Friday, October 21, 2011

Sean Hannity and Sarah Palin angrily refuse to give President Obama any credit for death of Gaddafi.

Palin and Hannity essentially decide that this might be a terrible thing in the end because an even worse regime might rise to take Gaddafi's place. Much of Palin's concern seems to hinge on her belief that Islamists might take over. Which considering HER religious proclivities is fairly ironic.

But that is not enough for Palin, who then decides she needs to evoke the "Oh High Father of Republicanism," Ronald Reagan, to give the ultimate smackdown to those damn liberals.

Courtesy of Mediaite:

Hey, let me add something, though, to this Gaddafi regime change now discussion. And that is, it strikes me as quite ironic, Sean, that those on the left had been so dismissive of Ronald Reagan’s 1986 strikes against Gaddafi and calling it a criminal act and these are the same people now, today, celebrating Obama’s participation in NATO’s leadership with the air strikes that has lead to the demise of Gaddafi. The inconsistencies there with foreign policy support and actions that our military and our participation with NATO and what the White House does, the inconsistencies and the hypocrisy that comes from the left never ceases to amaze. 

It should be noted that Ronald Reagan's strike against Libya was NOT in support of a rebel uprising, was not successful in curtailing terrorist attacks, and that it in fact gave America a black eye in the international community.

This according to the BBC:

The attacks began soon after an increase in coded radio traffic between US ships and planes off the Libyan coast had been noticed. 

The fighter jets appear to have been both carrier based aircraft, operating in the Mediterranean and British based bombers which would have refuelled in mid air. 

The Americans hit the harbour's naval academy, the capital's military airport and army barracks. Tripoli's embassy area and residential districts also suffered extensive damage. 

The Tripoli central hospital and two other medical centres say they have treated hundreds of injured people, including a number of Greeks, Italians and Yugoslavs. 

Mobs of angry survivors have taken to the streets shouting: "Down, down USA. Death to all Americans." 

There are also fears that Britain may be subject to terrorist attacks because some of its involvement in the raids.

Of course there is NO reason to bring Reagan's name into this, as these are two entirely different situations, with two entirely different outcomes.

But leave it up to Sarah Palin to attempt to impugn President Obama's success by comparing it to President Reagan's failure.


  1. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Sarah's IQ = 83. Enough said.

  2. Anonymous7:20 AM

    You know, I am old and I have been through a LOT of elections. I have NEVER, EVER seen such a poor loser.

    And the fact is, she was not running for President, John McCain (may he rot in hell) was. President Obama did not beat her. Yet she throws slanderous remarks about him around at every opportunity.


    I think history will show that her presence on the ticket did more to defeat McCain than anything. I have heard many life long repugs says that they just could not vote for her, as most thinking adults realize she is batshit crazy.

  3. Plus, Reagan's attack on Libya led to the Lockerbie /Pan Am bombing

  4. Anonymous7:27 AM

    OMG--When will this mean woman be exposed for the know-nothing charlatan she really is? Book after book exposing her, anti-palin blogs, cookoo for cocopuffs novels, etc.--yet she still has a forum to spew her ignorant vitriol. Everytime I read an article about that shallow husk bashing President Obama, my b.p. soars. Enough! Babygate! Fred?

  5. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Somebody is feeding her talking points. I hope someday we will find out the owner of the hand shoved up this puppet's dress which makes that nutcracker mouth go clack-clack-clack. She won't go away because she is useful to them and they are funding her and covering for her in symbiotic parasitism.

  6. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Thank you for setting the facts out. Keep it up. This idiot sp is nobody.

  7. Anonymous7:33 AM

    "John McCain (may he rot in hell) was."
    Love it!

  8. Anonymous7:34 AM

    And how about the fact that Condi Rice and George Bush brought Gaddfi back into the international fold - all for oil contracts - in 2008?????

    Talk about negotiating with terrorists.

    These FOX losers are nauseating.

    Even John McCain had to concede credit to the Obama administration, though it clearly galled him to have to do so.

    (And Bachmann? Crow, meet bug-eyed ignoramus.)

