Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Do you know what is almost as good as having your idol run for President? Having somebody send you a form letter thanking you for being upset that she did not run for President. Well if you are a Palin-bot that is.

Here is a note that a number of the diehards over at the Sea O'Pee have received in response to their constant attempts to convince the bewigged lunatic that she still has a shot at disappointing them yet again.

Apparently they have all received the exact same note, which is clearly mass produced and features a stamp of the Grizzled One's signature.  In other words it has probably never even been in the same room as Sarah Palin, and yet they are very excited with this recognition of their fanatical devotion.

Okay perhaps I am being unfair. Perhaps if you hold the note right up to your nose and take a big whiff you can just barely detect the scent of abject failure, and it is JUST like being in the same room with Palin.

Anyhow this note has caused a few of the Bots to FINALLY decide the ride is over and it is time to get off, clean the Cheeto crumbs off their shirt, and go out and learn to talk with actual people.

I have decided its time to stop posting as a supporter. It is clear she will not be our next President. I am so depressed by that. Unfortunately I must now start planning to deal with the continuous failure that is on its way. We do not have the candidate ALL of us want. It is important for me now to move away from the political aspects of what we face and to concentrate solely on securing my future the best way I know how. 

Others? Not so much.

You think you're feeeling depressed? My birthday is October 5th. Imagine how I felt and will feel every birthday for the rest of my life if she does not get into the race. But! I don't believe for one minute she's staying out of the run. She's not a quiter and she knows her children's and every child in America's future is on the line here. NO!! Starting 2012..October 5th will be a date to celebrate, because the slickest poker player will have shown her hand by that date. 

My favorite part of that is the "she's not a quitter" line. Apparently in whatever alternative universe these people live in Palin did NOT quit as Governor, drop out of numerous engagements at the last minute, and just quit of the 2012 presidential race after stringing her supporters along for years.

Many of them still remain, circling under the Palin table like horrible neglected house pets waiting for some crumb to fall down to them that they can devour while convincing themselves it is a sign they are still loved.

My prediction for the future is that someday the very last of these pathetic people will be comparing their  Cease and Desist orders from Palin's attorney demanding that they stop sending her tear stained letters begging her to run for ANYTHING so that their lives will once again have meaning.


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I am resisting the urge to take a red pen to that note and correct all the bad grammar and poor sentence structures !!!!!!!


  2. My birthday is October 5th as well. I got the best present ever in 2011...Sarah Palin announcing she wasn't running for president!

  3. Those living in a glass house shouldn't throw stones, I know, but I can't resist. One of Sarah's sentences exhibits a lack of parallelism: "Know that by working together we can assist in replacing the President, re-taking the Senate and maintain the House." That should be maintaining rather than maintain. She should send the bloggers $$$ for all the good advice they give her, right?

    That being said, it's good to see that she seems to recognize that her supporters can only "assist" in whatever she wants them to do. She seems to be realizing that her supporters aren't all-powerful. How long will it be until her supporters realize how impotent they are?

  4. Even if the insufferable bitch ran, she would have gotten the shellacking like no other during the general election. she would have been shitface during the repugbaggers' debates. Matter of fact I doubt seriously that she would have won the repugbagger nominee.

    Batch phony form letters is like winning the lotto for these delusional assholes.

    they have been duped time and time again from an uneducated, nasty, racist, silly, violent grifter. they deserve it.

    she doesn't have the support, backing, or the people for her to run. Never did never will.

  5. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Jesus, those people are so fucking delusional they're not worth even mentioning.

  6. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Sarah Palin Donors Rarely Gave To Other Candidates Prior To Her Presidential Decision

    It's not about me, it's about all of us who are trying to wake up America," said former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin in an Oct. 5 announcement that she would not seek the nomination for president in 2012. Palin's supporters met her decision with a mix of resignation and, in some cases, outrage. At the same time, the already announced Republican presidential candidates hastened to praise Palin, a conservative icon with a grassroots base that includes many small donors.

    That praise came as very few of her hardcore supporters had lined up behind other candidates.

    A review of campaign finance records by The Huffington Post shows that, as of Sept. 30, only 337 individuals of the more than 3,500 who had donated more than $250 to Palin's political action committee, Sarah PAC, had also given to another Republican candidate prior to Palin's announcement.

    "[T]he support behind Sarah Palin is steadfast," Tami Nantz, a blogger at Moms 4 Sarah Palin, wrote via email. "Those of us who support her wholeheartedly believe that she is the woman for the job, and because of that, we were unwilling to throw our support behind another candidate until we knew for certain whether or not she would be running."

    The mostly untapped Palin donor pool is very large and dedicated to the former Alaska governor. Aside from the 3,500 donors who gave more than $250, thousands of others gave less than that amount and consequently were not reported to the Federal Election Commission. In total, Sarah PAC raised $7.35 million from 2009 through June 2011.

    The biggest beneficiary of contributions from Palin donors happened to be the candidate who lavished the most praise on Palin upon her decision not to run. Rep. Michele Bachmann, who raised $86,495 in contributions from 155 Sarah PAC donors, said upon Palin's exit from the race, "Governor Palin is a dear friend of mine, and I think the world of her. She has been an important voice in the conservative movement and has a lifetime of opportunities ahead of her."

    Following Bachmann, Herman Cain received contributions from 59 Sarah PAC donors. Other recipients of Sarah PAC donor contributions include Mitt Romney (57 donors), Rick Perry (51), Newt Gingrich (30), Ron Paul (28), Rick Santorum (10) and Jon Huntsman (1).

