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"Those damn hippy, communist, traitors are nothing like us! Hell they even seem to understand what they are protesting about!" |
The tea party isn’t about to make room for the new protesters on the block.
Big tea party groups have launched an attack against the Occupy Wall Street protests, challenging the line that the anti-corporate uprising is the “the tea party of the left.”
Tea partiers and their allies are looking to de-legitimize the protests circulating in the anti-Wall Street crowds, hunting for evidence of union ties, fringe rhetoric and bad behavior — ranging from news of arrests, to recordings of incendiary speeches, to tales of littering, drug use and debauchery.
“The left is trying to create a counter force to the tea party, but it’s almost laughable that anyone is comparing the two, because they’re totally different,” said Sal Russo, chief strategist for the Tea Party Express.
Now here is where I would usually rip the Teabaggers apart and demonstrate that they were a Koch brothers funded astro-turf group driven by latent racism and overwhelming stupidity, while the Occupy Wall Street protestors are an eclectic group of true Americans who are angry at the real cause of our financial problems in this country, banks and corporations run amok.
However thankfully I do not have to spend all of those minutes typing, because past SNL performer, and current ditzy Christian Teabagger wingnut Victoria Jackson, has done the heavy lifting for me.
Now before you watch this video I want to warn you that the stupid is almost too much to take, but fortunately Jackson talks to an actual Occupy Wall Street protestor at about the 4:20 who brings a much needed dose of sanity to this bizarre attempt to undermine the movement. (Apparently Jackson posted this video believing she had shown the OWS protestors at their worst. In the immortal words of my daughter, "EPIC FAIL!")
P.S. I also need to warn you that studies (I have just made up right here on the spot) have shown that prolonged exposure to Victoria Jachson's voice can sterilize small house pets at fifty yards, so you might want to put your cats, small dogs, and gerbils in another room before hitting play. We at IM are animal lovers.
Okay here you go. (Disclaimer: The management at IM are not responsible for the death of any brain cells, loss of hearing, or destruction of computer monitor which may result from the viewing of this video.)
Gryphen, wrong video (it's Rush again). Not much difference with the stupid factor, but, you know...
ReplyDeleteKentucky GOP Official: ‘I Feel Like Going Taliban’ On Wall Street Protesters
Who's violent, exactly???
Poor, brainwashed Victoria. She produced a great video, but not the one she intended. The young men interviewed were more eloquent than she was scatterbrained.
ReplyDeleteIs there a transcript somewhere? I can't watch that freakazoid.
ReplyDeleteSimply cannot watch. Teh stoopid! It tastes like burning!
ReplyDeleteThat's just precious. I can't believe she thought it supported her claims. Thanks for posting.
ReplyDeleteThe Propaganda is really on overdrive with the OWS. Might I suggest that people go find the truth for themselves instead of cherry-picking what they want to hear. This article sounds just like the spin Fox News put out. Corporate Media, both sides spewing the same shit.
ReplyDeleteShe is just plain dumb.
ReplyDeleteI watched a bit of this yesterday, and couldn't take it. I had enough of this loser Conservodame after her big Bagger hit, "There's a Communist Living in the White House." Guess the Kochs know she's annoying enough to get media attention, so they let her out of the restraints every now and then.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin + Michele Bachmann + Chrissie O'Donnell + a steady dose of helium - oxygen to the brain = Victoria Jackson.
Not enough money on Wall Street to get me to watch her video.
ReplyDeleteDude was AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteVictoria ~ not so much...
Just as I always thought, VJ is completely void of a brain. I always thought she was putting on an act, part of her schtick, but no, her mommy dropped her on her head and she survived, just barely. It was an epic fail, that guy totally cleaned her clock. Thanks for sharing that post, Gryphen. AND once again, thanks to YOU, for not allowing me to get anything done today. Off to vacuum!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy isn't she Mama monkey's chief of staff?? They talk exactly the same!!
ReplyDeleteI tried to listen, but just as all videos of Palin, I just can not bear to listen to that voice. How can an adult woman be so bloody STUPID? Jackson has NEVER been funny, never will be funny. Just like Dennis Miller, she is enamoured with herself and thinks she is smart and funny. Neither of them are worth listening to or watching. She belongs in a padded room, just as Palin does.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fucking Bimbo! How did she every get on SNL?
ReplyDeleteI liked the guys at the end...he had great answers to her dumbassed questions. What a frickin' idiota she is...
Glad I missed her on SNL...
I can’t watch it because every time I see this particular idjit I want to jump through the screen and poke her in the eye with a sharp stick. So my only comment is snarky, petty and will add nothing legit to the conversation: I have always thought she was a sucky actress with no sense of coming timing whatsoever. I never understood how she got on SNL. Numerous and repeated blow jobs maybe? Because it surely isn’t her talent.