  9. Anonymous7:39 AM

    St. Ronnie bombed Libya in April 1986... and Libya bombed Pan Am flt 103 in December 1988.

    Sarah... maybe Ronnie Ray-gun's actions lead to American deaths.

  10. Anonymous7:40 AM

    "Demise?" I would call the protests and rebellions a 'demise' against a dictator, not the death resultant from a NATO operation.

    There Sarah goes again, using her adolescent vocabulary with the adults.

    Fox News, are you counting down the days until her contract is up? Not renewing her contract would be her demise, aside from her penchant for quitting all of em and any of em things she tries over the years.

  11. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Even the GOP knows better than to bring up President Obama´s foreign policy decisions. Nothing but victory after victory after victory to what? Criticize? Highlight all their past failures? Best not to go there and better to dwell on the economy. That´s it. Highlight the negatives, shift the blame, put all their eggs in the economy basket.

    November 4th 2012 is a long time. A slight series of economic upticks and the GOP loses ground and credibility. A lot of it. Any significant upward trend and the GOP is toast.

    President Obama will be re-elected.

  12. At this point her babblings have zero interest or impact on anyone except her little bunch of "fans".

    To most anyone else who happened on this nonsense, likely first reaction: Yaaawnnn; second reaction: She doesn't know any of this, so someone coached her on what to say which she just then ad-libbed without really knowing it, or understanding it. Let's remember, she didn't even know Africa was a continent...

  13. ywc_achieve7:50 AM

    Anon: 7:20 am
    She definitely lost many votes for McCain. I also heard Repubs say, they would not vote for McCain, because of Palin being on the ticket. I believe McCain would have lost anyway, but Palin made him lose by a bigger margin .
    She acts like she was running against Pres Obama, not McCain. She is a twisted psychotic woman, and cannot let the results of the election go.

  14. fromthediagonal7:56 AM

    Was SP not one of those who accused President Obama of "dithering", of "leading from behind", when the Libyan revolution first began?
    Or do I have the wrong revolution?
    Does anyone remember?

  15. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Result: the 1989 Lockerbie bombing, killing Brits, Scots and Americans, engineered by the Libyans as partial retaliation.
    Sarah, get thee to a history book.

  16. Sally in MI8:01 AM

    I'm sure that 25 years ago when Sarah was at whatever college she lived at, she was SO aware of what was going on with her new idol, Ronnie. Sure she was. Someone, as usual, wrote something for her that she doesn't even understand. And by the way, Sarah, liberals were NOT in favor of this, do not approve of the killing of anyone, and oh, yeah, American forces did NOT kill Qadaffi...that would be his own people. Whatever. I'm sure over at the crazySarah sites they are saying that see, she does understand history and Obama is wrong and liberals are hypocrites. And send her more money so she can speak for them! I will say though, that if Sarah can understand anything, it would be hypocrisy. After all, she appears only on Fox, Hypocrite Central, and she rides around in a big shiny bus with her picture plastered all over it. Narcissism and hypocrisy go hand in hand. And the GOP is nuts. Any of them, all of them.

  17. DominionistEscapee8:02 AM

    7:20 a.m.: I think history will show that her presence on the ticket did more to defeat McCain than anything. I have heard many life long repugs says that they just could not vote for her, as most thinking adults realize she is batshit crazy.

    I think you're absolutely right. Until 2009, I was a Republican-leaning independent. Now, after watching the three-ring circus that has been Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, and the slate of Presidential wannabes, I can't imagine voting for any of them ever again.

    I think I would have voted for Obama in '08 regardless of who McCain picked, because I believe Obama has an integrity and grace that are all too rare in politics. However, Palin was the clincher. After doing cursory research, I concluded that the woman was not ready to step into the President's shoes, should that be required. At the time I didn't even dislike her; I just realized that she was stupid and lacked not only experience but the intelligence to fake it when necessary.

  18. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Palin is so jealous of President Obama that she just can't help herself by being critical of him at every turn. Who cares what this quitter says other than Sean and Greta. She is a joke!

