Thursday, October 06, 2011

Palin going back to her roots, and talking to the two most dedicated Palin panty sniffers on the Alaska airwaves.

Some low lights from this self pitying interview:

Palin at the 8:24 mark: "I came very close to saying yes..I..I..certainly did not want to string people along..and..and I did NOT do that."

Uh, yes you did!

Bob at the 9:51 mark: "Now millions and millions of dollars has been raised in a lot of different action committees in the hopes that you were going to mount a campaign against Barack Obama. Where does that money go?

Palin: "Um you know I ...don't think that there are millions and millions of dollars sitting out to be used for Sarah Palin to mount a campaign against Barack Obama. Um but PAC dollars will be used in support of efforts to get the right people elected. And speaking of money though, you guys need to remember that this is, it is a battle in front of us and we need to be aggressive and we need to be very wise in how we go forward to fulfill this mission of getting the right people elected and turn the country around. Blah, blah, blah."

Bob at the 12:07 mark: " Do you think, I mean if I made a donation of $ thinking it was going to go to you to campaign because I really wanted you to be the President of the United States. Do you think its fair to tell that person well she's not running so we're going to use it for this other person, who I might NOT support, Do you think that legitimately people could say, Hey listen I want my money back? And if they DID say that what happens to that request?" (Does anybody else think that Bob might want his $500 back?)

Palin: "Um SarahPAC has a million dollars in it. And if that's the.. those contributions that you were speaking of I can speak to THAT. I'm not in charge of SarahPAC but of course that is the one that is closely associated with me..but..SarahPAC, with the 1.1 million dollars in it..I..I don't believe that people have been ever under the impression that..that SarahPAC was ONLY case Sarah Palin ran for president."

Seriously? Is she that completely out to lunch?  These people ONLY gave money because she teased them into a frenzy over the possibility that SHE might run for president.I can guarantee they do NOT want their money to go to any other candidate. She should give the ma full refund, with interest.

Bob at the 14:03 mark: "Was there ANYONE in your family that said, I want you to run for President, Mom?"

Palin: "Took that vote of the kids and it was..half and half in support." 

I don't EVER want to hear another Palin-bot claim that the Left wing bloggers are attacking her children again. She just held up her children as flesh and blood shields to deflect anger and frustration from some of the most unhinged people in this country. Her supporters.

The truth of the matter is, as Bristol let slip months ago, that she had made her decision NOT to run a long, long time ago, and was only stringing the inbred paint chip eaters along in order to continue using them as her own private ATM machines.

And now becasue she is such a fucking coward she has used her family, yet again, as an excuse to do something that she NEVER actually had any intention of doing in the first place.

And one more thing, while I am on the subject of children, asking questions about the circumstances surrounding the birth of a child that was used to deflect questions about ANOTHER politically convenient child, is NOT attacking her family!

It is a little thing called "journalism." And in the next couple of days I will demonstrate that the answer to those questions holds the key to understanding exactly how, and hopefully why, Sarah Palin was able to trick everybody in the mainstream media, and several close family members as well, into believing that she had actually given birth to a Down syndrome little boy who COINCIDENTALLY gave her the pro-life credibility to allow certain factions in the GOP to force her onto John McCain's 2008 ticket.

Stay tuned folks, this is going to be a barn burner!


  1. Anonymous2:07 PM


    seaofpee had a note in it that she was just on Hannity and contradicted the kids wanting her out story

    can you make that an update? Always love the way you take her contradictory gibberish and lay it down next to each other

  2. Olivia2:12 PM

    I think it is really interesting that while we Palin doggers have discussed the money over and over again, now the foolish bots have become keenly,acutely,and painfully aware and interested in where it is, how much it is and what is going to happen to it. They appear to be teetering on the verge of "GIVE IT BACK, GIVE EVERY BIT OF IT BACK!!"

  3. Anonymous2:12 PM

    YAY Gryphen, I was waiting for that LAST line!

    I hope your kids turn on you sooner rather than later for using them as literal MEAT SHIELDS!!!

    Stay tuned ya ol'crusty-crotched Beeotch!

  4. She is headed down at a rapid speed but has not hit rock bottom yet. She is not capable of stopping until it is all over. She has no other life than self destruction. The shock jocks on this interview did not seem to be defending her. She is losing all friends.

  5. Anonymous2:15 PM

    That woman needs to learn accountability. Her followers, the media, those who supported and believed in her were led to believe by HER that she had a fire to run, to become POTUS. She told Fox she could beat President Obama. She ranted and raved about the economy, blaming the President; she led them to believe she was a passionate leader.

    Now she says she couldn't run because 50% of her children's vote didn't want her to? The audacity for her to say that to those who fought for her integrity, sent her money, gave time, bought her toys, traveled far and wide to see her. This is the best she can do? It's her lack of understanding that is shocking. Her lack of sympathy for those she let down.

    Pretending she doesn't know about her PAC is like the extra stamp of her boot on the backs of those she threw under the bus.

  6. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I guess they didn't want to bring up her promise to make her announcement on their show

  7. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I love it. Go Gryphen!

    I also love it that she can't keep her story straight about why she's quittin' this time. The kids told me to. No, they didn't. I'm crazy. No, I'm not. Etc.

  8. Gryphen
    Keep up the good work.She will be exposed for the fraud she is.

  9. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Didn't she vow to announce her intentions to run or not on the Bob and Mark show? Another promise borken, lie told.

  10. Thank you for keeping on the story. It is a lot more than a story of the birth of a child with Down Syndrome. It is about treachery. It is about having no respect for the people of the United States or the office of Vice President/President that a probable hoax was committed and endless scams and lies have continued for years.

    We must continue to be vigilant and support those who are working hard to expose this destructive force in our nation.

    We must not forget: "paling around with terrorists;" death panels; Tea Party; Gabby Giffords and those killed in Tuscon; Blood Libel; the Farcical HIstory Tour; Koch Tease for PAC donations; etc.

  11. Anonymous2:24 PM

    “Although the death of Steve Jobs coincided with Sarah Palin’s announcement, it has been a helpful accident of fate,” adding “because it allows us to realize and commemorate the greatness of one’s individual’s contribution, and the utter futility of the other.”

