Monday, November 28, 2011

The DNC presents: "Mitt vs Mitt."

This is an ad put together by the Dems in anticipation that Mittens WILL be the nominee.

I agree. At this point I do not see ANY of the other GOP wannabes breaking through. They were colorful and distracting, but in the end they proved to be nothing more a sideshow that kept us entertained before the main event.

So essentially THIS is the best the GOP has to offer for 2012.

Works for me.

P.S. The creators of this  video also have a website you can visit by clicking here.


  1. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Ginger White Claims To Have Engaged In A 13 Year Long Affair With Herman Cain

  2. Anonymous2:38 PM

    If you watch the video closely, you’ll see that only one MSNBC commentator (Chris Matthews) is featured. The ad is currently running in New Mexico, Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, Pittsburgh, and Wisconsin. The target audience for this spot is Independents and conservative Democrats who may consider voting for Romney if he is the nominee.

    The DNC also plays into the fears that many Republicans already have about Romney. The usage of Ronald Reagan and Fox News makes it clear that they were attacking Romney’s conservative cred. Mitt Romney whole argument for his frontrunner status is that he is the most electable candidate in the GOP field. This ad attacked that electability by turning Mitt Romney into John Kerry.

    Jay Leno and Conan were used to show just how deeply into pop culture the image of Mitt Romney as a flip-flopper has penetrated. It resonates with the older audience of Leno and the younger audience of Conan. If Romney is the nominee, the GOP can expect a steady diet of these kinds of jokes about their candidate.

    This ad was nothing compared to the onslaught of 30 and 60 second spots that will be running around the country against Romney if he is the nominee. Sure Republicans will drag Obama down into the mud, but they have been doing that since he took office. If this election centers around the issue of trust, then Mitt Romney will have big problems.

    Politicians can change a lot of perceptions, but being a soft, spineless, flip-flopper isn’t one of them. A sizable number of Republicans have always mistrusted Mitt Romney. Now, the Democratic Party and the Obama campaign are set to take that distrust national.

  3. Anonymous2:39 PM

    That is the essence of the Republican race for president in 2012 – smoke and mirrors, the only unifying factor being a shared lie, an insubstantial pretense of truth. Let Sheriff Joe and his Freikorps troop into New Hampshire and smack their jack boots for Rick Perry. Let the New Hampshire Leader form ranks behind the man who drops trou for his country. It’s hard to tell who is the bigger fool, the leaders or those so desperate for lies to be truth that they will throw themselves willingly into the abyss like lemmings over a cliff. And not a shred of coherent thought to be found.

  4. angela2:54 PM

    Its true. All you have to do is replay their words.

  5. Anonymous2:58 PM

    ". . . They were colorful and distracting, but in the end they proved to be nothing more a sideshow that kept us entertained before the main event.

    No, not "nothing more": it was market research, to test what works and what does not, To test how best to keep us yokels distracted from the real issues. To test "how low can we go?" Lots of good info from the klown parade.

    Re Mitt: remember Mitt confining his dog atop his car for a 12-hr freeway trip , during which the dog was so terrified that he lost control of his bowels and Mitt and kids had to wash down the car (so it's not true that they didn't realize) -- but they left man's best friend up there for the last leg of their trip.

  6. Anonymous3:01 PM

    The hilariously awful ad that the Sea O Pee stalkers put together makes use of some of the most unattractive footage of the woman they could find. Makes Mitt look grand.

  7. Anonymous3:28 PM


    The 'Palinbots' are still hanging their hat on Palin reconsidering.

    "We Now Have The Resources To Run The Palin Reconsider Television Ad In The Sioux City, Iowa Market Next Week"

    The caption on Maddow's Blog is funny:

    "Uh, Sarah Palin fans? It's kind of too late"

    Unfortunately, the link Maddow provides to read is to C4Pee'ers site

  8. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Don't think the Dems should dismiss Newt so quickly. That may be what he is counting on. He wants, no strike that, he thinks he deserves to be President.

  9. Virginia Voter3:54 PM

    Mitt is an empty suit, nothing more, nothing less

    Besides, the true fundies will never vote for a Mormon

  10. Anonymous5:23 PM

    It's going to be Gingrich. Nobody embodies Republican shithead ideals like the Newt.

  11. Sweet anny5:24 PM

    Willard, you mentioned steadiness and constancy.

    I do not think they mean what you think they mean.

  12. Anonymous5:29 PM

    She is so yesterday and has seemingly dropped from most everyone's sight so I am mystified they actually believe she might come back. She won't be able to avoid the same scrutiny being put on her GOP competitors, no matter how long she holds out. At some point the momentum may seem to be there, the moment be there and even at that she won't run. She knows there are far too many dark places in her past and if she moves to action they'll come forward and smack her down. Sorry Sara, 2008 was your high water mark. Now it's all downhill from here.

  13. Anonymous6:14 PM

    The brilliance of this ad is in it's intricate production, aimed at the target audience that Willard is trying to schmoooze. Not to shabby, DNC! Money well spent.

    Should some twist of fate have Newt become the nominee, there's plenty of his own material, words and books to glean from.


    Anyone else shocked with Ginger White?

    yeah, me neither. LMAO. He can't run from this gal, she didn't work for him, she has phone bills with his number, credit card receipts, paper trails galore....she has all her ducks in a row. Elmer "Herbie Cain" Fudd is out of ammo.

    13 years and he paid her rent! FOOL!


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