinker??

  113. "The skills needed to produce logically sound arguments, for instance, are the same skills that are necessary to recognize when a logically sound argument has been made. Thus, if people lack the skills to produce correct answers, they are also cursed with an inability to know when their answers, or anyone else’s, are right or wrong. They cannot recognize their responses as mistaken, or other people’s responses as superior to their own." ~Dunning-Kruger Effect


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.