  12. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Chuck Jr is commenting over at c4p trying to keep them all happy (and I'm sure, donating).

  13. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I've impressed that those 2 idiots actually tried to hold her accountable for all the PAC money she's collected, and very surprised that they'd address that with her. Her answers are so lame that they'd be bound to piss off those whose money she's accepted. Now that she's admitted there's $1.1 million in the PAC account, watch the bots come after her for their refunds!

  14. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Asked for his take on Sarah Palin’s announcement that she’s not going to be running for president, Schultz said, “It was a good day for the Republicans because the IQ of the Republican field remained the same yesterday,” adding that had she decided to run, it would have gone “possibly though the floor.”

  15. angela2:27 PM

    There will never be a time that Sarah the skank won't use her kids as human shields. It's her MO and that is who she is.

    Effing Coward is Palin.

  16. Anonymous2:28 PM

    BREAKING: Palin And Christie Supporters Stunned To Learn That The Nile Is Not Just A River In Egypt

    ...The massive feelings of frustration could be clearly seen in the reactions of Mark and Johanna Wigfield, two Palin fans from Massachusetts who founded the organization Palin4Egypt, a grassroots group which, for the past seven months, had raised money and campaigned for the former Governor in the hopes that she would prove the river’s exclusivity.

    “We left our jobs,” said Johanna. “We moved here to Iowa to try to persuade people about the river and Sarah. Our friends told us that we were crazy and that Palin didn’t care about the Nile, just about fame. We didn’t believe them. She acted like she was the one. And that the Nile was the one too. We feel lied to.”

    While Johanna was angry, Mark seemed more thoughtful.

    “To be honest, we should have seen the signs. Sure, Sarah went on her Nile bus tour and appeared on all the Nile news shows but, if she really had ever planned on actually doing this, she would have actually had to have started working on something instead of just talking vaguely about the Nile all the time. We were foolish, I admit it.”

  17. Tata Ala2:29 PM

    I love you G!

    Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop!!


    Tata Ala!

  18. Anonymous2:30 PM

    This woman is absolutely disgusting and, frankly, an insult to women. Ugh!

  19. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Who is "in charge" of Sarahpac then?
    Who made the decision on the bus holiday trip?
    Who decides when to charter private jets?

  20. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Thank you for all you do to expose this grifting hag... can hardly WAIT for her to be here in the area (Lynchburg) this weekend. Maybe she'll quit on that too - may we only be so lucky.

  21. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I've been trying to find a copy of her 3rd quarter PAC report and have had no luck.

  22. Well at least one of the goobers had the cojones to try and nail her to the money wall. I hope her "fans" were listening in on the reality show.

  23. Anonymous2:36 PM

    OK, this is just FABULOUS! O/T but way more positive than anything Palin.

    "YES WE CAN CAN" (Again) OBAMA 2012

  24. Anonymous2:43 PM

    "I was very close to saying yes," Palin brags. Who the hell was asking her to say yes? Oh, that's right--the impoverished Pbots who've donated their life savings to the Grifter. The rest of the freaking world was screaming NOOOOOOO!!!

  25. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Chuck Heath told us a long time ago that Sarah doesn't make her own decisions. Once Sarah made that blood libel speech, against the wishes of Roger Ailes, she cooked her own goose. Her kids had nothing to do with it. It's too bad that she continue to use them as shields and props, and now excuses for not running.

  26. Anonymous2:45 PM

    @Sarah Palin has a serpent's heart:

    Here is the link you've been looking for.

  27. Okay for those asking about Fred's book. Yes, there was supposed to be a website available this week and some more info. However apparently somebody messed all of that up.


    You see my recent revelations about Levi, Bristol, and Tripp, (Which I have already verbally shared with Fred and his associates) have resulted in some rewrites, a slight change in focus, and at least one added chapter.


    I have been promised that some pages, and possibly a whole chapter, will be offered up as an exclusive post here on IM by way of apology.

    I will try not to do anything else to slow things down.

  28. I wonder if calling your grandson a retard or calling your children piper the diaper and bustol the pistol is talking about her beloved props?

  29. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Anon at 2.24. WOW. Thanks for the link. Bashir pulled no punches.

  30. Anonymous2:52 PM

    O/T I just got the Levi book from the library - and one of the things that I noticed right off are the photos. The photo of Levi's sister and Bristol, he identifies as Mercedie's Sophomore Prom -- and he writes that Bristol is two months pregnant in the photo.

    In his first chapter, he mentions that his sister is 18 months younger than he is. A little later he said that Bristol is a 1 1/2 years younger than he is. (Where I come from - that means Bristol and Mercedie are the same age).

    So why is Bristol 2 months pregnant during her Sophomore year?

  31. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Lovely mother you are Sarah..
    Throw your own kids under the bus..Really sucks to be Sarah..

  32. Any word on the alleged book by "Fred"??

  33. If there are new revelations, by all means, slow down Fred's book.

    And burn down that barn! It's been a hazard for too long.

  34. Wait. Did she just say that she's upset with the press because Obama wasn't properly vetted? This from a woman who faked a pregnancy while she was GOVERNOR?

  35. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Have you seen the recent National Inquirer article entitled: Alaskans Got Shafted by Palin (pebble mine)?

  36. Nancy In New York3:03 PM

    Couldn't she have saved herself (and the world) and her salivating P-bots a lot of trouble (and money) if she would have just taken the vote to decide to run to her kids three fucking years ago?

    Her (sap)porters are morons.

  37. So...I see your comment about "Fred"'s book. When do we find out who "Fred" is?

  38. Anonymous3:04 PM

    She asked the kids? they were half for and half against? So 2 1/2 were for and 2 1/2 were against? Or was she including Todd as one of the kids. Or was she finally being honest that Trig isn't hers and the vote was 2 and 2?


  39. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Yo! Sarah Palin has a serpent's heart:

    Here are SarahPAC's FEC filings

    If you find something juicy or seriously amiss you will let us know, yes?