    Many of the donors gave to multiple candidates. Twelve gave to both Bachmann and Cain, making them the most popular combination contribution.

    Some in the Palin universe believe that since her announcement, her supporters have or will soon pick a GOP candidate.

    "Many are supporting other candidates at this point, while others remain undecided," Stacy Drake, an editor of the website, said via email. "One thing for sure is that Palin supporters are engaged and active, so candidates would be wise to reach out to them and listen to their concerns."

    "Certainly some are not going to be satisfied with any candidate that isn't Sarah Palin, while others are simply not happy with any of the rest of the current crop," Nantz added. "Many, however, feel very much like I do -- I will vote, in the primaries, for the most solid, outspoken conservative still standing on the stage. In the general election, I will vote for whoever the Republican candidate is that runs against the President, even if it is Mitt Romney."

    Others have decided that the current crop of GOP candidates is unacceptable and have mounted a campaign to persuade Palin to change her mind -- or, as the campaign is titled, "Reconsider." The Reconsider campaign was launched on and has received play across the Palin blogosphere.

  7. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I still think it's funny that Sarah personally called several bots in August. those people were insane for a week about those calls, posting screenshots of their phones.


  8. Anne in Texas10:34 AM

    "Starting 2012..October 5th will be a date to celebrate, because the slickest poker player will have shown her hand by that date." What the hell does that mean?

  9. moose pucky10:35 AM

    It is worse at pee zoo - they have made a commercial (with many donations from the cult) - commercial will run in Iowa next week! It is a commercial begging her to reconsider.
    Meanwhile, every thread has posters reminding everyone to donate to sarahpac and only sarahpac - and many "like" those posts.
    They should all wear signs that say "Kick Me."

  10. Well at least she's not asking for much --- nothing less than complete and utter control of the government by sneaky conniving rethug hands. Executive, Legislative & Judicial branches wrapped up in a faux red/white/blue bow with saint sarah at a podium clutching a barely read bible in her gnarly claws.

    I have lost hope that liberals and conservatives will ever find a square inch of common ground again. The radical right has morphed into a clueless, ranting mob unable to see that it is their very own vile actions that they have been programmed to believe are manifested by the left.

    As I listen to the unchecked lies and propaganda spilling out of Gingrich, Bachman, Perry, Paul and Romney being applauded and supported by the clown crews at Fox and right-wing talk radio, I fear deeply for my country and its future. The chasm has now grown too wide to bridge. Add to this the growing number on the left who are taking the President to task at every turn. Of course a 30 or 40 year slide into an oligarchial plutocracy can be undone in 2 or 3 years. And what's more if Obama was worth his salt he should have been able to do this with his hands tied behind his back, filibusters be damned. Ask much liberals, progressives, independents???

    While I am horrified by the actions of the right, I'm embarrassed by the actions of many on the left and in the middle. I'd like to ask many of these complainers-in-chief just what they have done to support this presidency other than marking a ballot 3 years ago. Just imagine where we'd be today with McPalin, Inc. at the helm.

  11. A J Billings10:39 AM

    May I be proven wrong, but I'm willing to be that like all deranged narcissists, Granny Grifter is planning last sabotage, disruption,
    and nasty tricks.

    MY ex-sister in law did some truly unspeakable felonious deeds, and to this day most of the family on both sides won't even be in the same room with her.

    I don't see $ister $arah as any different.

  12. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Anyone besides me LOLing at "The Office of Sarah Palin"?!? What is that? The shitter at the dead lake house?

  13. Anonymous10:54 AM

    And, think of all the money they gave her!!! Idiots! Folks - Sarah Palin is a fraud, liar and quitter. Just ask the Alaska residents!

  14. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Sarah will not run and Bristol won't be on TV.

    Life is good!

    By the way Bristol... you are uneducated and talentless; and lack any charisma ... Hollywood does not want you ... bye bye. Go fornicate somewhere else.

  15. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Panty sniffer supreme Scott Conroy:

    Gingrich May Have Inside Track on Palin's Endorsement

    ...While Palin has characteristically kept her cards close to her chest, advisers suggest that the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee is likely to endorse before someone emerges as the inevitable nominee -- and that Newt Gingrich appears to be best-positioned to secure her support.

    "They speak very favorably of Newt and what they see as his credentials as compared to Perry and Romney," one member of Palin's inner circle said of the former Alaska governor and her husband, Todd, who has long served as her unofficial chief adviser.

    Gingrich has been particularly effusive in expressing his admiration for Palin over the last few months, and she has returned the favor by heaping praise on the former House speaker.

    "Newt Gingrich again, I think, did the best because he seems to be above a lot of the bickering that goes on," Palin said on Fox News after a Republican debate in Las Vegas last month, adding that Gingrich would “clobber” President Obama in a general election debate.

    Palin and her advisers have in recent weeks discussed when her endorsement might have the greatest impact on the race, but the timing remains undetermined.

    But Palin would likely have the biggest influence if she were to back a candidate before the Iowa caucuses. Her still considerable clout with the evangelical and Tea Party-leaning wings of the party could have a particularly significant impact in Iowa and in the first-in-the-South primary in South Carolina.

    Aides emphasized that while Gingrich currently appears to be the front-runner for Palin’s endorsement, her thinking could change.