ReplyDeletei am really getting tired of all the people who dont have a clue about what is really happening.
ReplyDeletethe tea bags were a creation of fox news and right wing money.
they were presented by the media as a legitimate movement because their message is RIGHT WING and the MSM is right wing.
the OWS movement is being attacked because it is a movement by the people for the people and NOT the right wing owners of the country.
people!!..there is real life to get involved with.
palin is a loon and a diversion but WAKE UP to what the real issues are and put the energy (you put into knowing what palin is doing) behind the real movements and the real people who are trying to make a positive difference for your life and your family.
the stakes are high!!
Kentucky GOP Official: ‘I Feel Like Going Taliban’ On Wall Street Protesters
ReplyDeleteCovington, Kentucky city commissioner Steve Frank (R) recently took to Facebook to rail against the Wall Street protesters who are spreading across the country. In a post on Oct. 9, he wrote, “Turn out the lights on the Occupiers, I feel like going Taliban on them!!!”
The Cincinnati-suburb politician was not shy about explaining his disgust:
Frank elaborated: ”The Taliban, as they see it is resisting occupation. I am resisting the Occupiers and very proud to be a 1%’er. I figured that the irony would be lost on most of the dummies in Occupation Nation who oppose the war in Afghanistan because they see us as occupiers. I happen to oppose the war too but for highly different grounds. PS I am proud of our troops and have a son in harm’s way.”
Frank’s war analogy is a disconcerting reaction to the peaceful protests — as is his comfort comparing himself to Taliban fighters who kill American troops. He is obviously proud to be, in his words, part of the top 1 percent and stands opposed to the 99 Percent movement that is trying to speak for the vast majority of Americans. Although, as civil servant, its highly unlikely that he is actually in the top sliver of American wealth holders.
79% of Americans Polled Agree With Occupy Wall Street That The Gap Between The Rich And The Poor Has Grown Too Big
Crony Capitalism strikes again in the Valley!
ReplyDeleteThe Matanuska Creamery (used to be Mat-Maid) is running out of cow teats. Probably already looking for more government teats. Sarah Palin to loudly denounce these events soon. Government farmer Joe Miller probably doesn't like this either.
Occupy Wall Street Protest Now On Every Continent Except Antarctica
Occupy Wall Street movement is twice as popular as the Tea Party: Time poll
ReplyDeleteIn the protest movement popularity contest, Occupy Wall Street is whupping the Tea Party.
The demonstrations against big banks has a 54% favorability rating compared to the conservative group's 27%, according to a new Time magazine poll.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2011/10/13/2011-10-13_occupy_wall_street_movement_is_twice_as_popular_as_the_tea_party_time_poll.html
Victoria Jackson is a flipping nutjob. Not only that but she is as dumb as a rock. That is why she posted it. She doesn't realize that it makes her look like an idiot.
ReplyDeleteFor crying out loud don't people who like her or close to her that she is nuts?
Sounds like some other nut we know;)
She's just another hate filled, crazy person looking to secure her commentator gig(s) at faux news.
ReplyDeleteI lasted for two minutes before my ears started to bleed and my cats ran away.
ReplyDeleteOne good thing: the OWS movement has dominated the airwaves, leaving Sarah Palin out of the publicity loop. While Sarah dithers in North-er-South Korea, the president of South Korea goes for Korean food with President Obama and is regaled at a state dinner.
And that, is a double win for those of us who hope that the media's crush on Palin has finally reached the "they're not that into you" stage.
Gawd she's dumb! Just standing there parroting faux noise bumper sticker slogans. And that voice could peel paint. Hmmmmm.... sound like anyone we know??
ReplyDeleteTeabaggers and OWS are nothing alike. OWS protesters know how to spell and use correct grammar. :-)
ReplyDeleteI love how that man just bitch slaps Victoria...GAWD she is so stupid!
ReplyDeletetop dude looks like an older todd palin
I'm sure Victoria (and Dennis Miller, too) pray to "Jesus" every day. "Please, Jesus, let me go back in time. To when I was funny. To when I had paid gigs. Please let me go back so I can choose another path. A path where I don't have to stand in the unemployment line. A path where people laugh at my jokes -- not at me for being such a loser. Please, Jesus, help me get a gig that is NOT a rest home/Piggly-Wiggly opening/or American Legion Hall! Please Jesus??? Jesus????!!! Oh, and here's a pamphlet for you . . . about you . . . "
ReplyDeleteRethuglicans want the little people to pay for lower corporate taxes...so companies can ship jobs out of the country, make boatloads of profit, and not provide jobs HERE. Profits which go right into the pockets of wealthy shareholders here who AGAIN don't pay much tax.
