Thursday, October 06, 2011

Where do we go from here?

We have all seen this before.

It is the end of the movie, the big bad has been dispatched, and the comforting music begins to waft from the speakers as the house lights slowly come up.

Then, just as the audience begins to gather their belongings and prepare to exit the theater, Mike Myers suddenly sits up despite multiple bullet wounds, Jason Vorhees reaches a moldy hand up from the depths of the deceptively placid lake, or Sissy Spacek suddenly reaches from the grave to grab hold of Amy Irving's hand. Next thing we know we are all plastered in our theater seats, hearts pumping miles a minute, and eyes opened wide with terror.

"Jesus! I thought we were safe!" we exclaim.

Now I am NOT suggesting that Sarah Palin has anything in common with inhuman killing machines like Mike Myers or Jason Vorhees, after all THEY are only fictional characters, and can't really harm us.

However I AM telling you that if you are celebrating the end of Sarah Palin, then YOU have not been paying attention.

Yesterday everybody was dancing a jig while giving virtual hugs to bloggers and authors they felt might have been partly responsible for Sarah Palin's decision NOT to run for the GOP nomination.

Champagne bottles were uncorked, excited calls were made to loved ones, and people even played "Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead" on their I-Pods in celebration.

Not so fast my friends. Don't you feel like we have all been here before?

Well you should, because we have.

It was July 2009, and Sarah Palin had just resigned as the Governor of Alaska. Do you remember now?

Oh how we celebrated that day! ESPECIALLY in Alaska!

By the end of that first weekend my back was sore from the multiple pats, my head was swimming with undeserved praise, and there was a feeling of unrestrained jubilation in the summer air.

But Gryphen wore no party hat that day, nor threw confetti, nor drank himself into his happy place. No he did not!

You see I had only heard ONE Naughty Red Monkey Pump drop to the ground.  I knew that there was another one still dangling from one of Palin's withered claws.

I went to a party a few days after her resignation, where I was asked repeatedly what I would blog about now that Palin was history.

History?  History was still decades away, and we were still very much in the present. A present with unperceived events that were still unfolding around us.

Many of my fellow bloggers were effusive in their declaration that they hoped to never write about that crazy bitch again, but not me. I knew that things were JUST beginning.

Now that those events really ARE considered historic, you all remember what came next. Death panels, the rise of the Tea Party, the shooting of Gabby Giffords, the complete gridlock in Washington, can ALL be traced back to a certain half term Governor, with a hateful middle school attitude, and a Fox News studio built right into her house.

No my friends, this is not my first rodeo.

Granted Palin's reputation is damaged MUCH more today, than it was three years ago. However don't forget that when she quit her governorship most political pundits said that she would never be a viable political presence ever again. How did THAT prediction work out?

Here are some things you CAN relax about.
  • Palin will NEVER seriously run for President.  She never really was, because honestly she simply does not want the job. It's hard, she hates hard.
  • Palin will NEVER campaign as a third party candidate! That's a lot of work, she hates work.
  • Palin will always be her own worst enemy.  She is too ignorant, and self destructive, to listen to the advice of those who could actually shape her into a less antagonistically divisive public figure. Therefore she will always be marginal. (EVEN if she shows up as a pundit on CNN.)

However having said that, it does NOT mean she will not continue to have a detrimental effect on politics, journalism, and our future in this country. Because, trust me, she will.

So I feel it is my responsibility to continue to bring forth the lies, and obfuscations of Sarah Louise Palin until such time as we have the clearest possible picture of EXACTLY how she pulled of this incredible hoax, who helped her, and who is continuing to provide cover for her.

Toward that end I will continue working on my post concerning the truth about Sarah, Levi, and Bristol. As well as digging up as much information as I can to help explain exactly how this lunatic gained so much power and influence in this country. A country it should be worth noting that we all love and wish to protect from people just like Sarah Palin, who care nothing for our future yet take advantage of the fears of the undereducated to further their own nefarious goals, and line their own bulging pockets.

Like I said in my tweet to you last night Sarah:

@SarahPalinUSA Good choice. But you know there are still truths yet to be told. Your decision will not change that. 

If I may borrow and modify a certain ridiculously over used phrase, "Game STILL on!"


  1. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Go straight to Hell. Do not collect any $.

  2. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Please add to your to do list the task of exposing the big players behind the scenes who promoted Palin and the Tea Party.These puppet masters are too cunning to rely solely on Palin. They will always be promoting new puppets to spew their propaganda.I didn't open my champagne, but I did have some popcorn last night.

  3. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Thanks. I've got a sneaky feeling she actually believes this will cause everyone to back off. Now is not the time to do so. The right might back away, in fact they might even facilitate her "new" position in the GOP world. What they did was provide her with a subtle reminder of the limits to which they will allow her to go - not POTUS or even VP. She's done in elected office but they will welcome her and her flying monkey's to their shows.

  4. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Now that's what I'm talking about.

    Thanks Gryphen, she remains a threat and will up the ante.

  5. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Malia Litman is of somewhat the same mind as you - although Malia still feels Palin could pull a surprise about running.
    She, too, will continue on her blog as this fight is not over.
    Pat Padrnos

  6. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Good for you, Gryphen.

    I learned a long time ago...
    Things that go away by themselves can COME BACK by themselves.

    Please continue to speak truth to power.

  7. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Oh, I thought your meant what's ahead for SP. Apparently, there's a movement to "win one for the Quitter."

  8. Anonymous7:40 AM

    "I told you"

    I told you. What did I tell you? Didn't I tell you? Cause I told you (mmmhmmm) and when did I tell you? A long time ago. And what did I say would happen when I told you? Exactly what just happened.

  9. hedgewytch7:41 AM

    I knew you wouldn't be lulled into complacency, because like you, I always go up and put another bullet into the head of the beast to MAKE DAMN sure it is dead before I turn my back on it!

    Looking forward to more installments of the Levi (did I get that remembered right?) book saga, more gleams of Palin's interesting behavior from "Me Again" (whether she's real or not, its pretty entertaining to read), and the uncovering of yet more kitty doo doo under the carpet.

    Rock on Gryf.

  10. Anonymous7:41 AM

    AGREE!!! I'm not resting until she is wearing an orange jumpsuit!

  11. All I can say is thank you. And I am willing to play. Bring it on, Sarah, you skank!

  12. Oh and yes, I just read the first comment here and I cannot agree more fervently - don't stop at Sarah, what about McCain, the RNC, the GOP, the media (especially you know - FOX) and her puppetmasters - Rupert, or the Koch Brothers, etc. And please, please, don't forget our favorite bully - Tawd!

  13. Beldar J Conehead7:44 AM

    Thank you for your patriotic service, Gryphen. Your hard work and determination is recognized and appreciated. There's no question the announcement yesterday was heavily influenced by tenacious efforts by your blog and by others like it to derail that misguuded pseudo-politician.

    Good job, sir!

  14. So I feel it is my responsibility to continue to bring forth the lies, and obfuscations of Sarah Louise Palin until such time as we have the clearest possible picture of EXACTLY how she pulled of this incredible hoax, who helped her, and who is continuing to provide cover for her.

    Thank you, Gryphen, keep up the good work!

  15. Anonymous7:49 AM

    "detrimental effect on politics"

    So you're going to FINALLY expose Obama and his string pullers. GOOD.

  16. Anonymous7:50 AM

    My co-worker and friend, who knows what my involvement with the Palin baby story is, quoted this to me today from frum's article:

    The people she fooled were people who passionately wished to be fooled. To that extent, what was important in her story was not the faults and failings of Sarah Palin. There have always been grifters in politics. What was important in her story was the revelation of conservatism’s lack of antibodies against somebody with the faults and failings of Sarah Palin. That’s the story that should trouble us still.
    My co-worker said this: amusing article about her and why she's useless and irrelevant.


    My response: useless yes, irrelevant, no

    It is so funny to me, that there are so many people in the 'sarah's not got a chance, so she doesn't mean anything, versus, those of us who know how dangerous she is -- because HER followers are dangerous!!

  17. You are so right! $arah will never go away as long as there is someone willing to throw money at her. She has NOT retreated. She is reloading.

  18. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Until she joins a political race, any personal attacks make the attacked look petty and someone who lacks fulfillment.

    Especially when Obama continues to pull the wool over people's eyes concerning his LACK of intellect and preparation.

  19. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I do think Palin no longer has the "presidential" hopeful or contender wave to ride. I believe enough people will be fed up with her games and the gravy train will slow down.

    I also anticipate Bristol will not be a starring actress, Palun will continue doing what has worked for her. Overall I think she had enough rope and hung herself stringing people along. Palin will continue scheming, lying, and casting others as demons so she be the brightest, best, most awesome person in the universe.

    Her reach in the future will be commeasurate with her devoted followers staying on board.

  20. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I think the party is just about ready to start! Last nights celebration was a BEGINNING! Not an end. More and more people will be willing to talk, more facts will be exposed, more info will be leaked by people suddenly off the SarahPac payroll....yup, it's just the beginning.
    Sarah's fake pregnancy will be a Lifetime movie of the week within 2 yrs. Brisket's multiple pregnancies will be brought to life as will Willow's abstinence pregnancy. Oh the fun is just starting. Within a year we will see Tawd push or bump into someone to try and intimidate them and Tawd will get smacked down. Sarah is toast, done forever now on the political scene and her reign ( yes Pbots I spelled it correctly) of terror is over. Her hold over people is done, I bet even her mini me Parnell is already distancing himself.

    Stock up on popcorn IMers it's going to be a great year!

    PS I think Granny Lulu will lose her Faux job by january.

    Little Rabbit

  21. Anonymous7:55 AM

    The more you continue to slander her kids the more stupid you appear. There's no point, not when there are bigger fish to fry.

    It's disconcerting that you write "What am I going to blog about without Sarah Palin?"

    Sarah is a kitten to other people's lions. She affects nothing. Without her, corruption still runs rampant. The dems continue to play demonic little games. The GOP still opposed such games.