  19. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I despise these two morons. Why don't they just go ahead and f*** and get it over with. They make me sick. I hate that stupid, ignorant bitch.

  20. You know how Sarah always says, "HE WHO," bla, bla, bla?

    Well, I say, "SHE WHO" is not fit to utter our President's name.

    "SHE WHO" did not give birth to Trig.

    "SHE WHO" cheated in a half-marathon.

    "SHE WHO" is a troubled, mean-girl 7th grader, trapped in a (really skanky) grandmother's body.

    "SHE WHO" lies when the Truth sounds better.

    "SHE WHO" murders animals.

    "SHE WHO" is FOX's biggest loser.

    "SHE WHO" proved John McCain is a traitor.

    "SHE WHO" is learning about KARMA.

  21. shut the fuck up $arah.. sit down and shut the fuck up.

  22. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Why isn't this woman in prison yet where she belongs? I can't wait for the day her children are taken away by the state. Come on Alaskans this is getting old. We know you have evidence of this woman's criminal actions. Why don't you spill it already and stop being such cowards?

  23. Sad, and ironic, for pathetic Sarah that she is desperately trying to "lead from behind," especially as no one wants her to less at all.

  24. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Gryph, it cracks me up that you've misspelled Sarah's name in the headline. Pretty soon she'll be so inconsequential that no one will properly remember it.

    Sarah has always been extremely jealous of our president, never more so than over his military victories.

  25. PS- I was also a former McCain voter...UNTIL Palin emerged on his ticket. I had run across Palin prior to that announcement, and had a fairly positive impression, but when I did the actual research into her record and character, I was repulsed.

  26. Anonymous8:32 AM

    And why does the media continue to let her babble on without setting the record straight. First he wasn't doing enough now he did too much as usual.

  27. Anonymous8:34 AM

    "I think history will show that her presence on the ticket did more to defeat McCain than anything. I have heard many life long repugs says that they just could not vote for her, as most thinking adults realize she is batshit crazy."

    That was the case with my mom, a lifelong Repub who voted for Barack at age 95 BECAUSE OF PALIN (also because she loves Barack, but she would automatically have voted R if not for the bitch from Wasilla. Even Limbaugh said in response to that nitwit Palinbot caller the other day, that the wives of his (limbaugh's) friends around the country HATED Palin. Completely HATED her.

  28. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Oh, Jethro Bodine and Sarah Palin in a polyester "That Girl" wig on the same show! What a Treat!

    John Stewart was right, WTF is wrong with these people???????

    Spelling police and parents of stutterers will chime in in 3-2-1........rushing out to buy stock in acid reflux medicine. BBL...

    Love your blog! Keep up the great work!

  29. Mama Monkey and Hannratty sound like a couple of sophomore frat boys sitting around at North Carolina School of how to raise Cotton, picking their collective asses and smoking an oregano doobie, wondering if their collective IQ's will ever reach 50....

  30. Fucking retarded idiot, Lockerbie happened in 1988. Read the chilling details of the crash and then tell me, you insufferable bitch why we shouldn't be upset.

  31. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Poor Sarah. Filled with so much hate and jealousy of our president and the 1st lady that her brain has no room for actual facts. She can't get anything right. Her college degree is about as rill as Bristol's H.S. diploma.

  32. Anonymous8:54 AM

    And now our great President is announcing the end of American soldiers' presence in Iraq by the end of this year. Wonder what Slime Hammity and Sarah Failin will say about that???

  33. Anonymous8:55 AM

    USA Troop out of Iraq. "By end of this year" President Barack Obama.

  34. Anonymous8:56 AM

    What a surprise, not.

    Snowball Snooki is her scam talking about knowing nothing again.

  35. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I just LOVE it. She commits a major faux pas, slinks away and pouts, re-dons the big girl panties, commits a major faux pas, slinks away and pouts...HOW MANY times now?

    Sarah Palin Heath - Shampoo Instructions Personified

  36. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Newt is probably feeding her talking points in exchange for her endorsement.

  37. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I am shallow.....wig much, Sarah?