  40. Anonymous3:11 PM

    My memory might be inexact, but the crux of the wisdom is: (Edmond Burke):

    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to remain silent and do nothing

    You're a good man doing and saying, and you and the others are halting her evil with the thanks of so many.

  41. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Throws her kids under the bus. What a disgusting pig of a mother. Can't wait for your further post. Now is not the time to let up on the heat, we need to bust babygate wide open. Onward and upward!

  42. Anonymous3:11 PM

    SP is like a rabid dog. Just because she isn't trying to claw her way through your front door doesn't mean it's safe to to outside.

  43. Anonymous3:14 PM

    "And now because she is such a fucking coward she has used her family, yet again, as an excuse to do something that she NEVER actually had any intention of doing in the first place."

    Funny how she has employed the same principle as the Taliban does in using innocents as "human shields." Then again, what do you expect from the "Tealiban" but the plagiarism of failed, immoral tactics like this?

  44. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Gryphen, re: Fred's book. I can wait. It's more important to get things right than to get things early. And hey, you must be getting a huge kick over the impact your work is having! Keep it up and thanks for all your efforts!

  45. Anonymous3:16 PM

    bring it on.

  46. Anonymous3:17 PM

    To paraphrase Meatloaf, "Sarah Palin is a lemon and I want my money back."

  47. Anonymous3:18 PM

    @ Sarah Palin has a serpent's heart

    SarahPAC files semi-annually because she's not running for office and it is a non-election year.

    PAC/Party [HTML] [PDF]
    Year-End 2011 -- December 31, 2011
    Filing Deadline -- January 31, 2012

  48. Anonymous3:22 PM

    It's interesting watching the national news...Palin is getting little coverage now except for FOX - Greta and Hannity, but that won't last much longer.

    The comedians are not even covering her any longer.

    She's history....

    Hope her supporters request their money back and make a big issue out of it. That would be a hoot!! She's played them along for so long...what total idiots!!

  49. FWIW, I hope Fred found one or more obstetricians to go on the record with opinions about the wild ride and photos.

  50. Anonymous3:31 PM

    She says SarahPAC is not all about her? Then how can she explain the SarahPAC letter sent out only weeks ago saying this

    "...Will you support Governor Palin with a generous donation to SarahPAC today?

    Thank you for your continuing support of Governor Palin and SarahPAC. You can also help her by sharing our message with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter!


    Tim Crawford Treasurer, SarahPAC"

  51. Ratfish3:32 PM

    There she goes again, lyin' and takin' money from patriotic hard working Americans, and just plain continuin' her griftin' ways.

    Palin said: "I don't believe that people have been ever under the impression that..that SarahPAC was ONLY case Sarah Palin ran for president."

    But SarahPAC's fundraising letter dated Sept. 20, and posted online by the website, says that “Gov. Palin is on the verge of making her decision of whether or not to run for office.”

    Signed by Tim Crawford, SarahPAC’s treasurer, the letter continues, “It’s one of the most difficult and important decisions of her life. And I want her to know that she has our support.”

    If Palin supporters believe she is the right candidate to rescue the country, the letter advises them to “send your best, one-time gift to SarahPAC today.”

    So, Palin, ya think anyone who might have sent it their "best one-time gift" might have thought it was for you?


  52. Anonymous3:36 PM

    For the Palin followers who want money back from the PAC it is possible.

    (1) Several of SarahPAC's periodic reports show refunds to contributors and also too, return of money to SarahPAC from recipients.

    (2) On Sept 29, I donated $150 to OFA (Obama for America), however the confirmation of the donation thanked me for my generous $500 contribution. My credit card electronic statement as of Saturday, 10/01 indeed showed a $500 charge. I contacted OFA on Monday, October 3 in the am and by the end of business, my credit card had posted a credit from OFA of $350.

    (3) SarahPAC knows how to do this. SarahPAC has access to $1.1 million dollars cash on hand.

    (4) If OFA can do it same day, and Sarah Palin can do anything that President Obama can do, then SarahPAC can issue refunds.

  53. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Actually impressed that the obvious questions were asked... what IF someone wants their donation back?

    The most damning statement on record is the admission by Nicole Wallace that there was serious discussion among the senior staff, including Steve Schmidt, of how to avoid the actual swearing in of Sarah if they won the election. They knew she was unqualified and, worse, dangerously batshit crazy!

  54. nswfm3:45 PM

    Anonymous said...

    It's interesting watching the national news...Palin is getting little coverage now except for FOX - Greta and Hannity, but that won't last much longer.

    The comedians are not even covering her any longer.

    She's history....

    Hope her supporters request their money back and make a big issue out of it. That would be a hoot!! She's played them along for so long...what total idiots!!

    3:22 PM
    Jimmy Kimmel had a couple of lines about her last night.

  55. Anonymous3:46 PM

    In reality Palin's career was effectively killed off when she decided to quit midway through her term as governor of Alaska back in 2009. From that moment on her unfavourability ratings climbed to toxic levels. When the Tea Party movement arose she quickly embraced it, backing herself further into a shrill corner of the Republican party, speaking in the code of talk radio and appealing to an ever-shrinking fan base.

    What beckons instead is a career as a political quasi-celebrity on the conservative right, alongside the Oliver Norths, Ann Coulters and J Gordon Liddys. But without the attraction of being a potential presidential candidate, Palin will find the spotlight and the crowds have moved on.

    Over on her supporters' websites, there is much gnashing of teeth and a good deal of denial. No wonder, because only a week ago her supporters were being solicited for donations to help convince Sarah to run.

    On Mark Levin's radio show, where she made her announcement, Palin was full of perky plans for helping elect conservatives in 2012. Like a Broadway show that lost an audience, she plans a tour of the provinces.

    Many Republicans will be glad to see her go since she drives away the moderates and independents that the GOP needs to win over to hold the White House. In a memorable recent blog, RedState's Erick Erickson described Palin's cult-like supporters as "unhinged" and saying of Palin's prevarication: "Enough is enough".

    Finally, it was.

