Monday, November 28, 2011

In the hopes of convincing the Right Wing nuts that he is not soft on brown people, Rick Perry will receive endorsement from Arizona's Sherrif Arpaio. That sound you hear is a stake being driven through the heart of Perry's campaign.

"Just imagine I'm shooting flying Mexicans. Now do you want to nominate me?"
Courtesy of the Phoenix New Times:

According to multiple national news outlets, Arpaio will campaign with Perry in New Hampshire on Tuesday, where he will give the Texas governor a political tip of the cap. 

Neither the Sheriff's Office or Perry's campaign responded to New Times' request for confirmation of the reported endorsement, and none of the news outlets reporting the political nod are naming names -- ABC News cites "a source with knowledge of the endorsement" as the source of the information. CNN is equally vague, attributing its report to a source within the "governor's campaign," while NBC cites a "a source familiar with the matter." 

Regardless, Perry isn't exactly the hawkish border bully we'd expect Arpaio to support -- given some of the sheriff's other options, that is. 

In a recent debate between GOP presidential candidates, Perry made what many consider to be a political misstep for a candidate hoping to woo Conservatives: he showed a little compassion. 

"If you say that we should not educate children who have come into our state for no other reason than they've been brought there by no fault of their own, I don't think you have a heart," Perry said in defense of his policy of offering the children of undocumented immigrants in Texas in-state tuition fees to attend state universities. 

Far-right-wing-nuts went berserk, and the comment likely contributed to Perry's fall from front-runner status in the GOP primary. 

Unlike Bachmann, Paul, Huntsman, Santorum, Cain, and Gingrich, I really thought that Perry might still have a chance to be a spoiler for Romney.

Until today that is.

In order for any GOP nominee to have even the slightest hope of beating Obama in 2012, they must NOT entirely alienate the fastest growing group of voters in this country. The Hispanic voters. This will have done just that.

Yes I know that there would not be all that much support from the Hispanics regardless of who the Republicans nominate, but just imagine how energized they would be to support a candidate who was NOT endorsed by Arpaio.

I actually think that Perry's stated policy of wanting to educate the children of illegal immigrants is one of the things that made him a real challenger to Romney for the nomination. (I mean let's face it, the other candidates are all going to eventually self destruct anyhow.)

But he just couldn't leave it alone, now could he?

The only thing that could damage Perry's chances more than this would be if David Duke, or Sarah Palin, had endorsed him.

Hey do you know what? I think those two endorsements are still up for grabs.


  1. This just in:

    Rick "N*****head" Perry is endorsed by Casey Anthony, Michael Vick, Bernie Madoff, Khloe Kardashian, the Shark from Jaws, Gollum, and Jerry Sandusky. Yep, that oughta win him the Tea Party nomination!

    He almost got Satan to endorse him, but "Big S" didn't want to damage the brand . . .

  2. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I don't understand how Perry has received the votes to be the ongoing Governor of Texas for so many years.

    Sounds like the voters in Alaska and Texas are much the same in that they don't pay attention to the truthfulness, quality, educational background, etc. of their candidates.

    My suggestion to all voters is to educate yourselves better prior to going to the polls.

    Perry will never be the Republican selected in their primary. I cannot believe they would be that stupid.

  3. Anonymous10:34 AM

    O/T Mitt -vs- Mitt

  4. cuppajava10:56 AM

    Just yesterday, "Juanita Jean" had some choice comments at

    "Let’s me explain how sad this is – Joe Arpaio is under federal investigation for abuse of power because he’s a damn bully and a thug and now he’s investigating President Obama’s birth certificate. How far down in the polls do you have to be to reach up for this guy’s help? If you’re so low that Arpaio can pull you up, you’ve dug too deep, Honey."

  5. Anne In DC11:03 AM

    Perry continues to show he's not ready for prime time, but his performance should also serve as a warning to Texans not to re-elect him as their governor. Texas has a large number of Hispanics, and I hope they will remember this gigantic missstep of his.

  6. sally in MI11:23 AM

    I won't even ask why GOP 'contenders' are seeking approval from some sheriff who collects pink underwear. What...the crazy Governor Brewer wasn't talking this week?
    Meanwhile, another quote from my rabid MIL: "All of Obama's czars are unconstitutional." I guess the many more that Bush had were white, male, and A-OK by her.

  7. Anonymous11:24 AM

    You know, that picture of him is really scary. Had that gun gone off and killed someone, I wonder who he would have blamed...the grinning deputy beside him? What a wonderful role model for young Texans: have gun, will get rich.

  8. Anonymous11:53 AM

    The saddest thing I have ever heard from a Mexican-American friend (born in the US to parents who were born in the US...) in 2009:

    "Oh, I'm afraid Obama is going to be much worse than Bush because I just heard that he wants people to have abortions, and you know I am Catholic."

    Damn. We could be in big trouble, folks.