  38. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I met someone a couple of years ago who actually lived in Arizona, knew the McCains personally (through their daughter) and thinks that personally they are really terrific people. Yet even he voted against McCain when Palin was picked for VP.

  39. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Why is sarah still around when everyone knows she is a fraud? Why does she get speaking invitations to GOP events?

    Because she has become a circus oddity.

    While humoring sarah, they are snickering behind her back.

    When sarah walks into a room full of strangers, eight out of every ten people do not like her. Think about that. Eight out of every ten people are not indifferent towards sarah - they do not like her, period. And the people who know her best like her least.

    They are making her crawl around on the floor for her money.

  40. Anonymous9:11 AM

    McCain and Graham- The Conquerors of Mesopotamia- have done nothing but whine that we didn't bomb Libya enough.

  41. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Obama is pulling the troops out of Iraq by the end of the year - how will the Palin react to that?

  42. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I grew up being a Democrat but have voted with the GOP for the last forty years. Because of Palin, I am now a Democrat again.

    Women dislike Palin because they can see through her lies.

  43. Our Lad9:19 AM

    Still waiting on Hannity to be waterboarded for charity to prove that it isn't torture. This halfa fruit never fails to amuse.

  44. Anonymous9:21 AM

    She is afraid that Islamists are going to take over? Isn't the country considered an Islamic state where the majority practices Islam? So haven't the Islamists already been in power? She is such a dumbass.

  45. Anonymous9:24 AM

    @Winski, don't bash NC we voted for Obama, now maybe SC that comment would be OK.

  46. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I used to wake up every day and the first thing I did, after making coffee, was to check IM for the latest on Sarah Palin. I was addicted to hating her. I knew it was not good for me, the hate I felt for her, but it was my guilty pleasure. I don't believe I have ever hated anyone or anything like I hated her, and still do despise who she is. But now, I just don't give a shit about Sarah Palin!!!! I don't check on her status. I don't watch her interviews (including this one). I simply do not spend anymore of my precious time worried about Sarah Palin. AND I HOPE I NEVER HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT HER AGAIN. SARAH PALIN IS OVER!!!AND I AM OVER SARAH PALIN!! I feel liberated! And Gryphen, I thank you for all you have done to help end the sham that is SP. love you. And also, thank you to all the witty commenters who have made my day many days!!! I'm not leaving your blog Gryph, just sharing....

  47. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I notice the right wingers are putting up pictures of President Obama shaking the dead mans hand. Also the dictator saying he would like to see Obama in the presidency forever. They will never give President Obama any credit.

    They say nothing of the republicans kow towing to oil interests like the Saudis.

    All they are doing is making themselves ridiculous.

  48. Anonymous9:42 AM

    “I think that was a profoundly disappointing speech because it proved that the ‘Obama Doctrine’ is still full of chaos and questions. It’s dodgy, it’s dubious. We’re not hearing from our president what is the end game here.

    And with Gadhafi still in power — if we are not going to oust him via killing or capturing — then there is no acceptable end state. It’s very disappointing that we did not hear that commitment from our president — that America’s interests lie in Gadhafi being ousted, and without that being met, I have to ask why in the world [is] our military” being deployed.

    He’s engaging in inconsistency . . . it’s making many of distrust what it is that we are doing there in Libya, and making us wonder what is the end game. But [also] where do we go next with all the other countries that are certainly suffering from a lot of turmoil.

    The inconsistency tonight articulated by our president just made things worse. Another big question that needs to be asked is: Are we at war? I haven’t heard the president say that we are at war. And that’s why I too [don’t know] do we use the term intervention, do we use war, do we use skirmish?

    What I know is: U.S. interests are not being met if Gadhafi stays in power, and if we are merely taking a back seat to the Arab League, to the United Nations, to NATO leadership, while we just put our fingers up in the air and decide what the political winds are around the world, Not necessarily knowing and believing that the U.S. interests must come first in this.”

    -Sarah Palin

  49. Randall9:43 AM

    Who was that nasty old lady on Sean Hannity's program?

    She sure sounded stupid!

    ...Sarah who???

    ...she used to be somebody?