ReplyDeleteNice racket!
Well, I just couldn't listen to her whole spiel out of revulsion for her clearly displayed stupidity. Guess she's lucky she didn't get a Muslim cabbie, perhaps she refused to take a ride from an infidel so she could creatively throw in that line about Muslims destroying the Twin Towers.
ReplyDeleteThe fact she didn't attend college didn't need to be stated - because that was apparent from the ignorance about Marxism, Socialism, etc. The people she interviewed didn't give her an inch AND their replies only served to highlight her dumbness. That part was heartening.
Man, she is ugly and screeches worse than the Queen. That red lipstick was horrid!!! We know now why she is a has been celebrity.
Forgot to add - that guy in the first pic sure does have a BIG Teabag, what a man!
ReplyDeleteThat woman is so fucking stupid that they would have to invent a new word to describe just how ignorant and limited she is. I am just dumbfounded that she would post that video thinking that it helps her "case" (whatever it is) against those marxists and socialists she seems to think are the majority of OWS.
ReplyDeleteNot a real deep thinker, our Victoria.
Looks like Victoria got schooled by a thinking adult.
ReplyDeleteShe really should stop with the baby talk. While she may think it's cute or enduring, it's not becoming at all.
Wow. Thanks, Gryphen.
ReplyDeleteAnother well-spoken, calm advocate for OWS on video!!
Where is it that the Bible says
'from each according to his means, to each according to his needs?'
I thought those were supposed to be paraphrasing Jesus' own words. And then we've got old Herb Cain and his 'blame yourself if you are not rich' rap...
It should be obvious. The Truth should be obvious - who is really in it for the common good... (sigh)
I still can't tell if she's for real or pulling a Colbert...
ReplyDeleteWow, Victoria is a teabagger asshole!
ReplyDeleteAnd she's a ditz too! She is a good representative of the ignorant teabaggers who spew stupid shit!
only got to 38 sec...can't stand that person
ReplyDeleteWow, Victoria is a teabagger asshole!
ReplyDeleteAnd she's a ditz too! She is a good representative of the ignorant teabaggers who spew stupid shit!
That guy is my new hero. Seriously. He was a lot more patient with that screechy harridan than I would have been.
ReplyDeleteAnd did you notice that when Jesus Christ walks by at 11:41 she doesn't even say "hello?" ;-)
ReplyDeletein bank accounts
or invested
creates jobs. That money doesn't create any more jobs just because it's owned by fewer people. A CD in a bank worth $100,000 owned by one person is no different than 100 CDs of $1,000 owned by regular folks. The job creation is the same.
Europeans aren't more socialist than us- just better educated and not quite as gullible.
The shocking thing here is that SHE is the one that posted this video. She is mind-numbingly stupid, the protester devastated her every argument, and she did not even know it. This is sad and scary and funny all at the same time.
ReplyDeleteAl Gore Supports OWS
ReplyDeleteIn a post published on his blog Wednesday afternoon, former Vice President Al Gore extends his support for the Occupy Wall Street protestors.
Quoting a New York Times editorial from Sunday, Gore agreed that the protesters “are giving voice to a generation of lost opportunity.”
“From the economy to the climate crisis our leaders have pursued solutions that are not solving our problems, instead they propose policies that accomplish little,” Gore wrote. “With democracy in crisis a true grassroots movement pointing out the flaws in our system is the first step in the right direction. Count me among those supporting and cheering on the Occupy Wall Street movement.”
Unfortunately she tan into a really sweet intelligent guy. Made her look stupid and I don't think he did it on purpose.
ReplyDeleteIsn't this a SNL skit? Stupid reporter talks to articulate protester.
ReplyDeleteI could only handle about 15 minutes of it, but she did a great job of showing the difference between the tea party and OWS. Not to her benefit, thats for sure.
ReplyDeleteGawd, the intelligence level in our country is dropping DRASTICALLY; or so it seems if you watch the REPUG/TEA PARTY types. Sickening.
ReplyDeleteI have never seen Victoria Jackson before. Honest. And I had previously thought that there was nothing on earth that could compare with the screech factor of "you know who"
ReplyDeleteI was wrong. I had to take a break at about 1.5 min in, just to come back to it... to survive to the wonderful, awesome, spectacular and spectacularly articulate dude that was so unbelievably patient with that uh, creature.
And the second guy - the one with the funky glasses? He was just as enjoyable as the first guy. Shoot, all of 'em were terrific!
However, re Victoria... She brings a whole new depth of meaning to the phrase "witless wonder." There truly is no there there!