    What on earth makes you think Sarah is the root of all evil?

    She didn't start speaking from her national platform until late 2009, yet the problems started way before then.

    And ultimately, HOW can you continue to whitewash Obama?

    GOD, liberals are stupid.

  22. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Thanks for your continued, tireless work exposing the hypocrite and liar.

    I believe George W. Bush created the ugly 'us versus them' climate in this country that allowed for a hateful fear monger such as Palin to obtain power.

  23. Not only will she not keep her mouth shut about national (and international) issues which makes her fair game, there is also the issue of those in the GOP who selected her for 2008 despite her insanity and complete lack of qualifications. So, no, this is not the end of the scrutiny or criticism of Sarah Palin.

    And, as long as Bristol continues to be a reality teevee "star," she will continue to be scrutinized and criticized as well.

  24. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Stay on it Gryph! I posted elsewhere that it ain't over until Babygate is exposed and the pricks who covered for it (including John McCain) are shamed & shunned. I trust you to keep on keeping on...

  25. Anonymous7:58 AM

    How does airing every alleged rumor and possibly fact about two teenagers bring down Sarah Palin?

    What do Bristol and Levi have to do with anything politically related?

    That's pretty immature of you. You're messing with a strong-willed girl who has a spirit that will never die.

    Can you see NOW that there is NO other family in history who has been slandered more and more intensely than the Palins? YET they're still tough as nails and their roots are deep.

  26. She has absolutely no interests other than being in the limelight and making money. She has no hobbies, she does not read or reflect, she does not parent, and she and her husband do not enjoy the company of each other. She thinks she has influence and is not going away on her own.

  27. angela7:58 AM

    The MSM has always dismissed Palin--yet they encourage the crazy and poo poo those of us who say her discourse is detrimental. And she is a nasty warning of what could happen to us.

    She has turned everything into hate, racism and toxicity since she got pulled out of Wasilla. She will now scream even more shrill crap about things she knows nothing of.

    Don't let go. She needs to be called to answer every time she opens her lying mouth. Every time.
    She has wreaked havoc on this country and she should not get a pass because she knows she is too ignorant and lazy to run as POTUS.

  28. Here's the by-line at the BBC this morning.... How appropriate:

    Playtime is over

    Har.... Har.... Har.....

  29. angela7:59 AM

    Anon 7:51

    Get stuffed.

  30. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Agree, G-Man. SP is only a small scab over the giant festering carbuncle of those who enabled her (McCain and sr staff), those who funded her (Murdoch. Kochs, etc.), the fundies who advised her, and the MSM who failed to report it all.

    How many other issues are there like this currently that are not as visible to us? How would we know, with a derelict MSM?

    I would add that some of us celebrated in the same way right after the election. Now she was gone, right? Nooooooo. Then the resignation from Gov. Gone! Oooops, not yet. Then the various icebergs that did not do the job. And now this. No celebrating yet for me.

    As I said, SP herself is but a little thing, a scab concealing bigger travesties. Once we lift that scab, via BabyGate or some other -gate, all the corruputed pus and pestilence and putrid stuff will come pouring out.

    Well, not if the enablers can help it. Not if they can silence SP so we forget and move on, saving their hides. Helping us pretend the BabyHoax and all that it implies never happened.

    But let's not let that happen, okay? Let's get this huge pus-pocket lanced. It's not the only one we should be worried about.

  31. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Yippee, Gryphen! You are 1000% correct. While many of us have been celebrating (myself included), I think we all do realize that until this woman's full unadulterated truth is completely out, in full view, for the American public and the rest of the world - we will not be done.

    We need her to fade out of view. She can go back to AK or AZ or wherever she wants, but away from our computers, newspapers, phones and telly screens. I am not really sure that will ever be possible, as she is a megalomaniac. But, we can damage her rep to the point that she is never again taken seriously by anyone, about anything!

    Keep on keepin' on, dear Gryphen. You da man.

  32. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Jul 2, 2009
    Steve Schmidt releases emails from the 2008 Presidential campaign showing Sarah's lied about Todd's AIP involvement.

    Jul 3rd, 2009
    Palin resigns as governor.

    Oct 8, 2011
    Nicole Wallace reveals to TIME that the McCain campaign discussed whether Palin was too crazy to be sworn in as V.P. if McCain won.

    Oct 8, 2011
    Palin announces she will not run for President.

    Right AFTER Palin's annoucement McCain advisor Charlie Black denies Wallaces story.

  33. hedgewytch8:04 AM

    @ 7:27

    I'm assuming you are directing that thought towards Sarah Palin?

    Or is that you Sarah?

  34. Anonymous8:04 AM

    @ 7:55, we know, it's a bad day for y'all.

    We won't stop, and you will ultimately have to admit to yourself that this woman is not who you think she is. You won't give us the satisfaction of telling us so, but that's ok.

    (All your trash talk about Obama just makes you seem that much more pathetic.)

  35. Terroring Around With Pallinists8:05 AM

    Gryphen, you spelled pundints wrong.

    And one more thing:
    That creepy Steve Jobs guy had the collossal nerve to maliciously upstage Sarah's big moment in the Wednesday news cycle.

  36. Oh geez, already the trolls are out.

    I agree with Gryphen that this woman is by no means finished. She will still try to slink her way back into America's heart.

    But here's one wrinkle - what does Palin do now? Stay with Fox? Go with CNN? The more people see her, the less they like her. She might try to be Newt Gingrich and grift some more but at least Gingrich was Speaker. He had a modicum of respectability even though in reality, he was a vile hypocrite. And at least Gingrich can talk policy - Palin has no skills in that area.

    She won't fade away though.....but it'll be interesting to see what she does next.

    I say keep an eye on her - if she injects herself into politics and public policy then by all means, keep her accountable. But if she ends up on daytime TV interviewing celebs - then leave it be. Who cares what she does then? The sooner her credibility fades the better.

    I think what will happen is that she may lay low for a while then come back onto the scene once the 2012 Election heats up. She'll cozy up to the GOP Nom and maybe even offer to stump for them. Who knows what kind of reception she will get? All I know is - if the GOP Nom is stupid enough to let that snake in the door then they better be prepared to be stabbed in the back. Palin is out for herself and no one else.

  37. Thank you Gryphen. That is what I was hoping your attitude would be. I've lived too long to think that just because someone has been exposed for dastardly deeds that they would go away. Whatever insanity compelled them to put themselves forward in spite of their secret lives, will forever be part of their personality. Look at Rick Scott, Dick Morris, Vitter, etc., etc.

    Palin will cower in a corner and lick her wounds for awhile and then .. she'll be baaaack. I want her and whoever backed her to be so thoroughly outed and humiliated that it will be a lesson to anybody who thinks of trying it in the future. The worst injustice in all of this is the part that media played. Most of us know there are crooks, liars and crazy people out there - what the Bots were fooled by was the media putting their stamp of approval on Palin. That is what "trickled down" to mess up the entire country. Had it not been for you and a few other relentless bloggers, we'd still be in the dark about Poor Little Sarah.

    Keep on doing what you do so well.

  38. Bavet8:06 AM

    Reddit has a guy asking if anyone wants to ask him questions about Sarah Palin - says he has known the family about 20 years. Not much interest so far.

  39. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Keep up the good work Gryphen.

    I think the McCain campaign has the goods on Palin and will use that information as needed to keep her away from the Presidency.

  40. Wow the trolls are out in strong force today :)

    Getting your last posts in to try to get that last paycheck?

  41. Anonymous8:09 AM

    The scariest part is that her remaining fans are now pretty much filtered down to the worst kind of violent nutjobs.
    I have never considered this a victory because she needs to come clean or be exposed about her many illegal and immoral activities so there is no doubt remaining that she was spawned in the pits of hell. She thinks she can pull back for awhile and come out fighting later. We cannot allow this witch to ever have influence anywhere again.

  42. Anonymous8:11 AM

    What is divulging "truth" about Bristol and Levi going to accomplish?

    WE know as well as they each do that their relationship was a lie.

    Why are you trying to hurt Tripp?

    It's up to Levi to make efforts to see him. Anyone outside Bristol and Levi are inconsequential.

    They are moot.

    All in all, what makes you think the 99% of America who has no idea who Tripp Palin is will one day wake up and care?

  43. flyovercountry8:11 AM

    When Sarah Palin came on scene, I was appalled. Then I began finding out things about her and became even more appalled. Time went on, Obama won, McCain lost, she went back to Alaska, the media slobbered and continued to follow her everywhere and she just never went away. Then she quit her job as governor. I rejoiced! I thought she was gone from our lives. Naïve! Then I thought surely somebody would come forward with the absolute proof about Trig. Nope. Again, naïve. Then I thought surely all of her criminal activities would be brought to light and she would be prosecuted, especially with the bloggers that have worked tirelessly on those elements never having given up. Naïve, naïve, naïve. I no longer believe she’s going away anymore than I believe a bird is going to fly out of her skinny, flat ass (although that could happen). I’m naïve no more. She will not go away until she is forced to go away and I’m hoping when she does it’s completely shamed and in handcuffs. Press on, Gryphen, my good man. It is not yet time to rest.

  44. I managed about four minutes of her Van Sustern interview. I intensely dislike that woman.

  45. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I dont understand how you can honestly believe a faked pregnancy is the biggest hoax of this country.

    Do you NOT know history at all? Do you not pay attention to current goings on in DC and the world?

  46. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Anonymous@7:58 teenybopper troll said along with some other drivel..."That's pretty immature of you."

    Well, honey, you sure told them! Way to get your point across and make them feel like fools. Now what will they do?

  47. hedgewytch8:15 AM

    Why do trolls who come to defend Palin always have also attack the President (ex Anony 7:51 & 7:55)?

    The projectionism in most of these trolls is just breathtaking.

    Or is that Sarah and Bristol have gotten up early this a.m. to continue "damage control" on the local blogs?

    Morning girls! Watch out for that carpal tunnel syndrome from too much texting/typing, its hell on the hands.