  9. BrownbackthenewSantorum?12:11 PM

    Also on the topic of asshole Republican Governors, subtopic "It's not my fault- my staff that I hired keeps fucking up.":

    In the standoff between Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback (R) and a high school student, the Kansas governor blinked first. Brownback issued a statement this afternoon apologizing to Emma Sullivan, the 18-year old high school student who was unconstitutionally ordered to write a letter of apology after she sent a tweet criticizing the governor. According to Brownback’s statement, “my staff over-reacted to this tweet and for that I apologize.” He added that “freedom of speech is among our most treasured freedoms.”

  10. That shot of P-Rick and the handsome youngster standing next to him reminded me, once again, of that astonishing maple syrup-clutching exhibition in NH a few weeks back: high as a kite; gay as a goose.

  11. Anonymous1:00 PM

    @10:30 -- Rick Perry has received votes in Tx because he has been a moderate--not this right wing nut we see on tv. Perry changed starting in 2008 because he was eyeing a run for pres.

    Arpaio is up for reelection in 2012. Maybe he is latching onto Perry because he (Arpaio)wants to appear to have a softer stance.

    I am a Democrat but I will take up for Perry in one area. He could never have been gov for 10 years--or in other elected office for years--if he had had been the "Oops" man all the time that you saw at the debate.

    I still wouldn't count Perry out.

  12. Anon 11:53, yeah, we could be in big trouble if people like you just sit around being sad instead of making sure misinformed young people hear the truth instead of bullshit.

    As for Perry/Arpaio (It has a nice ring to it for the Republican ticket actually), I'll bet they are going to love that pair in New Hampshire.

  13. Anonymous1:20 PM

    O/t i go to a few down syndromw sights to see who mentions palin, trig , etc. recently many of us have been getting suspicious emails asking personal stuuf . What sleeze bags. Smells like palin inc. to me!!

  14. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Herman Cain Is So Desperate, He's Breaking His Own Sex Scandal Stories

  15. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Sarah's in the wings, ready to flash a knee to get the Primary winner's attention. . .she's not going in too soon, she knows not to be premature again.

  16. Anonymous1:55 PM

    I just like the fact that Perry can kiss his Gubernatorial prowess goodbye when he loses the Primary.

    He's going to have to pull a Palin and sell himself to the bowler's convention, the book-selling market and revivals.

  17. Kimosabe2:05 PM

    Newt gingrich scares the crap outta me. He's not stupid, talks intelligently, and has the credentials. Although he's an unmitigated corporate shill, a venal bully, and imperious asshole, enough people might actually find him an acceptable candidate.

  18. Beldar Inquisitive Conehead2:09 PM

    Shouldnt PRick be more careful where he places his curled left hand when standing so close to a young man who appears to be happy to see him?

    Not that there's anything wrong with it....

  19. Anonymous2:13 PM

    I'm a liberal living in Arizona. I think you really underestimate how popular Arpaio is with conservatives. Yes we hate him but most Republicans love him.
    Where did you get the idea he was hated by anyone but liberals / Democrats? Just check out his last election and how much he won by. Arpaio is a hero to many conservatives. I'm not saying he can save Perry but he isn't hurting him. It amazes me what a bubble you appear to live in given that you live in one of the most red states.
    Do you have data saying Arpaio is unpopular with Republicans nationally or in Arizona? I'm guessing no and that is why your post makes no sense to me, sorry.

  20. So, Beldar, you get it, also, too. That'll be two guns at the ready, mebbe?

    Mae West & Seinfeld. Now. THERE's a combo for ya.

  21. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Before the Dims get to cocky about the "Hispanic" vote lets remember.

    There are many descendants of the Spanish Empire who have roots that predate the vast majority of EuroAmericans and who do not necessarily identify with second generation wet backs.

    There are many of these same people who are in the top quartile of our national income brackets and so do not necessarily identify with any liberal political positions, much less second generation wet backs.

    There are many second generation wet backs who are deeply Catholic who would likely vote for which ever candidate adhered most closely to Catholic doctrines.

    Then there are the actual Mexican and other immigrants who are of Indian descent who also fall into the same three above categories.
    Unfortunately these people have no actual ethnic identifier as they are absolutely not from the Iberian Peninsula and therefore are not Hispanic.

    So I have real doubts about the ability of any poll to accurately judge the "Hispanic" vote, unless it is limited to a quite small geographic area that was populated mostly by only one of the above groups.

    Take for example the Cuban vote in Florida which trends largely to the Republicans.

  22. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Anon @2:13PM

    "Do you have data saying Arpaio is unpopular with Republicans nationally or in Arizona?"
    He is probably popular with Republicans.

    He is not popular with intelligent and compassionate people. He is a kook. Republicans love low information hateful kooks. They are just like them.

  23. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Arpaio is about as close to a Bush/Cheyney endorsement. Congratulations P Rick! Hope you get a pair of signed pink undies that fit properly!

  24. Anonymous6:43 PM


    The saddest thing I have ever heard from a Mexican-American friend (born in the US to parents who were born in the US...) in 2009:

    "Oh, I'm afraid Obama is going to be much worse than Bush because I just heard that he wants people to have abortions, and you know I am Catholic."

    Damn. We could be in big trouble, folks.

    11:53 AM
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Nice Try, but I'm not buying it. Rowe V Wade was the law before Obama won the election, did they have the same fear when Bush was first elected, then re elected?


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