The stupid... it burns! Vicky needs to find something constructive to do, that random guy she chose to interview skinned her alive with facts, and her brain doesn't even realize it.
ReplyDeleteShe reminds me of a certain former floutist, beauty pageant runner up, and african american baskeball player stalkers.
My dog thanks you for the warning.
Here is a link to a petition you can sign, promulgated by MoveOn.org, to keep Mayor Bloomberg from evicting the OWS protesters TOMORROW (10-14-11) so Zuccotti Park can be 'cleaned':
ReplyDeleteDon't Evict OWS!
If Mayor Bloomberg is allowed to do this, other mayors might follow suit.
At 7 a.m. tomorrow, Mayor Bloomberg is evicting the Occupy Wall Street protesters from their occupation of Zuccotti Park, unless you can help.
ReplyDeleteEmploying a tactic that's been used to break up similar protest actions, Mayor Bloomberg is sending in the police under the guise of a "cleaning operation." But that's a PR farce, because protesters will only be allowed back in if they obey rules that include: no "lying down" and no use of "tarps or sleeping bags or other covering."
Obviously, the 99% protesters can't continue to occupy Zuccotti Park if they have to stand for 24 hours a day, and as the nights grow colder and the rain pours down, they can't endure without sleeping bags, tarps, and the like.
Make no mistake—this is an eviction, and we have less than 24 hours to stop it.
Zuccotti Park is the birthplace of the Occupy protests sweeping the nation and capturing the public's attention. It's where a community of committed Americans are standing up against Wall Street and the corporate capture of our democracy for the 99% of us trying to take back the American Dream.
But tomorrow at 7 a.m., under Mayor Bloomberg's orders, the NYPD is coming to Zuccotti Park to kick the 99% protesters out. It's being done under the guise of "cleaning" the park, but new rules will mean the end of the occupation.
There is very little time to act. We need to gather a huge national petition as soon as possible, so it can be delivered to City Hall tonight and have it for the protesters in Zuccotti Park.
So act now. Sign the petition and tell Mayor Bloomberg: "Respect the protesters' First Amendment rights. Don't try to evict Occupy Wall Street."
Sign the petition: http://civic.moveon.org/defend_ows/?r_by=31974-11576352-_xzKEvx&rc=defend_ows.confemail.g1
So it's not just this one protest that's at stake tomorrow morning, because if we allow the eviction to happen, other mayors across the country are sure to follow Bloomberg's lead.
What's at stake today is the very right we have as Americans to speak out when we've been wronged and peaceably assemble as a community to seek redress from the government.
Sign the petition, http://civic.moveon.org/defend_ows/?r_by=31974-11576352-_xzKEvx&rc=defend_ows.confemail.g1
so that Mayor Bloomberg can hear from all of us across the country right away.
Then get the word out to everyone you know on your social networks.
I tried to watch that video yesterday and only got about two minutes into it - just cannot take her voice. Instead of even thinking about what was being said, all I could think of was "what heinous thing happened to victoria jackson when she was young to make her speak like that". she needs therapy and also, too, maybe some education.
ReplyDelete@Jennifer n VA
ReplyDeleteTry this line:
Her IQ is so low, it's a negative number.
At the end the OWS people can't even agree with each other. The one guy says he lives by the tenets set forth by Jesus, the the other guy calls Jesus a Marxist.
ReplyDeleteThe need to formulate an agenda or nothing will change.
Just a bunch of people protesting all sorts of different things; a cacophony of angry voices with no common ground.
Yes, they made Victoria Jackson look stupid, but really, how hard is that?
"The Propaganda is really on overdrive with the OWS. Might I suggest that people go find the truth for themselves instead of cherry-picking what they want to hear. This article sounds just like the spin Fox News put out. Corporate Media, both sides spewing the same shit."
ReplyDelete@10:34 AM
The Tea Party and OWS are nothing alike. And, "both both sides" are not "spewing the same shit."
Go fuck yourself.
Why does Jesus always have to be associated (in this country) with unbridled corporate greed (which calls itself capitalism), rather than with love, forgiveness, humility, social justice, and lectures against the selfish and greedy? I just don't get it. Whose Bible is she quoting from, anyway?
ReplyDeleteAnon 11:47...
ReplyDeleteI still can't tell if she's for real or pulling a Colbert...
This woman is WAY too stoopid to even realize what Colbert's doing, let alone try it all by her own self.
Yikes that was painful.
I think the only explanation for her SNL run was that her schtick worked for a while. Stick a fork in it now, though. OUCH.
Is she doing a comedy act, or is she really that stupid? It's almost as if she playing her character on SNL and is doing a sarcastic imitation of a Tea Bagger. Maybe sometime soon she'll come out and confess what she's been actually doing.