  50. Hey you insufferable bitch, you didn't change the face of politics. you just lead the crazies when chimpy was finished with them. All repugbaggers

    Since when is 'conservative' a party? Stupid, ignorance, shallow, lying moose taco.

  51. Dinty9:46 AM

    Obama has announced no more troops in Iraq after 2011.

    @LOLGOP on Twitter had the best take on this:

    "Student loan & health care reform. Depression averted. bin[sic] Laden & Gadaffi[sic] gone. Al Qaeda erased. Iraq War over. No wonder they hate him."

  52. Anonymous9:47 AM

    She sure is getting the RNC's moneysworth out of those clothes, when is she going shopping.

  53. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Palin does not deserve any kind of a forum and neither does Hannity. Stewart was right in asking WTF is wrong with these two and other Republicans who refuse to give the president for the success of an operation he was clearly a big part of. She is indeed a sore loser, who is stuck in 2008 and still seething in angry disbelief that she was on the losing team. Her lashing out at the president stems from anger, hatred, and jealousy. In the past 3 years, she has done nothing to improve her knowledge of either national or international affairs, and almost no one takes her seriously--not even many lifelong Republicans.
    She is not a has-been, but simply a wanted-to-be-but-never-was who can't reconcile herself to the fact that she is not relevant.

  54. Gasman9:56 AM

    Palin and Hannity are so reflexively anti-Obama in all things that they are utterly incapable of giving the president credit for ANYTHING that happens during his watch, no matter how significant. These morons are pining for Gaddafi? This will cause even brain dead FauxNews sheeple to pull their snouts from the FauxNews trough and ask "WTF?"

    The message of McCain/Palin was that since Obama had no military experience, he would be a pussy and let the terrorists and dictators beat us up on the international playground. Much to their surprise, Obama has been FAR more Ramboesque than the swaggering idiot cowboy and the Mussolini wannabe Cheney.

    It was Bush and the rest of the GOP that wanted to appease Gaddafi and ignore his status as a mass murdering terrorist. Then they bitched and moaned when the president opted to endorse NATO air support of the Libyan rebels. I don't hear Palin and Hannity bringing up THOSE inconvenient truths, do you?

    Obama has turned out to be infinitely more decisive - and effective - than ANYBODY in the GOP was, is, or would have been.

    Apparently Palin and Hannity don't like being on the wrong side of history.

    Ask me if I care.

  55. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Damn Sarah let it go!

    Just because a black man screwed you so hard he made your eyes wonky and he never came back for you, you have been going after Obama because he won't even give you a second look or mention your name.

    Sarah just go home to your husband and try to be a family.

  56. Anonymous10:04 AM

    So the President has announced that ALL troops will be out of Iraq by Christmas...let's see Hannity and Wig Woman spin that as a negative.

  57. Anonymous10:06 AM

    LOL, while mayor and governor in Alaska, Palin never heard of Gaddafi.

    Sarah thought Gaddafi was a Looney Tune children's character... Bugs Bunny's friend....

    Gaddafi Duck

  58. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Anon at 9:25---I hear you! Checking on the latest Sarah Palin news on IM and other blogs also, too used to be my "guilty pleasure." And, alas, also, too, I still do it. Even though I don't LISTEN to her screeds (hurts my ears) I still care about what she says because a stupid shallow vain pretender like the Quitter should not be allowed to have a forum to spew hatred and division. I still want that charlatan exposed!

  59. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I am sure they will also find a way to discredit the President for announcing all troops out of Iraq and the war over come the end of 2011.
    Just announced.

  60. Anonymous10:15 AM

    i just can't with these videos however, i love, love, love that she doesn't even try to keep the same hairstyle going with her vast collection of hair helmets.

  61. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Who gives a rats ass what these two schmucks think.If brains were dynamite there isn't enough for these two losers to blow their noses.

  62. This was a totally predictable response from Sarah and the entire Fox crew.

  63. fromthediagonal said...
    Was SP not one of those who accused President Obama of "dithering", of "leading from behind", when the Libyan revolution first began?
    Or do I have the wrong revolution?
    Does anyone remember?