  48. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Oh she'll be lurking in the shadows. Her fans have already morphed a theory of threats to the family as the reason for QUITTING this time.

    "I think something happened within the last two weeks, something like a credible threat to the lives of her and her family. We saw her backing away in the Greta interview last week, and one of my O4P members, who is a doctor, said Sarah seemed to have suffered a severe psychological shock."

    We have proof of mental illness! By a DR no less!

  49. Anonymous8:15 AM

    "Anonymous said...

    How does airing every alleged rumor and possibly fact about two teenagers bring down Sarah Palin?

    What do Bristol and Levi have to do with anything politically related?

    That's pretty immature of you. You're messing with a strong-willed girl who has a spirit that will never die.

    Can you see NOW that there is NO other family in history who has been slandered more and more intensely than the Palins? YET they're still tough as nails and their roots are deep.

    7:58 AM"

    Oh man, I can no longer tell the difference! Is this the Palin Fairy Tale Troll parody-ist, or the rill dill?!

    I would say the Kardashians have probably been slandered a lot more than the Palins have! But then they make a LOT more money off their idiot fans than the Palins do so they're laughing all the way to the bank. They know it's part of the game.

    You Palins still think you can act like the ignorant, hateful, desperate, pathetic publicity and money hungry whores you are, and still be treated as honorable people who are due respect.

    Sorry. Not the way it works.

  50. Cracklin' Charlie8:16 AM

    I second that emotion.

    Well said, man.

  51. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Agreed. This is no time for us to stop pushing for information. Her frauds still need to be nationally exposed, and the abysmal failure of the MSM to vet her, and their continual coddling of her, need to be exposed. She's still part of a much larger story -- the idiocracy of America, the - as she admits - reality show nature of national politics, and the weakened and very corporate nature of national journalism, which is more concerned with hits than with the truth.

    Trig deserves to one day know who his biological parents really are. I won't rest until the truth is out there.

  52. Don't worry! The C4P cult is already fomenting the nor ion that Sarah was 'gotten to' by someone and had to back down!

    I'll still be reading your blog, if only because I enjoy your take on issues of the day.
    Plus, it's great to have Alaska represented by someone who is not in the Palin orbit.

  53. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Sarah Palin quit her tease because she was warned. I believe she WAS seriously considering running, being the mavericky idiot who believes her own hype that she is. But Rove and the rest got tired of her and they warned her. She didn't heed Rove, Coulter and the others so Ailes pretty much came out and called her an idiot. His comment about her being "hot" was not so much referencing her looks, but "hot" as in "hot commodity", a money and ratings maker for him. At any rate, Sarah knew that they were about to hand her ass out to dry.

    And it has occurred to me that MeAgain might have been sent to post little things to scare Sarah by Sarah's puppet masters who now want her gone.

    Bitch finally got the message and retreated so fast that her bots heads are still spinning.

    We must continue to be viligent. Sarah Palin is a monster cresated by the right wingers. Until she is utterly and totally discredited, I won't rest.

    Hear that, Sarah, we are still on the case!!!!!!!!!

  54. Ratfish8:20 AM

    The truth starts to come out.

    Palin Inspired Character in New Novel
    Nicolle Wallace, who worked as a senior advisor on the McCain-Palin 2008 campaign, tells Time that the main character in her new novel, It's Classified was based on Sarah Palin.

    Said Wallace: "The idea of a mentally ill vice president who suffers in complete isolation was obviously sparked by the behaviors I witnessed by Sarah Palin. What if somebody who was ill-equipped for the office were to ascend to the presidency or vice presidency? What would they do? How long would it take for people to figure it out? I became consumed by this question."

    "Palin vacillated between extraordinary highs on the campaign stage -- she ignited more enthusiasm than our side had seen at any other point -- to debilitating lows. She was often withdrawn, uncommunicative and incapable of performing even the most basic tasks required of her job as McCain's running mate... There certainly were discussions -- not for long because of the arc the campaign took -- but certainly there were discussions about whether, if they were to win, it would be appropriate for her to be sworn in."

  55. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Sarah Palin will always quit her job but she'll never quit seeking adoration. She is a cockroach. Just because this current infestation has been contained doesn't mean Sarah's gone. She's just hiding in her corner planning her second coming. Never forget she's lurking. Left unattended, she'll emerge somewhere else to bring disease to America.

    The media must continue dissecting her corrupted past until she's zero political threat. Publish the truth about Trig's birth. Get more people to go on record about the evil she has committed. Stomp her. Squash her like the pest she is. Grind her into the pavement.

    The world is a worse place because of Sarah Palin.

  56. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Will the REAL Sarah Palin please step forward.....if you dare!

  57. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Thank God for this, Gryphen. I've been one of the lone voices feeling like it I was watching a July 09 remix.

    Her announcement might have quieted the Republican insiders who were threatening to spill the beans on her if she ran (looking at you, Nicole, you nasty little thing, you). But the rest of us cannot give up until she is exposed. Her hatred of Obama is, if anything, worse now than ever. And an amazing number of her bots are going, "Oh, okay; she's not running because the evil libruls were telling lies about her family and God whispered that it wasn't her time yet. Let me write another check."

  58. Anonymous8:25 AM

    The Palins have no more power. There are too many secrets that could be exposed, and too many people who could expose them. They have been reduced to what they were all along - grifting no-nothings. The American people are well aware that the Emperess has no clothes on.

    Four years from now, there will have been a lot more truths told about who Sarah and Todd Palin really are. The idea of her making a presidential run in 2016 or ever seems pretty far-fetched to me.

    I am confident that there are enough clever people out there, including you Mr. G, who will continue to expose the narcissism and co-dependency that are Sarah and Todd Palin.

    P.S. Good champagne is never wasted.

  59. Anonymous8:26 AM


    Your mom is not a kitten. Why do you keep referring to her as a kitten?

  60. Anonymous8:26 AM

    You da man, Gryph. She said she wanted to kkkeep carping on Pres. Obama and help what she says are good candidates. But won't they cringe about $P praising/endorsing them? They might tell her STFU.

  61. You go, Gryph! The dedicated trolls here are clear evidence that they are scared of what you know.

  62. To the Palin / Heath family Trolls: The rill story isn't about the teenagers - the real story is Sarah. If Poor Little Sarah rilly, rilly wants to protect her "strong and loving family whose roots go deep", especially the "poor teenagers" in her life, she has the opportunity to sell her rill story to "any of them, all of them". She better be quick though because other people are still looking to out her and I have a feeling that those numbers are going to grow. Har-de-har-har-har.

  63. Anonymous8:27 AM

  64. Rationalist8:27 AM

    I was thinking the same as you last night, Gryphen. Alexander Godunov at the end of Die Hard.

  65. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Sarah quitting her job as governor WAS BIG and absolutely worthy of champagne. It created a mortal wound. She could not come back from that. Certainly speculation continued after that because she had been a VP candidate and is "different", to put it delicately, than other political figures. But quitting an elected job and then running for an even bigger position wasn't going to happen, esp to someone who is gaffe-prone, incompetent, and self-absorbed. Last night we finally got proof of that and another celebration-worthy event. Thanks for addressing "where do we go from here?". There is always more work to be done but give yourself a chance to relish this moment because it IS big.

  66. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Poor gullible rubes.

  67. Rationalist8:31 AM

    I am ignoring the Palin trolls, but I do have to say one thing to the anti-Obama poster: you can disagree with his policies but "lack of intellect?" That's a good one.

  68. Anonymous8:33 AM

    She has turned nastiness into a virtue admired by her equally nasty cult followers. It follows that, being nasty, they will seek revenge from their former role model. She reneged on the deal ie: they send her money and she runs for president for save their freedoms (whatever that means.

    Let the flying monkeys turn on her. I think that the information spill will begin any time now. Hell hath no greater fury...

    Lovin' it in CT

  69. Anonymous8:34 AM

    You're absolutely right, until she's entirely exposed as fraud, no doubt about it, the work isn't done. We're with you...

  70. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Thank you! I knew you wouldn't give up :) My wish is that all of us stay in it for the long haul to expose the truth of Sarah Palin and the folks who backed her.

  71. Anonymous8:37 AM

    My my, aren't the trolling Palintards in quite the tizzy and even more incoherent than ever before! It's terrible I take such delight in their mad discomfiture. But hey, they've richly earned it all, that's one thing for sure.

  72. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn8:40 AM

    Her backers are dangerous. Some of her followers are deranged AND dangerous. She's still dangerous, but muted somewhat for now.

    I'll still thank you and the other bloggers for the first shots of truth over the bow. Ten or fifteen years ago, those in charge may have just gotten away with it, and she very well could have been running for President in front of a gullible public not knowing the back story or hearing the endless lies. I'm sure her handlers have taken a minute to lick their wounds, and now they're regrouping.

    And I'll be here when she or whoever else they groom in her place flares up like a bad case of herpes.

  73. Anonymous8:41 AM

    If you're going to continue ruminating on the rumors surrounding Bristol and Levi, why don't you address why Bristol never attended a school dance or normal girly function with her wonderful, lovey dovey boyfriend.

    Why did Levi lie when he said the Palins never spent time together? Why did Levi ignore his other girlfriends, hoping to illustrate how oh so serious he was about one girl?

  74. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I agree with you completely. She's just planning her next act, that's all. We need to keep an eye on her and keeping reporting the truth about her shenanigans.

  75. Anonymous8:41 AM

    7:51 said:
    "Until she joins a political race, any personal attacks make the attacked look petty and someone who lacks fulfillment."

    Sarah said that she does not need a title to have power. Therefore, she does not need a title to keep her from being scrutinized either. She cannot try to influence political dialog and think others won't call her out on her BS. Just like Sarah, we'll continue to "call it like we see it".

  76. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Good Call Gryphen

  77. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Sarah was speaking from a national platform in 2008. Boy, she really needs to get smarter people defending her on the blogs. Believe me, intelligent people haven't forgotten how she spent the fall of 2008 spreading hatred and divisiveness with comments like "Barack Obama is not like us."