  56. TNbluedot3:48 PM

    OMG! I just listened to that whole freaking Bob & Mark/Palin love fest thing and I think my ears are ready to bleed! Oh and how I wish I had that time back!!

    I did notice that she pronounced all the ing's; no dropped g's that I detected. Was sort of weird to hear.

    Also, what's with her repeated assertion that Obama wasn't vetted? Don't think she even know what it means.

  57. Teutonic133:52 PM

    I think she's up to some shit- sounds to cocky.

    The PAC WILL get investigated sooner or later.

  58. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Stringing along?

    Where are the Politico articles about her suddenly unemployed campaign staff, asking if they'll be able to get jobs on any of the other campaigns?

  59. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I looked through the FEC filings quickly. Seems most of the money that the C4P folks donated went to consultant fees and travel, including the trip to Israel.

    Here's the link again. (posted by others above comments-thx!)

  60. Teutonic133:56 PM

    Has anybody even stopped for a second with slobbing Gryph's knob- to acknowledge a real hero and courageous woman-

    Andree Mcleod ?

    Sorry Gryph for the graphic- but it does sound funny :)

  61. Anonymous3:57 PM

    It's all gravy from here on in. Can't wait.

  62. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Wonder how her speeches are going to go over, at the college and South Korea?

  63. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Since the Palins get Alaska to pay for all Trig's medical care and probably a lot of his other special needs care as well, since Todd is part native Alaskan - if they divorce and Sarah gets custody does she have to start paying out of pocket like the rest of us?

    Could she survive politically if she surrendered care to Todd for the sake of Trig's health and well being?

  64. Thanks for all you do, Gryphen, and don't stop!

    Blows my mind to think that $P would consider The Children ("What are their names again?") a noble excuse not to run for POTUS, when three-plus years years ago they were, as if by magic, three-plus years younger than they are today.

    That's not higher mathematics, that's primary-school arithmetic...

  65. Anonymous4:09 PM

    It looks like Bob & Mark are on to her now. ;-)

  66. Anonymous4:10 PM

    More entertainment and foolishness at the seaofpee. I went so you don't have to.

    Someone snuck in. lol.

    "Obama isn't the only enemy out there ,after Tuscon I want GOP and fox punished too. " 12:55 PM

    Hey Sarah- children under the bus?

    "Obviously I would have wished that Track and Willow would have been prepared to support Sarah in running. But they weren't, and I don't think anyone should be holding out any hope for them to change their minds. I just wish they had told Sarah sooner as that would have spared everyone, including Sarah a lot of grief.

    What's done is done though and we will have to start looking to a future without Palin fairly soon. Though personally, I think I will still require some more time before I'm fully ready to move on. Stages of grief and all that... " 1:27 PM

    The first response to this:

    " Her children will have to live in this nation their whole lives. I hope they don't end up regretting this decision. " 1:41 PM

    The second response:

    "Just pure speculation here:

    Maybe Track and Willow were on board up until a few weeks ago. Maybe when that creep in LA viciously attacked Bristol in public, she decided then she didn't want any part of that. And maybe Track now feels that even though he has taken over the family fishing business, maybe he thinks he still needs his Dad close by until he has a firmer grasp of the business. Or maybe he wants mom close by for when his own child is born. As I say, it's all speculation. Whatever the reason’s, I'm sure they both have good cause for not supporting Sarah’s run. " 1:49 PM

    Uhhh confused much about all them babies?

    Third response:

    Track has already had his first child...Kyla Grace. 2:05 PM

  67. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Is this for real?

    " chuckjr [Moderator]
    Today 02:17 PM

    I would like to personally thank all of you who have worked so hard and really thrown your hearts into supporting Sarah. I, like many of you, was really disappointed in her decision but I completely understand it. I don't think there are many people out there who could begin to understand the scrutiny her family has been under. As for you who think that Sarah strung you along; as late as last week, right after I interviewed with Steve Bannon, I talked with Sarah and she was still pushing hard and contemplating a run. After a lot of prayers, and finally, through respect for her own family's wishes, she chose to wait this one out.

    Be assured that Sarah's not done. She will continue to be a force in the political world and I'm sure she'll be holding whoever's elected in any important upcoming elections accountable for their actions. In my opinion, I believe she'll arise again even stronger than before.

    Please try to respect her decision, and once again, thank you so much for the support you've shown her.

    Chuck Heath, Jr.
    Sarah's brother"

  68. Anonymous4:19 PM

    For those interested in SarahPAC income and expense analysis, Palingates has detailed summaries and reporting on each period, with the exception of the most recent first half 2011.

    No need to recreate the wheel.

  69. Anonymous4:30 PM


    Lawrence O'Donnell is OBLITERATING Herman Cain on his show....

    I cant believe that idiot ever agreed to go on that show....

  70. I'll be surprised if she shows in Lynchburg this weekend. Canceling on commitments is part of Poor Little Sarah's MO especially when she doesn't want to answer questions.

  71. Anonymous4:32 PM

    3:48 PM: I think Paylin turns off the fake 'fargo' accent when she speaks with people up here.

    Also as someone who lived up here during the 2006 gov race, I noticed she never really had an accent before she was nominated for VP. It is one of the many things she 'faked' to appeal to conservatives in the midwest.

    Alaskans are not known for having strong accents, especially midwest/southern style accents. We have what I could only describe as a pacific region accent, which has sort of a cnn news neutrality.

    When she popped on the state in August of 2008 and started going all fargo, many Alaskans were like WTF? I have no doubt in my mind she underwent some dialect coaching at some point between when McCain selected her privately and when she went national in Minneapolis to appeal to her fundy base.

  72. Not What You Want To Hear4:33 PM

    Sarah Palin on SarahPAC (that she's not in charge of...riiiiiiiight): "What we have done with those dollars…is to use it to employ a staff that can get the message out there, to travel around the country to campaign for others, to donate to others…"

    Oh really? Who were you campaigning for when you crashed the Iowa Straw Poll? And don't people pay you to show up at their campaigns? I seem to remember a failed Georgia candidate who wasted a hundred grand on flying you out there on a private plane. We also know you're getting paid to speak at Tea Party rallies, and not the other way around. And what you actually donate to candidates is a pittance to what you spend on "postage" and "consulting."