    No. You are correct about that.
    But what would she call it if Alaska had a Gov who let the Natives either freeze or eat and waited too damn long to help? Then brought them a False Prophet and a plate of cookies??
    I'd say that's dithering.

  64. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Gee, it looks like even her flying monkeys aren't coming here to fling their poop at us and defend this moron.

    Old shit for brains doesn't even realize how obvious her envy of Obama has become. Every time she opens her trap she has to insult our President and in doing so shows her jr. high mentality.

    Give it a brake Fugly and take care of your kids like a real mother would do.

  65. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I think I get it now as the rest of us should. Palin is purely entertainment at this point in time - dangerous to be sure - but entertaining because she is so naturally clueless (IQ 83) yet still appealing to that certain percentage of American TV audiences (Fox News viewers being the main coco-for-the-cocoa puff crowd).

    Shortly I'll be getting a reminder of why I left Wasilla - business is taking me northbound and next to the Palin compound no less. Hopefully Bristol and friends haven't trashed the hotel parking lot too much with broken wine cooler glass and/or pregnancy-result sticks. Wish me luck fellow bloggers.

  66. Anonymous11:02 AM

    The republicans are dead meat and they know it, so they are desperatly seeking to make anything President Obama does as irrelevant.

    The French did it. Our people had nothing to do with it. Yeah.

    St Ronnie bombed and screwed up and he is sacred. President Obama suceeds and his name is mud?

    The Republicans are a disgrace to the U.S..

  67. Notice how smiley Sarah is with Hannity. Not so with Greta now, is she?

  68. Anonymous11:15 AM

    those on the left had been so dismissive of Ronald Reagan’s 1986 strikes against Gaddafi and calling it a criminal act

    Just who is she talking about?

  69. Could these two know nothings just rapture already? It's time.

  70. Bush announced the end of ground war activities in Iraq while he stood under a "Mission Accomplished" banner, wearing his codpiece and GI Joe costume in 2003.

    Barack Obama, since he has become president took out Osama Bin Laden and his advisers; used the correct strategy in Libya and helped bring about the demise of Gaddafi and now, the big one: the troops in Iraq will be home by Christmas. Afghanistan is being drawn down.

    How in the world can people like Palin and her ilk not gag as they speak and give credit to the French for the liberation of Libya?

    The US has finally gotten its groove back in international diplomacy and these fools can't even bring themselves to give credit where it is due. Major props go to Hillary Clinton. Condi Rice: be ashamed. You blew 911 and you pandered to Gaddafi the butcher.

  71. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Obama is only the president, he has no real power, so he can't be given credit for ANYTHING. Unless, of course, something is evil, like unemployment numbers, taxes, gas prices, or gays in the military, then it is ALL his fault.

  72. Anonymous11:34 AM

    "sillywhabbit said...
    I am sure they will also find a way to discredit the President for announcing all troops out of Iraq and the war over come the end of 2011.
    Just announced.

    10:10 AM"

    Obama has spent this first term cleaning up Bush's shit. The next 4 years will be nothing but net.

  73. Anonymous11:35 AM

    O/T Here's a new Discovery show that might want to interview Sarah.

    The women who are featured are much younger than Sarah was when she was "pregnant" with Trig. They are forced to reveal their pregnancies by five months along.

    Sarah is really so very special...

  74. fromthediagonal11:35 AM

    mary b @ 10:43:
    Mary, am glad you are confirming my memory. I just could not bring myself to listen to her former interviews (I use that word lightly)
    that woman's nonsense just to validate what I remembered.

    As for that plate of cookies presented at the infamous photo-up with Graham and his Samaritan Purse, I consider that to be not "dithering" but a cynical, willful neglect of her duties as governor of AK. Those cookies and speechifying during her delayed visit to Bethel(?) was a huge slap in the face to not only the Native population, but to those in need overall.

  75. Why oh why oh why...that is all I can say.

  76. Anonymous11:44 AM


    Your check is in the mail, douche bag.