  78. Anonymous8:42 AM

    7:49/7:51..If your so worried about Obama, then why don't you start your own blog to expose him? Either do it or STFU!

  79. Anonymous8:42 AM

    7:49/7:51..If your so worried about Obama, then why don't you start your own blog to expose him? Either do it or STFU!

  80. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Today was like any other day for me. Go on-line after cleaning up the house, see what Gryphen is up to. She's still a car crash I can't look away from. It's just that I can finally breath a sigh of relief that she won't be running for president any time soon. I'm not going anywhere, Scarah's not going anywhere, and Gryphen isn't either.

  81. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Why do YOU, an outsider and someone who has no real basis on anything, so determined to make people relive the past? Everyone has moved on, as people do.

    I'm sad for you Jesse. You're hurting good people with aimless curiosity. And you can't even write without bias when discussing these things.

  82. Anonymous8:44 AM

    The troll comments are so obvious. Clearly, Sarah and Bristol hoped you would throw in the towel and quit uncovering her skeletons.

    Not Gryphen. He realizes the beast has many heads! Although weakened, it can still do a great deal of damage!

  83. Anonymous said...
    Until she joins a political race, any personal attacks make the attacked look petty and someone who lacks fulfillment.

    Especially when Obama continues to pull the wool over people's eyes concerning his LACK of intellect and preparation.
    7:51 AM
    "...any personal attacks make the attacked look petty and someone who lacks fulfillment."

    You're absolutely correct. Palin will look petty and like someone who lacks fulfillment.

    "...Obama continues to pull the wool over people's eyes concerning his LACK of intellect and preparation.

    This is without a doubt one of the stupidest things I have ever seen. President Obama's intellect is far superior to that of many, many people as can instantly be discerned by anyone who looks at his many accomplishments.

    His presidential campaign exemplified care and preparation, as has his presidency in carefully and diligently exposing the corrupt, anti-American Republicans and their intent to destroy the great American middle class.

    Contrast this with the moronic Palin and her cock tease, quasi-campaign consisting solely of a last-minute phone call to find out the last conceivable filing date.

    Sorry you're bitter, but you have no one but yourself and your own stupidity to blame for following your idiot quitter queen.

  84. Anonymous8:47 AM

    It will be over when Sarah is in jail...

  85. Anonymous8:47 AM

    7:58..there is a difference between slander and seeking the truth..the truth is what you don't want to hear.

  86. Anonymous8:47 AM

    7:49/7:51..If your so worried about Obama, then why don't you start your own blog to expose him? Either do it or STFU!

  87. "YET they're still tough as nails and their roots are deep."

    They're the dandelions of politics.

  88. Anonymous8:48 AM

    To the trolls:

    Really? Come on...haven't you anything better to do? Like, oh I don't know, read a book? Plant a garden? Help someone less fortunate than yourselves?

    Try it, you'll like it.

  89. Can you see NOW that there is NO other family in history who has been slandered more and more intensely than the Palins? YET they're still tough as nails and their roots are deep.
    7:58 AM

    The truth is that the Palin family has not been slandered. Where are the lawsuits? A letter from a lawyer threatening a lawsuit means nothing. I believe the word you're looking for is exposed.

    Gryph, you have no idea how much your blog has meant to me. I am trying to expose corruption in my small town, very similar to Wasilla. Our battle has been going on for several years. We have won small victories but we still have a lot more to do. Same with you and the other brave ones who continue to expose the lies, deceptions and madness of Sarah Palin. I too thought of the final scene in Carrie when Sarah's announcement was made yesterday. Continue to be afraid; be very afraid.

  90. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Tea partiers: Occupy Wall Street protestors are loony, lawless mob!

    Jon Stewart: "So, rage against duly elected government is patriotic, quintessentially American. Whereas rage against multinational shareholder-accountable corporations is anti-American, gotcha.

  91. "Can you see NOW that there is NO other family in history who has been slandered more and more intensely than the Palins?"

    A little family from Bethlehem come to mind.

  92. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Interesting Gryphen that the family seems to have come together in one area:

    They come here and troll. The trolls are remarkably absent on other sites today, suppose they are too busy at seaofpee eating each other.

    But they are alive and well here.

    Way to go!

    And hey Sara what was that thing hanging over your saggy old left boob last night? No American flag now? Is it the AIP logo?

    Such a clever little thing you are. Now go buy some new hooker pumps and a new water bra to celebrate your new unshackled life

  93. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Oh, I'm making no mistakes - She will flirt with a POTUS run every cycle that she is alive. She will rake in the hard earned dollars of well-meaning and evil-hearted assholes everywhere this way.

    We'll go through this same old dance every three years.

    She may be her own worst enemy who seals her fate with every word salad utterance, but she'll still be the foil to political discourse.

    Unless the truth about Trig and all of Bristol's pregnancies come to light.

    I won't let up on the Heath/Palin clan, cause she's not sitting down and shutting up finally, she's a professional stone thrower.

  94. My goodness...we seem to have some trolls trolling IM today. Could it be $arah herself?

  95. Beldar P. U. Conehead8:55 AM

    Gryphen, what's that awful odor coming from the comments section of your blog lately? It smells like stale generic label cheese puffs, damp gym socks, gingivitis breath, fortified wine and pine scented rear view mirror air freshener. Oh... I know. Its the trolls. Ewww.

  96. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Don't quit telling the truth about the Grifter! All her lies and hoaxes must be exposed so it never happens again--that a fraud and an ignorant wannabe could get so close to presidential power. She must be outed!

  97. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Just for fun, a while back, I looked up natal charts (astrological birth charts) on Sarah Palin.

    They all seemed to indicate she would not be President in 2012 and would appear to crash and burn, but - and here's the rub - she would rebound in time for 2016 - to put us all through this slimey craziness again.

    BUT - and this is the kicker - this would only happen if we did not learn from this and root out the causes for her rapid rise. So, I am even more in agreement that we have to continue to expose her career, bringing out from the shadows those who were the power brokers behind her strange career.

    We are pretty much all behind you on this, Gryphen, and so, apparently are the stars and planets. Palin will remain a threat until all her lies are exposed, until those behind the scenes are exposed, and we all learn how now to allow such a monster to rise again in our lifetime. and teach our children the lessons we learn (once again).

  98. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Screechy will always be a threat as long as she keeps yapping.

  99. Anonymous8:59 AM

    7:49 - to put it nicely: you are full of shit. Sorry, Gryphen, but it had to be said.

  100. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Dammit, Gryphen. Now I have that song in my head. Thanks bunches. ;-P

  101. Anonymous9:01 AM

    My, my the PBot trolls are stirred up today.

    Dear Bots, as long as Sarah is a PAID (she does nothing for free) political pundit( yes that is correct, though to translate to Palinese for you, pundent) on Faux she is fair game. Just think of our targeting your Granny Lulu as our form of crosshairs. Now run along now, Granny needs new shoes, go make another donation to SarahPac...Bawwaahhhhhhh!!!!!

    Littler Rabbit

  102. Virginia Voter9:02 AM

    Wow, Bristol's up at at em early again today @ 7:58 am Alaska time. She must be furiously typing out posts on Trig's iPad as she feeds her kids breakfast.

    Bristol, honey, didn't Mommy tell you to stop giving yourself away in your posts here....your use of immature, strong willed, and other buzzwords give you away, every. single. time. I know you're not the sharpest tool in the shed, so I'll cut you some slack, but really those posts are so bad we have all been having a good time making fun of you by spoofing your inane posts.
    Yeah, we get it....happy shiny strong willed family with deep roots, blah, blah, blah. Let me put it this way, as long as you and your mother are out in the media making money off a false image and spouting lies, hatred, and hypocritical statements daily we will continue to expose you. Your mother was propped up by the GOP machine to spread misinformation and lies to promote their anti-American agenda , and we will not stand for it anymore.

    You too are a puppet with your dumb abstinence message. Word of advice...take your money and your kids and get the fuck out before it's too late.

  103. Good deal Jesse.....please keep digging.....and of course, giving us the chance to help.

  104. Anonymous9:02 AM

    To the little 'strong-billy' troll... you might want to get your troll pay upfront since the SPAC coffers are running low. Your little fingers are getting quite a workout today and since the blogging communities' investigations are still continuing with even more furor. Your little gerbil will be spinning out of control and flying off his wheel as he goes round in circles in your brain. Your little fingers are going to be busy, busy, busy. At least try to expand your vocabulary, for how many times can the word 'strong' be used inappropriately to describe every facet of life and plus, it's rather quite boring. You might want to ask for some type of health care from $aint $arah so you will be covered for carpel tunnel, anxiety, weight loss and other stress related issues especially when you find out you're probably going to get stiffed. Welcome to PalinLand.

  105. Anonymous9:04 AM

    7:51 - 'Especially when Obama continues to pull the wool over people's eyes concerning his LACK of intellect and preparation.'

    Go home and play with your balls (take that however it please you). You are making a fool of yourself. Is that you, Sarah? Just can't give up taunting a black man, can you? Give it a rest. He's not that into you - not at all, in fact.

    President Obama is one of the best prepared and most intelligent presidents we have had in my lifetime. He is a grown-up. Too bad you are not, 7:51 (the second Anonymous at 7:51, i.e.)

  106. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I totally agree Gryph! There was no celebrating in my house. I know her too well. Thank you so very much for all you're doing and have done to expose this malignancy with the name of Sarah.

    I do think she's counting on/hoping that her announcement will bring an end to the investigations. It won't, no one can afford to turn their backs on her & count on anything thing she says until she is finally and completely exposed and defeated.

    No Sarah, we aren't retreating, we're reloading so be afraid, be very afraid.

    Smooches & hugs to you Grypen, my hero!

  107. Goodness gracious, the trolls are particularly, whinily, pathetic today.

    And why on earth do they keep bringing up President Obama?

    After all, Palin was never the opposing candidate to President Obama. Senator McCain was. And Palin will never be an opposing candidate to President Obama. She is so far beneath him in every way; intellect, morals, ethics, patriotism, etc.