    “She’s very focused on crony capitalism and the permanent political class,” a second Palin adviser said, pointing to her recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on the topics. “That’s her emphasis. She’s looking for candidates to pick that up.”

  16. I could be mature and wish them well as they try to blend back in with polite society....nah, I'm immature as hell, so my response is...HA-ha!

  17. Anonymous11:16 AM

    What's up with the letterhead? Nice try Sarah, cheesy way to pretend you are the "North Star". I am glad you included The Big Dip - that's more like it! That woman is an idiot.

  18. Anonymous11:18 AM

    If she would only include one of these: it might be worth having.

  19. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Looks as if all the literate folk are no longer on the payroll. The next few SarahPac reports to the FEC should be revealing.

  20. thenorwegianblue11:28 AM

    What "office"?

    Are there actual desks and cubicles with salaried employees, landlines, receptionist, e-mail server, coffeepot etc in a professional office building?

    Or just a faux Fox backdrop next to the dead lake, Taco Bell wrappers blowing across the wintry lawn, multiple silent Blackberries smashed for "not ringing" on the kitchen counter, piles of gift baskets from C4P tossed in the corner.

    And who let this go to the printer with the extra random space in the header?

  21. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Not surprisingly, her idiot handlers have bad grammar.

  22. Anonymous11:28 AM

    ¨...their constant attempts to convince the bewigged lunatic that she still has a shot at disappointing them yet again.¨


  23. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Perfect image. The big dipper.

  24. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Since you were over at the Sea of Pee, I'm surprisded that you didn't comment on the article they linked about Bristol's show being dumped.

  25. Anonymous11:44 AM

    So where was the inevitable line:
    "PLEASE SEND MONEY if you believe in all that is good in America... huh?
    What a pathetic charlatan. I almost feel sorry for the bots (but not quite.)

  26. "She is not a quitter"

    Call off the dogs, people - this comment here wins Most Delusional of the Decade.

    Right next to "The end of the world is going to be May 21, 21, 2011?"

  27. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Gryphen, you HAVE to write a rebuttal to her Thanksgiving message!!! Also, is there anyone in Wasilla who will be there to see whether or not she actually goes outdoors on Thanksgiving?

    Finally, I haven't seen any updates on how the movie showing in Wasilla went -- did you hear anything about it?

  28. Anonymous11:54 AM


  29. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I don't know about the rest of you, but.....I think she is waiting until the last minute to throw her hat in the ring because God told her she could save us all.

    Her ego is too huge for her to walk away from the limelight.

  30. moose pucky12:24 PM

    Scara's Thanksgiving Message - it is all about Trig, with accusations that people are saying he should never have been born.
    SICK SICK SICK - pure victim mode.
    She is trying to rile up the fundie, so-called pro-life base again.
    WHO has ever said Trig should not have been born? Trig IS a precious and beautiful gift, and it has never been about Trig - lying, grifting, FRAUD! UGH!

  31. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Why is Sarah's Thanksgiving message only about Trig? Why is she promoting him so much right now?

  32. Anonymous12:32 PM


    Too funny!

  33. Palin herself might actually have written that. You can tell by the non-parallel construction in the first paragraph. Usually, ignorant people can't keep their brains running in a straight line long enough to get a compound sentence all in the same tense.

  34. "The Office of Sarah Palin."

    I find this very funny. Does she store her canned goods in her office? Can she see the refrigerator from her office?

  35. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I don't know about all of you, but I'm getting excited about the upcoming wedding of Track and Britta at the Alyeska Ski Resort! Sarah, what was that date again?

  36. Anonymous1:06 PM

    That bitch Sarah Palin is scared shitless.

    SarahPac donations are down to nothing.

    Sarah's speaking engagements has dried up.

    CNN is not knocking on her door.

    Nobody wants Sarah's endorsement.

    Sarah can't pay anybody to read her books.

    Todd's contract with Sarah is about over.

    Shailey Tripp is coming out with a book.

    FOX's contract with Sarah will be over and not renewed.

    Glen Rice never came back for Sarah.

    Things are not looking good for the wonky eyed retard.

    Hey Sarah how's that lawsuit against Joe McG dong?

    What about Willow, is that high school drop out going to cosmetology school too with her uneducated sister, the non dancing Jay Leno look a like breeder?

  37. Beldar Lou Conehead1:06 PM


    If you knew ANYTHING about American History you would know MANY American presidents have thrown their matted wigs into the hat MUCH later than this!

    For example, Albacore C. Buchanan, our 27th president, announced his candidacy 19 days before the election and WON BY A MUDSLIDE! Didnt know that, did you? No... I didnt think so.

    Benjamin Franklin, our 11th president, announced HIS candidacy SEVEN DAYS before the election and won by a UNANIMOUS vote!!!! They dont teach THAT in your precious LIBTARD academy, do they?

    And the marijuana cigarette smoke and hashish smoothies must have destroyed your memory, man, because you have OBVIOUSLY forgotten Rev. Ronaldo T Reagan's infamous declaration to his wife ON ELECTION MORNING in 1980: "What the fuck, Marge, I'm gonna run." And run he did!!! Becoming the 62nd president of the United States of America by overwhelming VOICE VOTE and telegram absentee voting.

    And yes! The devout Palinistas are RIGHT!! SHE WILL RUN IN 2012!!