ReplyDeleteTHAT is Victoria Jackson now???
ReplyDeleteDuuuuude. What HAPPENED?
That is scary. And sad.
But mostly scary.
Was she actually serious with this? She gives blond women such a bad name. She is soooo dumb.
ReplyDeleteShe just comes across so badly. So, so, so stupid. Unbelievable that no one told her not to go public with this.
It was difficult to listen to her inane babytalk voice but the young man she interviewed made it all worthwhile. How telling that she thought her little video worked well for her views when it actually exposed what a ditzy fools she is. Anyone remember her little moment trying to defend/support Palin at one of her little appearances. I think Jackson is a prime example of the type of uneducated supporters that Palin, Bachmann and Perry attract. How funny that she is posting a video on her website and YouTube that takes her to the woodshed. She may want to watch it herself in the darkness of her little batcave.
ReplyDeleteThe DUMB is very strong on that one!
ReplyDeleteThe teabag idiots and their corporate puppet masters can whine all they want. The light WILL win. The world is about to change forever.
I initially had only nasty comments lined up, but after watching her in action - I truly feel sorry for her, and wholeheartedly believe she has some sort of mental illness.
ReplyDeleteShame on those who enable her in light of her instability instead of encouraging her to seek treatment.
What's fascinating is to hear her absoluetly ingrained Fox talking points.
ReplyDeleteYou can. not. have an intellectual conversation with Tea Baggers because they simply will. not. listen to reason.
Even yesterday I was speaking to my Rethug MIL and she was saying Obama Blew up the debt. I of course responded that it was in fact, GW Bush who put not One, but TWO WARS on credit/ i.e. THE DEBT, and she said,
'Oh no one cares about that anymore. It's Old!"
Jaw-droppingly frightening.
Actually, no this was.
Then she spouted that Obama killed OBL b/C OBL knew that Obama was really a plant of the Iranian government.
I shit you not.
Her and my FIL watch FOX. ONLY.
And they Will Vote.
I can't believe I have watched Rush Limbaugh, Howard Stern AND Victoria Jackson today.
ReplyDeleteI need a brain bleach.
Victoria..you stupid slut!!
ReplyDeleteh/t Dan Akroid
Go do one of your headstands while oinking like the pig you are.
That would make as much sense as the stupid brainwashed drivel coming out of your ugly face in that mind numbing Minnie Mouse voice.
**No offense intended to Minnie Mouse.
ReplyDeleteMayor Dan Sullivan made it clear at the Occupy Anchorage event that anyone sleeping overnight in Town Square would be arrested.
I hate to be a killjoy, but there must be civil order. The protesters have both acted civilly but also have created a public health hazard by leaving waste in the city park.
Perhaps a nice "cleaning" would be to everyone's benefit. I for one don't want a bunch of people sleeping, defecating and basically squatting in my public parks.
A few days off might really do some good for the entire movement; give it some perspective shall we say.
This is actually who she is now. She left SNL and went super fucking wingnut. I have watched horrified for years.
ReplyDeleteIs this real? Cmon peeps, she stumped for Joe Miller and you read about it here.
I am all right. I have not been threatened, silenced, or met my end in a suspect fire.
ReplyDeleteMy father passed earlier this week. I came right back to Washington to help deal with...everything. I'm going to see if I can schedule a flight back on Sunday. I didn't buy a round trip ticket because I wasn't sure how long I'd stay. I keep using it as an excuse to put off planning my departure.
I'm sorry for not posting. I have heard some things in the aftermath of Sarah's "nonouncement" as my source calls it, but nothing that cannot hold.
The truth is I've had TIME to post...I have just been occupying said time with wallowing in self pity about how I feel so "orphaned" now. At over sixty, I know it's silly. Maybe this is the price to be paid for trying to "live young". My father had just over nine decades on this spinning rock...and I guess once he got to a certain age I just thought he'd be here forever. He went in his sleep, no illness or accident...I know he couldn't have suspected because he laid out clothes, watch, shoes, etc for the next day, and made notes about a grocery list for the next day. I think he just...went to sleep...and that was it.
I always thought the loss of my mother thirty years ago would have one silver lining--I'd be prepared for any loss. But I suppose you just cannot prepare for some things.
One grace in the storm--I just recently had a wonderful visit with daddy and we ate great food, laughed at old pictures until we were nearly in tears, and generally just enjoyed each other's company.