    Sorry Palin groupies, your gibbering loon will never measure up to President Obama. She will never be qualified to so much as mop the White House floors.

  108. Anonymous9:08 AM


    Loved your tweet and congrats. I was one of those moms who read her birth story right after she was announced as VP, and knew it was a big fat lie. I began with Audrey's site, which then became all the anti-Palin sites. I have never really commented much but have enjoyed everyone's investigative work. My small contribution was (perhaps) being the first to notice there were two different stories about how Bristol first told Sarah and Todd she was pregnant.

    Thank you to all the authors (just finished McGinnis' book and it was great - even as someone who knows way too much about Palin, reading about her term as Mayor made me ill), bloggers, and citizens who contributed ideas. Special kudos to the brave men and women who spoke, whether on the record, or anonymously, in order to stop this train wreck from gaining to much speed. I agree, do not stop! If only because she should not be allowed to profit on her lies and meanness, and despite her intellectual laziness. She is a sociopath and a narcissist, and has no place in our American discourse.

  109. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Good for you, Gryphen, I completely agree. She's not done. She never will be as long as she can draw breath.

    I dealt with one like her (on a local rather than national scale) years ago. When she was dealt a blow, publically exposed and embarrassed, she simply laid low for a couple years, then reinvented herself and was back to her old deeds -- in a sneakier way -- in no time at all. Discouraging.

    I applaud your efforts to keep going on this. I know it must be very tiresome.

  110. Anonymous9:11 AM

    7:55 - are you still here, banging out nonsense? Goodness, Sarah bots are such fools.

    You said:
    "The dems continue to play demonic little games."

    Gosh, that sounds so Dominionist - is that you Sarah? So full of self-hate, so full of disappointment and fear. Give it a rest.

    The GOP and its rich backers such as the Koch Bros. created the Tea Party and manipulated those in it to further the corruption and destruction in our country. Sarah Palin fanned the flames of hate and divisiveness.

    This is simply a resting point where we can all gather our collective breath and hope we are back on the road to civility and rationality.

    If you love the hatred, please go somewhere else. We are not your people, we do not agree with you nor do we have the patience or energy to put up with you nonsense.

    Speaking of people as demons is for little children afraid of the dark. We here are willing and able to shine light into the dark and dispel the fear and hatred.

    Please go away 7:55 and don't come back until you grow up.

  111. Anonymous9:12 AM

    -- I pictured the last scene in the original "Die Hard" movie. --

  112. DominionistEscapee9:13 AM

    7:58 AM said, "Can you see NOW that there is NO other family in history who has been slandered more and more intensely than the Palins?"

    Spoken like a true Palin, by which I mean someone with no knowledge of history and far too much intellectual laziness to remedy that lack.

  113. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Don't know if this was a Freudian slip or just another one of those English language differences but the UK Guardian has a headline up 'Sarah Palin: the end of an error'

    Indeed, we Americans feel that this experiment was indeed a big colossal mistake and an incredible bad error in someone's judgement. Hopefully the era of popularizing hatefulness, disrespect and polarization has come to an end.

  114. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Wow, now we know where the C4P folks have gone - they've come here spouting crap like this: (7:58)

    " . . . there is NO other family in history who has been slandered more and more intensely than the Palins?"

    Man, you have got to kidding me. You are proud to spout such ignorance? You simply prove that you know nothing about history. So sad, so very sad. I'd stop now, if I were you - we are laughing at you, sure, but soon we will be pitying you - and your family.

    Ignorance is one thing, it can be fixed. Stupid cannot be fixed and that's how you are characterizing yourself - stupid child.

  115. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Good synopsis of Palin, Bill (the smart 7:58).

  116. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Nefer, you beat me to it: I was just about to observe that the trolls sure seem cranky today. Poor trolls. But surely our Sarah, upstanding citizen she's known to be, would have kept up with her payroll taxes, etc, for the trolls who have been on the Paylin payroll. So they can now apply for unemployment benefits while they contemplate their next brilliant career moves. (May I suggest exploring contracts for tell-all books? There might be a bit of money to be made, assuming of course that everything worth telling hasn't been told by the time any new book projects come to fruition. Not sure how good a bet that is, but you never know.)

  117. Anonymous9:23 AM

    7:51 What is with all these people saying that Obama is not prepared or experienced. I could argue about whether he was or was not 4 years ago but prefer to ask you how better prepared to be president can one be but to have on the job training for 4 years in which time he has killed or captured Osama and other terrorists, got gay rights up and moving along, got the start of an equitable health care, and hundreds of other passed bills. It was not until the tea party decided to filibuster EVERYTHING, even things that would benefit them and their constituents (to make sure that Obama was not re-elected according to their own spokesmen) that things bogged down. He has more experience and preparation then any of the candidates and now has 3, soon to be 4 years of learning as president. I see that the one thing he has learned is that the other side will never compromise nor will they even vote for their own bill if Obama says he likes it. SOLUTION: get rid of those who are blocking anything getting done.

  118. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Gryphen----rest not....keep searching under every rock to keep the Palins off-balance, always fearful of what will be exposed next. forewarned----dismiss her at your peril!
    The Palins are dangerous & the head of the snake will rise way will they fade into obscurity. Keep up the pressure & be ever vigilent!

  119. Anonymous9:25 AM

    "detrimental effect on politics"

    So you're going to FINALLY expose Obama and his string pullers. GOOD.

    7:49 AM
    Reading and comprehension isn't your strong suit eh? Go back and read Gryphen's post again. Notice its about Sarah "Pathetic Loser" Palin? President Obama is not discussed in this post. Your deranged racist obsession with him is showing though. Jeez how embarrassing for you. Maybe if you get your GED people will take you seriously.

  120. Sharon_Too_Also9:27 AM

    Trolls out in force - once again you hit a nerve.

    Rock on, Gryphen, for sure I'll be reading.

  121. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Dear trolls, since you are so urgently looking to blame someone for neutering Sarah Palin's political aspirations--at least use your heads and blame the right person.

    2 words, 1 name:

    Karl Rove

  122. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Anonymous said...

    If you're going to continue ruminating on the rumors surrounding Bristol and Levi, why don't you address why Bristol never attended a school dance or normal girly function with her wonderful, lovey dovey boyfriend.

    Why did Levi lie when he said the Palins never spent time together? Why did Levi ignore his other girlfriends, hoping to illustrate how oh so serious he was about one girl?

    8:41 AM

    If you are correct, why was Brisket spreading her legs to someone she wasn't that serious about? Why was she fucking Levi everytime he asked? Your version actually looks Brisket look like more of a slut.

  123. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Sarah Palin is finished and I've heard enough about her. If you have to keep your blog going for the profit then don't talk about her. It only keeps her in the light. buhbye.

  124. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Until she joins a political race, any personal attacks make the attacked look petty and someone who lacks fulfillment.

    Especially when Obama continues to pull the wool over people's eyes concerning his LACK of intellect and preparation.

    7:51 AM
    Look everyone its deranged racist troll back to make more inchoerent, delusional comments! Everyone point and laugh at the high school drop out. HAHAHAHAHA!

    As usual your post makes no sense and proves how uneducated you really are. You should feel ashamed and embarrassed for actually reading that over and deciding it was worthy of clicking 'Publish'. ROFL! But we agree on one thing, Sarah IS PETTY and "lacks fulfillment" (whatever that means). LOL.

  125. Anonymous9:30 AM

    This is amusing:

    Great motto for Sarah: "Divide and Never Conquer"

  126. moose pucky9:30 AM

    She called the Bob and Mark Show and rambled for 20 minutes - even Piper got in on it.
    She is not going away.

    She claimed she was all set to announce (!) and THEN took a family vote and two kids said "NO" and the rest said yes. What utter BULLSHIT.

    There is a link at pee zoo - most of the cult is over their anger and disappointment; Some are sending money to her PAC. They think she uses it to support "commonsense, conservative candidates."

    Can't they even read the PAC reports and see how LITTLE goes to candidates and how MUCH goes to support the extravagant lifestyle for her and her family/friends?

    They are so stupid - I am really trying to have patience, but it is hard to deal with their ignorance.

    They rilly rilly believe she was all set to announce and then, just yesterday "polled" the family???

    I did not hear the whole thing, but bots say Willow was a "no" vote. SEND MONEY!! and then she will change her mind and run! Some suggest "bribing" Willow to agree to "let" her run!

  127. Anonymous9:31 AM

    She certainly bears watching.

    What she's already done in the cold light of day could give us hints of what she's capable of doing when no one is watching.

  128. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Wow, sending Gryph to hell and calling him an "outsider". That's just desperate.

    No, Palins - WE ARE NOT DONE. Make your plans, 'cause your reputations will be "adjusted" to be more in line with something called the TRUTH ;-).

    America doesn't like liars, or fakes. Actually, America absolutely HATES liars and fakes.

    Are you for real, Sarah? Have you been telling all of us the truth about yourself and your family and your qualifications?

    Didn't think so, lady, so I am afraid you're screwed.

    Look at disappointment John Edwards (he had talent and good ideas). Gone. Completely gone.

    And he just had one affair, one child out of wedlock, and lied on national TV. He has a family that continues to stand by him and a forgiving, now sadly departed wife. Compared to John Edwards you are Al Capone, Sarah.

    I love this Palins-as-innocent-and-pure-as-the-driven-snow mythology you trolls (or Palins) are pushing around here. Just complete and utter bullshit. You want to demonize Gryphen, when in fact it is just the opposite. He is a hero. He is protecting our Democracy. You people just think you deserve money and power, no matter who and what you destroy in the process.

    Where the hell did you all come from?????

  129. Anonymous9:34 AM

    The more you continue to slander her kids the more stupid you appear. There's no point, not when there are bigger fish to fry.

    It's disconcerting that you write "What am I going to blog about without Sarah Palin?"

    Sarah is a kitten to other people's lions. She affects nothing. Without her, corruption still runs rampant. The dems continue to play demonic little games. The GOP still opposed such games.