    So you mark my words, Mister Blister, you're going to wake up in shock on November something or other, 2012, to discover that The SCREECHY WRETCH(tm) has been elected Queen of this country and there isnt a damn thing you or your little blog friends can do about it!!!


  38. telah1:07 PM

    This Thanksgiving, Sarah Palin is grateful to still be the victim (ht/anon above):

    I am thankful that, as in so many areas of life, the bitter people who say bitter things about someone facing challenges are so outnumbered. There have been stinging criticisms, even from people still screaming that Trig should never have been born, but we know those critics may be the loudest and most malicious, but they're not the majority.

    To me, when individuals reflect the greater societal acceptance of someone facing challenges, they show the best of humanity - even by offering a simple pat on Trig's head or a knowing smile shot our way. Conversely, when a society works to eliminate the "weakest links" (as some would callously consider the disabled) or "the unproductive" (as some would callously consider the very young and the very old), it eliminates the very best of itself. When a society seeks to destroy them, it also destroys any ability or need for sincere compassion, empathy, improvement, and even goodwill. And those are the very best qualities of humanity! Those are the characteristics of a country that understands and embraces true hope! America can be compassionate and strong enough as a nation to be entrusted with those who some see as an "inconvenience," but who are really our greatest blessings. Through Trig, I see firsthand that there is man's standard of perfection, and then there is God's. Man's standard is flawed, temporary, and shallow. God's standard lasts an eternity. At the end of the day, His is what matters.

    Yeah, you know it does make me uncomfortable when all those bitter people scream to kill the child. Can you all just pipe down a little.

  39. A J. BIllings1:13 PM

    just reading over at the C$PEE website, one bot is speculating on Trig

    Yuppers, she says " the "family reasons" that made Gov. Palin decide not to run were probably Trig.

    Well, my little botness, if that is actually true, then we must be very thankful this Thanksgiving for one more thing!.

    Trig, we all salute you, and appreciate that you've convinced Granny Grifter to sit down and shut up.

    We appreciate your ability to control what otherwise was a delusional narcissist.

    Trig, we like that you're presence and needs could outweigh $arah's need for fame, celebrity, and the money, and the bright lights of the stage. You saved $arah from many more idiotic and embarrasing debates.

    Trig, you are my hero.!

  40. Beldar Fjord Conehead1:14 PM

    "And who let this go to the printer with the extra random space in the header?"

    This "letterhead" is obviously produced in MS Publisher 95 and the space comes from her removing the word "President" before sending the condolence letter to her devoted fan-atics. I'd bet a nickel she printed up pretend business cards reading "President of The United States", also, too.

  41. Anonymous1:16 PM

    @11:52 - ditto. I heard the seating limit at the Colony was only 150 (x2 nights) so could she even pull in 300 in her homestate? C'mon Gryph - you must know a busboy on staff.

  42. Anonymous1:19 PM

    All that money Sarah and Bristol grifted from everybody and Bristol's only goal is to go to cosmetology school?


    Math, history, science, english, pe is too much for the uneducated Palins?

    Why couldn't a Palin be a doctor, lawyer or a surgeon with all that free money given to them?

    It looks like the Palins only aptitude is to be breeders, grifters and con artists.

  43. So Bristol wants to be a Hollywood stylist.

    The girl who told her mom to wear leopard-print strappy shoes thinks she has the taste and ability to be a success in Hollywood.

    Bristol, run back to Wasilla. The Beehive is calling for you.

  44. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Bots are doing flips over their Queen's message. She must have rented Trig for the day:

    Exclusive: Sarah Palin's Thanksgiving Message

    Sarah Palin has sent The Brody File some personal Thanksgiving reflections. She talks movingly about her young son Trig. It is truly a heartfelt letter that gives God all the glory.

    As for Trig, Palin is showing that while there are some people who just talk the talk when it comes to being pro-life she actually walks the walk too.

  45. Anonymous1:31 PM

    "From the OFFICE OF Sarah Palin"????

    Who the f*** does she think she is??? She holds no office, probably even HAS no office in her FOX-Noise provided castle!


  46. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Sarah needs to wash her hands, she left a big finger printer under her signature. I love it, Big Dipper!

  47. Holly1:49 PM

    I'm impressed Palin (aka her office staff) were able to get out a 1 paragraph letter without soliciting funds for something.

  48. Anonymous1:50 PM

    If you zoom that form letter REAL big you can see a faint image in the background of Igor at the turkey slaughter cone of death.

  49. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Happy Thanksgivi­ng from Wasilla!

    Watch Palin at the Wasilla turkey slaughter farm. These turkeys are like her donors!


  50. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Joe the plumber Shultz bear in sarahs back yard. Alaskans? Input?

  51. Anonymous2:01 PM

    "God Bless America." Uh-huh. That ought to appease the dominionist zealots clinging to your slimy labia.

  52. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Say-rah who? That unqualified woman who quit the job she asked the people of her state to give her now thinks she deserves to help other people pick their elected officials.

    Probably for a fee. Are people really that dumb?

  53. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Joie- She's probably keeping those consultant fees in the family and paying her spouse or child to write her copy.

    Isn't there a saying about representing yourself, instead of hiring a professional, means you have a fool for a client.

  54. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Yes, the syntax, the spacing, the punctuation, the tenses -- someone in "The Office of Sarah Palin" clearly believes such details are the province of the elite.

  55. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Anne in Texas, you asked about the comment "Starting 2012..October 5th will be a date to celebrate, because the slickest poker player will have shown her hand by that date."