He was great. He taught me to speak my mind, not care if the world at large thought me odd for not settling down "with a nice man" and having babies--something my mother literally requested with dying breath. (sorry, mama)
He was just really lovely and sweet, ornery and hilarious...generous with time, love, material wealth, and praise. A survivor of war who was opposed to it every day of his life after watching comrades die in combat. A survivor of my mother, who literally fainted when my father lost a bet and mowed the lawn in underwear and suspenders. A survivor of me, who was an obstinate child who fought him on everything until I realized he would always be the best advocate and friend I'd ever have in this life.
The more I see how someone like Sarah treats her children, the more I realize how truly blessed I am to have had a mother who might have clutched her pearls if you said "the a-s-s word" but who fought for me to have a good life and advantages she went without...and a father who was my solid rock in life, the person who said "way to go, I'm so proud of you" when I smiled...and "tell me who did it, I will bust their a-s-s" when I frowned.
So I am fine, just a little blue. Going through daddy's house is so hard; just today I almost literally fell to my knees in grief because I pulled one of his constant staples, a butterscotch candy, out of his coat pocket...and greedily unwrapped it, breathing in the smell so deeply it made me lightheaded.
If any of you have meant it when you've said you enjoyed my writing or was looking forward to my posts...please take this to heart--don't put off visits, apologies, hugs, vacations...DON'T think there will always be more time. If I hadn't decided to ignore my employer's request to NOT take a vacation as I'd be retiring in a few months...then I would have not seen daddy in almost five years before his death. All the times I could have gone but didn't...it's a knife in my heart right now.
So long for now...I'll be back--maybe a little less quick witted and sharp, but I'll get back to myself. Thanks for listening, all of you who have been so great to me, and even those who haven't. Today everyone gets a "thank you" from me.
A postscript--
ReplyDeleteSorry for not putting this on the broomfield thread--I'm too tired to dig for it and don't have it bookmarked on this ipad.
The Tee Peeers should listen more closely.
ReplyDeleteNobody associated with the OW demonstrations is trying to compare what they are doing with what the Peeers do.
Nor do they claim to want the same things.
or do the Kochs supply them with free busses.
Nor do their demonstrations resemble the Peeer's.
So worry your little baggie heads not and remember Peers, hippies were from the late 1950's 1960's era, we are way beyond that, and you are still stuck in the middle of the last century and peddling backwards as fast as you can.
Aggie joke: (Texas A&M the butt of many Aggie jokes, and alma mater of Whorehouse Perry).
Did you hear the one about the Aggie (the A of A&M is Agriculture) who threw his tractor into reverse and unplowed a whole acre?
That's what the Tee Peers are doing. Plowing in reverse.
Someone a lot smarter than this silly bitch, is coming up with the spinned out talking points they all repeat like robots.
ReplyDeleteI can't WAIT to hear how they will make it sound not so bad, that Republicans all over the country, are doing everything they can, to make it harder for minorities to vote...but NOW, from what I've heard, the ON DUTY SOLDIERS are being denied ballots, as they tend to vote more liberal than conservative...just how in the hell are they going to make that not sound completely EVIL, like most everything else I hear, DAILY, is going on from the right wing?
Victoria reminds me of Dennis Miller, a stand up comedian who ~used to be~ very funny before he took a hard right somewhere in the 90's to revive his career. Worked commentating/hosting for a while...didn't last long though.
ReplyDeleteRight wingers just not funny.
ReplyDelete{{{{{ HUGS }}}}}
To speak to the issue of how thoroughly brainwashed some people are because of watching CNN AND Fox News - especially our vulnerable elderly parents/relatives and how unbelievably mind-boggling it is when you converse with them, here's my example:
ReplyDeleteMy mother came over from Japan in 1954, married to an American GI, an immigrant who became an American citizen by virtue of marriage. We routinely lived with racial discrimination, threats, name-calling. My mother was spit on and we were told on many occassions to go home where we belong. I remember being very afraid.
She totally suppressed any information about our Asian heritage and her culture - much like Herman Cain's father's advice to keep his mouth shut and go to the back of the bus. We were taught NOT to cause trouble
because people here understandably did not like Japanese people because of the war.
My mother didn't like it but understood what it was. She really didn't like it when her first born son had trouble in the workplace because of what she perceived to be prejudice against his being Japanese in small town white America. My brother and the siblings who visibly looked looked more Japanese got the most flak, to varying degrees.
Based on that,and our poverty, she took great pains to discuss how we shouldn't be prejudiced based on nationality,income level, blah, blah, blah. At one time, my mother did GET IT. My dad was always a great egalitarian Democrat, who taught us all the same values.
Today, in her old age, she now hates immigrants,Muslims, Jews, hates poor people, loves her some Sarah Palin, Wolf Blitzer, and Sean Hannity. She has completely forgotten about the unfair, hateful animosity we all endured for the sin of looing different.