    What on earth makes you think Sarah is the root of all evil?

    She didn't start speaking from her national platform until late 2009, yet the problems started way before then.

    And ultimately, HOW can you continue to whitewash Obama?

    GOD, liberals are stupid.

    7:55 AM
    You sound like you didn't graduate high school. Why don't you go get your GED before you try to post a comment on this blog again. We are obviously way above your intelligence level. Your word salad spew is just embarrassing and you should be ashamed of your own stupidity. We are laughing at you and feel sorry for you. I guess you like looking like a fool.

  130. Anonymous9:36 AM

    She coulda been a contendah.....

    if only she wasn't Sarah Palin.

  131. Anonymous9:36 AM

    8:44 am said: "YOU...make people relive the past ...You're hurting good people "

    So you're admitting that there is something to his posts about the past after all. You may want to move on but, funny thing about the past, it can catch up to you. And what happened to, "it ONLY makes them stronger"?

    The rest of your comment is just as illogical.

  132. Anonymous9:37 AM

    8:44..poor little bot, you and Sarah thought all the blogs were going to just quit and leave her alone..boy were you wrong. I'm not going away until all of her skeletons are exposed, I want the world to know what a fraud she is.

  133. Anonymous9:38 AM

    8:44..poor little bot, you and Sarah thought all the blogs were going to just quit and leave her alone..boy were you wrong. I'm not going away until all of her skeletons are exposed, I want the world to know what a fraud she is.

  134. Anonymous9:39 AM

    How does airing every alleged rumor and possibly fact about two teenagers bring down Sarah Palin?

    What do Bristol and Levi have to do with anything politically related?

    That's pretty immature of you. You're messing with a strong-willed girl who has a spirit that will never die.

    Can you see NOW that there is NO other family in history who has been slandered more and more intensely than the Palins? YET they're still tough as nails and their roots are deep.

    7:58 AM
    Wow you're really obsessed with Gryphen aren't you? This is at least the 4th comment I've read from you. You need help. You are mentally ill. You are sick in the head and you prove it with your babbling incoherent word salad posts. And yes we know who you are. The same boring troll who is obsessed with Levi, Obama and Gryphen. Sorry troll, they just aren't that into you. Time to get over it and stop looking so pathetic.

  135. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Gryphen, you are the best. In one post you assuaged my concerns (although I knew you wouldn't just "let it go" when it comes to Palin, babygate, all of it!), and also didn't buy into the silly "she didn't say she wouldn't run as a third party candidate" (uh, actually she did) nonsense.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  136. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Thank you trolls for reminding us that our work exposing Palin as a fraud is not done. Not hardly.

    You trolls are a great indicator that we need to keep pushing.

    Obviously there is still much out there to expose if you are still around bothering to defend a confirmed quitter, liar and fraud.

  137. Anonymous9:40 AM

    7:58AM - 'Tough as nails,?' There isn't a single tough thing or quality about Sarah or Todd &
    certainly not Bristol. "Tough,'
    means standing up & reasonably defending your position or particular action, and telling the truth while you're doing it! It
    does not mean making lies up &
    trashing anyone who calls you on your bad behavior & tossing out filthy accusations about others.
    BTW, you sound (write) like a
    dippy teenager.

    Sharon TN

  138. Sarah is just the first domino that will fall when the truth about her is exposed. Mark me.
    I think Ailes and the other right wing heavyweights have been following Babygate quite closely. I think they know the truth will out, and will raise a lot of questions about cover-ups and the awful steps that were taken to make Sarah the perfect candidate for the rabid conservative base. They created a monster, and it's about to bite them all in the ass.
    Their problems haven't ended with Sarah's decision not to run; they've just started.

  139. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Deal or no deal?

    Sarah won't run for prez, you won't ask any more questions.

    NO DEAL!

  140. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I think Sarah Palin will become the sad figure that Ralph Nader and Ron Paul have become: wannabes who think their voices are important.

    At least Nader continued to promote his views and candidacy out of a desire to help people

    Paul just does it to hear his own voice and cry about how we have left "simpler" times behind. For a doctor, he rarely exhibits any compassion for others. His soul is lost in Ayn Rand-ville, and may never return.

    Sarah's voice will continue to screech until she cannot physically get to a microphone or in front of a camera. She has a desperate need to be noticed. Hers is a sad and tragic story of self-absorption and an unaddressed need for mental health treatment.

    I hope her family - surely there are some left who care for her despite her treatment of them - will find her help. Put her into treatment, please.

    She is hurting and needs assistance even if she doesn't know it. Put her into a treatment program while you still have the means and before she totally self-destructs and takes so many followers with her.

    I don't like what she has done or is still trying to do, but she is a human being who needs help to sort out her obsessions and hatreds.

    If any Palin or Heath family member is reading these comments, please find it in your heart to get her help, take her to a good clinic. Show her you care more abut her than she ever cared about you. Show her what it means to be loving.

    Maybe someday she will heal and emerge as person who can admit her mistakes and move on from them in a constructive way.

    Or maybe not. I guess we will see if anyone close to her cares about her by the way they do or do not help her. Sarah - if no one steps forward to help you, it is your own fault. You've hurt them more than you know.

  141. Thanks. I will not rest until she is forced to admit she did not give birth to Trig, and lied and lied and lied about it, and then lied about it some more.

    Looking forward to your TOE* post.

    *For the non-physics people, that's the "Theory of Everything".

  142. Anonymous9:42 AM

    8:41..WHY don't to tell us the answers to those question? You don't know the answers do you. You're just here to muddy up the waters.

  143. Anonymous9:43 AM

    that pic personifies the skank as evil incarnate

  144. Anonymous9:43 AM

    What is divulging "truth" about Bristol and Levi going to accomplish?

    WE know as well as they each do that their relationship was a lie.

    Why are you trying to hurt Tripp?

    It's up to Levi to make efforts to see him. Anyone outside Bristol and Levi are inconsequential.

    They are moot.

    All in all, what makes you think the 99% of America who has no idea who Tripp Palin is will one day wake up and care?

    8:11 AM
    HI BRISTROLL!! Why did you let your mom steal your first born son "Tri-G"? Why did you name you second son after ReTodd's prostitute? What happened to the baby you were carrying on DWTS? ABORTED? Did you CHOOSE DEATH?? Why can't you get over being dumped by LEVI? Why are you so jealous of Mercede?

    I don't expect answers since you're a huge coward like your mom but I know these questions freak you out!


  145. Anonymous9:43 AM

    @7:27, is that you, Lou Sarah? Honey, you really deserve a vacation after all your hard work fleecing the most moronic morons in this country. May I suggest lovely Lynchburg, VA? I hear Herb Cain will be there (make sure you bring your diaphragm!). Get some!

  146. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I dont understand how you can honestly believe a faked pregnancy is the biggest hoax of this country.

    Do you NOT know history at all? Do you not pay attention to current goings on in DC and the world?

    8:12 AM

    You're the troll who "doesn't understand" and is "confused" by "weird" things all the time. Ever think maybe its you? You should work on getting education if you find yourself so confused all the time. Maybe you just aren't that smart.

  147. Anonymous9:47 AM


    If nothing else, this blog has really given you a chance to hone your writing style. This post is fun to read and instructive. The horror movie imagery is well-written and perfect for the occasion.

    I'll be reading this blog long after Sarah Palin really is Sarah Who?

    Thanks for all you do.

    P.S. Did Fred's book hit a glitch?

  148. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Gryphen, is there any word from Fred? It's been 12 days since he said his website would be up within 10.

  149. Anonymous9:50 AM


    Are you comparing Sara Palin to Jesus of Nazareth?

    Are you serious?

    I'm not even a Christian and that's the most absurd, narcissistic, ego puffed bullshit I've ever read from any troll here.

    Speaking of trolls. Gryphen, how are you going to feel if Willow's home schooling consists of sitting side by side at a computer writing dueling responses to your posts? Wonder if you can get a GED for trolling?

  150. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Both you and Malia posit possibilities. I don't think Palin's all that canny, is in fact a dim bulb. What may happen, and this is creepy, is she reads these scenarios, ploys and ideas she'd never think of in a million years, and possibly forms her next actions on them!

    It's like those news programs that describe new scams; anyone watching that news now has a new scam to work. TMI

    I hope the info outed on her will be enough to shut her down, but don't provide her with any any clever options. On her own, all she can do is self-destruct, let that do the job.

  151. Anonymous9:51 AM

    C$P members are blaming Willard and Trackster, yep no "personal responsibility for Granny Lulu....

  152. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Ooooh, 7:58 has added a new entry to the canon of Palin Family Fairy Tale Troll sayings: "their roots are deep."


  153. Anonymous9:52 AM

    8:41AM = Bristroll
    Should you really be posting comments on a blog dedicated to exposing your mother? Kind of obsessive don't you think? Unless your mom is paying you, then I guess I could understand a bit. Otherwise why waste your time unless there's a BIG SECRET you're trying to keep buried? HMMMMM

  154. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Hi Sarah,

    So, how come you haven't filed any lawsuits yet?

    Seems you have some time on your hands.

    Then again, you a complete coward who fears the truth more than anything.

    While you're lying around in your bedroom, read about Oscar Wilde's legal attempts also, too. Didn't work out too well for him.

  155. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Gryphen, we are all so relieved to know that you are still intent on revealing the many truths to be told about hi$tory's biggest fraud!! So much is left to be answered.

    $arah thinks all the scrutiny and questions will now just go away. But $arah Un$hackled is more dangerous than ever.

    GO GO GO GRYPHEN! And thank you!!!

  156. grammy979:54 AM

    Haven't read the comments yet, but THANK YOU, Gryphen. This is a precise outline for what seems like the most logical way to proceed.

    Along this line, a commenter using 'anonymous1253' is posting some very interesting goodies about the Valley Dairy criminal activities over on Palingates. Don't know if he/she posts here, too; but it's some fascinating stuff!

  157. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Especially when Obama continues to pull the wool over people's eyes concerning his LACK of intellect and preparation.