    First you need background information. Many of them think that Palin will reveal a secret plan that she was going to run all the time, but she just wanted voters to see how weak the other candidates are. Then, she will agree to run because they have begged her so much. The reason she hasn't unveiled it yet is that she is holding her cards close to her chest like a seasoned poker player.

    Based on that, the comment means that by next year she will be running, so Oct. 5 will be a day to celebrate instead of to mourn.

  56. Anonymous2:23 PM

    My money is on the same bet AJ Billing's is. Granny will pull some last minute stunt that will "show" the GOP and Roger Ailes who it is that gets "the last word".

    As for her pathetic bots, there is no hope if they can not see what a shameless con-artist she is by now.

    As Thanksgiving is nearly here, it is time to dust off that old clip of her standing in front of the turkey slaughter; it is always good for a laugh as she tries to be all presidential. EPIC fail.

    P.S. That note from the "office" was rather poorly written. Where is RAM these days? I sort of miss her crazy venom.

  57. Anonymous2:31 PM

    If Sarah dated the way she "ran for president" I wonder how many times she was raped? She teased her "fans" that she'd do what they wanted if they bought her a house in Arizona, and a tour bus, and vacations, and on, and on, and then she snaps those thighs shut and says, nooooo...I don't wanna do it! Not saying she is asking for it, not saying any gold digger is asking for it. Sarah is their Panty Claus, and she eats their cookies then leaves these goofs brightly-wrapped, but empty, boxes fer Christmas.

  58. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Beldar Fjord Conehead @1:06 pm

    Good one!

  59. Beldar Screaming J Conehead2:36 PM

    Gryphen, did you read the text of The Screechy Wretch's(tm) Thanksgiving message that telah posted? I'm telling you, man, it had me in tears. And in shame.

    This deeply generous dimwit spoke directly to my heart. And through a veil of tears I'm sitting here regretting EVERY SINGLE TIME I "screamed that Trig should never have been born". And you should be ashamed of EVERY SINGLE TIME you "screamed that Trig should never have been born." EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! And all the other progressives posting comments here: gasman, knishes, sardinecan, virginiavoter, et al, - you know who you are! - should ALL be ashamed for "screaming that Trig should never have been born"!!

    Although I disagree with much of what - ok, everything - that grifting chucklehead spews out of her ignorant yap, I have to agree with her on this one issue. And I plan to ATTEMPT to make amends by donating $10,000 to ScreechyPAC for EVERY comment I made in which I "screamed that Trig should never have been born".

    And I urge you, Gryphen, and every other IM commenter to do the same. I've estimated that if everyone does the right thing that the total donation to ScreechyPAC will be approximately $9,000,000. I know that's a lot of money to flush down that fetid toilet of hers, but it's the right thing to do.

    And I promise to never, ever, ever, never, never, ever "scream that Trig should never have been born" again. Will you join me in that pledge?


    GRYPHEN!!! DON'T DONATE ANYTHING TO SCREECHYPAC!!!! Oh, man, did I fuck up this time! I got so caught up in the emotion of the moment that I didnt do any research before I sent the comment above. Now I've had some time to look further and I dont know what that numbskull is talking about! It turns out that NO ONE EVER "screamed that Trig should never have been born". Not me, not you, not gasman, knishes, sardinecan, virginiavoter, et al. NO ONE!!

    I sure hope NO ONE donated ANYTHING to ScreechyPAC based upon my impassioned request before I was able to correct the error. If anyone did donate, maybe they can get a refund by asking for one? Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  60. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Why is Sarah's Thanksgiving message only about Trig? Why is she promoting him so much right now?

    Good question. And if he's so important to their family, why no current photo? They just recycle one from her reality show, which is now . . . what? over a year old?

  61. Anyone here thinks like I do,that somebody told her to step down, or the truth will come out about Trig.
    That Thanksgiving message made me start thinking that way.

  62. Irishgirl3:36 PM

    @Beldar Screaming J Conehead said...

    Keep it up. I am in hysterics!

  63. Chella3:42 PM

    What I find the funniest about this "letter" is that it is almost entirely copy and pasted from her "god told me not to run" statement, just rearranged. Like a middle schooler trying to get away with plagurism. I had to look it up to verify, but you would have thought the bots would have noticed.

  64. Anonymous3:43 PM

    This is just so sad. Poor bots. They need to get over her and get a life already.

  65. Anonymous4:29 PM

    from the sea-0-piss, relative to that fake fraud of a flick, the oft defeated, being screened in palmer and wasilla this last sunday and monday...


    Jthom26837 1 hour ago
    $50. For single person, $75. for couples. Hmmm! I'm sensing a little activity here. For this event at this late date, and the move 'The Undefeated is now out on DVD, I do believe we have something instore for us fellow Palinistas. I can't wait to see what happens next. Fasten your seat belts, gang. I Think this is going to be a wild, and bumpy one up ahead.

    Hyman Roth 2 hours ago
    I dub thee Undefeated.
    MaMcGriz and 1 more liked this Like

    bestbud4Palin 2 hours ago
    Afternoon all from sunny cool Texas
    After seeing Gov Palin on Gretta and hearing our good Gov say she is at peace with her decision, I'm struck with the magnitude of OUR continued contributions to SarahPAC and their being CRITICAL to her efforts 2012 as she gloriously pulled off 2010!

    Never has a dollar invested in Gov Palin yielded x10,000 in returns: Nothing in the long history of politics in America is comparable.