    Somewhere, someone is rotting in jail for shoplifting at WalMart, while this grifter is getting a multi-million dollar pass from the FEC.

  73. Anonymous4:35 PM should post this on Sarah's FB page and on the sea of Pee. Also, TNbluedot,it could be fun to point out on one or both of those places how she is not dropping her g's in the recording. Nothing wrong with stirring up a hornet's nest.

  74. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Hey, Your Heinous! Just watched the nightly news, surfed the web today...guess what? YOU weren't mentioned.

    More and MORE tributes to Steve Jobs. The pioneer, the maverick. Did you have Bristol google his name after your GVS interview last night to see who he was? She feeds you info and you STILL know nothing.

    You think this is over? Far from it.

    Yeah TOAST!

  75. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Teutonic13, YES, let's hear it for Andree McCleod! Ms. McCleod is everything that Palin pretends she is but really isn't: an ordinary citizen who refused to shut up and sit down and through sheer persistence helped drive a corrupt politician out of office. And no, she was not an "Obama operative." She was a gadfly before, during, and after Palin's brief tenure, and I believe has continued to file ethics complaints against various officials in the Parnell administration.

  76. So was she driving Piper to school during this entire interview?????

    Or are they being chauferred???


  77. I'm sure it's been mentioned already, but Palin is "openly mocked" on Fox and Friends!

    This is THE. DIFFERENCE. between NOW and THEN (quittin' the g'ship)...

    She still had a HUGE. PLATFORM. in Fox, to spout her shitstew, and raise her profile.

    Now that her and Uncle Roger are no. longer. friends...

    she is alone on an iceshelf.


  78. They appear to be teetering on the verge of "GIVE IT BACK, GIVE EVERY BIT OF IT BACK!!"

    Idiots didn't "have" it to begin with, but they did it anyway.

    And they blame the economic woes on others? Way to manage your own finances, dipshits.

    Love her all you want, but sending her $$ you desperately need is moronic; she IS a MILLION-AIRE.

    I can only feel sad for the innocent bystanders (maybe kids and pets who are now Both eating generic dog food for lunch and dinner.)

    Way to GO, Sarah!

    Heartless. Bitch.

  79. This is like, Tantric Blogging!

    **I dig it**


  80. Anonymous5:00 PM

    "We want someone not only who reflects our ideals but who's willing to put that into words that everybody can understand and articulate our feelings as a collective hope."

    Said around the 6:00 minute mark without a trace of irony

  81. AKRNC5:04 PM

    She actually had the nerve to pretend that SARAHPAC was for a presidential campaign? It's well known that money could not be used or transferred to another campaign. She deliberately lies and misleads these stupid fans of hers who would never believe a dishonest word would cross her lips, even after she disappoints them and tells them she's not running less than a week after asking for money!!

    Is there anything that can be done legally if she has indicated in any manner that this money in SarahPAC was eligible for Presidential campaign use?

  82. Anonymous5:13 PM


    When Sara showed up in St. Paul (sorry, we do make the distinction for not other reason than the cities really do despise each other) and did what we now call the "Fargo" accent my son and I laughed our asses off. She had no clue that the accent was contrived as satire by the Coen brothers to mock other people's perspective of MN folks. Very few of us actually talk that way. So we knew within seconds of her opening her mouth here that she was a fraud and fake

    That the MSM and gullible bought it hook line and sinker is a sad commentary for our country

  83. Anonymous5:15 PM

    The Animals sing,

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

    The Rabid Palin Animal sings (off-key, I might add),

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are bad (rill bad),
    Oh lord don't let me be a passing fad."

    Too late sarah.

  84. Beldar J Conehead5:16 PM

    Joe McGinniss on DailyBeast = approximately 11 DISTINCT kinds of awesome:

    "Sarah, we hardly knew ye.
    But we knew ye well enough to not want to know ye any better."

  85. Anonymous5:20 PM

    John Huntsman on Sarah Palin (The View)

    In his long-anticipated appearance today on “The View,” Jon Huntsman rolls his eyes (and how!) at Sarah Palin’s decision not to run for president:

    “There’s too much drama and theater in politics,” Huntsman told the co-hosts in an appearance that was pre-empted for President Obama’s jobs plan speech. “I mean come on. You string people along. Everybody who has anything to do with politics knew she wasn’t going to get in the race. She has a profit proposition; she’s got a business. She makes money doing what she’s doing. Who on earth is going to leave that for the uncertainty of presidential politics?”

    When asked if he believed her decision was made because she wanted to spend more time with her family, Huntsman answered, “Hey, my family is here. I get to spend time with my family.”

    There’s been an opening in the 2012 race for some time for a candidate to criticize Palin directly and earn a boatload of free media in return. It remains to be seen whether a swipe like this will have the same effect now that Palin’s officially a noncandidate.


    ~Canuck~ says keep your eye on Huntsman.

  86. Anonymous5:22 PM

    She admits that her PAC only has a million left ??
    She'll blow through that in no time.
    A couple of trips on chartered aircraft , pricey catered meals and five star hotels
    and it will be all gone.
    No campaigns are going to pick up her tab to fly in for an endorsement
    because they don't want her taint.
    Palin's best days are behind her.
    I bet FOX cans her soon , despite the wailing and moaning of Hannity and Greta.
    She'll be reduced to hawking trinkets
    made by Todd on QVC.
    Kimmel was half hearted talking
    about her last night.
    She's still going to try and make noise , but, will generally be ignored.
    Cain is the moron du jour , sucking up all the oxygen with his blathering nonsense.

  87. Anonymous5:26 PM

    4:06-If they are using Alaska Native Health for Trig's health care, the state of Alaska is not paying for is a Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs program all over the US and Alaska. They would have had to apply for a CIB (certificate of blood) card. You have to document all your Indian blood linage in your family when you apply. It wouldn't matter who Trig lives with if he has been signed up. Same with Todd and the other kids.