  77. Can a piece of that German satellite hit her Wasilly compound?

  78. Anonymous11:48 AM

    tryin' to stay relevant you betcha! keep tryin' sister and keep seeing the ants on the pavement as you land face down in another epic fail. nice!

  79. And the rift claims another victim. Bye, Laura.

    I'm sure SP is trying to track down someone's address in she can send champagne.

    Gryphen I know you will be tempted not to post this but I ask you as a long time reader and someone who respects you a lot, to please allow it. I know many people feel the same way I am feeling right now, like nearly all the SP blog dissention and confusion can be traced back to one place and the same people.

    I tell you seriously, I am beginning to believe there came a point in time where SP bought them off. How else to explain their constant attempts to thwart the truth as soon as anyone closes in on it?

  80. Anonymous12:04 PM

    i'll never forget the day while driving by the parks hwy. intersection on my way back into anchorage from chickaloon.
    There along the glenn highway was a placard of $carah when $he was runnin' for governor.
    I distinctly remember being mortified at the thought of her ever gaining a foothold in national politics and what a nightmare that would be.
    Lookin' back now i suppose i should've been in 'vegas that day.
    What a curse this skank fraud piece of shit has become on a national level.
    When will it might end ?

  81. Anonymous12:05 PM

    @Nancy...I noticed that too.

  82. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Why do they continue to trot this ignorant bitch out?

  83. Gasman12:21 PM

    If President Obama personally created 20 million jobs, virtually ending unemployment; AND he solved the problem of global hunger and poverty; AND he singlehandedly developed a vaccine that eliminated all cancer, Alzheimer's, and AIDS; AND he personally brokered peace deals in all of the world's conflicts; AND he announced the global annihilation of al Qaeda and the Taliban; AND gave everyone in the country a free car, the response from Palin and Hannity would be:

    "Yeah, but can he FLY?"

  84. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Ummm..this would be the same Ronald Reagan who paid ransom to the Iranian kidnappers of our embassy staff by illegally selling them weapons and then used the proceeds to illegally pay terrorists to burn hospitals and schools in Nicaragua? Oh, that's right. He was okay - he didn't know that his staff was running an illegal war out of the White House. I mean, its not like he was having an illicit affair or anything.....

  85. Anonymous12:45 PM

    "Hey, let me add something, though, to this Gaddafi regime change now discussion."

    WTF!! does she speak English? OMG...her face is full of ugliness from inside and she really makes me want to puke so bad!

  86. Anonymous12:47 PM

    So Sarah and her right-wing pals are willing to give the French credit for liberating Libya? These are the same people who renamed "French fries" "liberty fries" after the French, intelligently and in their national interest, did not join in Bush's Iraq war. These are the same people who claim the Statue of Liberty, a gift from the French people, is evil.

    Well, kudos to the French, to NATO, to the Arab States, the people of Libya and, above all, to President Obama who very successfully led from behind. Just what a true leader should do.

  87. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Where is "Ahem" today, telling us all about the great Ronald and bad Obama?

  88. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I voted Republican for nearly 40 years, and was going to vote for McCain until he selected Palin. At that point, the scales fell off my eyes regarding American politics. I was aghast that a person (Palin) who was so mediocre, provincial and STUPID could possibly be elected as second in line for the most powerful position in the free world!

    I had never missed going to the ballot box, but voting is not enough. We must be INFORMED voters. Why do you think that Fox News and other right-wing propaganda outlets want to keep the electorate from getting the facts?? When voters are informed of the facts, they can see with blinding clarity the rot and destructiveness of the modern GOP.

    I will never vote Republican again--and I can thank McCain/Palin 2008 for my epiphany.

    Obama 2012. (He's the only sane, intelligent adult in the room these days.)

  89. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I admire those of you who are actually able to sit through that video, with the sound on. I muted it and still couldn't stand to watch!!

    $arah is looking like a freaking cone-head with that "hair-style". she continues to look older and older. I swear she has aged 10 years since November, 2008.

    She is losing it. big time. wonder is barstool looks just as bad.

  90. Anonymous2:04 PM

    "(And Bachmann? Crow, meet bug-eyed ignoramus.)"