    SarahPAC=comfort and peace of mind -:)
    MaMcGriz and 5 more liked this Like

    happymullah 2 hours ago in reply to bestbud4Palin
    Yes! Continue to support SarahPAC with donations.

    wodiej and 2 more liked this Like

  66. palin is the one who didn't want trig born. she endangered his life several times in a span of less than 12 hours before he was born.

    she is the only asshole who showed she didn't want him born alive.

    then the insufferable bitch continues her fuckery by not giving him all the help he needs outside the womb.

    fuck her, she never gave a name of an official dem who said that.

  67. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Wonder how many will still keep donating to her PAC! Some people never learn!

  68. Gryph:

    In the wacko-world of Flying Monkey's, whales that are intentionally endangering the oil and gas industry, and fences built on top of other fences to keep prying eyes from going where they're not going, NEWT, in Mama's mind, may be preparing to ask her to be on his ticket !! SO, she needs to keep the slobbering masses engaged so they'll give her MORE money when he asks her to run with him... ( in her own mind )....

    One theory out of millions but you never know what her and the Klan from the frozen North are cooking up in her Cluster-fox studio.....

  69. Anonymous4:45 PM

    As Sarah complains that so many wish her son was not born, call him "awkward" and are concerned about his "uncontrollable motions", I can only conclude that in he upside down world these are her OWN feelings....'cause I'm pretty sure they are no one else's. Trig is pretty much the only Palin who is pure of heart.

    Her son makes her "swell with American pride". I wish she would blow up already.

  70. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Did you notice that she didn't say when I had Trig, or when Trig was born:

    'when I was given the gift of broader horizons, clarified priorities, and more commitment to justice and compassion for my fellow man who faces challenges and fears. I was granted this through a gift that arrived in a tiny, six-pound, awe-inspiring bundle. We named him Trig.'

    I swear she sounds like she's talking about a puppy that got delivered or something. She dances around with her words, leaving the reader with that 'ohhh' feeling, if we didn't know otherwise. She is such a deceitful, manipulative pathological liar and her bots suck it all right up.

  71. Virginia Voter4:56 PM

    Beldar, he, he you have a way with words...thanks for the shout out.

    WTF is up with that Thanksgiving message that a few posters linked to? Why all of a sudden is she singing the praises of the frosty eyelashed (Sarah's words, not mine) bundle of joy we know as Trig?? When exactly was the last time that bitch actually took him anywhere, much less through an airport where people would make a remark that "he's awkward". Holy shit...I actually think she wrote that drivel herself. It eerily reminds me of her now infamous Who's your Daddy op-ed of yore.

    Good God, Sarah really needs to rehire old Battering RAM.

    Happy Thanksgiving Y'all

  72. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Does anyone have the lowdown on "The Undefeated" screenings in Palmer and Wasilla?

  73. Anonymous5:11 PM

    There are just so many ways to say these people are idiots. And I'm not getting any new ones.

    But I feel sorry for them. They do not want to believe she conned them. She jerked them around, and all she really wanted was their adoration and money.

    It's quite interesting that Sarah really got what she asked for. Total blind devotion and their money. Now she doesn't need them anymore, she can't get rid of them. They hang on like a dog with his tightened jaw down on a rag and won't let go. She's the rag by the way. She conned them to believe in her fake persona and now they are demanding that she, in her fake persona, perform. She's done it to herself.

    They are now pests to her. I wonder if her brother Chuck demanded she send that thank you note. Can't imagine she remembered herself.

  74. Anonymous5:21 PM

    One can only assume the Wasilla showing of The Unvetted was called off - there have been no mentions of it in the Frontiersman or any other news outlets.

    And why, oh why, is Gryphen not filling us in on the 'rill dill'??

  75. Anonymous5:22 PM

    from Sarah Palin's Thanksgiving whine:
    "There have been stinging criticisms, even from people still screaming that Trig should never have been born, but we know those critics may be the loudest and most malicious, but they're not the majority."

    What a narcissist moron! Sarah Palin doesn't even realize her little victim fantasy is just a hilarious parody to anyone with a brain.

    I don't know how Sarah Palin acquired Trig. But as a permanent feature of Palin's victim meme he is a godsend to her mentally unstable brain.

    BTW, note the use of the word "screaming" to indicate how poor little Sarah Palin suffers for her choice. She's just tormented by the evil people. Saint Sarah is just about the only person on the planet that can endure all that abuse. She is a miracle of fortitude.

    HaHa... same style I get from my 12-year-old.

  76. What A Maroon!5:27 PM

    OMFG. I nearly peed the bed! Please continue your thought process.

    Everyone else, your posts are wonderful. DTBB( dump that bachmann bitch) !

  77. Anonymous5:39 PM

    What happens to the PAC?

  78. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:54 PM

    "Man's standard is flawed, temporary, and shallow. God's standard lasts an eternity. At the end of the day, His is what matters."

    Um...*cough*. Sarah! Yeah, you. If man's standard is flawed, how does that account for all the yacht payments you (and your Bots) have allowed a lucky plastic surgeon to make? I guess by "flawed," you must mean your threadbare 1960s-vintage ZsaZsa Gabor wigs, huh?

    To the poor, disenfranchised Bots: it's time to take down the Sarah Palin pin-up pix that came with your issues of 16 Magazine, and carry on. Deep, unrelenting disappointment and utter regret actually allow one to grow up. Try it sometime.