  88. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Has anyone picked up on the stark juxtaposition between the genius that was Steve Jobs and the emptiness that is Sarah Palin? If these were 2 characters in a novel or movie, it would seem to be so un-subtle and contrived. You can't make up this stuff.

  89. Teutonic135:31 PM

    Drop By and join the Party !

  90. Olivia5:34 PM

    Anonymous@4:32...And when we heard T-Paw using the same stupid accent in Iowa("It worked for Palin, I'm desperate")we knew he was doomed. Of course we knew that before he ever set foot in Iowa.

  91. Who is "in charge" of Sarahpac then?
    Who made the decision on the bus holiday trip?
    Who decides when to charter private jets?


    Goood one!


    SP: Uh, I don't "take money" from people, okay?

    I take it from SARAHPAC.


  92. Anonymous5:40 PM

    SarahPAC was obviously set up for Palin to garner cash in an effort to feel out a 2012 run. Very little money has actually been spent on other candidates in at least two election cycles. I would put it at less than 14 percent. The lawsuits are on the horizon. She should be made aware of this in her circle.

  93. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Love your timing. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that this coincides with Sarah's road trips.

  94. Chuck Heath told us a long time ago that Sarah doesn't make her own decisions.

    I've heard that mentioned a couple of times here-

    could anybody tell me where they got it? 'Preciate it.

  95. Anonymous5:44 PM

    @Anon 4:02 pm

    Wonder how her speeches are going to go over, at the college and South Korea?


    I lived in SK for 4 yrs. Very, very few Koreans actually know who she is. Even fewer care. And to them she's OLD AS "AJUMMA", not interesting--Ageism is alive and well in SK. There's a huge God squad in SK ...complete with the serious crazy variety, and lots of very rich religious scammers (she'll fit right in!!)...won't understand a damned thing she'd be yapping about though. They'll just smile a lot and nod their heads. And maybe ask if she's a Russian hooker!!

    Of course she's going to do some T & A jiggling for the troops. Some pimply, horny youngsters will show up because they've got nothing better going on base.

  96. Anonymous5:46 PM

    "She admits that her PAC only has a million left ??"

    She is lying.

  97. Anonymous5:47 PM

    The Quitter Queen will be on Hannity tonite to explain why she is not running. And watchout Hannity drool.

  98. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Let the floodgates of TRUTH open now that Sarah's few supporters will turn on her and she'll have no one left to protect her lies and attack those who speak the truth. Now is the time for those who've been hiding in the shadows to share the powerful information they've been afraid to tell. Palin is toast and won't have the right- wing media to hide behind anymore, in fact I can't wait for Fox staff to reveal their Nicole Wallace stories of how stupid & crazy they think Palin is.

  99. Love this MeAgain comment:

    Can you imagine flying 20,000 miles when you're "leaking" every day, pregnant with a fragile baby whose Down syndrome diagnosis alone would cause a physician to be very cautious about allowing air travel in the third trimester? My source has told me of a conversation which occurred last year...Sarah was talking to someone who she hadn't seen in years and the person mentioned an event they had invited Sarah to which she did not attend. Sarah seemed not to recall the invite at first, but then recognition lit her eyes and she exclaimed "oh, riiiiight!!! I wanted to come so bad but I was pregnant with Pipe and my doctor said I wasn't allowed to fly after six months because I was [whispered] over thirty-five!"

    My source said several people in the room looked at each other, obviously all thinking "does she realize what she just said?"

    This took on a whole new level of relevance to me once my source told me who is said to have delivered one Piper Grace Palin...ding ding ding, our own mute "Family Physician of the Millennium" thanks to Sarah--Dr Cathy Baldwin Johnson.

  100. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Who is Tim Crawford? How has he come to manage SarahPAC?

  101. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Links to Sarah PAC filings are great but do not yet include the most recent or 3rd quarter (ending 9-30-11). This will be the interesting filing and also the last time Palin's PAC will have to file quarterly since she will not have been a candidate in over 3 years by the end of the 4th quarter (12-31-11).

  102. Anonymous5:57 PM

    wow, she really thinks she's in charge, doesn't she.

  103. Anonymous5:58 PM

    4:06 p.m. Trig will always be eligible for Alaska Native health benefits.

    If he is a Palin or he is proven Native at least 1/8th.

  104. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Her kids never voted. She used that line the last time, and it turned out that she lured them to Ohio and had Steve Schmidt tell them in the hotel room. Big brave Sarah couldn't even tell her own children that she was running for VP. Liar. Liar.Liar. She can't ever tell the truth.

  105. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Sorry, I just couldn't make it through the whole show. She's digging a deeper hole going off script, her story changed on Hannity regarding the kids voting.

    That's her mo. Kids are human shields and props.

    The inflection and pronouncing the "g's" while off script is interesting. I noticed it immediately.

    Can't wait for the barnburning, don't worry about Fred's delay, rome wasn't built in a day.

  106. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I second what 4:43 PM said.

  107. Eppito6:07 PM

    You’ve got to give it to her, she did the impossible – she shoveled shit and buried herself at the same time. What a performance in desperation. You can almost hear her anus clenching as certain questions are asked, especially about where the money goes. Mother of God. She’s finally treading water; flailing, all her tricks obvious and useless!

    My fantasy? The Bots wake up in droves and place a massive lawsuit of fraud. Can you imagine it – thousands of people from around the country! There wouldn’t be bone marrow left, just a pile of ashes with a huge smoke ring rising.

    At absolute worst, she is on the fringe of serious psychological trauma. If Todd bails on her now she’ll be fini. The message that would send at this point would be devastating! The cards are set to fall, and a strong wind is coming.

    Thank you, G

    “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.”

  108. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Track has already had his first child...Kyla Grace. 2:05 PM

    4:10 PM

    yes - Track does well with Willow's baby. How's the wedding plans coming along?

  109. Anonymous6:16 PM

    In his first chapter, he mentions that his sister is 18 months younger than he is. A little later he said that Bristol is a 1 1/2 years younger than he is. (Where I come from - that means Bristol and Mercedie are the same age).

    So why is Bristol 2 months pregnant during her Sophomore year?

