Saturday, October 08, 2011

A pretty interesting overview of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and its participants.

It appears that unlike the Teabaggers, that this truly IS a grassroots, unorganized movement with no clear political leanings, who are simply fed up with the status quo. Hmm sounds almost like any average American you might meet on the street these days to me.


  1. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Fed up with the status quo? The Good Ol Boys? Crony Capitalists? Dead fish that just go with the flow?

    Gee, maybe Sarah is our guy?

    If she could lead herself outside of paper bag that is. That bag is an obstacle protecting this nation moreso than the fence she'd have Todd and his buddies build.

    Oh, and Occupy Wall Street!

  2. AJ Billings4:48 AM

    I think at the heart of this protest is the disgust and outrage of what happened during the 2008 financial meltdown, and how the abuses of the banking system allowed people to rake in billions, while raping the average family by selling bad mortgages or investments.

    The credit default swap scandal was created by greedy banksters who were selling financial instruments to investors, knowing that the true value of those investments was shaky at best.

    And while they were making billions selling the bad investments, at the same time, they also created insurance instruments betting that those same funds would FAIL. And when they did fail, and Goldman Sachs went down, these same brokers made billions off the bad bets.

    Then the US Government bailed out all these banks, and now they are paying themselves billions in bonuses, not lending money, and many other abuses.

    These banksters got away with the biggest white collar crime in history, and only a handful of people ever got any punishment.

    And their crimes are saddling us with debt, and President OBama is trying to deal with the fallout of a bad economy, more jobs going overseas, and people blaming him due to Fox and the Kock brothers propaganda.

    The true breadth of this scandal is scarcely realized by most Americans. I plan on joining the protestors at some point.

  3. Anonymous5:53 AM

    The tea partiers are white supremacists Repubs, who sprung up in protest of a Black man being elected president.

  4. Anonymous5:53 AM

    What is interesting about this 'movement' to show Sarah an earthquake of support, is that they have so far lured in 2800 people...I don't think she could be elected Mayor of Anywhere with that overwhelming support! Rock on.

  5. Not What You Want To Hear5:58 AM

    AJ Billings: "These banksters got away with the biggest white collar crime in history, and only a handful of people ever got any punishment."

    That's certainly driving my support for the Wall Street protestors. Not a damn thing happened to ANY of those crooks...and they still hold the entire world economy as hostage.

    What really pisses me off is that, by and large, these fraudsters get zero blame for what they did to economies around the globe. Instead, the 99% has been blamed, with ludicrous accusations such as poor people submitted fraudulent loans, and unemployed people have only themselves to blame for being unemployed.

    This movement is well overdue. May God bless and protect these people who are the first participants to get it started.

  6. Anonymous7:31 AM

    @4:48 I agree. This is what the earliest Tea Party groups were protesting, until they were co-opted by the right wing. Many of these people are now aware of Divide and Conquer strategy, and are finding a common ground with the OWS movement. They realize that the media is painting this as a left wing socialist movement, but after what they experienced with the infiltration of their movement, many of them are calling bullshit and going to see for themselves. The people can certainly see, from both sides of the political spectrum, that our politicians are bought, our courts rule in favor of the banking cartel, and that those at the top are simply fined, not jailed, when laws are broken. TPTB have intentionally divided us on social issues, and will use this as a wedge to keep the people apart. Embrace your Tea Partying friends and neighbors, find the common ground, and don't let the ruling class keep the people divided. All of us can see that the system was designed to keep us running the hamster wheel of debt. Open Secrets ( google it) will tell you who paid for your politician. The same banks and corporations pay for both sides, left and right. Hell, Bank of America wrote the TARP legislation and Paulson threatened Congress with tanks in the streets if they didn't pass it. The US Government does not work for the People. Now, turn off O'Reilly, Maddow, Hannity, Olberman, Beck, O'Donnell, and all the rest of the clowns who have the same corporate masters. It's their job to keep the people at each others throats. You saw what happened to Joe McGinniss when he tried to tell the truth. Stop agreeing with what you want to hear and who you want to hear it from, and find some common ground with your "enemies."

  7. Anonymous8:01 AM

    There were a couple of smart comments made in this video, but mostly I came away feeling that the articulation of purpose was very haphazard. Too bad.

  8. The will of the masses is what it will take to change the direction of this country. Occupy Wall-Street or any other demonstration will require a long term approach such as women's right to vote movement,civil rights and the right to organize unions. Does the American non-millionaire have the strength to see it to the end to change America's coarse? I hope so, we have far too much hunger,homeless and poor.