    Beldar Conehead: you ALWAYS crack me up. Have a great Thanksgiving on Planet Remulac.

    Enjoy Thanksgiving, everyone!

  79. Anonymous5:55 PM

    That Thanksgiving message is the work of an addlebrained twit. Horrendous writing. Talk about "awkward."

  80. Anonymous5:56 PM

    " Nothing makes me happier or prouder than to see America’s good heart when someone smiles at my Trig. I notice it happens often in airports. Often a traveler passing by does a double-take when they see him, perhaps curious about the curious look on his face; perhaps my son momentarily exercises an uncontrollable motion that takes the passerby by surprise. Perhaps, as an innocent and candid child announced when she first met Trig, they think “he’s awkward.” But when that traveler pauses to look again and smile, and maybe tells me what a handsome boy I have, I swell with American pride. I am so thankful for their good heart. They represent the best in our country and their kindness shows the real hope we need today."

    Don'tcha know Sarah Palin is the only parent of a DS child in the world? Every other retarded child is aborted! Don'tcha know Trig is the only DS child people in airports have seen????? He is like seeing Sasquatch! She could make money by putting him in the circus, like that Lobster Boy's folks did. He is a freaky little moneymaker, and she is wasting him on people in airports???

  81. Anonymous6:02 PM

    "even from people still screaming that Trig should never have been born, but we know those critics may be the loudest and most malicious, but they’re not the majority."

    Sarah, honey, you are the one who bragged that you debated aborting your little miracle, not us. Remember, you said you thought "no one would ever know"? What about this pregnancy that made *you* consider abortion, huh? Why was your first thought "I'll kill him off, no one will ever know"?

  82. Anonymous6:29 PM

    nonymous said...

    As Sarah complains that so many wish her son was not born, call him "awkward" and are concerned about his "uncontrollable motions", I can only conclude that in he upside down world these are her OWN feelings....'cause I'm pretty sure they are no one else's. Trig is pretty much the only Palin who is pure of heart.

    Her son makes her "swell with American pride". I wish she would blow up already.

    4:45 PM

    Her son makes her "swell with American pride"....

    Which son is filling Sarah with pride? Sarah's and Curt's pretend "Combat Vet" son or the adopted son Sarah pawns off to the 24/7 nanny paid for by SarahPac?

    I guess there is no pride for Piper! Why would there be any for the next Palin drop out.

    Definitely no love or pride for the latest skank who dropped out of school wandering the streets instead of being home schooled.

  83. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Willow got kicked out of all the Alaska schools.

    How come she does not move to Arizona and attend an AZ high school?

    Don't tell me she is banned from those schools too!

    Oh my, Sarah Palin really is a fucked up mother. She can't even raise one decent child!

  84. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Where's Me Again and Where's Fred's book???

  85. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Bristol instead of going to cosmetology school, why don't you use your expertise and take your mother's tour bus and open a roving brothel? Beats screwing in canvas tents.

    Need a pimp? Say no more, Todd can give you the family discount. He is not only a pimp, he could be your best customer.

    Problem is that he expects freebies.

  86. 1:06 PM

    Too freakin funny

  87. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Track is getting married and SarahPac is paying for the wedding?

    Who is giving away the bride?

    Don't tell me, Track's baby?

  88. Anonymous6:48 PM

    There is going to be a winter Palin wedding?

    No problem with the bride's wedding gown blending in with the white snow since Palin and Heath brides never wear white since none of them are virgins any way.

  89. Anonymous6:55 PM

    What kind of people in airports where Sarah frequents would say such horrible things about Trig? People can be cruel. Yet, so many moms of disabled babies, or disfigured babies from wars and birth defects have to tolerate the same pain from cruel observers. She isn't alone.

    It's Thanksgiving and Sarah has to talk, again, about the bad things in life. She can't just reflect on just the good things. Why not mention in her post, which I haven't read, but have gleaned from here that, about how nice people are who smile and leave it at that? Why ruin the nice moment with how others have been cruel and said cruel things. Does she think she's the only one in the world who goes through this? Some day little Trig will be hearing about her 2008 to 2011 facebook posts on how people said cruel things about him. She's mentioned this several times. Wouldn't it be nice if he could read about the good things that happened during his early years without the constant pain and reminder of what people "said"?

    As for that thank you letter, it's all well and good as long as it's not a hint for the bots to keep donating to her PAC, to help her decide which candidate to endorse. They might take it as a hint. That northern star on the letterhead doesn't appear to have burned out yet.

  90. Anonymous6:56 PM

    The grammar sucks. Jeeese louis, go to school Saree!

  91. Anonymous6:58 PM

    That Bristol is such a thoughtful caring young lady.

    She extended her chin so that others has a place to rest their nuts.

  92. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Beldar for President!

    Seriously funny stuff, don't stop!

    Poor, dilusional, Sarah. Alone in a huge empty house on Lake Lucille, spots a photo of Trig and decides to write a Thanksgiving Letter to her loyal fans at the sea of pee, all five of em. She believes she's "your heavenly father", so just signs her name at the end.
    She takes a double dose of xanax, unpins the roadkill from the one tuft of hair left on her head, tosses it in the pile in the corner, chases it down with dirty martinis and a six pack of red bull, puts her copy of "the undefeated", curls up in the fetal position, and chews the toejam from between her old, boney, calloused feet, steals Tripps binky, and soothes herself to sleep after rocking back and forth, banging her head against the wall. She graps her abreva tube and slathers it across her lips as she falls asleep.