    $carah and Moronschele have set the feminist movement back 50 years. Thank the FSM we have Hillary, Kristen G, and Elizabeth Warren and even Condi Rice to balance them out.

  91. Anonymous2:26 PM

    If I believed in hell, I'd wish her there.

    Otherwise, indict this idiot for something or just make her fade into Lake Lucille (you know, the dead one).

  92. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Obama has spent this first term cleaning up Bush's shit. The next 4 years will be nothing but net.

    11:34 AM
    Oh I doubt that. He still has Bushshit to clean up. However I would like it if he spent his second term bitch-slapping the Grand Obsolete Party.

  93. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Dumb and dumber.

  94. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Is she spending her days redoing her wig each day?

  95. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Nancy said...
    "Notice how smiley Sarah is with Hannity."

    That's because she knows her FOX time is almost up and she's hoping to convince them to renew her contract.

  96. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Obama got Osama and Gaddafi. He will be re-elected.

    Sarah got a face lift and a reality show. She will be indicted.

    Karma is one bad mofo.

  97. Anonymous3:30 PM

    fukin' retard white trash traitorous drama queen needs to go away, far far away

  98. Anonymous4:02 PM

    You picked a nicer picture of Sarah, G. You should see the one HuffPo posted!!

    See Sarah, it's not that IM tries to make you look like the idiot you are. This is how most people see you. But who needs dignity, especially when all your ambitions have paid off so well for you personally.

  99. WakeUpAmerica4:44 PM

    "Islamists might take over" What does that mean?
    Who the hell does she think lives in Libya? Duh!

  100. Anonymous5:30 PM

    fuck you mccain

  101. BJeFF5:58 PM

    "So Sarah and her right-wing pals are willing to give the French credit for liberating Libya?

    These are the same people who renamed "French fries" "liberty fries" after the French, intelligently and in their national interest, did not join in Bush's Iraq war. These are the same people who claim the Statue of Liberty, a gift from the French people, is evil.

    Well, kudos to the French, to NATO, to the Arab States, the people of Libya and, above all, to President Obama who very successfully led from behind. Just what a true leader should do."
    from: Anon @ 12:47 PM
    Great Comments, Anon 12:47am -- I second all that. :o)

  102. Anonymous6:04 PM

    " sillywhabbit said...
    Obama has spent this first term cleaning up Bush's shit. The next 4 years will be nothing but net.

    11:34 AM
    Oh I doubt that. He still has Bushshit to clean up. However I would like it if he spent his second term bitch-slapping the Grand Obsolete Party.

    2:27 PM"

    The economy will recover, it always does. That is why the repubes are continually trying to destroy it. They know it will improve & they are trying to stop it so Obama can't take credit for it.

    In Bush's terms, domestic spending was the lowest it had been since Vietnam. If they'll take the Iraq money & spend it here...

  103. majii6:58 PM

    I was pleasantly surprised to see a very positive headline in my local Middle GA paper today lauding President Obama for his action in Libya and discussing his growing string of foreign policy successes. I was in the checkout line at a supermarket when I saw the headline and just had to buy a copy of the paper because this kind of thing NEVER happens here in this blood red city from which Erick Erickson also hails, so you know it's a rare occurrence. My daughter says we're saving the today's newspaper for posterity.

  104. Anonymous9:11 PM

    I call this
    haiku baby haiku:

    yucky yucky
    helmet head
    man face
    and Hannity also too.

    (please forgive my form - thanks!!)

    SunnyVee :)

  105. Anonymous10:25 PM

    re:12:21 PM

    "He's so arrogant, sitting up there in the White House, with his fancy foods, like asparagus and arugula, not even knowing the number of states we have in this fine country of the United States, doing things like curing cancer and creating jobs when the real problem is men now marrying men and the perpetration of a holocaust against the fine fetuses of this good nation."

  106. Anonymous10:38 PM

    "Obama has spent this first term cleaning up Bush's shit. The next 4 years will be nothing but net."

    Hey, ya...........I'd like to see him throw a net over the whole GOP and throw all their asses in Gitmo.


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