  9. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Okay, I just watched this and in the first few minutes I saw a Karl Marx book and a Che Guevara T-shirt. Now Gryphen go dig up my comment from a few days ago. I predicted this very thing. Fucking media, this is subtle propaganda.

  10. Finally, we have some people who believe our country is better than what we see on tv.Is this the backlash that will finally open everyone's eyes?

  11. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Okay, I found my comment on the last page on the "Fox News Reporter gets called out..." thread. My comment is at 9:44. Go back and read it. I called this shit right down to the Karl Marx and Che Guevara.

  12. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Please don't judge all Texans by George W ( who wasn't even born here) and Rick Perry. Occupy events are happening in Texas. Occupy Austin - The first speaker is a Jedi knight. There's a sign quoting Goethe. Another speaker talked about the ideals that the Occupy and Tea Party movements share.He encourages people to reach out to Tea Party members and Republicans
    Occupy Dallas -
    Occupy Houston -
    Occupy San Antonio -

  13. Anonymous10:23 AM

    FedUpUSA was an original Tea Party Group that watched as their movement was taken over. They are embracing OWS. Go to FireDogLake and read how Obama lied about the Banks doing nothing illegal, it's from an Oct. 6 post. Fucking Wachovia admitted to laundering Mexican cartel drug money and paid A FINE!!! None of these banking motherfuckers went to jail, and your President says they just find legal loopholes. Yeah, right, laundering drug money is not illegal. I guess if someone donates a bunch of money to your political campaign you can't exactly throw them in jail can you? Especially if they're a corporation. See how it works? Now we can't have Obama get JFK'd, can we? He is a corporatist, he works for those that put him in office. What Bush legislation did he repeal? Patriot Act? Gitmo? TARP? Iraq and Afgan wars? Don't like him, fine. Vote for the other side. You think the next guy is going to repeal Obamacare? Stop the illegals? Whatever, they ALL WORK FOR THE SAME 1%. Now, go hate on your neighbor, because he or she is the problem, not your ruling masters.

  14. Message for Hermain Cain:

    (and to all those who contact radio talk show hosts, media, friends, etc.)

    Herman Cain should not take ANY ASSISTANCE from another politician, business or friend, NOR ANY DONATIONS!!! FROM ANYONE!

    If he can't make it to becoming President BY HIMSELF, he does NOT deserve it.

    Pass it on and on, over and over until that clown is gone....

  15. Anonymous11:25 AM

    It's good to see that this is finally being covered by the MSM. Hopefully they will get huge numbers of people there, and it will be broadcast.

    Time to take the power away from corporations and give it back to the people. Time to jail the criminals on Wall Street. Tax the RICH!

  16. The common thread seems to be dissatisfaction. Other than that, the protesters were all over the place in terms of what they want and in levels of articulateness. It is interesting G,as you said, but some of them seemed like total goofballs. The homeless guy seemed the most realistic.

  17. Anonymous said...
    The tea partiers are white supremacists Repubs, who sprung up in protest of a Black man being elected president.

    5:53 AM

    NO! The TEA party event i attended on April 15th, 2008 was a protest against STUPID shit ~ like cap and trade.

    We poured tea in the river and had a news crew there. It was funny because the EPA complained about us pouring UNsweet tea in the Little Pigeon; they said it was a pollutant.

    LATER, the whole thing was hijacked by the Kochsuckers and i lost interest.

  18. And, i would like to go on record as saying "Fuck YOU, BP!"

    (Their flippin' ad is running in my browser as they try to buy goodwill by sponsoring the US Olympic team.)

  19. Anonymous6:32 PM

    I think it's all good. These people are frustratated, and rightfully so, and protesting pecefully. What bothered me was seeing the police using violence and weapons against them.

    I was particularly pleased to see the Philadelphia coverage. The police stood with the protestors, holding a child while having their photo taken, the chief of police condoned and approved of their right to assemble and have their voices heard. The mayor, in the wee hours of the morning, strolled past the protesters and wished them well, but made no politcal speech nor attempt to gain public favor. Some in authority "get it", some remember the protests and marches of their youth.

    There was more diversity of culture and race in this small clip, than in all the teabagging videos ever. It's a movement about greed and fairness, not race and division.

    More Power to Them!

  20. ibwilliamsi9:01 PM

    It will be interesting to see what happens in PDX tomorrow, when the crowd is mixing with the annual Marathon, who has a permit. The marathoners have said they don't mind so long as the crowd doesn't jump in the way of the runners, but we will see. Portland cops like to shoot people.


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