    7:51 AM
    The one thing that is absolutely 100% gold-plated for certain is that President Obama's intellect is first class.

    God happened to give me a very high IQ and a childhood enriched with books and ideas. But I know when I am outclassed. President Obama's intellect is a shining beacon on a hill. Listen to him and learn. And enjoy for a few moments the company of very fine mind.

    And just to remind you, President Obama has two daughters who are quite likely to be very intelligent. They might be the political/scientific/cultural/economic/religious/artistic leaders that will enrich our world in the years to come. It's a generational thing.

  158. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Sarah, just a word of advice... If you're going to endorse of one of the many candidates that have contacted Todd, endorse the candidate you like the least. Any endorsement coming from you is poison..... Hummm, have you thought about endorsing President Obama?

  159. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Dear Uninformed Grumpy Old Trolls,

    For something to be "slander," it has to be FALSE. Instead of claiming the Palins win the slander victim contest over and over, why not bring some proof that what Gryphen says is false. Queen Icebitch faked a pregnancy, she banged Glen Rice, Bristol has a grotesque fake's all true.

  160. Anonymous9:57 AM

    That is great news, I for one will not be happy until the whole hoax is out and charges are pressed. I dream of seeing her in a prison uniform!
    Plus I would be lost if I did not have your blog to look forward to everyday.

  161. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Mama Grifter is obviously hoping to cling to her spot at Fox at least until the elections, and she'll try to attach herself to the eventual GOP nominee.

    It's unlikely that the MSM (yes, they are lame) will be following her bus on any of her future vacations or reprinting quotes from her FB page.

  162. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:57 AM

    Beldar P.U. @ 8:55am--

    "It smells like stale generic label cheese puffs, damp gym socks, gingivitis breath, fortified wine and pine scented rear view mirror air freshener. Oh... I know. Its the trolls. Ewww."

    Beautiful. Don't forget the tantalizing aroma of moldy paint chips.

  163. ThanksABunchJohn10:01 AM

    Great post, Jesse. I have to admit that I was suckered into believing she was finished, not once, but twice. The first was quitting the Governorship. The second was "Blood Libel". I was so convinced this was the final nail in the coffin I moved on. I was swept away in the Wisconsin battles, and even when Palin reared her ugly head in Madison (to a dismal showing, and all bused in), I was convinced she had fizzled. This summer I was horrified with the press chasing her through tornadoes, her upstaging actual candidates, that ridiculous movie... It's so funny you mention the final scene in Carrie, because that is exactly what came to mind.

    Like I said earlier, and you have said here: Game. STILL. On.

  164. Anonymous10:01 AM

    So happy to read this post because this morning I was thinking:

    Did you ever read "IT" by Steven King? He takes us through a history that goes back to childhood and a group of kids who make a pact that if "IT" ever returns, so do they, to finish it off.

    I felt like that this morning, waiting to see what kind of post you were going to make today after everyone let it sink in.

    As far as I am concerned, she still has a platform to spread lies, hate, and misinformation salad.

    No way in hell has the fat lady even prepped her lungs, so until that horrible woman loses that, then still on.

  165. Glad to know you're staying on the trail, Gryphen. She's out of the running but not yet off the stage. The media is yet to be held accountable and the public is still sleeping. It could happen again.

    Hi to Palin family and friends! Get Trig a pediatric speech therapist trained in cranial sacral therapy (or one of each). The therapy should have started over 3 years ago but it's not too late to improve his life.

  166. Anonymous10:05 AM

    The new troll rally call will be centered around why YOU are trying to hurt and terrorize the palin children.


  167. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Great post! You really said it! Sarah is not gone. She will just be speaking through a different megaphone. She will still be leading the nasty, name calling cheers against her rival, President Obama. As long as Sarah is on Fox, she will be screaming the same nasty stuff. She will still post ghostwritten messages on Facebook. She will still tweet. She still has a staff. Todd may be handling all of the phone calls and scheduling, while Sarah is probably making calls to make sure that people keep donating and offering her speaking opportunities.

    Sarah said it herself. She don't need no stinkin' title. She will be the attack-dog-at-large, free to yap and bite whenever she wants.

    Gryphen, I hope that you'll continue to explore the strange story of Bristol, Levi and the babies. I hope that Me Again will provide some interesting emails. It would fun to see the original version and what was redacted, probably some mean girl gossip not fitting for a governor to make. I agree, Sarah may not be running, but she can still disrupt things. Sarah still does love to be noticed.

  168. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Good mornin' Palin Clan:

    The Light at the End of the Tunnel is just a Freight Train heading your way!

    This is the consequences of LYING YOUR ASSES OFF to the people of the USA for profit & using spec.needs children as a meat shield!

    The world will know the Real Truth about you people shortly.

  169. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Re: the Palins "their roots are deep". So is a cancer & it destroys all it touches.

  170. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I couldn't agree with you more. That was my first thought as well: do NOT clink those champagne glasses together tonight: it is far, far too soon.

    From the republican perspective, tonight (yesterday) is the night they will all go under cover, and at a much greater depth. Now all the republican candidates are safe from the fear of intra-party attack, the donors are safe to come out and give 'in spades', the bloggers and authors will stop their incessant exposes, the 'left' will be taken off-guard, and the dog whistles a la Tucson, orchestrated from chez Palin, will begin in earnest.

    Gryph, your post is an under-statement. Now, we need to be more vigilant than ever, and to expose truth more than ever.

  171. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Regarding our favorite troll: Honey, anyone who announces their engagement on the front page of a tabloid, while holding the child born out of that relationship is the last person who should be asking for privacy.

    Why do we care about Trig and Tripp? Because they are not being raised the way that normal children are raised. It is always sad when quarreling parents use the child as the pawn between them. It is unhealthy for the child.

    We were concerned that Trig was not getting the full extent of therapy that should be available to him, especially considering that the people who claim to be his parents have millions of dollars. He does not speak. We saw evidence that he does not wear his glasses nor his hearing aids. He is not being given every opportunity to reach his potential and lead a healthy life.

  172. Sarah Palin and her family are the personification of every bit of evil that has exploded in the political theater since 2008. She is the one who brought hate and racist commentary right up front and center. Her family must know she is sick but, instead of getting her help, they foisted her on us. ....and thank you again John McCain. You are a traitor.
    Jesse, i hope we keep this up until she pays for what she has done both to your beloved Alaska and to the rest of the country. She really is a devil. I wonder how that happens to a supposed human being.

  173. Anonymous10:26 AM

    So I asked my 'favorite' Palin-bot if he was in mourning with Sarah's announcement; he said 'no,' yet was furious - blaming the liberals for bringing her 'down' - something about a planeload of Obama lawyers trying to find dirt on Sarah when she was governor - someone trying to say she didn't have Trig - and OMG, that swanky author who lived next door, etc. Crazy talk. He knew NOTHING of the exposure of Sarah's true character other than some damn 'rag mag' (the National Enquirer) putting out 'lies'.

    Fellow bloggers, these type of Palin-supporters are so real that they truly are dangerous. They live in their own world - a world in which Sarah should be President, g*ddamn it, and the rest of us who think otherwise can rot in hell.

    If I lived in Wasilla again, there's no way I'd put an anti-Palin bumpersticker or SAY anything against her because there are still these gun-toting, hyper-religious, uneducated tards up there. Joe McGinnis was fortunate because he was offered protection, but the lesser-known and yet outspoken could be 'gone missing' and nobody would know what happened to them, except for maybe Todd and his Wasilla Mafia.

    I wish I had recorded the conversation with my 'favorite' Wasillain Palin-bot last night. Thankfully I am 1500 miles away. The guy was on the edge of extreme violence. I pity all those around him and unfortunately with my conversation, I may have put them in a life-threatening position.

    Needless to say, I will never discuss Sarah Palin again with this guy. But it served up a serious reminder that there extremely unbalanced people 'out there', Sarah herself being the epitome. Holy crap.

  174. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Oh my, I see that the trolls are out again defending the lies of Sarah Palin. One thing, she'll go down in history as a QUITTER...that's something she does do well.

  175. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Anonymous @9:26 said...

    Sarah Palin is finished and I've heard enough about her. If you have to keep your blog going for the profit then don't talk about her. It only keeps her in the light. buhbye.

    Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out ! Good riddance to you and all the other pbots.

    Sherry in Calif.

  176. Perhaps she has been outsourced to one of the Koreas. That would be a relief, if they would have her.

  177. Anon 9:50 AM -- Of course I wasn't comparing Sarah Palin to Jesus. Sheesh!

    I was merely mentioning a family that suffered more than the Palins could imagine, hopefully (tho it appears not successfully) mocking the Bristol/Willow/April/Brooklyn/etc troll's comment.

    Nobody knows the trouble they've seen... ;-)

  178. Not What You Want To Hear10:36 AM

    Anon 7:55 am: "What on earth makes you think Sarah is the root of all evil?"

    She's not; the modern rightwing movement has long been corrupt. Sarah Palin, however, has brought this into very sharp focus for people who hitherto might not have been paying attention. And her cocky "I dare you to prove I'm ripping people off" recklessness will not only be her own eventual downfall, but also that of many other rightwingers who believe they can keep up this game of creating "think tanks" and PACs to personally enrich themselves.

    And for that, I deeply, deeply appreciate Sarah Palin. Time and again, she has proven to be the progressive movement's friend, starting with losing the election for McCain; instantly discrediting the rightwing argument against universal healthcare with her hysterical ravings about death panels; and the tacky circus she will almost surely try to make out of the GOP primaries.

    As a progressive, I want to congratulate the rightwingers on having her.

  179. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Game still on ... Good!
    After all, SP finished her exit note with an I will be a force flourish.
    Sp's game is still on she has headlines to develop, people to scam, and money to make. She said so in the exit note.
    Glad you saw/know it too.

  180. Anonymous10:38 AM

    While you're working, can you put an end to the myth that Bristol and Levi are teenagers? He's 21 and she turns 21 in a couple of weeks. Teen mom is no more.