    2:52 PM verrrry interesting - because when SP first hit the lower 48, Bristol's birthday was listed as being in 1991. However, because she was allegedly pregnant with Tripp, her birthday was changed to 1990 and that day she became only 6 months younger than Levi.

    She appeared to be 17 and pregnant with her second.....errrr...first child.

    It's very possible that she was only 16 and pregnant with Tripp. Her first born child was when she was 15.

  110. Anonymous6:19 PM

    As a Canadian sitting on the fence peering in, serious attention should be paid to Huntsman. I have no skin in the US political landscape, but I think he far outweighs the other GOP candidates
    in intelligence, sensibility, rationale, as well as the strength of character to tell it like it is, i.e. climate change, evolution, Palin, etc.

    He debates well, and interviews well. He's got that Presidential charisma. He may be trailing in the poles, but IMHO, he should be considered as a serious and formidable candidate.

    Although Palin's decision comes as no surprise to Canadians, we are relieved there is some closure to her potentially moving into 1600 Pennsylvania Ave - especially for my American neighbours! Mind you, my spidy-sense is telling me that she's not quite ready to fade out, so keep on alert - you've all done a great job so far!

  111. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Some say that Track did not want her to run because he needed Todd to help him with the fishing business?Isn't that like 2 weeks a year?

  112. Chuck Heath, Jr. wrote (on C4P today): "I don't think there are many people out there who could begin to understand the scrutiny her family has been under."

    Scrutiny? Not attacks, mudslinging, or slander? Just scrutiny, Chuck? What's wrong with scrutiny (i.e., analysis, examination, inspection, inquiry)?

    A politician speaking on a national stage should expect, if not welcome, scrutiny of herself, her family, her associates, her background, etc.

    But apparently, "scrutiny" is not acceptable in Palinworld.

  113. Sarah's words:
    "What is all of it is knowing I wasn't going to run for reelection, so Alaskans, being perfectly honest with them, not wanting to play that political game that most politicians do, and that's kind of pretend like they don't know if they want to run again--well, I knew. I didn't want to run again. So, I'm going to be honest with Alaskans and say one term was enough".

    What Palin said to Andrea Mitchell who interviewed her after Palin abruptly resigned from the Govenor's office. As quoted in Geoffrey Dunn's The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story of Her Relentless Quest for Power, pg. 357.

    Guess Poor Little Sarah decided to play the game that "most politicians play". When she resigned from the governorship, the money was on the outside waiting for her. This time - announcing she won't run for president - the big money is on this side. If she runs, she definitely loses Fox gig. But hey, blame it on the kids and God because who can argue with that?

    Get your money back, Palinistas. She hustled you.

  114. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Gryphen, the collection of posts on this site of yours is priceless. It's also addictive. Everything you've said about her since I've been visiting (starting around New Year 2009 on a regular basis)is true or has come true.

    When you write your own book, I'll be one of the first in line to buy a few copies.

  115. emrysa6:56 PM

    Sarah Palin has a serpent's heart @ 2:33 pm sez:

    "I've been trying to find a copy of her 3rd quarter PAC report and have had no luck."

    it is not an election year, and as such they only need to report every 6 months. so you (and the rest of us) will have to wait until january for the report.

  116. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Stewart is taking Palin down another 10 notches at the moment. He is so funny!

  117. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Stewart is kicking her ass right now. Taking her out with the SarahPac letter. If you want Tinkerbell to live, clap harder!

  118. Anonymous7:05 PM

    So now her brother's on the payroll? Is there anyone in her family not getting a cut from the PAC? No wonder her campaign never went anywhere. All the money went to cronyism, only a token amount toward a professional campaign staff. Did you laugh at how easy it was to get others to pay for anything you wanted?

    Good timing, Sarah, announce then get out of dodge before the pitchforks show up. This time, you might have some explaining to do when you get home.

  119. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Stewart just stated she was in Nigerian Prince territory!

  120. Anonymous7:07 PM

    anon@252, interesting indeed! Bristol's birth DAY is October 18, and presumably that didn't change. So that "Christmas" photo with the obvious baby bump would have been taken when she was 14.
    And, okay, unmarried pregnant teens might not be all that scandalous, and certain not all that rare, in Red State circles. But 14?!

  121. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Er, can I delete that comment about Bristol's age when Trig was conceived? I am clearly way too tired to be doing higher math.

  122. @5:41:

    Just Google it. It's the NY Times, actually. Who can forget it?

    "She doesn't make the decisions" but she has "a lot of say" as to yes or no, LOL.

  123. emrysa7:27 PM

    Sarah Vs. Sarah @ 5:41 pm wants to know:

    Chuck Heath told us a long time ago that Sarah doesn't make her own decisions.

    I've heard that mentioned a couple of times here- could anybody tell me where they got it? 'Preciate it.


    here's the article:


    "Mr. Heath said he was careful about nudging his daughter toward the things that interest him.

    “I don’t want to push the wrong button with Sarah,” he said. “Besides, she doesn’t make the decisions. Let me retract that. I’m sure she thinks them over and she has a lot of say as to yes and no.” "

  124. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Both Stewart and Colbert eviscerated Palin tonight!

  125. Anonymous7:53 PM

    “If Michele Bachmann continued to get real traction, and she came to you and said, look, you’re the other part of the party. Together we can create sweet music. Could you countenance such an idea?” CNN’s Piers Morgan asked Huntsman Monday.
    “You know, if you love this country, you serve this country,” Huntsman replied. “And so if you’re in a position to better the country, to bring whatever background you have to bear, whatever experiences to use in fine-tuning our future, I’ll be the first person to sign up, absolutely.”
    But the candidate immediately ruled out being fellow Mormon Mitt Romney’s running mate.


    For those believing Huntsman is any better than the rest of the GOP candidates. He's Mr. Opportunity, nothing more.

  126. Anonymous8:09 PM

    "Also, what's with her repeated assertion that Obama wasn't vetted?"

    Because "vetting" is the BIG embarrassing burr up her ass these days.