I'm convinced when she gets up in the morning and looks in the mirror she sees a white woman. One of my sisters is just like that, too - she lives in Texas and hates blacks, mexicans, and poor people, apartment dwellers.
I remember that sister being on the receiving end of a racial slur (actually many) when we went shopping at a furniture store, years ago. When we walked in the salesman laughed at her and said "hey, did you bring your wok with you today?" He directed it at her because she really looked Asian compared to me who was only slightly "foreign" looking with almost red hair.
I remember when that sister left her husband, went on welfare, applied for and got federal grants to get her nursing degree. That sister is the first one to hurl insults about mexicans and blacks (and has two undocumented workers doing her housework who she pays the enormous sum of $40 to split between them for 6 hrs of work each!) and despises welfare for anyone!
I don't understand it, can't hardly believe it, but there it is. People forget who they really are, and where they came from. They both are religious Fox News watchers, and my mother loves to quote "Roo" Dobbs and Wolf "Britzer" There IS no talking politics with those who have been brainwashed, even those who should know better - they don't know they're their own despised targets!!
Oh my, so sorry Meagain - truly, my dad went 4 years ago, and I miss him still. You are right, we need to cherish our parents and all loved ones while they're still with us. My dad left me with the gift of progressive values and democratic values for all people, and, while I don't talk politics with my mom anymore - I love her dearly, still. I do appreciate what she once taught me.
ReplyDeleteI guess sometimes our elderly loved ones are alone too much and that's why they end up being so vulnerable to the TV.
Your post brought back good memories of my dad, who was somewhat of a Walter Mitty - he was trying to perfect his invention of an electric three wheeled bike which would generate more energy than it took to run. Paul Bunyon and Perpetual Energy?
He didn't care what anybody thought, but as a teenager, I used to get so embarrassed when he would take his bike out and ride it around the street. LOL - I'm quite proud about it now - because his dream wasn't so bizarre after all!
Please take care of yourself,and thank you for the loving memories you've shared with us. Your post brings tears to my eyes - Peace!
@me again - you're so lucky you had your dad for so long. i wasn't that lucky and honestly, it's the one reason i am not afraid to die - i really want to see him again.
ReplyDeletetake good care of yourself me again...
@ MeAgain
ReplyDeleteI am sorry for your loss.
Your description of your father is very touching. ((hugs))
You remain a rather evocative writer.
I hope your memories bring you comfort through this difficult time.
ReplyDeleteHere is a link to page 7 of the comments for the Broomfield post:
Link for MeAgain's Ipad
There's a discussion going on about the Palin's 'puppy'.
So I'm thinking, what are the chances she's not really what she appears. What better way to give credibility to the protests than to pick one smart, articulate, and kind hearted CHRISTIAN to interview. She's a comedian looking for an audience, an opportunist. Acting dumb has always been part of her shtick. Well done Victoria, even if it really was unintentional.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, you are so funny! You are right about her voice, OMG! If I were stranded on a desert island with only her to talk to, I'd kill her just cuz that voice is so ANNOYING!
ReplyDeleteBoy, Victoria is stupid as all get out. I loved that guy though. He started out as a fan of SNL and recognized her, but by the end he was like, "come ON, Victoria, you don't really believe that, do you?" He was great.
ReplyDeleteWhat a poignant post. I got a real feel for your father through your writing. I hope you have other outlets where you can express yourself, you have a great talent for painting a picture with words. God bless and keep your father. Take care...
This VJ thingie was meant as a joke, right?
ReplyDeleteIf not, she makes Sarah and Michelle look smart in comparison. Not super-smart, but a little smart nonetheless.
Maybe that's her purpose in the larger scheme of things?
{{{Hugs}}} MeAgain. Your post was beautiful. Soon, the loss will ease its grip and all those wonderful memories will sustain you. Bless
ReplyDeleteLet's see, one "movement" is clinging to the past; the other is the voice of our future. One is funded by the richest people and corporations in America, one is having to beg for donations for mops. One is cheering for uninsured people to die; one is demanding that the least among us are taken care of.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I agree, the two couldn't be more different.
((((((((Me Again))))))))
ReplyDeleteMy sincerest condolences and deepest thanks for your grace and gift of your time, especially now, in sharing the news of your loss.
My heart goes out to you. My dad gave his light back to the universe and it was the first time in my life I ever felt totally alone.
Please take care of yourself, take your time, grieve on your own terms, in your own way.
And know that someone's thinking of you, always.
Look at this DailyKos map of the OWS events!
ReplyDeleteOccupy Wall Street Map
So sorry, MeAgain, to learn of your Dad's death. He sounds like such a wonderful man and father.
ReplyDeleteWhen my twin sister died it was agony for me...