  181. Anonymous10:39 AM

    But, Gryphen, you're not responding correctly according to Sarah's new directive! You're supposed to cease all blogging about her immediately. Didn't you get the memo? Pay attention, man!

  182. Anonymous10:44 AM

    If she still plans to go to N. Korea, and "edumacate" them, could we please tell them she is a gift from the US, non-returnable? Since when has this worthless ho ever "put family first"? The kids are left to fend for themselves as soon as they can walk and talk.

  183. Marleycat10:45 AM

    A timely reminder to all those interested in ethical politics and sane candidates
    running for office. Sarah Palin is now just like a mad dog unleashed, unshackled, if you will, from that heavy chain that most vicious pit
    bulls must be on to protect the public good! Thanks for your perseverance in this endeavor - we all need to stay on it. And when I say "Sarah Palin" that is the term I use for all the far right extremists in this country trying to take our country apart to benefit the few at the top, not just the Queen of Fraud herself.

  184. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Thank you so much Gryphen, and you are spot on! Yes, I think Scarah has played it for all it's worth, and that recently so much has been coming out, that she paniced and realized she's better get out while she could.

    She keeps the Pac and people will still contribute. She lost some supporters, but a lot still remain that believe in her. These are the ones who will probably keep throwing their $$$$$$$ at her. She thinks she's safe now, and by not running, everyone that has tried to look into her background will now stop, and she is "free" to get out there and spew all her hatred as a private citizen.

    Hope I'm wrong, but for right now this is all too weird. Hang in there Gryphen, because you are doing great! You are not a quitter like Scarah is!!

  185. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I also just looked at Sarah's numerology chart. She is in her 8 year....which is about money, power and responsibility. She REALLY, REALLY wanted to run for President. This number would have pushed her hard to gain the status and power. But if you don't use the 8 energy correctly it plays out as consequences. Her abuse of power, money and responsibility using negative, ego driven words and actions created the consequences she is feeling now.

    All numbers have polarity. With an eight year number you find everything from increased power, respect, reward for hard work on the positive end of the number. On the negative end you find defeat from abuse of power and responsibility. She is finding what she wanted the become President of the United States was taken from her because of her own abuses of power. Something she will need to learn and understand.

    On her next birthday she will be going into to 9 year cycle. Endings and completions. It is the time when everything from the last nine years comes back to be reviewed. This is the year where what use to work for her now stops working. I would also say it is will probably create a deep depression as she realizes how she failed again and again to learn her lessons. It will be a year of a an abyss and emptiness as she sees HER abuses and lies have taken from her the most important things she wanted. It has damaged her marriage, her relationship with her children and undermined her family, which is her most important priority if her ego and abuses did not override her priorities. This is a year of divorces and endings of relationships if she does not recognize her role in undermining the things very things she says are her priorities. Maybe not running is a step to correct this. However, only with a true understanding of her abusive and manipulative behavior will this accomplish her goal of having her family intact and healthy. Her biggest challenge right now is her ego. It is driving her behavior, not God.

    Her overall birth numbers are routed in the energy of the 2. It is about learning the importance of cooperation, partnership and understanding the value of honesty and truthfulness. A balanced 2 energy creates healthy relationships based on truth and honest communication. A negative 2 uses dishonesty with partners, children, parents, friends and society to manipulate them into what they want. It sidesteps respect and integrity to others for it's own gain. From what I can see she has really failed on all of these and will continue pay the consequences for it until she learns from it and makes it right.

    What Sarah came here to learn in this lifetime was respect, honesty, family values, good communication. It was "her ability to SAY this is who she is" that has led to so many followers. However, ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS, and her "BEHAVIORS" has ousted her to most people. Those who have yet to learn how behaviors need to match words are still enthralled with her.

    Hopefully as she in going into her 9 year cycle she will find some much need revelations about herself. To save her family and her marriage from repeating what she has not learned and taught. This will be a tough year for Sarah as she finds herself without ground to stand on. She will either face herself and her mistakes or repeat them in the next nine years with the consequences falling on those she loves the most....her family.

  186. McGinniss thinks this means Sarah Palin is going away.

    He's not a fast learner.

  187. Anonymous10:49 AM

    so say we all

  188. ibwilliamsi10:51 AM

    It's funny how when you look at a photo of my face, my eyes look all distorted through the eyeglasses. Could that be because there's actually a prescription in them?

  189. Anonymous10:51 AM

    7:49 am: Sorry, not buying it. Sarah's "busted" and her 15 minutes of fame and deception are over!

  190. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Of course, Gryphen, we would have not thought you would be doing anything else, besides, we are counting on you. I have to note that I laughed out loud when she said last night that she has made an obvious difference in the political arena the last couple of years. Hi Scara.... Yes you did, honey, and it was not a GOOD thing, so you can stop now; and besides, no body is going to want your toxic support anyway. How hard is it for you to get a clue???????????????

  191. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Is Fred's book still coming out?

    She won't go away til the media drops her.

  192. Anonymous10:58 AM

    People are just cracking me up with some of their responses to the trolls. A witty bunch.

    That "roots are deep" phrase sounds like a threat, to me. Like they have "their people" everywhere or something.

    Creeps me out.

    Guess it shows this thing ain't done, not by a mile.

  193. I am in agreement with you on this, she will not go away until she no longer has the ability to speak. It's a time out,she's waiting to see what other stuff will be revealed and how to counter-act the truth with her lies.
    Sadly, her trolls are going to be on overtime for quite some time because the shit just keeps on coming. I often wonder if it is Sarah herself responding with the Obama hating routine, no one else is so focused on hating him. I can only guess at the reasons why she hates him so much,perhaps because he just doesn't think about her and that truly, truly is what her real mission in life is.having people adore her?

    per 9:42am:
    "I don't like what she has done or is still trying to do, but she is a human being who needs help to sort out her obsessions and hatreds.

    If any Palin or Heath family member is reading these comments, please find it in your heart to get her help, take her to a good clinic. Show her you care more abut her than she ever cared about you. Show her what it means to be loving.

    Maybe someday she will heal and emerge as person who can admit her mistakes and move on from them in a constructive way."

    I hope the same,it hurts to see another human so sick and in so need of help to go unattended to. Even if it is Sarah Palin. Not sure if it is substance abuse or mental health issues or both but the woman is crying out for help on so many levels. Wouldn't it be something to actually see her get help and become a genuinely decent human being instead of a screeching harpy spreading hate and derision nationally? One can hope. That is, now for more truth to be revealed. There is a certain amount of justice being served and I am digging it.

  194. LisaB259511:09 AM

    I think Palin will continue to try to be a force, but I don't see how she can do much more than turn up now and again. She's an expert on nothing. She has no executive skills. She's difficult to work with and now---she has no future with any sort of power.

    She's like a child star. Yeah, there was a time when everyone thought she was super cute and talented and everyone wanted her at their party or in their show. Then she grew up and people discovered that this grown up child star is neither cute nor talented. They realize there's other grown ups with actual talent and no embarrassing baggage they can hire. No one wants a child star has-been. Ask the Olson twins.

    Sarah Palin is a has been. Oh, she'll turn up occasionally as a guest star (Erkel was on House this week,) but no one considers her A-List talent suitable for the challenging roles they need to cast. There will be some awkward moments before she realizes no one wants her but the Bots for whatever conventions they organize. I think they'll fade as they realize the dream is over. Their Sarah worship was heavily invested in a Palin presidency. I don't think they'll stick around much longer.

  195. Anonymous11:11 AM

    UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE!!! The Bitch just threw two of her children under the bus, saying they are the reason she chose not to run. This was on the Bob and Mark show this am. She said it was 50/50 with her kids, and Piper got on the show and said she wanted her to run. Trig didn't count of course. Bristol is fueled by haterz, so under the bus goes Track and Willow. This is disgusting! Using her own children as scapegoats. What a fucking inhumane piece of shit. These poor kids. No wonder Track wants nothing to do with her. Of all the things in the whole world she could have blamed not running on, she picks out two of her own children to take the heat. I'm beyond appalled. Listen for yourself, it's over at palin4america, but Gryph should put it up here if he's so inclined. Sick, just sick, sick, sick.

  196. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I don't know. I think after all these years the trolls may have actually changed my opinion on something!

    I no longer think Bristol was like every other dumb pregnant teen out there; a girl so in love with her bf, very naive about BC, and lacking parental supervision that oopsy made a baby.

    They've now convinced me that Bristol and Levi had a terrible on and off again relationship where Levi both ignored and cheated on Bristol constantly.

    Bristol then apparently was just a girl with very loose morals who would sleep with any boy that gave her ANY attention. Sarah was completely oblivious.

    Is that better bots? You convinced me!

  197. Sarah's power is gone. That should be good news...freeing news...for Alaskans. As long as she pretended to run for president, she could use the threat of possible future presidential power to silence critics. Speak up Wasilla!

  198. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Well, Gryphen as you continue with this work, it would be helpful to keep a running list of who are her Patrons; Patsies; and Fellow Perps.

    For example, whoever is funding Tea Party Express and Americans for Prosperity is almost certainly a Patron. As was John McCain, Steve Bannon, and Bill Kristol, who are now, however, relegated to the "Patsies" category.

    Fellow Perps would be people like SarahPAC treasurer Tim Crawford, given the shady rumors of his financial misdoings with RNC money; and quite very possibly this Peter Singleton fellow from Organize4Palin. Unless we are seriously supposed to believe someone "about to embark on a career in law" just up and decided to move to Iowa that conveniently gave the appearance of a grassroots campaign apparatus with no motivation other than undying devotion. 'Cause devotion don't pay da rent.

  199. ya mean the fire in her belly went out due to the the latest round of truth?

  200. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Here's the link for the Bob & Mark show this morning.

    1) Piper seems to be actually going to school today, and wishes her mother would run for president
    2) Bob and Mark will not be giving $P "noogies" for not nay-announcing on their show yesterday
    3) She avoids all their quite reasonable questions with blather like "Cain is of the people, by the people, for the people..."


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.