    Of all the criticism aimed at Palin the McCain team's Steve Schmidt & Nicole Wallace et al renewed comments about her by-now shameful non-vetting as a viable VP candidate have quite a negative impact on her "brand." (ie: cash source)
    They worked with her--hard to slag that source. They have a dog in this fight and Palin can't just blow them off with the usual LSM horseshit she trots out to deflect critique either. Nope. Pretty unimpeachable source.
    So she's now trying to make her biggest embarrassment Obama's: "vetting".
    Basically she's saying "well *HE* wasn't vetted either!!"
    She's so utterly and irredeemably stupid.

  127. You gotta love how blood-sucker Chuck Jr. says his sister's going to "wait this one out." Might as well give the bots hope that she just may run in some future election.

    So keep scrimping and saving and sending in those pennies, bots!

    (Just how much is Chuck Jr getting paid to run his sister's PAC? Greed and deception sure does flow through that family.)

  128. Anonymous8:26 PM

    5;58 I have a granson who is 1/32 Indian and he used Native Health while he was visiting in Alaska and had no other insurance. He has a CIB card and has only used the health insurance in's pain in the butt to try and use it in the lower 48, because of all the restrictions.

  129. Palin is a fraud8:33 PM

    Palin is such a miserable freaking hypocrite.

    Palin is the one who continues to put her children out in front of her as human shields. Always.

    Palin is despicable.

    Can you even name any of the kids of the current GOP presidential candidates?

    THEY do not use their kids to promote themselves and use them as an excuse. They know what family really means.

    And there are a lot of kids:

    Yet the only one you uses kids as props is Sarah Palin.


    Also, too... send the money back, Palin!

  130. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Is Chuck Heath Junior really a moderator at the Conservatives4Palin
    website? I thought that was supposed to be not connected to Sarah. Did I miss something? I googled and didn't find any info on this.

  131. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Palin is saying that President Obama wasn't vetted. Who is she kidding? Remember, he ran against Hillary Clinton in the primary and you can be sure they would have vetted him inside and out.

    I wonder what fellow congress folks say to John McCain in Washington D.C.? He must have a difficult time keeping his head up (big and little!). Cannot imagine he is regarded well within his peer group.

  132. Anonymous8:55 PM

    I think Huntsman is the best the Republicans have to offer. I just watched the Lawrence O'Donnell show as he intervied Cain...Cain comes across as a bully, defensive, abusive, etc. He does not reflect the 'kindness and thoughtfulness' of our President that is for sure.

    O'Donnell asked him some tough questions.




    Thank you SO MUCH for posting this!

    Gryph- This is the most succinct and AMAZING analysis/put-down of the Quitter yet, imho.

    Check it out guys!

  134. Anonymous9:23 PM

    What does Chuck Jr. do for a living? Does he draw a salary from SarahPAC or C4P? Is he the cross-eyed one that looks like a window licker?

  135. Ratfish10:00 PM

    Palin: "Took that vote of the kids and it was..half and half in support."

    Yeah, right. What a bunch of BS.

    So if they had all said, "run, baby, run," she would have?

    Sick and pathetic woman.

  136. Anonymous10:13 PM

    This is for Joe - Congratulations on your #10 and #7 Editor's Choice award for The Rogue. I, along with many others, feel your book had a huge impact on her decision as well as educating so many on who Sarah Palin really is.

    You and your family went thru a lot and I would like to say Thank you!

    I am just waiting for one more book - Babygate!

  137. Anonymous10:57 PM

    If Palin isn't "in charge" of her PAC, how is she able to access the money so easily for her personal gain? She's so full of shit her it's oozing out of her pores. I hope her cult followers go on full scale revolt. She's a disgusting human being.

  138. Anonymous3:04 AM

    What a um a she who took money in her Sarahpac that um's all about the healthcare reform that's needed to.....blah blah blah.
    she sounds like she has a traumatic brain injury. She really does.

    She is pathetic.
    Sarah stop using your kids as huma shields. It's REally getting old. REALLY.

    And everyone remember:
    Trygve means "brave victory" or "trustworthy" in old Norse.
    Tri-G means Down Syndrome, TrisomyG, Trisomy 21.

    Sarah please account for your incredibly tasteless naming gaffe.
    If you were going to name him for old Norse 'brave victory' (which backfired 'cause ya lost) then you should have named him Trygve.
    Not Tri-G
    You are freaky.

  139. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Anonymous 5:53: "Who is Tim Crawford? How has he come to manage SarahPAC?"

    He worked for the RNC as the Finance Director before he became treasurer of SarahPAC. There was a good bit of news coverage of his departure from RNC because it was rumored he was fired, as opposed to voluntarily resigned.

    AND he also heads/headed up yet another "non-profit" that does things like robocall people to tell them Barack Obama has an aunt living illegally in the United States.

    In short, he and Palin are two peas in a pod.

  140. I can't imagine a worse time in her family then when she ran for VP.
    She had given birth 5 months to a DS child that appears to have hearing problems. She had an 8 year old.
    She had a 15 year old wild child and a son in the Army.
    She also had an unwed teenager who was pregnant.
    She was also a sitting Gov.

    To say that it was because of her family is really really a stretch.

    The fact that she is now independently wealthy, has a great job that pays well is one of the reason she isn't running.
    It is the accountability, the lies, the stupidity that is keeping her from running.

    I can't think of any other person who has baited people for 3 years, begging for money and coyly talking about running for POTUS.

    Her fans will have to decide if they can continue the charade and support her or they made a terrible mistake and palin will never, ever run for POTUS.
    And the money will be spent however palin wants to use it!

  141. Anonymous4:42 PM

    About that Pac money--don't the Republicans go on and on about tax money is YOUR money and you should decide what to do with it. Shouldn't Sarah let her bots decide what to do with their money??

  142. Anonymous8:13 AM

    You know, it's ridiculous for Schmidt and Wallace to talk about not letting Sarah swear in. Before the election I think it would have been up to McCain to take her off his ticket but once the American people have voted? Then they would be, it seems to me, defying Democracy. The time to do this is BEFORE and they knew it. They just want to feel better about themselves now.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.