    That's what's left of the dark heart of Sarah. The kids are all awol, and she'll be eating quiznos for dinner on thursday while looking at photos of her former self.

    But she's not alone, her followers will be doing the same.

  93. Anonymous7:41 PM

    thank goodness she swells with "american pride" cause no other pride would be good enough

  94. telah7:57 PM

    Beldar, Thanks for the laugh! I was fucking pissed when I read it the first time, and you definitely helped.
    I made my husband read that ridiculous letter and he looked at me and said, "She's a fucking crazy woman. She's delusional."
    What really pisses me off is that no one on these blogs-EVER-says that Trig shouldn't have been born. We have said that she should have considered turning down the VP candidacy so she would be able to care for him, said that we doubt he is actually her birth child and that she doesn't show maternal emotions toward him. But no one says, and even fewer actually "SCREAM" that he shouldn't have been born. What a wretch.

  95. That insufferable bitch has the nerve to lie and say people didn't want trig born.

    sarah, let's talk about your crosshairs and how you didn't remove them before and after the massacre.

    Asshole you didn't want people to live if they weren't a teabagger. And thanks to you look what the fuck happened.

    We all know you contemplated whether or not to have an abortion with trig, miss old hypocrite.

    you are the one who had a white out abortion, you phony old bat.

    you are the cooty old goat who named her child after his condition.

    The only reason for you to heap praise on trig now is to pull your tired old woe is me card.


  96. When all those people were screaming to her that Trig shouldn't have been born she did stop and confirm that they were 'librulz'. Right? What a dunce as usual this Palin woman.

    If she latches on to a good solid ghostwriter, there might be a future for her co-writing tundra based 'bodice rippers' cause the little gal has a real knack for FICTION !! Bris will be available to pose for the cover art when she finds out how many practical and theory hours are required at a certified school(1600 + 60) before taking the CA cosmetology licensing exam.

  97. Anonymous8:59 PM

    In total, Sarah PAC raised $7.35 million from 2009 through June 2011.....

    WOW; I would love to see a total breakdown on how the 7.35 in donations was spent.

  98. An innocent child labeled Trig as "awkward"? No freaking way, Sarah! That's your sick mind at work again. A child wouldn't use that word but you would. Why are you talking about when Trig was born instead of bragging about his achievements and those mischievious moments all kids have, "even kids like Trig" as you ignorantly refer to him. Perhaps, if you were like most mothers and actually spent time with your child, you'd be aware of these things.

    To all the Wasillians on the board, did you know you're far removed from civilization, living in the middle of nowhere?? Palin's description is a bit misleading, to say the least. Her exact words, "Here in Alaska, where I'm never without inspiration, an optimistic pioneering spirit still permeates, and harsh conditions force us out of self-centeredness and towards community - often in order to survive." Sarah has the 'bots believing she had to chop wood in order to keep her house warm through the winter (indoor heating is unavailable in Wasilla??) and shoot a few moose in order to keep her family fed (guess they missed the 3 grocery stores within 2 miles of the Palins' home) just like a pioneer woman. They are delusional to the point where I don't think there is any hope left for them.

    Is there anyone who knows anything about the showing of "The Undefeated" at the Colony Inn earlier this week? Did anyone show up for this fiasco?

  99. Anonymous9:26 PM

    There's no mistaking Palin's authorship when she really DOES write something.

    There's no comparison of the T-day letter to the editorials that are supposedly written by her. At least those are cohesive, and organized and able to SOUND intelligent (to people who aren't smart enough to actually THINK about them).

  100. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Wow, a Thanksgiving letter and Trig is her only topic?
    Clearly, the poor little "bundle" is uppermost in her mind, and must have played a major role in her refusal to run.
    Not because he's who he is, but because those who question her having given birth to him have been onto something real.
    Not one of them has "screamed" or accused the child of anything at all. She's baldly using him, yet again, to deflect attention from her own guilt.
    Of course no one wishes he hadn't been born. We just ask who is birth mother is, and why Sarah Palin chose to pretend she was. The odds are great that he'd be in a more loving environment if he were with his real family.
    And what the heck does "American" pride have to do with anything, and how is it different from any other old pride? And why is Trig so often in airports, rather than home, being tutored and prevented from being thrust into awkward situations as he adjusts to his hearing aids and eyeglasses, and given the quiet, consistent, loving care that he needs?
    Sarah, you really have a lot to be thankful for. Trig: I wonder what he thinks.

  101. As a person who has been obviously and severely disabled for decades now I have been on the receiving end of many different responses to my physical condition. Not all of them have been flattering, shall we say. Some have been pretty condescending. I generally just go with the flow and consider negative responses as a result of ignorance or lack of exposure. I don't remember EVER feeling as insulted and disrespected by anyone as I do by Sarah Palin's attitudes. Her Thanksgiving message makes me want to hurl my computer across the room. Hopefully she would be in the line of fire.

  102. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Since when do Down Syndrome children have "uncontrollable motions"?
    Maybe she means the uncontrollable motions running around unsupervised while she munches on her crunchwrap supreme and uses her 2 Blackberries.

  103. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Oh look, a grifting, defeated loser.

    It's pretty pathetic that many will accept this ten-cent apology; or take it as evidence that she's gearing up to rear her head into the race.


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