And a wise person said, there will be things you want to keep.. and then gradually over time, you will be able to let things go.
I thought it was lovely advice..
Best of luck, MeAgain.. many here have grown so fond of you and your thoughts, your Dad would be very, very pleased, I think.
Who is that ditzbomb Victoria Jackson? She's smart enough to run for President on the GOP ticket. Good public speaking skills also too.
ReplyDeleteJesus! I couldn't get more than about 90 seconds into the video before I had to turn it off! That whiny-ass-fingernails-on-the-chalkboard voice is enough to send me over the edge! The woman is insipid. She's a moron. AND she's ARROGANT ABOUT IT!
ReplyDeleteIgnorance and arrogance co-mingled in equal proportions is pretty much a guarantee of someone being a world class pain in the ass fuck up. Jackson shares those two odious traits with Palin, Bachmann, Perry, George W. Bush, to name but a few. Pretty much nothing good can come from such morons other than fodder for comedians.
If Victoria Jackson got some weird disease which robbed her of her voice and rendered her mute, my hand to God, I would strip buck naked and dance a jig in my front yard. If I NEVER hear her voice again, it will be too soon.
Victoria is a brainless Obama hater. It's so annoying, but I'm glad I watched just to see the man who went to the University of Maryland put her in her place. I don't think she even realizes how stupid she sounds.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this!
I'm a film student and if you ask me that wasn't her on the camera. She tries to make it look like she is panning back and forth but there is NO WAY you can get that kind of precision while talking and I doubt VJ is a skilled camera operator. Try shooting yourself and see how well you get your face in the shot without being able to see yourself-difficult even if you flip the LCD you would need to flip it back to the other side. The camera work is just too good, swish pans so clean... She had someone shooting for her. Plus, take a look at the clean shot of the guy in the blue glasses. Think about it, she would have been off to his right but the camera comes to him straight on. Also the eye line of the the original gentleman gives it away when he talks about Jesus he is addressing the camera straight on and not looking off toward his right at VJ when he speaks. It was important to him to make his point and he said it straight into the camera which VJ was not holding. IMHO... It just makes me wonder about the whole thing in the sense that it tries to come across as-her out on the street-but she had help. PAID help. Probably UNION help...IDK...It's late I'm going to bed.
Plus there are cutaways that were filmed separately. I almost feel as though she IS making some kind of Colbert Satire?? But from what I've heard about her in the past she's the reel deel.
OMG all these years and now I find out that is VJ's real voice.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit she is a good mascot for the Tea Party crowd...fits right in!
Have to go flush out my ears now.
This comment is for Loren Michaels. Please give Ms. j
ReplyDeleteJackson some type of retroactive mental health plan.
ReplyDeleteThis guy says it all. Just what the right wing is afraid of.
MeAgain, I'm so sorry you have lost your father. He sounds like he was a fabulous dad and human being! Just hearing about you finding the candy in his pocket brought tears to my eyes. My great-aunt, who was like my (favorite) third grandma, sounds in many ways like your dad, and she was from the same generation. She was mouthy, happy, and principled. She also went peacefully in her sleep, living in her own home. We can all only hope for such a way to pass.
ReplyDeleteI will take your advice to heart. I have a hard time showing my feelings and affection to my loved ones, but when I hear stories like yours, I know I need to make an effort get better at this or live with regret. Thanks for taking the time out to update us, I sure wouldn't have held it against you if you hadn't been back for a few weeks after such a loss!
Victoria Jackson is the best spokesman the Tea Party has to offer the public.
ReplyDeleteJackson articulates and echoes the Tea Party's goals and Christian domination message perfectly.
One is left with the stark realization that you really can't fix stupid.
Anon 1:36: "
ReplyDeleteThe need to formulate an agenda or nothing will change.
Just a bunch of people protesting all sorts of different things; a cacophony of angry voices with no common ground."
That's not true. The name for the movement clearly spells out the unifying agenda: break the grip that Wall Street and it's global counterparts have on just about every country's economy.
None of these shysters have ever been held accountable. None of them. I believe this movement is going to change that, finally.
@MeAgain...So sorry for your loss. Thanks for letting us know.
ReplyDeleteLet me tell you one thing, I happen to know GE's Jack Welch personally and he is by no measure a friend of President Obama or the Democratic party for that matter, His blood runs capitalism and he will line any pocket that can get him what he craves !
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for your loss, MeAgain. What a joy that your father had such a wonderful daughter. Let the guilt about not seeing him go. Trust that knowing you were doing well and were strong and happy was all he needed. The last thing he would want is for you to feel time wasting guilt. Enjoy the good times, try to smile, and let yourself have good, long cries when you need to let go.